Alex Klein-Paste
- Vinterdrift av veger og flyplasser
- Brøyting, sanding og salting
- hjul-snø/is interaksjon (friksjon)
- TBA 4340 Rehabilitering og drift av veger (5 års emne)
- BA6061 Drift og vedlikehold av veger (EVU, Erfaringsbasert masterprogram)
- BA8617 Drift og vedlikehold av veger i kaldt klima (PhD emne)
Auganæs, Sondre Bergtun;
Buene, Audun Formo;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Experimental investigation into the effect of macroscopic cross-country ski parameters on gliding friction.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jourdain, Natoya Olita Amantha Stephen;
Steinsland, Ingelin;
Shami, Mamoona Birkhez;
Vedvik, Emil;
Olsen, William;
Gryteselv, Dagfin.
A spatial-statistical model to analyse historical rutting data.
International Journal of Pavement Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mohammadi, Nafiseh;
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Lysbakken, Kai Rune.
Simulating winter maintenance efforts: A multi-linear regression model.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Auganæs, Sondre Bergtun;
Buene, Audun Formo;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
The effect of load and binding position on the friction of cross-country skis.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Buene, Audun Formo;
Auganæs, Sondre Bergtun;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Corrigendum: Effect of polydimethylsiloxane oil lubrication on the friction of cross-country UHMWPE ski bases on snow(Front. Sports Act. Living, (2022), 4, (894250), 10.3389/fspor.2022.894250).
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living
Fjærestad, Janne Siren;
Wåhlin, Johan;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Effect of Anti-Icing Chemicals during Hoar Frost Situations.
Journal of cold regions engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Auganæs, Sondre Bergtun;
Buene, Audun Formo;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Laboratory testing of cross-country skis – Investigating tribometer precision on laboratory-grown dendritic snow.
Tribology International
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jakobsen, Lasse;
Auganæs, Sondre Bergtun;
Buene, Audun Formo;
Sivebæk, Ion Marius;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Dynamic and static friction measurements of elastomer footwear blocks on ice surface.
Tribology International
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jiao, Wenxiu;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Experimental investigation of inclination angle on the snow melting process of heated pavement.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Daulat, Shamsuddin;
Rokstad, Marius Møller;
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Langeveld, Jeroen G.;
Tscheikner-Gratl, Franz.
Challenges of integrated multi-infrastructure asset management: a review of pavement, sewer, and water distribution networks.
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Buene, Audun Formo;
Auganæs, Sondre Bergtun;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Effect of Polydimethylsiloxane Oil Lubrication on the Friction of Cross-Country UHMWPE Ski Bases on Snow.
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ødegård, Ingvild;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Do We Need a Change in Road Winter Maintenance to Accommodate for Automated Vehicles? A State-of-the-Art Literature Review Considering Automated Vehicle Technology’s Usage of Road Infrastructure During Winter.
Transportation Research Record
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Fenre, Mathis Dahl;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
The effect of rolling resistance on people’s willingness to cycle during wintertime.
Journal of Infrastructure Preservation and Resilience
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Fenre, Mathis Dahl;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Bicycle rolling resistance under winter conditions.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Borrebæk, Per-Olof;
Rønneberg, Sigrid;
Jelle, Bjørn Petter;
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
A framework for classification of snow- and icephobicity.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Fenre, Mathis Dahl;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Rolling Resistance Measurements on Cycleways Using an Instrumented Bicycle.
Journal of cold regions engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Trzaskos, Mateusz Piotr;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Effect of Temperature and Prewetting for Ice Penetration with Sodium Formate.
Transportation Research Record
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Fjærestad, Janne Siren;
Wåhlin, Johan;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Experimental Setup Simulating Hoarfrost Formation on Roadways.
Journal of cold regions engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kulyakhtin, Sergey;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Can calorimetry be used to measure the melting rate of deicers.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Giudici, Henri;
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Wåhlin, Johan.
Influence of NaCl Aqueous Solution on Compacted Snow: Field Investigation.
Journal of cold regions engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lie, Øystein;
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Auganæs, Sondre Bergtun.
jaktstart på grønn glid.
A-magasinet : uketillegg til Aftenposten
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Fjærestad, Janne Siren;
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Wåhlin, Johan.
Chemical Frost Protection of Road Surfaces: A Laboratory Investigation.
Transportation Research Record
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Borrebak, Per-Olof Fredrik Andersson;
Jelle, Bjørn Petter;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Snow Adhesion Mitigation on Building Integrated Photovoltaics.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (274)
Giudici, Henri;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Lite nok salt.
Giudici, Henri;
Wåhlin, Johan;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Tire-Pavement Interaction in Contact with Salted Snow: How an Aqueous Solution Affects Compression, Squeeze-Out, and Compaction of Snow.
Journal of cold regions engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Dalen, Rune.
The Fundamentals of Plowing, Anti‐icing, De‐icing and Sanding.
Faglig kapittel
Nilssen, Kine;
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Wåhlin, Johan.
The Effect of Additives on the Low Temperature Ice-Melting Capacity of NaCl.
Transportation Research Record
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Giudici, Henri;
Wåhlin, Johan;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Uniaxial compression on salted snow.
Tire Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Airplane braking friction on dry snow, wet snow or slush contaminated runways.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wåhlin, Johan;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
A salty safety solution.
Physics World
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nilssen, Kine;
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Wåhlin, Johan;
Delapaz, Michele Ann.
Use of calorimetry to measure ice-melting capacity.
Transportation Research Record
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wåhlin, Johan;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
The effect of mass diffusion on the rate of chemical ice melting using aqueous solutions.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Giudici, Henri;
Fenre, Mathis Dahl;
Rekilä, Katja-Pauliina;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
A Technical Description of LARS and Lumi: Two Apparatus for Studying Tire-Pavement Interactions.
Routes/Roads Magazine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nilssen, Kine;
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Wåhlin, Johan.
Accuracy of Ice Melting Capacity Tests -
Review of Melting Data for Sodium Chloride.
Transportation Research Record
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wåhlin, Johan;
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Nilssen, Kine.
Ice contact-bonding in air and in the presence of an aqueous sodium chloride solution.
Journal of cold regions engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Giudici, Henri;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Road friction estimations on winter conditions - Data analysis of field-testing in Sweden and Norway.
Rekilä, Katja;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Measuring bicycle braking friction in winter conditions.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wåhlin, Johan;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Chemical Melting of Ice: Effect of Solution Freezing Point on Melting Rate.
Transportation Research Record
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wåhlin, Johan;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Influence of Microstructure on the Consolidation of Compressed Snow.
Journal of cold regions engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wåhlin, Johan;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
The effect of common de-icing chemicals on the hardness of compacted snow.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Bugge, Hans Jørgen;
Huseby, Arne.
A decision support model to assess the braking performance on snow and ice contaminated runways.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wåhlin, Johan;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Temperature dependence of solution-induced weakening of compacted snow.
Transportation Research Record
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Perez, Ana Patricia;
Wåhlin, Johan;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Effect of surface roughness and chemistry on ice bonding to asphalt aggregates.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wåhlin, Johan;
Leisinger, Sabine;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
The effect of sodium chloride solution on the hardness of compacted snow.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Potapova, Julia.
Thermal Aspects of Melting Ice with Deicer Chemicals.
Transportation Research Record
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Wåhlin, Johan.
Wet pavement anti-icing - A physical mechanism.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Sinha, Nirmal K.;
Norheim, Armann;
Yager, Thomas J..
Friction, Ice, and Snow.
Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Huseby, Arne;
Anderson, John;
Giesman, Paul;
Bugge, Hans Jørgen;
Langedahl, Tor Børre.
Braking performance of commercial airplanes during operation on winter contaminated runways.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Friction Insights.... when tyres meet ice on the road.
Nordic Road and Transport Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Sinha, Nirmal K..
Microstructural investigation of ice surfaces after rubber-ice and sand-ice sliding friction tests.
Tribology International
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Sinha, Nirmal K..
Comparison between rubber-ice and sand-ice friction and the effect of loose snow contamination.
Tribology International
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Breitschädel, Felix;
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Løset, Sveinung.
Effects of Temperature Change on Cross-Country Ski Characteristics.
Procedia Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Huseby, Arne;
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Bugge, Hans Jørgen.
Assessing airport runway conditions—A Bayesian approach.
CRC Press
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Runway Operability under Cold Weather Conditions.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2007-215)
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Sinha, Nirmal K..
Study of Warm, Pre-wetted Sanding Method at Airports in Norway.
Transportation Development Centre, Transport Canada
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Sinha, Nirmal K..
Airport Operations Under Cold Weather Conditions: Observations on Operative Runways in Norway.
Transportation Development Centre, Transport Canada
Auganæs, Sondre Bergtun;
Buene, Audun Formo;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Experimental investigation into the effect of macroscopic cross-country ski parameters on gliding friction.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jourdain, Natoya Olita Amantha Stephen;
Steinsland, Ingelin;
Shami, Mamoona Birkhez;
Vedvik, Emil;
Olsen, William;
Gryteselv, Dagfin.
A spatial-statistical model to analyse historical rutting data.
International Journal of Pavement Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mohammadi, Nafiseh;
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Lysbakken, Kai Rune.
Simulating winter maintenance efforts: A multi-linear regression model.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Auganæs, Sondre Bergtun;
Buene, Audun Formo;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
The effect of load and binding position on the friction of cross-country skis.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Buene, Audun Formo;
Auganæs, Sondre Bergtun;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Corrigendum: Effect of polydimethylsiloxane oil lubrication on the friction of cross-country UHMWPE ski bases on snow(Front. Sports Act. Living, (2022), 4, (894250), 10.3389/fspor.2022.894250).
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living
Fjærestad, Janne Siren;
Wåhlin, Johan;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Effect of Anti-Icing Chemicals during Hoar Frost Situations.
Journal of cold regions engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Auganæs, Sondre Bergtun;
Buene, Audun Formo;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Laboratory testing of cross-country skis – Investigating tribometer precision on laboratory-grown dendritic snow.
Tribology International
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jakobsen, Lasse;
Auganæs, Sondre Bergtun;
Buene, Audun Formo;
Sivebæk, Ion Marius;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Dynamic and static friction measurements of elastomer footwear blocks on ice surface.
Tribology International
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jiao, Wenxiu;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Experimental investigation of inclination angle on the snow melting process of heated pavement.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Daulat, Shamsuddin;
Rokstad, Marius Møller;
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Langeveld, Jeroen G.;
Tscheikner-Gratl, Franz.
Challenges of integrated multi-infrastructure asset management: a review of pavement, sewer, and water distribution networks.
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Buene, Audun Formo;
Auganæs, Sondre Bergtun;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Effect of Polydimethylsiloxane Oil Lubrication on the Friction of Cross-Country UHMWPE Ski Bases on Snow.
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ødegård, Ingvild;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Do We Need a Change in Road Winter Maintenance to Accommodate for Automated Vehicles? A State-of-the-Art Literature Review Considering Automated Vehicle Technology’s Usage of Road Infrastructure During Winter.
Transportation Research Record
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Fenre, Mathis Dahl;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
The effect of rolling resistance on people’s willingness to cycle during wintertime.
Journal of Infrastructure Preservation and Resilience
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Fenre, Mathis Dahl;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Bicycle rolling resistance under winter conditions.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Borrebæk, Per-Olof;
Rønneberg, Sigrid;
Jelle, Bjørn Petter;
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
He, Jianying.
A framework for classification of snow- and icephobicity.
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Fenre, Mathis Dahl;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Rolling Resistance Measurements on Cycleways Using an Instrumented Bicycle.
Journal of cold regions engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Trzaskos, Mateusz Piotr;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Effect of Temperature and Prewetting for Ice Penetration with Sodium Formate.
Transportation Research Record
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Fjærestad, Janne Siren;
Wåhlin, Johan;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Experimental Setup Simulating Hoarfrost Formation on Roadways.
Journal of cold regions engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kulyakhtin, Sergey;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Can calorimetry be used to measure the melting rate of deicers.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Giudici, Henri;
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Wåhlin, Johan.
Influence of NaCl Aqueous Solution on Compacted Snow: Field Investigation.
Journal of cold regions engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lie, Øystein;
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Auganæs, Sondre Bergtun.
jaktstart på grønn glid.
A-magasinet : uketillegg til Aftenposten
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Fjærestad, Janne Siren;
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Wåhlin, Johan.
Chemical Frost Protection of Road Surfaces: A Laboratory Investigation.
Transportation Research Record
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Giudici, Henri;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Lite nok salt.
Giudici, Henri;
Wåhlin, Johan;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Tire-Pavement Interaction in Contact with Salted Snow: How an Aqueous Solution Affects Compression, Squeeze-Out, and Compaction of Snow.
Journal of cold regions engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nilssen, Kine;
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Wåhlin, Johan.
The Effect of Additives on the Low Temperature Ice-Melting Capacity of NaCl.
Transportation Research Record
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Giudici, Henri;
Wåhlin, Johan;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Uniaxial compression on salted snow.
Tire Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Airplane braking friction on dry snow, wet snow or slush contaminated runways.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wåhlin, Johan;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
A salty safety solution.
Physics World
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nilssen, Kine;
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Wåhlin, Johan;
Delapaz, Michele Ann.
Use of calorimetry to measure ice-melting capacity.
Transportation Research Record
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wåhlin, Johan;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
The effect of mass diffusion on the rate of chemical ice melting using aqueous solutions.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Giudici, Henri;
Fenre, Mathis Dahl;
Rekilä, Katja-Pauliina;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
A Technical Description of LARS and Lumi: Two Apparatus for Studying Tire-Pavement Interactions.
Routes/Roads Magazine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nilssen, Kine;
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Wåhlin, Johan.
Accuracy of Ice Melting Capacity Tests -
Review of Melting Data for Sodium Chloride.
Transportation Research Record
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wåhlin, Johan;
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Nilssen, Kine.
Ice contact-bonding in air and in the presence of an aqueous sodium chloride solution.
Journal of cold regions engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rekilä, Katja;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Measuring bicycle braking friction in winter conditions.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wåhlin, Johan;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Chemical Melting of Ice: Effect of Solution Freezing Point on Melting Rate.
Transportation Research Record
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wåhlin, Johan;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Influence of Microstructure on the Consolidation of Compressed Snow.
Journal of cold regions engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wåhlin, Johan;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
The effect of common de-icing chemicals on the hardness of compacted snow.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Bugge, Hans Jørgen;
Huseby, Arne.
A decision support model to assess the braking performance on snow and ice contaminated runways.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wåhlin, Johan;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Temperature dependence of solution-induced weakening of compacted snow.
Transportation Research Record
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Perez, Ana Patricia;
Wåhlin, Johan;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Effect of surface roughness and chemistry on ice bonding to asphalt aggregates.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wåhlin, Johan;
Leisinger, Sabine;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
The effect of sodium chloride solution on the hardness of compacted snow.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Potapova, Julia.
Thermal Aspects of Melting Ice with Deicer Chemicals.
Transportation Research Record
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Wåhlin, Johan.
Wet pavement anti-icing - A physical mechanism.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Huseby, Arne;
Anderson, John;
Giesman, Paul;
Bugge, Hans Jørgen;
Langedahl, Tor Børre.
Braking performance of commercial airplanes during operation on winter contaminated runways.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Friction Insights.... when tyres meet ice on the road.
Nordic Road and Transport Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Sinha, Nirmal K..
Microstructural investigation of ice surfaces after rubber-ice and sand-ice sliding friction tests.
Tribology International
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Sinha, Nirmal K..
Comparison between rubber-ice and sand-ice friction and the effect of loose snow contamination.
Tribology International
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Breitschädel, Felix;
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Løset, Sveinung.
Effects of Temperature Change on Cross-Country Ski Characteristics.
Procedia Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Del av bok/rapport
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Dalen, Rune.
The Fundamentals of Plowing, Anti‐icing, De‐icing and Sanding.
Faglig kapittel
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Sinha, Nirmal K.;
Norheim, Armann;
Yager, Thomas J..
Friction, Ice, and Snow.
Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Huseby, Arne;
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Bugge, Hans Jørgen.
Assessing airport runway conditions—A Bayesian approach.
CRC Press
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Borrebak, Per-Olof Fredrik Andersson;
Jelle, Bjørn Petter;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Snow Adhesion Mitigation on Building Integrated Photovoltaics.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (274)
Giudici, Henri;
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Road friction estimations on winter conditions - Data analysis of field-testing in Sweden and Norway.
Klein-Paste, Alex.
Runway Operability under Cold Weather Conditions.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2007-215)
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Sinha, Nirmal K..
Study of Warm, Pre-wetted Sanding Method at Airports in Norway.
Transportation Development Centre, Transport Canada
Klein-Paste, Alex;
Sinha, Nirmal K..
Airport Operations Under Cold Weather Conditions: Observations on Operative Runways in Norway.
Transportation Development Centre, Transport Canada
IntervjuKlein-Paste, Alex; Normannsen, Sølvi Waterloo. (2025) Snøkaos skyldes trangere byer og mer snø på kortere tid. Teknisk Ukeblad og Gemini Teknisk Ukeblad og Gemini [Internett] 2025-01-09
IntervjuLindseth, Liv Randi; Klein-Paste, Alex. (2025) Ny teknologi kan revolusjonere vintervedlikeholdet. [Internett] 2025-01-21
Vitenskapelig foredragKlein-Paste, Alex; Berg Aspevold, Oda. (2024) Model-Scale Investigation of Snow Flow Dynamics and Cast Characteristics of Snowplows. Transportation Research Board Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting , Washington DC 2024-01-07 - 2024-01-11
PosterSharma, Madhavendra; al Hammadi, Muneer Hamid Ahmed; Klein-Paste, Alex; Mork, Helge; Shami, Mamoona Birkhez. (2023) Comparative Study on the Performance of Single Stage Object Detection Models on Norwegian Roads Damage Detection. Transportation Research Board Transportation Research Board 102nd Annual Meeting , Washington DC 2023-01-08 - 2023-01-12
Vitenskapelig foredragDaulat, Shamsuddin; Roghani, Bardia; Rokstad, Marius Møller; Langeveld, Jeroen; Klein-Paste, Alex; Tscheikner-Gratl, Franz. (2023) A decision support framework for integrated multi-infrastructure intervention. Graie & OTHU & Lyon Metropolis NOVATECH 2023 , Lyon 2023-07-03 - 2023-07-07
Vitenskapelig foredragDaulat, Shamsuddin; Rokstad, Marius Møller; Klein-Paste, Alex; Langeveld, Jeroen; Tscheikner-Gratl, Franz. (2023) Quantifying the dependencies of co-located infrastructures during an intervention. EWRI 2023 World Environmental & Water Resources Congress , Henderson, NV 2023-05-21 - 2023-05-25
PosterSikora, Sebastian; Christiansen, Hanne H.; Claes, Stefan; Coulson, Anna Sjøblom; Coulson, Steve J.; Frank, Lukas. (2023) Svalbard Environment Monitoring System at UNIS. Norges forskningsråd Svalbard Science Conference 2023 , Fornebu, Oslo 2023-10-31 - 2023-11-01
Faglig foredragKlein-Paste, Alex. (2023) Optimizing salt use during snowstorms. Bolton and Merk inc. The Salt Symposium 2023 , Online Webinar 2023-08-01 - 2023-08-02
Vitenskapelig foredragBuene, Audun Formo; Klein-Paste, Alex; Auganæs, Sondre Bergtun. (2023) Effect of silicone oil lubrication on ski-snow friction. The International College of Ski Science (ICSS) 9th International Congress on Science and Skiing , Saalbach-Hinterglemm 2023-03-18 - 2023-03-22
Faglig foredragShamsuddin, Daulat; Roghani, Bardia; Rokstad, Marius M.; Langeveld, Jeroen; Klein-Paste, Alex; Tscheikner-Gratl, Franz. (2023) A decision support framework for integrated multi-infrastructure intervention. NOVATECH2023 2023-07-04 - 2023-07-07
Vitenskapelig foredragAuganæs, Sondre Bergtun; Buene, Audun Formo; Klein-Paste, Alex. (2023) The effect of binding position on the pressure distribution and friction of cross-country skis. 9th International Congress on Science and Skiing 2023-03-18 - 2023-03-23
IntervjuBuene, Audun Formo; Adam, David; Klein-Paste, Alex; Auganæs, Sondre Bergtun. (2022) How to measure the slipperiness of skis - An advance in the fight against friction. The Economist The Economist [Avis] 2022-02-14
Vitenskapelig foredragTscheikner-Gratl, Franz; Daulat, Shamsuddin; Rokstad, Marius Møller; Klein-Paste, Alex; Langeveld, Jeroen G.. (2022) The magnificent seven – challenges for the uptake of integrated multi-infrastructure asset management. IWA IWA WaterLoss Conference , Prague 2022-06-19 - 2022-06-22
Populærvitenskapelig foredragDaulat, Shamsuddin; Rokstad, Marius Møller; Klein-Paste, Alex; Langeveld, Jeroen G.; Tscheikner-Gratl, Franz. (2022) Cost saving potential in integrated multi-infrastructure asset management . LESAM 2022 , Bordeaux 2022-05-11 - 2022-05-13
PosterAuganæs, Sondre Bergtun; Buene, Audun Formo; Klein-Paste, Alex. (2022) The effect of load distribution on the friction of cross-country skis. NTNU idrett forskningskonferanse 2022-12-01 - 2022-12-01
IntervjuKlein-Paste, Alex; Auganæs, Sondre Bergtun; Buene, Audun Formo. (2021) Ny fluorfri smøring kan gi enda mer VM-suksess. [Internett] 2021-02-26
Vitenskapelig foredragDaulat, Shamsuddin; Rokstad, Marius Møller; Klein-Paste, Alex; Langeveld, Jeroen; Tscheikner-Gratl, Franz. (2021) A review on the feasibility of integrated multi-infrastructure asset management (IMAM). EURO-SAM , Online 2021-06-16 - 2021-06-17
IntervjuKlein-Paste, Alex; Rita, Tvede Bartolomei. (2021) Hvordan få til sikker, miljøvennlig og billigere vinterdrift?. Samferdsel & Infrastruktur Samferdsel & Infrastruktur [Tidsskrift] 2021-12-01
PosterDaulat, Shamsuddin; Rokstad, Marius Møller; Klein-Paste, Alex; Langeveld, Jeroen G.; Tscheikner-Gratl, Franz. (2021) A review on the feasibility of integrated multi-infrastructure asset management (IMAM). International Conference on Urban Drainage (ICUD2021) 2021-10-25 - 2021-10-28
Populærvitenskapelig foredragKlein-Paste, Alex. (2020) Fluorine-free glide - A research race to a new market. Snörik Snow on Tour - Snow research and innovation , Trondheim 2020-02-21 - 2020-02-21
IntervjuAuganæs, Sondre Bergtun; Klein-Paste, Alex; Skovro Thoresen, Klara. (2020) Her leter de etter oppskriften på den beste fluorfrie løsningen. [Internett] 2020-02-24
DokumentarFjærestad, Janne Siren; Klein-Paste, Alex. (2020) SnowHow - hva er snø og is?. TV / nett TV TV / nett TV [TV] 2020-01-02
IntervjuBrekkhus, Arve; Klein-Paste, Alex. (2020) Innlandet vil teste ut automatisk tilstandsregistrering av fylkesveier. [Internett] 2020-12-18
Vitenskapelig foredragFenre, Mathis Dahl; Klein-Paste, Alex. (2019) A TORQUE-BASED METHOD FOR MEASURING BICYCLE BRAKING FRICTION. Transportation Research Board Transportation Research Board - Annual meeting , Washington DC 2019-01-13 - 2019-01-17
Faglig foredragKlein-Paste, Alex. (2019) Hva skjer ved forskningssenter vinterdrift?. Statens Vegvesen Vinterkonferansen 2019 , Gardermoen 2019-03-20 - 2019-03-21
Vitenskapelig foredragGiudici, Henri; Wåhlin, Johan; Klein-Paste, Alex. (2019) The influence of aqueous solution on compacted snow: A field investigation. Transportation Research Board TRB Annual meeting 2019 , Washington 2019-01-13 - 2019-01-17
Faglig foredragGiudici, Henri; Fenre, Mathis Dahl; Rekilä, Katja-Pauliina; Klein-Paste, Alex. (2018) A Technical Description of LARS and Lumi: Two Apparatus for Studying Tire-Pavement Interactions. World Road Association Mondiale De La Route XVth International Winter Road Congress , Gdansk 2018-02-20 - 2018-02-23
PosterBorrebæk, Per-Olof; Jelle, Bjørn Petter; Maus, Sønke; Klein-Paste, Alex; Selj, Josefine Helene Krogh; Foss, Sean Erik. (2018) Sliding and Adhesion of Snow - A Cursory Study. Integrated Photovoltaic Technical Conference 2018 (I-PVTC 2018) - From Advanced Materials and Technologies to Multiscale Integration and Usages , Cassis 2018-09-10 - 2018-09-12
Populærvitenskapelig foredragKlein-Paste, Alex. (2018) Prinsipper for fornuftig kjemikaliebruk. Avinor Avinor fagdag plasstjeneste , Gardermoen 2018-11-06 - 2018-11-07
Populærvitenskapelig foredragKlein-Paste, Alex. (2018) Tire-pavement friction on salted snow. TBM evolution group INNOVATIVE ALL-SEASON AND WINTER TIRE DEVELOPMENT FORUM , Amsterdam 2018-03-22 - 2018-03-23
Vitenskapelig foredragWåhlin, Johan; Klein-Paste, Alex. (2018) Ice Melting Rates at− 5° C,− 10° C, and− 15° C Using Chloride Solutions: a Physical Explanation. Transportation Research Board Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting , Washington DC 2018-01-07 -
Vitenskapelig foredragWåhlin, Johan; Fjærestad, Janne Siren; Kaj, Thomsen; Klein-Paste, Alex. (2017) Thermodynamics of deicing chemicals. Transportation research board TRB annual meeting 2017 , Washington DC 2017-01-08 - 2017-01-13
Vitenskapelig foredragKlein-Paste, Alex. (2016) Airplane braking friction on dry snow, wet snow or slush contaminated runways. CSTB 8th international conference on Snow Engineering , Nantes 2016-06-14 - 2016-06-17
Faglig foredragGiudici, Henri; Wåhlin, Johan; Klein-Paste, Alex. (2016) Uniaxial Compression of Salted Snow. The Tire Society, Inc. 35th Annual Meeting and Conference on Tire Science and Technology , Akron, Ohio 2016-09-13 - 2016-09-14
Populærvitenskapelig foredragKlein-Paste, Alex. (2016) A view from Europe - Research on deicers. Surveyer Magazine and Events Cold Comfort Scotland 2016 , Airth, Scotland 2016-04-28 - 2016-04-28
Faglig foredragKlein-Paste, Alex. (2015) Friskjonsteori. Statens vegvesen Kurs for friksjonsmålingsoperatører , Trondheim 2015-10-07 - 2015-10-07
Populærvitenskapelig foredragKlein-Paste, Alex. (2013) Forskningssenter Vinterdrift. SINTEF Gemini Workshop , Trondheim 2013-09-26 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragKlein-Paste, Alex. (2013) Hvordan virker salt?. Statens Vegvesen Nord-Trøndelag Fagdag Vinterdrift , Steinsker 2013-01-23 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragKlein-Paste, Alex. (2013) Bruk av kjemikalier på flyplasser. Avinor Avinor fagseminar , Gardermoen 2013-10-01 - 2013-10-02
Populærvitenskapelig foredragKlein-Paste, Alex. (2013) Godt fagmannskap i Vinterdrift. Veidekke Industri Kompetansedag Drift og Vedlikehold , Trondheim 2013-10-17 -
Vitenskapelig foredragWåhlin, Johan; Klein-Paste, Alex. (2013) The Effect of Common De-Icing Chemicals on Ice-Bond Formation in Compacted Snow. Transportation Research Board TRB 92nd Annual Meeting 2013 , Washington DC 2013-01-13 - 2013-01-17
IntervjuKlein-Paste, Alex. (2012) Med mindre vegsalt i sikte. Bergens Tidene Bergens Tidene [Avis] 2012-12-12
Vitenskapelig foredragKlein-Paste, Alex; Wåhlin, Johan. (2010) Controlling the Properties of Thin Ice Layers on Pavement Surfaces - An Alternative Explanation for Anti-icing. Hokkaido University 12th international conference on the Physics and Chemisty of Ice , Sapporo 2010-09-05 - 2010-10-10
Populærvitenskapelig foredragKlein-Paste, Alex; Wåhlin, Johan; Lubbad, Raed; Lønøy, Christian Sveindal. (2010) Prøv deg som isforsker. NTNU Researchers night - Stand og Laboratorium , Trondheim 2010-09-29 - 2010-09-29
PosterWåhlin, Johan; Klein-Paste, Alex. (2010) The effect of supercooling on the mechanical properties of thin saline ice layers. 12th International Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Ice , Sapporo 2010-09-05 - 2010-09-10
Vitenskapelig foredragKlein-Paste, Alex. (2008) Physical Processes That Affect Runway Surface Conditions During Winter Time - A Conceptual Model. Transport Research Board Seventh International Symposium on Snow Removal and Ice Control Technology , Indianapolis 2008-06-16 - 2008-06-19
Vitenskapelig foredragKlein-Paste, Alex; Sinha, Nirmal K.. (2008) Microstructural Investigation of Ice Surfaces after Rubber-Ice Friction. National University of Singapore Second International Conferenance on Advanced Tribology , Singapore 2008-12-03 - 2008-12-05
Vitenskapelig foredragKlein-Paste, Alex; Sinha, Nirmal K.. (2008) Quantitative Comparison between Rubber-Ice and Sand-Ice Friction. National University of Singapore Second International Conference on Advanced Tribology , Singapore 2008-12-03 - 2008-12-05
ProgramdeltagelseKlein, Paste Alex. (2005) Vintervedlikehold på norske flyplasser. Schrödingers Katt Schrödingers Katt [TV] 2005-03-04