Bjørn Eske Sørensen
Research interests synopsis
Involved in research within petrology, structural geology, ore deposits and applied mineralogy. I am currently working on the relation between magmas, volatiles and shearzones in ancient continental rift zones. This involves field work, thermodynamic modelling, microstructure evolution using optical microscopy, EBSD and EPMA. Our recent findings documents the processes behind strain localisation and hence earthquake forming mechanisms below continental rift-zones and their relation to CO₂ emission (Sørensen et al., 2019; Ryan et al., 2022). I am also intrested in improved quality annd use of EBSD data and work on both aquisition in our in-house SEM equiped with NORDIF EBSD detector and software and data interpretation and represenstation using MTEX. As a teacher in optical mineralogy I devoloped an improved Michel Levy chart for determination of interference colour and hence birefringence (Sørensen, 2013). This methodology was expaned to work in 3D crystal space to visualize and quantify the relation between orientation, interference color and extinction in minerals in generalized fashion available in the MTEX toolbox together with Ralf Hielscher and David Mainprice and I am quite proud to part of the MTEX contributors . As an example this can be used to show the realtion between optical properties of olivine and the Fayalite-Forsterite amount and simulate optical images from EBSD data.
3D simulation of optical properties of Olivine (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 as function of XFo=Mg/(Mg+Fe)
Involved in the development of the SEM-lab, including our state of the art EBSD equipment. My special focus here is the improovement of indexing and phase discrimination between complicated low symmetry geological materials. We now have an impressive indexing percenttage of quartz abowe 98%. We currently ressearch on crystallographic fabric development in quartz, including the influence of twinning. Because we do offline data interpretation we can return to the original data and check indexing against EBSPs of the indexed points, making sure that we do not filter away correct data during cleanup proceedures (Sørensen et al., 2020). In addition we also developed new trapezoidal correction for multi-mapping, which takes care of the distortion in the EBSD scan by controlling scan voltages such that steps in X and Y are on a square grid. This insures that geometrical features such as grain boundaries are correctly represented in the maps and that stich of coarse grained ebsd datasets works seamlessly (Sørensen et al., 2020).
EBSD patterns dyed green, showing the change in pattern when crossing a Dauphiné twin boundary. Original by Bjørn Eske Sørensen (2001)
Data are collected using TSL-OIM sofware and then transferred into MTEX for more advanced analysis. We have exellent analysis facilities and encourage scientiffic colaboration, so feel free to take contact with Bjørn Eske Sørensen ( on EBSD. MTEX is used for improved interpretation of EBSD data, which contains spatially distributed crystallographic data which contains much more information than can be accessed by convetional commercial software. As an example we used combination of microstrucral information (grain shape) to automatically determine twin/host relationships in calcite and hence separate effects of dislocation creep and eTwin slip on the crystallographic fabric and hence infer important inforamtion about chenges in stress system and deformation mechanisms (Ryan et al., 2021). Another important apllication of the methodology developed is used on quartz where Dauphiné twins creates a mess in the statistics of grain-based pole figure plots, where each twin traditionally is treated as separate grains. Because each grain fo quartz contains numerous twins the twin grains craets a mess in the pole figures which is difficult to interpret. Instead by analysing each twinned grain and assembling automatically into groups of twins and hosts we can plot the average orientaiton of each group and get a much more rigurous interpretation of the data and futhermore a much more statiscally sound grain number i.e. one grain for each twin member and host, see Giuntoli et al., (2022).
Deformation processes and volatile-rock- melt interaction in upper-mid and lower crust
One of my recently most active projects is on the interaction between melt-volatiles and solid rock in the deformation of earth and genration of earthquakes. The Reinfjord intrusion in North Norway provides a unique field laboratory giving us a window into the lower crust (25-40 km depth) of the ultramafic parts of continental extsion zone, an ancient refelction of modern day riftzones like the east african rift. We have already been able to show:
1: That CO₂ induces localized grain size reduction in peridotitte from cm's down to 5 micrometers due volume expanding mineral reactions, causing increase in strain rate by more than two orders of magnitude, finally leading to eartquakes, revealed by fossilized frictional melts (pseudotachylites). (Sørensen et al., 2019; Ryan et al., 2022)
2: CO₂ originates from volatile rich mafic melts dyking the peridotite and the fractional heating caused by the strain localisation remelts the mafic dykes with the melt film causing large stress release due to weakening (Ryan et al., 2022).
3: This process also relates mafic dykes to strain localization along a >2km long extensional shearzone (Ryan et al., 2022).
4: This relation between CO₂ emission, seismicity and mafic volatile rich magma explains the observation of links between earthquakes and large scale CO₂ emissions in present day continental riftzones
Manataki, Andriani;
Hmadeh, Lewaa;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Kontis, Paraskevas;
Sangesland, Sigbjørn.
The effect of well temperature on the microstructure and the mechanical performance of bismuth-based plugs in well plugging and abandonment operations.
Geoenergy Science and Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ryan, Eric James;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Fichler, Christine Susanne Carola;
B. Larsen, Rune;
Gresseth, Julie Linnea Sehested;
Bjørlykke, Arne.
Fault linkage on southeastern Bjørnøya: Implications for structural interpretations surrounding fertile ore-forming fault systems offshore.
Norwegian Journal of Geology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nikolaisen, Even;
Harrison, Richard John;
Fabian, Karl;
Church, Nathan Stewart;
McEnroe, Suzanne;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
Hysteresis parameters and magnetic anisotropy of silicate-hosted magnetite exsolutions.
Geophysical Journal International
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Orvik, Alf Andre;
Slagstad, Trond;
Hansen, Harald;
Nilsson, Lars Petter;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
The Palaeoproterozoic Gallujavri Ultramafic Intrusion, Karasjok Greenstone Belt; Petrogenesis of a Trans-Crustal Magma System.
Journal of Petrology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
manuel, curzi;
Caracausi, Antonio;
Rossetti, Federico;
Rabiee, Ahmad;
Billi, Andrea;
Carminati, Eugenio.
From Fossil to Active Hydrothermal Outflow in the Back-Arc of the Central Apennines (Zannone Island, Italy).
Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Giuntoli, Francesco;
Viola, Giulio;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
Deformation Mechanisms of Blueschist Facies Continental Metasediments May Offer Insights Into Deep Episodic Tremor and Slow Slip Events.
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Solid Earth
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Granseth, Anette;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
Tectonomagmatic Evolution of the Sveconorwegian Orogen: Insights from Geochemical and Isotopic Data.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2022/123)
Ryan, Eric James;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Drivenes, Kristian;
B. Larsen, Rune.
Infiltration of volatile-rich mafic melt in lower crustal peridotites provokes lower crustal earthquakes.
Journal of Structural Geology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Orvik, Alf Andre;
Slagstad, Trond;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Millar, Ian;
Hansen, Harald.
Evolution of the Gállojávri ultramafic intrusion from U-Pb zircon ages and Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf isotope systematics.
Precambrian Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Selen, Lena;
Panthi, Krishna Kanta;
Mørk, Mai Britt Engeness;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
Compositional Features and Swelling Potential of Two Weak Rock Types Affecting Their Slake Durability.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Granseth, Anette;
Slagstad, Trond;
Roberts, Nick M.W.;
Hagen-Peter, Graham;
Kirkland, Christopher L.;
Møkkelgjerd, Steinar Halvdan Hansen.
Multi-isotope tracing of the 1.3–0.9 Ga evolution of Fennoscandia; crustal growth during the Sveconorwegian orogeny.
Gondwana Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ryan, Eric James;
Papeschi, S.;
Viola, G.;
Musumeci, Giovanni;
Mazzarini, Francesco;
Torgersen, E..
Syn-Orogenic Exhumation of High-P Units by Upward Extrusion in an Accretionary Wedge: Insights From the Eastern Elba Nappe Stack (Northern Apennines, Italy).
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Granseth, Anette;
Slagstad, Trond;
Coint, Nolwenn;
Roberts, Nick MW;
Røhr, Torkil Sørlie;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
Tectonomagmatic evolution of the Sveconorwegian orogen recorded in the chemical and isotopic compositions of 1070?920?Ma granitoids.
Precambrian Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mena Silva, Camilo Andres;
Ellefmo, Steinar Løve;
Sandøy, Roar;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Aasly, Kurt.
A neural network approach for spatial variation assessment – A nepheline syenite case study.
Minerals Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Hjelen, Jarle;
Ånes, Håkon Wiik;
Breivik, Torkjell.
Recent features in EBSD, including new trapezoidal correction for multi-mapping.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Slagstad, Trond;
Marker, Mogens;
Roberts, Nick M.W.;
Saalmann, Kerstin;
Kirkland, Christopher L.;
Kulakov, Evgeniy.
The Sveconorwegian orogeny – reamalgamation of the fragmented southwestern margin of Fennoscandia.
Precambrian Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ånes, Håkon Wiik;
Hjelen, Jarle;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Marthinsen, Knut.
Processing and indexing of electron backscatter patterns using open-source software.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Dijkstra, Hans;
Drivenes, Kristian;
Matthews, Michael B.;
Richter, Silvia.
16th European Workshop on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis (EMAS 2019) Trondheim, Norway, 19-23 May 2019.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Grant, Thomas;
Ryan, Eric James;
B. Larsen, Rune.
in situ evidence of earthquakes near the crust mantle boundary initiated by mantle co2 fluxing and reaction-driven strain softening.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mena Silva, Camilo Andrés;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Aasly, Kurt;
Ellefmo, Steinar Løve.
Geometallurgical Approach to the Element-to-Mineral Conversion for the Nabbaren Nepheline Syenite Deposit.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Slagstad, Trond;
Roberts, Nick M.W.;
Coint, Nolwenn.;
Høy, Ingjerd Ulsaker;
Sauer, Simone;
Kirkland, CL.
Magma-driven, high-grade metamorphism in the Sveconorwegian Province, southwest Norway, during the terminal stages of Fennoscandian Shield evolution.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
B. Larsen, Rune;
Grant, Thomas;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Tegner, Christian;
McEnroe, Suzanne;
Pastore, Zeudia.
Portrait of a giant deep-seated magmatic conduit system: The Seiland Igneous Province.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Cepuritis, Rolands;
Garboczi, Edward J.;
Ferraris, Chiara F.;
Jacobsen, Stefan;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
Measurement of particle size distribution and specific surface area for crushed concrete aggregate fines.
Advanced Powder Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Drivenes, Kristian;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
B. Larsen, Rune.
Orogenic degassing, scapolitization and K-metasomatism during Caledonian exhumation, Helgeland, Norway.
Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Drivenes, Kristian;
B. Larsen, Rune;
Müller, Axel Bernd;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
Crystallization and uplift path of late Variscan granites evidenced by quartz chemistry and fluid inclusions: Example from the Land's End granite, SW England.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Drivenes, Kristian;
B. Larsen, Rune;
Müller, Axel;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Wiedenbeck, Michael;
Raanes, Morten Peder.
Late-magmatic immiscibility during batholith formation: assessment of B isotopes and trace elements in tourmaline from the Land’s End granite, SW England.
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kjøll, Hans Jørgen;
Viola, Giulio;
Menegon, Luca;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
Brittle-viscous deformation of vein quartz under fluid-rich lower greenschist facies conditions.
Solid Earth (SE)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Coint, N;
Slagstad, Trond;
Roberts, Nick M.W.;
Marker, M.;
Røhr, Torkil Sørlie;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
The Late Mesoproterozoic Sirdal Magmatic Belt, SW Norway: Relationships between magmatism and metamorphism and implications for Sveconorwegian orogenesis.
Precambrian Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
A revised Michel Lévy interference colour chart based on first-principles calculations.
European journal of mineralogy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hestnes, Kristin Husebø;
Aasly, Kurt;
Sandøy, Roar;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
Occurrence of iron in industrial granitic pegmatite.
Minerals Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hestnes, Kristin Husebø;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
Quantitative mineral characterization of granite pegmatite using Topas Rietveld XRD refinement.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Castro, Nélia Sofia Cardoso;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Broekmans, Maarten A.T.M.
Assessment of Individual ASR-Aggregate Particles by XRD.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Hestnes, Kristin Husebø;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
Evaluation of quantitative X-ray diffraction for possible use in the quality control of granitic pegmatite in mineral production.
Minerals Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Castro, Nélia Sofia Cardoso;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Broekmans, Maarten A.T.M.
Quantitative assessment of alkali-reactive aggregate mineral content through XRD using polished sections as a supplementary tool to RILEM AAR-1 (petrographic method).
Cement and Concrete Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Castro, Nélia Sofia Cardoso;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Broekmans, Maarten A.T.M.
Assessment of individual ASR-aggregate particles by XRD.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Gaal, Sean;
Ringdalen, Eli;
Tangstad, Merete;
Kononov, Ring;
Ostrovski, Oleg.
Phase compositions of manganese ores and their change in the process of calcination.
International Journal of Mineral Processing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Gaal, S.;
Tangstad, Merete;
Ringdalen, Eli;
Kononov, Ring;
Ostrovski, Oleg.
Properties of manganese ores and their change in the process of calcination.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
B. Larsen, Rune.
Coupled trace element mobilisation and strain softening in quartz during retrograde fluid infiltration in dry granulite protoliths.
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
B. Larsen, Rune.
Origin and implications of zoned amphiboles and other hydrous silicates during aqueous brine infiltration in the Bamble mega shearzone, S-Norway.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
B. Larsen, Rune;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Müller, Axel.
Formation and cross cumulus migration of residual melts in the Skaergagaard Intrusion, East Greenland.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Larsen, R.B.;
Austrheim, Håkon.
Metamorphic refinement of quartz under the influence of fluids during exhumation with reference to the metamorphic/metasomatic evolution observed in amphibolites.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (146)
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
Coupled Trace Element Mobilisation and Strain Softening in Quartz during Retrograde Fluid Infiltration in Dry High-temperature Quartz-bearing Rocks.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
Quantitative interpretation of fluid-dependant mineral equilibria in complex calcsilicate rocks.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Larsen, Rune Berg;
Ihlen, Peter;
Jacamon, Francois Pierre;
Müller, Axel;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
Abstracts with programs (Geological Society of America)
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Austrheim, Håkon;
Larsen, Rune Berg.
Fluid-related recovery and deformation textures in quartz in partly retrogressed high-grade quartzites from the Bamble sector.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
Fluid related recovery and deformation textures in quartz in partly retroregressed high grade quartzites from the Bamble sector.
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
Fluid-related recovry and deformation textures in partly retrogressed high-grade quartzites from the Bamble sector.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Manataki, Andriani;
Hmadeh, Lewaa;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Kontis, Paraskevas;
Sangesland, Sigbjørn.
The effect of well temperature on the microstructure and the mechanical performance of bismuth-based plugs in well plugging and abandonment operations.
Geoenergy Science and Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ryan, Eric James;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Fichler, Christine Susanne Carola;
B. Larsen, Rune;
Gresseth, Julie Linnea Sehested;
Bjørlykke, Arne.
Fault linkage on southeastern Bjørnøya: Implications for structural interpretations surrounding fertile ore-forming fault systems offshore.
Norwegian Journal of Geology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nikolaisen, Even;
Harrison, Richard John;
Fabian, Karl;
Church, Nathan Stewart;
McEnroe, Suzanne;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
Hysteresis parameters and magnetic anisotropy of silicate-hosted magnetite exsolutions.
Geophysical Journal International
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Orvik, Alf Andre;
Slagstad, Trond;
Hansen, Harald;
Nilsson, Lars Petter;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
The Palaeoproterozoic Gallujavri Ultramafic Intrusion, Karasjok Greenstone Belt; Petrogenesis of a Trans-Crustal Magma System.
Journal of Petrology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
manuel, curzi;
Caracausi, Antonio;
Rossetti, Federico;
Rabiee, Ahmad;
Billi, Andrea;
Carminati, Eugenio.
From Fossil to Active Hydrothermal Outflow in the Back-Arc of the Central Apennines (Zannone Island, Italy).
Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Giuntoli, Francesco;
Viola, Giulio;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
Deformation Mechanisms of Blueschist Facies Continental Metasediments May Offer Insights Into Deep Episodic Tremor and Slow Slip Events.
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Solid Earth
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ryan, Eric James;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Drivenes, Kristian;
B. Larsen, Rune.
Infiltration of volatile-rich mafic melt in lower crustal peridotites provokes lower crustal earthquakes.
Journal of Structural Geology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Orvik, Alf Andre;
Slagstad, Trond;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Millar, Ian;
Hansen, Harald.
Evolution of the Gállojávri ultramafic intrusion from U-Pb zircon ages and Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf isotope systematics.
Precambrian Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Selen, Lena;
Panthi, Krishna Kanta;
Mørk, Mai Britt Engeness;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
Compositional Features and Swelling Potential of Two Weak Rock Types Affecting Their Slake Durability.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Granseth, Anette;
Slagstad, Trond;
Roberts, Nick M.W.;
Hagen-Peter, Graham;
Kirkland, Christopher L.;
Møkkelgjerd, Steinar Halvdan Hansen.
Multi-isotope tracing of the 1.3–0.9 Ga evolution of Fennoscandia; crustal growth during the Sveconorwegian orogeny.
Gondwana Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ryan, Eric James;
Papeschi, S.;
Viola, G.;
Musumeci, Giovanni;
Mazzarini, Francesco;
Torgersen, E..
Syn-Orogenic Exhumation of High-P Units by Upward Extrusion in an Accretionary Wedge: Insights From the Eastern Elba Nappe Stack (Northern Apennines, Italy).
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Granseth, Anette;
Slagstad, Trond;
Coint, Nolwenn;
Roberts, Nick MW;
Røhr, Torkil Sørlie;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
Tectonomagmatic evolution of the Sveconorwegian orogen recorded in the chemical and isotopic compositions of 1070?920?Ma granitoids.
Precambrian Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mena Silva, Camilo Andres;
Ellefmo, Steinar Løve;
Sandøy, Roar;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Aasly, Kurt.
A neural network approach for spatial variation assessment – A nepheline syenite case study.
Minerals Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Hjelen, Jarle;
Ånes, Håkon Wiik;
Breivik, Torkjell.
Recent features in EBSD, including new trapezoidal correction for multi-mapping.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Slagstad, Trond;
Marker, Mogens;
Roberts, Nick M.W.;
Saalmann, Kerstin;
Kirkland, Christopher L.;
Kulakov, Evgeniy.
The Sveconorwegian orogeny – reamalgamation of the fragmented southwestern margin of Fennoscandia.
Precambrian Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ånes, Håkon Wiik;
Hjelen, Jarle;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Marthinsen, Knut.
Processing and indexing of electron backscatter patterns using open-source software.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Dijkstra, Hans;
Drivenes, Kristian;
Matthews, Michael B.;
Richter, Silvia.
16th European Workshop on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis (EMAS 2019) Trondheim, Norway, 19-23 May 2019.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Grant, Thomas;
Ryan, Eric James;
B. Larsen, Rune.
in situ evidence of earthquakes near the crust mantle boundary initiated by mantle co2 fluxing and reaction-driven strain softening.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mena Silva, Camilo Andrés;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Aasly, Kurt;
Ellefmo, Steinar Løve.
Geometallurgical Approach to the Element-to-Mineral Conversion for the Nabbaren Nepheline Syenite Deposit.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Slagstad, Trond;
Roberts, Nick M.W.;
Coint, Nolwenn.;
Høy, Ingjerd Ulsaker;
Sauer, Simone;
Kirkland, CL.
Magma-driven, high-grade metamorphism in the Sveconorwegian Province, southwest Norway, during the terminal stages of Fennoscandian Shield evolution.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
B. Larsen, Rune;
Grant, Thomas;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Tegner, Christian;
McEnroe, Suzanne;
Pastore, Zeudia.
Portrait of a giant deep-seated magmatic conduit system: The Seiland Igneous Province.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Cepuritis, Rolands;
Garboczi, Edward J.;
Ferraris, Chiara F.;
Jacobsen, Stefan;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
Measurement of particle size distribution and specific surface area for crushed concrete aggregate fines.
Advanced Powder Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Drivenes, Kristian;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
B. Larsen, Rune.
Orogenic degassing, scapolitization and K-metasomatism during Caledonian exhumation, Helgeland, Norway.
Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Drivenes, Kristian;
B. Larsen, Rune;
Müller, Axel Bernd;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
Crystallization and uplift path of late Variscan granites evidenced by quartz chemistry and fluid inclusions: Example from the Land's End granite, SW England.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Drivenes, Kristian;
B. Larsen, Rune;
Müller, Axel;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Wiedenbeck, Michael;
Raanes, Morten Peder.
Late-magmatic immiscibility during batholith formation: assessment of B isotopes and trace elements in tourmaline from the Land’s End granite, SW England.
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kjøll, Hans Jørgen;
Viola, Giulio;
Menegon, Luca;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
Brittle-viscous deformation of vein quartz under fluid-rich lower greenschist facies conditions.
Solid Earth (SE)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Coint, N;
Slagstad, Trond;
Roberts, Nick M.W.;
Marker, M.;
Røhr, Torkil Sørlie;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
The Late Mesoproterozoic Sirdal Magmatic Belt, SW Norway: Relationships between magmatism and metamorphism and implications for Sveconorwegian orogenesis.
Precambrian Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
A revised Michel Lévy interference colour chart based on first-principles calculations.
European journal of mineralogy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hestnes, Kristin Husebø;
Aasly, Kurt;
Sandøy, Roar;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
Occurrence of iron in industrial granitic pegmatite.
Minerals Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hestnes, Kristin Husebø;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
Evaluation of quantitative X-ray diffraction for possible use in the quality control of granitic pegmatite in mineral production.
Minerals Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Castro, Nélia Sofia Cardoso;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Broekmans, Maarten A.T.M.
Quantitative assessment of alkali-reactive aggregate mineral content through XRD using polished sections as a supplementary tool to RILEM AAR-1 (petrographic method).
Cement and Concrete Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Gaal, Sean;
Ringdalen, Eli;
Tangstad, Merete;
Kononov, Ring;
Ostrovski, Oleg.
Phase compositions of manganese ores and their change in the process of calcination.
International Journal of Mineral Processing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
B. Larsen, Rune.
Coupled trace element mobilisation and strain softening in quartz during retrograde fluid infiltration in dry granulite protoliths.
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
B. Larsen, Rune.
Origin and implications of zoned amphiboles and other hydrous silicates during aqueous brine infiltration in the Bamble mega shearzone, S-Norway.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
B. Larsen, Rune;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Müller, Axel.
Formation and cross cumulus migration of residual melts in the Skaergagaard Intrusion, East Greenland.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Larsen, Rune Berg;
Ihlen, Peter;
Jacamon, Francois Pierre;
Müller, Axel;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
Abstracts with programs (Geological Society of America)
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Austrheim, Håkon;
Larsen, Rune Berg.
Fluid-related recovery and deformation textures in quartz in partly retrogressed high-grade quartzites from the Bamble sector.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Del av bok/rapport
Hestnes, Kristin Husebø;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
Quantitative mineral characterization of granite pegmatite using Topas Rietveld XRD refinement.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Castro, Nélia Sofia Cardoso;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Broekmans, Maarten A.T.M.
Assessment of Individual ASR-Aggregate Particles by XRD.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Castro, Nélia Sofia Cardoso;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Broekmans, Maarten A.T.M.
Assessment of individual ASR-aggregate particles by XRD.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Gaal, S.;
Tangstad, Merete;
Ringdalen, Eli;
Kononov, Ring;
Ostrovski, Oleg.
Properties of manganese ores and their change in the process of calcination.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
Coupled Trace Element Mobilisation and Strain Softening in Quartz during Retrograde Fluid Infiltration in Dry High-temperature Quartz-bearing Rocks.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
Quantitative interpretation of fluid-dependant mineral equilibria in complex calcsilicate rocks.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
Fluid related recovery and deformation textures in quartz in partly retroregressed high grade quartzites from the Bamble sector.
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
Fluid-related recovry and deformation textures in partly retrogressed high-grade quartzites from the Bamble sector.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Granseth, Anette;
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske.
Tectonomagmatic Evolution of the Sveconorwegian Orogen: Insights from Geochemical and Isotopic Data.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2022/123)
Sørensen, Bjørn Eske;
Larsen, R.B.;
Austrheim, Håkon.
Metamorphic refinement of quartz under the influence of fluids during exhumation with reference to the metamorphic/metasomatic evolution observed in amphibolites.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (146)
- TGB4266 - Tektonikk
- TGB4950 - Mineralproduksjon og teknisk ressursgeologi, masteroppgave
- TGB4585 - Mineralproduksjon og teknisk ressursgeologi, fordypningsemne
- GEOL3095 - Masteroppgave i geologi
- TGB4130 - Petrologi
- TGB4295 - Kvantitativ mineralogi
- GEOL3093 - Spesialpensum til masteroppgaven/særpensum
- GEOL3092 - Spesialpensum til masteroppgaven/særpensum
- TGB4120 - Malmforekomst genese
- GB8201 - Tektonikk
- TGB4127 - Mineralogi, videregående kurs
- TGB4115 - Mineralforekomstgeologi
- TGB4126 - Mineralogi, grunnkurs
- GB8402 - Prosessmineralogi, videregående kurs
- GB8106 - Malmforekomst genese
- GB8107 - Mineralogi, videregående kurs
Vitenskapelig foredragStørdal, Kine; Slagstad, Trond; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; Felix, Maarten; Saalmann, Kerstin. (2023) Provenance of the late Neoproterozoic Vestertana Group, Finnmark. NGF Winter conference 2023-01-04 - 2023-01-06
Vitenskapelig foredragOrvik, Alf Andre; Slagstad, Trond; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; Teixeira Mansur, Eduardo. (2023) Petrogenesis of the Gállojávri ultramafic intrusion, Norway: Implications for the mineral potential of a transcrustal conduit system in the Karasjok Greenstone belt. Geological Society of Norway 35th Geological winter meeting , NTNU, Trondheim 2023-01-04 - 2023-01-06
Vitenskapelig foredragSørensen, Bjørn Eske; Ryan, Eric James; B. Larsen, Rune; Grant, Thomas. (2022) Infiltration of volatile-rich mafic melt in lower crustal peridotites provokes deep earthquakes, initiates km scale shearzones and volatile transfer from the lower crust to the atmosphere. European Geological Union EGU general assembly in Vienna , Wien 2022-05-23 - 2022-05-27
Vitenskapelig foredragSørensen, Bjørn Eske. (2022) MTEX a versatile toolbox for the geologist enabling better implementation of crystallography and texture analysis in teaching and research. TU freiberg MTEX user meeting in Freiberg , Freiberg/online 2022-03-28 - 2022-03-31
Vitenskapelig foredragOrvik, Alf Andre; Slagstad, Trond; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; Mansur, Eduardo T.; Lode, Stefanie; Drivenes, Kristian. (2022) Ore mineral (+PGM) characterisation and the distribution of chalcophile elements: A Gállojávri Ultramafic Intrusion case study. Norsk Bergforening MiMaC – kritiske råmaterialer primære og sekundære ressurser , Trondheim 2022-05-19 - 2022-05-20
PosterB. Larsen, Rune; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; Planke, Sverre; Tegner, Christian; Grant, Thomas. (2021) Untold Tales From the Deep Dark Crust: Understanding the Lower Crustal Architecture of a LIP Forming System. American Geophysical Union American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting , New Orleans 2021-12-11 - 2021-12-18
Vitenskapelig foredragRyan, Eric James; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; B. Larsen, Rune; Drivenes, Kristian. (2021) The Development of Shear Zones in a Lower Crustal Continental Rift Zone. American Geophysical Union American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting , New Orleans 2021-12-11 - 2021-12-18
Vitenskapelig foredragSørensen, Bjørn Eske; Ryan, Eric James; B. Larsen, Rune; Drivenes, Kristian; Grant, Thomas. (2021) Effect of volume expansion on style of mineral reactions during mixed-volatile infiltration in ultramafic-mafic rocks from the Reinfjord lower crustal field laboratory . American Geophysical Union American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting , New Orleans 2021-12-11 - 2021-12-18
PosterÅnes, Håkon Wiik; Hjelen, Jarle; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Marthinsen, Knut. (2019) Processing and Indexing of Electron Backscatter Patterns Using Open-Source Software. European Microbeam Analysis Society EMAS 2019 - 16th European Workshop on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis , Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Trondheim 2019-05-19 - 2019-05-23
Vitenskapelig foredragB. Larsen, Rune; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; Nikolaisen, Even. (2019) Formation and disruption of Cu-Ni-PGE deposits in a giant deep-seated mafic-ultramafic conduit system. Socity for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (SGA) 15th SGA Biennial Meeting, 2019 , Glasgow 2019-08-27 - 2019-08-30
PosterDrivenes, Kristian; Brownscombe, william; B. Larsen, Rune; Seltmann, Reimar; Spratt, John; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske. (2019) CHARACTERIZATION OF MAGMATIC-HYDROTHERMAL TOURMALINE FROM THE LAND’S END GRANITE – GOING FROM METERS TO MICRONS. European Microbeam Analysis Society EMAS 2019 - 16th European Workshop on MODERN DEVELOPMENTS AND APPLICATIONS IN MICROBEAM ANALYSIS , Trondheim 2019-05-19 - 2019-05-23
PosterDrivenes, Kristian; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; Antao, Sytle; Brownscombe, William; Debuhr, Chris; Raanes, Morten Peder. (2019) Can cassiterite be orthorombic or monoclinic? Examples from a Sn-bearing quartz-tourmaline rock in SW England. Norsk Geologisk Forening Vinterkonferansen , Berge 2019-01-07 - 2019-01-09
Vitenskapelig foredragDrivenes, Kristian; Brownscombe, William; B. Larsen, Rune; Seltmann, Reimar; Spratt, John; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske. (2019) Using tourmaline as a guide to the magmatic-hydrothermal transition in the Land’s End granite: Optical properties, mineral chemistry, microtextures, and field relations . Norsk Geologisk Forening Vinterkonferansen , Bergen 2019-01-07 - 2019-01-09
Vitenskapelig foredragDrivenes, Kristian; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; Antao, Sytle; Brownscombe, William; Debuhr, Chris; Raanes, Morten Peder. (2019) Zoning in cassiterite: Sectors or twins?. Australian Microbeam Analysis Society Australian Microbeam Analysis Society XV - The Fifteenth Biennial Symposium , Melbourn 2019-02-11 - 2019-02-15
Vitenskapelig foredragRyan, Eric James; Fichler, Christine; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; Larsen, Rune B.; Viola, Giulio. (2019) Onshore – Offshore correlation of mineral systems along the Norwegian Continental Shelf: A first look. Norges geologiske forening Vinterkonferansen , Bergen 2019-01-07 - 2019-01-09
Vitenskapelig foredragRyan, Eric James; Viola, Giulio; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske. (2019) Structural Evolution of the Eastern Elba Nappe Stack, innermost Northern Apennines, Central Italy. Norges geologiske forening Vinterkonferansen , Bergen 2019-01-07 - 2019-01-09
Vitenskapelig foredragSørensen, Bjørn Eske; Hielscher, Ralf; Mainprice, David. (2019) Optical modelling of crystallographical data from EBSD and 3D visualization of optical properties from first principles calculations. Norsk Geologisk Forening Geologisk Vintermøte , Bergen 2019-01-07 - 2019-01-09
Vitenskapelig foredragÅnes, Håkon Wiik; Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Christiansen, Emil; Østerhus, Vetle Rundestad; Asheim, Kristin Grue; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske. (2019) New possibilities from electron diffraction in SEM/TEM . Norges geologiske undersøkelse MiMaC seminar , Trondheim 2019-12-02 - 2019-12-02
Vitenskapelig foredragB. Larsen, Rune; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; Grant, Thomas; Voll, Monika; tollefsrud, lars. (2019) Importance of deep-seated ultramafic magma-reservoirs in conditioning for Cu-Ni-PGE formation in upper-crustal mafic-ultramafic formations. Norsk Geologisk Forening Geologisk Vintermøte , Bergen 2019-01-07 - 2019-01-09
Vitenskapelig foredragSørensen, Bjørn Eske; Grant, Thomas; B. Larsen, Rune; Ryan, Eric James; Voll, Monika. (2019) Strain localization induced by late magmatic flux and reaction-driven strain softening, effects of primary mineralogy on the rheological response during reaction. Norsk Geologisk Forening Geologisk Vintermøte , Bergen 2019-01-07 - 2019-01-09
PosterSørensen, Bjørn Eske; B. Larsen, Rune; Grant, Thomas; Ryan, Eric James; Orvik, Alf Andre; Sakariassen, Jørgen. (2019) Impact of volatiles and variations in local bulk composition on deformation and magma emplacement processes in the deep crust and upper mantle parts of continental rift systems. AGU AGU 2019 fall meeting , San Francisco 2019-12-09 - 2019-12-13
Vitenskapelig foredragMonika, Voll; B. Larsen, Rune; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske. (2019) Sulfide mineralizations in the deep rooted Reinfjord ultramafic complex, Nord-Troms. Norsk Geologisk Forening Geologisk Vintermøte , Bergen 2019-01-07 - 2019-01-09
PosterB. Larsen, Rune; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; Nikolaisen, Even; Orvik, Alf Andre; Ryan, Eric James. (2019) Asthenospheric Mafic-Ultramafic Melts are Dripping Wet at Emplacement in the Deep Lithosphere. Evidence From the Ediacaran age Seiland Igneous Province, N. Norway. AGU AGU 2019 fall meeting , San Francisco 2019-12-09 - 2020-01-13
PosterNymoen, Kristine Glomsås; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; Slagstad, Trond; Coint, Nolwenn. (2019) Svecofennian tectonomagmatic evolution at the SW margin of Fennoscandia; central West Troms Basement Complex, Troms, Norway. Norsk Geologisk Forening Geologisk Vintermøte , Bergen 2019-01-07 - 2019-01-09
Vitenskapelig foredragorvik, Alf Andre; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; B. Larsen, Rune; Slagstad, Trond. (2019) The dyke swarm in the Reinfjord Ultramafic Complex: a window in to the terminal stages forming the Seiland Igneous Province, N. Norway. Norsk Geologisk Forening Geologisk Vintermøte , Bergen 2019-01-07 - 2019-01-09
Vitenskapelig foredragSørensen, Bjørn Eske; Hjelen, Jarle; Ånes, Håkon Wiik; Breivik, Torkjell; Brisset, Francois. (2019) Recent features in EBSD, including new trapezoidal correction for multi-mapping. EMAS EMAS 2019 16th EUROPEAN WORKSHOP on MODERN DEVELOPMENTS AND APPLICATIONS IN MICROBEAM ANALYSIS , Trondheim 2019-05-19 - 2019-05-23
PosterSakariassen, Jørgen; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; B. Larsen, Rune; Drivenes, Kristian. (2019) The importance of early generation dykes in the Upper Layered Series of the Reinfjord Ultramafic Complex in understanding the intrusive history of the Central Series replacive dunites. Norsk Geologisk Forening Geologisk Vintermøte , Bergen 2019-01-07 - 2019-01-09
PosterMøkkellgjerd, Steinar Halvdan Hansen; Slagstad, Trond; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; Granseth, Anette. (2019) High-grade metamorphic and magmatic evolution near Mandal, VestAgder; a key area for elucidating Sveconorwegian orogenesis. Norsk Geologisk Forening Geologisk Vintermøte , Bergen 2019-01-07 - 2019-01-09
Vitenskapelig foredragRyan, Eric James; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; B. Larsen, Rune. (2019) Understanding Sulfide Mineralization in the Reinfjord Ultramafic Complex: Field study, microanalysis and thermodynamic modeling. AGU AGU 2019 fall meeting , San Francisco 2019-12-09 - 2019-12-13
Vitenskapelig foredragDrivenes, Kristian; Brownscombe, William; B. Larsen, Rune; Seltmann, Reimar; Spratt, John; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske. (2018) COMBINING OPTICAL PROPERTIES, MINERAL CHEMISTRY, MICROTEXTURES, AND FIELD RELATIONS OF TOURMALINE TO TRACK THE MAGMATIC-HYDROTHERMAL TRANSITION. Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting 2018-11-04 - 2018-11-08
PosterDrivenes, Kristian; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; Brownscombe, William; Raanes, Morten Peder; Seltmann, Reimar; Spratt, John. (2018) ZONING IN CASSITERITE – A MULTIANALYTICAL APPROACH. European Microbeam Analysis Society European Microbeam Analysis Society workshop , Bristol 2018-09-04 - 2018-09-07
PosterDrivenes, Kristian; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; Brownscombe, William; Raanes, Morten Peder; Seltmann, Reimar; Spratt, John. (2018) Zoned cassiterite from SW England – an example of orthorombic or monoclinic SnO2? . Geological Society of America Geological Society of America Annual Meeting , Indianapolis 2018-11-04 - 2018-11-08
PosterKleppen, Jannicke; Westermann, Ida; Karlsen, Morten; Yu, Yingda; Breivik, Torkjell; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske. (2018) Quantification of the Sigma Phase in Super Duplex Stainless Steel by Scanning Electron Microscopy. SCANDEM SCANDEM 2018 , Copenhagen 2018-06-25 - 2018-06-28
Vitenskapelig foredragDrivenes, Kristian; B. Larsen, Rune; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; Hughes, Sam. (2018) Tourmaline textures and structures as an indicator of the magmatic-hydrothermal transition in the Land's End granite. The Ussher Society Ussher Society Annual Meeting 2018 , Falmouth 2018-01-04 - 2018-01-06
Vitenskapelig foredragDrivenes, Kristian; B. Larsen, Rune; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; Hughes, Sam. (2018) Tourmaline textures and structures as a tracer for the magmatic-hydrothermal transition in SW England. DGF Nordic Geological Winter Meeting 2018 , København 2018-01-10 - 2018-01-12
Vitenskapelig foredragRingdalen, Eli; Solheim, Ingeborg; Anacleto, N.M; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; Ostrovski, Oleg. (2018) Reduction of chromium oxide and ore by methane-containing gas mixtures. SAIMM- Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Infacon XV: International Ferro-Alloys Congress , Cape Town 2018-02-25 - 2018-02-28
Vitenskapelig foredragSørensen, Bjørn Eske; Hielscher, Ralf; Mainprice, David. (2018) Linking EBSD and optical microscope through optical modelling of crystallographical data from EBSD. EMAS og Mineralogical Society EMAS 2018 Microbeam Analysis in the Earth Sciences , Bristol 2018-09-04 - 2018-09-07
Vitenskapelig foredragNikolaisen, Even; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; B. Larsen, Rune; Grant, Thomas. (2018) Platinum Group Minerals in the Reinfjord Ultramafic Complex. 33rd Nordic Geological Winter Meeting 2018-01-10 - 2018-01-12
Vitenskapelig foredragReinhard, Frederik Valentin; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; B. Larsen, Rune; Wagner, Thomas. (2018) Late magmatic-hydrothermal alteration and deformation of ultramafic rocks and dikes from the Reinfjord Ultramafic Complex. 33rd Nordic Geological Winter Meeting 2018-01-10 - 2018-01-12
Vitenskapelig foredragDrivenes, Kristian; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; Snook, Ben; Aasly, Kurt. (2018) Microtexture mineral analyses – a preparatory stage in SMS mineral processing . Underwater Mining Conference 2018 2018-09-10 - 2018-09-14
Populærvitenskapelig foredragMena Silva, Camilo Andrés; Aasly, Kurt; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; Ellefmo, Steinar Løve; Sandøy, Roar. (2018) Influence of mineral chemistry and the impact in geometallurgy. IOM Communications Ltd. Geometallurgy 2018 , London 2018-04-19 - 2018-04-20
Vitenskapelig foredragB. Larsen, Rune; Grant, Thomas; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; McEnroe, Suzanne; Tegner, Christian. (2018) Deep crustal homogenization of diverse mafic and ultramafic LIPforming mantle melts: Lessons from the Ediacaran Seiland Igneous Province (SIP), Norway. Geological Society of Denmark Nordic Geological Winter Meeting 2018-12-09 - 2018-12-12
PosterOrvik, Alf Andre; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; B. Larsen, Rune; Grant, Thomas. (2018) Chronology and geochemical and structural evolution of dykes intruding the Reinfjord ultramafic to mafic intrusion in the Seiland Igneous Province. Geological Society of Denmarklogical Society of Denmark Nordic Geological Winter Meeting 2018-01-09 - 2018-01-12
Vitenskapelig foredragTollefsrud, Lars; B. Larsen, Rune; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske. (2018) Platinum Group Element Mineralization of the RF-4 drill core, Reinfjord Ultramafic Complex, Troms, Norway. Geological Society of Denmark Nordic Geological Winter Meeting 2018-01-09 - 2018-01-12
Vitenskapelig foredragSørensen, Bjørn Eske; Grant, Thomas; B. Larsen, Rune. (2018) Record of a Lower Crustal Fossil Earthquake Initiated by CO2 Flux and Reaction-driven Strain Softening. Geological Society of Denmark Nordic Geological Winter Meeting 2018-01-09 - 2018-01-12
Vitenskapelig foredragSørensen, Bjørn Eske; Drivenes, Kristian; Noltze, Gert. (2018) CHARACTERISING MINERAL REPLACEMENTS REACTIONS IN CU-FE-ZN-S MINERALS FROM THE ARCTIC MID-OCEAN RIDGE USING SEM, EBSD AND OPTICAL MICROSCOPY. Dansk Geologisk Forening Nordic Geological Winter Meeting , Copenhagen 2018-01-10 - 2018-01-12
PosterSørensen, Bjørn Eske; Drivenes, Kristian; Nolze, Gert. (2017) Distinguishing fine intergrowths in Cu-Fe-Zn-S minerals from the Arctic Mid-Ocean ridge using SEM, EBSD and optical microscopy. Geological Society of America Geological Society of America annual meeting 2017 , Seattle 2017-10-22 - 2017-10-25
Vitenskapelig foredragDrivenes, Kristian; B. Larsen, Rune; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; Hughes, Sam. (2017) Tourmaline textures in the Land's End granite, SW England - A stroll through the magmatic-hydrothermal transition. Geological Society of America Geological Society of America annual meeting , Seattle 2017-10-22 - 2017-10-25
PosterYu, Yingda; Brisset, Francois; Breivik, Torkjell; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; Menard, Jean-claude; Hjelen, Jarle. (2017) Stitching of large areas distortion corrected EBSD maps. Shanghai Jiaotong university The 6th Chinese–Norwegian Symposium on Light Metals and New Energy , Shanghai Jiaotong university 2017-12-03 - 2017-12-05
Vitenskapelig foredragSørensen, Bjørn Eske; David, Mainprice; Ralf, Hielcher. (2017) Geology in MTEX, optical microsscopy teaching and tool for teaching optical crystallography, linking orientation data to optical microscopy. Ralf Hielscher, TU Cheminitz 2017 annual MTEX user meeting , Chemitz 2017-02-06 - 2017-02-10
Vitenskapelig foredragSørensen, Bjørn Eske; Grant, Thomas; Larsen, Rune. (2017) STRAIN LOCALIZATION INDUCED BY LATE-MAGMATIC CO2 FLUX AND REACTION-DRIVEN STRAIN SOFTENING. GSA 2017 GSA meeting in Seattle , Seattle 2017-10-22 - 2017-10-25
Vitenskapelig foredragSørensen, Bjørn Eske. (2017) XRD measurements on chrushed aggregate fines. Rolands Ceprutis and Stefan Jacobsen Workshop for “MiKS”-project Characterisation, properties and utilisation of aggregate fines , NTNU 2017-11-22 - 2017-11-23
Vitenskapelig foredragB. Larsen, Rune; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; McEnroe, Suzanne; Tegner, Christian; Pastore, Zeudia. (2017) Ore-Forming processes in a Deep-Crustal Ultramafic Conduit System. The Seiland Igneous Province, North Norway. Norsk Geolgisk Forening Arctic days , Svolvær, Lofoten 2017-05-30 - 2017-06-02
Vitenskapelig foredragGrant, Thomas; McEnroe, Suzanne; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; B. Larsen, Rune; Pastore, Zeudia; Grannes, Kim Rune Bragstad. (2017) Serpentinization and carbonation of pristine continental ultramafic rocks and applications to the oceanic crust; H2O-CO2 alteration of dunites and re-distribution of Ni-Cu-PGE in sulphide deposits. EGU EGU , Veinna 2017-04-23 - 2017-04-28
Vitenskapelig foredragBrisset, Francois; Breivik, Torkjell; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; Yu, Yingda; mennard, jean claude; Hjelen, Jarle. (2017) Large area EBSD scans with distortion correction. EMAS og IUMAS EMAS 2017 - 15th European Workshop on MODERN DEVELOPMENTS AND APPLICATIONS IN MICROBEAM ANALYSIS and IUMAS-7 Meeting , Konstanz, Germany 2017-05-07 - 2017-05-11
Vitenskapelig foredragBrisset, Francois; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; Hjelen, Jarle; Yu, Yingda; Breivik, Torkjell; mennard, jean claude. (2017) LARGE AREA EBSD SCANS WITH DISTORTION CORRECTIONS. ICOTOM 18th International Conference on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM-18), St George, Utah, USA, November 6-10, 2017. , St George, Utah, USA 2017-11-06 - 2017-11-10
Vitenskapelig foredragSørensen, Bjørn Eske; Breivik, Torkjell; Larsen, Rune; Grant, Thomas; Yu, Yingda; Hjelen, Jarle. (2016) Advantages of Offline EBSD On Geological Samples. SACANDEM 2016 , Trondheim 2016-06-07 - 2016-06-10
PosterDrivenes, Kristian; B. Larsen, Rune; Muller, Axel; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; Wiedenbeck, Michael; Raanes, Morten Peder. (2014) Quartz-tourmaline orbicules: Record of magmatic melt immiscibility in the Land’s End granite. Ussher Society The Ussher Society Geoscience in South-West England 53rd Annual Conference , Weston-super-Mare 2014-01-02 - 2014-01-05
PosterDrivenes, Kristian; B. Larsen, Rune; Muller, Axel; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; Wiedenbeck, Michael; Raanes, Morten Peder. (2014) Quartz-tourmaline orbicules: Record of magmatic melt immiscibility in the Land's End granite, SW England. European Geosciences Union EGU European Geosciences Union General Assembly , Vienna 2014-04-27 - 2014-05-02
Vitenskapelig foredragSørensen, Bjørn Eske; Kjøll, Hans Jørgen. (2013) FORMATION OF PARTING IN QUARTZ. Geological Society of America GSA annual meeting , Denver 2013-10-27 - 2013-10-30
Vitenskapelig foredragSørensen, Bjørn Eske. (2012) A revised Michel Lévy interference color chart, based on first principles calculations. JARÐFRÆÐAFÉLAG ÍSLANDS 30th Geological Winther Meeting 2012-01-09 - 2012-01-12
Vitenskapelig foredragDrivenes, Kristian; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; B. Larsen, Rune. (2012) Small scale metasomatism of mafic gneiss in the Norwegian Caledonides associated with brine infiltration – Fluid inclusions, SEM-CL and mineralogical record of the fluid infiltration. 30th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting , Reykjavik 2012-01-09 - 2012-01-12
Vitenskapelig foredragDrivenes, Kristian; B. Larsen, Rune; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske. (2012) Base and precious metal mineralization associated with the regional Møre – Trøndelag fault zone. Geological Association of Canada + MAC GAC-MAC Annual meeting , St John's 2012-05-27 - 2012-05-29
Vitenskapelig foredragSørensen, Bjørn Eske. (2012) Reproducing interference colors of common minerals- combining color theory and optical crystallography. Agu fall meeting 2012-12-02 - 2012-12-07
Vitenskapelig foredragSørensen, Bjørn Eske. (2012) A REVISED MICHEL LéVY INTERFERENCE COLOR CHART BASED ON FIRST PRINCIPLES CALCULATIONS. Geological society of America GSA annual meeting , Charlotte, North Carolina 2012-11-04 - 2012-11-08
PosterSørensen, Bjørn Eske; Raanes, Morten Peder; Yu, Yingda; Hjelen, Jarle; Dall, Wilhelm. (2012) Texture characterization of quartz defects by combinding EPMA-cathodoluminescence and SEM-electron back scattering diffraction techniques. RMS IFSM 15th European Microscopy Congress , Manchester, UK 2012-09-16 - 2012-09-21
Vitenskapelig foredragSørensen, Bjørn Eske; Raanes, Morten Peder; Yu, Yingda. (2011) Characterization of Arendal quartz by combining EPMA Cathodoluminescence and SEM Electron Back-Scattering Diffraction Analyses. Microbeam Analysis Society (MAS) MSA Topical Conference , National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 2011-10-24 - 2011-10-28
Vitenskapelig foredragHestnes, Kristin Husebø; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske. (2011) Quantitative Mineral Characterization of Granitic Pegmatite Using Topas Rietveld XRD Refinement. International congress of applied mineralogy, ICAM 2011-08-01 - 2011-08-05
Vitenskapelig foredragDrivenes, Kristian; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; B. Larsen, Rune. (2011) Metasomatism of mafic gneiss in association with brine infiltration - Fluid inclusions, SEM-CL and mineralogical record of the fluid infiltration. Geological society of America 2011 GSA annual meeting , Minneapolis 2011-10-09 - 2011-10-12
Vitenskapelig foredragSørensen, Bjørn Eske; Gaal, S.; Tangstad, Merete; Ringdalen, Eli; Kononov, Ring; Ostrovski, Oleg. (2010) Properties of manganese ores and their change in the process of calcination. Outotec Infacon XII 2010-06-06 - 2010-06-09
Vitenskapelig foredragB. Larsen, Rune; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske. (2009) Auto replenishment of residual melt batches in the Skaergaard Intrusion. University of California Davis The Skaergaard Working Group , Davis, California 2009-12-10 -
Vitenskapelig foredragSørensen, Bjørn Eske; B. Larsen, Rune. (2009) Origin and implications of zoned amphiboles and other hydrous silicates during aqueous brine infiltration in the Bamble mega shearzone, S-Norway. AGU 2009 fall meeting 2009-12-13 - 2009-12-18
Vitenskapelig foredragSørensen, Bjørn Eske; B. Larsen, Rune. (2009) The origin and significance of zonation in amphiboles and other hydrous minerals in amphibolites affected by infiltrating aqueous brines, the Bamble sector South Norway. Norsk Geologisk Forening Vinterkonferansen 2009 , Bergen 2009-01-13 - 2009-01-15
Vitenskapelig foredragB. Larsen, Rune; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske; Müller, Axel. (2009) Timing, formation and mobility of melano granophyric liquids in the Skaergaard Intrusion. American Geophysical Union American geophysical Union fall meeting , San Francisco, USA 2009-12-12 - 2010-06-12
Vitenskapelig foredragB. Larsen, Rune; Sørensen, Bjørn Eske. (2008) Keynote: IGNEOUS AND HYDROTHERMAL REFINEMENT OF QUARTZ RAW-MATERIALS. University of Ålborg Nordic Geolgical Wintermeeting , Ålborge 2008-01-07 - 2008-01-10
Vitenskapelig foredragSørensen, Bjørn Eske. (2008) Coupled trace element mobilisation and strain softening in quartz during retrograde fluid infiltration in dry granulite protoliths. Ålborg University Nordic Geological Winter Meeting , Ålborg 2008-01-07 - 2008-01-10
Vitenskapelig foredragSørensen, Bjørn Eske. (2008) Coupled trace element mobilisation and strain softening in quartz during retrograde fluid infiltration in dry granulite protoliths. International Union of Geological Sciences 33rd International Geological Congress , Oslo 2008-08-06 - 2008-08-14
Vitenskapelig foredragSørensen, Bjørn Eske. (2008) The retrograde PTXfluid evolution of the Bamble sector - The record of fluid inclusions and fluid composition corrected phase diagrams of calc-silicates and corundum-bearing rocks from Froland. International Union of Geological Sciences 33rd International Geological Congress , Oslo 2008-08-06 - 2008-08-14
Vitenskapelig foredragSørensen, Bjørn Eske. (2008) Metasomatic evolution of amphibolites during cooling and uplift - The origin and significance of zonation in amphiboles and other hydrous minerals. International Union of Geological Sciences 33rd International Geological Congress , Oslo 2008-08-06 - 2008-08-14
Populærvitenskapelig foredragSørensen, Bjørn Eske. (2007) Nano-mineralogi – hva kan det brukes til?. Norsk Bergforening Høstmøte 2007 , Brittania Hotel, Trondheim 2007-10-11 - 2008-10-12
Vitenskapelig foredragSørensen, Bjørn Eske; Austrheim, Håkon; Larsen, Rune Berg. (2005) Fluid related recovery in partly retrogressed high-grade quartzites from the Bamble sector. University of Siena ECROFIXVIII , Siena 2005-07-06 - 2005-07-09