
MOL3005 - Immunologi

Om emnet


Vurderingsordning: Skriftlig skoleeksamen
Karakter: Bokstavkarakterer

Vurdering Vekting Varighet Delkarakter Hjelpemidler
Skriftlig skoleeksamen 100/100 4 timer

Faglig innhold

The immune system governs defense against pathogens and is of importance for development of autoimmune diseases, allergy and cancer. The course discusses basic immunology including cellular and molecular processes that represents the human immune system. Subjects to be presented include cells and organs of the immune system, antigen, immunoglobulins and antibody diversity, molecular mechanisms of innate and adaptive immunity, the complement system, antigen presentation, cell-mediated effector responses, mucosal immunity and select lectures on the immune system in health and disease.


After completing the course MOL3005, the student should be able to:

  • demonstrate the basic knowledge of immunological processes at a cellular and molecular level
  • define central immunological principles and concepts
  • outline, compare and contrast the key mechanisms and cellular players of innate and adaptive immunity and how they relate
  • elucidate the genetic basis for immunological diversity and the generation of adaptive immune responses
  • outline key events and cellular players in antigen presentation, and how the nature of the antigen will shape resulting effector responses
  • identify the main mechanisms of inflammation
  • outline key events and cellular players governing mucosal immunity
  • understand the principles governing vaccination and the mechanisms of protection against infectious diseases
  • understand and explain the basis of immunological tolerance, autoimmunity and transplantation
  • understand and explain the basis of allergy and allergic diseases
  • understand and explain the immune system in cancer; tumor immunology and principles of immunotherapy

Læringsformer og aktiviteter

Lectures and colloquiums (not compulsory). The language of teaching is English. Exam must be answered in English.

Obligatoriske aktiviteter

  • Oppgave

Mer om vurdering

Retake of exam: The student must have completed the mandatory activities and assignments to take the exam. If taken in a previous semester, this is sufficient to take the exam. Exam must be answered in English.

Students with legitimate leave of absence at the final examination and students who receive the grade F may re-sit the examination in the following semester.


Kuby Immunology 8th edition or Janeway`s Immunobiology 10th edition (9th edition is ok if already purchased).


Emnekode Reduksjon Fra Til
BI2013 7.5 HØST 2007
MNKBI213 7.5 HØST 2007
BI221412 3.5 HØST 2019
Flere sider om emnet


Fakta om emnet

Versjon: 1
Studiepoeng:  7.5 SP
Studienivå: Høyere grads nivå


Termin nr.: 1
Undervises:  HØST 2023

Undervisningsspråk: Engelsk

Sted: Trondheim

  • Molekylærmedisin
  • Biofysikk
  • Biokjemi
  • Biologi
  • Bioteknologi
  • Cellebiologi


Vurderingsordning: Skriftlig skoleeksamen

Termin Statuskode Vurdering Vekting Hjelpemidler Dato Tid Eksamens- system Rom *
Høst ORD Skriftlig skoleeksamen 100/100 27.11.2023 09:00 INSPERA
Rom Bygning Antall kandidater
SL110 hvit sone Sluppenvegen 14 64
SL111 blå sone Sluppenvegen 14 17
SL274 Sluppenvegen 14 2
SL120 blå sone Sluppenvegen 14 3
SL311 brun sone Sluppenvegen 14 15
SL271 Sluppenvegen 14 1
Vår ORD Skriftlig skoleeksamen 100/100 05.06.2024 15:00 INSPERA
Rom Bygning Antall kandidater
SL110 hvit sone Sluppenvegen 14 14
  • * Skriftlig eksamen plasseres på rom 3 dager før eksamensdato. Hvis mer enn ett rom er oppgitt, finner du ditt rom på Studentweb.

For mer info om oppmelding til og gjennomføring av eksamen, se "Innsida - Eksamen"

Mer om eksamen ved NTNU