Jon Alvarez Justo
Jon Alvarez Justo is an IT expert at the European Space Agency (ESA) and a Doctoral Researcher on Artificial Intelligence for Space Satellites dedicated to Earth Observation. His work is part of ESA's CHIME mission and NTNU's HYPSO missions.
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Jon Alvarez graduated as a Telecommunications Technologies Engineer at the University of Vigo, Spain. During the 4 years of his Bachelors (2014-2018), he studied a wide range of topics within Information and Communication Technology (ICT) comprising:
- Computer Science (Informatics) involving Software and Hardware Development for Computational Systems, Digital Signal Processing, and Data Analytics. His background in Software Development in wider projects is across multiple programming languages spanning from high-level languages to the lowest in assembly - among other languages for markup, for instance. His background in Hardware Development spans from Digital Electronics in CPLD and FPGA platforms (embedded systems) programmed by Hardware Description Languages (HDLs), to the analogic low-frequency and high-frequency (Radiofrequency / Microwave) electronics.
- Telematics combining informatics and telecommunications to transmit, receive, and store data across network environments - LAN / Internet WAN.
- Telecommunications for the transmission of data signals across long distances over optical fiber, radiocommunication channels, and other transmission lines.
Telecommunications engineers often serve as IT consultants guiding tech strategies in business, or in roles such as project managers, software developers, data scientists, and IT systems architects, meeting the diverse information technology needs of a wide scope of industries.
Jon ended his Bachelor's degree with honors in his thesis: "Study, development and verification of a system for the objective assessment of the quality of multimedia flows", in addition to the first prize for the innovation project: "QuickCashier - Say Goodbye to the Queues". The prize was awarded during the LPRO Days Vigo 2018, by Optare Solutions working for Telecom Operators and Service Providers offering solutions in, for instance, IoT platforms and Big Data Analytics - newspaper's interview (English subtitled), and article (Spanish only). Read more about Jon's degree here.
In addition, he completed an International Master's degree in Electronic Systems Design (2018-2020) at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), where Jon further developed his skills not only in high-computing platforms such as FPGAs, but also in digital signal processing among other computer science fields. He developed strong teamwork skills in a multicultural environment comprising a diverse range of national and international cultures. Jon finally conducted his Master's thesis for the company Kontur - 3D Radar on signal processing applied to data from a three-dimensional SFCW Ground-Penetrating Radar.
- January 2024 - now: IT Expert at the European Space Agency (ESA). Jon is part of ESA's CHIME mission at the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) in The Netherlands.
- August 2022 - December 2022: Head Engineer for ESA's FAUBAI for AI in high-computing platforms (NTNU & ESA).
- August 2020 - now: Ph.D. candidate deploying AI models for NTNU's HYPSO satellites - Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (Norway).
- June 2019 - June 2020: Engineer & Researcher for information processing at Kontur - 3D Radar (Norway).
- July 2017 - May 2018: Intern at the Galician Research and Development Center in Advanced Telecommunications (Gradiant) (Spain).
Finally, Jon Alvarez has competencies in 8 languages:
- Spanish (native)
- English (proficient)
- Norwegian (intermediate B1-B2)
- Portuguese (proficient)
- Galician (proficient)
- Italian (intermediate)
- French (intermediate)
- Catalan (intermediate)
- Deep Learning Neural Networks and Machine Learning.
- Explainable Artificial Intelligence (assist compliance with the AI Act).
- Embedded Systems: reconfigurable computing in high-speed platforms aboard space satellites, e.g.: on the Xilinx-7030 SoC FPGA for real-time data analysis.
- Hyperspectral Data Processing for Earth Observation applications (based on data from the HYPSO satellite program).
Supervised by:
- Professor Tor Arne Johansen (citations: 28 269, i10-index: 460, h-index: 77 - March 2024).
- Co-advised by Professor Per Gunnar Kjeldsberg.
📄 An Open Hyperspectral Dataset with Sea-Land-Cloud Ground-Truth from the HYPSO-1 Satellite - Click here to browse my article's website
📄 Sea-Land-Cloud Segmentation in Satellite Hyperspectral Imagery by Deep Learning - Click here to browse the article's GitHub
📄 Deep Learning for In-Orbit Cloud Segmentation and Classification in Hyperspectral Satellite Data
A complete list of publications is found here.
Jon was a team member of the ELO-Hyp project (Efficient Learning and Optimization Tools for Hyperspectral Imaging Systems). The project aimed to create, analyze, and implement efficient learning and optimization algorithms for hyperspectral imaging models with applications in ocean monitoring, among others.
He also had teaching duties at NTNU as laboratory responsible, exams and project grading, assistance to students, and assignments for the courses TFE4141, TFE4171, TTT4203, TTT4260, TTT4265, TFE4590, TFE4580.
- TV interviews (Spanish & Galician only - Tentative English auto-translation):
- Newspaper interviews (Spanish):
- QuickCashier - Say Goodbye to the Queues (2018) - English Subtitled
- Norway and its Educational System at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (2019) - newspaper "La Voz de Galicia"
- About Life in Norway - article (2022)
‘Letting technology change today’s future to tomorrow’s truth’ - Jon Alvarez Justo
Berg, Simen;
Langer, Dennis David;
Chiatante, Corrado;
Birkeland, Roger;
Alvarez Justo, Jon;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Onboard classification to guide capture downlink using the HYPSO-1 satellite.
Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Alvarez Justo, Jon;
Ghita, Alexandru;
Kovac, Daniel;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Georgescu, Mariana-Iuliana;
Gonzalez-Llorente, Jesus.
Semantic Segmentation in Satellite Hyperspectral Imagery by Deep Learning.
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kovac, Daniel;
Mucha, Jan;
Alvarez Justo, Jon;
Mekyska, Jiri;
Galaz, Zoltan;
Novotny, Krystof.
Deep Learning for In-Orbit Cloud Segmentation and Classification in Hyperspectral Satellite Data.
IEEE conference proceedings
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Alvarez Justo, Jon;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Langer, Dennis David;
Henriksen, Marie Bøe;
Tudor Ionescu, Radu;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
An Open Hyperspectral Dataset with Sea-Land-Cloud Ground-Truth from the HYPSO-1 Satellite.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Alvarez Justo, Jon;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Georgescu, Mariana-Iuliana;
Tudor Ionescu, Radu;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Sea-Land-Cloud Segmentation in Satellite Hyperspectral Imagery by Deep Learning.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Alvarez Justo, Jon.
Open Source Software framework and Oceanic-Terrestrial-Cloud-Segmenter for HYPSO-1
Alvarez Justo, Jon;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Langer, Dennis David;
Henriksen, Marie Bøe;
Tudor Ionescu, Radu;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
The HYPSO-1 Sea-Land-Cloud-Labeled Hyperspectral Dataset.
Alvarez Justo, Jon;
Orlandic, Milica.
Study of the gOMP Algorithm for Recovery of Compressed Sensed Hyperspectral Images.
IEEE conference proceedings
IEEE conference proceedings
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Berg, Simen;
Langer, Dennis David;
Chiatante, Corrado;
Birkeland, Roger;
Alvarez Justo, Jon;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Onboard classification to guide capture downlink using the HYPSO-1 satellite.
Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Alvarez Justo, Jon;
Ghita, Alexandru;
Kovac, Daniel;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Georgescu, Mariana-Iuliana;
Gonzalez-Llorente, Jesus.
Semantic Segmentation in Satellite Hyperspectral Imagery by Deep Learning.
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Alvarez Justo, Jon;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Langer, Dennis David;
Henriksen, Marie Bøe;
Tudor Ionescu, Radu;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
An Open Hyperspectral Dataset with Sea-Land-Cloud Ground-Truth from the HYPSO-1 Satellite.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Alvarez Justo, Jon;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Georgescu, Mariana-Iuliana;
Tudor Ionescu, Radu;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Sea-Land-Cloud Segmentation in Satellite Hyperspectral Imagery by Deep Learning.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Alvarez Justo, Jon;
Orlandic, Milica.
Study of the gOMP Algorithm for Recovery of Compressed Sensed Hyperspectral Images.
IEEE conference proceedings
IEEE conference proceedings
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Del av bok/rapport
Kovac, Daniel;
Mucha, Jan;
Alvarez Justo, Jon;
Mekyska, Jiri;
Galaz, Zoltan;
Novotny, Krystof.
Deep Learning for In-Orbit Cloud Segmentation and Classification in Hyperspectral Satellite Data.
IEEE conference proceedings
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Alvarez Justo, Jon.
Open Source Software framework and Oceanic-Terrestrial-Cloud-Segmenter for HYPSO-1
Alvarez Justo, Jon;
Garrett, Joseph Landon;
Langer, Dennis David;
Henriksen, Marie Bøe;
Tudor Ionescu, Radu;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
The HYPSO-1 Sea-Land-Cloud-Labeled Hyperspectral Dataset.
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Simen; Langer, Dennis David; Chiatante, Corrado; Birkeland, Roger; Alvarez Justo, Jon; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2024) Onboard classification to guide capture downlink using the HYPSO-1 satellite. IAC Congress , Milano 2024-10-14 - 2024-10-18
Vitenskapelig foredragKovac, D; Mucha, J; Alvarez Justo, Jon; Melkyska, J; Galaz, Z; Novotny, K. (2024) Deep Learning for In-Orbit Cloud Segmentation and Classification in Hyperspectral Satellite Data. 9th International Conference on Frontiers of Signal Processing , Paris 2024-09-12 - 2024-09-14
Faglig foredragAlvarez Justo, Jon. (2023) Lecture presentation for article "Sea-Land-Cloud Segmentation in Satellite Hyperspectral Imagery by Deep Learning" - ongoing external peer-review by IEEE/TGRS Journal. WAIOHYP 2023 2023-11-20 -
Faglig foredragAlvarez Justo, Jon. (2023) Lecture presentation for article "An Open Hyperspectral Dataset with Sea-Land-Cloud Ground-Truth from the HYPSO-1 Satellite". WHISPERS 2023-10-31 -