Michael J. Geary
Michael J. Geary
Michael J. Geary, B.A. (Hons), M.Litt. (NUI); M.Res., Ph.D. (EUI, Florence)
Prof. Dr. Michael J. Geary, FRHistS, is Professor of Modern History and holds the Jean Monnet Chair in History of European Integration in the Department of Historical and Classical Studies at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He holds a Ph.D. in History and Civilisation from the European University Institute in Florence, Italy and is a First Class Honours graduate of the National University of Ireland. He is an elected Fellow of the Royal Historical Society.
Concurrently, he is also a Global Fellow with the Global Europe Program at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, D.C., one of the world’s leading non-partisan think tanks.
Inter alia, he has held a number of distinguished fellowships including: Global Europe Fellow at the Wilson Center, Fulbright-Schuman Professor at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., European Parliament-Geremek Research Fellow at the College of Europe in Warsaw, Poland, and Visiting Research Fellow, Institute for European Global Studies, University of Basel, Switzerland. In the Fall 2022, he was a Visiting Professor of History at the School of History and the Humanities Institute, University College Dublin.
Prior to joining NTNU, Prof. Geary was Director of Studies of the MA in European Studies at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, where he was a tenured Assistant Professor in modern European history.
A native of Cork in Ireland, Prof. Geary is the author of two books and numerous articles on contemporary Europe, Irish diplomatic history, Britain's European policy, supranational history of the European Union, EU enlargement and European-United States relations.
- Twentieth Century Europe
- Transatlantic Relations Since 1945
- Irish Diplomatic History
- The Process of European Integration
- Supranational History and Politics of the European Union
- Contemporary British History
- The Cold War
- Decolonisation
His current research projects include:
- Ireland, South Africa and the Apartheid System: The Sanctions Dilemma
- Into Europe: Ireland and the European Community from Membership to Maastricht
- A history of the European Commission's DG for External Relations/Enlargement Policy from the 1960s to the 1990s (in cooperation with Università degli Studi di Padova).
Prof. Geary supervises theses at all levels in Modern and Contemporary History and European Studies and welcomes inquiries from prospective students.
Current Ph.D. supervision (as main supervisor):
- Elisabeth Skaar: The Great Balancing Act: Britain, South Africa and the Namibia Question, 1974-90.
- Synnøve Stølen: Building a Union through crises: The EU, crisis induced policy learning and the European integration process, 2008-2022.
- European Commission: Jean Monnet Chair in History of European Integration, 2023 - 2025
- NTNU Faculty of Humanities Lecturer of the Year, 2017-2018
- Member of the Management Committee & Co-leader of WG 3 (Accessing Citizenship): EU COST Action 21120 History of Identity Documentation in European Nations: Citizenship, Nationality and Migration (HIDDEN).
- Member of the Editorial Board/Committee, UCD Press (University College Dublin).
- Evaluator/Reviewer of funding applications for: Irish Research Council, European Commission Erasmus+, Research Grants Council (Hong Kong), Fulbright Ireland, among others.
- NTNU Department of Historical & Classical Studies Deputy Head of Department & Education Manager, 8/2020 - 12/2020.
- NTNU Academic Programme Director & Programme Council Chair | European Studies, 2019 - 2021
- NTNU Academic Programme Director | Lektorutdanning i historie/Teacher Education with History, 2018-2020
- Maastricht University, Director of the MA in European Studies, 2017.
A frequent media contributor on both sides of the Atlantic, who links his research with contemporary events, his opinion pieces have appeared in The National Interest, Euractiv, The Hill’s Congress Blog, EUObserver and Geary is often quoted in (amongst other publications) the Guardian, Washington Post, New York Times, Associated Press, BBC News, CNN, Fox News, France24 and Reuters.
Bachelor in Arts (Double Honours) in English and History (minor in Biology), National University of Ireland, Maynooth.
Master of Literature (M.Litt. Research in History), National University of Ireland, Maynooth.
Master of Research (History), European University Institute, Florence, Italy.
Ph.D. in History & Civilization, European University Institute, Florence, Italy.
University Teaching Qualification (UTQ); Basiskwalificatie Onderwijs (BKO, in Dutch), Maastricht University, The Netherlands.
Leading in Leadership (Leadership training course), School of Business, Maastricht University, 2017.
Ph.D.-Supervisor Seminar, NTNU, 2019
My research focuses on Contemporary European and International History. I am currently working on two monographs:
- Ireland, South Africa and Apartheid: the Sanctions Dilemma. This project examines Irish foreign policy from the 1960s through to the 1990s in the context of increasing international condemnation of the apartheid system in South Africa.
- Ireland in the European Union from Membership to Maastricht. This monograph seeks to shed new light on the first two decades of Ireland's membership of the EEC/EC and in particular assess the impact that membership had on a number of policy areas including foreign policy, agriculture and industry.
Geary, Michael.
Le prix de l'adhésion : L'Irlande, la Politique commune de la pêche et l'intégration européenne au début des années 1970.
Relations internationales
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Geary, Michael J.
The European Union: Struggling with Diversity?.
Geary, Michael J.
The European Union and Western Europe.
Geary, Michael J.
The EU History Podcast: Episode 1 - The Seventh Member State: Algeria, France, and the European Community.
Geary, Michael J.
The EU History Podcast: Episode 2 - The Europeanisation of British food in the 1960s and early 1970s.
Geary, Michael J.
The EU History Podcast: Episode 3 - The 1975 British Referendum on EEC membership.
Geary, Michael J.
The EU History Podcast: Episode 4 - Neoliberal Thinkers and European Integration in the 1980s.
Geary, Michael J.
The European Union: Navigating an Uncertain Future.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Geary, Michael J.
The EU History Podcast: Episode 5 - The EEC, the Soviet Union and Romania's 'Turn to the West'.
Stølen, Synnøve;
Geary, Michael J.
Hindsight is 2020: A Comparative Case Study of the European Union’s Macroeconomic Crisis Management of The Sovereign Debt Crisis and the Covid-19 Crisis.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Geary, Michael J.
Ireland and Partition: Contexts and Consequences.
Irish Studies Review
Geary, Michael.
Boris Johnson faces winter of discontent for national crises.
The Hill
Geary, Michael.
Did the historic trade deal with Europe end the affair of Brexit?.
The Hill
Geary, Michael J..
Brexit talks edge closer to crashing as latest deal hits fierce opposition.
The Hill
Geary, Michael J..
Why history will be kinder to Theresa May than her critics.
The Hill
Geary, Michael J..
Boris Johnson cannot afford defeat on the new Brexit deal with Europe.
The Hill
Geary, Michael J..
Boris Johnson faces a rocky road.
The Hill
Geary, Michael J..
Britain faces no deal on Brexit as Boris Johnson handles this crisis.
The Hill
Geary, Michael J..
Centrist inaction on both sides of Atlantic will lead to populist norm.
The Hill's Congress Blog
Geary, Michael J..
Macron's labor pains: French unions putting his reforms to the test.
The Hill's Congress Blog
Geary, Michael J..
Theresa May survives leadership vote but Brexit mayhem remains.
The Hill's Congress Blog
Geary, Michael J..
Final stage of May's torturous Brexit journey lies ahead.
The Hill's Congress Blog
Geary, Michael J..
Internationalizing the Lektor Programme: Mission Impossible?.
Geary, Michael J..
Revolutionary France challenges Macron on climate change policy.
The Hill's Congress Blog
Geary, Michael J..
Irish Foreign Policy and European Political Cooperation from
membership to Maastricht: Navigating Neutrality.
Faglig kapittel
Geary, Michael J..
Review of: Building Europe: A history of European unification.
H-Diplo Roundtable Review
Geary, Michael J.;
Lees, Kevin A.
Brexit and the Long, Slow EU-UK Divorce.
The National Interest
Geary, Michael J.;
Patel, Kiran Klaus.
Enlargement, differentiation, and inter-institutional dynamics in the history of the European Union.
CERiM Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
Geary, Michael J..
Eirini Karamouzi. Greece, the EEC and the Cold War, 1974-1979: The Second Enlargement.
H-Diplo Roundtable Review
Geary, Michael J..
Enlarging the European Union: The Commission Seeking Influence, 1961-1973 (author's response).
H-Diplo Roundtable Review
Geary, Michael J..
Giandomenico Majone. Rethinking the Union of Europe Post-crisis: Has Integration Gone Too Far? (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014).
EUSA Review of Books
Geary, Michael J.;
Traugott, Leopold.
Madrid, Barcelona and the war of Spanish secession.
Geary, Michael J..
The Common Fisheries Policy and Ireland’s EEC Enlargement
Negotiations, 1970-1972: Challenging the Acquis.
Journal of European Integration History. Revie d’Histoirce de l’Intégration Européenne. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Europäischen Integration
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Geary, Michael J..
Devolution Revolution: London, Edinburgh and the Future of the United Kingdom.
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Diplomatist
Geary, Michael J..
The European Elections and the EU-US Trade Pact: Is TTIP in Trouble?.
Washington International Trade Association
Geary, Michael J..
After Independence Day: The Challenges Ahead for an Independent Scotland.
Geary, Michael J.;
Randeraad, Nico.
Information Processes and International Organisations, 1910-1940.
Palgrave Macmillan
Faglig kapittel
Geary, Michael J.;
Germond, Carine;
Patel, Kiran K..
The Maastricht Treaty: Negotiations and Consequences in Historical Perspective.
Journal of European Integration History. Revie d’Histoirce de l’Intégration Européenne. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Europäischen Integration
Geary, Michael J.;
Lees, Kevin A.
NSA scandal will follow Obama to Europe.
The National Interest
Geary, Michael J..
Obama’s inspired choice for US Trade Representative.
The Hill's Congress Blog
Geary, Michael J.;
Lees, Kevin A.
Cameron’s speech: Still protesting Britain’s European
Geary, Michael J.;
Lees, Kevin A.
The growing EU-UK gulf.
The National Interest
Geary, Michael J..
Enlarging the European Union: The Commission seeking influence, 1961-1973.
Palgrave Macmillan
Palgrave Macmillan
Vitenskapelig monografi
Geary, Michael J.;
Lees, Kevin A.
Separation or Divorce for the UK and the EU?.
Geary, Michael J.;
Germond, Carine;
Patel, Kiran Klaus.
The Maastricht Treaty: Negotiations and Consequences in Historical Perspective (Special issue co-editor), Introduction.
Journal of European Integration History. Revie d’Histoirce de l’Intégration Européenne. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Europäischen Integration
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Geary, Michael J..
The process of European integration from The Hague to Maastricht: An irreversible advance?.
Debater a Europa
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Geary, Michael J..
The EU’s Nobel Peace Prize: Better late than never.
Geary, Michael J..
European Union Economic Policy: The Role of the EU in External Economic Relations.
Journal of Contemporary European Studies
Geary, Michael J..
Review of: An Inside View of the CAP Reform Process: Explaining the MacSharry, Agenda 2000 and Fischler Reforms.
Journal of Common Market Studies
Geary, Michael J.;
Lees, Kevin A.
Britain and the European Union – continuity or rupture?.
Geary, Michael J..
For Better or Worse: The Highs and Lows of Ireland’s Membership of the European Union Since 1973.
Chamber of Commerce Yearbook
Geary, Michael J..
An Inconvenient Wait: Ireland’s Quest for Membership of the EEC, 1957-73.
Institute of Public Administration
Vitenskapelig monografi
Geary, Michael J..
A Public Courtship: The European Commission’s relations with the US government, 1958-63.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Faglig kapittel
Geary, Michael J..
From Idea to Institution: The European Commission Turns Fifty.
EUI Review
Geary, Michael.
Le prix de l'adhésion : L'Irlande, la Politique commune de la pêche et l'intégration européenne au début des années 1970.
Relations internationales
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Geary, Michael J.
Ireland and Partition: Contexts and Consequences.
Irish Studies Review
Geary, Michael.
Boris Johnson faces winter of discontent for national crises.
The Hill
Geary, Michael.
Did the historic trade deal with Europe end the affair of Brexit?.
The Hill
Geary, Michael J..
Brexit talks edge closer to crashing as latest deal hits fierce opposition.
The Hill
Geary, Michael J..
Why history will be kinder to Theresa May than her critics.
The Hill
Geary, Michael J..
Boris Johnson cannot afford defeat on the new Brexit deal with Europe.
The Hill
Geary, Michael J..
Boris Johnson faces a rocky road.
The Hill
Geary, Michael J..
Britain faces no deal on Brexit as Boris Johnson handles this crisis.
The Hill
Geary, Michael J..
Centrist inaction on both sides of Atlantic will lead to populist norm.
The Hill's Congress Blog
Geary, Michael J..
Macron's labor pains: French unions putting his reforms to the test.
The Hill's Congress Blog
Geary, Michael J..
Theresa May survives leadership vote but Brexit mayhem remains.
The Hill's Congress Blog
Geary, Michael J..
Final stage of May's torturous Brexit journey lies ahead.
The Hill's Congress Blog
Geary, Michael J..
Internationalizing the Lektor Programme: Mission Impossible?.
Geary, Michael J..
Revolutionary France challenges Macron on climate change policy.
The Hill's Congress Blog
Geary, Michael J..
Review of: Building Europe: A history of European unification.
H-Diplo Roundtable Review
Geary, Michael J.;
Lees, Kevin A.
Brexit and the Long, Slow EU-UK Divorce.
The National Interest
Geary, Michael J.;
Patel, Kiran Klaus.
Enlargement, differentiation, and inter-institutional dynamics in the history of the European Union.
CERiM Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
Geary, Michael J..
Eirini Karamouzi. Greece, the EEC and the Cold War, 1974-1979: The Second Enlargement.
H-Diplo Roundtable Review
Geary, Michael J..
Enlarging the European Union: The Commission Seeking Influence, 1961-1973 (author's response).
H-Diplo Roundtable Review
Geary, Michael J..
Giandomenico Majone. Rethinking the Union of Europe Post-crisis: Has Integration Gone Too Far? (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014).
EUSA Review of Books
Geary, Michael J.;
Traugott, Leopold.
Madrid, Barcelona and the war of Spanish secession.
Geary, Michael J..
The Common Fisheries Policy and Ireland’s EEC Enlargement
Negotiations, 1970-1972: Challenging the Acquis.
Journal of European Integration History. Revie d’Histoirce de l’Intégration Européenne. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Europäischen Integration
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Geary, Michael J..
Devolution Revolution: London, Edinburgh and the Future of the United Kingdom.
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Diplomatist
Geary, Michael J..
The European Elections and the EU-US Trade Pact: Is TTIP in Trouble?.
Washington International Trade Association
Geary, Michael J..
After Independence Day: The Challenges Ahead for an Independent Scotland.
Geary, Michael J.;
Germond, Carine;
Patel, Kiran K..
The Maastricht Treaty: Negotiations and Consequences in Historical Perspective.
Journal of European Integration History. Revie d’Histoirce de l’Intégration Européenne. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Europäischen Integration
Geary, Michael J.;
Lees, Kevin A.
NSA scandal will follow Obama to Europe.
The National Interest
Geary, Michael J..
Obama’s inspired choice for US Trade Representative.
The Hill's Congress Blog
Geary, Michael J.;
Lees, Kevin A.
Cameron’s speech: Still protesting Britain’s European
Geary, Michael J.;
Lees, Kevin A.
The growing EU-UK gulf.
The National Interest
Geary, Michael J.;
Lees, Kevin A.
Separation or Divorce for the UK and the EU?.
Geary, Michael J.;
Germond, Carine;
Patel, Kiran Klaus.
The Maastricht Treaty: Negotiations and Consequences in Historical Perspective (Special issue co-editor), Introduction.
Journal of European Integration History. Revie d’Histoirce de l’Intégration Européenne. Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Europäischen Integration
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Geary, Michael J..
The process of European integration from The Hague to Maastricht: An irreversible advance?.
Debater a Europa
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Geary, Michael J..
The EU’s Nobel Peace Prize: Better late than never.
Geary, Michael J..
European Union Economic Policy: The Role of the EU in External Economic Relations.
Journal of Contemporary European Studies
Geary, Michael J..
Review of: An Inside View of the CAP Reform Process: Explaining the MacSharry, Agenda 2000 and Fischler Reforms.
Journal of Common Market Studies
Geary, Michael J.;
Lees, Kevin A.
Britain and the European Union – continuity or rupture?.
Geary, Michael J..
For Better or Worse: The Highs and Lows of Ireland’s Membership of the European Union Since 1973.
Chamber of Commerce Yearbook
Geary, Michael J..
From Idea to Institution: The European Commission Turns Fifty.
EUI Review
Geary, Michael J..
Enlarging the European Union: The Commission seeking influence, 1961-1973.
Palgrave Macmillan
Palgrave Macmillan
Vitenskapelig monografi
Geary, Michael J..
An Inconvenient Wait: Ireland’s Quest for Membership of the EEC, 1957-73.
Institute of Public Administration
Vitenskapelig monografi
Del av bok/rapport
Geary, Michael J.
The European Union: Struggling with Diversity?.
Geary, Michael J.
The European Union and Western Europe.
Geary, Michael J.
The European Union: Navigating an Uncertain Future.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Geary, Michael J..
Irish Foreign Policy and European Political Cooperation from
membership to Maastricht: Navigating Neutrality.
Faglig kapittel
Geary, Michael J.;
Randeraad, Nico.
Information Processes and International Organisations, 1910-1940.
Palgrave Macmillan
Faglig kapittel
Geary, Michael J..
A Public Courtship: The European Commission’s relations with the US government, 1958-63.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Faglig kapittel
Stølen, Synnøve;
Geary, Michael J.
Hindsight is 2020: A Comparative Case Study of the European Union’s Macroeconomic Crisis Management of The Sovereign Debt Crisis and the Covid-19 Crisis.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Geary, Michael J.
The EU History Podcast: Episode 1 - The Seventh Member State: Algeria, France, and the European Community.
Geary, Michael J.
The EU History Podcast: Episode 2 - The Europeanisation of British food in the 1960s and early 1970s.
Geary, Michael J.
The EU History Podcast: Episode 3 - The 1975 British Referendum on EEC membership.
Geary, Michael J.
The EU History Podcast: Episode 4 - Neoliberal Thinkers and European Integration in the 1980s.
Geary, Michael J.
The EU History Podcast: Episode 5 - The EEC, the Soviet Union and Romania's 'Turn to the West'.
- HIST3375 - Global connections, interactions and colonialism from the 15th century
- EUR3411 - The Political Economy in European Integration History
- EUR2915 - History of European Integration
- EUR2900 - Bachelor's Thesis in European Studies
Ph.D. Candidate Elisabeth Stennes Skaar (main supervisor - expected completion date summer 2024)
Ph.D. Candidate Synnøve Stølen (main supervisor - expected completion date summer 2027)
Vitenskapelig foredragGeary, Michael J. (2023) Into Europe: Navigating Irish Foreign Policy inside the European Union from Membership to Maastricht (1973-93). School of History, Trinity College Dublin Contemporary Irish History Seminar Series , Dublin 2023-02-01 - 2023-02-01
Faglig foredragGeary, Michael J. (2023) Accessing Citizenship: History of Identity Documentation in European Nations. Maynooth University HIDDEN Conference , Maynooth University 2023-06-21 - 2023-06-22
Vitenskapelig foredragGeary, Michael J. (2022) Ireland in the European Union: Navigating Foreign Policy from Membership to Maastricht. University College Dublin Humanities Institute Humanities Institute Research Seminar , Dublin 2022-10-20 - 2022-10-20
Vitenskapelig foredragGeary, Michael J. (2022) The Industrial Revolution in Europe's long nineteenth century. Maynooth University Europe in the Nineteenth Century , Maynooth 2022-10-19 - 2022-10-19
Vitenskapelig foredragGeary, Michael J. (2022) Into Europe: Reflections on 50 years of EU membership. University College Dublin and NTNU Into Europe: Reflections on 50 years of EU membership. , Dublin 2022-11-10 - 2022-11-10
Vitenskapelig foredragGeary, Michael J. (2022) Ireland in Europe from membership to Lisbon: Reflections on 50 Years of Accession. Aarhus University Denmark and the EC/EU Experience – 50 Years of Membership , Aarhus 2022-10-08 - 2022-10-08
Vitenskapelig foredragGeary, Michael J. (2022) Europe, Revolution and the Long Nineteenth Century. Maynooth University Europe in the Nineteenth Century , Maynooth 2022-09-21 - 2022-09-21
IntervjuGeary, Michael J. (2022) The Road to Europe: The 1972 Referendum on EU Membership. Irish Humanities Alliance Blog Irish Humanities Alliance Blog [Internett] 2022-05-10
Populærvitenskapelig foredragGeary, Michael J. (2021) Decline of the British Empire. Larvik Skole Lecture: Decline of the British Empire , Larvik 2021-09-22 - 2021-09-22
Populærvitenskapelig foredragGeary, Michael. (2021) Europe's geopolitical and economic landscape post-Brexit. George Washington University Europe's geopolitical and economic landscape post-Brexit , Washington, D.C. 2021-03-03 - 2021-03-03
IntervjuGeary, Michael. (2021) Intention to impose sanctions against Russia demonstrates lack of strategic thinking in EU. Internet Internet [Internett] 2021-02-18
ProgramdeltagelseGeary, Michael. (2020) NTNU Horizon Europe and Erasmus+ Launch Week | Global Challenges and Erasmus+. Digital Digital [Internett] 2020-11-18
ProgramdeltagelseGeary, Michael J.. (2019) Continental Divides? The Future of the European Union Post-Election. The Wilson Center The Wilson Center [Radio] 2019-05-31
Vitenskapelig foredragGeary, Michael J.. (2019) Exploring the Negotiators: EU Enlargement Policy and the Role of RELEX from Dublin to Vienna. Università di Padova Telephone Number of Europe: The General Directorate for External Relations in European Integration: actors, cultures, political and institutional dynamics, 1958-2010 , Padau 2019-11-28 - 2019-11-28
Populærvitenskapelig foredragGeary, Michael J.. (2019) The Irish Perspective on Britain's Exit from the European Union. NTNU Jean Monnet Lecture , Trondheim 2019-11-08 - 2019-11-08
Vitenskapelig foredragGeary, Michael J.. (2019) Was the Cold War an ideological conflict?. ISFiT ISFiT Student Conference , Trondheim 2019-02-09 - 2019-02-09
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2019) The History of the Maastricht Treaty: Past and Present. Radio Sputnik Radio Sputnik [Radio] 2019-02-04
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2018) German teen's murder sparks national discussion of migrant crime. FOX News FOX News [Internett] 2018-02-13
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2018) The Italian elections and the rise of populism in Europe. KCBS Radio KCBS Radio [Radio] 2018-03-05
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2018) Poland defies EU as law forcing judges to retire comes into force. France24 France24 [Internett] 2018-07-09
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2018) Problem Of Refugees In EU Requires Coordinated Approach Of All European States – Analysis. Eurasia Review Eurasia Review [Internett] 2018-08-21
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2018) Western Sanctions Against Russia Cannot Replace Real Diplomacy. Eurasia Review Eurasia Review [Internett] 2018-09-21
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2018) Over 700 arrested in Paris amid violent fuel protests. Shanaplan Debate Shanaplan Debate [Internett] 2018-12-13
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2018) The N. Ireland Backstop Is Still A Sticking Point In May's Brexit Deal. The Denver 7 / ABC News The Denver 7 / ABC News [Internett] 2018-11-16
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2018) Trump takes aim at Paris protests to comment on climate change agreement. New York Post New York Post [Avis] 2018-12-08
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2018) Paris might have championed the climate agreement, but the ‘yellow vest’ unrest is growing. NPR - National Public Radio (USA) NPR - National Public Radio (USA) [Radio] 2018-12-06
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2017) Prime Minister Theresa May vows to stay after Conservatives lose majority. USA Today USA Today [Avis] 2017-07-09
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2017) Vojna slov o brexit už zúri (The War of Words about Brexit). Spravy Pravda Spravy Pravda [Avis] 2017-05-05
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2017) Theresa May’s Political Future In Danger After Stunning Election Defeat. Huffington Post Huffington Post [Internett] 2017-07-09
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2017) Prime Minister Theresa May vows to stay after Conservatives lose majority. KTCB News KTCB News [Internett] 2017-06-09
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2017) UK elections: May holding on to lead as British voters weigh terror, Brexit and immigration. FOX News FOX News [Internett] 2017-06-08
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2017) May Hangs on After Tortuous UK Election. The Wilson Center The Wilson Center [Internett] 2017-06-09
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2016) Europe's Trump moment: Countries see rise of populist leaders amid anger over economy, migrant crisis. FOX News FOX News [Internett] 2016-11-30
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2016) Where Does the UK Go From Here?. The Wilson Center The Wilson Center [TV] 2016-06-24
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2016) Renzi's Italy referendum loss heightens tensions in euro zone politics. CNBC CNBC [TV] 2016-12-04
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2016) Britain votes to leave the European Union. C-SPAN TV C-SPAN TV [TV] 2016-06-24
ProgramdeltagelseGeary, Michael J.. (2016) Brexit Vote Looms: What Will it Mean for the EU and the U.S.?. The Wilson Center The Wilson Center [Internett] 2016-06-21
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2016) The Brexit Referendum. CNN International CNN International [TV] 2016-06-23
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2016) The hidden fallout of Brexit. Marketplace Marketplace [Internett] 2016-06-24
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2016) Trump’s policies may not be all that foreign. Are his ideas really all that nutty? Maybe, maybe not. McClatchy Washington Bureau McClatchy Washington Bureau [Internett] 2016-04-10
ProgramdeltagelseGeary, Michael J.. (2016) UK Votes on EU Brexit: What Happens Next?. Pacific Council International Pacific Council International [Internett] 2016-06-23
ProgramdeltagelseGeary, Michael J.. (2016) After Brexit: A New World Order?. The Wilson Center The Wilson Center [Radio] 2016-06-27
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2015) Britain's stunning election result. CNN Opinion CNN Opinion [Internett] 2015-05-08
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2015) UK Elections 2015: David Cameron’s Big Win. The Wilson Center The Wilson Center [TV] 2015-05-15
ProgramdeltagelseGeary, Michael J.. (2015) The British General Election – Domestic and Foreign Policy Challenges for the Next Government. The Wilson Center The Wilson Center [Internett] 2015-05-12
ProgramdeltagelseGeary, Michael J.. (2014) The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: A Regulatory Framework for the 21st Century. The Wilson Center The Wilson Center [Internett] 2014-03-26
ProgramdeltagelseGeary, Michael J.. (2014) The End of the Union? London, Edinburgh, and the Battle for Scottish Independence. The Wilson Center The Wilson Center [TV] 2014-04-01
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2014) Obama and Allies Seek Firm, United Response as Russia Grips Crimea. The New York Times The New York Times [Avis] 2014-03-23
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2014) Rapprochement with EU in Ukraine's best interests, politics left for talks . Russia Today Russia Today [Internett] 2014-06-27
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2014) The Far Right Parties in Europe Aren't Exactly Getting Along. VICE News VICE News [Internett] 2014-06-25
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2014) La Maison Blanche loupe son passage en douce . Libération Libération [Avis] 2014-05-18
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2014) Luxembourg Tax Evasion Scandal Embarrassing to New EC President. Russia Today Russia Today [Internett] 2014-11-07
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2014) U.S. Commitment and Obama’s Stature on the Line This Week in Overseas Trip. The National Journal The National Journal [Internett] 2014-03-23
ProgramdeltagelseGeary, Michael J.. (2014) Merger of the Century: Why Canada and America Should Become One Country. The Wilson Center The Wilson Center [Internett] 2014-03-19
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2014) US thinktank ponders: how about annexing Canada, eh?. The Guardian The Guardian [Avis] 2014-03-19
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2014) Scottish independence may have lost, but Britain may be changed forever. Public Radio International Public Radio International [Radio] 2014-09-19
ProgramdeltagelseGeary, Michael J.. (2014) Scottish Independence Vote. Kojo Nnamdi Radio Show Kojo Nnamdi Radio Show [Radio] 2014-06-30
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2014) Russia dominates, but Obama trip broadens outreach. The Associated Press The Associated Press [Internett] 2014-03-24
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2014) MORGAN STANLEY: Russia Could Cut Off Gas To Europe. International Business Times International Business Times [Internett] 2014-07-31
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2014) Putin On Crimea Incursion: I Have No Intention Of Invading Other Regions Of Ukraine. The Huffington Post The Huffington Post [Internett] 2014-03-24
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2014) The Pros and Cons of Scottish Independence. Mashable Mashable [Internett] 2014-09-09
Populærvitenskapelig foredragGeary, Michael J.. (2013) A painful birth: Economic and Monetary Union and the Origins of the European Sovereign Debt Crisis. The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Wilson Lecture , Washington, D.C. 2013-04-11 - 2013-04-11
ProgramdeltagelseGeary, Michael J.. (2013) Secretary Kerry's First International Trip (media briefing). The Wilson Center The Wilson Center [Internett] 2013-02-22
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2013) Anti-EU parties plan strategy to woo Europe's voters. BBC News BBC News [Internett] 2013-11-13
ProgramdeltagelseGeary, Michael J.. (2013) G8 Meeting in Northern Ireland - media briefing. The Wilson Center The Wilson Center [Internett] 2013-06-13
ProgramdeltagelseGeary, Michael J.. (2013) Enlarging the European Union - Book Launch. The Wilson Center The Wilson Center [TV] 2013-09-18
ProgramdeltagelseGeary, Michael J.. (2013) The Trans-Pacific Partnership: New Rules for a New Era. The Wilson Center The Wilson Center [TV] 2013-06-19
ProgramdeltagelseGeary, Michael J.. (2013) First Agreement Between Serbia and Kosovo of Principles Governing Normalization of Relations. The Wilson Center The Wilson Center [Internett] 2013-04-24
IntervjuGeary, Michael J.. (2012) Future of the EU. CQ Researcher (Sage Publications) CQ Researcher (Sage Publications) [Fagblad] 2012-04-17