Ida-Johanne Jensen
Vu, Dat Trong;
Tsoukalas, Dionysios;
Jakobsen, Anita Nordeng;
Falch, Eva;
Haugen, John-Erik;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne.
Quality parameters and storage stability of the Norwegian red sea cucumber (Parastichopus tremulus).
Food Bioscience
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lerfall, Jørgen;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Gunenc, Zeyna Sæter.
Development of Arctic Field Lunch Rations to Improve Appetite and Performance in Field Operations.
Lerfall, Jørgen;
Ølberg, Rikke Harveland;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne.
Produktutvikling av feltrasjoner tilpasset arktiske forhold med
fokus på «grab & go» produkter.
Lerfall, Jørgen;
Lier, Hedda Skullerud;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne.
Produktutvikling av feltrasjoner
rettet mot frokostretter.
Lerfall, Jørgen;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Juel, Sara Slettemark.
Development of Arctic Field Ration Dinners.
Farjami, Toktam;
Sharma, Animesh;
Hagen, Lars;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Falch, Eva.
Comparative study on composition and functional properties of brewer's spent grain proteins precipitated by citric acid and hydrochloric acid.
Food Chemistry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mohammadalinejhad, Samira;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Kurek, Marcin A.;
Lerfall, Jørgen.
Novel colorimetric indicators based on alginate hydrogel beads containing anthocyanin for visual freshness monitoring of shrimp and minced chicken.
Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vu, Dat Trong;
Kletthagen, Malin Christine;
Elvevoll, Edel Oddny;
Falch, Eva;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne.
Simulated Digestion of Red Sea Cucumber (Parastichopus tremulus): A Study of Protein Quality and Antioxidant Activity.
Applied Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Farjami, Toktam;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Falch, Eva.
Effect of moderate heating during alkaline extraction on composition and functional properties of brewer's spent grain protein concentrates.
Food Bioscience
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Walquist, Mari Johannessen;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik;
Elvevoll, Edel Oddny;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne.
Marine-Derived Peptides with Anti-Hypertensive Properties: Prospects for Pharmaceuticals, Supplements, and Functional Food.
Marine Drugs
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Farjami, Toktam;
Sharma, Animesh;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Falch, Eva.
A proteomics–bioinformatics approach to assess the molecular and physicochemical properties of brewer's spent grain protein concentrates: Effect of alkali-heat treatment.
Journal of Agriculture and Food Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Farjami, Toktam;
Glomm, Wilhelm;
Molesworth, Peter Patrick;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Falch, Eva.
Microencapsulation of fish oil with brewer's spent grain proteins: Effect of citric acid and emulsion pH.
Food Hydrocolloids
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Silva Vidal, Vitor Andre;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Sandbakk, Øyvind Bucher;
Haugnes, Pål ;
Austeen, Martin Winge;
Gjeldnes, Rune.
Military rations: Nutritional, sensorial and technological quality and their effects on military physical exercise in extreme environments.
Nutrition research reviews
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Vu, Dat Trong;
Falch, Eva;
Elvevoll, Edel Oddny;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne.
Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Orange-Footed Sea Cucumber (Cucumaria frondosa)—Effect of Different Enzymes on Protein Yield and Bioactivity.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mohammadalinejhad, Samira;
Almonaityte, Auguste;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Kurek, Marcin A.;
Lerfall, Jørgen.
Alginate microbeads incorporated with anthocyanins from purple corn (Zea mays L.) using electrostatic extrusion: Microencapsulation optimization, characterization, and stability studies.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mohammadalinejhad, Samira;
Kurek, Marcin A.;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Lerfall, Jørgen.
The potential of anthocyanin-loaded alginate hydrogel beads for intelligent packaging applications: Stability and sensitivity to volatile amines .
Current Research in Food Science (CRFS)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Bodin, Nathalie;
Govinden, Rodney;
Elvevoll, Edel O..
Marine Capture Fisheries from Western Indian Ocean: An Excellent Source of Proteins and Essential Amino Acids.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Langdal, Andreas;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik;
Kjellevold, Marian;
Heimstad, Eldbjørg Sofie;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Elvevoll, Edel O..
Climate Performance, Environmental Toxins and Nutrient Density of the Underutilized Norwegian Orange-Footed Sea Cucumber (Cucumaria frondosa).
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Elvevoll, Edel O.;
James, David;
Toppe, Jogeir;
Gamarro, Esther Garrido;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne.
Food Safety Risks Posed by Heavy Metals and Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) related to Consumption of Sea Cucumbers.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Poto, Margherita Paola;
Elvevoll, Edel O.;
Sundset, Monica Alterskjær;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik;
Morel, Mathilde;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne.
Suggestions for a systematic regulatory approach to ocean plastics.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hjellnes, Veronica Hammer;
Rustad, Turid;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Eiken, Elin;
Pettersen, Stine Marie;
Falch, Eva.
Ultrafiltration of Saithe (Pollachius virens) Protein Hydrolysates and Its Effect on Antioxidative Activity.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik;
Otnæs, Carina H.A.;
Mæhre, Hanne K;
Elvevoll, Edel O..
An Update on the Content of Fatty Acids, Dioxins, PCBs and Heavy Metals in Farmed, Escaped and Wild Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Norway.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mæhre, Hanne Kirsti;
Dalheim, Lars;
Edvinsen, Guro Kristine;
Elvevoll, Edel Oddny;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne.
Protein determination - Method matters.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Walquist, Mari;
Stormo, Svein Kristian;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Østerud, Bjarne;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik.
Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Activities in Extracts from Minke Whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) Blubber.
Mediators of Inflammation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mæhre, Hanne K;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik.
Enzymatic pre-treatment increases the protein bioaccessibility and extractability in dulse (palmaria palmata).
Marine Drugs
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Mæhre, Hanne K.
Preclinical and clinical studies on antioxidative, antihypertensive and cardioprotective effect of marine proteins and peptides - A review.
Marine Drugs
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Walquist, Mari;
Liaset, Bjørn;
Elvevoll, Edel Oddny;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik.
Dietary intake of cod and scallop reduces atherosclerotic burden in female apolipoprotein E-deficient mice fed a Western-type high fat diet for 13 weeks.
Nutrition & Metabolism
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mæhre, Hanne K;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik.
Fish: Dietary Importance and Health Effects.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Mæhre, Hanne K;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Elvevoll, Edel Oddny;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik.
ω-3 fatty acids and cardiovascular diseases: Effects, mechanisms and dietary relevance.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Andersen, Lisa Lystbæk;
Ossum, Carlo Gunnar;
Jakobsen, Greta;
Farvin, Sabeena;
Johansson, Inez.
Effect of Gastrointestinal Protease Digestion on Bioactivity of Marine Peptides.
Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology: B
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Dort, Junio;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik.
Proximate composition, antihypertensive and antioxidative properties of the semimembranosus muscle from pork and beef after cooking and in vitro digestion.
Meat Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik;
Rustad, Turid;
Elvevoll, Edel Oddny;
Larsen, Rune.
Health benefits of seafood consumption
- with special focus on household preparations and bioactivity in animal
UiT Norges arktiske universitet
UiT Norges arktiske universitet
Larsen, Rune;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik;
Mæhre, Hanne K;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Elvevoll, Edel Oddny.
Taurine Content in Marine Foods: Beneficial Health Effects.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Eysturskarð, Jonhard;
Madetoja, Mari;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik.
The potential of cod hydrolyzate to inhibit blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Nutrition Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Mæhre, Hanne K;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik.
Marine bioactive peptides from digestion and their relation to cardiovascular health promotion.
Agro Food Industry Hi-Tech
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Larsen, Rune;
Rustad, Turid;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik.
Nutritional content and bioactive properties of wild and farmed cod (Gadus morhua L.) subjected to food preparation.
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vang, Birthe;
Mæhre, Hanne K;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Olsen, Ragnar Ludvig.
Detection of tropomyosin and determination of proteins in crustacean oils.
Food Chemistry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik;
Mæhre, Hanne K;
Elvevoll, Edel Oddny;
Larsen, Rune.
Health Effects of Antioxidative and Antihypertensive Peptides from Marine Resources.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Mæhre, Hanne K;
Tømmerås, Siri;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik;
Olsen, Ragnar Ludvig;
Elvevoll, Edel Oddny.
Farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) is a good source of long chain omega-3 fatty acids.
Nutrition Bulletin
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik;
Mæhre, Hanne K;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Devold, hege;
Olsen, Jan Ole;
Klykken Lie, Reidun.
A Wax Ester and Astaxanthin-Rich Extract from the Marine Copepod Calanus finmarchicus Attenuates Atherogenesis in Female Apolipoprotein E-Deficient Mice.
Journal of Nutrition
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik;
Larsen, Rune;
Mæhre, Hanne K;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Elvevoll, Edel Oddny.
Anticholesterolemic and Antiatherogenic Effects of Taurine supplementation is Model Dependent.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Hofer, Tim;
Eriksen, Tonje Engevik;
Hansen, Espen;
Varmedal, Ingrid;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Hammer-Andersen, Jeanette.
Cellular and chemical assays for discovery of novel antioxidants in marine organisms.
Humana Press
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Larsen, Rune;
Stormo, Svein Kristian;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik;
Mæhre, Hanne K;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Østerud, Bjarne.
Prosessering av sjømat – Endring i næringsinnhold, biotilgjengelighet og helseeffekter.
Nofima rapportserie (36/2010)
Hofer, Tim;
Eriksen, TE;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Elvevoll, Edel Oddny;
Jørgensen, Trond Ø.;
Andersen, Jeanette hammer.
Screening for antioxidants in Arctic marine organisms.
Free radical research
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Abrahamsen, Hogne;
Mæhre, Hanne K;
Elvevoll, Edel Oddny.
Changes in Antioxidative Capacity of Saithe (Pollachius virens) and Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) during in Vitro Digestion.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vu, Dat Trong;
Tsoukalas, Dionysios;
Jakobsen, Anita Nordeng;
Falch, Eva;
Haugen, John-Erik;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne.
Quality parameters and storage stability of the Norwegian red sea cucumber (Parastichopus tremulus).
Food Bioscience
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Farjami, Toktam;
Sharma, Animesh;
Hagen, Lars;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Falch, Eva.
Comparative study on composition and functional properties of brewer's spent grain proteins precipitated by citric acid and hydrochloric acid.
Food Chemistry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mohammadalinejhad, Samira;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Kurek, Marcin A.;
Lerfall, Jørgen.
Novel colorimetric indicators based on alginate hydrogel beads containing anthocyanin for visual freshness monitoring of shrimp and minced chicken.
Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vu, Dat Trong;
Kletthagen, Malin Christine;
Elvevoll, Edel Oddny;
Falch, Eva;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne.
Simulated Digestion of Red Sea Cucumber (Parastichopus tremulus): A Study of Protein Quality and Antioxidant Activity.
Applied Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Farjami, Toktam;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Falch, Eva.
Effect of moderate heating during alkaline extraction on composition and functional properties of brewer's spent grain protein concentrates.
Food Bioscience
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Walquist, Mari Johannessen;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik;
Elvevoll, Edel Oddny;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne.
Marine-Derived Peptides with Anti-Hypertensive Properties: Prospects for Pharmaceuticals, Supplements, and Functional Food.
Marine Drugs
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Farjami, Toktam;
Sharma, Animesh;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Falch, Eva.
A proteomics–bioinformatics approach to assess the molecular and physicochemical properties of brewer's spent grain protein concentrates: Effect of alkali-heat treatment.
Journal of Agriculture and Food Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Farjami, Toktam;
Glomm, Wilhelm;
Molesworth, Peter Patrick;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Falch, Eva.
Microencapsulation of fish oil with brewer's spent grain proteins: Effect of citric acid and emulsion pH.
Food Hydrocolloids
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Silva Vidal, Vitor Andre;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Sandbakk, Øyvind Bucher;
Haugnes, Pål ;
Austeen, Martin Winge;
Gjeldnes, Rune.
Military rations: Nutritional, sensorial and technological quality and their effects on military physical exercise in extreme environments.
Nutrition research reviews
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Vu, Dat Trong;
Falch, Eva;
Elvevoll, Edel Oddny;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne.
Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Orange-Footed Sea Cucumber (Cucumaria frondosa)—Effect of Different Enzymes on Protein Yield and Bioactivity.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mohammadalinejhad, Samira;
Almonaityte, Auguste;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Kurek, Marcin A.;
Lerfall, Jørgen.
Alginate microbeads incorporated with anthocyanins from purple corn (Zea mays L.) using electrostatic extrusion: Microencapsulation optimization, characterization, and stability studies.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mohammadalinejhad, Samira;
Kurek, Marcin A.;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Lerfall, Jørgen.
The potential of anthocyanin-loaded alginate hydrogel beads for intelligent packaging applications: Stability and sensitivity to volatile amines .
Current Research in Food Science (CRFS)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Bodin, Nathalie;
Govinden, Rodney;
Elvevoll, Edel O..
Marine Capture Fisheries from Western Indian Ocean: An Excellent Source of Proteins and Essential Amino Acids.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Langdal, Andreas;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik;
Kjellevold, Marian;
Heimstad, Eldbjørg Sofie;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Elvevoll, Edel O..
Climate Performance, Environmental Toxins and Nutrient Density of the Underutilized Norwegian Orange-Footed Sea Cucumber (Cucumaria frondosa).
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Elvevoll, Edel O.;
James, David;
Toppe, Jogeir;
Gamarro, Esther Garrido;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne.
Food Safety Risks Posed by Heavy Metals and Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) related to Consumption of Sea Cucumbers.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Poto, Margherita Paola;
Elvevoll, Edel O.;
Sundset, Monica Alterskjær;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik;
Morel, Mathilde;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne.
Suggestions for a systematic regulatory approach to ocean plastics.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hjellnes, Veronica Hammer;
Rustad, Turid;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Eiken, Elin;
Pettersen, Stine Marie;
Falch, Eva.
Ultrafiltration of Saithe (Pollachius virens) Protein Hydrolysates and Its Effect on Antioxidative Activity.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik;
Otnæs, Carina H.A.;
Mæhre, Hanne K;
Elvevoll, Edel O..
An Update on the Content of Fatty Acids, Dioxins, PCBs and Heavy Metals in Farmed, Escaped and Wild Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Norway.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mæhre, Hanne Kirsti;
Dalheim, Lars;
Edvinsen, Guro Kristine;
Elvevoll, Edel Oddny;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne.
Protein determination - Method matters.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Walquist, Mari;
Stormo, Svein Kristian;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Østerud, Bjarne;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik.
Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Activities in Extracts from Minke Whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) Blubber.
Mediators of Inflammation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mæhre, Hanne K;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik.
Enzymatic pre-treatment increases the protein bioaccessibility and extractability in dulse (palmaria palmata).
Marine Drugs
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Mæhre, Hanne K.
Preclinical and clinical studies on antioxidative, antihypertensive and cardioprotective effect of marine proteins and peptides - A review.
Marine Drugs
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Walquist, Mari;
Liaset, Bjørn;
Elvevoll, Edel Oddny;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik.
Dietary intake of cod and scallop reduces atherosclerotic burden in female apolipoprotein E-deficient mice fed a Western-type high fat diet for 13 weeks.
Nutrition & Metabolism
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mæhre, Hanne K;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Elvevoll, Edel Oddny;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik.
ω-3 fatty acids and cardiovascular diseases: Effects, mechanisms and dietary relevance.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Andersen, Lisa Lystbæk;
Ossum, Carlo Gunnar;
Jakobsen, Greta;
Farvin, Sabeena;
Johansson, Inez.
Effect of Gastrointestinal Protease Digestion on Bioactivity of Marine Peptides.
Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology: B
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Dort, Junio;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik.
Proximate composition, antihypertensive and antioxidative properties of the semimembranosus muscle from pork and beef after cooking and in vitro digestion.
Meat Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Eysturskarð, Jonhard;
Madetoja, Mari;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik.
The potential of cod hydrolyzate to inhibit blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Nutrition Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Mæhre, Hanne K;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik.
Marine bioactive peptides from digestion and their relation to cardiovascular health promotion.
Agro Food Industry Hi-Tech
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Larsen, Rune;
Rustad, Turid;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik.
Nutritional content and bioactive properties of wild and farmed cod (Gadus morhua L.) subjected to food preparation.
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vang, Birthe;
Mæhre, Hanne K;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Olsen, Ragnar Ludvig.
Detection of tropomyosin and determination of proteins in crustacean oils.
Food Chemistry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Mæhre, Hanne K;
Tømmerås, Siri;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik;
Olsen, Ragnar Ludvig;
Elvevoll, Edel Oddny.
Farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) is a good source of long chain omega-3 fatty acids.
Nutrition Bulletin
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik;
Mæhre, Hanne K;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Devold, hege;
Olsen, Jan Ole;
Klykken Lie, Reidun.
A Wax Ester and Astaxanthin-Rich Extract from the Marine Copepod Calanus finmarchicus Attenuates Atherogenesis in Female Apolipoprotein E-Deficient Mice.
Journal of Nutrition
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hofer, Tim;
Eriksen, TE;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Elvevoll, Edel Oddny;
Jørgensen, Trond Ø.;
Andersen, Jeanette hammer.
Screening for antioxidants in Arctic marine organisms.
Free radical research
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Abrahamsen, Hogne;
Mæhre, Hanne K;
Elvevoll, Edel Oddny.
Changes in Antioxidative Capacity of Saithe (Pollachius virens) and Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) during in Vitro Digestion.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Del av bok/rapport
Mæhre, Hanne K;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik.
Fish: Dietary Importance and Health Effects.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Larsen, Rune;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik;
Mæhre, Hanne K;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Elvevoll, Edel Oddny.
Taurine Content in Marine Foods: Beneficial Health Effects.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik;
Mæhre, Hanne K;
Elvevoll, Edel Oddny;
Larsen, Rune.
Health Effects of Antioxidative and Antihypertensive Peptides from Marine Resources.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik;
Larsen, Rune;
Mæhre, Hanne K;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Elvevoll, Edel Oddny.
Anticholesterolemic and Antiatherogenic Effects of Taurine supplementation is Model Dependent.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Hofer, Tim;
Eriksen, Tonje Engevik;
Hansen, Espen;
Varmedal, Ingrid;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Hammer-Andersen, Jeanette.
Cellular and chemical assays for discovery of novel antioxidants in marine organisms.
Humana Press
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Lerfall, Jørgen;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Gunenc, Zeyna Sæter.
Development of Arctic Field Lunch Rations to Improve Appetite and Performance in Field Operations.
Lerfall, Jørgen;
Ølberg, Rikke Harveland;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne.
Produktutvikling av feltrasjoner tilpasset arktiske forhold med
fokus på «grab & go» produkter.
Lerfall, Jørgen;
Lier, Hedda Skullerud;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne.
Produktutvikling av feltrasjoner
rettet mot frokostretter.
Lerfall, Jørgen;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Juel, Sara Slettemark.
Development of Arctic Field Ration Dinners.
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik;
Rustad, Turid;
Elvevoll, Edel Oddny;
Larsen, Rune.
Health benefits of seafood consumption
- with special focus on household preparations and bioactivity in animal
UiT Norges arktiske universitet
UiT Norges arktiske universitet
Larsen, Rune;
Stormo, Svein Kristian;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik;
Mæhre, Hanne K;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Østerud, Bjarne.
Prosessering av sjømat – Endring i næringsinnhold, biotilgjengelighet og helseeffekter.
Nofima rapportserie (36/2010)
- MATV3006 - Bachelor Thesis
- TMAT2002 - Nutrition
- MATV4010 - Food Safety in Manufacturing
- TMMT4007 - Risk Management and Food Safety
- MATV2001 - Food Chemistry 2
- TMMT4006 - Food Safety in Manufacturing
- TMAT201P - Internship
- TMMT5003 - Master Thesis in Food Science,Technology and sustainability
- TMMT5004 - Master Thesis in Food Science, Technology and sustainability
Vitenskapelig foredragJakobsen, Anita Nordeng; Østby, Lene; Hoel, Sunniva; Langfoss, Kari Helgetun; Lerfall, Jørgen; Strand, Åse. (2024) STUDENT PEER ASSESSMENT– A CENTRAL CONCEPT OF LIFELONG LEARNING . 20th International CDIO Conference 2024-06-10 - 2024-06-13
PosterSilva Vidal, Vitor Andre; Jensen, Ida-Johanne; Jameson, John-Kristian; Lerfall, Jørgen. (2024) COMBAT RATIONS: EFFECTS OF PROCESSING PARAMETERS ON QUALITY OF DIFFERENT FREEZE-DRIED PROTEINS. The International union of food science and technology IUFOST 2024 , Rimini 2024-09-08 - 2024-09-12
Vitenskapelig foredragOlsen, Anna; Bar, Eirin Marie Skjøndal; Falch, Eva; Jensen, Ida-Johanne. (2023) Arbeisdslivsrelevans og tverrfaglighet inn i studieprogram- og emneutvikling. Universitet i Stavanger MNT konferansen 2023 , Stavanger 2023-03-16 - 2023-03-17
Vitenskapelig foredragVu, Dat Trong; Tsoukalas, Dionysios; Jakobsen, Anita Nordeng; Falch, Eva; Jensen, Ida-Johanne. (2023) Quality parameters of the Norwegian red sea cucumber (Parastichopus tremulus) during a storage trial. EFFoST, University of Valencia and the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA-CSIC) The European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) , Valencia, Spain 2023-11-06 - 2023-11-08
Vitenskapelig foredragVu, Dat Trong; Falch, Eva; Elvevoll, Edel Oddny; Jensen, Ida-Johanne. (2023) Simulated digestion of red sea cucumber (Parastihopus tremulus) – Protein quality and antioxidantive capacity. WEFTA, Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and Royal Greenland 51st Conference of the Western European Fish Technologists' Association (WEFTA) , København, Danmark 2023-10-16 - 2023-10-20
Vitenskapelig foredragLangdal, Andreas; Jensen, Ida-Johanne; Elvevoll, Edel Oddny. (2023) The environmental footprint and utilization potential of novel marine resources. THE WESTERN EUROPEAN FISH TECHNOLOGISTS' ASSOCIATION 51st WEFTA conference 2023-10-16 - 2023-10-20
Faglig foredragFalch, Eva; Jensen, Ida-Johanne. (2023) Sjømatkvalitet og bærekraft. Norway seafood festival, Stiftelsen Nor-Fishing, NiT, NTNU Norway Seafood Conference , Trondheim 2023-03-18 - 2023-03-18
PosterVidal, Vitor Andre Silva; Juel, Sara Slettemark; Jensen, Ida-Johanne; Lerfall, Jørgen. (2023) Combat rations: Effects of processing parameters on quality of different freeze-dried carbohydrate sources. EFFoST 37th EFFoST International Conference , Valencia 2023-11-06 - 2023-11-08
Faglig foredragJensen, Ida-Johanne; Langfoss, Kari Helgetun; Jakobsen, Anita Nordeng. (2023) Utdanningsinstitusjoner og næringsmiddelindustrien. Næringsmiddeldagene 2023-06-12 - 2023-06-13
Vitenskapelig foredragJakobsen, Anita Nordeng; Hoel, Sunniva; Bjørkhaug, Hilde; Kahrs, Magnus Strøm; Korpås, Guri Sivertsen; Strandhagen, Jan Ola. (2023) How can we strengthen graduates' sustainability competence and mindset? . 19th International CDIO Conference 2023-06-26 - 2023-06-29
Vitenskapelig foredragJakobsen, Anita Nordeng; Hoel, Sunniva; Jensen, Ida-Johanne. (2023) EMBEDDING COMPETENCIES IN SUSTAINABILITY AND AUTHENTIC LEARNING EXPERIENCES IN FOOD SCIENCE EDUCATION THROUGH A STUDY PROGRAM-DRIVEN APPROACH. SEFI Conference Engineering Education for Sustainability 2023-09-11 - 2023-09-14
PosterMohammadalinejhad, Samira; Kurek, Marcin; Jensen, Ida-Johanne; Lerfall, Jørgen. (2023) Release properties of anthocyanins-loaded alginate microbeads under gastrointestinal conditions. 37th European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) 2023-11-06 - 2023-11-09
Vitenskapelig foredragMohammadalinejhad, Samira; Kurek, Marcin; Jensen, Ida-Johanne; Lerfall, Jørgen. (2023) The potential of alginate hydrogel beads containing anthocyanins as a novel freshness indicator in intelligent packaging of seafood. 37th European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) , Valencia 2023-11-06 - 2023-11-09
Vitenskapelig foredragIzadinajafabadi, Parisa; Glom, Wilhelm; Jensen, Ida-Johanne; Tolstorebrov, Ignat; Falch, Eva. (2022) Spray drying Microencapsulation of Salmon oil with plant-based protein. Nordic Lipidforum 31st Nordic Lipidforum Symposium , Ålesund 2022-06-12 - 2022-06-15
Faglig foredragJensen, Ida-Johanne. (2020) Is your seafood lunch healthy?. IBT IBT weeklys Department lunch , IBT, NV faculty, NTNU, Gløshaugen 2020-01-15 -
Faglig foredragMæhre, Hanne K; Jensen, Ida-Johanne; Landfald, Bjarne. (2017) Drikkevann og mat. Den norske legeforening Kurs i arbeids- og miljømedisin , Tromsø 2017-09-18 - 2017-09-22
PosterMæhre, Hanne K; Edvinsen, Guro Kristine; Jensen, Ida-Johanne; Eilertsen, Karl-Erik; Elvevoll, Edel Oddny. (2016) Heat treatment increases the bioaccessibility of good quality Palmaria palmata proteins in an in vitro gastrointestinal digestion model. European Federation of Food Science and Technology 30th EFFoST international conference , Wien 2016-11-28 - 2016-11-30
Faglig foredragJensen, Ida-Johanne. (2016) Helseeffekter av mager fisk som torsk, hyse og sei. Fiskeri og havbruksnæringens forskningsfond Marine student bootcamp 2016-10-20 -
Vitenskapelig foredragJensen, Ida-Johanne. (2016) Helseeffekter av marine proteiner og peptider. FHF og forskningsrådet Sjømat og helse - konferanse , Bergen 2016-09-14 - 2016-09-15
Populærvitenskapelig foredragJensen, Ida-Johanne; Dalheim, Lars; Mæhre, Hanne K. (2016) Å utfordre grenser - tang som mat. Forskningsrådet og UiT Forskningsdagene 2016-10-02 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragDalheim, Lars; Jensen, Ida-Johanne; Mæhre, Hanne K. (2016) Grenseverdier for mat - hva, hvordan og hvorfor. Forskningsrådet og UiT Forskningsdagene 2016-09-30 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragJensen, Ida-Johanne. (2015) Forskning på fiskerihøgskolen. Fiskeriparken AS Stolt ung fisker 2015-11-25 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
Vitenskapelig foredragJensen, Ida-Johanne; Larsen, Rune; Eilertsen, Karl-Erik. (2013) Bioactivity of fish and meat subjected to food preparation. The 6th international BIOPROSP Conference on Marine Bioprospecting from cold marine environment 2013-02-20 - 2013-02-22
PosterJensen, Ida-Johanne; Larsen, Rune; Eilertsen, Karl-Erik. (2013) Bioactivity of fish and meat subjected to food preparation. The 6th international BIOPROSP Conference on Marine Bioprospecting from cold marine environment 2013-02-20 - 2013-02-22
PosterJensen, Ida-Johanne; Mæhre, Hanne K; Elvevoll, Edel Oddny; Østerud, Bjarne; Eilertsen, Karl-Erik. (2013) Dietary enrichment with seal oil and taurine reduce hepatic expression of pro-inflammatory genes without affecting atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice. The European Atherosclerosis Society 81st EAS congress , Lyon 2013-06-02 - 2013-06-05
PosterVang, Birthe; Mæhre, Hanne K; Jensen, Ida-Johanne; Olsen, Ragnar Ludvig. (2013) Tropomyosin allergen may be present in commercial crustacean oils. The 6th. International Conference on Marine Bioprospecting , Tromsø 2013-02-20 - 2013-02-22
PosterMæhre, Hanne K; Jensen, Ida-Johanne; Devold, hege; Elvevoll, Edel Oddny; Østerud, Bjarne; Eilertsen, Karl-Erik. (2013) Marine oil extracted from the copepod Calanus finmarchicus reduces aorta atherosclerosis in female apolipoprotein E-deficient mice. The European Atherosclerosis Society 81st EAS congress , Lyon 2013-06-02 - 2013-06-05
Vitenskapelig foredragJensen, Ida-Johanne; Eilertsen, Karl-Erik. (2012) Antihypertensive and antioxidative effect of different food protein sources - Effect of household preparation and digestion. Functional foods and bioactive compounds in health and disease - Science and practice 2012-03-13 - 2012-03-15
IntervjuJensen, Ida-Johanne. (2012) Oppdrettslaksen beholder bra fett. [Internett] 2012-02-08
IntervjuJensen, Ida-Johanne. (2012) Slår et slag for fisk. Vesterålens avis Vesterålens avis [Avis] 2012-09-08
Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
Populærvitenskapelig foredragJensen, Ida-Johanne. (2012) Spisk fisk - bli frisk. Nasjonalt møte for adminstrativt ansatte 2012-10-29 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
IntervjuJensen, Ida-Johanne. (2012) Fisk er supermat - og forskning på fisk er superviktig. [Avis] 2012-12-01
Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
PosterJensen, Ida-Johanne; Abrahamsen, Hogne; Mæhre, Hanne K; Elvevoll, Edel Oddny. (2010) Antioxidative capacity of seafood muscle during digestion - effect of processing. Annual Meeting of the Society of Free Radical Research 2010-09-12 - 2010-09-15
PosterJensen, Ida-Johanne; Mæhre, Hanne K; Elvevoll, Edel Oddny. (2009) Antioxidative capacity of seafood as affected by digestion. 19th International Congress of Nutrition 2009-10-04 - 2009-10-09
PosterElvevoll, Edel Oddny; Eilertsen, Karl-Erik; Østerud, Bjarne; Brox, Jan; Jensen, Ida-Johanne; Dragnes, Bjørn Tore. (2009) Seafood and health – more than n-3 fatty acids. The 8th International Congress on Coronary Artery Disease From Prevention To Intervention 2009-10-11 -
PosterHofer, Tim; Eriksen, TE; Jensen, Ida-Johanne; Elvevoll, Edel Oddny; Andersen, Jeanette hammer; Olsen, Ragnar Ludvig. (2009) Screening for Compounds with Antioxidant Activities from Arctic and sub-Arctic Marine Organisms. Norinnova AS, Tromsø Bioprosp konferensen 2009 , Tromsø 2009-02-24 - 2009-02-25
PosterHofer, Tim; Eriksen, TE; Jensen, Ida-Johanne; Elvevoll, Edel Oddny; Jørgensen, Trond Ø.; Andersen, Jeanette hammer. (2009) Screening for antioxidants in Arctic marine organisms. SFRR Europe , Roma 2009-08-26 - 2009-08-29