Gemma Carol Constance Goodall
Gemma Goodall har vært førsteamanuensis i helsevitenskap ved Institutt for psykisk helse siden 2022. Opprinnelig fra Storbritannia, flyttet Gemma til Norge i 2017 for å ta en doktorgrad i medisinsk teknologi, der hun fokuserte på bruk av digitale medier for å fremme narrativ identitet i demensomsorg. Selv om hun har en doktorgrad i medisinsk teknologi, har Gemma en bakgrunn i musikk. Hun er pianist og har en mastergrad i musikkpsykologi.
Gemma er leder for forskningsgruppen “Mangfold, inkludering og deltakelse”, og hennes nylige forskningsaktiviteter har fokusert på inkludering av personer med funksjonsnedsettelser i høyere utdanning og arbeidsliv. Hun har jobbet med forskningsprosjektet “Pathways to the world of work for students with disabilities” siden 2021.
- BA i musikk, University of Bristol (Storbritannia)
- MA i musikkpsykologi, University of Sheffield (Storbritannia)
- PhD i medisinsk teknologi, NTNU
Nielsen, Brita Fladvad;
Pedersen, Heidi;
Eidhamar, Helga;
Fernandez, Daniela;
Ness, Ottar;
Rishi, Gunika.
Tjenester for Alle 2 Universitetet for Alle. Konferansebidrag og prosjektfunn.
Goodall, Gemma Carol Constance;
Horghagen, Sissel.
Possible barriers and possibilities handling the challenges of everyday life.
Sluttkonferanse, Pathways to the world of work for students with disabilitites in higher education
Annen presentasjon
Goodall, Gemma Carol Constance;
Hardonk, Stefan;
Mjøen, Odd Morten;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Horghagen, Sissel;
Flatholm, May-Liz.
Disability and the transition from higher education to employment: Exploring attitudes among Norwegian frontline workers towards work inclusion
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Goodall, Gemma Carol Constance;
Mjøen, Odd Morten;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Horghagen, Sissel;
Kvam, Lisbeth.
“Breaking a vicious cycle”: the reproduction of ableism in higher education and its impact on students with disabilities.
Frontiers in Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Goodall, Gemma Carol Constance;
Mjøen, Odd Morten;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Horghagen, Sissel;
Hardonk, Stefan;
Kvam, Lisbeth.
Attitudes towards students with disabilities achieving their educational and work-related goals: a factorial survey experiment among higher education institution employees in Norway.
Higher Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bjørnerås, Anita Blakstad;
Langørgen, Eli;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Myhr, Daniel;
Andersen, Jenny Marie Ragnhild.
Disabled student ambassadors promote inclusion in Norwegian higher education: building competencies and strategies for the future.
Disability & Society
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Goodall, Gemma;
Mjøen, Odd Morten;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Horghagen, Sissel;
Kvam, Lisbeth.
Barriers and Facilitators in the Transition From Higher Education to Employment for Students With Disabilities: A Rapid Systematic Review.
Frontiers in Education
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Ciobanu, Ileana;
draghici, Rozetta;
Marin, Andreea Georgiana;
Zamfir, Mihai-Viorel;
Iliescu, Alina;
Zamfir, Mihaela.
Case Series of an ICT-Based Multimodal Intervention Program for People with Major Neurocognitive Disorders: The SENSE-GARDEN Project.
HSOA Journal of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nielsen, Brita Fladvad;
Lunde, Merete;
Ness, Ottar;
Bjerck, Mari;
Forshaug, Ann Kristin;
Høiseth, Marikken.
Tjenester for Alle - Konferanse om universell utforming.
Goodall, Gemma;
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Granbo, Randi;
Serrano, Artur.
Towards personalized dementia care through meaningful activities supported by technology: A multisite qualitative study with care professionals.
BMC Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Goodall, Gemma;
André, Lara;
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Serrano, J Artur.
Supporting identity and relationships amongst people with dementia through the use of technology: a qualitative interview study.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Goodall, Gemma;
Serrano, Artur;
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Sørgaard, Jon;
Maetzler, Walter;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Stories from SENSE-GARDEN: A transactional perspective on the use of individualized technology for co-constructing narrative identity in dementia care.
Goodall, Gemma Carol Constance;
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Serrano, Artur.
The use of technology in creating individualized, meaningful activities for people living with dementia: A systematic review
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Goodall, Gemma.
Nordic Arts & Health Conference, Malmö, Sweden, 21 May 2019: Conference Review.
Nordic Journal of Arts, Culture and Health
Short communication
Ileana, Ciobanu;
Marin, Andreea Georgiana;
Draghici, Rozeta;
Goodall, Gemma;
Anghelache, Iulian;
Anghelache-Tutulan, Catalina.
Safety Aspects in Developing New Technologies for Reminiscence Therapy: Insights from the SENSE-GARDEN Project.
Romanian Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Goodall, Gemma;
Ciobanu, Ileana;
Broekx, Ronny;
Sørgaard, Jon;
Anghelache, Iulian;
Anghelache-Tutulan, Catalina.
The Role of Adaptive Immersive Technology in Creating Personalised Environments for Emotional Connection and Preservation of Identity in Dementia Care: Insights from User Perspectives towards SENSE-GARDEN .
International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Goodall, Gemma;
Ciobanu, Ileana;
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Sørgaard, Jon;
Marin, Andreea Georgiana;
Draghici, Rozeta.
The Use of Virtual and Immersive Technology in Creating Personalized Multisensory Spaces for People Living With Dementia (SENSE-GARDEN): Protocol for a Multisite Before-After Trial.
JMIR Research Protocols
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Goodall, Gemma;
Ciobanu, Ileana;
Broekx, Ronny;
Sørgaard, Jon;
Anghelache, Iulian;
Anghelache, Catalina.
Using Adaptive Immersive Environments to Stimulate Emotional Expression and
Connection in Dementia Care - Insights from User Perspectives towards SENSE-GARDEN.
International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA)
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Goodall, Gemma Carol Constance;
Hardonk, Stefan;
Mjøen, Odd Morten;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Horghagen, Sissel;
Flatholm, May-Liz.
Disability and the transition from higher education to employment: Exploring attitudes among Norwegian frontline workers towards work inclusion
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Goodall, Gemma Carol Constance;
Mjøen, Odd Morten;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Horghagen, Sissel;
Kvam, Lisbeth.
“Breaking a vicious cycle”: the reproduction of ableism in higher education and its impact on students with disabilities.
Frontiers in Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Goodall, Gemma Carol Constance;
Mjøen, Odd Morten;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Horghagen, Sissel;
Hardonk, Stefan;
Kvam, Lisbeth.
Attitudes towards students with disabilities achieving their educational and work-related goals: a factorial survey experiment among higher education institution employees in Norway.
Higher Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bjørnerås, Anita Blakstad;
Langørgen, Eli;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Kvam, Lisbeth;
Myhr, Daniel;
Andersen, Jenny Marie Ragnhild.
Disabled student ambassadors promote inclusion in Norwegian higher education: building competencies and strategies for the future.
Disability & Society
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Goodall, Gemma;
Mjøen, Odd Morten;
Witsø, Aud Elisabeth;
Horghagen, Sissel;
Kvam, Lisbeth.
Barriers and Facilitators in the Transition From Higher Education to Employment for Students With Disabilities: A Rapid Systematic Review.
Frontiers in Education
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Ciobanu, Ileana;
draghici, Rozetta;
Marin, Andreea Georgiana;
Zamfir, Mihai-Viorel;
Iliescu, Alina;
Zamfir, Mihaela.
Case Series of an ICT-Based Multimodal Intervention Program for People with Major Neurocognitive Disorders: The SENSE-GARDEN Project.
HSOA Journal of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Goodall, Gemma;
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Granbo, Randi;
Serrano, Artur.
Towards personalized dementia care through meaningful activities supported by technology: A multisite qualitative study with care professionals.
BMC Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Goodall, Gemma;
André, Lara;
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Serrano, J Artur.
Supporting identity and relationships amongst people with dementia through the use of technology: a qualitative interview study.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Goodall, Gemma Carol Constance;
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Serrano, Artur.
The use of technology in creating individualized, meaningful activities for people living with dementia: A systematic review
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Goodall, Gemma.
Nordic Arts & Health Conference, Malmö, Sweden, 21 May 2019: Conference Review.
Nordic Journal of Arts, Culture and Health
Short communication
Ileana, Ciobanu;
Marin, Andreea Georgiana;
Draghici, Rozeta;
Goodall, Gemma;
Anghelache, Iulian;
Anghelache-Tutulan, Catalina.
Safety Aspects in Developing New Technologies for Reminiscence Therapy: Insights from the SENSE-GARDEN Project.
Romanian Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Goodall, Gemma;
Ciobanu, Ileana;
Broekx, Ronny;
Sørgaard, Jon;
Anghelache, Iulian;
Anghelache-Tutulan, Catalina.
The Role of Adaptive Immersive Technology in Creating Personalised Environments for Emotional Connection and Preservation of Identity in Dementia Care: Insights from User Perspectives towards SENSE-GARDEN .
International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Goodall, Gemma;
Ciobanu, Ileana;
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Sørgaard, Jon;
Marin, Andreea Georgiana;
Draghici, Rozeta.
The Use of Virtual and Immersive Technology in Creating Personalized Multisensory Spaces for People Living With Dementia (SENSE-GARDEN): Protocol for a Multisite Before-After Trial.
JMIR Research Protocols
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Del av bok/rapport
Goodall, Gemma;
Ciobanu, Ileana;
Broekx, Ronny;
Sørgaard, Jon;
Anghelache, Iulian;
Anghelache, Catalina.
Using Adaptive Immersive Environments to Stimulate Emotional Expression and
Connection in Dementia Care - Insights from User Perspectives towards SENSE-GARDEN.
International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA)
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Nielsen, Brita Fladvad;
Pedersen, Heidi;
Eidhamar, Helga;
Fernandez, Daniela;
Ness, Ottar;
Rishi, Gunika.
Tjenester for Alle 2 Universitetet for Alle. Konferansebidrag og prosjektfunn.
Nielsen, Brita Fladvad;
Lunde, Merete;
Ness, Ottar;
Bjerck, Mari;
Forshaug, Ann Kristin;
Høiseth, Marikken.
Tjenester for Alle - Konferanse om universell utforming.
Goodall, Gemma;
Serrano, Artur;
Taraldsen, Kristin;
Sørgaard, Jon;
Maetzler, Walter;
Saltvedt, Ingvild.
Stories from SENSE-GARDEN: A transactional perspective on the use of individualized technology for co-constructing narrative identity in dementia care.
Goodall, Gemma Carol Constance;
Horghagen, Sissel.
Possible barriers and possibilities handling the challenges of everyday life.
Sluttkonferanse, Pathways to the world of work for students with disabilitites in higher education
Annen presentasjon
- VET2900 - Bachelor's Thesis in Social Education
- VET2303 - Practical Training - In depth practical training
- VET2900 Bacheloroppgave i vernepleie (Studieåret 2024/25)
- VET2303 Fordypningspraksis (Studieår 2022/23 og 2023/24)
Undervisning - Masternivå
- MH3012 Kvalitative metoder 1 (Studieåret 2024/25)
- MH3005 Introduksjon til forskning (Studieår 2022/23 og 2023/24)
Undervisning - Bachelornivå
- MH2000 Teknologiforståelse (2022 - nå)
- VET2900 Bacheloroppgave i vernepleie (2022 - nå)
- VET2303 Fordypningspraksis (2022 - nå)
- VET2002 Helse, pleie og omsorg (2022 - nå)
- VET2005 Kartlegging, samspill og tiltaksutforming (2023)
Faglig foredragGoodall, Gemma Carol Constance. (2024) Hvordan ser vi på studenter med funksjonsnedsettelser?. Institutt for psykisk helse, NTNU Inkluderende læringsmiljø for alle! - fra forksning til praksis , Trondheim 2024-05-08 - 2024-05-08
Populærvitenskapelig foredragGoodall, Gemma Carol Constance. (2024) Kommunikasjon uten ord: Musikkbruk for å fremme samspill og inkludering blant eldre . St.Olavs hospital, NTNU - Institutt for psykisk helse «Snap-kjapt» om psykisk helse og rus , Trondheim 2024-10-15 -
Vitenskapelig foredragWitsø, Aud Elisabeth; Kvam, Lisbeth; Mjøen, Odd Morten; Horghagen, Sissel; Goodall, Gemma Carol Constance; Langørgen, Eli. (2023) Students with disabilities on the path to the world of work - parallel session. NNDR NNDR 2023 , Reykjavik 2023-05-09 - 2023-05-11
Faglig foredragHorghagen, Sissel; Bjørnerås, Anita Blakstad; Ristad, Tone Mari Teigmo; Goodall, Gemma Carol Constance; Langørgen, Eli; Kvam, Lisbeth. (2023) Oj, der kunne jeg ha vært bedre! årvkenhet om diskriminering av mennesker med nedsatt funksjonsevne. Institutt for design, Fakultet for arkitektur og design Tjenester for alle , Trondheim 2023-11-15 - 2023-11-16
Vitenskapelig foredragGoodall, Gemma Carol Constance. (2023) Using creative technologies for dementia care: Experiences and findings from an international PhD project. The institute of mental health, University of Nottingham Centre for Dementia Seminar 2023-02-08 -
Vitenskapelig foredragGoodall, Gemma Carol Constance; Mjøen, Odd Morten; Witsø, Aud Elisabeth; Horghagen, Sissel; Kvam, Lisbeth. (2023) "Den ideelle studenten": Bruk av vignetter for å utforske ableisme i høyere utdanning. Institutt for design, Fakultet for arkitektur og design, NTNU Tjenester for alle , Trondheim 2023-11-15 - 2023-11-16
Populærvitenskapelig foredragGoodall, Gemma Carol Constance. (2023) Inkludering i høyere utdanning og utfordringen med ableisme . St.Olavs hospital, NTNU - Institutt for psykisk helse «Snap-kjapt» om psykisk helse , Trondheim 2023-10-17 -
Vitenskapelig foredragGoodall, Gemma Carol Constance; Mjøen, Odd Morten; Witsø, Aud Elisabeth; Horghagen, Sissel; Kvam, Lisbeth. (2023) Perceptions concerning students with disabilities among employees from Norwegian Higher Education institutions and the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration. Nordic Network on Disability Research NNDR 16th Research Conference , Iceland 2023-05-10 - 2023-05-12
Faglig foredragGoodall, Gemma. (2020) Technology and innovation in dementia care: Insights from the SENSE-GARDEN project . Lecture for Welfare Technology, E-health and Innovation , NTNU 2020-10-15 - 2020-10-15
PosterGoodall, Gemma; Ciobanu, Ileana; Marin, Andreea Georgiana; Draghici, Rozeta; André, Lara; Berteanu, Mihai. (2020) SENSE-GARDEN: An innovative approach to delivering individualized reminiscence therapy in dementia care . British Society of Gerontology British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference 2020 , Online Conference 2020-07-01 - 2020-07-03
Faglig foredragGoodall, Gemma. (2018) Virtual Environments for People with Dementia: SENSE-GARDEN . Lecture for Digital Cultures , NTNU 2018-10-10 - 2018-10-10