
TET4575 - Kraftsystemer - drift og analyse, fordypningsemne

Om emnet


Vurderingsordning: Mappevurdering
Karakter: Bokstavkarakterer

Vurdering Vekting Varighet Delkarakter Hjelpemidler
Mappevurdering 100/100

Faglig innhold

The specialisation course is intended to provide sufficient breadth and depth of topics for specialisation on the advanced aspects of power system operation, planning and analysis. This course is composed of multiple blocks/modules. More information related to the detailed composition of the actual blocks offered, their learning activities, assessment forms, and logistics of the execution, will be provided at the semester start. A brief description of the typical blocks included is as follows.

Block 1: Methods and algorithms for power systems. (Prof. Olav Bjarte Fosso)

The overall aim is to give a deeper insight into a select-few advanced methods/techniques for the analysis of power systems. All material (or part of it) could be re-used in the dedicated master thesis work supervised by the PSOA research group. During the course students are free to use Matlab, Python or Julia, considering the opportunity to get more programming skills. During lectures students will get support/recommendations on how to install and receive recommendation on libraries to use for the different type of analysis.

Assessment: There are five mandatory individual assignments

  • Assignments are given along with the lectures.
  • The basis for the evaluation is understanding of the methods and techniques.
  • All will be called in for a short meeting, to explain and discuss any part of the assignments submitted. Grading will be based on the submitted assignments and any subsequent discussions.

Block 2: Wind power in electric power systems. (Prof. Olimpo Anaya-Lara/Kjetil Uhlen)

The overall aim is to give a deeper insight into a variety of topics related to the integration of offshore and onshore wind power in electric power systems

Content: Norway, as many other European countries, has excellent wind power resources both offshore and onshore and the course will discuss how these resources might be utilized and integrated into the energy and power system in an economic efficient, technical robust and reliable way. Different wind turbine technologies, use of power electronics, design of wind parks, grid integration and network interface and principles for control and system operation are subjects that will be studied. The differences between offshore and onshore wind power will be discussed. Further, the course will present and discuss economy and market issues related to large-scale integration of wind power. After the course, students will have a solid understanding and the ability to explain with confidence the following topics:

  • Electrical systems in a wind energy generation system
  • Control systems in a wind turbine
  • Wind farm control approaches
  • Issues related to the grid integration of large-scale wind power plant
  • Operation of power systems with significant wind power penetration

Assessment: The course is assessed through a mini-project conducted by a group of two students. The mini-project assesses the key topics taught in the module and comprises of a mix of calculations and questions to test reasoning and understanding. A major component of the assessment is the preparation of a technical paper in the IEEE style and an associated poster.

Block 3: Flexibility in power grid operation and planning.

The overall aim is to give a deeper insight into the research and developments on power system flexibility (in general), flexibility in grid operation, and flexibility in grid planning, with focus mostly on distribution system applications.

Assessment: Mandatory individual assignments

  • Assignments are given along with the lectures.
  • All will be called in for a short meeting, to explain and discuss any part of the assignments submitted. Grading will be based on the submitted assignments and any subsequent discussions.


The specialisation course is intended to provide sufficient breadth and depth of topics for specialisation on the advanced aspects of power system operation, planning and analysis.

Læringsformer og aktiviteter

Lectures, assignments, and mini-project. The course is given in English.

Mer om vurdering

The student needs to opt for any two blocks and participate in the learning activities and assessment forms pertaining to the selected blocks.

Both blocks must be passed (at least grade E) individually to get an overall pass grade.


Stated and provided at the start of the semester.

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Versjon: 1
Studiepoeng:  7.5 SP
Studienivå: Høyere grads nivå


Termin nr.: 1
Undervises:  HØST 2023

Undervisningsspråk: -

Sted: Trondheim

  • Elkraftteknikk
  • Teknologiske fag


Vurderingsordning: Mappevurdering

Termin Statuskode Vurdering Vekting Hjelpemidler Dato Tid Eksamens- system Rom *
Høst ORD Mappevurdering 100/100





Rom Bygning Antall kandidater
  • * Skriftlig eksamen plasseres på rom 3 dager før eksamensdato. Hvis mer enn ett rom er oppgitt, finner du ditt rom på Studentweb.

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