Isabell Gabriele Maria Richter-Jacob
Som miljø- og sosialpsykolog jobber jeg med menneskelig atferd, normer, vaner og holdninger. Tematisk orienterer jeg meg rundt bærekraft med fokus på havet og marine bevaring (plastsøppel, sjømat, alternative livelihoods). Mange av prosjektene mine ligger i utviklingsland fordi jeg trives hvis jeg kan bidra med noe mot bærekraftig utvikling og like sjanser for alle.
Jeg har utviklet en metodikk kalt Vision Labs. Denne kombinerer 'Humanised Future Scenarios' med kreativitet for å fremme engasjement og drive adferdsendring.
Jeg er medleder av NTNU's Plastic Research Cooperation Group:
Plastic Research Cooperation Group - NTNU
Handelens Miljøfond plastforsøpling i Sørafrika
Editor-in-chief til Journal of Global Environmental Psychology (GEP).
GCRF Blue Communities on sustainbale development in Southeast Asia (2018-2022) Post-doc
NTNU bærekraft tverrfaglig prosjekt on circular economy to reduce plastic pollution in Norway (2021-today) Co-PI
GCRF Nuestro Rio on water quality in Peru (2020-2021) Co-PI
JST-UKRI-DOST CEPAF-SEA on circular economy of plastic in Japan and the Philippines (2021-2022) Co-PI
ECR Blue Communities Grant on dynamite fishing in Borneo (2020-2021) PI
Commonwealth Royal Society Collaboration Grant on Plastic Pollution in Trinidad and Tobago (2021-2022) Co-PI
Commonwealth Royal Society Collaboration Grant on urban indoor smart farming in Africa (2021-2022) Co-PI
GCRF Starting Grant on plastic pollution in Namibia ini collaboration with the Gobabeb summer school (2019-2020) Co-PI
Potential Master Theses connected to existing projects:
Evaluation of Smart, Vertical Urban Farm concepts in abandonned buildings in four countries in Africa
Developing and evaluating an approach to reduce plastic bag use in South Africa and Namibia
German Scholarship Organisation Fellowship (2019-2020)
UN Ocean Decade Fellowship for outstanding young researchers (2020)
ACU Fellowship on Plastic pollution in Borneo (2019)
Widerøe, Marius;
Falkenberg, Liv Eggset;
Cyvin, Jakob Bonnevie;
Richter, Isabell;
Klingsheim, Karl;
Rokstad, Anne Mari A..
Verdens plastproblem - går det på helsa løs?.
NTNU Helse og livsvitenskap
Cyvin, Jakob Bonnevie;
Klingsheim, Karl;
Buchholz, Katharina;
Richter, Isabell;
Hellevik, Christina Carrozzo.
Mindre plast i gavene.
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Kanhai, La Daana K.;
Keller, Elias;
Richter, Isabell.
The human dimension of plastic pollution in the Caribbean SIDS of Trinidad and Tobago.
Environmental Science and Policy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Engel, L.;
Vilhelmsen, Kenneth;
Richter, Isabell;
Moritz, J.;
Ryynänen, T.;
Young, J.F..
Psychological factors influencing consumer intentions to consume cultured meat, fish and dairy.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rangecroft, Sally;
Clason, Caroline;
Dextre, Rosa Maria;
Richter, Isabell;
Kelly, Claire;
Turin, Cecilia.
GC Insights: Lessons from participatory water quality research in the upper Santa River basin, Peru.
Geoscience Communication
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Riordan, Oliver Salvatore;
Richter, Isabell.
How does embracing an outdoor lifestyle and sense of responsibility impact plastic reduction efforts?.
Frontiers in Sustainability
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vlasceanu, Madalina;
Doell, Kimberly C.;
Coleman, Joseph B. Bak;
Todorova, Boryana;
Berkebile-Weinberg, Michael M.;
Grayson, Samantha J..
Addressing climate change with behavioral science: A global intervention tournament in 63 countries.
Science Advances
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Doell, Kimberly C.;
Todorova, Boryana;
Vlasceanu, Madalina;
Bak Coleman, Joseph B.;
Pronizius, Ekaterina;
Schumann, Philipp.
The International Climate Psychology Collaboration: Climate change-related data collected from 63 countries.
Scientific Data
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Klöckner, Christian A.;
Richter, Isabell.
Psykologien bak bærekraftige omstillinger: Hvordan skal vi leve vårt liv?.
Faglig kapittel
Brügger, Adrian;
Richter, Isabell.
Our Vision Is Your Opportunity.
Global Environmental Psychology (GEP)
Skjølsvold, Tomas Moe;
Heidenreich, Sara Lena Brigitte;
Henriksen, Ida Marie;
Vasconcellos Oliveira, Rita;
Dankel, Dorothy Jane;
Lahuerta, Julian Richard.
Conditions for just offshore wind energy: Addressing the societal challenges of the North Sea wind industry.
Energy Research & Social Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Landmann, Helen;
Kachel, Sven;
Kommerscheidt, Laura;
Lange, Florian;
Richter, Isabel.
Assessing Diversity Dimensions in Environmental Psychology: Challenges and Recommendations.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Maharja, Carya;
Praptiwi, Radisti A.;
Richter, Isabel;
Crummy, Aoife;
Devine, Dympna;
Gajardo, Lea Janine A..
The people of the seas and the seas of the people.
Academic Press
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Richter, Isabell;
Lim, Voon Ching;
Solhaimi, Kamal;
Riordan, Oliver Salvatore;
Pahl, Sabine;
Goh, Hong Ching.
Addressing illegal practices: intergenerational transfer and creative engagement as a way to compensate boomerang effects.
Frontiers in Communication
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rangecroft, Sally;
Dextre, Rosa Maria;
Richter, Isabel;
Grados Bueno, Claudia V.;
Kelly, Claire;
Turin, Cecilia.
Unravelling and understanding local perceptions of water quality in the Santa basin, Peru.
Journal of Hydrology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Voronkova, Anastasia;
Richter, Isabel;
Henderson, Lesley;
Aruta, John Jamir Benzon R;
Dumbili, E;
Wyles, Kayleigh J.
Plastic pollution in the Global South: Exploring social, behavioral, and structural factors.
Academic Press
Faglig kapittel
Neef, Nicolas E.;
Fusswinkel, Selina;
Roos, Claudine;
Frank, Lilli;
Shihepo, Kapandu;
Richter, Isabell.
Optimistic narrative future visions: a communication tool for promoting sustainable (plastic) behavior.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Richter, Isabel;
Neef, Nicolas E.;
Moghayedi, Alireza;
Owoade, Folasade Mary;
Kapanji-Kakoma, Kutemba K.;
Francis, Sheena.
Willing to be the change: Perceived drivers and barriers to participation in urban smart farming projects.
Journal of Urban Affairs
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Neef, Nicolas E.;
Shihepo, Kapandu;
Roos, Claudine;
Richter, Isabel.
Creating a shared vision by uniting local stakeholders to tackle plastic bag consumption.
Frontiers in Communication
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lim, Voon Chin;
Richter, Isabell;
Solhaimi Fadzil, Kamal;
Goh, Hong Ching.
Comic book as an educational strategy to communicate fish bombing to schoolchildren.
Applied Environmental Education and Communication
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Richter, Isabell.
Creative Engagement with Future Scenarios as a Catalyst for Behaviour Change.
Applied Psychology Around the World
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Richter, Isabel;
Gabe-Thomas, Elizabeth;
Queiros, Ana M.;
Sheppard, Stephen;
Pahl, Sabine.
Advancing the potential impact of future scenarios by integrating psychological principles.
Environmental Science and Policy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Richter, Isabel;
Roberts, Bethany;
Sailley, Sévrine;
Sullivan, Emma;
Cheung, Victoria;
Eales, Jacqueline.
Building bridges between natural and social science disciplines: a standardized methodology to combine data on ecosystem quality trends.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Heidenreich, Sara;
Skjølsvold, Tomas Moe;
Vasstrøm, Mikaela;
Richter, Isabel.
Havvind: strategier for et bedre offentlig ordskifte.
Richter, Isabel;
Grünzner, Maja;
Kløckner, Christian.
Global Disruptive Communication: The Thin Line Between Destruction and Disruption in Intercultural Research.
Springer Nature
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Kløckner, Christian;
Richter, Isabel.
Business as Usual Forever? Psychological Mechanisms of Inaction and How Disruptive Communication Might Help.
Springer Nature
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Löfström, Erica;
Fjællingsdal, Kristoffer S.;
Richter, Isabel;
Kløckner, Christian.
Two Disruptive Eco-visualizations: Initial Experiences.
Springer Nature
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Moghayedi, Alireza;
Richter, Isabel;
Owoade, Folasade Mary;
Kapanji-Kakoma, Kutemba K.;
Kaliyadasa, Ewon;
Francis, Sheena.
Effects of Urban Smart Farming on Local Economy and Food Production in Urban Areas in African Cities.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Richter, Isabell Gabriele Maria;
Gabe-Thomas, Elizabeth;
Maharja, Carya;
Nguyen, Thu Ha;
Nguyen, Quyen Van;
Praptiwi, Radisti.
Virtual Capacity Building for International Research Collaborations in Times of COVID-19 and #Flygskam.
Frontiers in Communication
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Richter, Isabel;
Avillanosa, Arlene;
Cheung, Victoria;
Goh, Hong Ching;
Johari, Sofia;
Kay, Susan.
Looking Through the COVID-19
Window of Opportunity:
Future Scenarios Arising
From the COVID-19 Pandemic
Across Five Case Study Sites.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Löfström, Erica;
Richter, Isabel;
Nesvold, Ine Husa.
Disruptive Communication as a Means to Engage Children in Solving Environmental Challenges: A Case Study on Plastic Pollution.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Cheung, Victoria;
Bell, Andy;
Creencia, Lota;
Fleming, Lora;
Goh, Hong-Ching;
Maharja, Carya.
Blue Communities in Southeast Asia.
The Environmental Scientist
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Richter, Isabel;
Sumeldan, Joel;
Avillanosa, Arlene;
Gabe-Thomas, Elizabeth;
Creencia, Lota;
Pahl, Sabine.
Co-created Future Scenarios as a Tool to Communicate Sustainable Development in Coastal Communities in Palawan, Philippines. .
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sumeldan, Joel D. C.;
Richter, Isabel;
Avillanosa, Arlene L.;
Bacosa, Hernando P.;
Creencia, Lota A.;
Pahl, Sabine.
Ask the Locals: A Community-Informed Analysis of Perceived Marine Environment Quality Over Time in Palawan, Philippines.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Pahl, Sabine;
Richter, Isabel;
Wyles, Kayleigh J.
Human Perceptions and Behaviour Determine Aquatic Plastic Pollution.
The handbook of environmental chemistry
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Richter, Isabel;
Thogersen, John;
Klöckner, Christian A..
A social norms intervention going wrong: Boomerang effects from descriptive norms information.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Richter, Isabel G.M..
Studenter kjemper mot plastforsøpling.
Richter, Isabel G.M..
Plastic horrastic - Blogginnlegg.
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Richter, Isabel G.M.;
Kløckner, Christian.
The Psychology of Sustainable Seafood Consumption: A Comprehensive Approach.
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Richter, Isabell Gabriele Maria;
Thøgersen, John;
Kløckner, Christian.
Sustainable Seafood Consumption in Action: Relevant Behaviors and their Predictors.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Milfont, Taciano L.;
Richter, Isabel;
Sibley, Christian;
Wilson, Mark;
Fischer, Ronald.
Environmental consequences of the desire to dominate and be superior.
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Cyvin, Jakob Bonnevie;
Klingsheim, Karl;
Buchholz, Katharina;
Richter, Isabell;
Hellevik, Christina Carrozzo.
Mindre plast i gavene.
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Kanhai, La Daana K.;
Keller, Elias;
Richter, Isabell.
The human dimension of plastic pollution in the Caribbean SIDS of Trinidad and Tobago.
Environmental Science and Policy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Engel, L.;
Vilhelmsen, Kenneth;
Richter, Isabell;
Moritz, J.;
Ryynänen, T.;
Young, J.F..
Psychological factors influencing consumer intentions to consume cultured meat, fish and dairy.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rangecroft, Sally;
Clason, Caroline;
Dextre, Rosa Maria;
Richter, Isabell;
Kelly, Claire;
Turin, Cecilia.
GC Insights: Lessons from participatory water quality research in the upper Santa River basin, Peru.
Geoscience Communication
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Riordan, Oliver Salvatore;
Richter, Isabell.
How does embracing an outdoor lifestyle and sense of responsibility impact plastic reduction efforts?.
Frontiers in Sustainability
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vlasceanu, Madalina;
Doell, Kimberly C.;
Coleman, Joseph B. Bak;
Todorova, Boryana;
Berkebile-Weinberg, Michael M.;
Grayson, Samantha J..
Addressing climate change with behavioral science: A global intervention tournament in 63 countries.
Science Advances
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Doell, Kimberly C.;
Todorova, Boryana;
Vlasceanu, Madalina;
Bak Coleman, Joseph B.;
Pronizius, Ekaterina;
Schumann, Philipp.
The International Climate Psychology Collaboration: Climate change-related data collected from 63 countries.
Scientific Data
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brügger, Adrian;
Richter, Isabell.
Our Vision Is Your Opportunity.
Global Environmental Psychology (GEP)
Skjølsvold, Tomas Moe;
Heidenreich, Sara Lena Brigitte;
Henriksen, Ida Marie;
Vasconcellos Oliveira, Rita;
Dankel, Dorothy Jane;
Lahuerta, Julian Richard.
Conditions for just offshore wind energy: Addressing the societal challenges of the North Sea wind industry.
Energy Research & Social Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Landmann, Helen;
Kachel, Sven;
Kommerscheidt, Laura;
Lange, Florian;
Richter, Isabel.
Assessing Diversity Dimensions in Environmental Psychology: Challenges and Recommendations.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Richter, Isabell;
Lim, Voon Ching;
Solhaimi, Kamal;
Riordan, Oliver Salvatore;
Pahl, Sabine;
Goh, Hong Ching.
Addressing illegal practices: intergenerational transfer and creative engagement as a way to compensate boomerang effects.
Frontiers in Communication
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rangecroft, Sally;
Dextre, Rosa Maria;
Richter, Isabel;
Grados Bueno, Claudia V.;
Kelly, Claire;
Turin, Cecilia.
Unravelling and understanding local perceptions of water quality in the Santa basin, Peru.
Journal of Hydrology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Neef, Nicolas E.;
Fusswinkel, Selina;
Roos, Claudine;
Frank, Lilli;
Shihepo, Kapandu;
Richter, Isabell.
Optimistic narrative future visions: a communication tool for promoting sustainable (plastic) behavior.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Richter, Isabel;
Neef, Nicolas E.;
Moghayedi, Alireza;
Owoade, Folasade Mary;
Kapanji-Kakoma, Kutemba K.;
Francis, Sheena.
Willing to be the change: Perceived drivers and barriers to participation in urban smart farming projects.
Journal of Urban Affairs
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Neef, Nicolas E.;
Shihepo, Kapandu;
Roos, Claudine;
Richter, Isabel.
Creating a shared vision by uniting local stakeholders to tackle plastic bag consumption.
Frontiers in Communication
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lim, Voon Chin;
Richter, Isabell;
Solhaimi Fadzil, Kamal;
Goh, Hong Ching.
Comic book as an educational strategy to communicate fish bombing to schoolchildren.
Applied Environmental Education and Communication
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Richter, Isabell.
Creative Engagement with Future Scenarios as a Catalyst for Behaviour Change.
Applied Psychology Around the World
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Richter, Isabel;
Gabe-Thomas, Elizabeth;
Queiros, Ana M.;
Sheppard, Stephen;
Pahl, Sabine.
Advancing the potential impact of future scenarios by integrating psychological principles.
Environmental Science and Policy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Richter, Isabel;
Roberts, Bethany;
Sailley, Sévrine;
Sullivan, Emma;
Cheung, Victoria;
Eales, Jacqueline.
Building bridges between natural and social science disciplines: a standardized methodology to combine data on ecosystem quality trends.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Moghayedi, Alireza;
Richter, Isabel;
Owoade, Folasade Mary;
Kapanji-Kakoma, Kutemba K.;
Kaliyadasa, Ewon;
Francis, Sheena.
Effects of Urban Smart Farming on Local Economy and Food Production in Urban Areas in African Cities.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Richter, Isabell Gabriele Maria;
Gabe-Thomas, Elizabeth;
Maharja, Carya;
Nguyen, Thu Ha;
Nguyen, Quyen Van;
Praptiwi, Radisti.
Virtual Capacity Building for International Research Collaborations in Times of COVID-19 and #Flygskam.
Frontiers in Communication
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Richter, Isabel;
Avillanosa, Arlene;
Cheung, Victoria;
Goh, Hong Ching;
Johari, Sofia;
Kay, Susan.
Looking Through the COVID-19
Window of Opportunity:
Future Scenarios Arising
From the COVID-19 Pandemic
Across Five Case Study Sites.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Löfström, Erica;
Richter, Isabel;
Nesvold, Ine Husa.
Disruptive Communication as a Means to Engage Children in Solving Environmental Challenges: A Case Study on Plastic Pollution.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Cheung, Victoria;
Bell, Andy;
Creencia, Lota;
Fleming, Lora;
Goh, Hong-Ching;
Maharja, Carya.
Blue Communities in Southeast Asia.
The Environmental Scientist
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Richter, Isabel;
Sumeldan, Joel;
Avillanosa, Arlene;
Gabe-Thomas, Elizabeth;
Creencia, Lota;
Pahl, Sabine.
Co-created Future Scenarios as a Tool to Communicate Sustainable Development in Coastal Communities in Palawan, Philippines. .
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sumeldan, Joel D. C.;
Richter, Isabel;
Avillanosa, Arlene L.;
Bacosa, Hernando P.;
Creencia, Lota A.;
Pahl, Sabine.
Ask the Locals: A Community-Informed Analysis of Perceived Marine Environment Quality Over Time in Palawan, Philippines.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Pahl, Sabine;
Richter, Isabel;
Wyles, Kayleigh J.
Human Perceptions and Behaviour Determine Aquatic Plastic Pollution.
The handbook of environmental chemistry
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Richter, Isabel;
Thogersen, John;
Klöckner, Christian A..
A social norms intervention going wrong: Boomerang effects from descriptive norms information.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Richter, Isabel G.M..
Studenter kjemper mot plastforsøpling.
Richter, Isabel G.M.;
Kløckner, Christian.
The Psychology of Sustainable Seafood Consumption: A Comprehensive Approach.
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Richter, Isabell Gabriele Maria;
Thøgersen, John;
Kløckner, Christian.
Sustainable Seafood Consumption in Action: Relevant Behaviors and their Predictors.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Milfont, Taciano L.;
Richter, Isabel;
Sibley, Christian;
Wilson, Mark;
Fischer, Ronald.
Environmental consequences of the desire to dominate and be superior.
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Del av bok/rapport
Klöckner, Christian A.;
Richter, Isabell.
Psykologien bak bærekraftige omstillinger: Hvordan skal vi leve vårt liv?.
Faglig kapittel
Maharja, Carya;
Praptiwi, Radisti A.;
Richter, Isabel;
Crummy, Aoife;
Devine, Dympna;
Gajardo, Lea Janine A..
The people of the seas and the seas of the people.
Academic Press
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Voronkova, Anastasia;
Richter, Isabel;
Henderson, Lesley;
Aruta, John Jamir Benzon R;
Dumbili, E;
Wyles, Kayleigh J.
Plastic pollution in the Global South: Exploring social, behavioral, and structural factors.
Academic Press
Faglig kapittel
Richter, Isabel;
Grünzner, Maja;
Kløckner, Christian.
Global Disruptive Communication: The Thin Line Between Destruction and Disruption in Intercultural Research.
Springer Nature
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Kløckner, Christian;
Richter, Isabel.
Business as Usual Forever? Psychological Mechanisms of Inaction and How Disruptive Communication Might Help.
Springer Nature
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Löfström, Erica;
Fjællingsdal, Kristoffer S.;
Richter, Isabel;
Kløckner, Christian.
Two Disruptive Eco-visualizations: Initial Experiences.
Springer Nature
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Widerøe, Marius;
Falkenberg, Liv Eggset;
Cyvin, Jakob Bonnevie;
Richter, Isabell;
Klingsheim, Karl;
Rokstad, Anne Mari A..
Verdens plastproblem - går det på helsa løs?.
NTNU Helse og livsvitenskap
Heidenreich, Sara;
Skjølsvold, Tomas Moe;
Vasstrøm, Mikaela;
Richter, Isabel.
Havvind: strategier for et bedre offentlig ordskifte.
Richter, Isabel G.M..
Plastic horrastic - Blogginnlegg.
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
IntervjuRichter, Isabell. (2024) Hvorfor gidder vi ikke spise sunt?. Adressavisen Adressavisen [Avis] 2024-03-04
Vitenskapelig foredragArnesen, Mari Reitstøen; Richter-Jacob, Isabell Gabriele Maria. (2024) Advancing the impact of future scenarios by integrating psychological principles. bioDISCOVERY/University of Zurich Research Priority Programme Global Change and Biodiversity WORLD BIODIVERSITY FORUM , Davos 2024-06-17 - 2024-06-20
Vitenskapelig foredragSkjølsvold, Tomas Moe; Heidenreich, Sara Lena Brigitte; Linnerud, Kristin; Vasstrøm, Mikaela; Richter, Isabel; Skjærseth, Jon Birger. (2023) Identifying and addressing societal aspects of offshore wind power in the North Sea . EERA Deep Wind , Trondheim 2023-01-20 -
IntervjuRichter, Isabell. (2022) Nordmenn kaster nesten halvparten av maten vi produserer. Gemini Gemini [Avis] 2022-02-24
Vitenskapelig foredragRichter, Isabel. (2021) Human Dimension of Marine Stewardship. Commonwealth Royal Society Commonwealth Science Conference , online 2021-02-10 -
Vitenskapelig foredragRichter, Isabel. (2021) Plastic Pollution- a Human-Made Problem. NTNU and Sustainable Seas Trust SANO Webinar by NTNU Oceans and Sustainable Seas trust 2021-02-10 -
Vitenskapelig foredragRichter, Isabel. (2021) The Human Dimension of Plastic Pollution. United Nations UN Ocean Decade Kickoff Early Career Ocean Professionals , online 2021-06-02 -
PosterRichter, Isabel G.M.. (2017) Ironic effects in promoting sustainable food consumption. PSICAMB Conference of Environmental Psychology , Evora 2017-06-21 - 2017-06-24
Vitenskapelig foredragRichter, Isabel G.M.. (2017) Tomorrow, I’ll buy herring! About the importance of psychological variables on sustainable seafood consumption . PSICAMB Conference of Environmental Psychology , Evora 2017-06-21 - 2017-06-24
Vitenskapelig foredragRichter, Isabel G.M.. (2017) Tomorrow, I’ll buy herring! About the importance of sychological variables on sustainable seafood consumption . 12. Biennial Conference of Environmental Psychology , La Coruna 2017-09-30 - 2017-10-01
Vitenskapelig foredragRichter, Isabel G.M.. (2017) The psychology of plastic pollution. NTNU Ocean club , Trondheim 2017-10-28 - 2017-10-28
IntervjuRichter, Isabell Gabriele Maria. (2017) Prosjekt anti-plast. [Internett] 2017-08-18
Vitenskapelig foredragRichter, Isabell Gabriele Maria; Kløckner, Christian. (2017) The psychology of sustainable seafood consumption. International Conference on Environmental Psychology 2017-08-30 -
Vitenskapelig foredragRichter, Isabel G.M.. (2017) Sjømatforbruk i Norge - et psykologisk perspektiv. Marine Stewartship Council 2017-03-28 -
Vitenskapelig foredrag
PosterRichter, Isabel G.M.. (2017) The Psychology of sustainable seafood consumption. SU-konferansen NTNU 2017-03-16 -
Vitenskapelig foredrag
IntervjuRichter, Isabel G.M.. (2016) Welchen Fisch kann ich noch guten Gewissens essen?. Greenpeace Magazine Greenpeace Magazine [Tidsskrift] 2016-05-01
Vitenskapelig foredragRichter, Isabel G.M.. (2016) Which fish do YOU buy? About sustainable seafood consumption and the role of social norms. 3rd British Conference of Environmental Psychology , Surrey 2016-09-21 - 2016-09-23
IntervjuKløckner, Christian; Richter, Isabel G.M.. (2015) Derfor sliter vi med å endre klimavanene. [Internett] 2015-12-04
IntervjuRichter, Isabel G.M.; Kløckner, Christian. (2015) - Sjømatvanene våre bør tilpasses svingninger i fiskebestandene. FiskeribladetFiskaren FiskeribladetFiskaren [Fagblad] 2015-12-04
Vitenskapelig foredragRichter, Isabel G.M.; Kløckner, Christian; Mehmetoglu, Mehmet. (2015) Changing oceans – changing fish consumption. A psychological approach towards sustainable seafood consumption as a way of combatting overfishing. 11th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology , Groningen 2015-08-24 - 2015-08-26
Vitenskapelig foredragRichter, Isabel G.M.. (2015) Identity in a Globalized World: Social Psychological Barriers and Catalysts for Action Addressing Global Climate Change. 2nd Vilm conference on Identity in a Globalized World 2015-05-08 - 2015-05-11
Vitenskapelig foredragRichter, Isabel G.M.; Kløckner, Christian. (2014) Making Fish a Longterm Sustainable Food Resource by the Means of Psychology. Youmares 5, Opportunities and Solutions – Research For Our Changing Oceans , Stralsund, Germany 2014-09-10 - 2014-09-12