Stefan Geiss
Research focus:
Agenda setting and agenda building: How do issue sponsors, inter media influence, and journalists‘ conceptions of the audience influence which issues move into the public’s focus? How do issues compete with one another for media and public attention? How long do issues capture the media‘s and the public‘s attention? Does the attention-span of media and the public respond to different qualities of issues such as relevance and complexity? How does the plurality of issues and viewpoints in the mass media (content-as-sent) translate to individuals (content-as-received)?
Frame setting and frame building: How do frame sponsors, inter media influence, and journalists‘ conceptions of the audience influence which frames dominate the mass media and which are held by the audience? How do frames compete with one another for media and public attention? How is the success of frames contingent on established cultural themes and memes?
Opinion formation and information seeking: Does successful agenda setting lead to increased scrutiny of the issue, heightened motivation and attention in making up one’s mind? Do levels of knowledge, and satisfaction with information and opinion-formation increase? Is there an increase in information seeking? How long do these effects endure and which aspects of media coverage sustain interest and effort for opinion formation? When do news consumers react to issues with boredom, aversion, reactance, leading to issue avoidance?
Scandals, crises, and conflicts as catalysts: Scandals, crises and major conflicts in society catalyze processes of agenda and frame building as well as agenda setting, frame setting, and opinion formation. Studying these processes is socially relevant as they often pose turning points and crossroads for society. How do news media report about actual and alleged norm violations? Do they protect the presumption of innocence? How do news consumers process messages about norm violations? How do they make inferences about the guilt or innocence of the accused public actors? However, they also provide ample opportunity to study processes of political communication and public opinion formation as they happen with increased speed and intensity.
Decision-Making in Journalism: Journalists make important decisions every day, e.g. whether to cover a particular topic, which way to approach the story, what images to use or not use. Due to large actual or anticipated media effects, there are various pressure groups -- audience, sources, colleagues and superordinates, competitors -- that can and do influence their decisions. In additional, their own ethical considerations, their self-conceptions, and their professional training shape their decisions. Studying these influences is even more interesting in times of fast technological and economical development in the media business.
Geiss, Stefan;
Viehmann, Christina;
Kelly, Conor Andre.
Inflation of crisis coverage? Tracking and explaining the changes in crisis labeling and crisis news wave salience 1785-2020.
Journal of Communication
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Geiss, Stefan.
Two Journalisms? Linear and Curvilinear Relationships Between Journalists’ Role Ideals and Degree of Democracy.
Journalism Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Geiss, Stefan;
Magin, Melanie.
“Many shades of red”: Trondheim etter Ottervik-epoken.
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Geiss, Stefan.
A Matter of Perspective? The Impact of Analysis Configurations on Testing the Agenda‐Setting Hypothesis.
Media and Communication
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hilmo Lundheim, Sigurd;
Pellegrini-Masini, Giuseppe;
Kløckner, Christian;
Geiss, Stefan.
Developing a Theoretical Framework to Explain the Social Acceptability of Wind Energy.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Geiss, Stefan.
The Agenda-Setting-Effects of News Factor Exposure: A Field Study Comparing the Transmission Paths and Impact of Issue Exposure and News Factor Exposure.
Sage Open
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Geiss, Stefan;
Magin, Melanie;
Jürgens, Pascal;
Stark, Birgit.
Loopholes in the Echo Chambers: How the Echo Chamber Metaphor Oversimplifies the Effects of Information Gateways on Opinion Expression.
Digital Journalism
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Geiss, Stefan.
Politische Talkshows.
Herbert von Halem Verlag
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Geiss, Stefan.
Statistical power in content analysis designs: How effect size, sample size and coding accuracy jointly affect hypothesis testing – a monte carlo simulation approach.
Computational Communication Research (CCR)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Magin, Melanie;
Geiss, Stefan;
Stark, Birgit;
Jürgens, Pascal.
Common Core in Danger? Personalized Information and the Fragmentation of the Public Agenda.
The International Journal of Press/Politics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Magin, Melanie;
Geiss, Stefan.
Kvantitativ innholdsanalyse: fra problemstilling til gjennomført analyse.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Schemer, Christian;
Masur, Philipp K;
Geiss, Stefan;
Müller, Philipp;
Schäfer, Svenja.
The Impact of Internet and Social Media Use on Well-Being: A Longitudinal Analysis of Adolescents Across Nine Years.
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Geiss, Stefan.
Self-inflicted deprivation? Quality-as-sent versus quality-as-received in three current affairs topics.
Media and Communication
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Steiner, Miriam;
Magin, Melanie;
Stark, Birgit;
Geiss, Stefan.
Seek and you shall find? A content analysis on the diversity of five search engines’ results on political queries.
Information, Communication & Society
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schemer, Christian;
Geiss, Stefan.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Faglig kapittel
Stark, Birgit;
Magin, Melanie;
Geiss, Stefan.
Meinungsbildung in und mit sozialen Medien.
Faglig kapittel
Magin, Melanie;
Geiss, Stefan;
Jürgens, Pascal;
Stark, Birgit.
Schweigespirale oder Echokammer? Zum Einfluss sozialer Medien auf die Artikulationsbereitschaft in der Migrationsdebatte.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Koch, Thomas;
Geiss, Stefan.
Wie zuverlässig ist das Peer-Review-Verfahren? Eine Untersuchung der Interrater-Reliabilität von Reviewern auf DGPuK-Tagungen.
SCM – Studies in Communication and Media
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Magin, Melanie;
Geiss, Stefan.
Beyond Time and Space: The Impact of Autonomy from Politics and Commercialization Pressure on Mediatization in German and Austrian Newspapers—A Multilevel Approach.
Political Communication
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Geiss, Stefan.
How Content–User Data Linking Decisions Affect Media Effects Estimates: A Model Comparison Approach.
Herbert von Halem Verlag
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Müller, Philipp;
Geiss, Stefan;
Schemer, Christian;
Naab, Teresa;
Peter, Christina.
Die Dynamik öffentlicher Kommunikationsprozesse als Herausforderung für die empirische Forschung.
Herbert von Halem Verlag
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Schemer, Christian;
Geiss, Stefan;
Müller, Philipp.
Applying the Reinforcing Spirals Model to Dynamic Communication Phenomena: Conceptual and Statistical Pitfalls.
Herbert von Halem Verlag
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Müller, Philipp;
Geiss, Stefan;
Schemer, Christian;
Naab, Teresa;
Peter, Christina.
Dynamische Prozesse der öffentlichen Kommunikation
Methodische Herausforderungen .
Herbert von Halem Verlag
Methoden und Forschungslogik der Kommunikationswissenschaft (.)
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Geiss, Stefan.
The Media's Conditional Agenda-Setting Power: How
Baselines and Spikes of Issue Salience Affect Likelihood and
Strength of Agenda-Setting .
Communication Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Geiss, Stefan.
The dynamics of media attention to issues:
Towards standardizing measures, dimensions, and profiles.
Amsterdam University Press
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Geiss, Stefan;
Magin, Melanie;
Stark, Birgit;
Jürgens, Pascal.
»Common meeting ground« in Gefahr? Selektionslogiken politischer Informationsquellen und ihr Einfluss auf die Fragmentierung individueller Themenhorizonte.
Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Geiss, Stefan;
Schemer, Christian.
Latent Growth Curve Modeling.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Geiss, Stefan;
Viehmann, Christina;
Kelly, Conor Andre.
Inflation of crisis coverage? Tracking and explaining the changes in crisis labeling and crisis news wave salience 1785-2020.
Journal of Communication
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Geiss, Stefan.
Two Journalisms? Linear and Curvilinear Relationships Between Journalists’ Role Ideals and Degree of Democracy.
Journalism Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Geiss, Stefan.
A Matter of Perspective? The Impact of Analysis Configurations on Testing the Agenda‐Setting Hypothesis.
Media and Communication
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hilmo Lundheim, Sigurd;
Pellegrini-Masini, Giuseppe;
Kløckner, Christian;
Geiss, Stefan.
Developing a Theoretical Framework to Explain the Social Acceptability of Wind Energy.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Geiss, Stefan.
The Agenda-Setting-Effects of News Factor Exposure: A Field Study Comparing the Transmission Paths and Impact of Issue Exposure and News Factor Exposure.
Sage Open
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Geiss, Stefan;
Magin, Melanie;
Jürgens, Pascal;
Stark, Birgit.
Loopholes in the Echo Chambers: How the Echo Chamber Metaphor Oversimplifies the Effects of Information Gateways on Opinion Expression.
Digital Journalism
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Geiss, Stefan.
Statistical power in content analysis designs: How effect size, sample size and coding accuracy jointly affect hypothesis testing – a monte carlo simulation approach.
Computational Communication Research (CCR)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Magin, Melanie;
Geiss, Stefan;
Stark, Birgit;
Jürgens, Pascal.
Common Core in Danger? Personalized Information and the Fragmentation of the Public Agenda.
The International Journal of Press/Politics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schemer, Christian;
Masur, Philipp K;
Geiss, Stefan;
Müller, Philipp;
Schäfer, Svenja.
The Impact of Internet and Social Media Use on Well-Being: A Longitudinal Analysis of Adolescents Across Nine Years.
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Geiss, Stefan.
Self-inflicted deprivation? Quality-as-sent versus quality-as-received in three current affairs topics.
Media and Communication
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Steiner, Miriam;
Magin, Melanie;
Stark, Birgit;
Geiss, Stefan.
Seek and you shall find? A content analysis on the diversity of five search engines’ results on political queries.
Information, Communication & Society
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Koch, Thomas;
Geiss, Stefan.
Wie zuverlässig ist das Peer-Review-Verfahren? Eine Untersuchung der Interrater-Reliabilität von Reviewern auf DGPuK-Tagungen.
SCM – Studies in Communication and Media
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Magin, Melanie;
Geiss, Stefan.
Beyond Time and Space: The Impact of Autonomy from Politics and Commercialization Pressure on Mediatization in German and Austrian Newspapers—A Multilevel Approach.
Political Communication
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Geiss, Stefan.
The Media's Conditional Agenda-Setting Power: How
Baselines and Spikes of Issue Salience Affect Likelihood and
Strength of Agenda-Setting .
Communication Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Geiss, Stefan;
Magin, Melanie;
Stark, Birgit;
Jürgens, Pascal.
»Common meeting ground« in Gefahr? Selektionslogiken politischer Informationsquellen und ihr Einfluss auf die Fragmentierung individueller Themenhorizonte.
Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Müller, Philipp;
Geiss, Stefan;
Schemer, Christian;
Naab, Teresa;
Peter, Christina.
Dynamische Prozesse der öffentlichen Kommunikation
Methodische Herausforderungen .
Herbert von Halem Verlag
Methoden und Forschungslogik der Kommunikationswissenschaft (.)
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Del av bok/rapport
Geiss, Stefan.
Politische Talkshows.
Herbert von Halem Verlag
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Magin, Melanie;
Geiss, Stefan.
Kvantitativ innholdsanalyse: fra problemstilling til gjennomført analyse.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Schemer, Christian;
Geiss, Stefan.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Faglig kapittel
Stark, Birgit;
Magin, Melanie;
Geiss, Stefan.
Meinungsbildung in und mit sozialen Medien.
Faglig kapittel
Magin, Melanie;
Geiss, Stefan;
Jürgens, Pascal;
Stark, Birgit.
Schweigespirale oder Echokammer? Zum Einfluss sozialer Medien auf die Artikulationsbereitschaft in der Migrationsdebatte.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Geiss, Stefan.
How Content–User Data Linking Decisions Affect Media Effects Estimates: A Model Comparison Approach.
Herbert von Halem Verlag
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Müller, Philipp;
Geiss, Stefan;
Schemer, Christian;
Naab, Teresa;
Peter, Christina.
Die Dynamik öffentlicher Kommunikationsprozesse als Herausforderung für die empirische Forschung.
Herbert von Halem Verlag
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Schemer, Christian;
Geiss, Stefan;
Müller, Philipp.
Applying the Reinforcing Spirals Model to Dynamic Communication Phenomena: Conceptual and Statistical Pitfalls.
Herbert von Halem Verlag
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Geiss, Stefan.
The dynamics of media attention to issues:
Towards standardizing measures, dimensions, and profiles.
Amsterdam University Press
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Geiss, Stefan;
Schemer, Christian.
Latent Growth Curve Modeling.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Geiss, Stefan;
Magin, Melanie.
“Many shades of red”: Trondheim etter Ottervik-epoken.
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Vitenskapelig foredragRiedl, Andreas; Geiss, Stefan; Magin, Melanie Andrea; Stark, Birgit; Jandura, Olaf. (2025) Left-Leaning, Left-Lensed? Effects of Journalists' Political Orientation on Bias in News Reporting. International Communication Association (ICA) 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association , Denver, Colorado (USA) 2025-06-12 - 2025-06-16
Faglig foredragMagin, Melanie; Goldberg, Andreas Christian; Geiss, Stefan. (2024) Hva synes studentene? Et nytt spørreskjema som metode for studentevalueringer. NTNU NTNU Læringsfestivalen 2024 , Trondheim 2024-05-27 - 2024-05-28
Vitenskapelig foredragRiedl, Andreas; Geiss, Stefan; Magin, Melanie; Jandura, Olaf; Stark, Birgit. (2024) Do journalists’ ideologies translate into partisan reporting? The limits of bias and the limits of countermechanisms. European Communication Research and Education Association ECREA 2024 - 10th European Communication Conference "Communication & social (dis)order" , Ljubljana 2024-09-24 - 2024-09-27
IntervjuGeiss, Stefan; Brandslet, Steinar. (2024) Neppe flere KRISER enn før – men flere kriseoppslag. Gemini Gemini [Internett] 2024-10-29
IntervjuGeiss, Stefan; Brandslet, Steinar. (2024) Neppe flere kriser enn før – men flere kriseoppslag. [Internett] 2024-11-07
IntervjuGeiss, Stefan; Rønne, Knut Petter. (2024) KRISE! Neppe flere kriser enn før – men mye mer blir definert som krise i mediene. Dagens Perspektiv Dagens Perspektiv [Internett] 2024-10-31
Vitenskapelig foredragRiedl, Andreas; Geiss, Stefan; Magin, Melanie; Stark, Birgit; Jandura, Olaf. (2023) Leftist Coverage From Leftist Journalists? Effects of journalists' political orientation on neutrality, partisan source selection and value frames. POLKOM-senteret POLKOM-konferansen 2023 , Oslo 2023-12-05 -
Vitenskapelig foredragViehmann, Christina; Geiss, Stefan. (2022) „Eine Welle bedeutet Veränderung“: CommunicationWave-Detector (CoWaD) zur Identifikation von Aufmerksamkeitswellen in öffentlichen Kommunikationsinhalten. German Communication Association, Method Section Annual Conference of the Method Section of the German Communication Association , München 2022-10-05 - 2022-10-06
Vitenskapelig foredragGeiss, Stefan; Kelly, Conor Andre. (2022) Crisis topic diversity in «The Times» 1785-2020. . Norsk medieforskerlag Norsk mediekonferanse 2022 , Stavanger 2022-10-12 - 2022-10-13
Vitenskapelig foredragMonzer, Cristina; Geiss, Stefan. (2022) Dimensions of Cultural Resonance—COVID-19 Political Vaccination Debate on Facebook. International Communication Association (ICA) 72nd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) , Paris 2022-05-26 - 2022-05-30
Vitenskapelig foredragGeiss, Stefan. (2022) Two Journalisms? Linear and Curvilinear Relationships Between Journalists’ Role Ideals and Degree of Democracy. International Communication Association (ICA) 2nd Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) , Paris 2022-05-26 - 2022-05-30
Vitenskapelig foredragGeiss, Stefan; Viehmann, Christina; Baden, Christian; Quiring, Oliver. (2022) An Unprecedented ‘Age of Crisis’? Putting Coverage of Recent Crises into a Long-Term Perspective 1788-2020. . International Communication Association (ICA) 72nd Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) , Paris 2022-05-26 - 2022-05-30
Vitenskapelig foredragGeiss, Stefan. (2021) Constructing Crises, 1785-2015. European Communication Research and Education Association ECREA Political Communication Section Conference 2021 "Communicating Crisis: Political Communication in the Age of Uncertainty" , Bukarest 2021-03-26 - 2021-03-27
Vitenskapelig foredragGeiss, Stefan; Kepplinger, Hans Mathias. (2021) Are All News Created Equal? Even Types’ Two-Fold Impact on News Selection. International Communication Association 71st Annual Conference of the ICA , Virtual Conference 2021-05-27 - 2021-05-31
Vitenskapelig foredragGeiss, Stefan; Guinaudeau, Isabelle; Haßler, Jörg; Wagner, Aleksandra; Monzer, Cristina; Lundheim, Sigurd Hilmo. (2021) How ‘Cultural Eyeglasses’ Affect Public Opinion About Energy: Cross-national Differences in How Considerations Affect Energy Policy Preferences. International Communication Association 71st Annual Conference of the ICA , Virtual Conference 2021-05-27 - 2021-05-31
IntervjuMagin, Melanie; Geiss, Stefan; Brandslet, Steinar. (2021) Sosiale medier betyr mindre enn fryktet. [Internett] 2021-05-20
Vitenskapelig foredragGeiss, Stefan; Monzer, Cristina. (2020) Content analysis—A “methodological island”? Assessing the usefulness of multi-item measurement in content analysis: A Montecarlo simulation approach. International Communication Association Annual Conference of the ICA 2020 , Virtual presentation 2020-05-20 - 2020-05-27
Vitenskapelig foredragMonzer, Cristina; Geiss, Stefan. (2020) Convergent solutions? The impact of document filters and term filters on topic modeling solutions. International Communication Association Annual Conference of the ICA 2020 , Virtual presentation 2020-05-20 - 2020-05-27
Vitenskapelig foredragGeiss, Stefan; Monzer, Cristina. (2020) How Effect Size, Sample Size and Coding Accuracy Jointly Affect Hypothesis Testing in Content Analysis: A Monte Carlo Simulation Approach. International Communication Association Annual Conference of the International Communication Association 2020 "Open Communication" , Virtual presentation 2020-05-20 - 2020-05-27
Vitenskapelig foredragMagin, Melanie; Geiss, Stefan; Stark, Birgit; Jürgens, Pascal. (2020) Endangering the Common Core? Personalized Information and the Fragmentation of the Public Agenda. International Journal of Press/Politics 2020 International Journal of Press/Politics Virtual Conference , Loughborough 2020-09-21 - 2020-09-24
Vitenskapelig foredragGeiss, Stefan; Magin, Melanie; Monzer, Cristina. (2020) Strategisches Wählen im Blindflug? Stört Social Media-Nutzung die Güte subjektiver Wahlvorhersagen und was heißt das für die Wahlentscheidung?. LMU Munich 65th Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) “#Medien #Mensch #Gesellschaft” , Munich 2020-03-10 - 2020-03-12
Vitenskapelig foredragGeiss, Stefan; Monzer, Cristina; Magin, Melanie; Jürgens, Pascal; Stark, Birgit. (2020) Opinion Formation Is More Than Persuasion – Measuring Depth of Opinion Formation and Tracking Opinion Formation Processes: Conceptualization, Operationalization, and Validation. International Communication Association 70th Annual ICA Conference “Open Communication” , Gold Coast 2020-05-21 - 2020-05-25
Vitenskapelig foredragGeiss, Stefan; Granow, Viola; Schemer, Christian. (2019) Unpleasant Lessons in Trust: Effects of Exposure to Attacks and Incivilities on Trust in Politicians. International Communication Association (ICA) Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) “Communication Beyond Boundaries” , Washington, D.C. 2019-05-24 - 2019-05-28
PosterGeiss, Stefan; Kepplinger, Hans Mathias. (2019) Stronger Together? Interactions Between News Factors in Editorial Decisions on News Emphasis. International Communication Association (ICA) Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) “Communication Beyond Boundaries” , Washington, D.C. 2019-05-24 - 2019-05-28
Vitenskapelig foredragGeiss, Stefan; Jürgens, Pascal; Magin, Melanie; Stark, Birgit. (2018) How to Start a Spiral of Silence: Asymmetric Mobilization of Opinion Camps on Facebook. Political Communication Division of ICA Preconference to the 68th ICA Annual Conference on “Refugees, Religious Threats, and Political Radicalization: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives” , Prague 2018-05-23 - 2018-05-23
Vitenskapelig foredragGeiss, Stefan; Magin, Melanie; Haßler, Jörg. (2018) Gender Constellations Moderate the Escalation of Conflict in Political Talk Shows. European Communication Research and Education Association 7th European Communication Conference “Centres and Peripheries: Communication, Research, Translation“ , Lugano 2018-10-31 - 2018-11-03
Vitenskapelig foredragMagin, Melanie; Geiss, Stefan; Jürgens, Pascal; Stark, Birgit. (2018) Endangering the Common Meeting Ground? How Personalized Online Information Sources Influence the Fragmentation of the Public Agenda. European Communication Research and Education Association 7th European Communication Conference “Centres and Peripheries: Communication, Research, Translation" , Lugano 2018-10-31 - 2018-11-03
Vitenskapelig foredragGeiss, Stefan; Jürgens, Pascal; Magin, Melanie; Stark, Birgit. (2018) Algorithmische Selektion im Meinungsbildungsprozess zur “Flüchtlingskrise“. Einflüsse auf die Artikulationsbereitschaft. . University of Hohenheim Annual Conference of the Media Reception and Effects Section of the German Communication Association , Hohenheim 2018-01-25 - 2018-01-27
Vitenskapelig foredragMagin, Melanie; Geiss, Stefan; Jürgens, Pascal; Stark, Birgit. (2018) “Common meeting ground” in Gefahr? Zum Einfluss personalisierter Online-Informationsquellen auf die Fragmentierung der Publikumsagenda. German Communication Association (DGPuK) 63th Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) , Mannheim 2018-05-09 - 2018-05-11
Vitenskapelig foredragGeiss, Stefan; Magin, Melanie; Jürgens, Pascal; Stark, Birgit. (2018) A Spiral of Silence in the Echo Chamber? Symmetric and Asymmetric Mobilization of Opinion Camps in the Debate on the Refugee Crisis. Erik Knudsen, UiB The 1st Scandinavian Audience Oriented Political Communication Workshop , Bergen 2018-11-27 - 2018-11-27