Alenka Temeljotov Salaj
Byggteknisk, 2-233, Gløshaugen, Høgskoleringen 7 A
Adhikari, Aashish;
Afshari, Mahgol;
Collins, David Anthony;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Johansen, Agnar.
Evaluating Digital Citizen Participation in Smart Cities.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Abina, Andreja;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Cestnik, Bojan;
Karalič, Aram;
Ogrinc, Matevž;
Kovačič Lukman, Rebeka.
Challenging 21st-Century Competencies for STEM Students: Companies’ Vision in Slovenia and Norway in the Light of Global Initiatives for Competencies Development.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Grum, Bojan;
Zinoski, Mihajlo;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Grum, Matic.
Book Of Proceedings 9th Conference of Interdisciplinary Research on Real Estate Skopje, North Macedonia
Inštitut za nepremičninske vede
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Adhikari, Aashish;
Johansen, Agnar;
Afshari, Mahgol.
MOST results Experts in Team course - video.
Digitale læremidler
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
To Delegate or Democratize: a Systematic Review of Citizen Science in he Arctic.
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Ursa Major Autumn School animation .
Digitale læremidler
Fahlstedt, Oskar Fredrik;
Ramesh, Rakesh;
Mohamed, Mohamed Hamdy Hassan;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Rasmussen, Freja Nygaard;
Bohne, Rolf André.
Building renovation plan - introducing energy and cost into the managerial perspectives: A case study.
Energy and Buildings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Akbarinejad, Tahmineh;
Machlein, Esther;
Bertolin, Chiara;
Ogut, Ozge;
Lobaccaro, Gabriele;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Harvesting Solar Energy for Resilient Heritage urban areas: A Norwegian Case study.
Procedia Structural Integrity
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Andalib, Elham;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Steinert, Martin;
Johansen, Agnar;
Aalto, Pasi;
Lohne, Jardar.
The Interplay Between the Built Environment, Health, and Well-Being—A Scoping Review.
Urban Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Torp, Olav;
Andalib, Elham.
Competencies for Smart City Challenges.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nesheli, Siamak;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Urban farming for social benefit.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Fahlstedt, Oskar Fredrik;
Ramesh, Rakesh;
Hamdy, Mohamed;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Rasmussen, Freja Nygaard;
Bohne, Rolf André.
Building Renovation Plan - Introducing Energy and Cost into the Managerial Perspectives: A Case Study .
Energy and Buildings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Prabowo, Bintang Noor;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Lohne, Jardar.
Urban Heritage Facility Management: A Conceptual Framework for the Provision of Urban-Scale Support Services in Norwegian World Heritage Sites.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Fahlstedt, Oskar Fredrik;
Rasmussen, Freja Nygaard;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Huang, Lizhen;
Bohne, Rolf André.
Building renovations and life cycle assessment - A scoping literature review.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Akbarinejad, Tahmineh;
Machlein, Esther;
Bertolin, Chiara;
Lobaccaro, Gabriele;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Enhancing the deployment of solar energy in Norwegian high-sensitive built environments: challenges and barriers—a scoping review.
Frontiers in Built Environment
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Senior, Coline ;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Johansen, Agnar.
Students’ innovation for age-ready smart cities.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Andalib, Elham;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Gohari, Savis ;
Johansen, Agnar.
Digital solutions for inclusivity and participation in long-term urban development - co-creating future urban health.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Turton, Jenny;
Ezau, Igor;
Pettersson, Lasse H.;
Kuklina, Vera Vladimirovna;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Urban Sustainability in Action - Multi-disciplinary Approach through Jointly Organised Research Schools (URSA MAJOR).
EGU General Assembly
Prabowo, Bintang Noor;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
The older adults in the smart urban heritage area: A mini-scoping review of inclusivity in the World Heritage sites.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Afshari, Mahgol;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Non-technical tools and guidance for positive energy district implementation - a scoping literature review.
Nova Science Publishers
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Prabowo, Bintang Noor;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Lohne, Jardar.
Identifying Urban Heritage Facility Management Support Services Considering World Heritage Sites.
Urban Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Senior, Coline ;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Johansen, Agnar;
Lohne, Jardar.
Evaluating the Impact of Public Participation Processes on Participants in Smart City Development: A Scoping Review.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Senior, Coline ;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Cepuran, Ana;
Diaconu, Mara-Gabriela;
Johansen, Agnar.
Sustainable decision-making game for the next generation of
smart citizens.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Prabowo, Bintang Noor;
Hjelseth, Eilif;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
HBIM application in historic town: A scoping literature review.
CRC Press
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Norang, Hilde;
Støre-Valen, Marit;
Kvale, Nina;
Salaj, Alenka Temeljotov.
Norwegian stakeholder's attitudes towards EU Taxonomy.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Støre-Valen, Marit;
Salaj, Alenka Temeljotov;
Prabowo, Bintang Noor.
Motivation for doing a sustainable building renovation from a Norwegian building owner's perspective.
Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Importance of focusing on social sustainability aspects.
Arctic Frontiers : Abstracts
Andalib, Elham;
Diaconu, Mara-Gabriela;
Salaj, Alenka Temeljotov.
Happiness in the urban built environment, people, and places.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Akbarinejad Khamene, Tahmineh;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Johansen, Agnar.
Supporting policymakers by Integrated Social Sustainability Assessments (ISSA) - case study of Furuset area in Oslo.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Bjørberg, Svein;
Mathisen, Christian Fredrik;
Akbarinejad Khamene, Tahmineh.
Establishing a new housing cooperative sustainable accounting standard as a tool for increasing the sustainable refurbishment practices.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Keskin, Esra;
Tanrıvermiş, Harun;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Development trends and current status of facility management and professionalization of facility services in Turkey.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bjørberg, Svein;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Development of a new standard for evaluation of sustainable refurbishment.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Akbarinejad Khamene, Tahmineh;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Johansen, Agnar.
Implementing the Integrated Social Sustainability Assessment to Norway: A Citizen-Centric and Expert-Weighted Approach.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Afshari, Mahgol;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Johansen, Agnar;
Lohne, Jardar.
Developing approaches and strategies to promote
increased active mobility in urban city neighbourhood.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Prabowo, Bintang Noor;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Urban heritage and the four pillars of sustainability: Urban-scale facility management in the World Heritage sites.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Afshari, Mahgol;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Johansen, Agnar;
Lohne, Jardar.
Identifying methods and tools toward more people-friendly environment : a scoping review.
Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Akbarinejad Khamene, Tahmineh;
Barahmand, Zahir;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
A fuzzy approach to robust Social Sustainability Assessment (ISSA)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret;
Lavy, Sarel.
Preface for the CIB W070 Facility Management and Maintenance 2023 Conference proceeding.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Collins, Dave;
Senior, Coline;
Jowkar, Mina;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Johansen, Agnar.
From the North Country: The Citizen Centered Journey towards Sustainable Smart Cities in the Norwegian Context.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Jowkar, Mina;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret;
Støre-Valen, Marit.
Sustainable building renovation in residential buildings: barriers and potential motivations in Norwegian culture.
Construction Management and Economics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Senior, Coline;
Ishtiaque, Tausif Ahmed;
Krangsås, Savis Gohari;
Azebeokhai, Emmanuel Paul.
Better user involvement in complex building projects: The case of the NTNU Campus Development Project - Survey Results.
NTNU Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Senior, Coline Marie Benoite;
Ishtiaque, Tausif Ahmed;
Azebeokhai, Emmanuel Paul;
Krangsås, Savis Gohari;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Prabowo, Bintang Noor.
User Involvement in the Development of Campus Project in the
COVID-19 Period.
Management International Conference (MIC)
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Lous, Madeleine;
Lund, Sofie Helena Wessel;
Mathisen, Christian Fredrik;
Bjørberg, Svein;
Støre-Valen, Marit;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Sustainable accounting standard for increasing sustainable
refurbishment projects.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Akbarinejad Khamene, Tahmineh;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Johansen, Agnar;
Kleiven, Tommy.
A Scoping Review of Neighborhood’s Social Sustainability Assessment Frameworks.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Johansen, Agnar;
Collins, Dave;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Hagehaugen, Geir.
By the fjord: successful public and private collaboration in a neighbourhood redevelopment project in Norway.
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Management, procurement and law
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Marchenko, Alla;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Conceptual design of intelligent platform for non-invasive thermal discomfort detection.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Collins, Dave;
Johansen, Agnar;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Senior, Coline.
Get smart: the importance of urban facilities management to smart neighbourhoods and their citizens in a project’s early stages
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rogelj, Valerija;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Bogataj, David.
Digital Transformation of Care in Lifetime Neighbourhoods.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ishtiaque, Tausif Ahmed;
Cepuran, Ana;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Torp, Olav;
Diaconu, Mara Gabriela.
Developing an AI-powered smart insole system to reduce the
possibility of back pain among older workers: lessons from
the Norwegian construction industry.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Fahlstedt, Oskar;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Lohne, Jardar;
Bohne, Rolf André.
Holistic assessment of carbon abatement strategies in building refurbishment literature — A scoping review.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Loewen, Bradley;
Larssæther, Stig;
Krangsås, Savis Gohari;
Vinge, Heidi;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Contested Urban Green Space Development: Rolling Back the Frontiers of Sustainability in Trondheim, Norway.
Springer Nature
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Bogataj, David.
Application of Assistive Technologies in Smart Cities.
IEEE conference proceedings
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Prabowo, Bintang Noor;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Lohne, Jardar.
Urban heritage facility management: A scoping review.
Applied Sciences
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Collins, Dave;
Senior, Coline;
Jowkar, Mina;
Salaj, Alenka Temeljotov;
Johansen, Agnar.
The impact of an urban facilities management summer school on the participants.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Xue, Yan;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret.
Renovating the retrofit process: People-centered business models and co-created partnerships for low-energy buildings in Norway.
Energy Research & Social Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Baer, Daniela;
Loewen, Bradley;
Cheng, Caroline Y;
Thomsen, Judith;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Approaches to Social Innovation in Positive Energy Districts
(PEDs)—A Comparison of Norwegian Projects.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergsland Finsnes, Alexander;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Land Value Capture's Potential.
Nova Science Publishers
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Senior, Coline;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Vukmirovic, Milena;
Jowkar, Mina;
Kristl, Živa.
The Spirit of Time—The Art of Self-Renovation to Improve Indoor Environment in Cultural Heritage Buildings.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Boge, Knut;
Haddadi, Daniel Amin;
Klakegg, Ole Jonny;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Facilitating building projects’ short-term and long-term value creation.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Grum, Bojan;
Salaj, Alenka Temeljotov.
CURRENT aspects of real estate research.
Institute of Real Estate Studies
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Xue, Yan;
Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Barriers and potential solutions to the diffusion of solar photovoltaics from the public-private-people partnership perspective – Case study of Norway.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret.
Urban Facility Management.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vukmirovic, Milena;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Sostaric, Andrej.
Challenges of the Facilities Management and Effects on Indoor Air Quality. Case Study “Smelly Buildings” in Belgrade, Serbia.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jowkar, Mina;
Rijal, Hom Bahadur;
Montazami, Azadeh;
Brusey, James;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
The influence of acclimatization, age and gender-related differences on thermal perception in university buildings: Case studies in Scotland and England.
Building and Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Gohari, Savis;
Senior, Coline;
Xue, Yan;
Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret.
An interactive tool for citizens’ involvement in the
sustainable regeneration.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Xue, Yan;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Engebø, Atle;
Lohne, Jardar.
Multi-sector partnerships in the urban development context: A scoping review.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Marchenko, Alla;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Rizzardi, Victor;
Oksavik, Odne Andreas.
The Study of Facial Muscle Movements for Non-Invasive Thermal Discomfort Detection via Bio-Sensing Technology. Part I: Development of the Experimental Design and Description of the Collected Data
Applied Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Roumboutsos, Athena;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Karousos, Iosif.
Indicators for Sustainable Demand Risk Allocation in Transport Infrastructure Projects .
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kristl, Živa;
Senior, Coline;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Key challenges of climate change adaptation in the
building sector.
Urbani Izziv
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Marchenko, Alla;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
A Systematic Literature Review of Non-Invasive Indoor Thermal Discomfort Detection.
Applied Sciences
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Collins, David;
Bjørberg, Svein;
Haugen, Tore.
Exploring urban facilities management approaches to increase connectivity in smart cities.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Boge, Knut;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Bakken, Ida;
Granli, Magnus;
Mandrup, Silje.
Knowledge workers deserve differentiated offices and workplace facilities
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kristl, Živa;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Roumboutsos, Athena.
Sustainability and universal design aspects in heritage building refurbishment .
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Roumboutsos, Athena;
Verlič, Peter;
Grum, Bojan.
Land value capture strategies in PPP - what can FM learn from it?.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Boge, Knut;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Practice vs. theory: Short-term financials trumps long-term value creation.
Journal of Corporate Real Estate
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Temeljotov, Alenka Salaj;
Ceric, Anita.
Guest editorial.
Ogut, Ozge;
khamene, T.A.;
Temeljotov, Alenka Salaj;
Tzortzi, Nerantzia Julia;
Lobaccaro, Gabriele;
Bertolin, Chiara.
Preliminary investigation on the simultaneous use of vertical greenery and the exploitation of energy from photovoltaic panels in building facades in Scandinavian Countries.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Haddadi, Amin;
Temeljotov, Alenka Salaj;
Foss, Margrethe;
Klakegg, Ole Jonny.
The Concept of Value for Owners and Users of Buildings- A literature study of value in different contexts.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Temeljotov, S.A.;
Bjørberg, Svein;
Boge, Knut;
Larssen, Anne Kathrine.
Increasing attractiveness by LCC facility management orientation.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Abina, Andreja;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Cestnik, Bojan;
Karalič, Aram;
Ogrinc, Matevž;
Kovačič Lukman, Rebeka.
Challenging 21st-Century Competencies for STEM Students: Companies’ Vision in Slovenia and Norway in the Light of Global Initiatives for Competencies Development.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Fahlstedt, Oskar Fredrik;
Ramesh, Rakesh;
Mohamed, Mohamed Hamdy Hassan;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Rasmussen, Freja Nygaard;
Bohne, Rolf André.
Building renovation plan - introducing energy and cost into the managerial perspectives: A case study.
Energy and Buildings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Akbarinejad, Tahmineh;
Machlein, Esther;
Bertolin, Chiara;
Ogut, Ozge;
Lobaccaro, Gabriele;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Harvesting Solar Energy for Resilient Heritage urban areas: A Norwegian Case study.
Procedia Structural Integrity
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Andalib, Elham;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Steinert, Martin;
Johansen, Agnar;
Aalto, Pasi;
Lohne, Jardar.
The Interplay Between the Built Environment, Health, and Well-Being—A Scoping Review.
Urban Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Torp, Olav;
Andalib, Elham.
Competencies for Smart City Challenges.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nesheli, Siamak;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Urban farming for social benefit.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Fahlstedt, Oskar Fredrik;
Ramesh, Rakesh;
Hamdy, Mohamed;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Rasmussen, Freja Nygaard;
Bohne, Rolf André.
Building Renovation Plan - Introducing Energy and Cost into the Managerial Perspectives: A Case Study .
Energy and Buildings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Prabowo, Bintang Noor;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Lohne, Jardar.
Urban Heritage Facility Management: A Conceptual Framework for the Provision of Urban-Scale Support Services in Norwegian World Heritage Sites.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Fahlstedt, Oskar Fredrik;
Rasmussen, Freja Nygaard;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Huang, Lizhen;
Bohne, Rolf André.
Building renovations and life cycle assessment - A scoping literature review.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Akbarinejad, Tahmineh;
Machlein, Esther;
Bertolin, Chiara;
Lobaccaro, Gabriele;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Enhancing the deployment of solar energy in Norwegian high-sensitive built environments: challenges and barriers—a scoping review.
Frontiers in Built Environment
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Senior, Coline ;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Johansen, Agnar.
Students’ innovation for age-ready smart cities.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Andalib, Elham;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Gohari, Savis ;
Johansen, Agnar.
Digital solutions for inclusivity and participation in long-term urban development - co-creating future urban health.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Turton, Jenny;
Ezau, Igor;
Pettersson, Lasse H.;
Kuklina, Vera Vladimirovna;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Petersen, Sobah Abbas.
Urban Sustainability in Action - Multi-disciplinary Approach through Jointly Organised Research Schools (URSA MAJOR).
EGU General Assembly
Prabowo, Bintang Noor;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
The older adults in the smart urban heritage area: A mini-scoping review of inclusivity in the World Heritage sites.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Prabowo, Bintang Noor;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Lohne, Jardar.
Identifying Urban Heritage Facility Management Support Services Considering World Heritage Sites.
Urban Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Senior, Coline ;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Johansen, Agnar;
Lohne, Jardar.
Evaluating the Impact of Public Participation Processes on Participants in Smart City Development: A Scoping Review.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Senior, Coline ;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Cepuran, Ana;
Diaconu, Mara-Gabriela;
Johansen, Agnar.
Sustainable decision-making game for the next generation of
smart citizens.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Norang, Hilde;
Støre-Valen, Marit;
Kvale, Nina;
Salaj, Alenka Temeljotov.
Norwegian stakeholder's attitudes towards EU Taxonomy.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Støre-Valen, Marit;
Salaj, Alenka Temeljotov;
Prabowo, Bintang Noor.
Motivation for doing a sustainable building renovation from a Norwegian building owner's perspective.
Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Importance of focusing on social sustainability aspects.
Arctic Frontiers : Abstracts
Andalib, Elham;
Diaconu, Mara-Gabriela;
Salaj, Alenka Temeljotov.
Happiness in the urban built environment, people, and places.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Akbarinejad Khamene, Tahmineh;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Johansen, Agnar.
Supporting policymakers by Integrated Social Sustainability Assessments (ISSA) - case study of Furuset area in Oslo.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Bjørberg, Svein;
Mathisen, Christian Fredrik;
Akbarinejad Khamene, Tahmineh.
Establishing a new housing cooperative sustainable accounting standard as a tool for increasing the sustainable refurbishment practices.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Keskin, Esra;
Tanrıvermiş, Harun;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Development trends and current status of facility management and professionalization of facility services in Turkey.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bjørberg, Svein;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Development of a new standard for evaluation of sustainable refurbishment.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Akbarinejad Khamene, Tahmineh;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Johansen, Agnar.
Implementing the Integrated Social Sustainability Assessment to Norway: A Citizen-Centric and Expert-Weighted Approach.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Afshari, Mahgol;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Johansen, Agnar;
Lohne, Jardar.
Developing approaches and strategies to promote
increased active mobility in urban city neighbourhood.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Prabowo, Bintang Noor;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Urban heritage and the four pillars of sustainability: Urban-scale facility management in the World Heritage sites.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Afshari, Mahgol;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Johansen, Agnar;
Lohne, Jardar.
Identifying methods and tools toward more people-friendly environment : a scoping review.
Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Akbarinejad Khamene, Tahmineh;
Barahmand, Zahir;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
A fuzzy approach to robust Social Sustainability Assessment (ISSA)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Klungseth, Nora Johanne;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret;
Lavy, Sarel.
Preface for the CIB W070 Facility Management and Maintenance 2023 Conference proceeding.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jowkar, Mina;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret;
Støre-Valen, Marit.
Sustainable building renovation in residential buildings: barriers and potential motivations in Norwegian culture.
Construction Management and Economics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lous, Madeleine;
Lund, Sofie Helena Wessel;
Mathisen, Christian Fredrik;
Bjørberg, Svein;
Støre-Valen, Marit;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Sustainable accounting standard for increasing sustainable
refurbishment projects.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Johansen, Agnar;
Collins, Dave;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Hagehaugen, Geir.
By the fjord: successful public and private collaboration in a neighbourhood redevelopment project in Norway.
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Management, procurement and law
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Marchenko, Alla;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Conceptual design of intelligent platform for non-invasive thermal discomfort detection.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Collins, Dave;
Johansen, Agnar;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Senior, Coline.
Get smart: the importance of urban facilities management to smart neighbourhoods and their citizens in a project’s early stages
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rogelj, Valerija;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Bogataj, David.
Digital Transformation of Care in Lifetime Neighbourhoods.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ishtiaque, Tausif Ahmed;
Cepuran, Ana;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Torp, Olav;
Diaconu, Mara Gabriela.
Developing an AI-powered smart insole system to reduce the
possibility of back pain among older workers: lessons from
the Norwegian construction industry.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Fahlstedt, Oskar;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Lohne, Jardar;
Bohne, Rolf André.
Holistic assessment of carbon abatement strategies in building refurbishment literature — A scoping review.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Prabowo, Bintang Noor;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Lohne, Jardar.
Urban heritage facility management: A scoping review.
Applied Sciences
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Collins, Dave;
Senior, Coline;
Jowkar, Mina;
Salaj, Alenka Temeljotov;
Johansen, Agnar.
The impact of an urban facilities management summer school on the participants.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Xue, Yan;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret.
Renovating the retrofit process: People-centered business models and co-created partnerships for low-energy buildings in Norway.
Energy Research & Social Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Baer, Daniela;
Loewen, Bradley;
Cheng, Caroline Y;
Thomsen, Judith;
Wyckmans, Annemie;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Approaches to Social Innovation in Positive Energy Districts
(PEDs)—A Comparison of Norwegian Projects.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Senior, Coline;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Vukmirovic, Milena;
Jowkar, Mina;
Kristl, Živa.
The Spirit of Time—The Art of Self-Renovation to Improve Indoor Environment in Cultural Heritage Buildings.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Boge, Knut;
Haddadi, Daniel Amin;
Klakegg, Ole Jonny;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Facilitating building projects’ short-term and long-term value creation.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Xue, Yan;
Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Barriers and potential solutions to the diffusion of solar photovoltaics from the public-private-people partnership perspective – Case study of Norway.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret.
Urban Facility Management.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vukmirovic, Milena;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Sostaric, Andrej.
Challenges of the Facilities Management and Effects on Indoor Air Quality. Case Study “Smelly Buildings” in Belgrade, Serbia.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jowkar, Mina;
Rijal, Hom Bahadur;
Montazami, Azadeh;
Brusey, James;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
The influence of acclimatization, age and gender-related differences on thermal perception in university buildings: Case studies in Scotland and England.
Building and Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Gohari, Savis;
Senior, Coline;
Xue, Yan;
Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret.
An interactive tool for citizens’ involvement in the
sustainable regeneration.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Xue, Yan;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Engebø, Atle;
Lohne, Jardar.
Multi-sector partnerships in the urban development context: A scoping review.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Marchenko, Alla;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Rizzardi, Victor;
Oksavik, Odne Andreas.
The Study of Facial Muscle Movements for Non-Invasive Thermal Discomfort Detection via Bio-Sensing Technology. Part I: Development of the Experimental Design and Description of the Collected Data
Applied Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Roumboutsos, Athena;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Karousos, Iosif.
Indicators for Sustainable Demand Risk Allocation in Transport Infrastructure Projects .
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kristl, Živa;
Senior, Coline;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Key challenges of climate change adaptation in the
building sector.
Urbani Izziv
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Marchenko, Alla;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
A Systematic Literature Review of Non-Invasive Indoor Thermal Discomfort Detection.
Applied Sciences
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Lindkvist, Carmel Margaret;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Collins, David;
Bjørberg, Svein;
Haugen, Tore.
Exploring urban facilities management approaches to increase connectivity in smart cities.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Boge, Knut;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Bakken, Ida;
Granli, Magnus;
Mandrup, Silje.
Knowledge workers deserve differentiated offices and workplace facilities
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kristl, Živa;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Roumboutsos, Athena.
Sustainability and universal design aspects in heritage building refurbishment .
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Roumboutsos, Athena;
Verlič, Peter;
Grum, Bojan.
Land value capture strategies in PPP - what can FM learn from it?.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Boge, Knut;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Practice vs. theory: Short-term financials trumps long-term value creation.
Journal of Corporate Real Estate
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Temeljotov, Alenka Salaj;
Ceric, Anita.
Guest editorial.
Haddadi, Amin;
Temeljotov, Alenka Salaj;
Foss, Margrethe;
Klakegg, Ole Jonny.
The Concept of Value for Owners and Users of Buildings- A literature study of value in different contexts.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Temeljotov, S.A.;
Bjørberg, Svein;
Boge, Knut;
Larssen, Anne Kathrine.
Increasing attractiveness by LCC facility management orientation.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Grum, Bojan;
Zinoski, Mihajlo;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Grum, Matic.
Book Of Proceedings 9th Conference of Interdisciplinary Research on Real Estate Skopje, North Macedonia
Inštitut za nepremičninske vede
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Grum, Bojan;
Salaj, Alenka Temeljotov.
CURRENT aspects of real estate research.
Institute of Real Estate Studies
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Del av bok/rapport
Adhikari, Aashish;
Afshari, Mahgol;
Collins, David Anthony;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Johansen, Agnar.
Evaluating Digital Citizen Participation in Smart Cities.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Afshari, Mahgol;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Non-technical tools and guidance for positive energy district implementation - a scoping literature review.
Nova Science Publishers
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Prabowo, Bintang Noor;
Hjelseth, Eilif;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
HBIM application in historic town: A scoping literature review.
CRC Press
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Collins, Dave;
Senior, Coline;
Jowkar, Mina;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Johansen, Agnar.
From the North Country: The Citizen Centered Journey towards Sustainable Smart Cities in the Norwegian Context.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Senior, Coline Marie Benoite;
Ishtiaque, Tausif Ahmed;
Azebeokhai, Emmanuel Paul;
Krangsås, Savis Gohari;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Prabowo, Bintang Noor.
User Involvement in the Development of Campus Project in the
COVID-19 Period.
Management International Conference (MIC)
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Akbarinejad Khamene, Tahmineh;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Johansen, Agnar;
Kleiven, Tommy.
A Scoping Review of Neighborhood’s Social Sustainability Assessment Frameworks.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Loewen, Bradley;
Larssæther, Stig;
Krangsås, Savis Gohari;
Vinge, Heidi;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Contested Urban Green Space Development: Rolling Back the Frontiers of Sustainability in Trondheim, Norway.
Springer Nature
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Bogataj, David.
Application of Assistive Technologies in Smart Cities.
IEEE conference proceedings
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Bergsland Finsnes, Alexander;
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Land Value Capture's Potential.
Nova Science Publishers
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Ogut, Ozge;
khamene, T.A.;
Temeljotov, Alenka Salaj;
Tzortzi, Nerantzia Julia;
Lobaccaro, Gabriele;
Bertolin, Chiara.
Preliminary investigation on the simultaneous use of vertical greenery and the exploitation of energy from photovoltaic panels in building facades in Scandinavian Countries.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
To Delegate or Democratize: a Systematic Review of Citizen Science in he Arctic.
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Senior, Coline;
Ishtiaque, Tausif Ahmed;
Krangsås, Savis Gohari;
Azebeokhai, Emmanuel Paul.
Better user involvement in complex building projects: The case of the NTNU Campus Development Project - Survey Results.
NTNU Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka;
Adhikari, Aashish;
Johansen, Agnar;
Afshari, Mahgol.
MOST results Experts in Team course - video.
Digitale læremidler
Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka.
Ursa Major Autumn School animation .
Digitale læremidler
- BA8511 - Emner i prosjektledelse og anleggsteknikk
- TBA4600 - Forskerlinje, fordypningsprosjekt
- TBA4179 - Tettsteds- og områdeforvaltning
- BA8111 - Område- og tettstedsforvaltning
- TBA4860 - Eksperter i team - Fra brukere til skapere, styrker innbyggerne for utviklingen av smarte og bærekraftige byer
- TBA4176 - Bygg og eiendomsforvaltning, videregående kurs
- BM3000 - Urban Sustainability in the Arctic cities
- IFEL8001 - Forskningsbasert innovasjon for ingeniører
- TBA4170 - Transformasjon og ny bruk av eksisterende bygninger
Vitenskapelig foredragTemeljotov Salaj, Alenka. (2024) Barriers for Smart City Development - Literature Review Findings and Way Forward. Nansen Environmental Research Centre Ursa Major Hackathon , Kochi, Kerala, India 2024-11-11 - 2024-11-15
Vitenskapelig foredragTemeljotov Salaj, Alenka. (2024) Students’ innovation for smart cities - experiences from Experts in team courses . Nansen Environmental Research Centre Ursa Major - TURBAN , Bergen to Trondheim 2024-04-03 - 2024-04-05
Vitenskapelig foredragAkbarinejad, Tahmineh; Lobaccaro, Gabriele; Bertolin, Chiara; Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka. (2024) Promoting Social Acceptance of Solar Technology through Visual Communication in HBIM Framework. Heri-Tech , Florence 2024-04-29 - 2024-04-30
Vitenskapelig foredragOgut, Ozge; khamene, T.A.; Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka; Tzortzi, Nerantzia Julia; Lobaccaro, Gabriele; Bertolin, Chiara. (2022) Preliminary investigation on the simultaneous use of vertical greenery and the exploitation of energy from photovoltaic panels in building facades in Scandinavian Countries. cirre 7th conference of interdisciplinary research on real estate , ankara 2022-10-14 - 2022-10-15
Vitenskapelig foredragKhamene, Tahmineh Akbarinejad; Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka; Johansen, Agnar. (2022) The need for Wellbeing and Social Sustainability Assessments. Ankara University Faculty of Applied Sciences 7th CONFERENCE OF INTERDISCIPLINARE RESEARCH ON REAL ESTATE , Ankara 2022-10-13 - 2022-10-16
Vitenskapelig foredragSalaj, Alenka Temeljotov. (2022) Challenges and opportunities for applying sustainability concept in the social context. Nansen Environmental Research Centre - India (NERCI) Powering Cities in the Global South: How energy access for all benefits the economy and the environment , Kochi 2022-10-30 - 2022-11-01
Vitenskapelig foredragAndalib, Elham; Salaj, Alenka Temeljotov; Johansen, Agnar. (2022) Policies and Co-creation: Citizens´Empowerment to Increase the Cooperation Rate for Future Smart, Sustainable, and Healthy Cities. CIRRE 2022, 7th Conference of Interdisciplinary Research on Real State , Ankara University 2022-10-14 - 2022-10-15
Vitenskapelig foredragStøre-Valen, Marit; Salaj, Alenka Temeljotov; Prabowo, Bintang Noor. (2022) Motivation for doing a sustainable building renovation from Norwegian owner perspective. Aalborg University CREON , København 2022-05-18 - 2022-05-20
PosterKhamene, Tahmineh Akbarinejad; Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka; Johansen, Agnar. (2022) Integrated Social Sustainability Assessment (ISSA). Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) EUSBSR (EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region) Annual Forum , Lappeenranta 2022-09-28 - 2022-09-29
PosterSenior, Coline; Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka; Johansen, Agnar; Diaconu, Mara Gabriela; Cepuran, Ana; Bhutani, Geetika. (2022) ByMaker - Sustainable City Game for the next generation of smart citizens. Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) EUSBSR 2022 - EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region , Lappeenranta 2022-09-28 - 2022-09-29
Vitenskapelig foredragKvale, Nina; Norang, Hilde; Støre-Valen, Marit; Salaj, Alenka Temeljotov. (2021) A study of how the EU's taxonomy can affect the Norwegian construction and real estate industry, as well as the industry's potential for using the Level(s) framework. Saxion University of Applied Sciences Conference of interdisciplinary research on real estate , Enschede 2021-09-16 - 2021-09-17
Vitenskapelig foredragKlungerbo, Marthe Hoff; Sørland, Lise; Støre-Valen, Marit; Salaj, Alenka Temeljotov. (2021) Incentives to increase the refurbishment rate in Norway. Saxion University of Applied Sciences 6th conference of interdisciplinary research on real estate , Enschede 2021-09-16 - 2021-09-17
PosterJowkar, Mina; Senior, Coline; Collins, Dave; Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka; Johansen, Agnar. (2021) Urban development and public participatory mechanisms to promote health equity: A Norwegian case study . Elsevier 17th International Conference on Urban Health Transforming our Collective Urban Future: Learning from COVID-19 2021-07-06 - 2021-07-08
Vitenskapelig foredragTemeljotov Salaj, Alenka; Loewen, Bradley. (2020) The next generation of smart citizens: Experiences and inspiration from the +CityxChange project. University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture 7th International Academic Conference on Places and Technologies , Belgrade 2020-10-29 - 2020-10-30
Vitenskapelig foredragBoge, Knut; Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka. (2018) Early involvement of FM-competencies in building projects facilitate long-term value creation. EuroFM 17th EuroFM Research Symposium EFMC2018 , Sofia 2018-06-05 - 2018-06-08
Vitenskapelig foredragBoge, Knut; Sandtrø, Tengel Aas; Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka; Øyan, Petter. (2017) Food for thought – Knowledge workers’ use of space. ERES og TU Delft European Real Estate Society 24th Annual Conference , Delft 2017-06-28 - 2017-07-01
Vitenskapelig foredragBoge, Knut; Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka; Bakken, Ida; Granli, Magnus; Mandrup, Silje. (2017) Factors facilitating effective workplace designs for knowledge workers. EuroFM EuroFM's 16th Research Symposium EFMC2017 , Madrid 2017-04-25 - 2017-04-28
Vitenskapelig foredragTemeljotov Salaj, Alenka; Bjørberg, Svein; Salaj, Nikolaj. (2016) Increasing quality of place by user's value orientation. Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade 3rd International Academic Conference on Places and Technologies , Belgrade 2016-05-14 - 2016-05-15
Vitenskapelig foredragTemeljotov Salaj, Alenka; Bjørberg, Svein; Boge, Knut; Larssen, Anne Kathrine. (2015) Increasing Attractiveness by LCC Facility Management Orientation. IFAC IFAC/IEEE/IFIP/IFORS Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufactoring , Ottawa 2015-05-11 - 2015-05-13
Vitenskapelig foredragTemeljotov Salaj, Alenka; Bjørberg, Svein; Vrhunec, Simon; Baricic, Andrej. (2015) Implementation of Norwegian Experience to Slovenian Hospital Sector. PT 2015 Keeping up with technologies to make healthy places: 2nd International Academic conference on Places and Technologies , Nova Gorica 2015-06-18 - 2015-06-19
PosterHaddadi, Amin; Temeljotov, Alenka Salaj; Foss, Margrethe; Klakegg, Ole Jonny. (2015) The Concept of Value for Owners and Users of Buildings- A literature study of value in different contexts. International project management association IPMA world congress , Panama 2015-09-28 - 2015-09-30
PosterBjørberg, Svein; Larssen, Anne Kathrine; Temeljotov Salaj, Alenka; Haddadi, Amin. (2015) Optimizing building design to contribute to value creation. IPMA world congress 2015 2015-09-28 - 2015-09-30