Thor Harald Ringsby
Institutt for Biologi, NTNU
Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics, NTNU
Mine forsknings interesser faller i hovedsak innenfor feltene populasjonsøkologi livshistorie og bevaringsbiologi.
Det er viktig å forstå hvordan økologiske og evolusjonære mekanismer påvirker arters utbredelse og deres tallrikhet. En måte å tilegne seg kunnskap om disse mekanismene er å studere variasjonen i suksess ("fitness") som finnes mellom individer i ulike populasjoner og forstå hvordan individenes fitness påvirkes av både nedarvede egenskaper samt miljøforhold (for eksempel værforhold gjennom sesongen) så vel som demografiske forhold (f.eks. populasjonstetthet, kjønns rate). Dette er også avgjørende kunnskap for å kunne forutsi endringer i populasjonsstørrelser over tid - noe som også er sentralt i populasjonsøkologien som fagdisiplin, så vel som innen bevaringsbiologien.
Mange arter opplever sterk tilbakegang i populasjonsstørrelse i dag. En viktig årsak til dette er konsekvensene av menneskelig aktivitet. Spesielt har har habitatødeleggeelse på grunn av skogbruk, jordbruk, byutvikling og infrastruktur ført til fragmentering av områder som tidligere utgjorde kontinuerlige leveområder for en populasjon. Mange populasjoner har derfor blitt splittet opp i mindre sub-populasjoner som er isolert fra hverandre og er avhengige av utveksling av individer for å kunne opprettholdes over tid. Denne type romlig struktur kalles en metapopulasjon.
En annen årsak til endringer i populasjonsstørrelser og arters utbredelse er de pågående menneskeskapte klimaendringene. Det er idag et stort behov for kunnskap omkring dette slik at vi kan forutsi endringene som vil komme, og om mulig sette igang tiltak for å redusere de negative konsekvensene. Det er derfor viktig å undersøke hvordan endringer i klimaet påvirker reprodukasjon og overlevelse til populasjoner og hvordan dette influerer populasjonens vekstrate over tid.
Det er også interessant å forstå hvordan variansen i insektfaunaen gjennom sesongen og mellom år påvirker reproduksjonssuksessen hos fuglearter hvor reirungene er avhengig av insektføde tidlig i livet. Slike trofiske interaksjoner mellom predator og byttedyr kan bety mye for bestandsdynamikken, særlig i en tid hvor klimaet er i endring.
Jeg er også interessert i å forstå i hvilken grad parasitter påvirker individuell fitness samt populasjonsfluktuasjoner hos vertsarter . Vi ser ofte at parasitter har høyere forekomst (prevalens) i enkelte vertspopulasjoner i forhold til andre. Hva bestemmer slik variasjon i tid og rom? Dette er ofte komplekse forhold bestemt av den coevolusjonære interaksjonen mellom vert-parasitt, hvordan parasitten overføres mellom verts individer, samt for eksempel klima og populasjonstetthet.
For å undersøke denne type økologiske mekanismer studerer benytter jeg et modellsystem bestående av bestående av 18 øypopulasjoner av gråspurv (Passer domesticus) på Helgelandskysten i nord Norge som vi har studert helt siden 1993.
The focus in ongoing work involves:
- Hvordan påvirker lokal fenologi (sesongvariasjonen gjennom årstidene), slik som variasjon i vårstemperaturen fra år til år og klimaendringene tidspunkt for egglegging og reproduktiv suksess hoe gråspurv?
- Påvirker populasjonstettheten hos gråspurv reproduktiv suksess? Hos mange fuglearter blir reirungene matet med insekter i tidlig alder og ved høye populasjonstettheter er det rimelig å anta at konkurransen om insekter er høy. Jeg fokuserer på i hvilken grad den lokale insektsfunaen (som reflekterer habitatets bæreevne) bestemmer (evt. begrenser) reproduktiv suksess hos gråspurv populasjoner. - dessuten, varierer dette gjennom sesongen og mellom habitat (dvs øyer på Helgelandskysten)?
- Hva er betydningen av den variasjonen i tid og rom i sammensetningen av insektsamfunnet for reproduktiv suksess for gråspurv?
- Variasjon i livshistorieegenskaper over tid og i rom: Jeg fokuserer på betydningen av kroppsstørrelse og ungevekstraten telomerene sin rolle som mediatorer av levetid og kondisjon hos Gråspurv
- Årsaker og konsekvenser av variasjon i eggstørrelse hos gråspurv
- Effekter av ekto og endoparasitter på variasjon i individuell fitness samt på populasjonsdynamikk hos gråspurv på øyer på Helgelandskysten
- Predator-byttedyr dynamikk
Jeg er programrådsleder for det tverrfaglige masterprogrammet "Natural Resources Management"
BI1003 - Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Ethology
BI2033 – Population ecology
BI2034 – Community ecology
RFEL3081 - Interdisciplinary Project for Environmental Sustainability (emneansvarlig)
RFEL3083 - Sustainable Management: Internship
Master projects:
Contact me!
Eriksen, Lasse Frost;
Nilsen, Erlend Birkeland;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Moa, Pål Fossland;
Grøtan, Vidar.
Life history traits and demography of a mountain bird under climatic variation.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2024:90)
Ranke, Peter Sjolte;
Pepke, Michael Le;
Søraker, Jørgen Skavdal;
David, Gabriel;
Araya Ajoy, Yimen Gerardo;
Wright, Jonathan.
Long-distance dispersal in the short-distance dispersing house sparrow (Passer domesticus).
Ecology and Evolution
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Htay, Thazin;
Htoo, Kyaw Kyaw;
Røskaft, Eivin;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Ranke, Peter Sjolte.
Environmental Factors Affecting Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Crop-Exploiting Species: Implications for Coexistence Between Agricultural Production and Avifauna Conservation in Wetlands.
Environmental Management
Vitenskapelig artikkel
McAuley, John B;
Servin, Bertrand;
Burnett, Hamish Andrew;
Brekke, Cathrine;
Peters, Lucy;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie.
The Genetic Architecture of Recombination Rates is Polygenic and Differs between the Sexes in Wild House Sparrows (Passer domesticus).
Molecular Biology and Evolution (MBE)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kazemi, Maryam;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Burnett, Hamish Andrew;
Myhre, Ane Marlene.
Demographic changes in female-skewed populations of house sparrow (Passer domesticus).
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Eriksen, Lasse Frost;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Pedersen, Hans Christian;
Nilsen, Erlend Birkeland.
Climatic forcing and individual heterogeneity in a
resident mountain bird: legacy data reveal effects on
reproductive strategies.
Royal Society Open Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nafstad, Ådne Messel;
Rønning, Bernt;
Aase, Kenneth;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie;
Ranke, Peter Sjolte.
Spatial variation in the evolutionary potential and constraints of basal metabolic rate and body mass in a wild bird.
Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Htay, Thazin;
Røskaft, Eivin;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Ranke, Peter Sjolte.
Spatio-temporal variation in avian taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity and its relevance for conservation in a wetland ecosystem in Myanmar.
Biodiversity and Conservation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Pepke, Michael Le;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Eisenberg, Dan T. A..
The evolution of early-life telomere length, pace-of-life and telomere-chromosome length dynamics in birds.
Molecular Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Pepke, Michael Le;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Wright, Jonathan;
Araya Ajoy, Yimen Gerardo;
Ranke, Peter Sjolte;
Boner, Winnie.
Longitudinal telomere dynamics within natural lifespans of a wild bird.
Scientific Reports
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Saugestad, Margrete;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Ranke, Peter Sjolte;
Pepke, Michael Le.
The influence of arthropods availability on fledgling morphology and reproductive success in wild house sparrows.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Gholami, Fatemeh;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Burnett, Hamish Andrew.
Effect of inbreeding on egg size and clutch size in an insular house sparrow metapopulation in northern Norway.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Oddvik, Vilde Jonasson;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Christensen-Dalsgaard, Signe;
Kvalnes, Thomas.
The Effects of Diet and Weather on Early-life Growth and Survival in Atlantic Puffin Nestlings in Northern Norway.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Htay, Thazin;
Htoo, Kyaw Kyaw;
Røskaft, Eivin;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Ranke, Peter Sjolte.
Social and ecological drivers of illegal bird hunting in the Indawgyi wetland ecosystem in Myanmar.
Conservation Science and Practice (CSP)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Pepke, Michael Le;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Rønning, Bernt;
Jensen, Henrik;
Boner, Winnie;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Artificial size selection experiment reveals telomere length dynamics and fitness consequences in a wild passerine.
Molecular Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mehlhoop, Anne Catriona;
Van Moorter, Bram;
Rolandsen, Christer Moe;
Hagen, Dagmar;
Granhus, Aksel;
Eriksen, Rune.
Moose in our neighborhood: Does perceived hunting risk have cascading effects on tree performance in vicinity of roads and houses?.
Ecology and Evolution
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Pepke, Michael Le;
Niskanen, Alina Katariina;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Boner, Winnie;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Inbreeding is associated with shorter early-life telomere length in a wild passerine.
Conservation Genetics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Pepke, Michael Le;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Ranke, Peter Sjolte;
Araya-Ajoy, Yimen;
Wright, Jonathan;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Causes and consequences of variation in early-life telomere length in a bird metapopulation.
Ecology and Evolution
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mehlhoop, Anne Catriona;
Van Moorter, Bram;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Hagen, Dagmar;
Rolandsen, Christer Moe;
Evju, Marianne.
Evaluating mitigation measures to reduce negative impacts of infrastructure construction on vegetation and wildlife.
Doctoral theses at NTNU (48)
Søraker, Jørgen Skavdal;
Jensen, Henrik;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Wright, Jonathan;
Ranke, Peter Sjolte;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Disentangling the age-dependent causal pathways affecting multiple paternity in house sparrows.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Bjørsrud, Maren Sofie;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Pepke, Michael Le;
Ranke, Peter Sjolte.
Predator-induced selection on
phenotypes by sparrowhawks
(Accipiter nisus) in house sparrows
(Passer domesticus).
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Htay, Thazin;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Røskaft, Eivin;
Ranke, Peter Sjolte.
Promoting bird conservation in wetland-associated landscapes: Factors influencing avian crop damage and farmers’ attitudes.
Global Ecology and Conservation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ranke, Peter Sjolte;
Araya-Ajoy, Yimen;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Pärn, Henrik;
Rønning, Bernt;
Jensen, Henrik.
Spatial structure and dispersal dynamics in a house sparrow metapopulation.
Journal of Animal Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Saatoglu, Fikriye Dilan;
Niskanen, Alina Katariina;
Kuismin, Markku;
Ranke, Peter Sjolte;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie;
Araya-Ajoy, Yimen.
Dispersal in a house sparrow metapopulation: An integrative case study of genetic assignment calibrated with ecological data and pedigree information.
Molecular Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Pepke, Michael Le;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Jensen, Henrik;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Wright, Jonathan.
The Ecological and evolutionary role of telomere length in house sparrows.
Doctoral theses at NTNU (420)
Pepke, Michael Le;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Lundregan, Sarah;
Boner, Winnie;
Monaghan, Pat;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Genetic architecture and heritability of early-life telomere length in a wild passerine.
Molecular Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Araya-Ajoy, Yimen;
Niskanen, Alina Katariina;
Froy, Hannah;
Ranke, Peter Sjolte;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Rønning, Bernt.
Variation in generation time reveals density regulation as an important driver of pace of life in a bird metapopulation.
Ecology Letters
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Muller, Amandine Sophie;
Jensen, Henrik;
Araya-Ajoy, Yimen;
Husby, Arild;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Lundregan, Sarah.
Effects of inbreeding on lay date in house sparrows (Passer domesticus).
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Gravelsæther, Maria Margareth Angelil;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Fossøy, Frode;
Stokke, Bård Gunnar;
Hansen, Brage Bremset.
Effects of arthropod abundance on reproductive success in Svalbard snow bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis).
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Dehnhard, Nina;
Skei, Jørgen;
Christensen-Dalsgaard, Signe;
May, Roelof Frans;
Halley, Duncan John;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Boat disturbance effects on moulting common eiders Somateria
Marine Biology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Niskanen, Alina Katariina;
Billing, Anna Maria;
Holand, Håkon;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie;
Araya-Ajoy, Yimen;
Husby, Arild.
Consistent scaling of inbreeding depression in space and time in a house sparrow metapopulation.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ranke, Peter Sjolte;
Skjelseth, Sigrun;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie;
Billing, Anna Maria;
Borg Pedersen, Åsa Alexandra;
Pärn, Henrik.
Multi‑generational genetic consequences of reinforcement in a bird metapopulation.
Conservation Genetics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Nilsen, Erlend Birkeland;
Eriksen, Lasse Frost;
Eichholz, Emanuel.
Optimal spatiotemporal harvest
strategies for willow ptarmigan
(Lagopus lagopus) in central Norway.
Lundregan, Sarah L.;
Niskanen, Alina K.;
Muff, Stefanie;
Holand, Håkon;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Ringsby, Thor-Harald.
Resistance to gapeworm parasite has both additive and dominant genetic components in house sparrows, with evolutionary consequences for ability to respond to parasite challenge.
Molecular Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Thurmann-Nielsen, Cathrine Framstad;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Pepke, Michael Le;
Rønning, Bernt;
Kvalnes, Thomas.
Nest Microclimate in Relation to Maternal Phenotypic Quality and Reproductive Success in a Wild Population of House Sparrows (Passer domesticus).
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Nielsen, Martin Reinhardt;
Kløckner, Christian;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Moe, Espen;
Said, Mohammed Yahya.
Savanna Life (brettspill/serious game).
Annet produkt
Ranke, Peter Sjolte;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Pärn, Henrik;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Demographic and genetic and consequences of dispersal in house sparrows.
Gjestrud Julseth, Martin;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Rønning, Bernt;
Pepke, Michael Le;
Skei, Jon Kristian;
Kvalnes, Thomas.
The effect of arthropod availability
on reproductive phenology and
success in a multi-brooded
passerine Passer domesticus.
Araya-Ajoy, Yimen;
Ranke, Peter Sjolte;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Rønning, Bernt;
Holand, Håkon;
Myhre, Ane Marlene.
Characterizing morphological (co)variation using structural equation models: Body size, allometric relationships and evolvability in a house sparrow metapopulation.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Holand, Håkon;
Jensen, Henrik;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Tufto, Jarle;
Pärn, Henrik;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Parasite prevalence increases with temperature in an avian metapopulation in northern Norway.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Røberg, Anja Ås;
Jensen, Henrik;
Holand, Håkon;
Pärn, Henrik;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Offspring fitness and the optimal propagule size in a fluctuating environment.
Journal of Avian Biology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lundregan, Sarah;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie;
Gohli, Jostein;
Niskanen, Alina Katariina;
Kemppainen, Petri;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Inferences of genetic architecture of bill morphology in house sparrow using a high-density SNP array point to a polygenic basis.
Molecular Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Myhr Stavnås, Veronica;
Nilsen, Erlend Birkeland;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Demographic determinants of population growth rate in willow ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus) in Lierne, central Norway.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU)
Krogfjord, Mari;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Pedersen, Michael Pepke.
Effects of variation in egg size on maternal fitness in a population of wild house sparrows (Passer domesticus).
Jakobsen, Marte;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Pedersen, Michael Pepke;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Rønning, Bernt.
Spatiotemporal variation and fitness consequences of blood hemoglobin concentration in free-living house sparrow (Passer domesticus) nestlings.
Talal, Mohammad;
Wright, Jonathan;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Individual variation and indirect social effects in Producer-Scrounger behavior in the House Sparrow, Passer domesticus.
Johansen, Kristina;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Jensen, Henrik;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Tufto, Jarle.
Spatiotemporal variation in laying date and its impact on reproductive success in houses parrows (Passer domesticus).
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Stubberud, Marlene Wæge;
Myhre, Ane Marlene;
Holand, Håkon;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Sensitivity analysis of effective population size to demographic parameters in house sparrow populations.
Molecular Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Jensen, Henrik;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie;
Rønning, Bernt;
Pärn, Henrik.
Reversal of response to artificial selection on body size in a wild passerine bird.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Silva, Catarina;
McFarlane, S. Eryn;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie;
Rönnegård, Lars;
Billing, Anna Maria;
Kvalnes, Thomas.
Insights into the genetic architecture of morphological and sexually selected traits in two passerine bird species.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ranke, Peter Sjolte;
Skjelseth, Sigrun;
Pärn, Henrik;
Herfindal, Ivar;
Borg Pedersen, Åsa Alexandra;
Stokke, Bård Gunnar.
Demographic influences of translocated individuals on a resident population of house sparrows.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Pettersen, Nils Håkon;
Wright, Jonathan;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Rønning, Bernt.
Indirect social effects of the individual strategy in producer-scrounger foraging interactions.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Kemppainen, Petri;
Rønning, Bernt;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Billing, Anna Maria.
Controlling for P-value inflation in allele frequency change in experimental evolution and artificial selection experiments.
Molecular Ecology Resources
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wright, Jonathan;
Finnøen, Mette Helene;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Rønning, Bernt.
Personality and pace-of-life behavioral syndromes in a model species, the House Sparrow (Passer domesticus).
MSc Thesis, NTNU
Olsen, Mirja Carola;
Wright, Jonathan;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Rønning, Bernt.
Linking variation in personality and behavioural syndromes to social foraging and producer-scrounger effects in house sparrows (Passer domesticus).
MSc Thesis, NTNU
Lindstrøm, Ingrid Marie;
Solberg, Erling Johan;
Rolandsen, Christer Moe;
Bram, Van Moorter;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
No mitigating effects of roadside vegetation clearing on ungulate-vehicle collisions in Nord-Trøndelag.
Institutt for biologi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Danielsen, Preben;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Hansen, Brage Bremset;
Varpe, Øystein;
Veiberg, Vebjørn.
Climate trends, weather fluctuations and calving phenology in Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus).
Institutt for biologi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
De Rijcke, Sandra;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Lorentsen, Svein Håkon.
Foraging behaviour of the European shag during early chick-rearing period; do they follow the marginal value theorem?.
Institutt for biologi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Rønning, Bernt;
Broggi, Juli;
Bech, Claus;
Moe, Børge;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Pärn, Henrik.
Is basal metabolic rate associated with recruit production and survival in free-living house sparrows?.
Functional Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Holand, Håkon;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Gamelon, Marlène;
Tufto, Jarle;
Jensen, Henrik;
Pärn, Henrik.
Spatial variation in senescence rates in a bird metapopulation.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nossen, Ida;
Ciesielski, Tomasz Maciej;
Dimmen, Malene Vågen;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Polder, Anuschka.
Steroids in house sparrows (Passer domesticus): Effects of POPs and male quality signalling.
Science of the Total Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Arstad Skøien, Elida;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Hansen, Brage Bremset;
Fossøy, Frode;
Stokke, Bård Gunnar;
Varpe, Øystein.
Causes and Consequences of Breeding
Synchrony in the Snow Bunting
(Plectrophenax nivalis).
Institutt for biologi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Wright, Jonathan;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Pärn, Henrik;
Rønning, Bernt;
Sommerli, Sindre Lysfjord.
Personality and Innovation in House Sparrows: Evolutionary and Demographic Consequences of Individual Phenotypic Differences.
MSc Thesis, NTNU
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Jensen, Henrik;
Røberg, Anja Ås.
Effects of variation in egg size on offspring fitness in populations of house sparrow (Passer domesticus).
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Jensen, Henrik;
Pärn, Henrik;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Boner, Winnie;
Gillespie, Robert.
On being the right size: Increased body size is associated with reduced telomere length under natural conditions.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Holand, Håkon;
Jensen, Henrik;
Tufto, Jarle;
Pärn, Henrik;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Endoparasite infection has both short- and long-term negative effects on reproductive success of female house sparrows, as revealed by faecal parasitic egg counts.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skøien, Elida Aarstad;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Fossøy, Frode;
Hansen, Brage Bremset;
Varpe, Øystein;
Stokke, Bård Gunnar.
Causes and Consequences of Breeding Synchrony in the Snow Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis).
NTNU, Department of Biology
Skei, Jørgen;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Lorentsen, Svein Håkon.
Exploring Moulting Common Eider (Somateria mollissima) Escape Responses towards Ship Traffic.
Institutt for biologi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Holand, Håkon;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Jensen, Henrik;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
The parasite Syngamus trachea in a metapopulation of house sparrows.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2014:178)
Dimmen, Malene Vågen;
Jenssen, Bjørn Munro;
Ciesielski, Tomasz Maciej;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Levels and effects of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) on circulating thyroid hormones in house sparrows (Passer domesticus) from Leka, Norway.
Department of Biology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Nossen, Ida;
Jenssen, Bjørn Munro;
Ciesielski, Tomasz Maciej;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Possible Effects of Persistent Organic Pollutants on Steroid Hormone Homeostasis in House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) from Helgeland, Norway.
Department of Biology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Holand, Håkon;
Jensen, Henrik;
Tufto, Jarle;
Soliman, Mustafa M.;
Pärn, Henrik;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Lower survival probability of house sparrows severely infected by the gapeworm parasite.
Journal of Avian Biology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Baalsrud, Helle Tessand;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie;
Myhre, Ane Marlene;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Pärn, Henrik.
Effects of population characteristics and structure on estimates of effective population size in a house sparrow metapopulation.
Molecular Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Huseby, O.;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Rolandsen, Christer Moe;
Van Moorter, Bram;
Herfindal, Ivar;
Solberg, Erling Johan.
Sesongvariasjon i elgens aktivitet gjennom døgnet påvirker når og hvor den påkjøres.
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Jensen, Henrik;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Correlates of egg size variation in a population of house sparrow Passer domesticus.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Melis, Claudia;
Borg, Åsa Alexandra;
Jensen, Henrik;
Bjørkvoll, Eirin Marie;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Genetic variability and structure of the water vole Arvicola amphibius across four metapopulations in northern Norway.
Ecology and Evolution
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Holand, Håkon;
Jensen, Henrik;
Pärn, Henrik;
Vastveit, Helene Russell.
Spatial and temporal variation in hippoboscid parasitism by Ornithomya chloropus on house sparrows (Passer domesticus) and its effect on survival.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Holand, Håkon;
Jensen, Henrik;
Tufto, Jarle;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Temporal and spatial variation in prevalence of the parasite Syngamus trachea in a metapopulation of House Sparrows (Passer domesticus).
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Huseby, Oddmund;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Solberg, Erling Johan;
Herfindal, Ivar;
Van Moorter, Bram F. A.;
Rolandsen, Christer Moe.
Spatio-temporal variation in moose vehicle collisions: the effect of varying traffic intensity and light conditions.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Ofstad, Endre Grüner;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Herfindal, Ivar;
Solberg, Erling Johan;
Rolandsen, Christer Moe;
Van Moorter, Bram F. A..
Seasonal variation in Site Fidelity of Moose (Alces alces).
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Gressetvold, Marit;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Lorentsen, Svein-Håkon.
Identifying conservative criteria for environmental assessments of vulnerability; Seabirds and offshore wind farms as a case study.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Parn, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Jensen, Henrik;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Spatial heterogeneity in the effects of climate and density-dependence on dispersal in a house sparrow metapopulation.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Billing, Anna Maria;
Lee, Aline Magdalena;
Skjelseth, Sigrun;
Borg, Åsa Alexandra;
Hale, M. C.;
Slate, J.
Evidence of inbreeding depression but not inbreeding avoidance in a natural house sparrow population.
Molecular Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Tufto, Jarle;
Lande, Russell;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Engen, Steinar;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Walla, T. R..
Estimating Brownian motion dispersal rate, longevity and population density from spatially explicit mark-recapture data on tropical butterflies.
Journal of Animal Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kristiansen, Atle Torvik;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Jensen, Henrik.
Genetic variation in a metapopulation of house sparrows: The interplay of population size and dispersal.
NTNU, Institutt for biologi
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Odden, John.
The ecology of a conflict: Eurasian lynx depredation on domestic sheep.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (320)
Melis, Claudia;
Holmern, Tomas;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Who ends up in the eagle owl pellets? A new method to assess whether water voles experience different predation risk.
Mammalian Biology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Jensen, Henrik.
Correlates of egg size variation in a population of house sparrow Passer domesticus.
NTNU, Institutt for biologi
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Berge, Torborg;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Jensen, Henrik.
Reproductive success and individual variation in feeding frequency of House Sparrows (Passer domesticus).
Journal of Ornithology = Journal fur Ornithologie
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Parn, Henrik;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Sex-specific fitness correlates of dispersal in a house sparrow metapopulation.
Journal of Animal Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Holand, Håkon;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Jensen, Henrik.
Effects of the parasitic gapeworm (Syngamus trachea) on survival in house sparrows (Passer domesticus).
NTNU, Institutt for biologi
Jensen, Henrik;
Steinsland, Ingelin;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Evolutionary dynamics of a sexual ornament in the house sparrow (Passer domesticus): The role of indirect selection within and between sexes.
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Ciesielski, Tomasz Maciej;
Jenssen, Bjørn Munro;
Pedersen, Hans Christian;
Bæk, K.;
Skåre, Janneche Utne;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Decabrominated diphenyl ether in ptarmigans and sparrows in Norway.
Organohalogen Compounds
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jones, OR;
Gaillard, JM;
Tuljapurkar, S;
Alho, JS;
Armitage, KB;
Becker, PH.
Senescence rates are determined by ranking on the fast-slow life-history continuum.
Ecology Letters
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Davidsen, Ole Roar;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Size-related variation in survival rates of house sparrows (Passer domesticus) subject to artificial size-dependent selection.
NTNU, Institutt for biologi
Jensen, Henrik;
Bremset, Erlend Myre;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Multilocus heterozygosity and inbreeding depression in an insular house sparrow metapopulation.
Molecular Ecology
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Engen, Steinar;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Lande, Russell;
Jensen, Henrik;
Lillegård, Magnar.
Effective size of fluctuating populations with two sexes and overlapping generations.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skjelseth, Sigrun;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Tufto, Jarle;
Jensen, Henrik;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Dispersal of introduced house sparrows Passer domesticus: an experiment.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jensen, Henrik;
Steinsland, Ingelin;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Indirect selection as a constraint on the evolution of sexual ornaments and other morphological traits in the House Sparrow.
Journal of Ornithology = Journal fur Ornithologie
Skjelseth, Sigrun;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Jensen, Henrik;
Tufto, Jarle;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Dispersal patterns within a meta-population of House Sparrows after an introduction experiment.
Journal of Ornithology = Journal fur Ornithologie
Solberg, E.J.;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Fitness consequences of hybridization between house sparrows (Passer domesticus) and tree sparrows (P-montanus).
Journal of Ornithology = Journal fur Ornithologie
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jensen, Henrik;
Svorkmo-Lundberg, Torkild;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Environmental influence and cohort effects in a sexual ornament in the house sparrow, Passer domesticus.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Myre Bremset, Erlend;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Multilocus heterozygosity and inbreeding in an insular house sparrow metapopulation.
NTNU, Institutt for biologi
Skei, Jon Kristian;
Dolmen, Dag;
Rønning, Lars;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Habitat use during the aquatic phase of the newts Triturus vulgaris (L.) and T. cristatus (Laurenti) in central Norway: proposition for a conservation and monitoring area.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Jensen, Henrik;
Engen, Steinar.
Demographic characteristics of extinction in a small, insular population of house sparrows in Northern Norway.
Conservation Biology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Husby, Arild;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Causes and consequences of adaptive seasonal sex ratio variation in house sparrows.
Journal of Animal Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Tufto, Jarle;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Dhondt, A.A.;
Andriaensen, Frank;
Matthysen, Erik.
A parametric model for estimation of dispersal patterns applied to five passerine spatially structured populations.
The American Naturalist
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Larsen, Line-Kristin;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Correlates of multiple paternity (MP) in a house sparrow, Passer domesticus, meta-population.
NTNU, Institutt for biologi
Husby, Arild;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Causes and consequences of sex ratio variation in house sparrows.
NTNU, Institutt for biologi
Jensen, Henrik;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Tufto, Jarle;
Griffith, Simon C.;
Ellegren, H.
Lifetime reproductive success in relation to morphology in the house sparrow Passer domesticus.
Journal of Animal Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Henriksen, Snorre;
Aanes, Ronny;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Tufto, Jarle.
Does availability of resources influence grazing strategies in female Svalbard reindeer?.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jensen, Henrik;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Tufto, Jarle;
Griffith, S. C.;
Ellegren, Hans.
Sexual variation in heritability and genetic correlations of morphological traits in house sparrow (Passer domesticus).
Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Tufto, Jarle;
Jensen, Henrik;
Solberg, Erling Johan.
Asynchronous spatiotemporal variation in demography of a House Sparrow Passer domesticus metapopulation in a correlated environment.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Solberg, Erling Johan;
Loison, Anne;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Heim, Morten.
Biased adult sex ratio can affect fecundity in primiparous moose.
Wildlife Biology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Altwegg, Res;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Phenotypic correlates and consequences of dispersal in a metapopulation of house sparrows Passer domesticus.
Journal of Animal Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Solberg, Erling Johan;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Altwegg, Andreas;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Fertile House Sparrow X Tree Sparrow (Passer domesticus X Passer montanus) hybrids?.
Journal of Ornithology = Journal fur Ornithologie
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Altwegg, Andreas;
Solberg, Erling Johan.
Temporal and spatial variation in survival rates of a house sparrow metapopulation.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Bakke, Øyvind;
Solberg, Erling Johan.
Spatial and temporal variation in demography of a house sparrow metapopulation.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Altwegg, Res;
Solberg, Erling Johan.
Temporal and spatial variation in survival rates of a house sparrow, Passer domesticus, metapopulation.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Bakke, Øyvind;
Solberg, Erling Johan.
Spatial and temporal variation in demography of a house sparrow metapopulation.
Journal of Animal Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Solberg, Erling Johan.
Factors affecting juvenile survival in House Sparrow Passer domesticus.
Journal of Avian Biology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Tufto, Jarle;
Solberg, E.J.;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Statistical models of transitive and intransitive dominance structures.
Animal Behaviour
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Variation in space and time: the biology of a House sparrow metapopulation.
[Mangler utgivernavn]
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Variation in Space and Time: The Biology of a House Sparrow Metapopulation.
Zoologisk Institutt, Fakultet for Kjemi og Biologi, NTNU
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Factors affecting juvenile survival and the consequences for local demography in a metapopulation of House Sparrows.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Stewart, I.R.K.;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Solberg, E.J..
Absence of haematozoa in passerines from a Norwegian archipelago.
Ornis Fennica
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Solberg, E.J.;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Does male badge size signal status in small island populations of House sparrows, Passer domesticus?.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Røskaft, Eivin.
Life history variation, population processes and priorities in species conservation : towards a reunion of research paradigms.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ranke, Peter Sjolte;
Pepke, Michael Le;
Søraker, Jørgen Skavdal;
David, Gabriel;
Araya Ajoy, Yimen Gerardo;
Wright, Jonathan.
Long-distance dispersal in the short-distance dispersing house sparrow (Passer domesticus).
Ecology and Evolution
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Htay, Thazin;
Htoo, Kyaw Kyaw;
Røskaft, Eivin;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Ranke, Peter Sjolte.
Environmental Factors Affecting Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Crop-Exploiting Species: Implications for Coexistence Between Agricultural Production and Avifauna Conservation in Wetlands.
Environmental Management
Vitenskapelig artikkel
McAuley, John B;
Servin, Bertrand;
Burnett, Hamish Andrew;
Brekke, Cathrine;
Peters, Lucy;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie.
The Genetic Architecture of Recombination Rates is Polygenic and Differs between the Sexes in Wild House Sparrows (Passer domesticus).
Molecular Biology and Evolution (MBE)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Eriksen, Lasse Frost;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Pedersen, Hans Christian;
Nilsen, Erlend Birkeland.
Climatic forcing and individual heterogeneity in a
resident mountain bird: legacy data reveal effects on
reproductive strategies.
Royal Society Open Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nafstad, Ådne Messel;
Rønning, Bernt;
Aase, Kenneth;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie;
Ranke, Peter Sjolte.
Spatial variation in the evolutionary potential and constraints of basal metabolic rate and body mass in a wild bird.
Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Htay, Thazin;
Røskaft, Eivin;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Ranke, Peter Sjolte.
Spatio-temporal variation in avian taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity and its relevance for conservation in a wetland ecosystem in Myanmar.
Biodiversity and Conservation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Pepke, Michael Le;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Eisenberg, Dan T. A..
The evolution of early-life telomere length, pace-of-life and telomere-chromosome length dynamics in birds.
Molecular Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Pepke, Michael Le;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Wright, Jonathan;
Araya Ajoy, Yimen Gerardo;
Ranke, Peter Sjolte;
Boner, Winnie.
Longitudinal telomere dynamics within natural lifespans of a wild bird.
Scientific Reports
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Htay, Thazin;
Htoo, Kyaw Kyaw;
Røskaft, Eivin;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Ranke, Peter Sjolte.
Social and ecological drivers of illegal bird hunting in the Indawgyi wetland ecosystem in Myanmar.
Conservation Science and Practice (CSP)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Pepke, Michael Le;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Rønning, Bernt;
Jensen, Henrik;
Boner, Winnie;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Artificial size selection experiment reveals telomere length dynamics and fitness consequences in a wild passerine.
Molecular Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mehlhoop, Anne Catriona;
Van Moorter, Bram;
Rolandsen, Christer Moe;
Hagen, Dagmar;
Granhus, Aksel;
Eriksen, Rune.
Moose in our neighborhood: Does perceived hunting risk have cascading effects on tree performance in vicinity of roads and houses?.
Ecology and Evolution
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Pepke, Michael Le;
Niskanen, Alina Katariina;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Boner, Winnie;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Inbreeding is associated with shorter early-life telomere length in a wild passerine.
Conservation Genetics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Pepke, Michael Le;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Ranke, Peter Sjolte;
Araya-Ajoy, Yimen;
Wright, Jonathan;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Causes and consequences of variation in early-life telomere length in a bird metapopulation.
Ecology and Evolution
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Htay, Thazin;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Røskaft, Eivin;
Ranke, Peter Sjolte.
Promoting bird conservation in wetland-associated landscapes: Factors influencing avian crop damage and farmers’ attitudes.
Global Ecology and Conservation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ranke, Peter Sjolte;
Araya-Ajoy, Yimen;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Pärn, Henrik;
Rønning, Bernt;
Jensen, Henrik.
Spatial structure and dispersal dynamics in a house sparrow metapopulation.
Journal of Animal Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Saatoglu, Fikriye Dilan;
Niskanen, Alina Katariina;
Kuismin, Markku;
Ranke, Peter Sjolte;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie;
Araya-Ajoy, Yimen.
Dispersal in a house sparrow metapopulation: An integrative case study of genetic assignment calibrated with ecological data and pedigree information.
Molecular Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Pepke, Michael Le;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Lundregan, Sarah;
Boner, Winnie;
Monaghan, Pat;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Genetic architecture and heritability of early-life telomere length in a wild passerine.
Molecular Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Araya-Ajoy, Yimen;
Niskanen, Alina Katariina;
Froy, Hannah;
Ranke, Peter Sjolte;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Rønning, Bernt.
Variation in generation time reveals density regulation as an important driver of pace of life in a bird metapopulation.
Ecology Letters
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Dehnhard, Nina;
Skei, Jørgen;
Christensen-Dalsgaard, Signe;
May, Roelof Frans;
Halley, Duncan John;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Boat disturbance effects on moulting common eiders Somateria
Marine Biology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Niskanen, Alina Katariina;
Billing, Anna Maria;
Holand, Håkon;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie;
Araya-Ajoy, Yimen;
Husby, Arild.
Consistent scaling of inbreeding depression in space and time in a house sparrow metapopulation.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ranke, Peter Sjolte;
Skjelseth, Sigrun;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie;
Billing, Anna Maria;
Borg Pedersen, Åsa Alexandra;
Pärn, Henrik.
Multi‑generational genetic consequences of reinforcement in a bird metapopulation.
Conservation Genetics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lundregan, Sarah L.;
Niskanen, Alina K.;
Muff, Stefanie;
Holand, Håkon;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Ringsby, Thor-Harald.
Resistance to gapeworm parasite has both additive and dominant genetic components in house sparrows, with evolutionary consequences for ability to respond to parasite challenge.
Molecular Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Araya-Ajoy, Yimen;
Ranke, Peter Sjolte;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Rønning, Bernt;
Holand, Håkon;
Myhre, Ane Marlene.
Characterizing morphological (co)variation using structural equation models: Body size, allometric relationships and evolvability in a house sparrow metapopulation.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Holand, Håkon;
Jensen, Henrik;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Tufto, Jarle;
Pärn, Henrik;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Parasite prevalence increases with temperature in an avian metapopulation in northern Norway.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Røberg, Anja Ås;
Jensen, Henrik;
Holand, Håkon;
Pärn, Henrik;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Offspring fitness and the optimal propagule size in a fluctuating environment.
Journal of Avian Biology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lundregan, Sarah;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie;
Gohli, Jostein;
Niskanen, Alina Katariina;
Kemppainen, Petri;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Inferences of genetic architecture of bill morphology in house sparrow using a high-density SNP array point to a polygenic basis.
Molecular Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stubberud, Marlene Wæge;
Myhre, Ane Marlene;
Holand, Håkon;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Sensitivity analysis of effective population size to demographic parameters in house sparrow populations.
Molecular Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Jensen, Henrik;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie;
Rønning, Bernt;
Pärn, Henrik.
Reversal of response to artificial selection on body size in a wild passerine bird.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Silva, Catarina;
McFarlane, S. Eryn;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie;
Rönnegård, Lars;
Billing, Anna Maria;
Kvalnes, Thomas.
Insights into the genetic architecture of morphological and sexually selected traits in two passerine bird species.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ranke, Peter Sjolte;
Skjelseth, Sigrun;
Pärn, Henrik;
Herfindal, Ivar;
Borg Pedersen, Åsa Alexandra;
Stokke, Bård Gunnar.
Demographic influences of translocated individuals on a resident population of house sparrows.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kemppainen, Petri;
Rønning, Bernt;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Billing, Anna Maria.
Controlling for P-value inflation in allele frequency change in experimental evolution and artificial selection experiments.
Molecular Ecology Resources
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rønning, Bernt;
Broggi, Juli;
Bech, Claus;
Moe, Børge;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Pärn, Henrik.
Is basal metabolic rate associated with recruit production and survival in free-living house sparrows?.
Functional Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Holand, Håkon;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Gamelon, Marlène;
Tufto, Jarle;
Jensen, Henrik;
Pärn, Henrik.
Spatial variation in senescence rates in a bird metapopulation.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nossen, Ida;
Ciesielski, Tomasz Maciej;
Dimmen, Malene Vågen;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Polder, Anuschka.
Steroids in house sparrows (Passer domesticus): Effects of POPs and male quality signalling.
Science of the Total Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Jensen, Henrik;
Pärn, Henrik;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Boner, Winnie;
Gillespie, Robert.
On being the right size: Increased body size is associated with reduced telomere length under natural conditions.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Holand, Håkon;
Jensen, Henrik;
Tufto, Jarle;
Pärn, Henrik;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Endoparasite infection has both short- and long-term negative effects on reproductive success of female house sparrows, as revealed by faecal parasitic egg counts.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Holand, Håkon;
Jensen, Henrik;
Tufto, Jarle;
Soliman, Mustafa M.;
Pärn, Henrik;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Lower survival probability of house sparrows severely infected by the gapeworm parasite.
Journal of Avian Biology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Baalsrud, Helle Tessand;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Hagen, Ingerid Julie;
Myhre, Ane Marlene;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Pärn, Henrik.
Effects of population characteristics and structure on estimates of effective population size in a house sparrow metapopulation.
Molecular Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Huseby, O.;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Rolandsen, Christer Moe;
Van Moorter, Bram;
Herfindal, Ivar;
Solberg, Erling Johan.
Sesongvariasjon i elgens aktivitet gjennom døgnet påvirker når og hvor den påkjøres.
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Jensen, Henrik;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Correlates of egg size variation in a population of house sparrow Passer domesticus.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Melis, Claudia;
Borg, Åsa Alexandra;
Jensen, Henrik;
Bjørkvoll, Eirin Marie;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Genetic variability and structure of the water vole Arvicola amphibius across four metapopulations in northern Norway.
Ecology and Evolution
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Holand, Håkon;
Jensen, Henrik;
Tufto, Jarle;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Temporal and spatial variation in prevalence of the parasite Syngamus trachea in a metapopulation of House Sparrows (Passer domesticus).
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Parn, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Jensen, Henrik;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Spatial heterogeneity in the effects of climate and density-dependence on dispersal in a house sparrow metapopulation.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Billing, Anna Maria;
Lee, Aline Magdalena;
Skjelseth, Sigrun;
Borg, Åsa Alexandra;
Hale, M. C.;
Slate, J.
Evidence of inbreeding depression but not inbreeding avoidance in a natural house sparrow population.
Molecular Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Tufto, Jarle;
Lande, Russell;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Engen, Steinar;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Walla, T. R..
Estimating Brownian motion dispersal rate, longevity and population density from spatially explicit mark-recapture data on tropical butterflies.
Journal of Animal Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Melis, Claudia;
Holmern, Tomas;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Who ends up in the eagle owl pellets? A new method to assess whether water voles experience different predation risk.
Mammalian Biology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Berge, Torborg;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Jensen, Henrik.
Reproductive success and individual variation in feeding frequency of House Sparrows (Passer domesticus).
Journal of Ornithology = Journal fur Ornithologie
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Parn, Henrik;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Sex-specific fitness correlates of dispersal in a house sparrow metapopulation.
Journal of Animal Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jensen, Henrik;
Steinsland, Ingelin;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Evolutionary dynamics of a sexual ornament in the house sparrow (Passer domesticus): The role of indirect selection within and between sexes.
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Ciesielski, Tomasz Maciej;
Jenssen, Bjørn Munro;
Pedersen, Hans Christian;
Bæk, K.;
Skåre, Janneche Utne;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Decabrominated diphenyl ether in ptarmigans and sparrows in Norway.
Organohalogen Compounds
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jones, OR;
Gaillard, JM;
Tuljapurkar, S;
Alho, JS;
Armitage, KB;
Becker, PH.
Senescence rates are determined by ranking on the fast-slow life-history continuum.
Ecology Letters
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jensen, Henrik;
Bremset, Erlend Myre;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Multilocus heterozygosity and inbreeding depression in an insular house sparrow metapopulation.
Molecular Ecology
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Engen, Steinar;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Lande, Russell;
Jensen, Henrik;
Lillegård, Magnar.
Effective size of fluctuating populations with two sexes and overlapping generations.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skjelseth, Sigrun;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Tufto, Jarle;
Jensen, Henrik;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Dispersal of introduced house sparrows Passer domesticus: an experiment.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jensen, Henrik;
Steinsland, Ingelin;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Indirect selection as a constraint on the evolution of sexual ornaments and other morphological traits in the House Sparrow.
Journal of Ornithology = Journal fur Ornithologie
Skjelseth, Sigrun;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Jensen, Henrik;
Tufto, Jarle;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Dispersal patterns within a meta-population of House Sparrows after an introduction experiment.
Journal of Ornithology = Journal fur Ornithologie
Solberg, E.J.;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Fitness consequences of hybridization between house sparrows (Passer domesticus) and tree sparrows (P-montanus).
Journal of Ornithology = Journal fur Ornithologie
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jensen, Henrik;
Svorkmo-Lundberg, Torkild;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Environmental influence and cohort effects in a sexual ornament in the house sparrow, Passer domesticus.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skei, Jon Kristian;
Dolmen, Dag;
Rønning, Lars;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Habitat use during the aquatic phase of the newts Triturus vulgaris (L.) and T. cristatus (Laurenti) in central Norway: proposition for a conservation and monitoring area.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Jensen, Henrik;
Engen, Steinar.
Demographic characteristics of extinction in a small, insular population of house sparrows in Northern Norway.
Conservation Biology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Husby, Arild;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Causes and consequences of adaptive seasonal sex ratio variation in house sparrows.
Journal of Animal Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Tufto, Jarle;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Dhondt, A.A.;
Andriaensen, Frank;
Matthysen, Erik.
A parametric model for estimation of dispersal patterns applied to five passerine spatially structured populations.
The American Naturalist
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jensen, Henrik;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Tufto, Jarle;
Griffith, Simon C.;
Ellegren, H.
Lifetime reproductive success in relation to morphology in the house sparrow Passer domesticus.
Journal of Animal Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Henriksen, Snorre;
Aanes, Ronny;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Tufto, Jarle.
Does availability of resources influence grazing strategies in female Svalbard reindeer?.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jensen, Henrik;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Tufto, Jarle;
Griffith, S. C.;
Ellegren, Hans.
Sexual variation in heritability and genetic correlations of morphological traits in house sparrow (Passer domesticus).
Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Tufto, Jarle;
Jensen, Henrik;
Solberg, Erling Johan.
Asynchronous spatiotemporal variation in demography of a House Sparrow Passer domesticus metapopulation in a correlated environment.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Solberg, Erling Johan;
Loison, Anne;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Heim, Morten.
Biased adult sex ratio can affect fecundity in primiparous moose.
Wildlife Biology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Altwegg, Res;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Phenotypic correlates and consequences of dispersal in a metapopulation of house sparrows Passer domesticus.
Journal of Animal Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Solberg, Erling Johan;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Altwegg, Andreas;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Fertile House Sparrow X Tree Sparrow (Passer domesticus X Passer montanus) hybrids?.
Journal of Ornithology = Journal fur Ornithologie
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Altwegg, Andreas;
Solberg, Erling Johan.
Temporal and spatial variation in survival rates of a house sparrow metapopulation.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Bakke, Øyvind;
Solberg, Erling Johan.
Spatial and temporal variation in demography of a house sparrow metapopulation.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Altwegg, Res;
Solberg, Erling Johan.
Temporal and spatial variation in survival rates of a house sparrow, Passer domesticus, metapopulation.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Bakke, Øyvind;
Solberg, Erling Johan.
Spatial and temporal variation in demography of a house sparrow metapopulation.
Journal of Animal Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Solberg, Erling Johan.
Factors affecting juvenile survival in House Sparrow Passer domesticus.
Journal of Avian Biology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Tufto, Jarle;
Solberg, E.J.;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Statistical models of transitive and intransitive dominance structures.
Animal Behaviour
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stewart, I.R.K.;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Solberg, E.J..
Absence of haematozoa in passerines from a Norwegian archipelago.
Ornis Fennica
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Solberg, E.J.;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Does male badge size signal status in small island populations of House sparrows, Passer domesticus?.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Røskaft, Eivin.
Life history variation, population processes and priorities in species conservation : towards a reunion of research paradigms.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Del av bok/rapport
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Factors affecting juvenile survival and the consequences for local demography in a metapopulation of House Sparrows.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Eriksen, Lasse Frost;
Nilsen, Erlend Birkeland;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Moa, Pål Fossland;
Grøtan, Vidar.
Life history traits and demography of a mountain bird under climatic variation.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2024:90)
Kazemi, Maryam;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Burnett, Hamish Andrew;
Myhre, Ane Marlene.
Demographic changes in female-skewed populations of house sparrow (Passer domesticus).
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Saugestad, Margrete;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Ranke, Peter Sjolte;
Pepke, Michael Le.
The influence of arthropods availability on fledgling morphology and reproductive success in wild house sparrows.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Gholami, Fatemeh;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Burnett, Hamish Andrew.
Effect of inbreeding on egg size and clutch size in an insular house sparrow metapopulation in northern Norway.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Oddvik, Vilde Jonasson;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Christensen-Dalsgaard, Signe;
Kvalnes, Thomas.
The Effects of Diet and Weather on Early-life Growth and Survival in Atlantic Puffin Nestlings in Northern Norway.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Mehlhoop, Anne Catriona;
Van Moorter, Bram;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Hagen, Dagmar;
Rolandsen, Christer Moe;
Evju, Marianne.
Evaluating mitigation measures to reduce negative impacts of infrastructure construction on vegetation and wildlife.
Doctoral theses at NTNU (48)
Søraker, Jørgen Skavdal;
Jensen, Henrik;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Wright, Jonathan;
Ranke, Peter Sjolte;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Disentangling the age-dependent causal pathways affecting multiple paternity in house sparrows.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Bjørsrud, Maren Sofie;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Pepke, Michael Le;
Ranke, Peter Sjolte.
Predator-induced selection on
phenotypes by sparrowhawks
(Accipiter nisus) in house sparrows
(Passer domesticus).
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Pepke, Michael Le;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Jensen, Henrik;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Wright, Jonathan.
The Ecological and evolutionary role of telomere length in house sparrows.
Doctoral theses at NTNU (420)
Muller, Amandine Sophie;
Jensen, Henrik;
Araya-Ajoy, Yimen;
Husby, Arild;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Lundregan, Sarah.
Effects of inbreeding on lay date in house sparrows (Passer domesticus).
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Gravelsæther, Maria Margareth Angelil;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Fossøy, Frode;
Stokke, Bård Gunnar;
Hansen, Brage Bremset.
Effects of arthropod abundance on reproductive success in Svalbard snow bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis).
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Nilsen, Erlend Birkeland;
Eriksen, Lasse Frost;
Eichholz, Emanuel.
Optimal spatiotemporal harvest
strategies for willow ptarmigan
(Lagopus lagopus) in central Norway.
Thurmann-Nielsen, Cathrine Framstad;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Pepke, Michael Le;
Rønning, Bernt;
Kvalnes, Thomas.
Nest Microclimate in Relation to Maternal Phenotypic Quality and Reproductive Success in a Wild Population of House Sparrows (Passer domesticus).
Ranke, Peter Sjolte;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Pärn, Henrik;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
Demographic and genetic and consequences of dispersal in house sparrows.
Gjestrud Julseth, Martin;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Rønning, Bernt;
Pepke, Michael Le;
Skei, Jon Kristian;
Kvalnes, Thomas.
The effect of arthropod availability
on reproductive phenology and
success in a multi-brooded
passerine Passer domesticus.
Myhr Stavnås, Veronica;
Nilsen, Erlend Birkeland;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Demographic determinants of population growth rate in willow ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus) in Lierne, central Norway.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU)
Krogfjord, Mari;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Pedersen, Michael Pepke.
Effects of variation in egg size on maternal fitness in a population of wild house sparrows (Passer domesticus).
Jakobsen, Marte;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Pedersen, Michael Pepke;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Rønning, Bernt.
Spatiotemporal variation and fitness consequences of blood hemoglobin concentration in free-living house sparrow (Passer domesticus) nestlings.
Talal, Mohammad;
Wright, Jonathan;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Individual variation and indirect social effects in Producer-Scrounger behavior in the House Sparrow, Passer domesticus.
Johansen, Kristina;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Jensen, Henrik;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Tufto, Jarle.
Spatiotemporal variation in laying date and its impact on reproductive success in houses parrows (Passer domesticus).
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Pettersen, Nils Håkon;
Wright, Jonathan;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Rønning, Bernt.
Indirect social effects of the individual strategy in producer-scrounger foraging interactions.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Wright, Jonathan;
Finnøen, Mette Helene;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Rønning, Bernt.
Personality and pace-of-life behavioral syndromes in a model species, the House Sparrow (Passer domesticus).
MSc Thesis, NTNU
Olsen, Mirja Carola;
Wright, Jonathan;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Rønning, Bernt.
Linking variation in personality and behavioural syndromes to social foraging and producer-scrounger effects in house sparrows (Passer domesticus).
MSc Thesis, NTNU
Lindstrøm, Ingrid Marie;
Solberg, Erling Johan;
Rolandsen, Christer Moe;
Bram, Van Moorter;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
No mitigating effects of roadside vegetation clearing on ungulate-vehicle collisions in Nord-Trøndelag.
Institutt for biologi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Danielsen, Preben;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Hansen, Brage Bremset;
Varpe, Øystein;
Veiberg, Vebjørn.
Climate trends, weather fluctuations and calving phenology in Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus).
Institutt for biologi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
De Rijcke, Sandra;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Lorentsen, Svein Håkon.
Foraging behaviour of the European shag during early chick-rearing period; do they follow the marginal value theorem?.
Institutt for biologi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Arstad Skøien, Elida;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Hansen, Brage Bremset;
Fossøy, Frode;
Stokke, Bård Gunnar;
Varpe, Øystein.
Causes and Consequences of Breeding
Synchrony in the Snow Bunting
(Plectrophenax nivalis).
Institutt for biologi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Wright, Jonathan;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Pärn, Henrik;
Rønning, Bernt;
Sommerli, Sindre Lysfjord.
Personality and Innovation in House Sparrows: Evolutionary and Demographic Consequences of Individual Phenotypic Differences.
MSc Thesis, NTNU
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Jensen, Henrik;
Røberg, Anja Ås.
Effects of variation in egg size on offspring fitness in populations of house sparrow (Passer domesticus).
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Skøien, Elida Aarstad;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Fossøy, Frode;
Hansen, Brage Bremset;
Varpe, Øystein;
Stokke, Bård Gunnar.
Causes and Consequences of Breeding Synchrony in the Snow Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis).
NTNU, Department of Biology
Skei, Jørgen;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Lorentsen, Svein Håkon.
Exploring Moulting Common Eider (Somateria mollissima) Escape Responses towards Ship Traffic.
Institutt for biologi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Holand, Håkon;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Jensen, Henrik;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik.
The parasite Syngamus trachea in a metapopulation of house sparrows.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2014:178)
Dimmen, Malene Vågen;
Jenssen, Bjørn Munro;
Ciesielski, Tomasz Maciej;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Levels and effects of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) on circulating thyroid hormones in house sparrows (Passer domesticus) from Leka, Norway.
Department of Biology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Nossen, Ida;
Jenssen, Bjørn Munro;
Ciesielski, Tomasz Maciej;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Possible Effects of Persistent Organic Pollutants on Steroid Hormone Homeostasis in House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) from Helgeland, Norway.
Department of Biology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Holand, Håkon;
Jensen, Henrik;
Pärn, Henrik;
Vastveit, Helene Russell.
Spatial and temporal variation in hippoboscid parasitism by Ornithomya chloropus on house sparrows (Passer domesticus) and its effect on survival.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Huseby, Oddmund;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Solberg, Erling Johan;
Herfindal, Ivar;
Van Moorter, Bram F. A.;
Rolandsen, Christer Moe.
Spatio-temporal variation in moose vehicle collisions: the effect of varying traffic intensity and light conditions.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Ofstad, Endre Grüner;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Herfindal, Ivar;
Solberg, Erling Johan;
Rolandsen, Christer Moe;
Van Moorter, Bram F. A..
Seasonal variation in Site Fidelity of Moose (Alces alces).
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Gressetvold, Marit;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Lorentsen, Svein-Håkon.
Identifying conservative criteria for environmental assessments of vulnerability; Seabirds and offshore wind farms as a case study.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Kristiansen, Atle Torvik;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Jensen, Henrik.
Genetic variation in a metapopulation of house sparrows: The interplay of population size and dispersal.
NTNU, Institutt for biologi
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Odden, John.
The ecology of a conflict: Eurasian lynx depredation on domestic sheep.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (320)
Kvalnes, Thomas;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Jensen, Henrik.
Correlates of egg size variation in a population of house sparrow Passer domesticus.
NTNU, Institutt for biologi
Holand, Håkon;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Jensen, Henrik.
Effects of the parasitic gapeworm (Syngamus trachea) on survival in house sparrows (Passer domesticus).
NTNU, Institutt for biologi
Davidsen, Ole Roar;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Size-related variation in survival rates of house sparrows (Passer domesticus) subject to artificial size-dependent selection.
NTNU, Institutt for biologi
Myre Bremset, Erlend;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Multilocus heterozygosity and inbreeding in an insular house sparrow metapopulation.
NTNU, Institutt for biologi
Larsen, Line-Kristin;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Correlates of multiple paternity (MP) in a house sparrow, Passer domesticus, meta-population.
NTNU, Institutt for biologi
Husby, Arild;
Sæther, Bernt-Erik;
Jensen, Henrik;
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Causes and consequences of sex ratio variation in house sparrows.
NTNU, Institutt for biologi
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Variation in space and time: the biology of a House sparrow metapopulation.
[Mangler utgivernavn]
Ringsby, Thor Harald.
Variation in Space and Time: The Biology of a House Sparrow Metapopulation.
Zoologisk Institutt, Fakultet for Kjemi og Biologi, NTNU
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Nielsen, Martin Reinhardt;
Kløckner, Christian;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Moe, Espen;
Said, Mohammed Yahya.
Savanna Life (brettspill/serious game).
Annet produkt
- NATRBI3900 - Master Thesis in Natural Resources Management - Biology
- BI1003 - Ecology, Behaviour, Evolution and Sustainability
- RFEL3081 - Interdisciplinary Project for Environmental Sustainability
- BI2033 - Population Ecology
- BI2034 - Community Ecology and Ecosystems
- RFEL3083 - Sustainable management: Internship
IntervjuVaagland, Henriette; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Bjerva, Marthe Kristine Nes. (2024) Det yrer av fugleliv i Høgskoleparken - Og mer skal det bli. Universitetsavisa Universitetsavisa [Avis] 2024-05-29
PosterGholami, Fatemeh; Burnett, Hamish Andrew; Kvalnes, Thomas; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Jensen, Henrik. (2023) Inbreeding depression in egg and clutch size in house sparrows. Nordic Society Oikos OIKOS 2023 , Ås 2023-02-13 - 2023-02-15
Vitenskapelig foredragSøraker, Jørgen Skavdal; Ranke, Peter Sjolte; Wright, Jonathan; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Sæther, Bernt-Erik; Jensen, Henrik. (2022) Disentangling the age-dependent causal pathways affecting multiple paternity in house sparrows. Oxford University IX Hole-Nesting Bird Conference , Oxford 2022-09-06 - 2022-09-08
PosterGhimire, Kiran; Burnett, Hamish Andrew; Goedert, Debora; Ranke, Peter Sjolte; Muff, Stefanie; Ringsby, Thor Harald. (2022) Effects of inbreeding on nestling fitness in an insular house sparrow metapopulation in northern Norway. Nordic Society Oikos 5th Conference of Nordic Society OIKOS 2022 , Aarhus 2022-06-07 - 2022-06-10
Faglig foredragRingsby, Thor Harald. (2022) Knowledge for a more sustainable use of wild species. Miljødirektoratet Nasjonal lansering av naturpanelets rapport om bærekraftig bruk av ville arter , Trondheim 2022-11-29 - 2022-11-29
PosterPepke, Michael Le; Kvalnes, Thomas; Boner, Winnie; Monaghan, Pat; Ranke, Peter Sjolte; Lundregan, Sarah. (2022) Causes and consequences of variation in early-life telomere length in a bird metapopulation. Nordic Society Oikos 5th Conference of Nordic Society OIKOS 2022 , Aarhus 2022-06-07 - 2022-06-10
PosterPepke, Michael Le; Kvalnes, Thomas; Boner, Winnie; Niskanen, Alina Katariina; Lundregan, Sarah; Ranke, Peter Sjolte. (2022) The ecological and evolutionary role of early-life telomere length in wild house sparrows . European Society for Evolutionary Biology Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology 2022 , Praha 2022-08-14 - 2022-08-19
Vitenskapelig foredragHtay, Thazin; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Røskaft, Eivin; Ranke, Peter Sjolte. (2022) Farmers’ Vulnerability and Acceptability of Avian Crop Damage . Colorodo State University and Wageningen University Pathways Europe 2022 , Wageningen University 2022-10-19 - 2022-10-21
DokumentarBazilchuk, Nancy Reney; Jensen, Henrik; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Muff, Stefanie. (2021) Darwin had Galapagos finches. Norway has… house sparrows?. [Internett] 2021-02-26
PosterLe Moullec, Mathilde; Acker, Paul; Grøtan, Vidar; Lee, Aline Magdalena; Herfindal, Ivar; O'Hara, Bob. (2021) How can we assess temporal changes in population synchrony?. British Ecological Society Annual Meeting of the British Ecological Society , Liverpool, UK 2021-12-12 - 2021-12-15
Populærvitenskapelig foredragJensen, Henrik; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Lundregan, Sarah; Røsbak, Randi. (2020) Seleksjon og evolusjon i naturlige bestander. Skolelaboratoriet, NTNU Forelesning i forbindelse med besøk av Biologi OL-elever , Trondheim 2020-01-14 - 2020-01-15
Vitenskapelig foredragRingsby, Thor Harald; Jensen, Henrik; Sæther, Bernt-Erik; Kvalnes, Thomas; Holand, Håkon; Pärn, Henrik. (2020) Causes and consequences of variation in life history strategies among house sparrows. Institute of BAH&CM Scientific Seminar at Pat Monaghan and Neil Metcalfes Lab group , Glasgow 2020-11-04 - 2020-11-04
Vitenskapelig foredragRingsby, Thor Harald; Holand, Håkon; Jensen, Henrik; Tufto, Jarle; Kvalnes, Thomas; Sæther, Bernt-Erik. (2020) Effects of the nematode parasite Syngamus trachea on fitness of House sparrows in northern Norway. Nordic Society Oikos The fourth conference of the Nordic Society Oikos , Reykjavik 2020-03-03 - 2020-03-05
Faglig foredragSaatoglu, Fikriye Dilan; Froy, Hannah; Niskanen, Alina Katariina; Kvalnes, Thomas; Araya-Ajoy, Yimen; Ranke, Peter Sjolte. (2020) Fitness consequences of dispersal in a house sparrow metapopulation. Nordic Society Oikos Oikos 2020 , Reykjavik 2020-03-03 - 2020-03-05
Vitenskapelig foredragEriksen, Lasse Frost; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Pedersen, Hans Christian; Nilsen, Erlend Birkeland. (2019) Optimal clutch size in willow ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus). Norsk økologisk forening 4th Conference of the Norwegian Ecological Society , Tromsø 2019-02-11 - 2019-02-13
Faglig foredragJensen, Henrik; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Eggen, Grethe Stavik. (2019) Seleksjon og evolusjon i naturlige bestander. Skolelaboratoriet, NTNU Forelesning i forbindelse med besøk av Biologi OL-elever , Trondheim 2019-01-17 - 2019-01-17
PosterSaatoglu, Dilan; Niskanen, Alina Katariina; Kvalnes, Thomas; Araya-Ajoy, Yimen; Ranke, Peter Sjolte; Froy, Hannah. (2019) Fitness consequences of dispersal in a house sparrow metapopulation. European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB) 2019 Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB) , Turku 2019-08-19 - 2019-08-24
Vitenskapelig foredragSaatoglu, Dilan; Niskanen, Alina Katariina; Kuismin, Markku; Kvalnes, Thomas; Araya-Ajoy, Yimen; Ranke, Peter Sjolte. (2019) Dispersal - genetic detection and fitness consequences. Kaamos symposium , Oulu 2019-12-11 - 2019-12-12
Vitenskapelig foredragNiskanen, Alina Katariina; Billing, Anna Maria; Holand, Håkon; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Huisman, Jisca; Araya-Ajoy, Yimen. (2019) Inbreeding depression in a house sparrow metapopulation. University of Oulu Molecular Ecology and Evolution Lab meeting , Oulu 2019-01-24 - 2019-01-24
Vitenskapelig foredragRingsby, Thor Harald. (2018) Causes and consequences of variation in life history strategies among house sparrows. Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Med Gjesteforelesning, University of Glasgow, UK , Glasgow 2018-03-15 - 2018-03-15
PosterJensen, Henrik; Stubberud, Marlene Wæge; Baalsrud, Helle Tessand; Holand, Håkon; Kvalnes, Thomas; Hagen, Ingerid Julie. (2018) Consequences of demographic processes for effective population size in house sparrows. Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics, NTNU Oikos 2018 , Trondheim 2018-02-20 - 2018-02-22
PosterBohm, Sina; Niskanen, Alina Katariina; Saatoglu, Dilan; Pärn, Henrik; Ranke, Peter Sjolte; Araya-Ajoy, Yimen. (2018) Interactions between inbreeding and dispersal in a house sparrows metapopulation. European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB) Second Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology , Montpellier 2018-08-19 - 2018-08-22
Vitenskapelig foredragSaatoglu, Dilan; Niskanen, Alina Katariina; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Ranke, Peter Sjolte; Araya-Ajoy, Yimen; Myhre, Ane Marlene. (2018) Discovering dispersers by genetic stock identification method in a house sparrow metapopulation. Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics, NTNU Oikos 2018 , Trondheim 2018-02-20 - 2018-02-22
PosterLundregan, Sarah; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Gohli, Jostein; Niskanen, Alina Katariina; Kemppainen, Petri; Ringsby, Thor Harald. (2018) Investigating the genetic architecture of bill morphology in a free-living house sparrow metapopulation using a 200K SNP array. Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics, NTNU Oikos 2018 , Trondheim 2018-02-20 - 2018-02-22
PosterNiskanen, Alina Katariina; Billing, Anna Maria; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Muff, Stefanie; Husby, Arild; Holand, Håkon. (2018) Inbreeding depression in house sparrows. Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics, NTNU Oikos 2018 , Trondheim 2018-02-20 - 2018-02-22
Vitenskapelig foredragNiskanen, Alina Katariina; Billing, Anna Maria; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Muff, Stefanie; Husby, Arild; Holand, Håkon. (2018) Inbreeding depression in a house sparrow metapopulation. European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB) Second Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology , Montpellier 2018-08-19 - 2018-08-22
PosterSaatoglu, Dilan; Niskanen, Alina Katariina; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Ranke, Peter Sjolte; Araya-Ajoy, Yimen; Myhre, Ane Marlene. (2018) Dispersal and its Fitness consequences in a house sparrow metapopulation - identifying "cryptic" dispersers using a genetic assignment method. European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB) Second Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology , Montpellier 2018-08-19 - 2018-08-22
Populærvitenskapelig foredragJensen, Henrik; Ringsby, Thor Harald. (2018) Seleksjon og evolusjon i naturlige bestander. Skolelaboratoriet, NTNU Forelesning i forbindelse med besøk av Biologi OL-elever , Trondheim 2018-01-15 - 2018-01-15
Populærvitenskapelig foredragJensen, Henrik; Ringsby, Thor Harald. (2017) Seleksjon og evolusjon i naturlige bestander. Skolelaboratoriet, NTNU Forelesning i forbindelse med besøk av Biologi OL-elever , Trondheim 2017-01-12 - 2017-01-12
PosterPedersen, Michael Pepke; Kvalnes, Thomas; Rønning, Bernt; Boner, Winnie; Jensen, Henrik; Wright, Jonathan. (2017) Consequences of opposing body size selection regimes on telomere dynamics in wild house sparrows. European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB) 16th Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB) , Groningen 2017-08-20 - 2017-08-25
PosterPedersen, Michael Pepke; Kvalnes, Thomas; Rønning, Bernt; Boner, Winnie; Jensen, Henrik; Wright, Jonathan. (2017) Telomere dynamics of wild house sparrows under artificial body size selection. Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics, NTNU 8th International Hole-Nesting Birds Conference , Trondheim 2017-10-30 - 2017-11-02
PosterNiskanen, Alina Katariina; Billing, Anna Maria; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Husby, Arild; Holand, Håkon; Rønning, Bernt. (2017) Inbreeding depression in lifetime reproductive success of house sparrows. European Society for Evolutionary Biology ESEB XVI Congress , Groningen 2017-08-20 - 2017-08-25
PosterHusby, Arild; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Sæther, Bernt-Erik; Kvalnes, Thomas; Holand, Håkon. (2017) Unbiased genetic variance estimation using variation in IBD sharing among full sibs. European Society for Evolutionary Biology ESEB XVI Congress , Groningen 2017-08-20 - 2017-08-25
PosterJensen, Henrik; Stubberud, Marlene Wæge; Myhre, Ane Marlene; Baalsrud, Helle Tessand; Holand, Håkon; Kvalnes, Thomas. (2017) Consequences of demographic processes for effective population size in house sparrows. European Society for Evolutionary Biology ESEB XVI Congress , Groningen 2017-08-20 - 2017-08-25
PosterRønning, Bernt; Tennfjord, Øystein Øy; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Kvalnes, Thomas; Pärn, Henrik; Kemppainen, Petri. (2017) Basal metabolic rate in Wild house sparrow populations: genetic basis and effects on fitness. European Society for Evolutionary Biology ESEB XVI Congress , Groningen 2017-08-20 - 2017-08-25
Vitenskapelig foredragNiskanen, Alina Katariina; Billing, Anna Maria; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Husby, Arild; Holand, Håkon; Rønning, Bernt. (2017) Inbreeding depression in Lifetime reproductive success of house sparrows. Cambridge University 50th Population Genetics Group Meeting , Cambridge 2017-01-05 - 2017-01-07
Vitenskapelig foredragJensen, Henrik; Stubberud, Marlene Wæge; Myhre, Ane Marlene; Baalsrud, Helle Tessand; Holand, Håkon; Kvalnes, Thomas. (2017) Consequences of demographic processes for genetic drift in house sparrows. Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics, NTNU 8th International Hole-Nesting Birds Conference , Trondheim 2017-10-30 - 2017-11-02
Vitenskapelig foredragNiskanen, Alina Katariina; Billing, Anna Maria; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Husby, Arild; Holand, Håkon; Rønning, Bernt. (2017) Genomics of inbreeding depression in house sparrows. University of Quebec Wild Animal Model Biennial Meeting , Montreal 2017-07-03 - 2017-07-07
PosterSaatoglu, Dilan; Niskanen, Alina Katariina; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Ranke, Peter Sjolte; Pärn, Henrik; Myhre, Ane Marlene. (2017) Genetic assignment of dispersers and patterns of dispersal in a house sparrow metapopulation. Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics, NTNU 8th International Hole-Nesting Birds Conference , Trondheim 2017-10-30 - 2017-11-02
Vitenskapelig foredragSaatoglu, Dilan; Niskanen, Alina Katariina; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Myhre, Ane Marlene; Holand, Håkon; Kvalnes, Thomas. (2017) Investigating the genetic basis of dispersal in house sparrow metapopulation. University of Quebec Wild Animal Model Biennial Meeting , Montreal 2017-07-03 - 2017-07-07
PosterNiskanen, Alina Katariina; Billing, Anna Maria; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Husby, Arild; Holand, Håkon; Rønning, Bernt. (2017) Inbreeding depression in lifetime reproductive success of house sparrows. Detecting the Genomic Signal of Polygenic Adaptation and the Role of Epistasis in Evolution , Zurich 2017-08-31 - 2017-09-01
PosterKvalnes, Thomas; Rødberg, Anja Aas; Jensen, Henrik; Holand, Håkon; Pärn, Henrik; Sæther, Bernt-Erik. (2017) Offspring fitness and the optimal propagule size in a fluctuating environment. Eighth International Hole-Nesting Birds Conference 2017-10-30 - 2017-11-02
PosterKvalnes, Thomas; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Jensen, Henrik; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Rønning, Bernt; Pärn, Henrik. (2017) Reversal of response to artificial selection on body size in a wild passerine . The 2017 Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology 2017-08-20 - 2017-08-25
Vitenskapelig foredragKvalnes, Thomas; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Jensen, Henrik; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Rønning, Bernt; Pärn, Henrik. (2017) Reversal of response to artificial selection on body size in a wild passerine bird. Hole-Nesting Bird Conference 2017 2017-10-30 - 2017-11-02
PosterGohli, Jostein; Silva, Catarina; Kvalnes, Thomas; Myhre, Ane Marlene; Rønning, Bernt; Pärn, Henrik. (2017) Genetic basis for wing length variation in the house sparrow. European Society for Evolutionary Biology ESEB XVI Congress , Groningen 2017-08-20 - 2017-08-25
Vitenskapelig foredragNiskanen, Alina Katariina; Billing, Anna Maria; Hagen, Ingerid; Holand, Håkon; Rønning, Bernt; Kvalnes, Thomas. (2017) Inbreeding depression in island populations of house sparrows. Seminar at the Department of Ecology and Genetics , University of Oulu 2017-06-19 -
PosterSilva, Catarina; Kvalnes, Thomas; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Pärn, Henrik; Lien, Sigbjørn. (2016) Temperature-mediated changes in life history traits of a resident bird. Helsinki University 2nd Finnish Molecular Ecology and Evolution Symposium , Lammi 2016-10-12 - 2016-10-14
Vitenskapelig foredragKemppainen, Petri; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Kvalnes, Thomas; Rønning, Bernt; Pärn, Henrik; Ringsby, Thor Harald. (2016) Genomic signatures of artificial selection in natural house sparrow populations. The American Society of Naturalists 21st-Century Naturalists: Unifying Biological Principles across Disciplines , Pacific Grove, California 2016-01-10 - 2016-01-14
Populærvitenskapelig foredragRingsby, Thor Harald. (2016) Årets foredrag: "Gråspurven på Helgeland; Liten og unnselig, men full av hemmeligheter". Kvarøy Handelsfestival Kvarøy Handelsfestival 2016 , Indre Kvarøy 2016-08-15 - 2016-08-15
PosterJensen, Henrik; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Kemppainen, Petri; Billing, Anna Maria; Pärn, Henrik; Rønning, Bernt. (2015) Mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for fitness-related morphology in the house sparrow. European Society for Evolutionary Biology Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology , Lausanne 2015-08-10 - 2015-08-14
Faglig foredragJensen, Henrik; Rønning, Bernt; Billing, Anna Maria; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Husby, Arild; Kvalnes, Thomas. (2015) Can we learn anything about evolution and genetics from studies of house sparrows?. Deptartment of Biology, NTNU Forsker til lunsj , Trondheim 2015-01-09 - 2015-01-09
Vitenskapelig foredragKvalnes, Thomas; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Jensen, Henrik; Engen, Steinar; Sæther, Bernt-Erik. (2015) Is there an optimal body size? Lessons from an artificial selection experiment. Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics (CBD) Annual Conference of the Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics (CBD) , Trondheim 2015-01-21 - 2015-01-21
Vitenskapelig foredragJensen, Henrik; Pärn, Henrik; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Husby, Arild; Baalsrud, Helle Tessand; Elgvin, Tore Oldeide. (2014) Consequences of dispersal in house sparrows, and a glimpse of on-going work on house sparrow genomics. University of Zürich Gjesteforelesning ved Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, University of Zürich , Zürich 2014-10-31 - 2014-10-31
PosterPärn, Henrik; Skjelseth, Sigrun; Herfindal, Ivar; Sæther, Bernt-Erik; Stokke, Bård Gunnar; Ringsby, Thor Harald. (2013) Sex-specific fitness consequences of translocation in house sparrows. University of Lisbon XIV Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology , Lisboa 2013-08-19 - 2013-08-24
PosterJensen, Henrik; Baalsrud, Helle Tessand; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Myhre, Ane Marlene; Holand, Anna Marie; Billing, Anna Maria. (2013) Spatio-temporal dynamics of genetic variation and effective population size in fragmented house sparrow populations. University of Lisbon XIV Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology , Lisboa 2013-08-19 - 2013-08-24
PosterRingsby, Thor Harald; Holand, Håkon; Jensen, Henrik; Tufto, Jarle; Sæther, Bernt-Erik. (2013) Temporal and spatial variation in prevalence of the parasite Syngamus trachea in a metapopulation of House Sparrows (Passer domesticus). University of Lisbon XIV Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology , Lisboa 2013-08-19 - 2013-08-24
Populærvitenskapelig foredragJensen, Henrik; Pärn, Henrik; Billing, Anna Maria; Skjelseth, Sigrun; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Ringsby, Thor Harald. (2012) Kan gråspurven hjelpe oss med å bevare trua arter?. Institutt for biologi, NTNU Biologiseminar for lærere ved VGS , Trondheim 2012-11-07 - 2012-11-07
Vitenskapelig foredragJensen, Henrik; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Kvalnes, Thomas; Billing, Anna Maria; Steinsland, Ingelin; Engen, Steinar. (2012) "Experimental evolution" and high-density SNP-genotyping in house sparrows. Molecular Ecology and Evolution Lab, Lund University Seminar at Molecular Ecology and Evolution Lab, Lund University , Lund 2012-03-01 - 2012-03-01
Vitenskapelig foredragRingsby, Thor Harald; Jensen, Henrik; Pärn, Henrik; Sæther, Bernt-Erik. (2012) Gråspurvprosjektet; en langtidsstudie innen bevaringsbiologi på Helgelandskysten. Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab's Akademi , Katedralskolens festsal i Trondheim 2012-10-15 - 2012-10-15
Vitenskapelig foredragJensen, Henrik; Parn, Henrik; Billing, Anna Maria; Torvik Kristiansen, Atle; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Sæther, Bernt-Erik. (2011) Causes and consequences of dispersal in a house sparrow metapopulation. Department of Biosciences, University of Helsinki Minisymposium in Evolutionary genetics , Helsinki 2011-01-27 - 2011-01-27
PosterHoland, Håkon; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Jensen, Henrik; Sæther, Bernt-Erik. (2011) The parasite Syngamus trachea in a metapopulation of house sparrows. The IVth Conference of The Scandinavian-Baltic Society for Parasitology , Oslo 2011-06-19 - 2011-06-22
Vitenskapelig foredragHoland, Håkon; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Jensen, Henrik; Sæther, Bernt-Erik. (2011) The parasite Syngamus trachea in a metapopulation of house sparrows (Passer domesticus). Christophe Pelabon Phd conference , NTNU 2011-11-10 - 2011-11-10
Vitenskapelig foredragJensen, Henrik; Steinsland, Ingelin; Holand, Anna Marie; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Kvalnes, Thomas; Ringsby, Thor Harald. (2011) Artificial selection on body size in the wild: why we develop 10k SNP chips for house sparrows. Wild Animal Model Bi-Annual Meeting 4, Korsika , Korsika 2011-09-18 - 2011-09-23
PosterBilling, Anna Maria; Lee, Aline Magdalena; Skjelseth, Sigrun; Borg, Åsa Alexandra; Hale, Matthew; Slate, Jon. (2011) Inbreeding depression but not inbreeding avoidance in a house sparrow population. European Society for Evolutionary Biology European Society for Evolutionary Biology 13th Congress , Tübingen 2011-08-20 - 2011-08-25
PosterParn, Henrik; Jensen, Henrik; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Sæther, Bernt-Erik. (2011) Genetic consequences of dispersal in a house sparrow metapopulation. European Society for Evolutionary Biology European Society for Evolutionary Biology 13th Congress , Tübingen 2011-08-20 - 2011-08-25
PosterKristiansen, Atle Torvik; Jensen, Henrik; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Sæther, Bernt-Erik. (2011) Effects of population size and dispersal on genetic variation in a house sparrow metapopulation. European Society for Evolutionary Biology European Society for Evolutionary Biology 13th Congress , Tübingen 2011-08-20 - 2011-08-25
PosterBorg, Åsa Alexandra; Jensen, Henrik; Westerdahl, Helena; Holand, Håkon; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Sæther, Bernt-Erik. (2011) Adaptive genetic variation, individual fitness and pathogen infection in house sparrows explored using next generation sequencing. European Society for Evolutionary Biology European Society for Evolutionary Biology 13th Congress , Tübingen 2011-08-20 - 2011-08-25
Populærvitenskapelig foredragParn, Henrik; Jensen, Henrik; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Sæther, Bernt-Erik. (2011) Gråspurvprosjektet. Træna kommune Kommunestyremøte i Træna kommune , Husøy 2011-06-29 - 2011-06-29
Vitenskapelig foredragParn, Henrik; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Jensen, Henrik; Sæther, Bernt-Erik. (2010) The effect of climate change on dispersal in a house sparrow metapopulation. Centre for Conservation Biology, NTNU Sustainable Conservation: Bridging the gap between disciplines , Trondheim 2010-03-15 - 2010-03-18
PosterRingsby, Thor Harald; Sæther, Bernt-Erik; Jensen, Henrik; Parn, Henrik. (2010) Spatial variation in density-dependent dispersal in a house sparrow-metapopulation. The Ecological Society of America Ecological Social of America 95th Annual Meeting , Pittsburgh 2010-08-01 - 2010-08-06
PosterRingsby, Thor Harald; Sæther, Bernt-Erik; Jensen, Henrik; Parn, Henrik. (2010) Spatial variation in density-dependent dispersal in a house sparrow-metapopulation. NTNU Sustainable Conservation: Bridging the gap between disciplines , Trondheim 2010-03-15 - 2010-03-18
PosterMelis, Claudia; Holmern, Tomas; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Sæther, Bernt-Erik. (2010) Are water voles in worse body condition more often predated by eagle owl?. NTNU Sustainable Conservation: Bridging the gap between disciplines , Trondheim 2010-03-15 - 2010-03-18
PosterJensen, Henrik; Billing, Anna Maria; Lee, Aline Magdalena; Skjelseth, Sigrun; Borg, Åsa; Myre Bremseth, Erlend. (2010) Genetic variation and inbreeding in an insular house sparrow metapopulation. Centre for Conservation Biology, NTNU Sustainable Conservation: Bridging the gap between disciplines , Trondheim 2010-03-15 - 2010-03-18
Vitenskapelig foredragParn, Henrik; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Jensen, Henrik; Sæther, Bernt-Erik. (2010) The effect of climate change on dispersal in a house sparrow Passer domesticus metapopulation. The Ecological Society of America The Ecological Society of America 95th Annual Meeting , Pittsburgh 2010-08-01 - 2010-08-06
Vitenskapelig foredragHoland, Håkon; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Jensen, Henrik; Sæther, Bernt-Erik. (2010) Effects of the parasitic gapeworm (Syngamus trachea) on survival in house sparrows (Passer domesticus). EGI Student Ornithology Conference , Oxford 2010-01-06 - 2010-01-08
PosterHoland, Håkon; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Jensen, Henrik; Sæther, Bernt-Erik. (2010) The parasite Syngamus trachea in a metapopulation of house sparrows. Centre for Conservation Biology, NTNU Sustainable Conservation: Bridging the gap between disciplines , Trondheim 2010-03-15 - 2010-03-18
Vitenskapelig foredragJenssen, Bjørn Munro; Ciesielski, Tomasz Maciej; Arukwe, Augustine; Bech, Claus; Bingham, Christopher George; Bæk, K.. (2009) Nivåer og effekter av bromerte flammehemmere i hønsefugl og spurvefugl. Norges Forskningsråd Forskningsrådets konferanse Miljø 2015 , Lillestrøm 2009-11-18 - 2009-11-19
PosterParn, Henrik; Jensen, Henrik; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Sæther, Bernt-Erik. (2009) Sex-specific fitness consequences of dispersal in a house sparrow metapopulation. European Society for Evolutionary Biology European Society for Evolutionary Biology 12th Congress , Torino 2009-08-24 - 2009-08-29
Vitenskapelig foredragCiesielski, Tomasz Maciej; Jenssen, Bjørn Munro; Pedersen, Hans Christian; Bæk, K.; Skåre, Janneche Utne; Ringsby, Thor Harald. (2008) Decabrominated diphenyl ether in ptarmigans and sparrows in Norway. Dioxin 2008, 28th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Prganic Pollutants , Birmingham 2008-08-17 - 2008-08-22
Populærvitenskapelig foredragRingsby, Thor Harald. (2008) The theoretical foundation for analysing dynamics of populations and communities: recent advances and future challenges. Institutt for Biologi trial lecture , Trondheim 2008-06-28 -
Vitenskapelig foredragJensen, Henrik; Steinsland, Ingelin; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Sæther, Bernt-Erik. (2007) Evolutionary dynamics of a sexual ornament in the house sparrow: the role of indirect selection within and between sexes. Dr. J. Brommer, Helsinki og Dr. L. Gustavsson, Uppsala Wild Animal Model Bi-Annual Meeting , Gotland 2007-08-27 - 2007-08-30
PosterJensen, Henrik; Bremset, Erlend Myre; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Sæther, Bernt-Erik. (2007) Multilocus heterozygosity and inbreeding depression in an insular house sparrow metapopulation. European Society for Evolutionary Biology XIth Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology , Uppsala 2007-08-20 - 2007-08-25
PosterSkjelseth, Sigrun; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Jensen, Henrik; Tufto, Jarle; Sæther, Bernt-Erik. (2007) Phenotype dependent dispersal among experimentally introduced house sparrows. The European Society for Evolutionary Biology XIth Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology , Uppsala 2007-08-20 - 2007-08-25
Vitenskapelig foredragLarsen, Line-Kristin; Sæther, Bernt-Erik; Jensen, Henrik; Ringsby, Thor Harald. (2006) Correlates of multiple paternity in a house sparrow (Passer domesticus),meta-population. International Society of Behavioural Ecology ISBE , Tour 2006-07-23 - 2006-07-28
Vitenskapelig foredragSkjelseth, Sigrun; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Tufto, Jarle; Jensen, Henrik; Sæther, Bernt-Erik. (2006) Dispersal patterns within a meta-population of house sparrows after an introduction experiment. EGI conferense , Groningen 2006-01-04 - 2006-01-07
PosterRingsby, Thor Harald; Jensen, Henrik; Sæther, Bernt-Erik. (2006) Gråspurvprosjektet - et forskningsprosjekt innen bevaringsbiologi på Helgelandskysten. Norsk Ornitologisk Forening avd. Nordland 2006-06-16 - 2006-06-18
PosterRingsby, Thor Harald; Skjelseth, Sigrun; Tufto, Jarle; Jensen, Henrik; Sæther, Bernt-Erik. (2006) Dispersal patterns within a metapopulation of house sparrows (Passer domesticus) after an introduction experient. 24th International Ornithological Congress 2006-08-13 - 2006-08-19
Populærvitenskapelig foredragRingsby, Thor Harald. (2006) Gråspurvprosjektet på Helgeland. Rana Ornitologiske forening/ Rana Zoologiske Forening 2006-04-25 -
Vitenskapelig foredragJensen, Henrik; Steinsland, Ingelin; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Sæther, Bernt-Erik. (2005) Constraints on the evolution of a sexual ornament (and other traits) in house sparrows. Department of Animal and Plant Sciences Guest lecture , University of Sheffield 2005-09-07 - 2005-09-07
Vitenskapelig foredragJensen, Henrik; Steinsland, Ingelin; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Sæther, Bernt-Erik. (2005) Constraints on evolution of a sexually selected trait in house sparrows. European Society for Evolutionary Biology 10th Congress European Society for Evolutionary Biology , Krakow 2005-08-15 - 2005-08-20
IntervjuRingsby, Thor Harald; Jensen, Henrik; Sæther, Bernt-Erik. (2003) "Morten Spurv" med spurven. [Avis] 2003-07-11
IntervjuRingsby, Thor Harald; Jensen, Henrik; Sæther, Bernt-Erik. (2003) Spurv under lupen. [Avis] 2003-08-13
ProgramdeltagelseRingsby, Thor Harald; Jensen, Henrik; Sæther, Bernt-Erik; Engen, Steinar. (2002) Med spurven som modell. NRK, Schrødingers katt NRK, Schrødingers katt [TV] 2002-09-12
IntervjuSæther, Bernt-Erik; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Jensen, Henrik. (2002) Forsker på spurv. [Avis] 2002-02-28
PosterRingsby, Thor Harald; Sæther, Bernt-Erik; Tufto, Jarle; Jensen, Henrik; Solberg, Erling Johan. (2002) Asynchronous spatio-temporal variation in demography within a House Sparrow Passer domesticus metapopulation in a correlated environment: a mechanism. 23rd International Ornithological Congress , beijing, Kina 2002-08-17 -
PosterJensen, Henrik; Sæther, Bernt-Erik; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Tufto, Jarle; Ellegren, Hans. (2002) Sexual variation in heritability, maternal effects and genetic correlations of morphological traits in house sparrows (Passer domesticus). 23rd International Ornithological Congress , Beijing, Kina 2002-08-17 -
PosterBerge, Torborg; Sæther, Bernt-Erik; Ringsby, Thor Harald. (2002) Feeding Frequency in house sparrow Passer domesticus - influencing factors and reproductive success. 23rd International Ornithological Congress , Beijing, Kina 2002-08-17 -
Vitenskapelig foredragRingsby, Thor Harald. (1998) Factors affecting juvenile survival in House Sparrow. VII International Congress of Ecology , Firenze Italia