Frode Stenseng
Professor i pedagogisk psykologi (NTNU) med doktorgrad i psykologi fra Universitet i Oslo (2009). Leder av forskningsgruppen ALDES (Adolescents' learning and development in education and sports):
Profil på Researchgate:
Noen pågående prosjekter:
DROPOUT - prosjektleder for NFR-finansiert forskerprosjekt (12 mil., fra 2021 - 2025) med sikte på å avdekke, og vekte, risiko- og beskyttelsesfaktorer for frafall i videregående skole. Tar i bruk data fra Tidlig trygg i Trondheim og Helseundersøkelsen i Nord-Trøndelag (med bla. Lars Wickstrøm, Steinar Krokstad).
DigitalLives - samarbeidspartner i NFR-finansiert forskerprosjekt (12 mil.) med fokus på bruk av sosiale medier i sammenheng med psykisk helse i oppveksten. Tar i bruk data fra Tidlig trygg i Trondheim (med bla. SIlje Steinsbekk og Lars Wickstrøm)
KUMBA - smarbeidspartner i NFR-finansiert forskerprosjekt (12. mil.) med fokus på å utvikle et verktøy for kvalitetssikring i norske barnehager (ledes fra DMMH).
Tidlig trygg i Trondheim: Underprosjekt som ser på barn- og unges utvikling i lys av dataspilling (med Beate Hygen og Lars Wickstrøm).
Tidlig trygg i Trondheim: Underprosjekt som ser på barns psykiske helse i lys av inkludering/ekskludering (med Vera Skalicka og Lars Wickstrøm).
YrMove!: Utvikling av et app-støttet pedagogisk opplegg for å fremme fysisk helse i videregående opplæring (med Trøndelag Fylkeskommune, MyWorkOut AS).
Mentale pauser i skole- og arbeidsliv: deres art, dimensjoner, og kontekstuelle- og individuelle forutsetninger (med Jan Arvid Haugen og Frode Moen).
De utrolige årene: Evalueringsforskning basert på implementering av programmet i barnehager (med Håvard Tveit og May Britt Drugli).
Barn i Midt-Norge: Validering og evaluering av ASEBA-instrumenter og Age-and-Stages Questionnarie (med Kenneth Stensen og May Britt Drugli).
SOMNOFY-prosjektet: Forskning på barn og unges søvnvaner (med Jan Arvid Haugen, Ingvild Saksvik-Lehoullier, og Frode Moen).
PeopleUknow-prosjektet: utviklings- og evalueringsforskning knyttet til et nytt digitalt verktøy for fremming av godt sosialt samspill i skolen (med Anne Toril Klomsten).
Hygen, Beate Wold;
Wendelborg, Christian;
Solstad, Bård Erlend;
Stenseng, Frode;
Øverland, Mari Bore;
Skalicka, Vera.
Gaming motivation and well-being among Norwegian adult gamers: the role of gender and disability.
Frontiers in Medical Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode;
Bredvei Steinsholt, Ingvild;
Hygen, Beate Wold;
Kraft, Pål.
Running to get “lost”? Two types of escapism in recreational running and their relations to exercise dependence and subjective well-being.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hrozanova, Maria;
Haugan, Jan Arvid;
Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild;
Skalicka, Vera;
Krondorf, Lukas;
Stenseng, Frode.
Quantifying teenagers’ sleep patterns and sex differences in social jetlag using at-home sleep monitoring.
Sleep Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hrozanova, Maria;
Haugan, Jan Arvid;
Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild;
Skalicka, Vera;
Krondorf, Lukas;
Stenseng, Frode.
The potential impact of adolescent sleep patterns on adulthood fertility: A call for longitudinal studies.
Sleep Medicine
Brev til redaktøren
Van der Kaap-Deeder, Jolene;
Sanchez, Alba;
Johannessen, Maria Regine Aasland;
Stenseng, Frode;
Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild;
Heissel, Andreas.
The validation of the Norwegian Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale: A stratified sampling procedure.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode;
Tingstad, Eivind Burheim;
Wichstrøm, Lars;
Skalicka, Vera.
Social withdrawal and academic achievement, intertwined over years? Bidirectional effects from primary to upper secondary school.
British Journal of Educational Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Olsen, Rita Karoline;
Stenseng, Frode;
Kvello, Øyvind.
Key factors in facilitating collaborative research with children: A self-determination approach.
Akademisk Kvarter
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Chahboun, Sobh;
Stenseng, Frode;
Page, Alexander Gamst.
The changing faces of autism: The fluctuating international diagnostic criteria and the resulting inclusion and exclusion—A Norwegian perspective.
Frontiers in Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Hygen, Beate Wold;
Belsky, Jay;
Stenseng, Frode;
Steinsbekk, Silje;
Wichstrøm, Lars;
Skalicka, Vera.
Longitudinal relations between gaming, physical activity, and athletic self-esteem.
Computers in Human Behavior
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode;
Falch-Madsen, Jonas;
Hygen, Beate Wold.
Are There Two Types of Escapism? Exploring a Dualistic Model of Escapism in Digital Gaming and Online Streaming.
Psychology of Popular Media
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Haugan, Jan Arvid;
Moen, Frode;
Olsen, Maja Gunhild;
Stenseng, Frode.
Effects of Mentor Program for Coaches on the Coach-Athlete Relationship.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stensen, Kenneth;
Lydersen, Stian;
Stenseng, Frode;
Wallander, Jan Lance Anders;
Tveit, Håvard;
Drugli, May Britt.
Childcare Providers’ Nominations of Preschool Children at Risk for Mental Health Problems: Does it Discriminate Well Compared to the Caregiver-Teacher Report Form (C-TRF)?.
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stensen, Kenneth;
Lydersen, Stian;
Stenseng, Frode;
Wallander, Jan Lance Anders;
Drugli, May Britt.
Teacher Nominations of Preschool Children at Risk for Mental Health Problems: how False Is a False Positive Nomination and What Make Teachers Concerned?.
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode.
Koronaen er over: hva med de tre andre pandemiene?.
VG : Verdens gang
Stenseng, Frode.
Muskelpress på sosiale medier: - du ser det overalt.
VG : Verdens gang
Intervju tidsskrift
Stenseng, Frode.
Tre misforståelser om Ungdata.
Berg, Silje;
Forest, Jacques;
Stenseng, Frode.
When Passion Does Not Change, but Emotions Do: Testing a Social Media Intervention Related to Exercise Activity Engagement.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hygen, Beate Wold;
Skalicka, Vera;
Stenseng, Frode;
Belsky, Jay;
Steinsbekk, Silje;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
The co-occurrence between symptoms of internet gaming disorder and psychiatric disorders in childhood and adolescence: prospective relations or common causes?.
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Tveit, Håvard Horndalen;
Drugli, May Britt;
Fossum, Sturla;
Handegård, Bjørn Helge;
Kløckner, Christian;
Stenseng, Frode.
Mediating mechanisms of the incredible years teacher classroom management programme.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode.
Dataspill forverrer ikke ADHD eller emosjonelle vansker.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Intervju tidsskrift
Stenseng, Frode.
Mattias (31) motiveres av treningsbilder på Instagram. Nå knuser forskere myte.
A-magasinet : uketillegg til Aftenposten
Intervju tidsskrift
Stenseng, Frode.
Internet gaming youth not more prone to psychiatric disorders.
Intervju tidsskrift
Stenseng, Frode.
Instagram makes it easier to exercise
When training is a chore, motivation via our phones may help.
Intervju tidsskrift
Stenseng, Frode.
Instagram makes it easier to exercise.
Medical Xpress
Intervju tidsskrift
Stenseng, Frode.
As the world weathers a pandemic, Nintendo may just be recession-proof.
Washington Post
Intervju tidsskrift
Stenseng, Frode.
Instagram gjorde det lettere å trene.
Intervju tidsskrift
Stenseng, Frode.
Er det forskernes skyld at ungdommene sliter, Nereid?.
Steinsbekk, Silje;
Wichstrøm, Lars;
Stenseng, Frode;
Nesi, Jacqueline;
Hygen, Beate Wold;
Skalicka, Vera.
The impact of social media use on appearance self-esteem from childhood to adolescence – A 3-wave community study.
Computers in Human Behavior
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skalicka, Vera;
Hygen, Beate Wold;
Stenseng, Frode;
Berg Kårstad, Silja;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Screen time and the development of emotion understanding from age 4 to age 8: A community study.
British Journal of Developmental Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Klomsten, Anne Torhild;
Stenseng, Frode.
Behovet for å lære om egne følelser.
Bedre Skole
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode;
Hygen, Beate Wold;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Time Spent Gaming and Psychiatric Symptoms in Childhood: Cross-Sectional Associations and Longitudinal Effects.
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Tveit, Håvard Horndalen;
Drugli, May Britt;
Fossum, Sturla;
Handegård, Bjørn Helge;
Stenseng, Frode.
Does the Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management programme improve child-teacher relationships in childcare centres? A 1-year universal intervention in a Norwegian community sample.
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hygen, Beate Wold;
Belsky, Jay;
Stenseng, Frode;
Skalicka, Vera;
Kvande, Marianne N.;
Zahl, Tonje.
Time Spent Gaming and Social Competence in Children: Reciprocal Effects Across Childhood.
Child Development
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Moen, Frode;
Hrozanova, Maria;
Stiles, Tore C;
Stenseng, Frode.
Burnout and perceived performance among junior athletes—associations with affective and cognitive components of stress.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Moen, Frode;
Hrozanova, Maria;
Stenseng, Frode.
Validating the working alliance inventory as a tool for measuring the effectiveness of coach-athlete relationships in sport.
Cogent Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Moen, Frode;
Hrozanova, Maria;
Stiles, Tore C;
Stenseng, Frode.
Working Alliance in the Coach-Athlete Relationship and Athlete Burnout – The Mediating Role of Athlete Resilience.
International Journal of Sport Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stensen, Kenneth;
Stenseng, Frode;
Lydersen, Stian;
de Wolff, Marianne S.;
Wallander, Jan Lance;
Drugli, May Britt.
Screening for mental health problems in a Norwegian preschool population. A validation of the Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Social- Emotional (ASQ:SE).
Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ranøyen, Ingunn;
Gulliksrud, Eva;
Indredavik, Marit Sæbø;
Stenseng, Frode.
Psychiatric Problems and Quality of Life in a Clinical Sample of Adolescents - The Role of Peer Relations.
Scandinavian Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wichstrøm, Lars;
Stenseng, Frode;
Belsky, Jay;
von Soest, Tilmann;
Hygen, Beate Wold.
Symptoms of Internet Gaming Disorder in Youth: Predictors and Comorbidity.
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Henriksen, Ingvild Marie;
Ranøyen, Ingunn;
Indredavik, Marit Sæbø;
Stenseng, Frode.
The Role of Self-Esteem in the Development of Psychiatric Problems: A Three-Year Prospective Study in a Clinical Sample of Adolescents.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health (CAPMH)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hygen, Beate Wold;
Belsky, Jay;
Li, Zhi;
Stenseng, Frode;
Guzey, Ismail Cuneyt;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Change in parenting, change in student-teacher relationships, and oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR): Testing a Gene-×-Environment (G×E) Hypothesis in Two Samples.
Developmental Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode;
Li, Zhi;
Belsky, Jay;
Hygen, Beate Wold;
Skalicka, Vera;
Guzey, Ismail Cuneyt.
Peer problems and hyperactivity-impulsivity among Norwegian and American Children – The role of 5-HTTLPR.
Child Development
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode;
Belsky, Jay;
Skalicka, Vera;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Peer Rejection and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms: Reciprocal Relations Through Ages 4, 6, and 8.
Child Development
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode.
Hvem er mobberne?.
Spehar, Ivan;
Jacques, Forest;
Stenseng, Frode.
Passion for Work, Job Satisfaction, and the Mediating Role of Belongingness.
Scandinavian Journal of Organizational Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode;
Phelps, Joshua Marvle.
Passion for a sport activity, escapism, and affective outcomes : exploring a mediation model.
Scandinavian Psychologist
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode;
Belsky, Jay;
Skalicka, Vera;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Social Exclusion Predicts Impaired Self-Regulation: A 2-Year Longitudinal Panel Study Including the Transition from Preschool to School.
Journal of Personality
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode;
Haugen, Tommy;
Torstveit, Monica Klungland;
Høigaard, Rune.
When it's "all about the bike"-intrapersonal conflict in light of passion for cycling and exercise dependence.
Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ranøyen, Ingunn;
Stenseng, Frode;
Kløckner, Christian;
Wallander, Jan Lance;
Jozefiak, Thomas.
Familial aggregation of anxiety and depression in the community: the role of adolescents’ self-esteem and physical activity level (the HUNT Study).
BMC Public Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hygen, Beate Wold;
Belsky, Jay;
Stenseng, Frode;
Lydersen, Stian;
Guzey, Ismail Cuneyt;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Child exposure to serious life events, COMT, and aggression: Testing differential susceptibility theory.
Developmental Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skalicka, Vera;
Stenseng, Frode;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Reciprocal relations between student-teacher conflict, childrens social skills and externalizing behavior: A three-wave longitudinal study from preschool to third grade.
International Journal of Behavioral Development
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skalicka, Vera;
Belsky, Jay;
Stenseng, Frode;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Reciprocal Relations Between Student-Teacher Relationship and Children's Behavioral Problems: Moderation by Child-Care Group Size.
Child Development
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skalicka, Vera;
Belsky, Jay;
Stenseng, Frode;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Preschool-Age Problem Behavior and Teacher-Child Conflict in School: Direct and Moderation Effects by Preschool Organization.
Child Development
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode;
Belsky, Jay;
Skalicka, Vera;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Preschool Social Exclusion, Aggression, and Cooperation: A Longitudinal Evaluation of the Need-to-Belong and the Social-Reconnection Hypotheses.
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode;
Forest, Jacques;
Curran, Thomas.
Positive Emotions in Recreational Sport Activities: The Role of Passion and Belongingness.
Journal of Happiness Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode;
Phelps, Joshua Marvle.
Leisure and life satisfaction: The role of passion and life domain outcomes.
World Leisure Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode.
Attaching Person-Pet Attachment to Positive Psychology: In Response to Andreassen, Stenvold, & Rudmin (2013).
Psychology & Society
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode;
Rise, Jostein;
Kraft, Pål.
Activity Engagement as Escape from Self: The Role of Self-Suppression and Self-Expansion.
Leisure Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode.
NHUS-P, utprøving av en pilot for en fremtidig landsdekkende undersøkelse på psykisk helse.
Nasjonalt folkehelseinstitutt
Stenseng, Frode;
Rise, Jostein;
Kraft, Pål.
The dark side of leisure: obsessive passion and its covariates and outcomes.
Leisure Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode;
Dalskau, Lina Harvold.
Passion, Self-Esteem, and the Role of Comparative Performance Evaluation.
Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode.
Kreativitetens bakgater.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode.
Oppskriften på lykke.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode.
The two faces of leisure activity engagement: Harmonious and obsessive passion in relation to intrapersonal conflict and life domain outcomes.
Leisure Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode.
Du må høre med øra - og bruke hodet litt også...
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode.
Deppa av hobbyen.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Bjørgen, Ivar Arnljot;
Stenseng, Frode.
Nye vinnerer og tapere: Redefinering av læringsvansker i høyere utdanning.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Bjørgen, Ivar Arnljot;
Stenseng, Frode.
Læringsmøter: Kvalitetsreformen ved Psykologisk institutt.
Psykologisk institutt, NTNU
Hygen, Beate Wold;
Wendelborg, Christian;
Solstad, Bård Erlend;
Stenseng, Frode;
Øverland, Mari Bore;
Skalicka, Vera.
Gaming motivation and well-being among Norwegian adult gamers: the role of gender and disability.
Frontiers in Medical Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode;
Bredvei Steinsholt, Ingvild;
Hygen, Beate Wold;
Kraft, Pål.
Running to get “lost”? Two types of escapism in recreational running and their relations to exercise dependence and subjective well-being.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hrozanova, Maria;
Haugan, Jan Arvid;
Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild;
Skalicka, Vera;
Krondorf, Lukas;
Stenseng, Frode.
Quantifying teenagers’ sleep patterns and sex differences in social jetlag using at-home sleep monitoring.
Sleep Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hrozanova, Maria;
Haugan, Jan Arvid;
Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild;
Skalicka, Vera;
Krondorf, Lukas;
Stenseng, Frode.
The potential impact of adolescent sleep patterns on adulthood fertility: A call for longitudinal studies.
Sleep Medicine
Brev til redaktøren
Van der Kaap-Deeder, Jolene;
Sanchez, Alba;
Johannessen, Maria Regine Aasland;
Stenseng, Frode;
Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild;
Heissel, Andreas.
The validation of the Norwegian Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale: A stratified sampling procedure.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode;
Tingstad, Eivind Burheim;
Wichstrøm, Lars;
Skalicka, Vera.
Social withdrawal and academic achievement, intertwined over years? Bidirectional effects from primary to upper secondary school.
British Journal of Educational Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Olsen, Rita Karoline;
Stenseng, Frode;
Kvello, Øyvind.
Key factors in facilitating collaborative research with children: A self-determination approach.
Akademisk Kvarter
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Chahboun, Sobh;
Stenseng, Frode;
Page, Alexander Gamst.
The changing faces of autism: The fluctuating international diagnostic criteria and the resulting inclusion and exclusion—A Norwegian perspective.
Frontiers in Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Hygen, Beate Wold;
Belsky, Jay;
Stenseng, Frode;
Steinsbekk, Silje;
Wichstrøm, Lars;
Skalicka, Vera.
Longitudinal relations between gaming, physical activity, and athletic self-esteem.
Computers in Human Behavior
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode;
Falch-Madsen, Jonas;
Hygen, Beate Wold.
Are There Two Types of Escapism? Exploring a Dualistic Model of Escapism in Digital Gaming and Online Streaming.
Psychology of Popular Media
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Haugan, Jan Arvid;
Moen, Frode;
Olsen, Maja Gunhild;
Stenseng, Frode.
Effects of Mentor Program for Coaches on the Coach-Athlete Relationship.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stensen, Kenneth;
Lydersen, Stian;
Stenseng, Frode;
Wallander, Jan Lance Anders;
Tveit, Håvard;
Drugli, May Britt.
Childcare Providers’ Nominations of Preschool Children at Risk for Mental Health Problems: Does it Discriminate Well Compared to the Caregiver-Teacher Report Form (C-TRF)?.
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stensen, Kenneth;
Lydersen, Stian;
Stenseng, Frode;
Wallander, Jan Lance Anders;
Drugli, May Britt.
Teacher Nominations of Preschool Children at Risk for Mental Health Problems: how False Is a False Positive Nomination and What Make Teachers Concerned?.
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode.
Koronaen er over: hva med de tre andre pandemiene?.
VG : Verdens gang
Stenseng, Frode.
Muskelpress på sosiale medier: - du ser det overalt.
VG : Verdens gang
Intervju tidsskrift
Stenseng, Frode.
Tre misforståelser om Ungdata.
Berg, Silje;
Forest, Jacques;
Stenseng, Frode.
When Passion Does Not Change, but Emotions Do: Testing a Social Media Intervention Related to Exercise Activity Engagement.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hygen, Beate Wold;
Skalicka, Vera;
Stenseng, Frode;
Belsky, Jay;
Steinsbekk, Silje;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
The co-occurrence between symptoms of internet gaming disorder and psychiatric disorders in childhood and adolescence: prospective relations or common causes?.
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Tveit, Håvard Horndalen;
Drugli, May Britt;
Fossum, Sturla;
Handegård, Bjørn Helge;
Kløckner, Christian;
Stenseng, Frode.
Mediating mechanisms of the incredible years teacher classroom management programme.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode.
Dataspill forverrer ikke ADHD eller emosjonelle vansker.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Intervju tidsskrift
Stenseng, Frode.
Mattias (31) motiveres av treningsbilder på Instagram. Nå knuser forskere myte.
A-magasinet : uketillegg til Aftenposten
Intervju tidsskrift
Stenseng, Frode.
Internet gaming youth not more prone to psychiatric disorders.
Intervju tidsskrift
Stenseng, Frode.
Instagram makes it easier to exercise
When training is a chore, motivation via our phones may help.
Intervju tidsskrift
Stenseng, Frode.
Instagram makes it easier to exercise.
Medical Xpress
Intervju tidsskrift
Stenseng, Frode.
As the world weathers a pandemic, Nintendo may just be recession-proof.
Washington Post
Intervju tidsskrift
Stenseng, Frode.
Instagram gjorde det lettere å trene.
Intervju tidsskrift
Stenseng, Frode.
Er det forskernes skyld at ungdommene sliter, Nereid?.
Steinsbekk, Silje;
Wichstrøm, Lars;
Stenseng, Frode;
Nesi, Jacqueline;
Hygen, Beate Wold;
Skalicka, Vera.
The impact of social media use on appearance self-esteem from childhood to adolescence – A 3-wave community study.
Computers in Human Behavior
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skalicka, Vera;
Hygen, Beate Wold;
Stenseng, Frode;
Berg Kårstad, Silja;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Screen time and the development of emotion understanding from age 4 to age 8: A community study.
British Journal of Developmental Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Klomsten, Anne Torhild;
Stenseng, Frode.
Behovet for å lære om egne følelser.
Bedre Skole
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode;
Hygen, Beate Wold;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Time Spent Gaming and Psychiatric Symptoms in Childhood: Cross-Sectional Associations and Longitudinal Effects.
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Tveit, Håvard Horndalen;
Drugli, May Britt;
Fossum, Sturla;
Handegård, Bjørn Helge;
Stenseng, Frode.
Does the Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management programme improve child-teacher relationships in childcare centres? A 1-year universal intervention in a Norwegian community sample.
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hygen, Beate Wold;
Belsky, Jay;
Stenseng, Frode;
Skalicka, Vera;
Kvande, Marianne N.;
Zahl, Tonje.
Time Spent Gaming and Social Competence in Children: Reciprocal Effects Across Childhood.
Child Development
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Moen, Frode;
Hrozanova, Maria;
Stiles, Tore C;
Stenseng, Frode.
Burnout and perceived performance among junior athletes—associations with affective and cognitive components of stress.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Moen, Frode;
Hrozanova, Maria;
Stenseng, Frode.
Validating the working alliance inventory as a tool for measuring the effectiveness of coach-athlete relationships in sport.
Cogent Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Moen, Frode;
Hrozanova, Maria;
Stiles, Tore C;
Stenseng, Frode.
Working Alliance in the Coach-Athlete Relationship and Athlete Burnout – The Mediating Role of Athlete Resilience.
International Journal of Sport Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stensen, Kenneth;
Stenseng, Frode;
Lydersen, Stian;
de Wolff, Marianne S.;
Wallander, Jan Lance;
Drugli, May Britt.
Screening for mental health problems in a Norwegian preschool population. A validation of the Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Social- Emotional (ASQ:SE).
Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ranøyen, Ingunn;
Gulliksrud, Eva;
Indredavik, Marit Sæbø;
Stenseng, Frode.
Psychiatric Problems and Quality of Life in a Clinical Sample of Adolescents - The Role of Peer Relations.
Scandinavian Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wichstrøm, Lars;
Stenseng, Frode;
Belsky, Jay;
von Soest, Tilmann;
Hygen, Beate Wold.
Symptoms of Internet Gaming Disorder in Youth: Predictors and Comorbidity.
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Henriksen, Ingvild Marie;
Ranøyen, Ingunn;
Indredavik, Marit Sæbø;
Stenseng, Frode.
The Role of Self-Esteem in the Development of Psychiatric Problems: A Three-Year Prospective Study in a Clinical Sample of Adolescents.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health (CAPMH)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hygen, Beate Wold;
Belsky, Jay;
Li, Zhi;
Stenseng, Frode;
Guzey, Ismail Cuneyt;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Change in parenting, change in student-teacher relationships, and oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR): Testing a Gene-×-Environment (G×E) Hypothesis in Two Samples.
Developmental Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode;
Li, Zhi;
Belsky, Jay;
Hygen, Beate Wold;
Skalicka, Vera;
Guzey, Ismail Cuneyt.
Peer problems and hyperactivity-impulsivity among Norwegian and American Children – The role of 5-HTTLPR.
Child Development
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode;
Belsky, Jay;
Skalicka, Vera;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Peer Rejection and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms: Reciprocal Relations Through Ages 4, 6, and 8.
Child Development
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode.
Hvem er mobberne?.
Spehar, Ivan;
Jacques, Forest;
Stenseng, Frode.
Passion for Work, Job Satisfaction, and the Mediating Role of Belongingness.
Scandinavian Journal of Organizational Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode;
Phelps, Joshua Marvle.
Passion for a sport activity, escapism, and affective outcomes : exploring a mediation model.
Scandinavian Psychologist
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode;
Belsky, Jay;
Skalicka, Vera;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Social Exclusion Predicts Impaired Self-Regulation: A 2-Year Longitudinal Panel Study Including the Transition from Preschool to School.
Journal of Personality
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode;
Haugen, Tommy;
Torstveit, Monica Klungland;
Høigaard, Rune.
When it's "all about the bike"-intrapersonal conflict in light of passion for cycling and exercise dependence.
Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ranøyen, Ingunn;
Stenseng, Frode;
Kløckner, Christian;
Wallander, Jan Lance;
Jozefiak, Thomas.
Familial aggregation of anxiety and depression in the community: the role of adolescents’ self-esteem and physical activity level (the HUNT Study).
BMC Public Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hygen, Beate Wold;
Belsky, Jay;
Stenseng, Frode;
Lydersen, Stian;
Guzey, Ismail Cuneyt;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Child exposure to serious life events, COMT, and aggression: Testing differential susceptibility theory.
Developmental Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skalicka, Vera;
Stenseng, Frode;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Reciprocal relations between student-teacher conflict, childrens social skills and externalizing behavior: A three-wave longitudinal study from preschool to third grade.
International Journal of Behavioral Development
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skalicka, Vera;
Belsky, Jay;
Stenseng, Frode;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Reciprocal Relations Between Student-Teacher Relationship and Children's Behavioral Problems: Moderation by Child-Care Group Size.
Child Development
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skalicka, Vera;
Belsky, Jay;
Stenseng, Frode;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Preschool-Age Problem Behavior and Teacher-Child Conflict in School: Direct and Moderation Effects by Preschool Organization.
Child Development
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode;
Belsky, Jay;
Skalicka, Vera;
Wichstrøm, Lars.
Preschool Social Exclusion, Aggression, and Cooperation: A Longitudinal Evaluation of the Need-to-Belong and the Social-Reconnection Hypotheses.
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode;
Forest, Jacques;
Curran, Thomas.
Positive Emotions in Recreational Sport Activities: The Role of Passion and Belongingness.
Journal of Happiness Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode;
Phelps, Joshua Marvle.
Leisure and life satisfaction: The role of passion and life domain outcomes.
World Leisure Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode.
Attaching Person-Pet Attachment to Positive Psychology: In Response to Andreassen, Stenvold, & Rudmin (2013).
Psychology & Society
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode;
Rise, Jostein;
Kraft, Pål.
Activity Engagement as Escape from Self: The Role of Self-Suppression and Self-Expansion.
Leisure Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode;
Rise, Jostein;
Kraft, Pål.
The dark side of leisure: obsessive passion and its covariates and outcomes.
Leisure Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode;
Dalskau, Lina Harvold.
Passion, Self-Esteem, and the Role of Comparative Performance Evaluation.
Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode.
Kreativitetens bakgater.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode.
Oppskriften på lykke.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode.
The two faces of leisure activity engagement: Harmonious and obsessive passion in relation to intrapersonal conflict and life domain outcomes.
Leisure Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode.
Du må høre med øra - og bruke hodet litt også...
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Stenseng, Frode.
Deppa av hobbyen.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Bjørgen, Ivar Arnljot;
Stenseng, Frode.
Læringsmøter: Kvalitetsreformen ved Psykologisk institutt.
Psykologisk institutt, NTNU
Del av bok/rapport
Bjørgen, Ivar Arnljot;
Stenseng, Frode.
Nye vinnerer og tapere: Redefinering av læringsvansker i høyere utdanning.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Stenseng, Frode.
NHUS-P, utprøving av en pilot for en fremtidig landsdekkende undersøkelse på psykisk helse.
Nasjonalt folkehelseinstitutt
PosterHrozanova, Maria; Haugan, Jan Arvid; Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild; Skalicka, Vera; Korndorf, Lukas; Stenseng, Frode. (2023) Quantifying teenagers’ sleep patterns and sex differences in social jetlag using at-home sleep monitoring. European Sleep Research Society eSleep 2023-09-27 - 2023-09-29
Vitenskapelig foredragSkalicka, Vera; Hygen, Beate Wold; Stenseng, Frode; Berg Kårstad, Silja; Wichstrøm, Lars. (2019) Screen time and the development of emotion understanding. 19th European conference on developmental psychology 2019-08-29 - 2019-09-01
PosterStenseng, Frode; Falch-Madsen, Jonas; Hygen, Beate Wold. (2019) Gaming to Escape, or Gaming to Explore? Support for the Two-Dimensional Model of Escapism in a Sample of Dedicated Gamers. Association for Psychological Science 31st APS Annual Convention , Washington 2019-05-25 - 2019-05-28
PosterHygen, Beate Wold; Belsky, Jay; Stenseng, Frode; Kvande, Marianne N.; Skalicka, Vera; Zahl-Thanem, Tonje. (2018) Gaming, Social competence and Peer Rejection in Children. A Prospective Community Study. Association for Psychological Science 30th Annual Convention , San Fransisco 2018-05-23 - 2018-05-27
PosterHygen, Beate Wold; Skalicka, Vera; Stenseng, Frode; Steinsbekk, Silje; Wichstrøm, Lars. (2018) Computer Gaming and Athletic Self-concept - A prospective community study. European Association for Research on Adolescents EARA Congress 2018 , Belgia 2018-09-12 - 2018-09-15
PosterBerg, Silje; Stenseng, Frode. (2018) "Passion Doesn't Change but Emotions Do": Testing a Social Media Intervention Related to Exercise Activity Engagement. . Association for Psychological Science 30th Annual Meeting for the Association for Psychological Science , San Fransisco 2018-05-22 - 2018-05-28
PosterStenseng, Frode; Hygen, Beate Wold; Wichstrøm, Lars. (2018) Digital Gaming in Longitudinal Interplay with ADHD Symptoms and Emotional Problems Through Ages 6, 8, and 10. Association for Psychological Science 30th Annual Meeting for the Association for Psychological Science , San Fransisco 2018-05-22 - 2018-05-28
PosterStensen, Kenneth; Tveit, Håvard; Stenseng, Frode; Lydersen, Stian; de Wolff, Marianne S.; Wallander, Jan Lance. (2017) A preliminary validation study of the Ages and Stages Questionnaire Social- Emotional (ASQSE) with teacher reports. IAC International Attachment Conference 2017 , London 2017-06-29 - 2017-07-01
Vitenskapelig foredragStenseng, Frode. (2016) Spilling og ADHD-symptomer – henger det sammen, og hva med gener?. Tidlig trygg i Trondheim-seminar 2016-01-20 -
Vitenskapelig foredrag
Vitenskapelig foredrag
Vitenskapelig foredragStenseng, Frode. (2016) Psykisk folkehelse ved RKBU-Midt. Helsedirektoratet, seminar. , Oslo 2016-08-29 -
IntervjuStenseng, Frode. (2015) Children’s ADHD Symptoms and Peer Relationships Influence Each Other Over Time. [Internett] 2015-12-16
IntervjuStenseng, Frode. (2015) ADHD Impedes Social Relationships Early in Life. [Internett] 2015-12-16
IntervjuStenseng, Frode. (2015) ADHD May Hamper Social Relationships Early in Life. [Internett] 2015-12-16
IntervjuStenseng, Frode. (2015) Kids’ ADHD Symptoms Affect Peer Relationships & Vice Versa. [Internett] 2015-12-31
IntervjuBrenne, Anne Synnøve; Stenseng, Frode; Stensen, Kenneth. (2013) Forskar på psykisk helse i Volda-Barnehagane. Møre-Nytt Møre-Nytt [Avis] 2013-06-20
Vitenskapelig foredragStenseng, Frode. (2013) Sosial inkludering og ekskludering i et behovsperspektiv. Norges forskningsråd VAM-konferanse , Oslo 2013-03-20 - 2013-03-21
IntervjuStenseng, Frode. (2013) Viktig at barna får trene på utelek. Stavanger aftenblad Stavanger aftenblad [Avis] 2013-10-11
PosterStenseng, Frode. (2008) Two Dimensions of Escapism: Self-suppression and Self-expansion. European Health Psychology Society Health Psychology Annual Conference 2008 , Bath 2008-09-09 - 2008-09-12