
Tjenestedesign og innovasjon for arbeidslivet (Service design and innovation for professionals)

Mannlig og kvinnelig voksen student

Foto: Anne Line Bakken

Start: 20.01.2025
Søknadsfrist: 01.12.2024

Undervisningsform: Nettstudium med digitale samlinger

Pris: 24000 Kr
Studiepoeng: 7,5
Emnekode: PD6009

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Utforsk hvordan tjenestedesign kan brukes i din virksomhet og bidra til gode brukeropplevelser!

Dette prosjektbaserte kurset introduserer deg til grunnleggende tjenestedesign for å innovere eller forbedre tjenester. 



Target groups

The primary target group is:

  • managers
  • project managers
  • advisers
  • innovator leaders
  • digital transformation leaders

The course content will relate to all sectors and disciplines that work with digitization processes in connection with service development and service innovation. 

The secondary target group is:

  • project staff
  • developers
  • designers
  • other participants in service development projects


The course deals with design principles in service design and how these can be adapted to work in one's own business in the public or private sector, to achieve good user experiences across different contact points.

Theoretical learning is combined with project work that is linked to specific cases brought in by the course participants and that are relevant to their business.

Course content

Central to the course is design principles in service design and how these can be adapted to work in one's own business in the public or private sector to achieve good user experiences across different contact points.

The course introduces key design methods, tools, and frameworks such as human centered design and double diamond framework along with service design methods to innovate new services or improve existing services in one's own business in the public or private sector.

Commitment and awareness around digital transformation via services, co-creation, change, and interdisciplinary teams play a central role in this topic. It also focuses strongly on the opportunity that arises as a result of technology development and digitization in the services of the future.

There is a strong focus on the opportunity that arises because of technology development and digitization in the services of the future.

UN's Sustainable Development Goal no 9 is integrated into the course by focusing on sustainable development of services to build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.

Project based learning, peer learning and hands on experience with real life problem solving

The course combines theoretical learning with project work that are linked to specific cases brought in by the course participants and that are relevant to their business.

These projects are carried out in groups or individually as per the choice of the participants. This implies that the course participants are in reality at work during the course and can take the result back to their business and use it directly in the further development of the service they offer.

During the course, participants learn to resolve the challenges by applying service design fundamentals. They are regularly mentored by the course coordinator. Participants are encouraged to work in teams in order to create regular peer learning and peer reviewing opportunities.

The course is taught in English. If required, the project report can be written in Norwegian in consult with the course teacher.

Learning outcomes

The candidate:

  • can understand strategic overview of services and its connected value chains and stakeholders.
  • can identify key principles (user-centered, co-creative, holistic, visual, tested) in service design.
  • can visualize and actively participate in a service design process.
  • has knowledge of prerequisites for successful change processes (management, anchoring, decision-making basis, organisation, creativity) which ultimately benefits the end user, service provider and society.
  • has knowledge of how technology and digitization can create new and better services.


The candidate:

  • has training in the application of design principles and the use of various methods for service design.
  • can formulate a problem and further plan a service design process.
  • can document, interpret and analyze user insight data.
  • can include relevant stakeholders and meet their wishes and needs in the design process, and develop solutions for improved or new services.
  • can use the service design methodology in his or her business.

General competence:

After completing the course, the candidate has expanded understanding and ability to create new and value-creating services that benefit end users, service providers and society.


Admission requirements

The admission requirement is twofold:

  1. Completed degree of 180 credits.
  2. Minimum two years relevant work experience.

If you don't have a bachelor's degree or equivalent completed education of at least 180 credits, you can request a prior learning assessment of your admission basis.

Working conditions must be documented with a certificate from the employer describing the type of job, work tasks, job percentage and duration.

You must document education and work experience within the application deadline in order to have your application processed.

Undervisning, eksamen og pensum

Tid og sted for undervisning

Teaching, exam and schedule

All teaching will be carried out digitally via Zoom in spring 2025. The course is taught in English.

There will be lecturers from academia and industry collaborating in delivering this course. 

The course consists of 2 modules of 2 days each (09.00–16.00), teaching, along with midterm presentation, personalized mentoring sessions (30 minutes for each team) and a final exam presentation. 

Schedule for spring 2025

  • 28 January: Pre assignment submission
  • 3 and 4 February: Module 1 (09.00–16.00)
  • 24 and 25 February: Mentoring 1: 30 minutes for each team
  • 21 March: Midterm report submission
  • 24 March: Midterm presentation (09.00–16.00)
  • 31 March – 1 April: Module 2 (09.00–16.00)
  • 29 April: Mentoring 2: 30 minutes for each team
  • 29 May: Exam/project report delivered on Inspera
  • 3 June: Digital presentations from students (09.00–16.00)

Course teaching and self-learning time in total: 200 hours.

Project based teaching

The course will require participants to bring a problem case from the industry-office that they are currently involved with or are interested in working with. At the start of the module, these cases will be shared with all the participants and based on interest, and groups of 2 or 3 participants will be formed. 

This case will be the main problem that all course learnings will be applied and later evaluated upon during the course. 


Exam description

The exam consists of a written project report that can be submitted individually or in groups. The report should be written in English but you are welcome to write in Norwegian in consult with the coordinator. Upon group submission, the same grade is given to all group members.


Participation is mandatory in all modules and meetings. Exemption from attendance/participation in meetings and teaching can be assessed based on an application to the coordinator.



This Is Service Design Doing: Applying Service Design Thinking in the Real World (Stickdorn, et al, 2018).

Articles and video material will be made available at study start.

Annen informasjon

Other information

The course can be included in NTNU's master's program in Technology Management and Digital Transformation, in specialization for Strategic Design and Service Development or as part of another study program at NTNU where appropriate.

More information about being a further education student at NTNU (In Norwegian)


Just needed to send a mail and thank you again for a super interesting course. It feels safe to take courses where you are professor, and you made the group be a better group. It is special to see how you are making people be a little bit better every time they speak/listen to you! I am for sure more confident at work, and have found that I can use the knowledge you are helping me get. Lise Skogstad, student autumn 2022

The course provided useful tools to look at your own organization with a new perspective. A holistic approach and methods that was easy to understand were the key take-aways from this course. This project allowed us the opportunity to involve our office colleagues and get their feedback on the work, this provided better understanding on the value of certain tools to get collaboration on problem solving initiated. (Students, spring 2024)

Course coordinator has very good knowledge about the topic, experienced “teacher”, is good to tell stories which makes it easy to pay attention and There’s a good mix of themes, and the structure of the studies are good. Course coordinator was very encouraging and supportive in the learning journey and mentoring session with her were very helpful in receiving project related experts inputs. Also she provided elaborate report templates which helped us write. (Students, spring 2024)


Fakultet: Fakultet for arkitektur og design
Ashis Jalote Parmar, Associate Professor, Department of Design
Epost: ashis.jalote.parmar@ntnu.no


Annveig Skurseth, NTNU VIDERE
Mobil: 91897261
Epost: videre@ntnu.no

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