Therese Standal
Myelomatose (beinmargskreft) er en kreftform som skyldes opphopning av maligne plasmaceller i beinmargen. Kreftcellene produserer faktorer som fører til at balansen mellom celler som lager bein (osteoblaster) og celler som spiser bein (osteoklaster) blir forstyrret, slik at beinet blir ødelagt. Jeg er særlig opptatt av å finne ut av hvordan dette skjer. Jeg forsker også på hvordan betennelse (inflammasjon) påvirker modningen og aktivteten til osteoblaster og osteoklaster.
Min forskningsgruppe består av en forsker, to postdoktorer, fire stipendiater og en ingeniør. Vi har for tiden to hovedprosjekter gående. Det ene prosjektet går ut på å forstå hvordan interaksjoner mellom fettceller, immunceller og kreftceller bidrar til beinødeleggelse og kreftcellevekst mens det andre prosjektet går ut på å forstå betydningen av det pro-inflammatoriske cytokinet interleukin 32 for sykdomsutvikling ved myelomatose.
Nedal, Tonje Marie Vikene;
Moen, Siv Helen;
Roseth, Ingrid Aass;
Tryggestad, Synne Stokke;
Aass, Kristin Roseth;
Hov, Gunhild Garmo.
Diet-induced obesity reduces bone marrow T and B cells and promotes tumor progression in a transplantable Vk*MYC model of multiple myeloma.
Scientific Reports
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Tryggestad, Synne Stokke;
Roseth, Ingrid Aass;
Aass, Kristin Roseth;
Ørning, Nadia Elise Helene;
Mjelle, Robin;
Hella, Hanne.
Toll-like receptor signaling in multiple myeloma cells promotes the expression of pro-survival genes B-cell lymphoma 2 and MYC and modulates the expression of B-cell maturation antigen.
Frontiers in Immunology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kastnes, Martin Haugrud;
Aass, Kristin Roseth;
Bouma, Siri Anshushaug;
Årseth, Charlotte;
Zahoor, Muhammad;
Yurchenko, Mariya.
The pro-tumorigenic cytokine IL-32 has a high turnover in multiple myeloma cells due to proteolysis regulated by oxygen-sensing cysteine dioxygenase and deubiquitinating enzymes.
Frontiers in Oncology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aass, Kristin Roseth;
Tryggestad, Synne Stokke;
Mjelle, Robin;
Kastnes, Martin Haugrud;
Nedal, Tonje Marie Vikene;
Misund, Kristine.
IL-32 is induced by activation of toll-like receptors in multiple myeloma cells.
Frontiers in Immunology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ma, Qianli;
Rubenis, Kristaps;
Sigurjonsson, Olafur E.;
Hildebrand, Torben;
Standal, Therese;
Zemjane, Signe.
Eggshell-derived amorphous calcium phosphate: Synthesis, characterization and bio-functions as bone graft materials in novel 3D osteoblastic spheroids model.
Smart Materials in Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ødegaard, Kristin Sirnes;
Westhrin, Marita;
Bin Afif, Abdulla Shaikh Abdul Qader;
Ma, Qianli;
Mela, Petra;
Standal, Therese.
The effects of surface treatments on electron beam melted Ti-6Al-4V disks on osteogenesis of human mesenchymal stromal cells.
Biomaterials Advances
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aass, Kristin Roseth;
Nedal, Tonje Marie Vikene;
Tryggestad, Synne Stokke;
Haukås, Einar;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Waage, Anders.
Paired miRNA- and messenger RNA-sequencing identifies novel miRNA-mRNA interactions in multiple myeloma.
Scientific Reports
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aass, Kristin Roseth;
Nedal, Tonje Marie Vikene;
Bouma, Siri Anshushaug;
Tryggestad, Synne Stokke;
Haukås, Einar;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt.
Comprehensive small RNA-sequencing of primary myeloma cells identifies miR-105-5p as a predictor of patient survival.
British Journal of Cancer
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kohtala, Sampsa;
Nedal, Tonje Marie Vikene;
Kriesi, Carlo Rene;
Moen, Siv Helen;
Ma, Qianli;
Ødegaard, Kristin Sirnes.
Automated Quantification of Human Osteoclasts Using Object Detection.
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aass, Kristin Roseth;
Mjelle, Robin;
Kastnes, Martin Haugrud;
Tryggestad, Synne Stokke;
van den Brink, Luca Mare;
Roseth, Ingrid Aass.
Intracellular IL-32 regulates mitochondrial metabolism, proliferation, and differentiation of malignant plasma cells.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Moen, Ingrid Nyhus;
Westhrin, Marita;
Håland, Erling;
Haug, Markus;
Nonstad, Unni;
Klaharn, Merisa.
Smac-mimetics reduce numbers and viability of human osteoclasts.
Cell death discovery
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ødegaard, Kristin Sirnes;
Ouyang, Lingzi;
Ma, Qianli;
Buene, Glenn;
Wan, Di;
Elverum, Christer Westum.
Revealing the influence of electron beam melted Ti-6Al-4V scaffolds on osteogenesis of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells.
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sponaas, Anne-Marit;
Waage, Anders;
Vandsemb, Esten;
Misund, Kristine;
Børset, Magne;
Sundan, Anders.
Bystander memory T cells and IMiD/checkpoint therapy in multiple myeloma: A dangerous tango?.
Frontiers in Immunology
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Standal, Therese;
Kovcic, Vlado.
New players in an old game: Role of immunoglobulins in the pathogenesis of multiple myeloma.
Standal, Therese;
Aass, Kristin Roseth.
The role IL-32 in multiple myeloma.
Westhrin, Marita;
Holien, Toril;
Zahoor, Muhammad;
Moen, Siv Helen;
Buene, Glenn;
Størdal, Berit Fladvad.
Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4 Gene Therapy in Mice Inhibits Myeloma Tumor Growth, But Has a Negative Impact on Bone.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Westhrin, Marita;
Kovcic, Vlado;
Zejian, Zhang;
Moen, Siv Helen;
Nedal, Tonje Marie Vikene;
Bondt, Albert.
Monoclonal immunoglobulins promote bone loss in multiple myeloma.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Yang, Rui;
Elsaadi, Samah;
Misund, Kristine;
Abdollahi, Pegah;
Vandsemb, Esten;
Moen, Siv Helen.
Conversion of ATP to adenosine by CD39 and CD73 in multiple myeloma can be successfully targeted together with adenosine receptor A2A blockade.
Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer (JITC)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aass, Kristin Roseth;
Kastnes, Martin;
Standal, Therese.
Molecular interactions and functions of IL-32.
Journal of Leukocyte Biology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Holien, Toril;
Westhrin, Marita;
Standal, Therese.
BMP4-genterapi hemmer vekst av myelomceller, men har også hemmende effekt på trabekulært ben i mus.
Bestpractice Onkologi/Hematologi
Zhang, Zejian;
Westhrin, Marita;
Bondt, Albert;
Wuhrer, Manfred;
Standal, Therese;
Holst, Stephanie.
Serum protein N-glycosylation changes in multiple myeloma.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Westhrin, Marita;
Standal, Therese.
N-glykosylering av serumproteiner endres ved myelomatose.
Bestpractice Onkologi/Hematologi
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Børset, Magne;
Sundan, Anders;
Waage, Anders;
Standal, Therese.
Why do myeloma patients have bone disease? A historical perspective.
Blood reviews
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Westhrin, Marita;
Moen, Siv Helen;
Kristensen, Ida Bruun;
Buene, Glenn;
Mylin, Anne Kærsgaard;
Turesson, Ingemar.
Chemerin is elevated in multiple myeloma patients and is expressed by stromal cells and pre-adipocytes.
Biomarker Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sponaas, Anne-Marit;
Yang, Rui;
Rustad, Even Holth;
Standal, Therese;
Thoresen, Aud;
Vo, Camilla Dao.
PD1 is expressed on exhausted T cells as well as virus specific memory CD8+ T cells in the bone marrow of myeloma patients.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Holien, Toril;
Westhrin, Marita;
Moen, Siv Helen;
Zahoor, Muhammad;
Buene, Glenn;
Størdal, Berit Fladvad.
BMP4 Gene Therapy Inhibits Myeloma Tumor Growth, but Has a Negative Impact on Bone.
Standal, Therese.
Myelomatose - bein i ubalanse .
Bestpractice Onkologi/Hematologi
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Rustad, Even Holth;
Coward, Eivind;
Skytøen, Emilie R;
Misund, Kristine;
Holien, Toril;
Standal, Therese.
Monitoring multiple myeloma by quantification of recurrent mutations in serum.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zahoor, Muhammad;
Westhrin, Marita;
Aass, Kristin Roseth;
Moen, Siv Helen;
Misund, Kristine;
Psonka-Antonczyk, Katarzyna Maria.
Hypoxia promotes IL-32 expression in myeloma cells, and high expression is associated with poor survival and bone loss.
Blood Advances
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Standal, Therese.
Kreft og bein: Dårlege vener, men kvifor det?.
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Moen, Siv Helen;
Westhrin, Marita;
Zahoor, Muhammad;
Nørgaard, Nikolai Nordberg;
Hella, Hanne;
Størdal, Berit Fladvad.
Caspase-8 regulates the expression of pro- and
anti-inflammatory cytokines in human bone
marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells.
Immunity,Inflammation and Disease
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sponaas, Anne-Marit;
Nejati Moharrami, Neda;
Feyzi, Emadoldin;
Standal, Therese;
Rustad, Even Holth;
Waage, Anders.
PDL1 expression on plasma and dendritic cells in myeloma bone marrow suggests benefit of targeted anti PD1-PDL1 therapy.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Westhrin, Marita;
Moen, Siv Helen;
Holien, Toril;
Mylin, Anne K.;
Heickendorff, Lene;
Olsen, Oddrun Elise.
Growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF15) promotes osteoclast differentiation and inhibits osteoblast differentiation and high serum GDF15 levels are associated with multiple myeloma bone disease.
Brev til redaktøren
Westhrin, Marita;
Moen, Siv Helen;
Standal, Therese.
GDF15 i beinsykdommen ved myelomatose.
Bestpractice Onkologi/Hematologi
Sponaas, Anne-Marit;
Moen, Siv Helen;
Liabakk, Nina-Beate;
Feyzi, Emadoldin;
Holien, Toril;
Kvam, Solveig.
The proportion of CD16+CD14dim monocytes increases with tumor cell load in bone marrow of patients with multiple myeloma.
Immunity,Inflammation and Disease
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Westhrin, Marita;
Xie, Minli;
Olderøy, Magnus Ø.;
Sikorski, Pawel;
Strand, Berit Løkensgard;
Standal, Therese.
Osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells in mineralized alginate matrices.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Standal, Therese;
Johnson, Rachelle;
McGregor, Narelle;
Poulton, Ingrid;
Ho, Patricia W M;
Martin, T. John.
gp130 in late osteoblasts and osteocytes is required for PTH-induced osteoblast differentiation.
Journal of Endocrinology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Grandaunet, Berit Helen;
Standal, Therese;
Haugeberg, Glenn;
Sundan, Anders.
Bone loss in rheumatoid arthritis: Possible roles for hepatocyte growth factor,syndecan-1 and dickkopf-1.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (198)
Olsen, Oddrun Elise;
Wader, Karin Fahl;
Misund, Kristine;
Våtsveen, Thea Kristin;
Rø, Torstein Baade;
Mylin, Anne K..
Bone morphogenetic protein-9 suppresses growth of myeloma cells by signaling through ALK2 but is inhibited by endoglin.
Blood Cancer Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Johnson, Rachelle;
Brennan, Holly;
Vrahnas, Christina;
Poulton, Ingrid;
McGregor, Narelle;
Standal, Therese.
The Primary Function of gp130 Signaling in Osteoblasts is to Maintain bone Formation and Strength, Rather than Promote Osteoclast Formation.
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Denayer, Tinneke;
Moen, Siv Helen;
Standal, Therese;
Børset, Magne;
Ververken, Cedric.
Anti-c-MET Nanobody® – a new potential drug in multiple myeloma treatment.
European Journal of Haematology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Grandaunet, Berit Helen Jensen;
Syversen, Silje Watterdal;
Hoff, Mari;
Haugeberg, Glenn;
Van der Hejde, Désirée;
Kvien, Tore Kristian.
Dickkopf-1 is associated with periarticular bone loss in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Open Journal of Rheumatology and Autoimmune Diseases
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Holien, Toril;
Våtsveen, Thea Kristin;
Hella, Hanne;
Rampa, Christoph Samuel;
Brede, Gaute;
Grøseth, Lill Anny Gunnes.
Bone morphogenetic proteins induce apoptosis in multiple myeloma cells by Smad-dependent repression of MYC.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jönsson, Sofia;
Hjorth-Hansen, Henrik;
Olsson, Bob;
Wadenvik, H;
Sundan, Anders;
Standal, Therese.
Imatinib inhibits proliferation of human mesenchymal stem cells and promotes early but not late osteoblast differentiation in vitro.
Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Olderøy, Magnus Østgård;
Westhrin, Marita;
Andreassen, Jens-Petter;
Zhang, Zhibing;
Strand, Berit Løkensgard;
Standal, Therese.
Properties and cell compatibility of mineralized alginate hydrogel beads.
European Cells and Materials
Jönsson, Sofia;
Standal, Therese;
Olsson, Bob;
Mellström, Dan;
Wadenvik, H.
Secondary hyperparathyroidism but stable bone-mineral density in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia treated with imatinib.
American Journal of Hematology
Olderøy, Magnus Østgård;
Westhrin, Marita;
Ehnert, Sabrina;
Xie, Minli;
Andreassen, Jens-Petter;
Strand, Berit Løkensgard.
Investigation of mineralized alginate gels as a scaffold material for stem cell based bone tissue engineering.
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
Nørgaard, Nikolai Nordberg;
Holien, Toril;
Jönsson, S;
Hella, Hanne;
Espevik, Terje;
Sundan, Anders.
CpG-ODN inhibits Smad-dependent BMP signaling; Effects on myeloma cell apoptosis and in vitro osteoblastogenesis.
Grandaunet, Berit Helen;
Syversen, Silje Watterdal;
Hoff, Mari;
Sundan, Anders;
Haugeberg, Glenn;
van der Heijde, Desiree.
Association Between High Plasma Levels of Hepatocyte Growth Factor and Progression of Radiographic Damage in the Joints of Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Arthritis and Rheumatism
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Holien, Toril;
Våtsveen, Thea Kristin;
Hella, Hanne;
Rampa, Christoph Samuel;
Brede, Gaute;
Grøseth, Lill Anny Gunnes.
Grandaunet, Berit Helen;
Syversen, Silje;
Hoff, Mari;
Haugeberg, Glenn;
van der Heijde, Desire;
Kvien, Tore.
Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology
Jönsson, S;
Hjorth-Hansen, Henrik;
Olsson, B;
Wadenvik, H;
Sundan, Anders;
Standal, Therese.
Second-generation TKI dasatinib inhibits proliferation of mesenchymal stem cells and osteoblast differentiation in vitro.
Nørgaard, Nikolai Nordberg;
Holien, Toril;
Jonsson, Sofia;
Hella, Hanne;
Espevik, Terje;
Sundan, Anders.
CpG-Oligodeoxynucleotide Inhibits Smad-Dependent Bone Morphogenetic Protein Signaling: Effects on Myeloma Cell Apoptosis and In Vitro Osteoblastogenesis.
Journal of Immunology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Standal, Therese;
Norgaard, NN;
Bohnhorst, J;
Espevik, T;
Waage, A;
Sundan, A.
Does Toll-like Receptor 9 Signaling Play a Role in Myeloma Disease Progression?.
Clinical Lymphoma & Myeloma
Mylin, AK;
Andersen, NF;
Johansen, JS;
Abildgaard, N;
Heickendorff, L;
Standal, Therese.
Serum YKL-40 and bone marrow angiogenesis in multiple myeloma.
International Journal of Cancer
Børset, Magne;
Standal, Therese;
Waage, Anders;
Sundan, Anders.
Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) in the pathogenesis of multiple myeloma.
Cellular Therapy and Transplantation
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Mylin, AK;
Abildgaard, N;
Johansen, JS;
Andersen, NF;
Heickendorff, L;
Standal, Therese.
High serum YKL-40 concentration is associated with severe bone disease in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patients.
European Journal of Haematology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Standal, Therese;
Abildgaard, N;
Fagerli, Unn-Merete;
Stordal, B;
Hjertner, ¯yvind;
Børset, Magne.
HGF inhibits BMP-induced osteoblastogenesis: possible implications for the bone disease of multiple myeloma.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hjertner, ¯yvind;
Standal, Therese;
Børset, Magne;
Sundan, Anders;
Waage, Anders.
Bone disease in multiple myeloma.
Medical Oncology (MO)
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Standal, Therese;
Abildgaard, Niels;
Fagerli, Unn-merete;
Størdal, Berit Fladvad;
Hjertner, Øyvind;
Børset, Magne.
HGF Inhibits BMP-Induced Osteoblastogenesis: Implications for the Bone Disease in Multiple Myeloma.
Standal, Therese.
HGF inhibits BMP-2 induced osteoblastogenesis: possible implications for the bone disease of multiple myeloma.
Standal, Therese.
The interplay between malignant plasma cells and the bone marrow microenvironment.
Hjertner, Øyvind;
Standal, Therese;
Børset, Magne;
Sundan, Anders;
Waage, Anders.
Identification of new targets for therapy of osteolytic bone disease in multiple myelomas.
Current Drug Targets
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Andersen, NF;
Standal, Therese;
Nielsen, JL;
Heickendorff, L;
Børset, Magne;
Sorensen, FB.
Syndecan-1 and angiogenic cytokines in multiple myeloma: correlation with bone marrow angiogenesis and survival.
British Journal of Haematology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Standal, Therese;
Børset, Magne;
Sundan, Anders.
Role of osteopontin in adhesion, migration, cell survival and bone remodeling.
Experimental Oncology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Standal, Therese;
Børset, Magne;
Lenhoff, S.;
Wisløff, Finn;
Størdal, Berit Fladval;
Sundan, Anders.
Serum insulin-like growth factor is not increased in patients with multiple myelomna but is still a prognostic factor.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Seidel, Carina;
Lenhoff, S.;
Brabrand, Sigmund;
Anderson, G;
Standal, Therese;
Lanng Nielsen, Johan.
Hepatocyte growth factor in myeloma patients treated with high-dose chemotherapy.
British Journal of Haematology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Standal, Therese;
Seidel, Carina;
Hjertner, ¯yvind;
Plesner, Torben;
Sanderson, Ralph D.;
Waage, Anders.
Osteoprotegerin is Bound, Internalized and Degraded by Multiple Myeloma Cells.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nedal, Tonje Marie Vikene;
Moen, Siv Helen;
Roseth, Ingrid Aass;
Tryggestad, Synne Stokke;
Aass, Kristin Roseth;
Hov, Gunhild Garmo.
Diet-induced obesity reduces bone marrow T and B cells and promotes tumor progression in a transplantable Vk*MYC model of multiple myeloma.
Scientific Reports
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Tryggestad, Synne Stokke;
Roseth, Ingrid Aass;
Aass, Kristin Roseth;
Ørning, Nadia Elise Helene;
Mjelle, Robin;
Hella, Hanne.
Toll-like receptor signaling in multiple myeloma cells promotes the expression of pro-survival genes B-cell lymphoma 2 and MYC and modulates the expression of B-cell maturation antigen.
Frontiers in Immunology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kastnes, Martin Haugrud;
Aass, Kristin Roseth;
Bouma, Siri Anshushaug;
Årseth, Charlotte;
Zahoor, Muhammad;
Yurchenko, Mariya.
The pro-tumorigenic cytokine IL-32 has a high turnover in multiple myeloma cells due to proteolysis regulated by oxygen-sensing cysteine dioxygenase and deubiquitinating enzymes.
Frontiers in Oncology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aass, Kristin Roseth;
Tryggestad, Synne Stokke;
Mjelle, Robin;
Kastnes, Martin Haugrud;
Nedal, Tonje Marie Vikene;
Misund, Kristine.
IL-32 is induced by activation of toll-like receptors in multiple myeloma cells.
Frontiers in Immunology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ma, Qianli;
Rubenis, Kristaps;
Sigurjonsson, Olafur E.;
Hildebrand, Torben;
Standal, Therese;
Zemjane, Signe.
Eggshell-derived amorphous calcium phosphate: Synthesis, characterization and bio-functions as bone graft materials in novel 3D osteoblastic spheroids model.
Smart Materials in Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ødegaard, Kristin Sirnes;
Westhrin, Marita;
Bin Afif, Abdulla Shaikh Abdul Qader;
Ma, Qianli;
Mela, Petra;
Standal, Therese.
The effects of surface treatments on electron beam melted Ti-6Al-4V disks on osteogenesis of human mesenchymal stromal cells.
Biomaterials Advances
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aass, Kristin Roseth;
Nedal, Tonje Marie Vikene;
Tryggestad, Synne Stokke;
Haukås, Einar;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Waage, Anders.
Paired miRNA- and messenger RNA-sequencing identifies novel miRNA-mRNA interactions in multiple myeloma.
Scientific Reports
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aass, Kristin Roseth;
Nedal, Tonje Marie Vikene;
Bouma, Siri Anshushaug;
Tryggestad, Synne Stokke;
Haukås, Einar;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt.
Comprehensive small RNA-sequencing of primary myeloma cells identifies miR-105-5p as a predictor of patient survival.
British Journal of Cancer
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kohtala, Sampsa;
Nedal, Tonje Marie Vikene;
Kriesi, Carlo Rene;
Moen, Siv Helen;
Ma, Qianli;
Ødegaard, Kristin Sirnes.
Automated Quantification of Human Osteoclasts Using Object Detection.
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aass, Kristin Roseth;
Mjelle, Robin;
Kastnes, Martin Haugrud;
Tryggestad, Synne Stokke;
van den Brink, Luca Mare;
Roseth, Ingrid Aass.
Intracellular IL-32 regulates mitochondrial metabolism, proliferation, and differentiation of malignant plasma cells.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Moen, Ingrid Nyhus;
Westhrin, Marita;
Håland, Erling;
Haug, Markus;
Nonstad, Unni;
Klaharn, Merisa.
Smac-mimetics reduce numbers and viability of human osteoclasts.
Cell death discovery
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ødegaard, Kristin Sirnes;
Ouyang, Lingzi;
Ma, Qianli;
Buene, Glenn;
Wan, Di;
Elverum, Christer Westum.
Revealing the influence of electron beam melted Ti-6Al-4V scaffolds on osteogenesis of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells.
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sponaas, Anne-Marit;
Waage, Anders;
Vandsemb, Esten;
Misund, Kristine;
Børset, Magne;
Sundan, Anders.
Bystander memory T cells and IMiD/checkpoint therapy in multiple myeloma: A dangerous tango?.
Frontiers in Immunology
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Westhrin, Marita;
Holien, Toril;
Zahoor, Muhammad;
Moen, Siv Helen;
Buene, Glenn;
Størdal, Berit Fladvad.
Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4 Gene Therapy in Mice Inhibits Myeloma Tumor Growth, But Has a Negative Impact on Bone.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Westhrin, Marita;
Kovcic, Vlado;
Zejian, Zhang;
Moen, Siv Helen;
Nedal, Tonje Marie Vikene;
Bondt, Albert.
Monoclonal immunoglobulins promote bone loss in multiple myeloma.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Yang, Rui;
Elsaadi, Samah;
Misund, Kristine;
Abdollahi, Pegah;
Vandsemb, Esten;
Moen, Siv Helen.
Conversion of ATP to adenosine by CD39 and CD73 in multiple myeloma can be successfully targeted together with adenosine receptor A2A blockade.
Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer (JITC)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aass, Kristin Roseth;
Kastnes, Martin;
Standal, Therese.
Molecular interactions and functions of IL-32.
Journal of Leukocyte Biology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Holien, Toril;
Westhrin, Marita;
Standal, Therese.
BMP4-genterapi hemmer vekst av myelomceller, men har også hemmende effekt på trabekulært ben i mus.
Bestpractice Onkologi/Hematologi
Zhang, Zejian;
Westhrin, Marita;
Bondt, Albert;
Wuhrer, Manfred;
Standal, Therese;
Holst, Stephanie.
Serum protein N-glycosylation changes in multiple myeloma.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Westhrin, Marita;
Standal, Therese.
N-glykosylering av serumproteiner endres ved myelomatose.
Bestpractice Onkologi/Hematologi
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Børset, Magne;
Sundan, Anders;
Waage, Anders;
Standal, Therese.
Why do myeloma patients have bone disease? A historical perspective.
Blood reviews
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Westhrin, Marita;
Moen, Siv Helen;
Kristensen, Ida Bruun;
Buene, Glenn;
Mylin, Anne Kærsgaard;
Turesson, Ingemar.
Chemerin is elevated in multiple myeloma patients and is expressed by stromal cells and pre-adipocytes.
Biomarker Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sponaas, Anne-Marit;
Yang, Rui;
Rustad, Even Holth;
Standal, Therese;
Thoresen, Aud;
Vo, Camilla Dao.
PD1 is expressed on exhausted T cells as well as virus specific memory CD8+ T cells in the bone marrow of myeloma patients.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Holien, Toril;
Westhrin, Marita;
Moen, Siv Helen;
Zahoor, Muhammad;
Buene, Glenn;
Størdal, Berit Fladvad.
BMP4 Gene Therapy Inhibits Myeloma Tumor Growth, but Has a Negative Impact on Bone.
Standal, Therese.
Myelomatose - bein i ubalanse .
Bestpractice Onkologi/Hematologi
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Rustad, Even Holth;
Coward, Eivind;
Skytøen, Emilie R;
Misund, Kristine;
Holien, Toril;
Standal, Therese.
Monitoring multiple myeloma by quantification of recurrent mutations in serum.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zahoor, Muhammad;
Westhrin, Marita;
Aass, Kristin Roseth;
Moen, Siv Helen;
Misund, Kristine;
Psonka-Antonczyk, Katarzyna Maria.
Hypoxia promotes IL-32 expression in myeloma cells, and high expression is associated with poor survival and bone loss.
Blood Advances
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Moen, Siv Helen;
Westhrin, Marita;
Zahoor, Muhammad;
Nørgaard, Nikolai Nordberg;
Hella, Hanne;
Størdal, Berit Fladvad.
Caspase-8 regulates the expression of pro- and
anti-inflammatory cytokines in human bone
marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells.
Immunity,Inflammation and Disease
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sponaas, Anne-Marit;
Nejati Moharrami, Neda;
Feyzi, Emadoldin;
Standal, Therese;
Rustad, Even Holth;
Waage, Anders.
PDL1 expression on plasma and dendritic cells in myeloma bone marrow suggests benefit of targeted anti PD1-PDL1 therapy.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Westhrin, Marita;
Moen, Siv Helen;
Holien, Toril;
Mylin, Anne K.;
Heickendorff, Lene;
Olsen, Oddrun Elise.
Growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF15) promotes osteoclast differentiation and inhibits osteoblast differentiation and high serum GDF15 levels are associated with multiple myeloma bone disease.
Brev til redaktøren
Westhrin, Marita;
Moen, Siv Helen;
Standal, Therese.
GDF15 i beinsykdommen ved myelomatose.
Bestpractice Onkologi/Hematologi
Sponaas, Anne-Marit;
Moen, Siv Helen;
Liabakk, Nina-Beate;
Feyzi, Emadoldin;
Holien, Toril;
Kvam, Solveig.
The proportion of CD16+CD14dim monocytes increases with tumor cell load in bone marrow of patients with multiple myeloma.
Immunity,Inflammation and Disease
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Westhrin, Marita;
Xie, Minli;
Olderøy, Magnus Ø.;
Sikorski, Pawel;
Strand, Berit Løkensgard;
Standal, Therese.
Osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells in mineralized alginate matrices.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Standal, Therese;
Johnson, Rachelle;
McGregor, Narelle;
Poulton, Ingrid;
Ho, Patricia W M;
Martin, T. John.
gp130 in late osteoblasts and osteocytes is required for PTH-induced osteoblast differentiation.
Journal of Endocrinology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Olsen, Oddrun Elise;
Wader, Karin Fahl;
Misund, Kristine;
Våtsveen, Thea Kristin;
Rø, Torstein Baade;
Mylin, Anne K..
Bone morphogenetic protein-9 suppresses growth of myeloma cells by signaling through ALK2 but is inhibited by endoglin.
Blood Cancer Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Johnson, Rachelle;
Brennan, Holly;
Vrahnas, Christina;
Poulton, Ingrid;
McGregor, Narelle;
Standal, Therese.
The Primary Function of gp130 Signaling in Osteoblasts is to Maintain bone Formation and Strength, Rather than Promote Osteoclast Formation.
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Denayer, Tinneke;
Moen, Siv Helen;
Standal, Therese;
Børset, Magne;
Ververken, Cedric.
Anti-c-MET Nanobody® – a new potential drug in multiple myeloma treatment.
European Journal of Haematology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Grandaunet, Berit Helen Jensen;
Syversen, Silje Watterdal;
Hoff, Mari;
Haugeberg, Glenn;
Van der Hejde, Désirée;
Kvien, Tore Kristian.
Dickkopf-1 is associated with periarticular bone loss in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Open Journal of Rheumatology and Autoimmune Diseases
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Holien, Toril;
Våtsveen, Thea Kristin;
Hella, Hanne;
Rampa, Christoph Samuel;
Brede, Gaute;
Grøseth, Lill Anny Gunnes.
Bone morphogenetic proteins induce apoptosis in multiple myeloma cells by Smad-dependent repression of MYC.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jönsson, Sofia;
Hjorth-Hansen, Henrik;
Olsson, Bob;
Wadenvik, H;
Sundan, Anders;
Standal, Therese.
Imatinib inhibits proliferation of human mesenchymal stem cells and promotes early but not late osteoblast differentiation in vitro.
Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Olderøy, Magnus Østgård;
Westhrin, Marita;
Andreassen, Jens-Petter;
Zhang, Zhibing;
Strand, Berit Løkensgard;
Standal, Therese.
Properties and cell compatibility of mineralized alginate hydrogel beads.
European Cells and Materials
Jönsson, Sofia;
Standal, Therese;
Olsson, Bob;
Mellström, Dan;
Wadenvik, H.
Secondary hyperparathyroidism but stable bone-mineral density in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia treated with imatinib.
American Journal of Hematology
Olderøy, Magnus Østgård;
Westhrin, Marita;
Ehnert, Sabrina;
Xie, Minli;
Andreassen, Jens-Petter;
Strand, Berit Løkensgard.
Investigation of mineralized alginate gels as a scaffold material for stem cell based bone tissue engineering.
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
Nørgaard, Nikolai Nordberg;
Holien, Toril;
Jönsson, S;
Hella, Hanne;
Espevik, Terje;
Sundan, Anders.
CpG-ODN inhibits Smad-dependent BMP signaling; Effects on myeloma cell apoptosis and in vitro osteoblastogenesis.
Grandaunet, Berit Helen;
Syversen, Silje Watterdal;
Hoff, Mari;
Sundan, Anders;
Haugeberg, Glenn;
van der Heijde, Desiree.
Association Between High Plasma Levels of Hepatocyte Growth Factor and Progression of Radiographic Damage in the Joints of Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Arthritis and Rheumatism
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Holien, Toril;
Våtsveen, Thea Kristin;
Hella, Hanne;
Rampa, Christoph Samuel;
Brede, Gaute;
Grøseth, Lill Anny Gunnes.
Grandaunet, Berit Helen;
Syversen, Silje;
Hoff, Mari;
Haugeberg, Glenn;
van der Heijde, Desire;
Kvien, Tore.
Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology
Jönsson, S;
Hjorth-Hansen, Henrik;
Olsson, B;
Wadenvik, H;
Sundan, Anders;
Standal, Therese.
Second-generation TKI dasatinib inhibits proliferation of mesenchymal stem cells and osteoblast differentiation in vitro.
Nørgaard, Nikolai Nordberg;
Holien, Toril;
Jonsson, Sofia;
Hella, Hanne;
Espevik, Terje;
Sundan, Anders.
CpG-Oligodeoxynucleotide Inhibits Smad-Dependent Bone Morphogenetic Protein Signaling: Effects on Myeloma Cell Apoptosis and In Vitro Osteoblastogenesis.
Journal of Immunology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Standal, Therese;
Norgaard, NN;
Bohnhorst, J;
Espevik, T;
Waage, A;
Sundan, A.
Does Toll-like Receptor 9 Signaling Play a Role in Myeloma Disease Progression?.
Clinical Lymphoma & Myeloma
Mylin, AK;
Andersen, NF;
Johansen, JS;
Abildgaard, N;
Heickendorff, L;
Standal, Therese.
Serum YKL-40 and bone marrow angiogenesis in multiple myeloma.
International Journal of Cancer
Børset, Magne;
Standal, Therese;
Waage, Anders;
Sundan, Anders.
Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) in the pathogenesis of multiple myeloma.
Cellular Therapy and Transplantation
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Mylin, AK;
Abildgaard, N;
Johansen, JS;
Andersen, NF;
Heickendorff, L;
Standal, Therese.
High serum YKL-40 concentration is associated with severe bone disease in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patients.
European Journal of Haematology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Standal, Therese;
Abildgaard, N;
Fagerli, Unn-Merete;
Stordal, B;
Hjertner, ¯yvind;
Børset, Magne.
HGF inhibits BMP-induced osteoblastogenesis: possible implications for the bone disease of multiple myeloma.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hjertner, ¯yvind;
Standal, Therese;
Børset, Magne;
Sundan, Anders;
Waage, Anders.
Bone disease in multiple myeloma.
Medical Oncology (MO)
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Standal, Therese;
Abildgaard, Niels;
Fagerli, Unn-merete;
Størdal, Berit Fladvad;
Hjertner, Øyvind;
Børset, Magne.
HGF Inhibits BMP-Induced Osteoblastogenesis: Implications for the Bone Disease in Multiple Myeloma.
Standal, Therese.
HGF inhibits BMP-2 induced osteoblastogenesis: possible implications for the bone disease of multiple myeloma.
Hjertner, Øyvind;
Standal, Therese;
Børset, Magne;
Sundan, Anders;
Waage, Anders.
Identification of new targets for therapy of osteolytic bone disease in multiple myelomas.
Current Drug Targets
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Andersen, NF;
Standal, Therese;
Nielsen, JL;
Heickendorff, L;
Børset, Magne;
Sorensen, FB.
Syndecan-1 and angiogenic cytokines in multiple myeloma: correlation with bone marrow angiogenesis and survival.
British Journal of Haematology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Standal, Therese;
Børset, Magne;
Sundan, Anders.
Role of osteopontin in adhesion, migration, cell survival and bone remodeling.
Experimental Oncology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Standal, Therese;
Børset, Magne;
Lenhoff, S.;
Wisløff, Finn;
Størdal, Berit Fladval;
Sundan, Anders.
Serum insulin-like growth factor is not increased in patients with multiple myelomna but is still a prognostic factor.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Seidel, Carina;
Lenhoff, S.;
Brabrand, Sigmund;
Anderson, G;
Standal, Therese;
Lanng Nielsen, Johan.
Hepatocyte growth factor in myeloma patients treated with high-dose chemotherapy.
British Journal of Haematology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Standal, Therese;
Seidel, Carina;
Hjertner, ¯yvind;
Plesner, Torben;
Sanderson, Ralph D.;
Waage, Anders.
Osteoprotegerin is Bound, Internalized and Degraded by Multiple Myeloma Cells.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Standal, Therese;
Kovcic, Vlado.
New players in an old game: Role of immunoglobulins in the pathogenesis of multiple myeloma.
Standal, Therese;
Aass, Kristin Roseth.
The role IL-32 in multiple myeloma.
Grandaunet, Berit Helen;
Standal, Therese;
Haugeberg, Glenn;
Sundan, Anders.
Bone loss in rheumatoid arthritis: Possible roles for hepatocyte growth factor,syndecan-1 and dickkopf-1.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (198)
Standal, Therese.
The interplay between malignant plasma cells and the bone marrow microenvironment.
Standal, Therese.
Kreft og bein: Dårlege vener, men kvifor det?.
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Vitenskapelig foredragRoseth, Ingrid Aass; Behsen, Alenka Djarmila; Moen, Siv Helen; Sponaas, Anne Marit; Aass, Kristin Roseth; Tryggestad, Synne Stokke. (2024) Mass cytometry of murine immune cell populations upon diet induced obesity and early stages of myeloma. Norwegian Society for Flow Cytometry (NFCF) Norwegian Flow Cytometry Meeting 2024 , Tromsø 2024-06-06 - 2024-06-07
PosterMestvedt, Ingvild Bergdal; Yurchenko, Maria; Espevik, Terje; Standal, Therese; Wolowczyk, Camilla Izabel; Rasheed, Kashif. (2024) Exploring peptide derived from Signaling Lymphocytic Activation Molecule Family 1 as novel treatment for multiple myeloma. EORTC NCI and AACR (ENA) ENA 2024 Symposium on molecular targets and cancer therapeutics , Barcelona 2024-10-23 - 2024-10-25
Vitenskapelig foredragRoseth, Ingrid Aass; Hov, Håkon; Johnstuen, Håkon Skjalg Selland; Standal, Therese. (2023) Spatial interactions between cells in the multiple myeloma bone marrow. Janssen, CAG Myeloma in Central Norway, IKOM/NTNU Mutiple Myeloma Medical Education Symposium , Trondheim 2023-09-07 - 2023-09-08
Populærvitenskapelig foredragStandal, Therese. (2023) Forskning på myelomatose. Blodkreftforeningen Styreseminar Blodkreftforeningen 2023-01-16 - 2023-01-16
Vitenskapelig foredragRoseth, Ingrid Aass; Johnstuen, Håkon Skjalg Selland; Hov, Håkon; Standal, Therese. (2022) Imaging mass cytometry: spatial relationships between cells in the multiple myeloma bone marrow. Nordic Myeloma Study Group Nordic Myeloma Study Group Meeting , Vilnius, Lithauen 2022-09-15 - 2022-09-16
Vitenskapelig foredragRoseth, Ingrid Aass; Hov, Håkon; Johnstuen, Håkon Skjalg Selland; Standal, Therese. (2022) Imaging Mass Cytometry: Spatial relationships between cells in the multiple myeloma bone marrow . Helsekonferanser Norwegian Myeloma Workshop , Oslo 2022-10-27 - 2022-10-28
Vitenskapelig foredragTryggestad, Synne Stokke; Aass, Kristin Roseth; Buene, Glenn; Standal, Therese. (2022) Infections may render myeloma cells less sensitive to common myeloma drugs . Helsekonferanser 3rd Norwegian myeloma workshop , Oslo 2022-10-27 - 2022-10-28
Faglig foredragStandal, Therese. (2022) Immunterapi mot kreft: kan immunforsvaret vårt kurere kreft?. Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskap (DKNV) Forelesningsserie Kunnskapsbyen Trondheim , Rådhussalen, Trondheim Folkebibliotek 2022-11-16 - 2022-11-16
PosterKastnes, Martin Haugrud; Standal, Therese; Aass, Kristin Roseth; Sponaas, Anne-Marit; Tryggestad, Synne Stokke. (2021) Investigating the role of IL-32 in T cells. BSI British Society for Immunology Congress 2021 , Edinburgh 2021-11-28 - 2021-12-01
IntervjuStandal, Therese. (2020) Derfor får mange hull i skjelettet ved beinmargskreft. NRK NRK [Internett] 2020-10-12
Vitenskapelig foredragHolien, Toril; Westhrin, Marita; Zahoor, Muhammad; Moen, Siv Helen; Buene, Glenn; Størdal, Berit Fladvad. (2019) BMP4 gene therapy in mice inhibits myeloma tumor growth, but has a negative impact on bone. . FASEB The TGF-β Superfamily: Signaling in Development and disease. , West Palm Beach, FL 2019-07-28 - 2019-08-02
Vitenskapelig foredragHolien, Toril; Westhrin, Marita; Zahoor, Muhammad; Moen, Siv Helen; Buene, Glenn; Størdal, Berit Fladvad. (2019) BMP4 gene therapy in mice inhibits myeloma tumor growth, but has a negative impact on bone . Biochemical Society BMP Signalling in Cancer II , Oxford 2019-04-01 - 2019-04-03
Vitenskapelig foredragWesthrin, Marita; Kovcic, Vlado; Bondt, Albert; Wuhrer, Manfred; Holst, Stephanie; Zhang, Zejian. (2019) A role for immunoglobulins in the osteolytic bone disease of multiple myeloma. IFMR Herbert Fleisch workshop , Brugge 2019-03-17 - 2019-03-19
Vitenskapelig foredragWesthrin, Marita; Kovcic, Vlado; Bondt, Albert; Holst, Stephanie; Zhang, Zejian; Sundan, Anders. (2019) Glycosylation of immunoglobulins determine bone loss in multiple myeloma. American association for bone and mineral research American association for bone and mineral research annual meeting , Orlando 2019-09-20 - 2019-09-23
PosterAass, Kristin Roseth; Mjelle, Robin; Zahoor, Muhammad; Yurchenko, Mariya; Westhrin, Marita; Buene, Glenn. (2019) IL-32 is a novel growth factor and metabolic regulator for multiple myeloma cells. Keystone Cancer Metastasis: The Role of Metabolism, Immunity and the Microenvironment. , Florence 2019-03-15 - 2019-03-19
Vitenskapelig foredragStandal, Therese; Westhrin, Marita; Kovcic, Vlado; Zhang, Zejian; Bondt, Albert; Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt. (2019) Multiple myeloma bone disease. Do immunoglobulins play a role?. CEMIR International Conference on Molecular Mechanisms of Inflammation , Trondheim 2019-06-03 - 2019-06-06
PosterAass, Kristin Roseth; Mjelle, Robin; Westhrin, Marita; Zahoor, Muhammad; Yurchenko, Mariya; Buene, Glenn. (2019) IL-32 is a novel growth factor and metabolic regulator in multiple myeloma cells. The Second Conference on Molecular Mechanisms of Inflammation in Trondheim June 3-6, 2019. 2019-06-03 - 2019-06-06
PosterStandal, Therese; Westhrin, Marita; Kovcic, Vlado; Bondt, Albert; Holst, Stephanie; Zhang, Zejian. (2018) A role for immunoglobulins in the osteolytic bone disease of multiple myeloma. ASBMR American association for bone and mineral research annual meeting , Montreal 2018-09-28 - 2018-10-01
Vitenskapelig foredragWesthrin, Marita; Kovcic, Vlado; Bondt, Albert; Holst, Stephanie; Zhang, Zejian; Buene, Glenn. (2018) A role for immunoglobulins in the osteolytic bone disease of multiple myeloma. 2nd International NTNU Symposium Current and Future Clinical Biomarkers of Cancer , Trondheim 2018-06-14 - 2018-06-15
PosterMoen, Ingrid Nyhus; Westhrin, Marita; Quinsgaard, Ellen Marie; Lien, Egil; Bjørkøy, Geir; Standal, Therese. (2018) TAK1- and IAP-inhibitors re-direct osteoclastogenesis to cell death. NTNU International NTNU Symposium on Clinical Biomarkers of Cancer , Trondheim 2018-06-14 - 2018-06-15
PosterHolien, Toril; Westhrin, Marita; Moen, Siv Helen; Zahoor, Muhammad; Buene, Glenn; Størdal, Berit Fladvad. (2018) BMP4 gene therapy inhibits myeloma tumor growth, but has a negative impact on bone. 12th International BMP Conference , Tokyo 2018-10-24 - 2018-10-28
PosterHolien, Toril; Westhrin, Marita; Moen, Siv Helen; Buene, Glenn; Groen, Richard WJ; Martens, Anton. (2018) BMP4 gene therapy inhibits myeloma tumor growth, but has a negative impact on bone. 2nd International NTNU Symposium Current and Future Clinical Biomarkers of Cancer: From diagnosis to immunotherapy – why is precision medicine so difficult? 2018-06-14 -
PosterHolien, Toril; Westhrin, Marita; Moen, Siv Helen; Zahoor, Muhammad; Buene, Glenn; Størdal, Berit Fladvad. (2018) BMP4 Gene Therapy Inhibits Myeloma Tumor Growth, but Has a Negative Impact on Bone. The American Society of Hematology ASH 2018 , San Diego 2018-12-01 - 2018-12-04
Populærvitenskapelig foredragStandal, Therese. (2018) Beintap ved myelomatose/Erfaringer med brukermedvirkning i forskning. Blodkreftforeningen Blodkreftforeningens myelomatoseseminar , Trondheim 2018-11-02 - 2019-11-02
Vitenskapelig foredragWesthrin, Marita; Kovcic, Vlado; Buene, Glenn; Sundan, Anders; Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt; Waage, Anders. (2018) Do immunoglobulins promote bone loss in multiple myeloma?. 1st Norwegian Myeloma Workshop , Bergen 2018-11-14 - 2018-11-14
Populærvitenskapelig foredragStandal, Therese. (2017) Beinsykdommen ved myelomatose. Blodkreftforeningen Blodkreftforeningens Myelomatoseseminar , Trondheim 2017-11-03 - 2017-11-03
Populærvitenskapelig foredragStandal, Therese. (2017) Gir fett kreft?. Det Kongelige Norske Vitenskabers Selskab Kunnskapbyen Trondheim , Trondheim 2017-11-08 - 2017-11-08
Vitenskapelig foredragStandal, Therese. (2017) Newer aspects of the bone disease in multiple myeloma. Nordic Myeloma Study Group Nordic Myeloma Study Group Plenary Autumn Meeting , Trondheim 2017-09-07 - 2017-09-08
Vitenskapelig foredragStandal, Therese; Westhrin, Marita; Zahoor, Muhammad; Aass, Kristin Roseth; Moen, Siv Helen. (2017) IL-32 in multiple myeloma. Institutt for Klinisk og Molekylær Medisin Department seminar , Trondheim 2017-11-29 - 2017-11-29
PosterRustad, Even Holth; Coward, Eivind; Skytøen, Emilie R; Misund, Kristine; Holien, Toril; Standal, Therese. (2016) Circulating Tumor DNA in Multiple Myeloma . European Hematology Association European Hematology Association 21th Congress , Copenhagen 2016-06-09 - 2016-06-12
PosterStandal, Therese; Zahoor, Muhammad; Westhrin, Marita; Moen, Siv Helen. (2016) IL-32 is produced by myeloma cells in response to hypoxia: potential role for exosomal IL-32 in multiple myeloma bone disease. ASBMR (American Association for Bone and Mineral Research) American Association for Bone and Mineral Research annual meeting , Atlanta, Georgia 2016-09-16 - 2016-09-19
PosterZahoor, Muhammad; Westhrin, Marita; Moen, Siv Helen; Standal, Therese. (2016) IL-32 is produced by myeloma cells in response to hypoxia: potential role for exosomal IL-32in multiple myeloma bone disease. International Bone and Mineral Society Herbert Fleisch Workshop , Brugge 2016-02-28 - 2016-03-01
Faglig foredragZahoor, Muhammad; Westhrin, Marita; Moen, Siv Helen; Standal, Therese. (2016) IL-32 is produced by myeloma cells in response to hypoxia: potential role for exosomal IL-32in multiple myeloma bone disease (Oral presentation). International Bone and Mineral Society Herbert Fleisch Workshop , Brugge 2016-02-28 - 2016-03-01
PosterZahoor, Muhammad; Westhrin, Marita; Moen, Siv Helen; Standal, Therese. (2016) IL-32 is produced by myeloma cells in response to hypoxia: potential role for exosomal IL-32in multiple myeloma bone disease. NTNU 1st. International NTNU Symposium on Current and Future Clinical Biomarkers of Cancer , Trondheim 2016-06-16 - 2016-06-17
PosterZahoor, Muhammad; Westhrin, Marita; Moen, Siv Helen; Standal, Therese. (2016) Myeloma cells secrete IL-32 in response to hypoxia: a potential role for exosomal IL-32in multiple myeloma bone disease. CEMIR, NTNU, Norway CEMIR 2016 Conference on Molecular Mechanisms of Inflammation , Trondheim 2016-05-30 - 2016-06-02
PosterMoen, Siv Helen; Westhrin, Marita; Zahoor, Muhammad; Standal, Therese. (2016) Caspase-8 regulates the expresion of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in human bone marrow-dervied mesenchymal stromal cells. CEMIR, NTNU, Norway CEMIR 2016 Conference on Molecular Mechanisms of Inflammation , Trondheim 2016-05-30 - 2016-06-02
Vitenskapelig foredragStandal, Therese. (2015) GDF15 in multiple myeloma. Babak Myeloma Group 10th myeloma workshop in Brno , Brno 2015-11-11 - 2015-11-12
IntervjuStandal, Therese; Eikenes, Åsmund Husabø. (2015) Balansekunstnaren. [Internett] 2015-11-03
Vitenskapelig foredragWesthrin, Marita; Moen, Siv Helen; Holien, Toril; Olsen, Oddrun Elise; Sundan, Anders; Waage, Anders. (2015) Growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF15) promotes osteoclast differentiation and inhibits osteoblast differentiation and high serum GDF15 levels are associated with multiple myeloma bone disease. The international myeloma society 15th international myeloma workshop , Roma 2015-09-23 - 2015-09-25
Populærvitenskapelig foredragHolien, Toril; Grøseth, Lill Anny Gunnes; Standal, Therese; Misund, Kristine; Bruvoll, Ingrid; Nordrum, Ivar Skjåk. (2014) Hvordan jobber en kreftforsker + Besøk i medisinsk museum i Kunnskapssenteret. Klassebesøk, 5. trinn barneskole 2014-03-19 - 2014-03-19
IntervjuStandal, Therese; Sundan, Anders. (2013) Skjelettet svekkes når beinspiserne får overtaket. [Internett] 2013-01-30
IntervjuStandal, Therese; Sundan, Anders. (2013) When bone-eating cells gain the upper hand. [Internett] 2013-03-11
PosterOlsen, Oddrun Elise; Wader, Karin Fahl; Misund, Kristine; Våtsveen, Thea Kristin; Rø, Torstein Baade; Størdal, Berit Fladvad. (2013) Bone morphogenetic protein-9 suppresses growth of myeloma cells by signaling through ALK2 but is inhibited by endoglin. FASEB TGF-B Superfamily: Signaling in Development and Disease 2013-07-28 - 2013-08-02
PosterSlørdahl, Tobias Schmidt; Denayer, Tinneke; Moen, Siv Helen; Standal, Therese; Børset, Magne; Ververken, Cedric. (2013) Anti-c-Met Nanobody. A new potential drug in multiple myeloma treatment. The 14th International Myeloma Workshop , Kyoto 2013-04-03 - 2013-04-07
PosterSlørdahl, Tobias Schmidt; Denayer, Tinneke; Moen, Siv Helen; Standal, Therese; Børset, Magne; Ververken, Cedric. (2013) Anti-c-Met Nanobody. A potential new drug in cancer treatment. American Association of Cancer Research (AACR) AACR 104th Annual conference , Washington D.C. 2013-04-06 - 2013-04-10
Populærvitenskapelig foredragHolien, Toril; Sponaas, Anne-Marit; Misund, Kristine; Rø, Torstein Baade; Brede, Gaute; Standal, Therese. (2013) "Ta livet av kreftcellene" Stand i samarbeid med Kreftforeningen. NTNU - Forskningsdagene Forskningstorget , Trondheim 2013-09-20 - 2013-09-21
PosterWesthrin, Marita; Xie, Minli; Olderøy, Magnus Ø.; Sikorski, Pawel ; Strand, Berit Løkensgard; Standal, Therese. (2013) Human mesenchymal stem cells in mineralized alginate beads: A potential new tool to study interactions between osteocytes and myeloma cells. International Myeloma Workshop 2013-04-03 - 2013-04-07
PosterMoen, Siv Helen; Nørgaard, Nikolai Nordberg; Westhrin, Marita; Størdal, Berit Fladvad; Hella, Hanne; Sundan, Anders. (2013) TLR agonists induce expression of cytokines in mesenchymal stem cells and pre-osteoblasts promoting osteoclast activation and MM-cell growth. International Myeloma Workshop 2013 2013-04-03 - 2013-04-07
Faglig foredragStandal, Therese. (2013) Hepatocyte growth factor in multiple myeloma; the influence on the bone marrow microenvironment, inflammation and differentiation of osteoblasts and osteoclast. Anton Martens Cell biology guest lecture , Univesity Medical Center, Utrecht 2013-09-19 - 2013-09-19
Faglig foredragOlsen, Oddrun Elise; Wader, Karin Fahl; Misund, Kristine; Våtsveen, Thea Kristin; Rø, Torstein Baade; Størdal, Berit Fladvad. (2013) Membrane bound and soluble endoglin protects myeloma cells from bone morphogenetic protein 9 induced apoptosis. NBS vintermøte 2013-01-17 - 2013-01-20
Faglig foredragStandal, Therese. (2013) Cells down under the bone. Seminar at the Department of Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine 2013-09-11 - 2013-09-11
Faglig foredragStandal, Therese; Johnson, Rachelle; McGregor, Narelle; Poulton, Ingrid; Martin, T. John; Sims, Natalie. (2013) Deletion of gp130 in Osteocytes Blocks PTH Anabolic Effect. American association of bone and mineral resarch annual meeting 2013 2013-10-04 - 2013-10-07
Faglig foredragStandal, Therese; Johnson, Rachelle; McGregor, Narelle; Poulton, Ingrid; Martin, T. John; Sims, Natalie. (2013) Deletion of gp130 in Osteocytes Blocks PTH Anabolic Effect. Norsk Beinsymposium 2013-11-28 - 2013-11-28
PosterHolien, Toril; Våtsveen, Thea Kristin; Hella, Hanne; Rampa, Christoph Samuel; Brede, Gaute; Grøseth, Lill Anny Gunnes. (2011) BONE MORPHOGENETIC PROTEINS INDUCE APOPTOSIS BY SMAD-DEPENDENT DOWNREGULATION OF MYC. 13th Interntional Myeloma Workshop 2011-05-03 - 2011-05-06
PosterXie, Minli; Olderøy, Magnus Østgård; Strand, Berit Løkensgard; Standal, Therese; Zhang, Zhibing; Andreassen, Jens-Petter. (2010) Bio-inspired mineralization of alginate hydrogels with hydroxyapatite for new composite materials in tissue engineering. Gordon Research Conference: Biomineralization 2010-08-15 - 2010-08-20
IntervjuStandal, Therese. (2009) Bioingeniør som forsker: Myelomatoseforskning. Bioingeniøren Bioingeniøren [Avis] 2009-09-08
Vitenskapelig foredragStandal, Therese; Nørgaard, Nikolai Nordberg. (2008) Is there a role for toll-like receptor 9 in multiple myeloma?. Norwegian Center for Stem Cell Research and Forskningsrådet Norwegian Center for Stem Cell Research Annual Meeting , Oslo 2008-10-09 - 2008-10-10
Vitenskapelig foredragStandal, Therese; Sundan, Anders; Børset, Magne. (2007) Impediment of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Differentiation Consequence for the Bone Disease in Multiple Myeloma. Raisa Gorbachova Memorial Institute Hemopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation - International meeting dedicated to the memory of Raisa Gorbachova. , St.Petersburg 2007-09-21 - 2007-09-22
Vitenskapelig foredragStandal, Therese; Nørgaard, Nikolai Nordberg; Sundan, Anders. (2007) Fra mesenchymal stamcelle til osteoblast. BMP og toll blir tull?. Institutt for kreftforskning og molekylær medisin, NTNU Tirsdagsmøte, Institutt for kreftforskning og molekylær medisin , Trondheim 2007-02-20 - 2007-02-20
Vitenskapelig foredragStandal, Therese; Abildgaard, Niels; Fagerli, Unn-Merete; Hjertner, ¯yvind; Størdal, Berit Fladvad; Børset, Magne. (2007) Beinsykdommen ved myelomatose. Er HGF skurken?. Rikshospitalet og St. Olavs Hospital Norsk Beinsymposium: Osteoporose og beinforskning i Norge , Oslo 2007-11-29 - 2007-11-29
Vitenskapelig foredragStandal, Therese; Abildgaard, Niels; Fagerli, Unn-Merete; Størdal, Berit Fladvad; Hjertner, ¯yvind; Børset, Magne. (2007) HGF:perpetrator of myeloma bone disease?. NTNU Polsk-norsk uke 2007-10-17 - 2007-10-17
Vitenskapelig foredragStandal, Therese; Nørgaard, Nikolai Nordberg; Sundan, Anders. (2007) Mesenchymal stem cells express toll like receptors. BMP and toll makes tull...?. Norwegian center for stem cell research Norwegian Stem Cell Networking Meeting , Oslo 2007-10-18 - 2007-10-19
Vitenskapelig foredragStandal, Therese. (2006) HGF inhibits BMP-2 induced osteoblastogenesis:possible implications for the bone disease of multiple myeloma. Croatian Calcified Tissue Society 6th International Conference on Bone Morphogenetic Proteins 2006 , Dubrovnik 2006-10-11 - 2006-10-15
Vitenskapelig foredragStandal, Therese. (2006) Kreftstamceller: kreftens dronningmaur. Roche Roche Onkologisk Forum , Oslo 2006-11-03 - 2006-11-03
PosterStandal, Therese. (2006) HGF inhibits BMP-2 induced osteoblastogenesis: possible implications for the bone disease of multiple myeloma. The American Society for Bone and Mineral Research 1st International Conference in Osteoimmunolgy , Kreta 2006-05-28 - 2006-06-02
PosterStandal, Therese. (2006) HGF inhibits BMP-2 induced osteoblastogenesis: possible implications for the bone disease of multiple myeloma. American Society for Hematology American Society for Hematology Annual Meeting 2006 , Orlando, Florida 2006-12-09 - 2006-12-12
PosterStandal, Therese; Hjorth-Hansen, Henrik; Dahl, Ivar M.; Brenne, Anne Tove; Waage, Anders; Børset, Magne. (2003) Elevated plasma OPN in multiple myeloma patients. Multiple Myeloma 9th International Workshop , Salamanca, Spania 2003-05-27 -
Vitenskapelig foredragStandal, Therese; Seidel, Carina; Hjertner, ¯yvind; Plesner, Torben; Waage, Anders; Børset, Magne. (2002) Osteoprotegerin is bound, internalized and degraded by multiple myeloma cells. 18th UICC International Cancer Congress , Oslo, Norway 2002-07-05 -
Vitenskapelig foredragStandal, Therese. (2002) IGF-1 i serum. Osteoprotegerin - funksjonell betydning?. Hematologisk seksjon, Med.avd., St. Olavs Hospital , Trondheim, Norge 2002-10-16 -
Vitenskapelig foredragStandal, Therese; Børset, Magne; Lenhoff, S.; Wisløff, Finn; Størdal, Berit Fladval; Sundan, Anders. (2002) Serum Insulin-Like Growth Factor Is Not Elevated in Patients with Multiple Myeloma but Is Still a Prognostic Factor. American Society of Hematology Forty-fourth annual meeting , Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2002-12-10 -
PosterStandal, Therese; Waage, Anders; Seidel, Carina; Hjertner, ¯yvind; Plesner, Torben; Sanderson, Ralph D.. (2002) Increased clearance of osteoprotegerin (OPG) in multiple myeloma: OPG is internalized and degraded by myeloma cells. Nordisk forening for hematologis vårmøte , Linkøping, Sverige 2002-06-01 -