Vilma Zubinaite
SPADE Project: Multi-Purpose Physical-Cyber Agri-Forest Drones Ecosystem for Governance and Environmental Observation
SPADE is a project funded by the European Union under the Horizon Europe programme.
RCN: 1-2-TRE-STEG: Steps Towards Circularity in Wood-Based Building
Zubinaite, Vilma;
Ødegård, Rune Strand;
Stikbakke, Sverre;
Storie, Joni;
Storie, Christopher;
Henry, Christopher.
Geomatics Field Course for Norwegian Civil Engineers: A Norway-Canada Collaboration.
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Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zubinaite, Vilma;
Preiss, George.
Investigation of the effects of specific solar storming events on GNSS navigation systems.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zubinaite, Vilma;
Preiss, George.
Investigation into the rate of changes in Keplerian orbital elements for GPS satellites under solar storming.
Geodezija ir Kartografija
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Preiss, George;
Zubinaite, Vilma.
Analysis of the Effects of Earth Shadowing on GNSS Satellite Orbits.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Zubinaite, Vilma;
Preiss, George.
An Initial Analysis of the Solar Storming Effects on the Determination of Coordinates Using GNSS.
Geodezija ir Kartografija
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Preiss, George;
Zubinaite, Vilma.
Discussion of the Effects of Selecting Incorrect Ellipsoid Parameters.
Geodezija ir Kartografija
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zubinaite, Vilma;
Preiss, George.
A proposed simplified technique for confirming high precision GNSS antenna offsets.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zubinaite, Vilma;
Ødegård, Rune Strand;
Stikbakke, Sverre;
Storie, Joni;
Storie, Christopher;
Henry, Christopher.
Geomatics Field Course for Norwegian Civil Engineers: A Norway-Canada Collaboration.
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Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zubinaite, Vilma;
Preiss, George.
Investigation of the effects of specific solar storming events on GNSS navigation systems.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zubinaite, Vilma;
Preiss, George.
Investigation into the rate of changes in Keplerian orbital elements for GPS satellites under solar storming.
Geodezija ir Kartografija
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zubinaite, Vilma;
Preiss, George.
An Initial Analysis of the Solar Storming Effects on the Determination of Coordinates Using GNSS.
Geodezija ir Kartografija
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Preiss, George;
Zubinaite, Vilma.
Discussion of the Effects of Selecting Incorrect Ellipsoid Parameters.
Geodezija ir Kartografija
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zubinaite, Vilma;
Preiss, George.
A proposed simplified technique for confirming high precision GNSS antenna offsets.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Del av bok/rapport
Preiss, George;
Zubinaite, Vilma.
Analysis of the Effects of Earth Shadowing on GNSS Satellite Orbits.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
- GEOM2710 - Satellittgeodesi
- GEOM2910 - Bacheloroppgave geomatikk
- GEOM2900 - Bacheloroppgave Geomatikk
- GEOM1210 - Landmålingsberegninger
- GEOM1320 - Anvendt landmåling
- GEOM2520 - Satellittgeodesi
- GEOM2790 - Geomatikk prosjektoppgave
- GEOM2120 - Grunnlagsnett
- GEOM2550 - Geomatikk prosjektoppgave
- GEOM2110 - Landmåling
Vitenskapelig foredragPreiss, George; Zubinaite, Vilma; Bieliauskaite, Jurate. (2009) GNSS and RTK. Satref brukerkonferanse , Hønefoss 2009-12-03 - 2009-12-04