Bjørn Syvert Frengstad
Bjørn Syvert Frengstad
Jeg er professor i ingeniørgeologi med vekt på løsmasser, hydrogeologi og grunnvarme. Fra 2020 har jeg vært faggruppeleder for Ingeniørgeologi og bergmekanikk og fra 2024 er jeg leder for Naturfaregruppa under NTNUs strategiske satsningsområde Samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap. Før jeg kom til NTNU i 2017 har jeg jobbet 19 år som forsker ved Norges geologiske undersøkelse derav fem år som leder av Grunnvannslaget. Fra 1990 til 1995 var jeg vitenskapelig assistent og amanuensis ved NTH og 1998-2001 var jeg stipendiat ved NTNU.
Undervisning – emner 2024/25
TGB4185 Ingeniørgeologi grunnkurs. Emneansvarlig, underviser løsmassedelen med Ola Fredin
TBM4240 Geoteknikk. Underviser geologidelen
TGB4575 Ingeniørgeologi fordypningsemne. Bidrar i løsmassedelen.
TGB4200 Ingeniørgeologi løsmasser videregående kurs. Underviser deler av emnet, leder ekskursjonen sammen med Ola Fredin
TGB4855 Eksperter i Team. Landsbyleder: "Energilagring i grunnen" sammen med Randi Kalskin Ramstad
TGB4205 Hydrogeologi. Emneansvarlig og øvingsleder.
GEOL3093 Spesialpensum geologi 1-2 studenter
TGB4570 Ingeniørgeologi. Fordypningsprosjekt. Emneansvarlig. 4 studenter 2024
TGB4945 Ingeniørgeologi. Masteroppgave. Emneansvarlig. 4 studenter 2025
GEOL3090 Masteroppgave i geologi. 2 studenter 24/25
2008 - 2012 Heiko Liebel (medveileder)
2015 - 2021 Sondre Gjengedal (medveileder)
2018 - 2023 Lars Aaberg Stenvik (hovedveileder)
2021 - Christian Rekve Bryn (hovedveileder)
2024 - Nikolas Oberhardt (vikarierende hovedveileder)
EnerGizerS (CO2-Enhanced Geothermal Systems for Climate Neutral Energy Supply)
Bømoen plussbygd
Energilagring på Nyhavna; Trondheim
Min forskning og prosjekterfaring er innenfor et relativt bredt område av anvendt geologi, herunder:
- Hydrogeologi i løsmasser og fjell
- Kvartærgeologi på land og på sokkelen, samt på Svalbard
- Miljøgeokjemisk kartlegging av jord og grunnvann i regional og lokal skala.
- Grunnvarme og lagring av termal energi i berget
- Grunnvann til vannforsyning, mineralvann og energiformål
- Vurdering av grunnvannskvalitet, inkludert sporelementer og radioaktive grunnstoffer
- Baseline-studier, lange overvåkningsserier og statistisk analyse
- Geokjemiske prosesser i jord og grunnvann
- Stabilitet av løsmasseskråninger
Bømoen plussbygd
ORMEL 2 Optimal ressursutnyttelse av grunnvann til oppvarming og kjøling i Melhus kommune
EnerGizerS CO2-Enhanced Geothermal Systems for Climate Neutral Energy Supply
Stenvik, Lars Aaberg;
Gjengedal, Sondre;
Ramstad, Randi Kalskin;
Frengstad, Bjørn.
Hydrochemical and biotic control on iron incrustations in groundwater heat pump systems: Case study from a saline, anoxic aquifer in Melhus, Norway.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenvik, Lars Aaberg;
Gjengedal, Sondre;
Ramstad, Randi Kalskin;
Frengstad, Bjørn S..
How to avoid gas clogging in groundwater heat pump systems: a case study from the Lena terrasse system in Melhus, Norway.
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sowizdzal, Anna;
Gladysz, Pawel;
Andresen, Trond;
Miecznik, Maciej;
Frengstad, Bjørn S.;
Liszka, Marcin.
CO2-enhanced geothermal systems for climate neutral energy supply.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Gjengedal, Sondre;
Stenvik, Lars Aaberg;
Ramstad, Randi Kalskin;
Ulfsnes, Jan Ivar;
Hilmo, Bernt Olav;
Frengstad, Bjørn S..
Online remote-controlled and cost-effective fouling and clogging surveillance of a groundwater heat pump system.
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gjengedal, Sondre;
Brøtan, Vegard;
Buset, Ole Tore;
Larsen, Erik;
Åsebø Berg, Olav;
Torsæter, Ole.
Fluid flow through 3D-printed particle beds: a new technique for understanding, validating, and improving predictability of permeability from empirical equations.
Transport in Porous Media
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gjengedal, Sondre;
Ramstad, Randi Kalskin;
Hilmo, Bernt Olav;
Frengstad, Bjørn S..
Fouling and clogging surveillance in open loop GSHP systems: A systematic procedure for fouling and clogging detection in the whole groundwater circuit.
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skarphagen, Helge;
Banks, David;
Frengstad, Bjørn S.;
Gether, Harald.
Design considerations for borehole thermal energy storage (BTES): A review with emphasis on convective heat transfer.
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Gjengedal, Sondre;
Stenvik, Lars Aaberg;
Storli, Pål-Tore Selbo;
Ramstad, Randi Kalskin;
Hilmo, Bernt Olav;
Frengstad, Bjørn S..
Design of Groundwater Heat Pump Systems.
Principles, Tools, and Strategies for Controlling Gas
and Precipitation Problems.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Dutova, Ekaterina M.;
Nikitenkov, Aleksei N.;
Pokrovskiy, Vitaly D.;
Banks, David;
Frengstad, Bjørn;
Parnachev, Valerii P..
Modelling of the dissolution and reprecipitation of uranium under oxidising conditions in the zone of shallow groundwater circulation.
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bottrell, Simon;
Hipkins, Emma V.;
Lane, James M.;
Zegos, Rose A.;
Banks, David;
Frengstad, Bjørn.
Carbon-13 in groundwater from English and Norwegian crystalline rock aquifers: a tool for deducing the origin of alkalinity?.
Sustainable Water Resources Management
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Frengstad, Bjørn S.;
Banks, David.
Uranium distribution in groundwater from fractured crystalline aquifers in Norway.
CRC Press
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Liebel, Heiko Tobias;
Stølen, Marie Sigmundsdatter;
Frengstad, Bjørn Syvert;
Ramstad, Randi kalskin;
Brattli, Bjørge.
Insights into the reliability of different thermal conductivity measurement techniques: a thermo-geological study in Mære (Norway).
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Liebel, Heiko Tobias;
Huber, Kilian;
Frengstad, Bjørn Syvert;
Ramstad, Randi kalskin;
Brattli, Bjørge.
Thermal response testing of a fractured hard rock aquifer with and without induced groundwater flow.
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Liebel, Heiko;
de Beer, Johannes;
Frengstad, Bjørn;
Kalskin Ramstad, Randi;
Brattli, Bjørge.
Effect of water yield and rock thermal conductivities on TRT results.
Comunicações Geológicas
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Frengstad, Bjørn S.;
Lax, Kaj;
Tarvainen, Timo;
Jæger, Øystein;
Wigum, Børge Johannes.
The chemistry of bottled mineral and spring waters from Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland.
Journal of Geochemical Exploration
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Karnachuk, Olga V.;
Gerasimchuk, A.L.;
Banks, David;
Frengstad, Bjørn S.;
Stykon, G.A.;
Tikhonova, Z.L..
Bacteria of the sulfur cycle in the sediments of gold mine tailings, Kuznetsk Basin, Russia.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Frengstad, Bjørn S.;
Banks, David.
The Natural Inorganic Chemical Quality of Crystalline Bedrock Groundwaters of Norway.
Blackwell Publishing
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Reimann, Clemens;
Grimstvedt, Andreas Magnar;
Frengstad, Bjørn S.;
Finne, Tor Erik.
White HDPE bottles as source of serious contamination of water samples with Ba and Zn.
Science of the Total Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Frengstad, Bjørn S.;
Banks, David.
Universal controls on the evolution of groundwater chemistry in crystalline bedrock: the evidence from empirical and theoretical studies.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Banks, David;
Frengstad, Bjørn S..
Evolution of groundwater chemical composition by plagioclase hydrolysis in Norwegian anorthosites.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Banks, David;
Karnachuk, Olga V.;
Parnachov, Valerij P.;
Holden, Wayne;
Frengstad, Bjørn Syvert.
Rural pit latrines as a source of groundwater contamination; examples from Siberia and Kosova.
Water and Environment Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Frengstad, Bjørn.
Groundwater quality of crystalline bedrock aquifers in Norway.
Department of Geology and Mineral Resources Engineering, NTNU
Frengstad, Bjørn;
Banks, David;
Siewers, Ulrich.
The chemistry of Norwegian groundwaters: IV. The pH-dependence of element concentrations in crystalline bedrock groundwaters.
The Science of the Total Envinronment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Frengstad, Bjørn;
Midtgård Skrede, Aase Kjersti;
Banks, David;
Krog, Jan Reidar;
Siewers, Ulrich.
The Chemistry of Norwegian Groundwaters III. The Distribution of Trace Elements in 476 Crystalline Bedrock Groundwaters, as Analysed by ICP-MS Techniques.
Science of the Total Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Misund, Arve;
Frengstad, Bjørn;
Siewers, Ulrich;
Reimann, Clemens.
Variation of 66 elements in European bottled mineral waters.
Science of the Total Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rokoengen, Kåre;
Frengstad, Bjørn.
Radiocarbon and seismic evidence of ice sheet extent and the last deglaciation on the mid-Norwegian continental shelf.
Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Banks, David;
Midtgård, Aase Kjersti;
Frengstad, Bjørn;
Krog, Jan Reidar;
Strand, Terje.
The chemistry of Norwegian groundwaters. II. The chemistry of 72 groundwaters from Quaternary sedimentary aquifers.
The Science of the Total Envinronment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Banks, David;
Frengstad, Bjørn;
Midtgård, Aase Kjersti;
Krog, Jan Reidar;
Strand, Terje.
The chemistry of Norwegian groundwaters: I. The distribution of radon, major and minor elements in 1604 crystalline bedrock groundwaters.
The Science of the Total Envinronment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenvik, Lars Aaberg;
Gjengedal, Sondre;
Ramstad, Randi Kalskin;
Frengstad, Bjørn.
Hydrochemical and biotic control on iron incrustations in groundwater heat pump systems: Case study from a saline, anoxic aquifer in Melhus, Norway.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenvik, Lars Aaberg;
Gjengedal, Sondre;
Ramstad, Randi Kalskin;
Frengstad, Bjørn S..
How to avoid gas clogging in groundwater heat pump systems: a case study from the Lena terrasse system in Melhus, Norway.
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gjengedal, Sondre;
Stenvik, Lars Aaberg;
Ramstad, Randi Kalskin;
Ulfsnes, Jan Ivar;
Hilmo, Bernt Olav;
Frengstad, Bjørn S..
Online remote-controlled and cost-effective fouling and clogging surveillance of a groundwater heat pump system.
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gjengedal, Sondre;
Brøtan, Vegard;
Buset, Ole Tore;
Larsen, Erik;
Åsebø Berg, Olav;
Torsæter, Ole.
Fluid flow through 3D-printed particle beds: a new technique for understanding, validating, and improving predictability of permeability from empirical equations.
Transport in Porous Media
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gjengedal, Sondre;
Ramstad, Randi Kalskin;
Hilmo, Bernt Olav;
Frengstad, Bjørn S..
Fouling and clogging surveillance in open loop GSHP systems: A systematic procedure for fouling and clogging detection in the whole groundwater circuit.
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skarphagen, Helge;
Banks, David;
Frengstad, Bjørn S.;
Gether, Harald.
Design considerations for borehole thermal energy storage (BTES): A review with emphasis on convective heat transfer.
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Gjengedal, Sondre;
Stenvik, Lars Aaberg;
Storli, Pål-Tore Selbo;
Ramstad, Randi Kalskin;
Hilmo, Bernt Olav;
Frengstad, Bjørn S..
Design of Groundwater Heat Pump Systems.
Principles, Tools, and Strategies for Controlling Gas
and Precipitation Problems.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Dutova, Ekaterina M.;
Nikitenkov, Aleksei N.;
Pokrovskiy, Vitaly D.;
Banks, David;
Frengstad, Bjørn;
Parnachev, Valerii P..
Modelling of the dissolution and reprecipitation of uranium under oxidising conditions in the zone of shallow groundwater circulation.
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bottrell, Simon;
Hipkins, Emma V.;
Lane, James M.;
Zegos, Rose A.;
Banks, David;
Frengstad, Bjørn.
Carbon-13 in groundwater from English and Norwegian crystalline rock aquifers: a tool for deducing the origin of alkalinity?.
Sustainable Water Resources Management
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Liebel, Heiko Tobias;
Stølen, Marie Sigmundsdatter;
Frengstad, Bjørn Syvert;
Ramstad, Randi kalskin;
Brattli, Bjørge.
Insights into the reliability of different thermal conductivity measurement techniques: a thermo-geological study in Mære (Norway).
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Liebel, Heiko Tobias;
Huber, Kilian;
Frengstad, Bjørn Syvert;
Ramstad, Randi kalskin;
Brattli, Bjørge.
Thermal response testing of a fractured hard rock aquifer with and without induced groundwater flow.
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Liebel, Heiko;
de Beer, Johannes;
Frengstad, Bjørn;
Kalskin Ramstad, Randi;
Brattli, Bjørge.
Effect of water yield and rock thermal conductivities on TRT results.
Comunicações Geológicas
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Frengstad, Bjørn S.;
Lax, Kaj;
Tarvainen, Timo;
Jæger, Øystein;
Wigum, Børge Johannes.
The chemistry of bottled mineral and spring waters from Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland.
Journal of Geochemical Exploration
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Karnachuk, Olga V.;
Gerasimchuk, A.L.;
Banks, David;
Frengstad, Bjørn S.;
Stykon, G.A.;
Tikhonova, Z.L..
Bacteria of the sulfur cycle in the sediments of gold mine tailings, Kuznetsk Basin, Russia.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Reimann, Clemens;
Grimstvedt, Andreas Magnar;
Frengstad, Bjørn S.;
Finne, Tor Erik.
White HDPE bottles as source of serious contamination of water samples with Ba and Zn.
Science of the Total Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Banks, David;
Frengstad, Bjørn S..
Evolution of groundwater chemical composition by plagioclase hydrolysis in Norwegian anorthosites.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Banks, David;
Karnachuk, Olga V.;
Parnachov, Valerij P.;
Holden, Wayne;
Frengstad, Bjørn Syvert.
Rural pit latrines as a source of groundwater contamination; examples from Siberia and Kosova.
Water and Environment Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Frengstad, Bjørn;
Banks, David;
Siewers, Ulrich.
The chemistry of Norwegian groundwaters: IV. The pH-dependence of element concentrations in crystalline bedrock groundwaters.
The Science of the Total Envinronment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Frengstad, Bjørn;
Midtgård Skrede, Aase Kjersti;
Banks, David;
Krog, Jan Reidar;
Siewers, Ulrich.
The Chemistry of Norwegian Groundwaters III. The Distribution of Trace Elements in 476 Crystalline Bedrock Groundwaters, as Analysed by ICP-MS Techniques.
Science of the Total Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Misund, Arve;
Frengstad, Bjørn;
Siewers, Ulrich;
Reimann, Clemens.
Variation of 66 elements in European bottled mineral waters.
Science of the Total Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rokoengen, Kåre;
Frengstad, Bjørn.
Radiocarbon and seismic evidence of ice sheet extent and the last deglaciation on the mid-Norwegian continental shelf.
Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Banks, David;
Midtgård, Aase Kjersti;
Frengstad, Bjørn;
Krog, Jan Reidar;
Strand, Terje.
The chemistry of Norwegian groundwaters. II. The chemistry of 72 groundwaters from Quaternary sedimentary aquifers.
The Science of the Total Envinronment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Banks, David;
Frengstad, Bjørn;
Midtgård, Aase Kjersti;
Krog, Jan Reidar;
Strand, Terje.
The chemistry of Norwegian groundwaters: I. The distribution of radon, major and minor elements in 1604 crystalline bedrock groundwaters.
The Science of the Total Envinronment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Del av bok/rapport
Sowizdzal, Anna;
Gladysz, Pawel;
Andresen, Trond;
Miecznik, Maciej;
Frengstad, Bjørn S.;
Liszka, Marcin.
CO2-enhanced geothermal systems for climate neutral energy supply.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Frengstad, Bjørn S.;
Banks, David.
Uranium distribution in groundwater from fractured crystalline aquifers in Norway.
CRC Press
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Frengstad, Bjørn S.;
Banks, David.
The Natural Inorganic Chemical Quality of Crystalline Bedrock Groundwaters of Norway.
Blackwell Publishing
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Frengstad, Bjørn S.;
Banks, David.
Universal controls on the evolution of groundwater chemistry in crystalline bedrock: the evidence from empirical and theoretical studies.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Frengstad, Bjørn.
Groundwater quality of crystalline bedrock aquifers in Norway.
Department of Geology and Mineral Resources Engineering, NTNU
- TGB4200 - Engineering Geology of Soils, Advanced Course
- TGB4575 - Engineering Geology, Specialization Course
- GEOL3095 - Master's Thesis in Geology
- TGB4185 - Engineering Geology, Basic Course
- GEOL3093 - Special Course for the Master's Thesis
- TGB4580 - Mineral Production and Resource Geology, Specialization Project
- GEOL3092 - Special Course for the Master's Thesis
- TGB4570 - Engineering Geology, Specialization Project
- TGB4945 - Engineering Geology, Master's Thesis
- BYGT2316 - Engineering Geology - Rock
- TGB4855 - Experts in Teamwork - Energy storage in the ground - an important contribution to the green transition
- TGB4205 - Hydrogeology
2008 - 2012 Heiko Liebel (medveileder)
2015 - 2021 Sondre Gjengedal (medveileder)
2018 - 2023 Lars Aaberg Stenvik (hovedveileder)
2021 - Christian Rekve Bryn (hovedveileder)
2024 - Nikolas Oberhardt (vikarierende hovedveileder)
Torbjørn Mofoss
Markus Lindberg
Sindre Holm
Herman Grytnes
Celina Engen
Live Aasen Frosta
Lina Flo Hauge
Andrine Edelsteen Moen
Sjur Beyer
Inga Kristin Gåsbakk
Thea Lillemo Winther
Lene Pallesen
Marthe Ottem
Anders Kleven
Thomas Austin Stormoen
August Fiskum Ness
Eivind Wiik Ånes
Birgitte Skei van der Harst
Harald Birkeland Larsen
Martin Andreas Solbakken Løvaas
Maren Bergli
Ingrid Mælan
Anja Bergersen
Sofie Stene Krogstad
Leena Jaakola
Kaja Olsen Ørnes
Simon Ross Stenger
Emil Solbakken
Katharina Scherger
Emilie Olsen Hauge
Mari Elise Furuheim Bryn
Bernhard Naglestad
Michal Sperre
Sunniva Fitjar Lunestad
Vitenskapelig foredragStenvik, Lars Aaberg; Frengstad, Bjørn S.; Gjengedal, Sondre; Ramstad, Randi Kalskin. (2021) Diagnosing Encrustation Problems in Open-loop Groundwater Heat Pump Systems in Melhus, Norway. International Geothermal Association World Geothermal Congress 2020+1 Reykjavik , Reykjavik 2021-03-01 - 2021-10-27
Vitenskapelig foredragStenvik, Lars Aaberg; Gjengedal, Sondre; Frengstad, Bjørn S.; Ramstad, Randi Kalskin. (2019) Application of a flow-through cell to monitor groundwater source heat pump systems in Melhus, Norway. International Assocation of Hydrogeologists 46th IAH Congress: Groundwater management and governance – coping with water scarcity , Malaga 2019-09-22 - 2019-09-27
Populærvitenskapelig foredragStenvik, Lars Aaberg; Gjengedal, Sondre; Frengstad, Bjørn S.; Ramstad, Randi Kalskin. (2019) Groundwater source heat pumps systems: Principles and challenges. NTNU Young Researcher Clean Energy Forum Clean Energy Symposium , Trondheim 2019-02-08 - 2019-02-08
Vitenskapelig foredragStenvik, Lars Aaberg; Gjengedal, Sondre; Frengstad, Bjørn S.; Ramstad, Randi Kalskin. (2019) ORMEL 2: Iron and manganese encrustations in open-loop ground source heat pump systems. Norsk Geologisk Forening Vinterkonferansen 2019 , Bergen 2019-01-07 - 2019-01-09
Vitenskapelig foredragLiebel, Heiko Tobias; Huber, Kilian; Ramstad, Randi kalskin; Brattli, Bjørge; Frengstad, Bjørn. (2010) Can rock core thermal conductivity data replace thermal response tests?. International Water Association (IWA) Water and Energy 2010 , Amsterdam 2010-11-10 - 2010-11-12