Helge Brattebø
Om professor Helge Brattebø
Brattebø er professor emeritus i Industriell økologi ved Institutt for energi- og prosessteknikk, NTNU.
Brattebø er siv.ing. (1977) og dr.ing. (1983) fra NTH, og har bakgrunn blant annet som forsker ved vannrensegruppa NTH/SINTEF, overingeniør hos ingeniørfirmaet Reinertsen, og regionsjef hos tidligere Østlandskonsult (nå del av COWI). Han har arbeidet ved NTNU siden 1989, først som programkoordinator for strategiprosjektet Teknisk miljøvitenskap, så fra 1992 som førsteamanuensis og leder for Avdeling for miljøstudier ved Senter for miljø og utvikling (SMU). Herfra var han med å initiere NTNUs Program for industriell økologi (IndEcol), som han var programleder for fra 1998 til 2003. Brattebø ble tilsatt som professor ved Institutt for vann- og miljøteknikk (IVM) i 1998, var instituttleder fra 2005-2010, og arbeidet her til utgangen av 2012, inkl. opphold som gjesteprofessor ved Centre for Industrial Ecology ved Yale University i USA (2003/2004) og ved MIT Portugal Programme, IST i Lisboa (2010/2011). Han har siden 2001 vært medredaktør for tidsskriftet Journal of Industrial Ecology og var med å stifte International Society for Industrial Ecology. Fra og med januar 2013 hadde han sin hovedstilling som professor i Industriell økologi ved Institutt for energi og prosessteknikk (EPT) på NTNU, og fra 2017 til 2023 har han vært leder for satsingsområdet NTNU Bærekraft og arbeidspakkeleder i forskningssenteret for nullutslippsområder (FME ZEN). Han er fra starten av 2025 pensjonert, professor emeritus.
Brattebø har undervist en rekke emner i miljøteknologi og industriell økologi. I sin forskning arbeidet han i starten av karrieren med prosesser for rensing av drikkevann og avløpsvann, og metodikk innen industriell renere produksjon. De senere år har han forsket på problemstillinger i industriell økologi og miljøsystemanalyse, anvendt på ulike infrastruktursystemer - herunder avfall, vannforsyning og avløp, bruer, bygningsmasse, og fjernvarmenett. En viktig problemstilling har vært å undersøke hvordan slik infrastruktur i samfunnet presterer miljømessig og økonomisk i et livsløpsperspektiv, og hva som er viktige faktorer for forbedringer. Denne forskningen innebærer modellutvikling, dynamiske simuleringer og systemanalyse av material-, energi- og avfallsstrømmer, og deres konsekvenser mht utslipp, miljø og kostnad. Som et eksempel leder han nå forskningsarbeidet på livsløpsanalyse i forskningssenteret Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities.
Brattebø har vært hoved- og medforfatter av ca. 120 forskningsartikler i internasjonale journaler, og har 38 i scopus h-indeks. Han har vært veileder for ca 80 masteroppgaver og 25 phd-oppgaver.
Rousseau, Lola Sylvie Annie;
Næss, Jan Sandstad;
Carrer, Fabio;
Amini, Sara;
Brattebø, Helge;
Hertwich, Edgar.
Reducing material use and their greenhouse gas emissions in Greater Oslo.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Korpås, Magnus;
Wolfgang, Ove;
Brattebø, Helge.
Regneregler for utslipp knyttet til strøm.
Nord, Natasa;
Tereshchenko, Tymofii;
Woszczek, Aleksandra;
Næss, Jan Sandstad;
Sandberg, Nina Holck;
Mohseni Pahlavan, Hamed.
A dynamic modelling approach to explore zero emission building stock opportunities towards 2050 – Case study of a university campus.
Energy and Buildings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mattson, Kim Rainer;
Pettersen, Johan Berg;
Brattebø, Helge.
Incineration economy: Waste management policy failing the circular economy transition in Norway.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhuravchak, Ruslan;
Nord, Natasa;
Brattebø, Helge.
The effect of building attributes on the energy performance at a scale: an inferential analysis.
Building Research & Information
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lausselet, Carine;
Crawford, Robert H.;
Brattebø, Helge.
Hybrid life cycle assessment at the neighbourhood scale: The case of Ydalir, Norway.
Cleaner Engineering and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ding, Yiyu;
Timoudas, Thomas Ohlson;
Wang, Qian;
Chen, Shuqin;
Brattebø, Helge;
Nord, Natasa.
A study on data-driven hybrid heating load prediction methods in low-temperature district heating: An example for nursing homes in Nordic countries.
Energy Conversion and Management
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lausselet, Carine;
Rokseth, Lillian Sve;
Lien, Synne Krekling;
Bergsdal, Håvard;
Tønnesen, J.;
Brattebø, Helge.
Geo-referenced building stock analysis as a basis for local-level energy and climate mitigation strategies.
Energy and Buildings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skaar, Christofer;
Lausselet, Carine;
Bergsdal, Håvard;
Brattebø, Helge.
Towards a LCA Database for the Planning and Design of Zero-Emissions Neighborhoods.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ding, Yiyu;
Brattebø, Helge;
Nord, Natasa.
A systematic approach for data analysis and prediction methods for annual energy profiles: An example for school buildings in Norway.
Energy and Buildings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ding, Yiyu;
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Cao, Guangyu;
Brattebø, Helge;
Nord, Natasa.
Analysis of electricity use and economic impacts for buildings with electric heating under lockdown conditions: examples for educational buildings and residential buildings in Norway.
Sustainable Cities and Society (SCS)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lausselet, Carine;
Brattebø, Helge.
Environmental co-benefits and trade-offs of climate mitigation strategies applied to net-zero-emission neighbourhoods.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sandberg, Nina Holck;
Næss, Jan Sandstad;
Brattebø, Helge;
Andresen, Inger;
Gustavsen, Arild.
Large potentials for energy saving and greenhouse gas emission reductions from large-scale deployment of zero emission building technologies in a national building stock.
Energy Policy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhuravchak, Ruslan;
Pedrero, Raquel Alonso;
Crespo del Granado, Pedro;
Nord, Natasa;
Brattebø, Helge.
Top-down spatially-explicit probabilistic estimation of building energy performance at a scale.
Energy and Buildings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Resch, Eirik;
Andresen, Inger;
Cherubini, Francesco;
Brattebø, Helge.
Estimating dynamic climate change effects of material use in buildings — Timing, uncertainty, and emission sources.
Building and Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lausselet, Carine;
Lund, Kristi Marie;
Brattebø, Helge.
LCA and scenario analysis of a Norwegian net-zero GHG emission neighbourhood: The importance of mobility and surplus energy from PV technologies.
Building and Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Resch, Eirik;
Lausselet, Carine;
Brattebø, Helge;
Andresen, Inger.
An analytical method for evaluating and visualizing embodied carbon emissions of buildings.
Building and Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
de Sadeleer, Irmeline;
Brattebø, Helge;
Callewaert, Peter Guido.
Waste prevention, energy recovery or recycling - Directions for household food waste management in light of Circular Economy policy .
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lausselet, Carine;
Ellingsen, Linda Ager-Wick;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Brattebø, Helge.
A life-cycle assessment model for zero emission neighborhoods.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth ;
Selvig, Eivind;
Fuglseth, Mie Sparby;
Lausselet, Carine;
Resch, Eirik;
Andresen, Inger.
GHG emission requirements and benchmark values in Norwegian building codes.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Deshpande, Paritosh;
Skaar, Christofer;
Brattebø, Helge;
Fet, Annik Magerholm.
Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) method for assessing the sustainability of end-of-life alternatives for waste plastics: A case study of Norway.
Science of the Total Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Liljenström, Carolina;
Miliutenko, Sofiia;
O'Born, Reyn Joseph;
Brattebø, Helge;
Birgisdottir, Harpa;
Toller, Susanna.
Life cycle assessment as decision-support in choice of road corridor: case study and stakeholder perspectives.
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lausselet, Carine;
Urrego, Johana Paola Forero;
Resch, Eirik;
Brattebø, Helge.
Temporal analysis of the material flows and embodied greenhouse gas emissions of a neighborhood building stock.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Resch, Eirik;
Brattebø, Helge;
Andresen, Inger.
Embodied emission profiles of building types: Guidance for emission reduction in the early phases of construction projects.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Booto, Gaylord Kabongo;
Marinelli, Giuseppe;
Brattebø, Helge;
Bohne, Rolf André.
Reducing fuel consumption and emissions through optimization of the vertical alignment of a road: A case study of a heavy-duty truck on the Norwegian Highway Route E39.
European Transport / Trasporti Europei
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Deshpande, Paritosh;
Brattebø, Helge;
Fet, Annik Magerholm.
A method to extract fishers’ knowledge (FK) to generate evidence for sustainable management of fishing gears.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ding, Yiyu;
Brattebø, Helge;
Nord, Natasa.
Energy analysis and energy planning for kindergartens based on data analysis.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth ;
Fufa, Selamawit Mamo;
Andresen, Inger;
Brattebø, Helge;
Gustavsen, Arild.
A Norwegian zero emission neighbourhood (ZEN) definition and a ZEN key performance indicator (KPI) tool.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhuravchak, Ruslan;
Nord, Natasa;
Brattebø, Helge.
Built Stock Explorer – an interactive platform for data-driven energy planning.
REHVA European HVAC Journal
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Nord, Natasa;
Sandberg, Nina Holck;
Ngo, Min Huy;
Nesgård, Eirik Andre;
Woszczek, Aleksandra;
Tereshchenko, Tymofii.
Future energy pathways for a university campus considering possibilities for energy efficiency improvements.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vignisdottir, Hrefna Run;
Ebrahimi, Babak;
Booto, Gaylord Kabongo;
O'Born, Reyn Joseph;
Brattebø, Helge;
Wallbaum, Holger.
A review of environmental impacts of winter road maintenance.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Moschetti, Roberta;
Brattebø, Helge;
Sparrevik, Magnus.
Exploring the pathway from zero-energy to zero-emission building solutions: A case study of a Norwegian office building.
Energy and Buildings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lausselet, Carine;
Borgnes, Vilde Sorkmo;
Brattebø, Helge.
LCA modelling for Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in early stage planning.
Building and Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhuravchak, Ruslan;
Nord, Natasa;
Brattebø, Helge.
Control strategy for battery-supported photovoltaic systems aimed at peak load reduction.
E3S Web of Conferences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Booto, Gaylord Kabongo;
O'Born, Reyn Joseph;
Ebrahimi, Babak;
Vignisdottir, Hrefna Run;
Brattebø, Helge;
Pitera, Kelly.
Road Planning and Route Alignment Selection Criteria in the Norwegian Context.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Yttersian, Vidar Lind;
Mie, Fuglseth;
Lausselet, Carine;
Brattebø, Helge.
OmrådeLCA, assessment of area development: Case study of the Zero-Emission Neighbourhood Ydalir.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Deshpande, Paritosh;
Philis, Gaspard;
Brattebø, Helge;
Fet, Annik Magerholm.
Using Material Flow Analysis (MFA) to generate the evidence on plastic waste management from commercial fishing gears in Norway.
Resources, Conservation & Recycling: X
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Booto, Gaylord Kabongo;
Vignisdottir, Hrefna Run;
Marinelli, Giuseppe;
Brattebø, Helge;
Bohne, Rolf André.
Optimizing Road Gradients Regarding Earthwork Cost,
Fuel Cost, and Tank-to-Wheel Emissions.
Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A: Systems
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhuravchak, Ruslan;
Nord, Natasa;
Brattebø, Helge.
Influence of emerging technologies deployment in residential built stock on electric energy cost and grid load.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vignisdottir, Hrefna Run;
Ebrahimi, Babak;
Booto, Gaylord Kabongo;
O'Born, Reyn Joseph;
Brattebø, Helge;
Wallbaum, Holger.
Life cycle assessment of winter road maintenance.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lund, Kristi Marie;
Lausselet, Carine;
Brattebø, Helge.
LCA of the Zero Emission Neighbourhood Ydalir.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kristjansdottir, Torhildur Fjola;
Houlihan Wiberg, Aoife Anne Marie;
Andresen, Inger;
Georges, Laurent;
Heeren, Niko;
Good, Clara.
Is a net life cycle balance for energy and materials achievable for a zero emission single-family building in Norway?.
Energy and Buildings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Moschetti, Roberta;
Brattebø, Helge;
Skeie, Kristian;
Lien, Anne Gunnarshaug.
Performing quantitative analyses towards sustainable business models in building energy renovation projects: Analytic process and case study.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Oliveira, Rita Vasconcellos ;
Thorseth, May;
Brattebø, Helge.
The Potential Of Co-Benefits In Climate Change Mitigation Strategy: An opportunity for Environmental and Social Justice.
Journal of Social Sciences Naresuan University
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brattebø, Helge;
Lifset, Reid.
Winners of the 2016 Graedel Prizes: The Journal of Industrial Ecology Best Paper Prizes.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Hamilton, Helen Ann;
Brod, Eva;
Hanserud, Ola Stedje;
Müller, Daniel Beat;
Brattebø, Helge;
Haraldsen, Trond.
Recycling potential of secondary phosphorus resources as assessed by integrating substance flow analysis and plant-availability.
Science of the Total Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kacprzak, Małgorzata;
Neczaj, Eva;
Fijałkowski, Krzysztof;
Grobelak, Anna;
Grosser, Anna;
Worwag, Małgorzata.
Sewage sludge disposal strategies for sustainable development.
Environmental Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kristjansdottir, Torhildur Fjola;
Heeren, Niko;
Andresen, Inger;
Brattebø, Helge.
Comparative emission analysis of low-energy and zero-emission buildings.
Building Research & Information
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Grosser, Anna;
Neczaj, Eva;
Singh, Bal Ram;
Almås, Åsgeir R.;
Brattebø, Helge;
Kacprzak, Małgorzata.
Anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge with grease trap sludge and municipal solid waste as co-substrates.
Environmental Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sandberg, Nina Holck;
Sartori, Igor;
Vestrum, Magnus Inderberg;
Brattebø, Helge.
Using a segmented dynamic dwelling stock model for scenario analysis of future energy demand: The dwelling stock of Norway 2016–2050.
Energy and Buildings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hanserud, Ola Stedje;
Lyng, Kari-Anne;
de Vries, Jerke W.;
Øgaard, Anne K. Falk;
Brattebø, Helge.
Redistributing Phosphorus in Animal Manure from a Livestock-Intensive Region to an Arable Region: Exploration of Environmental Consequences.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Moschetti, Roberta;
Brattebø, Helge.
Combining life cycle environmental and economic assessments in building energy renovation projects.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hanserud, Ola Stedje;
Cherubini, Francesco;
Øgaard, Anne Falk;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Brattebø, Helge.
Choice of mineral fertilizer substitution principle strongly influences LCA environmental benefits of nutrient cycling in the agri-food system.
Science of the Total Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hanserud, Ola Stedje;
Brod, Eva;
Øgaard, Anne Falk;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Brattebø, Helge.
Erratum to: A multi-regional soil phosphorus balance for exploring secondary fertilizer potential: the case of Norway (Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst, (2016), 104, (307?320), 10.1007/s10705-015-9721-6).
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge;
Sægrov, Sveinung;
Behzadian, Kourosh;
Kapelan, Zoran.
Metabolism-modelling approaches to long-term sustainability assessment of urban water services.
Urban Water Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Moschetti, Roberta;
Brattebø, Helge.
Sustainable business models for deep energy retrofitting of buildings: state-of-the-art and methodological approach.
Energy Procedia
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brattebø, Helge;
Lifset, Reid.
Winners of the 2015 Graedel Prizes: The JIE Best Paper Prizes.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
O'Born, Reyn Joseph;
Brattebø, Helge;
Iversen, Ole Magnus Kålås;
Miliutenko, Sofiia;
Potting, Jose.
Quantifying energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions of road infrastructure projects: An LCA case study of the Oslo fjord crossing in Norway.
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sandberg, Nina Holck;
Sartori, Igor;
Vestrum, Magnus Inderberg;
Brattebø, Helge.
Explaining the historical energy use in dwelling stocks with a segmented dynamic model: case study of Norway 1960-2015.
Energy and Buildings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sartori, Igor;
Sandberg, Nina Holck;
Brattebø, Helge.
Dynamic building stock modelling: General algorithm and exemplification for Norway.
Energy and Buildings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hamilton, Helen Ann;
Brod, Eva;
Hanserud, Ola Stedje;
Gracey, Erik Olav;
Vestrum, Magnus Inderberg;
Bøen, Anne.
Investigating cross-sectoral synergies through integrated aquaculture, fisheries and agriculture phosphorus assessments: A case study of Norway.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sandberg, Nina Holck;
Sartori, Igor;
Heidrich, Oliver;
Dawson, Richard;
Dascalaki, Elena;
Dimitriou, Stella.
Dynamic building stock modelling: Application to 11 European countries to support the energy efficiency and retrofit ambitions of the EU.
Energy and Buildings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hanserud, Ola Stedje;
Brod, Eva;
Øgaard, Anne K. Falk;
Müller, Daniel Beat;
Brattebø, Helge.
A multi-regional soil phosphorus balance for exploring secondary fertilizer potential: the case of Norway.
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brattebø, Helge;
Lifset, Reid.
Winners of the 2014 Graedel Prizes: The JIE Best Paper Prizes.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Hamilton, Helen Ann;
Peverill, M. Samantha;
Müller, Daniel Beat;
Brattebø, Helge.
Assessment of food waste prevention and recycling strategies using a multi-layer systems approach.
Environmental Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brattebø, Helge;
Lifset, Reid.
Introducing First Winners of the Graedel
Prize - The JIE Best Paper Prizes
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Gallardo, Carla;
Sandberg, Nina Holck;
Brattebø, Helge.
Dynamic-MFA examination of Chilean housing stock: long-term changes and earthquake damage.
Building Research & Information
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Slagstad, Helene;
Brattebø, Helge.
Life cycle assessment of the water and wastewater system in Trondheim, Norway - A case study.
Urban Water Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Chan, Arthur;
Brattebø, Helge.
Understanding the water-energy-carbon nexus in urban water utilities: Comparison of four city case studies and the relevant influencing factors.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Behzadian, Kourosh;
Kapelan, Zoran;
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge;
Sægrov, Sveinung;
Rozos, Envangelos.
Urban water system metabolism assessment using WaterMet2 model.
Procedia Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sandberg, Nina Holck;
Sartori, Igor;
Brattebø, Helge.
Using a dynamic segmented model to examine future renovation activities in the Norwegian dwelling stock.
Energy and Buildings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zappone, Mariantonia;
Fiore, Silvia;
Guiseppe, Genon;
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge;
Meucci, L.
Life cycle energy and GHG emission within the turin metropolitan area urban water cycle.
Procedia Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Miliutenko, Sofiia;
Kluts, Ingeborg;
Lundberg, Kristina;
Toller, Susanna;
Brattebø, Helge;
Birgirsdottir, Harpa.
Consideration of life cycle energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in road infrastructure planning processes: Examples of Sweden, Norway, Denmarks and The Netherlands.
Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
Exploring urban mines: pipe length and material stocks in urban water and wastewater networks.
Urban Water Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sandberg, Nina Holck;
Sartori, Igor;
Brattebø, Helge.
Sensitivity analysis in long-term dynamic building stock modeling - Exploring the importance of uncertainty of input parameters in Norwegian segmented dwelling stock model.
Energy and Buildings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge.
Studying the demand-side vis-à-vis the supply-side of urban water systems –Case study of Oslo, Norway.
Environmental technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Behzadian, Kourosh;
Kapellan, Zoran;
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge;
Sægrov, Sveinung.
WaterMet2: a tool for integrated analysis of sustainability-based performance of urban water systems.
Drinking Water Engineering and Science (DWES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Sægrov, Sveinung;
Brattebø, Helge.
Dynamic metabolism modeling of urban water services - demonstrating effectiveness as a decision-support tool for Oslo, Norway.
Water Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergsdal, Håvard;
Brattebø, Helge;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
Dynamic material flow analysis for PCBs in the Norwegian building stock.
Building Research & Information
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Ugarelli, Rita Maria;
Sægrov, Sveinung;
Brattebø, Helge.
Dynamic metabolism modeling as a decision-support tool for urban water utilities applied to the upstream of the water system in Oslo, Norway.
Procedia Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hammervold, Johanne;
Brattebø, Helge;
Reenaas, Marte.
Environmental life cycle assessment of bridges.
Journal of Bridge Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Müller, Daniel Beat;
Liu, Gang;
Løvik, Amund Nordli;
Modaresi, Roja;
Steinhoff, Franciska Senta;
Pauliuk, Stefan.
Carbon Emissions of Infrastructure Development.
Environmental Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Slagstad, Helene;
Brattebø, Helge.
Influence of assumptions about household waste composition in waste management LCAs.
Waste Management
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge.
Typifying cities to streamline the selection of relevant environmental sustainability indicators for urban water supply and sewage handling systems - a recommendation".
Environment, Development and Sustainability
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Slagstad, Helene;
Brattebø, Helge.
LCA for household waste management when planning a new urban settlement.
Waste Management
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sandberg, Nina Kristine Holck;
Brattebø, Helge.
Analysis of energy and carbon flows in the future Norwegian dwelling stock.
Building Research & Information
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge.
Looking for order in the maze of urban water and wastewater pipeline networks.
Arquitectura, Ciudad y Entorno
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge.
Environmental impact analysis of chemicals and energy consumption in water treatment plants: Case study of Oslo, Norway.
Water Supply
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge.
Assessment of environmental impacts of an ageing and saturated water supply pipeline network - City of Oslo, 1991-2006.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brattebø, Helge;
Reenaas, Marte.
Comparing CO2 and NOx emissions from a district heating system with mass-burn waste incineration versus likely alternative solutions - City of Trondheim, 1986-2009.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge.
Energy consumption, costs and environmental impacts for urban water cycle services: Case study of Oslo (Norway).
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sandberg, Nina Kristine Holck;
Bergsdal, Håvard;
Brattebø, Helge.
Historical energy analysis of the Norwegian dwelling stock.
Building Research & Information
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Hammervold, Johanne;
Brattebø, Helge.
Methodology for determining life-cycle environmental impacts due to material and energy flows in wastewater pipeline networks: A case study of Oslo (Norway).
Urban Water Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge.
Environmental impact analysis of chemicals and energy consumption in wastewater treatment plants: Case study of Oslo, Norway.
Water Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge.
Analysis of chemicals and energy consumption in water and wastewater treatment, as cost components: Case study of Oslo, Norway.
Urban Water Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge.
Å teste hypotesen om at ”Power Law” kan knyttes til
ledningsnettverk for vann- og avløpssystemer i byer.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ugarelli, Rita Maria;
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge;
Di Federico, Vittorio;
Sægrov, Sveinung.
Historical analysis of blockages in wastewater pipelines in Oslo and diagnosis of causative pipeline characteristics.
Urban Water Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ugarelli, Rita Maria;
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge;
Di Federico, Vittorio;
Sægrov, Sveinung.
Asset Management for Urban Wastewater Pipeline Networks.
Journal of Infrastructure Systems
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Hammervold, Johanne;
Brattebø, Helge.
Combined MFA-LCA for Analysis of Wastewater Pipeline Networks Case Study of Oslo, Norway.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brattebø, Helge;
Bergsdal, Håvard;
Sandberg, Nina Kristine Holck;
Hammervold, Johanne;
Müller, Daniel B..
Exploring built environment stock metabolism and sustainability by systems analysis approaches.
Building Research & Information
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge.
Changes in material flows, treatment efficiencies and shifting of environmental loads in the wastewater treatment sector. Part I: Case study of the Netherlands.
Environmental technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge.
Changes in material flows, treatment efficiencies and shifting of environmental loads in the wastewater treatment sector. Part II: Case study of Norway.
Environmental technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ugarelli, Rita;
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge;
Sægrov, Sveinung.
Importance of investment decisions and rehabilitation approaches in an ageing wastewater pipeline network. A case study of Oslo (Norway).
Water Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sartori, Igor;
Bergsdal, Håvard;
Müller, Daniel B.;
Brattebø, Helge.
Towards modelling of construction, renovation and demolition activities: Norway's dwelling stock, 1900-2100.
Building Research & Information
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bohne, Rolf André;
Brattebø, Helge;
Bergsdal, Håvard.
Dynamic Eco-Efficiency Projections for Construction and Demolition Waste Recycling Strategies at the City Level.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Klang, Anders Brandén;
Vikman, Per-Åke;
Brattebø, Helge.
Sustainable management of combustible household waste - Expanding the integrated evaluation model.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergsdal, Håvard;
Bohne, Rolf André;
Brattebø, Helge.
Projection of Waste Amounts from the C&D-Industry in Norway.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergsdal, Håvard;
Brattebø, Helge;
Bohne, Rolf André;
Müller, Daniel B..
Dynamic material flow analysis for Norway's dwelling stock.
Building Research & Information
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergsdal, Håvard;
Bohne, Rolf André;
Brattebø, Helge.
Projection of Construction and Demolition Waste in Norway.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Klang, Anders;
Vikman, Per-Åke;
Brattebø, Helge.
Systems analysis as support for decision making towards sustainable municipal waste management - a case study.
Waste Management & Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brattebø, Helge.
Toward a Methods Framework for Eco-efficiency Analysis?.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Klang, Anders;
Vikman, Per-Åke;
Brattebø, Helge.
Sustainable management of demolition waste - an integrated model for the evaluation of environmental, economic and social aspects.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brattebø, Helge.
Industrial Ecology and Education.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Solem, Knut Erik;
Brattebø, Helge.
Industrial Ecology As a Strategic Instrument for Sustainability.
The International Journal for Manufacturing Science and Production
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Solem, Knut Erik;
Brattebø, Helge.
Industrial Ecology as an Instrument of Sustainability.
Sustainable Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brattebø, Helge;
Solem, Knut Erik.
Industrial Ecology As a Strategic Instrument for Sustainability.
The International Journal for Manufacturing Science and Production
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Marstrander, Rolf;
Brattebø, Helge;
Røine, Kjetil;
Støren, Sigurd.
Teaching Industrial Ecology to Graduate Students - Experiences at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Støren, Sigurd;
Brattebø, Helge;
Røine, Kjetil;
Marstrander, Rolf.
Teaching Industrial Ecology to Graduate Students. Experiences at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brattebø, Helge.
Industrial Economics and Systems-Based Concepts on Clean Technology.
EMERGO : Journal of Transforming Economies and Societies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brattebø, Helge.
New Technologies for Small Wastewater Treatment Plants.
New World Water
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ødegaard, Hallvard;
Brattebø, Helge;
Halle, Ola.
Removal of Humic Substances by Ion Exchange.
Advances in Chemistry Series
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brattebø, Helge;
Ødegaard, Hallvard;
Halle, Ola.
Ion Exchange and the Removal of Humic Acids in Water Treatment.
Water Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brattebø, Helge;
Ødegaard, Hallvard.
Phosphorous Removal by Granular Activated Alumina.
Water Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ødegaard, Hallvard;
Brattebø, Helge;
Eikebrokk, Bjørnar;
Thorsen, Thor.
Advanced Techniques for the Removal of Humic Substances in Potable Water.
Water Supply
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rousseau, Lola Sylvie Annie;
Næss, Jan Sandstad;
Carrer, Fabio;
Amini, Sara;
Brattebø, Helge;
Hertwich, Edgar.
Reducing material use and their greenhouse gas emissions in Greater Oslo.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nord, Natasa;
Tereshchenko, Tymofii;
Woszczek, Aleksandra;
Næss, Jan Sandstad;
Sandberg, Nina Holck;
Mohseni Pahlavan, Hamed.
A dynamic modelling approach to explore zero emission building stock opportunities towards 2050 – Case study of a university campus.
Energy and Buildings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mattson, Kim Rainer;
Pettersen, Johan Berg;
Brattebø, Helge.
Incineration economy: Waste management policy failing the circular economy transition in Norway.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhuravchak, Ruslan;
Nord, Natasa;
Brattebø, Helge.
The effect of building attributes on the energy performance at a scale: an inferential analysis.
Building Research & Information
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lausselet, Carine;
Crawford, Robert H.;
Brattebø, Helge.
Hybrid life cycle assessment at the neighbourhood scale: The case of Ydalir, Norway.
Cleaner Engineering and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ding, Yiyu;
Timoudas, Thomas Ohlson;
Wang, Qian;
Chen, Shuqin;
Brattebø, Helge;
Nord, Natasa.
A study on data-driven hybrid heating load prediction methods in low-temperature district heating: An example for nursing homes in Nordic countries.
Energy Conversion and Management
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lausselet, Carine;
Rokseth, Lillian Sve;
Lien, Synne Krekling;
Bergsdal, Håvard;
Tønnesen, J.;
Brattebø, Helge.
Geo-referenced building stock analysis as a basis for local-level energy and climate mitigation strategies.
Energy and Buildings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skaar, Christofer;
Lausselet, Carine;
Bergsdal, Håvard;
Brattebø, Helge.
Towards a LCA Database for the Planning and Design of Zero-Emissions Neighborhoods.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ding, Yiyu;
Brattebø, Helge;
Nord, Natasa.
A systematic approach for data analysis and prediction methods for annual energy profiles: An example for school buildings in Norway.
Energy and Buildings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ding, Yiyu;
Ivanko, Dmytro;
Cao, Guangyu;
Brattebø, Helge;
Nord, Natasa.
Analysis of electricity use and economic impacts for buildings with electric heating under lockdown conditions: examples for educational buildings and residential buildings in Norway.
Sustainable Cities and Society (SCS)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lausselet, Carine;
Brattebø, Helge.
Environmental co-benefits and trade-offs of climate mitigation strategies applied to net-zero-emission neighbourhoods.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sandberg, Nina Holck;
Næss, Jan Sandstad;
Brattebø, Helge;
Andresen, Inger;
Gustavsen, Arild.
Large potentials for energy saving and greenhouse gas emission reductions from large-scale deployment of zero emission building technologies in a national building stock.
Energy Policy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhuravchak, Ruslan;
Pedrero, Raquel Alonso;
Crespo del Granado, Pedro;
Nord, Natasa;
Brattebø, Helge.
Top-down spatially-explicit probabilistic estimation of building energy performance at a scale.
Energy and Buildings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Resch, Eirik;
Andresen, Inger;
Cherubini, Francesco;
Brattebø, Helge.
Estimating dynamic climate change effects of material use in buildings — Timing, uncertainty, and emission sources.
Building and Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lausselet, Carine;
Lund, Kristi Marie;
Brattebø, Helge.
LCA and scenario analysis of a Norwegian net-zero GHG emission neighbourhood: The importance of mobility and surplus energy from PV technologies.
Building and Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Resch, Eirik;
Lausselet, Carine;
Brattebø, Helge;
Andresen, Inger.
An analytical method for evaluating and visualizing embodied carbon emissions of buildings.
Building and Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
de Sadeleer, Irmeline;
Brattebø, Helge;
Callewaert, Peter Guido.
Waste prevention, energy recovery or recycling - Directions for household food waste management in light of Circular Economy policy .
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lausselet, Carine;
Ellingsen, Linda Ager-Wick;
Strømman, Anders Hammer;
Brattebø, Helge.
A life-cycle assessment model for zero emission neighborhoods.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth ;
Selvig, Eivind;
Fuglseth, Mie Sparby;
Lausselet, Carine;
Resch, Eirik;
Andresen, Inger.
GHG emission requirements and benchmark values in Norwegian building codes.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Deshpande, Paritosh;
Skaar, Christofer;
Brattebø, Helge;
Fet, Annik Magerholm.
Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) method for assessing the sustainability of end-of-life alternatives for waste plastics: A case study of Norway.
Science of the Total Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Liljenström, Carolina;
Miliutenko, Sofiia;
O'Born, Reyn Joseph;
Brattebø, Helge;
Birgisdottir, Harpa;
Toller, Susanna.
Life cycle assessment as decision-support in choice of road corridor: case study and stakeholder perspectives.
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lausselet, Carine;
Urrego, Johana Paola Forero;
Resch, Eirik;
Brattebø, Helge.
Temporal analysis of the material flows and embodied greenhouse gas emissions of a neighborhood building stock.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Resch, Eirik;
Brattebø, Helge;
Andresen, Inger.
Embodied emission profiles of building types: Guidance for emission reduction in the early phases of construction projects.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Booto, Gaylord Kabongo;
Marinelli, Giuseppe;
Brattebø, Helge;
Bohne, Rolf André.
Reducing fuel consumption and emissions through optimization of the vertical alignment of a road: A case study of a heavy-duty truck on the Norwegian Highway Route E39.
European Transport / Trasporti Europei
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Deshpande, Paritosh;
Brattebø, Helge;
Fet, Annik Magerholm.
A method to extract fishers’ knowledge (FK) to generate evidence for sustainable management of fishing gears.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ding, Yiyu;
Brattebø, Helge;
Nord, Natasa.
Energy analysis and energy planning for kindergartens based on data analysis.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth ;
Fufa, Selamawit Mamo;
Andresen, Inger;
Brattebø, Helge;
Gustavsen, Arild.
A Norwegian zero emission neighbourhood (ZEN) definition and a ZEN key performance indicator (KPI) tool.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhuravchak, Ruslan;
Nord, Natasa;
Brattebø, Helge.
Built Stock Explorer – an interactive platform for data-driven energy planning.
REHVA European HVAC Journal
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Nord, Natasa;
Sandberg, Nina Holck;
Ngo, Min Huy;
Nesgård, Eirik Andre;
Woszczek, Aleksandra;
Tereshchenko, Tymofii.
Future energy pathways for a university campus considering possibilities for energy efficiency improvements.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vignisdottir, Hrefna Run;
Ebrahimi, Babak;
Booto, Gaylord Kabongo;
O'Born, Reyn Joseph;
Brattebø, Helge;
Wallbaum, Holger.
A review of environmental impacts of winter road maintenance.
Cold Regions Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Moschetti, Roberta;
Brattebø, Helge;
Sparrevik, Magnus.
Exploring the pathway from zero-energy to zero-emission building solutions: A case study of a Norwegian office building.
Energy and Buildings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lausselet, Carine;
Borgnes, Vilde Sorkmo;
Brattebø, Helge.
LCA modelling for Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in early stage planning.
Building and Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhuravchak, Ruslan;
Nord, Natasa;
Brattebø, Helge.
Control strategy for battery-supported photovoltaic systems aimed at peak load reduction.
E3S Web of Conferences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Booto, Gaylord Kabongo;
O'Born, Reyn Joseph;
Ebrahimi, Babak;
Vignisdottir, Hrefna Run;
Brattebø, Helge;
Pitera, Kelly.
Road Planning and Route Alignment Selection Criteria in the Norwegian Context.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Yttersian, Vidar Lind;
Mie, Fuglseth;
Lausselet, Carine;
Brattebø, Helge.
OmrådeLCA, assessment of area development: Case study of the Zero-Emission Neighbourhood Ydalir.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Deshpande, Paritosh;
Philis, Gaspard;
Brattebø, Helge;
Fet, Annik Magerholm.
Using Material Flow Analysis (MFA) to generate the evidence on plastic waste management from commercial fishing gears in Norway.
Resources, Conservation & Recycling: X
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Booto, Gaylord Kabongo;
Vignisdottir, Hrefna Run;
Marinelli, Giuseppe;
Brattebø, Helge;
Bohne, Rolf André.
Optimizing Road Gradients Regarding Earthwork Cost,
Fuel Cost, and Tank-to-Wheel Emissions.
Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A: Systems
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhuravchak, Ruslan;
Nord, Natasa;
Brattebø, Helge.
Influence of emerging technologies deployment in residential built stock on electric energy cost and grid load.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vignisdottir, Hrefna Run;
Ebrahimi, Babak;
Booto, Gaylord Kabongo;
O'Born, Reyn Joseph;
Brattebø, Helge;
Wallbaum, Holger.
Life cycle assessment of winter road maintenance.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lund, Kristi Marie;
Lausselet, Carine;
Brattebø, Helge.
LCA of the Zero Emission Neighbourhood Ydalir.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kristjansdottir, Torhildur Fjola;
Houlihan Wiberg, Aoife Anne Marie;
Andresen, Inger;
Georges, Laurent;
Heeren, Niko;
Good, Clara.
Is a net life cycle balance for energy and materials achievable for a zero emission single-family building in Norway?.
Energy and Buildings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Moschetti, Roberta;
Brattebø, Helge;
Skeie, Kristian;
Lien, Anne Gunnarshaug.
Performing quantitative analyses towards sustainable business models in building energy renovation projects: Analytic process and case study.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Oliveira, Rita Vasconcellos ;
Thorseth, May;
Brattebø, Helge.
The Potential Of Co-Benefits In Climate Change Mitigation Strategy: An opportunity for Environmental and Social Justice.
Journal of Social Sciences Naresuan University
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brattebø, Helge;
Lifset, Reid.
Winners of the 2016 Graedel Prizes: The Journal of Industrial Ecology Best Paper Prizes.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Hamilton, Helen Ann;
Brod, Eva;
Hanserud, Ola Stedje;
Müller, Daniel Beat;
Brattebø, Helge;
Haraldsen, Trond.
Recycling potential of secondary phosphorus resources as assessed by integrating substance flow analysis and plant-availability.
Science of the Total Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kacprzak, Małgorzata;
Neczaj, Eva;
Fijałkowski, Krzysztof;
Grobelak, Anna;
Grosser, Anna;
Worwag, Małgorzata.
Sewage sludge disposal strategies for sustainable development.
Environmental Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kristjansdottir, Torhildur Fjola;
Heeren, Niko;
Andresen, Inger;
Brattebø, Helge.
Comparative emission analysis of low-energy and zero-emission buildings.
Building Research & Information
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Grosser, Anna;
Neczaj, Eva;
Singh, Bal Ram;
Almås, Åsgeir R.;
Brattebø, Helge;
Kacprzak, Małgorzata.
Anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge with grease trap sludge and municipal solid waste as co-substrates.
Environmental Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sandberg, Nina Holck;
Sartori, Igor;
Vestrum, Magnus Inderberg;
Brattebø, Helge.
Using a segmented dynamic dwelling stock model for scenario analysis of future energy demand: The dwelling stock of Norway 2016–2050.
Energy and Buildings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hanserud, Ola Stedje;
Lyng, Kari-Anne;
de Vries, Jerke W.;
Øgaard, Anne K. Falk;
Brattebø, Helge.
Redistributing Phosphorus in Animal Manure from a Livestock-Intensive Region to an Arable Region: Exploration of Environmental Consequences.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Moschetti, Roberta;
Brattebø, Helge.
Combining life cycle environmental and economic assessments in building energy renovation projects.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hanserud, Ola Stedje;
Cherubini, Francesco;
Øgaard, Anne Falk;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Brattebø, Helge.
Choice of mineral fertilizer substitution principle strongly influences LCA environmental benefits of nutrient cycling in the agri-food system.
Science of the Total Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hanserud, Ola Stedje;
Brod, Eva;
Øgaard, Anne Falk;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Brattebø, Helge.
Erratum to: A multi-regional soil phosphorus balance for exploring secondary fertilizer potential: the case of Norway (Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst, (2016), 104, (307?320), 10.1007/s10705-015-9721-6).
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge;
Sægrov, Sveinung;
Behzadian, Kourosh;
Kapelan, Zoran.
Metabolism-modelling approaches to long-term sustainability assessment of urban water services.
Urban Water Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Moschetti, Roberta;
Brattebø, Helge.
Sustainable business models for deep energy retrofitting of buildings: state-of-the-art and methodological approach.
Energy Procedia
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brattebø, Helge;
Lifset, Reid.
Winners of the 2015 Graedel Prizes: The JIE Best Paper Prizes.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
O'Born, Reyn Joseph;
Brattebø, Helge;
Iversen, Ole Magnus Kålås;
Miliutenko, Sofiia;
Potting, Jose.
Quantifying energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions of road infrastructure projects: An LCA case study of the Oslo fjord crossing in Norway.
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sandberg, Nina Holck;
Sartori, Igor;
Vestrum, Magnus Inderberg;
Brattebø, Helge.
Explaining the historical energy use in dwelling stocks with a segmented dynamic model: case study of Norway 1960-2015.
Energy and Buildings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sartori, Igor;
Sandberg, Nina Holck;
Brattebø, Helge.
Dynamic building stock modelling: General algorithm and exemplification for Norway.
Energy and Buildings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hamilton, Helen Ann;
Brod, Eva;
Hanserud, Ola Stedje;
Gracey, Erik Olav;
Vestrum, Magnus Inderberg;
Bøen, Anne.
Investigating cross-sectoral synergies through integrated aquaculture, fisheries and agriculture phosphorus assessments: A case study of Norway.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sandberg, Nina Holck;
Sartori, Igor;
Heidrich, Oliver;
Dawson, Richard;
Dascalaki, Elena;
Dimitriou, Stella.
Dynamic building stock modelling: Application to 11 European countries to support the energy efficiency and retrofit ambitions of the EU.
Energy and Buildings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hanserud, Ola Stedje;
Brod, Eva;
Øgaard, Anne K. Falk;
Müller, Daniel Beat;
Brattebø, Helge.
A multi-regional soil phosphorus balance for exploring secondary fertilizer potential: the case of Norway.
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brattebø, Helge;
Lifset, Reid.
Winners of the 2014 Graedel Prizes: The JIE Best Paper Prizes.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Hamilton, Helen Ann;
Peverill, M. Samantha;
Müller, Daniel Beat;
Brattebø, Helge.
Assessment of food waste prevention and recycling strategies using a multi-layer systems approach.
Environmental Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brattebø, Helge;
Lifset, Reid.
Introducing First Winners of the Graedel
Prize - The JIE Best Paper Prizes
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Gallardo, Carla;
Sandberg, Nina Holck;
Brattebø, Helge.
Dynamic-MFA examination of Chilean housing stock: long-term changes and earthquake damage.
Building Research & Information
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Slagstad, Helene;
Brattebø, Helge.
Life cycle assessment of the water and wastewater system in Trondheim, Norway - A case study.
Urban Water Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Chan, Arthur;
Brattebø, Helge.
Understanding the water-energy-carbon nexus in urban water utilities: Comparison of four city case studies and the relevant influencing factors.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Behzadian, Kourosh;
Kapelan, Zoran;
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge;
Sægrov, Sveinung;
Rozos, Envangelos.
Urban water system metabolism assessment using WaterMet2 model.
Procedia Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sandberg, Nina Holck;
Sartori, Igor;
Brattebø, Helge.
Using a dynamic segmented model to examine future renovation activities in the Norwegian dwelling stock.
Energy and Buildings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zappone, Mariantonia;
Fiore, Silvia;
Guiseppe, Genon;
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge;
Meucci, L.
Life cycle energy and GHG emission within the turin metropolitan area urban water cycle.
Procedia Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Miliutenko, Sofiia;
Kluts, Ingeborg;
Lundberg, Kristina;
Toller, Susanna;
Brattebø, Helge;
Birgirsdottir, Harpa.
Consideration of life cycle energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in road infrastructure planning processes: Examples of Sweden, Norway, Denmarks and The Netherlands.
Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Pauliuk, Stefan;
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
Exploring urban mines: pipe length and material stocks in urban water and wastewater networks.
Urban Water Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sandberg, Nina Holck;
Sartori, Igor;
Brattebø, Helge.
Sensitivity analysis in long-term dynamic building stock modeling - Exploring the importance of uncertainty of input parameters in Norwegian segmented dwelling stock model.
Energy and Buildings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge.
Studying the demand-side vis-à-vis the supply-side of urban water systems –Case study of Oslo, Norway.
Environmental technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Behzadian, Kourosh;
Kapellan, Zoran;
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge;
Sægrov, Sveinung.
WaterMet2: a tool for integrated analysis of sustainability-based performance of urban water systems.
Drinking Water Engineering and Science (DWES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Sægrov, Sveinung;
Brattebø, Helge.
Dynamic metabolism modeling of urban water services - demonstrating effectiveness as a decision-support tool for Oslo, Norway.
Water Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergsdal, Håvard;
Brattebø, Helge;
Müller, Daniel Beat.
Dynamic material flow analysis for PCBs in the Norwegian building stock.
Building Research & Information
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Ugarelli, Rita Maria;
Sægrov, Sveinung;
Brattebø, Helge.
Dynamic metabolism modeling as a decision-support tool for urban water utilities applied to the upstream of the water system in Oslo, Norway.
Procedia Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hammervold, Johanne;
Brattebø, Helge;
Reenaas, Marte.
Environmental life cycle assessment of bridges.
Journal of Bridge Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Müller, Daniel Beat;
Liu, Gang;
Løvik, Amund Nordli;
Modaresi, Roja;
Steinhoff, Franciska Senta;
Pauliuk, Stefan.
Carbon Emissions of Infrastructure Development.
Environmental Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Slagstad, Helene;
Brattebø, Helge.
Influence of assumptions about household waste composition in waste management LCAs.
Waste Management
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge.
Typifying cities to streamline the selection of relevant environmental sustainability indicators for urban water supply and sewage handling systems - a recommendation".
Environment, Development and Sustainability
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Slagstad, Helene;
Brattebø, Helge.
LCA for household waste management when planning a new urban settlement.
Waste Management
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sandberg, Nina Kristine Holck;
Brattebø, Helge.
Analysis of energy and carbon flows in the future Norwegian dwelling stock.
Building Research & Information
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge.
Looking for order in the maze of urban water and wastewater pipeline networks.
Arquitectura, Ciudad y Entorno
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge.
Environmental impact analysis of chemicals and energy consumption in water treatment plants: Case study of Oslo, Norway.
Water Supply
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge.
Assessment of environmental impacts of an ageing and saturated water supply pipeline network - City of Oslo, 1991-2006.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brattebø, Helge;
Reenaas, Marte.
Comparing CO2 and NOx emissions from a district heating system with mass-burn waste incineration versus likely alternative solutions - City of Trondheim, 1986-2009.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge.
Energy consumption, costs and environmental impacts for urban water cycle services: Case study of Oslo (Norway).
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sandberg, Nina Kristine Holck;
Bergsdal, Håvard;
Brattebø, Helge.
Historical energy analysis of the Norwegian dwelling stock.
Building Research & Information
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Hammervold, Johanne;
Brattebø, Helge.
Methodology for determining life-cycle environmental impacts due to material and energy flows in wastewater pipeline networks: A case study of Oslo (Norway).
Urban Water Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge.
Environmental impact analysis of chemicals and energy consumption in wastewater treatment plants: Case study of Oslo, Norway.
Water Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge.
Analysis of chemicals and energy consumption in water and wastewater treatment, as cost components: Case study of Oslo, Norway.
Urban Water Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge.
Å teste hypotesen om at ”Power Law” kan knyttes til
ledningsnettverk for vann- og avløpssystemer i byer.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ugarelli, Rita Maria;
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge;
Di Federico, Vittorio;
Sægrov, Sveinung.
Historical analysis of blockages in wastewater pipelines in Oslo and diagnosis of causative pipeline characteristics.
Urban Water Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ugarelli, Rita Maria;
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge;
Di Federico, Vittorio;
Sægrov, Sveinung.
Asset Management for Urban Wastewater Pipeline Networks.
Journal of Infrastructure Systems
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Hammervold, Johanne;
Brattebø, Helge.
Combined MFA-LCA for Analysis of Wastewater Pipeline Networks Case Study of Oslo, Norway.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brattebø, Helge;
Bergsdal, Håvard;
Sandberg, Nina Kristine Holck;
Hammervold, Johanne;
Müller, Daniel B..
Exploring built environment stock metabolism and sustainability by systems analysis approaches.
Building Research & Information
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge.
Changes in material flows, treatment efficiencies and shifting of environmental loads in the wastewater treatment sector. Part I: Case study of the Netherlands.
Environmental technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge.
Changes in material flows, treatment efficiencies and shifting of environmental loads in the wastewater treatment sector. Part II: Case study of Norway.
Environmental technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ugarelli, Rita;
Govindarajan, Venkatesh;
Brattebø, Helge;
Sægrov, Sveinung.
Importance of investment decisions and rehabilitation approaches in an ageing wastewater pipeline network. A case study of Oslo (Norway).
Water Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sartori, Igor;
Bergsdal, Håvard;
Müller, Daniel B.;
Brattebø, Helge.
Towards modelling of construction, renovation and demolition activities: Norway's dwelling stock, 1900-2100.
Building Research & Information
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bohne, Rolf André;
Brattebø, Helge;
Bergsdal, Håvard.
Dynamic Eco-Efficiency Projections for Construction and Demolition Waste Recycling Strategies at the City Level.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Klang, Anders Brandén;
Vikman, Per-Åke;
Brattebø, Helge.
Sustainable management of combustible household waste - Expanding the integrated evaluation model.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergsdal, Håvard;
Bohne, Rolf André;
Brattebø, Helge.
Projection of Waste Amounts from the C&D-Industry in Norway.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergsdal, Håvard;
Brattebø, Helge;
Bohne, Rolf André;
Müller, Daniel B..
Dynamic material flow analysis for Norway's dwelling stock.
Building Research & Information
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergsdal, Håvard;
Bohne, Rolf André;
Brattebø, Helge.
Projection of Construction and Demolition Waste in Norway.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Klang, Anders;
Vikman, Per-Åke;
Brattebø, Helge.
Systems analysis as support for decision making towards sustainable municipal waste management - a case study.
Waste Management & Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brattebø, Helge.
Toward a Methods Framework for Eco-efficiency Analysis?.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Klang, Anders;
Vikman, Per-Åke;
Brattebø, Helge.
Sustainable management of demolition waste - an integrated model for the evaluation of environmental, economic and social aspects.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brattebø, Helge.
Industrial Ecology and Education.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Solem, Knut Erik;
Brattebø, Helge.
Industrial Ecology As a Strategic Instrument for Sustainability.
The International Journal for Manufacturing Science and Production
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Solem, Knut Erik;
Brattebø, Helge.
Industrial Ecology as an Instrument of Sustainability.
Sustainable Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brattebø, Helge;
Solem, Knut Erik.
Industrial Ecology As a Strategic Instrument for Sustainability.
The International Journal for Manufacturing Science and Production
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Marstrander, Rolf;
Brattebø, Helge;
Røine, Kjetil;
Støren, Sigurd.
Teaching Industrial Ecology to Graduate Students - Experiences at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Støren, Sigurd;
Brattebø, Helge;
Røine, Kjetil;
Marstrander, Rolf.
Teaching Industrial Ecology to Graduate Students. Experiences at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brattebø, Helge.
Industrial Economics and Systems-Based Concepts on Clean Technology.
EMERGO : Journal of Transforming Economies and Societies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brattebø, Helge.
New Technologies for Small Wastewater Treatment Plants.
New World Water
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ødegaard, Hallvard;
Brattebø, Helge;
Halle, Ola.
Removal of Humic Substances by Ion Exchange.
Advances in Chemistry Series
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brattebø, Helge;
Ødegaard, Hallvard;
Halle, Ola.
Ion Exchange and the Removal of Humic Acids in Water Treatment.
Water Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brattebø, Helge;
Ødegaard, Hallvard.
Phosphorous Removal by Granular Activated Alumina.
Water Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ødegaard, Hallvard;
Brattebø, Helge;
Eikebrokk, Bjørnar;
Thorsen, Thor.
Advanced Techniques for the Removal of Humic Substances in Potable Water.
Water Supply
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Korpås, Magnus;
Wolfgang, Ove;
Brattebø, Helge.
Regneregler for utslipp knyttet til strøm.
Jeg er siden starten av 2024 bare biveileder for enkelte MSc- og PhD-studenter.
Faglig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2024) Energistyring i skolebygg i Bærum kommune. Bærum kommune Avslutningskonferanse DatSam , Sandvika 2024-08-19 -
Faglig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2024) Energistyring i skolebygg i Bærum kommune. Kommunenes Sentralforbund Bærekraftsfredag , Digitalt 2024-05-31 -
Faglig foredragAalmen, Simon Holtet; Brattebø, Helge. (2024) Innhold i masteroppgave om energibruk i skolebygg i Bærum. Bærum kommune H4 Ekstern workshop - DATSAM 2024-04-22 -
Vitenskapelig foredragMattson, Kim Rainer; Pettersen, Johan Berg; Brattebø, Helge. (2024) Incineration Economy: Waste Management Policy Failing the Circular Economy Transition. Technical University of Denmark 4th Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Waste , Helsingør 2024-06-11 - 2024-06-14
Faglig foredragWiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth ; Brattebø, Helge. (2024) Hva innebærer et nullutslippsområde?. NTNU FME ZEN sluttkonferanse , Fornebu 2024-09-27 -
Vitenskapelig foredragRousseau, Lola Sylvie Annie; Næss, Jan Sandstad; Carrer, Fabio; Amini, Sara; Brattebø, Helge; Hertwich, Edgar. (2024) Reducing material use and their greenhouse gas emissions in the Greater Oslo Area, Norway. Stefan Pauliuk (International Society for Industrial Ecology - Socioeconomic Metabolism section) The ISIE Socioeconomic Metabolism perpetual online conference - Session 17: Scenario modelling of urban metabolism – recent progress and research trends , Online (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1o0fLKfG1U) 2024-11-06 - 2024-11-06
Vitenskapelig foredragRousseau, Lola Sylvie Annie; Næss, Jan Sandstad; Carrer, Fabio; Amini, Sara; Brattebø, Helge; Hertwich, Edgar. (2024) Build environments role in defining mobility patterns - Reducing material use and their greenhouse gas emissions in the Greater Oslo. FME ZEN ZEN-Lunch Lecture , Online (https://fmezen.com/category/videos-and-presentations/) 2024-11-13 - 2024-11-13
PosterRousseau, Lola Sylvie Annie; Carrer, Fabio; Amini, Sara; Næss, Jan Sandstad; Brattebø, Helge; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2024) Transforming the residential buildings in the Greater Oslo: using less materials and getting rid of cars?. Gordon Research Seminar & Gordon Research Conference - Industrial Ecology 2024-05-25 - 2024-05-31
Vitenskapelig foredragKorpås, Magnus; Brattebø, Helge. (2024) Vurdering av utslippsfaktorer for strøm ved beregning for ZEN-prosjekter. FME ZEN FME ZEN lunsjforedrag , Online 2024-01-31 - 2024-01-31
Vitenskapelig foredragNæss, Jan Sandstad; Mattson, Kim Rainer; Brattebø, Helge; Hertwich, Edgar G.. (2024) Allocation of emissions from waste incineration with energy recovery in life cycle assessments of the built environment. SETAC Europe 26th LCA Symposium 2024-10-22 -
Vitenskapelig foredragNord, Natasa; Tereshchenko, Tymofii; Mohseni, Hamed; Næss, Jan Sandstad; Sandberg, Nina Holck; Brattebø, Helge. (2022) Future Energy Pathways for a University Campus Considering Possibilities for Energy Efficiency Improvements. The Society of Thermal Engineers of Serbia The VIII Regional Conference "Industrial Energy and Environmental Protection in the Countries of Southeast Europe" , Beograd 2022-11-08 - 2022-11-10
PosterLausselet, Carine; Lund, Kristi Marie; Brattebø, Helge. (2019) Greenhouse gas emission scenario analysis for zero-emissions neighbourhood projects: Methodology and case study. 9th International Conference on Life Cycle Management 2019-09-01 - 2019-09-04
Vitenskapelig foredragLausselet, Carine; Forero Urrego, Johana Poala; Brattebø, Helge. (2019) Combination of dynamic MFA and LCA to assess Zero Emission Neighbourhoods. 13th Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) - Socio-Economic Metabolism Section 2019-05-13 - 2019-05-15
Vitenskapelig foredragDing, Yiyu; Brattebø, Helge; Nord, Natasa. (2019) Energy analysis and energy planning for kindergartens based on data analysis. NTNU conference 1st Nordic Conference On Zero Emission and Plus Energy Buildings 2019 , Trondheim 2019-11-06 - 2019-11-07
Vitenskapelig foredragDing, Yiyu; Brattebø, Helge; Nord, Natasa. (2019) Energy analysis and energy planning for kindergartens based on data analysis. Journal of Applied Energy International Conference On Applied Energy 2019 , Västerås 2019-08-12 - 2019-08-15
Vitenskapelig foredragZhuravchak, Ruslan; Nord, Natasa; Brattebø, Helge. (2019) Control strategy for battery-supported photovoltaic systems aimed at peak load reduction. REHVA 13th REHVA World Congress CLIMA 2019 , Bucharest 2019-05-26 - 2019-05-29
Vitenskapelig foredragZhuravchak, Ruslan; Nord, Natasa; Brattebø, Helge. (2019) Influence of emerging technologies deployment in residential built stock on electric energy cost and grid load. NTNU 1st Nordic Conference on Zero Emission and Plus Energy Buildings 2019 , Trondheim 2019-11-06 - 2019-11-07
Faglig foredragSandberg, Nina Holck; Næss, Jan Sandstad; Gustavsen, Arild; Andresen, Inger; Brattebø, Helge. (2019) Scenario modelling of long-term development in energy use in building stocks. International Energy Research Centre (IERC) Enerconf , Cork 2019-06-19 - 2019-06-19
Vitenskapelig foredragSandberg, Nina Holck; Næss, Jan Sandstad; Gustavsen, Arild; Andresen, Inger; Brattebø, Helge. (2019) Estimating the aggregated energy savings from large-scale introduction of zero emission buildings the Norwegian building stock. 1st Nordic Conference on Zero Emission and Plus Energy Buildings 2019-11-06 - 2019-11-07
Vitenskapelig foredragSandberg, Nina Holck; Pedrero, Raquel Alonso; Rønneseth, Øystein; Sartori, Igor; Brattebø, Helge. (2019) Simulation vs Measurements. A comparison of calculated and empirical energy data for the Norwegian building Stock. 1st Nordic Conference on Zero Emission and Plus Energy Buildings 2019-11-06 - 2019-11-07
Vitenskapelig foredragLausselet, Carine; Urrego, Johana Paola Forero; Brattebø, Helge. (2019) Combination of dynamic material flow and life-cycle analyses to assess Zero Emission Neighbourhoods. First Nordic Conference on Zero Emission and Plus Energy Buildings 2019-11-06 - 2019-11-08
Vitenskapelig foredragPedrero, Raquel Alonso; Sandberg, Nina Holck; Brattebø, Helge. (2019) Use of GIS for energy modelling of Trondheim’s building stock. 1st Nordic Conference on Zero Emission and Plus Energy Buildings 2019-11-06 - 2019-11-07
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2018) Utfordringene og mulighetene knyttet til plast og plastavfall slik vi kjenner det i dag. NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet NTNU Kveld - Hva kan erstatte plast? , Dokkhuset Trondheim 2018-10-23 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragDing, Yiyu; Ngo, Huy; Nesgård, Eirik Andre; Woszczek, Aleksandra; Sandberg, Nina Holck; Nord, Natasa. (2018) Energy efficiency measures at NTNU campus Gløshaugen by use of BPS. VVS Dagene 2018-10-18 - 2018-10-18
ProgramdeltagelseOttesen, Vegar; Haugen, Randi Wenche; Brattebø, Helge. (2018) Hva kan erstatte plast?. NTNU Kveld NTNU Kveld [TV] 2018-10-23
PosterLausselet, Carine; Brattebø, Helge; Strømman, Anders Hammer. (2018) LCA methods for zero emission neighbourhood concepts in smart cities: Technological improvements, user behaviour and functional unit . Gordon Research Conference on Industrial Ecology 2018-05-20 - 2018-05-25
Faglig foredragLausselet, Carine; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Brattebø, Helge. (2018) A novel LCA model for the zero emission neighbourhood concept. SETAC SETAC Europe 24th LCA symposium , Wien 2018-09-24 - 2018-09-26
Faglig foredragWyckmans, Annemie; Krogstie, John; Brattebø, Helge; Houlihan Wiberg, Aoife Anne Marie. (2017) WP1 Analytical Framework for Design and Planning of ZEN. ZEN + Fraunhofer ZEN Study trip Fraunhofer , Freiburg 2017-02-15 - 2017-02-15
Vitenskapelig foredragMoschetti, Roberta; Brattebø, Helge; Skeie, Kristian Stenerud; Lien, Anne Gunnarshaug. (2017) Integration of sustainability analyses into business models for deep energy renovation of buildings: a case study in Norway. World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2017. Transforming Our Built Environment through Innovation and Integration: Putting Ideas into Action , Hong Kong 2017-06-05 - 2017-06-07
PosterLausselet, Carine; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Wyckmans, Annemie; Brattebø, Helge. (2017) LCA methods for zero emission neighbourhood concepts in smart cities. ISIE/ISST 2017 Joint Conference , Chicago 2017-06-25 - 2017-06-29
PosterLausselet, Carine; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Wyckmans, Annemie; Brattebø, Helge. (2017) LCA methods for zero emission neighbourhood concepts in smart cities. Life Cycle Management (LCM) Conference 2017-09-03 - 2017-09-06
Vitenskapelig foredragMoschetti, Roberta; Brattebø, Helge. (2017) Life-cycle environmental and economic assessment of nearly zero-energy buildings: A case study in Norway. 2017 Joint Conference ISIE and ISSST 2017-06-26 - 2017-06-29
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge; Sandberg, Nina Holck; Vestrum, Magnus Inderberg; Sartori, Igor. (2017) Using a segmented dynamic stock mkodel for scenario analysis of future energy demand and GHG emissions from dwelling stocks. 2017 Joint Covference ISIE and ISSST , Chicago 2017-06-26 - 2017-06-29
Faglig foredragWyckmans, Annemie; Brattebø, Helge; Krogstie, John; Houlihan Wiberg, Aoife Anne Marie. (2017) WP 1 Analytical framework for design and planning of ZEN . ZEN + EnergyVille ZEN Study trip EnergyVille , Genk 2017-02-14 - 2017-02-14
Faglig foredragWyckmans, Annemie; Krogstie, John; Ahlers, Dirk; Brattebø, Helge; Houlihan Wiberg, Aoife Anne Marie. (2017) WP 1 Analytical Framework for Design and Planning of ZEN. ZEN ZEN-styremøte , Oslo 2017-09-14 - 2017-09-15
Faglig foredragWyckmans, Annemie; Krogstie, John; Ahlers, Dirk; Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth ; Fufa, Selamawit Mamo; Brattebø, Helge. (2017) ZEN WP1 Arbeidsplan 2018-2019. ZEN ZEN-partnermøte , Trondheim 2017-11-21 - 2017-11-22
Vitenskapelig foredragBooto, Gaylord Kabongo; Bohne, Rolf André; Vignisdottir, Hrefna; Pitera, Kelly; Marinelli, Giuseppe; Brattebø, Helge. (2017) The effect of highway geometry on fuel consumption of heavy-duty vehicles operating in eco-driving mode. 10th Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways and Airfields International Conference (BCRRA 2017) , Athens 2017-06-28 - 2017-06-30
Faglig foredragWyckmans, Annemie; Krogstie, John; Ahlers, Dirk; Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth ; Brattebø, Helge; Fufa, Selamawit Mamo. (2017) Status i ZEN-arbeidspakke 1. ZEN ZEN-partnermøte , Trondheim 2017-11-21 - 2017-11-22
Vitenskapelig foredragVestrum, Magnus Inderberg; Sandberg, Nina Holck; Brattebø, Helge. (2017) The effects of economic versus physical accounting when estimating greenhouse gas emissions from electricity consumed in a system with Guarantee of Origin to promote green power production. 2017 Joint Conference ISIE and ISSST - Science in Support of Sustainable and Resilient Communities , Chicago, IL 2017-06-25 - 2017-06-29
Vitenskapelig foredragSaxegård, Simon Alexander; Brattebø, Helge. (2016) Resource recovery and life cycle assessment in co-treatment of organic waste substrates for biogas versus incineration value chains in Poland and Norway. Engineering Conferences International Life Cycle Assessment and other Assessment Tools for Waste Management and Resource Optimization , Cetraro (Calabria, Italia) 2016-06-05 - 2016-06-10
PosterGrosser, Anna; Neczaj, Eva; Singh, Bal Ram; Almås, Åsgeir R.; Brattebø, Helge; Kacprzak, Małgorzata. (2016) Anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge with grease trap sludge and municipal solid waste as co-substrates. ASSM 2016 5th International Conference on Advances in Sustainable Sewage Sludge Management (ASSM 2016) , Krakow 2016-09-18 - 2016-09-21
Faglig foredragMoschetti, Roberta; Brattebø, Helge. (2016) Sustainable business models for deep energy retrofitting of buildings: state-of-the-art and methodological approach. Finnish Association of Civil Engineers RIL SBE16 Build Green and Renovate Deep , Tallinn & Helsinki 2016-10-05 - 2016-10-07
Faglig foredragSægrov, Sveinung; Brattebø, Helge; Ugarelli, Rita Maria. (2016) How to assess sustainability of urban water cycle systems (UWCS). Development of a metering methodology. Univeresity of Peradiniya ICSBE 2017 , Kandy 2016-12-16 - 2016-12-18
Faglig foredragMoschetti, Roberta; Brattebø, Helge. (2016) Business models for sustainability in construction of nearly zero-energy buildings and deep energy refurbishment of existing buildings. Vrije Universiteit Brussel Workshop: embracing the variety of sustainable business models , Brussels 2016-05-13 -
Vitenskapelig foredragKacprzak, Małgorzata; Bien, January; Neczaj, Eva; Grosser, Anna; Fijałkowski, Krzysztof; Worwag, Marta. (2015) Sewage Sludge Disposal Strategies for Sustainable Development. 10th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems 2015-09-27 -
Vitenskapelig foredragHanserud, Ola Stedje; Brod, Eva; Øgaard, Anne K. Falk; Müller, Daniel Beat; Brattebø, Helge. (2015) A multi-regional soil phosphorus balance for exploring secondary fertilizer potentials – the case of Norway. International Society of Industrial Ecology The ISIE Conference 2015 - Taking stock of Industrial Ecology , University of Surrey, Guildford 2015-07-07 - 2015-07-10
PosterOliveira, Rita Vasconcellos ; Bouman, Evert; Brattebø, Helge. (2015) The influence of the personal value frame in LCA. International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE biennial conference , Guildford 2015-07-06 - 2015-07-10
PosterSægrov, Sveinung; Brattebø, Helge; Alegre, Helena. (2015) How to assess sustainability of urban water cycle systems (UWCS), development of a metering methodology. IWA International Water Association IWA Cities of the future , Mulheim 2015-04-28 - 2015-04-30
PosterSægrov, Sveinung; Brattebø, Helge; Govindarajan, Venkatesh; Ugarelli, Rita Maria; Behzadian, Kourosh; Kapelan, Zoran. (2015) Metabolism-modelling approaches support long-term sustainability assessment pf urban water service, scenario 2040 for oslo as model city. IWA International Water Association IWA Cities of the future , Mulheim 2015-04-28 - 2015-04-30
Faglig foredragHanserud, Ola Stedje; Brod, Eva; Brattebø, Helge. (2014) A regional-scale soil phosphorus balance for exploring mineral fertilizer substitution potentials – the case of Norway. Sustainable Phosphorus Conference , Montpellier, France 2014-09-01 - 2014-09-03
Vitenskapelig foredragGovindarajan, Venkatesh; Brattebø, Helge. (2013) Analysing the flows of materials, energy and money associated with water consumption in households in Oslo vis-a-vis the water treatment / supply and wastewater transport/treatment sub-systems: Case study for year-2009. International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE - 2013 , Ulsan 2013-06-25 - 2013-06-28
Vitenskapelig foredragGovindarajan, Venkatesh; Brattebø, Helge. (2013) Analysis of stocks and flows in Indian households associated with water consumption. International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE - 2013 , Ulsan 2013-06-25 - 2013-06-28
Vitenskapelig foredragUgarelli, Rita Maria; Venkatesh, G; Brattebø, Helge; Sægrov, Sveinung; Di Federico, V. (2010) Estimation of service life of pipes – alternative measures to prevent blockages and flooding events in the wastewater network in Oslo VAV. IWA IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition, Montreal, September 2010 , MONTREAL 2010-09-20 -
Vitenskapelig foredragHammervold, Johanne; Müller, Daniel B.; Pauliuk, Stefan; Brattebø, Helge. (2010) Norwegian Bridges: stock characteristics and development. International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE MFA-ConAccount Meeting , Tokyo 2010-11-07 - 2010-11-09
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge; Govindarajan, Venkatesh; Ugarelli, Rita Maria; Sægrov, Sveinung. (2010) Sustainability of Urban Water Cycle Services. A Subsystem of Urban Metabolism - Case of Oslo. International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE MFA-ConAccount Meeting , Tokyo 2010-11-07 - 2010-11-09
PosterGovindarajan, Venkatesh; Brattebø, Helge. (2010) Energy in the scheme of things in the operation and maintenance phase of the water and wastewater system in Oslo, Norway. Gordon-Kenan Research Conference Committee, USA Gordon Research Conference 2010 , New London, New Hampshire (NH) 2010-07-10 - 2010-07-15
Vitenskapelig foredragGovindarajan, Venkatesh; Brattebø, Helge. (2009) ‘Taking stock of the water and wastewater system in Oslo – an Industrial Ecology approach’. International Society for Industrial Ecology, Yale, USA International Conference of Industrial Ecology , Lisbon 2009-06-21 - 2009-06-24
Vitenskapelig foredragBergsdal, Håvard; Sartori, Igor; Müller, Daniel B.; Brattebø, Helge. (2008) An approach to modeling renovation activity in the residential building stock. ConAccount ConAccount 2008 , Praha 2008-09-11 - 2008-09-12
Vitenskapelig foredragGovindarajan, Venkatesh; Brattebø, Helge. (2008) MFA – bedrock of optimisation of expenditure in an ageing wastewater pipeline network (Oslo case study). ConAccount committee ConAccount Conference , Praha 2008-09-11 - 2008-09-13
Vitenskapelig foredragBohne, Rolf André; Bergsdal, Håvard; Brattebø, Helge; Holck-steen, Nina. (2007) Dynamic eco-efficiency for analyzing sustainable housing. ISIE 2007 International ISIE Conference , Toronto 2007-06-17 - 2007-06-20
Vitenskapelig foredragBohne, Rolf André; Brattebø, Helge; Bergsdal, Håvard. (2007) MFA as a tool in policymaking processes - Experience from the revision of Norway’s National Action Plan for Construction and Demolition Waste. ISIE 2007 International ISIE Conference , Toronto 2007-06-17 - 2007-06-20
Vitenskapelig foredragBergsdal, Håvard; Brattebø, Helge; Sartori, Igor; Müller, Daniel B.; Bohne, Rolf André. (2007) Modeling strategies of C&D activities and materials in Norway’s residential building stock. NTNU, Vann- og miljøteknikk Stocks and Flows of the Urban Built Environment , Trondheim 2007-10-11 - 2007-10-13
Vitenskapelig foredragGovindarajan, Venkatesh; Brattebø, Helge. (2007) Wastewater pipeline network in Oslo – Rejuvenation, Upgradation and Improvement in Level of Service. NTNU International Stocks and Flows in Urban Settings Workshop , Orkanger 2007-10-09 - 2007-10-12
Vitenskapelig foredragBergsdal, Håvard; Brattebø, Helge; Bohne, Rolf André; Müller, Daniel B.. (2007) Industrial Ecology Improves the Understanding of Dynamics in the Future C&D Waste Management System. International Society for Industrial Ecoloy (ISIE) 2007 International ISIE Conference , Toronto 2007-06-17 - 2007-06-20
Vitenskapelig foredragBergsdal, Håvard; Solli, Christian; Brattebø, Helge; Holck-steen, Nina; Bohne, Rolf André; Strømman, Anders Hammer. (2007) Combining Dynamic MFA and IO-LCA in Studies of Material and Energy Flows in the Built Environment - Outline of an approach. International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) 2007 ISIE International Conference , Toronto 2007-06-17 - 2007-06-20
PosterGovindarajan, Venkatesh; Brattebø, Helge. (2007) Taking stock of the wastewater/water pipeline network in Oslo. Department of Vann og Miljø, NTNU International Stocks and Flows in Urban Settings Workshop , Orkanger 2007-10-09 - 2007-10-12
Vitenskapelig foredragBergsdal, Håvard; Brattebø, Helge; Bohne, Rolf André; Müller, Daniel B.. (2006) A dynamic MFA-approach to modeling future C&D waste management and material supply systems in Norway. IFF Institute for Social Ecology, Klagenfurt University 2006 ConAccount Meeting , Wien 2006-09-13 - 2006-09-14
Vitenskapelig foredragBohne, Rolf André; Brattebø, Helge; Bergsdal, Håvard. (2006) Hvor mye BA-avfall blir det i framtiden? Hvordan kan vi forvente oss at mengdene og sammensetningen av avfallet vil endre seg?. Byggenæringens Landsforening Nasjonal Handlingsplan for Bygge- og Anleggsavfall 2006 - På'n igjen! , Oslo 2006-05-10 - 2006-05-10
Vitenskapelig foredragBohne, Rolf André; Bergsdal, Håvard; Brattebø, Helge; Hovde, Per Jostein. (2006) ESTIMATION OF THE SERVICE LIFE OF RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS, AND BUILDING COMPONENTS, IN NORWAY. TU Wien og Lebensministerium Austria Towards the City Surface of Tomorrow , Wien 2006-06-08 - 2006-06-09
Vitenskapelig foredragBohne, Rolf André; Brattebø, Helge; Bergsdal, Håvard; Hovde, Per Jostein. (2006) Dynamic eco-efficiency analysis for energy inflows to the Norwegian dwelling system during 1960-2000. CML - Center for Environmental Sciences, Leiden University 2nd International Conference on Quantified Eco-Efficiency Analysis for Sustainability , Egmond aan Zee 2006-06-28 - 2006-06-30
PosterBergsdal, Håvard; Brattebø, Helge; Bohne, Rolf André; Johansen, Marius; Müller, Daniel B.. (2006) Eco-Efficiency and Energy Flows in Building Systems – The role of System Dynamics. CML - Center for Environmental Sciences, Leiden University 2nd International Conference on Quantified Eco-Efficiency Analysis for Sustainability , Egmond aan Zee 2006-06-28 - 2006-06-30
PosterBergsdal, Håvard; Brattebø, Helge; Bohne, Rolf André; Müller, Daniel B.. (2006) Eco-Efficiency and Material Flows in Building Systems – The Critical Role of System and Modeling Dynamics. CML - Institute of Environmental Sciences, Leiden University 2nd International Conference on Quantified Eco-Efficiency Analysis for Sustainability , Egmond aan Zee 2006-06-28 - 2006-06-30
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2005) Bygningsmassens materialstrømmer og avfallshåndtering. Lunds Universitet, IIIEE Innovative partnerskap for hållbar regional utveckling , Landskrona 2005-11-16 - 2005-11-17
PosterBrattebø, Helge; Bergsdal, Håvard; Bohne, Rolf Andre. (2005) Industrial ecology for the built environment. Part 1: MFA dynamics of the Norwegian dwelling stock. KTH Stockholm International Society for Industrial Ecology Meeting , Stockholm 2005-06-12 - 2005-06-15
PosterBohne, Rolf Andre; Bergsdal, Håvard; Brattebø, Helge. (2005) Limits to success - How far should waste be transported in recycling systems?. International Society of Industrial Ecology International Society of Industrial Ecology 2005 Conference , Stockholm 2005-06-12 - 2005-06-15
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge; Bergsdal, Håvard; Bohne, Rolf Andre; Müller, Daniel B.. (2005) Dynamic Material Flow Analysis for Construction and Demolition Waste in Norway - MFA Challenges in Modelling Methodology and Data Availability. Yale University, Centre for Industrial Ecology Data Scope and Data Structures for National Material Accounts , New Haven, CT 2005-09-20 - 2005-09-22
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge; Bergsdal, Håvard; Bohne, Rolf Andre; Strømman, Anders Hammer. (2005) Industrial ecology tools for built environment. Part II: Dynamic Analysis of Metabolism and Waste Strategies in the Norwegian Dwelling System. KTH Stockholm International Society for Industrial Ecology International Meeting , Stockholm 2005-06-12 - 2005-06-15
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2005) Industrial ecology for built environment. Tsinghua University Gjesteforelesning , Beijing 2005-03-18 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge; Bohne, Rolf Andre. (2005) Industriell økologi for det bygde miljø. BNL-NHO Fagseminar Byggenæringens Landsforbund , Oslo 2005-06-03 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBohne, Rolf Andre; Brattebø, Helge; Bergsdal, Håvard. (2004) A consistent framework for the evaluation of strategies for recycling of C&D waste, based on Eco-Efficiency. CML Leiden The 1st International Eco-Efficiency Conference , CML Leiden 2004-04-01 - 2004-04-03
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2004) Key methods in industrial ecology: Materials Flow Analysis. Slovak University of Technology Workshop on Industrial Ecology , Bratislava 2004-12-10 - 2004-12-11
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2004) Dynamics of stocks and flows and environmental impacts for built environment. Slovak University of Technology Workshop on Industrial Ecology , Bratislava 2004-12-10 - 2004-12-11
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge; Solem, Håvard. (2004) Using MFA, CBA and production functions modelling for eco-efficiency optimisation in recycling systems. CML Leiden 1st International Eco-Efficiency Conference , Leiden 2004-04-01 - 2004-04-03
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2004) Industrial ecology in an international perspective. Program for industriell økologi, NTNU IndEcol Jubilee Conference , Trondheim 2004-03-31 - 2004-03-31
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2004) Industrial Ecology as an interdisciplinary emerging field in science and technology. Slovak University of Technology Workshop on Industrial Ecology , Bratislava 2004-12-10 - 2004-12-11
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2004) Multi-Scale Analysis - Dimensions of industrial ecosystems. Yale University, Centre for Industrial Ecology Industrial Symbiosis Research Symposium , New Haven 2004-01-07 - 2004-01-09
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2004) Eco-efficiency models for recycling systems. Program for industriell økologi, NTNU IndEcol Jubilee Conference , Trondheim 2004-03-31 - 2004-03-31
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2004) Avfallshåndtering - Hvor står vi?. Program for industriell økologi, NTNU IndEcol Jubilee Conference , Trondheim 2004-03-31 - 2004-03-31
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2004) Introduction to environmental life cycle assessment. Yale University, Centre for Industrial Ecology Industrial Ecology course , New Haven 2004-02-11 - 2004-02-11
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2004) Industrial Ecology Principles and Methods in Materials and Waste Management. Mitthögskolan Avd. Ekoteknik Eco-technique seminar series , Östersund 2004-12-07 - 2004-12-07
PosterBohne, Rolf Andre; Bergsdal, Håvard; Brattebø, Helge. (2004) Dynamic eco-efficiency modelling for recycling of Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste. Directorate General Joint Research Centre Integrated Waste Management & Life Cycle Assessment , Hotel Praha, Praha 2004-04-15 - 2004-04-16
PosterBohne, Rolf Andre; Bergsdal, Håvard; Brattebø, Helge. (2004) Eco-efficiency as a tool to optimize performance of a recycling system for C&D waste. The case of Trondheim, Norway. GRC The Gordon Research Conference on Industrial Ecology 2004 , Queens College Oxford 2004-08-01 - 2004-08-06
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2004) De gjør Norge grønnere - Om industriell økologi og resten av ingeniørvitenskapen. NTNU og Trøndelag teater Lørdagsuniversitetet , Trondheim 2004-12-04 - 2004-12-04
PosterBrattebø, Helge; Heie, Aage. (2003) Fagtilbudet i restproduktteknikk ved NTNU. Avfallskonferansen 2003 , Trondheim Spektrum. 2003-04-29 -
PosterBrattebø, Helge; Heie, Aage. (2003) Restproduktteknikk og industriell økologi. Avfallskonferansen 2003 , Trondheim Spektrum 2003-04-29 -
PosterBrattebø, Helge. (2003) Tilnærmingene ved Program for industriell økologi. Avfallskonferansen 2003 , Trondheim Spektrum 2003-04-29 -
PosterBrattebø, Helge; Bohne, Rolf Andre. (2003) Future C&D waste recycling in Norway - Learning from Danish experience?. Avfallskonferansen 2003 , Trondheim Spektrum 2003-04-29 -
PosterBrattebø, Helge. (2003) Om NTNU's Program for industriell økologi. Avfallskonferansen 2003 , Trondheim Spektrum 2003-04-29 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBohne, Rolf Andre; Brattebø, Helge. (2003) Eco-efficiency in Norwegian C&D waste recycling systems. Proceedings ILCEDES 2003 (Integrated Lifetime Engineering of Buildings and Civil Infrastructure). , Kuopio, Finland. 2003-12-03 -
Vitenskapelig foredragEik, Arne; Brattebø, Helge; Brekke, Andreas. (2003) Interactive product development in recycling systems - A case study of the Norwegian deposit system for PET bottles. 19th Annual International Marketing & Purchasing Conference, Proceedings. , Univ. of Lugano, Lugano, Switzerland. 2003-09-06 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2003) Industriell økologi - En næringsrettet strategi for bærekraftig utvikling. Bærekraftig utvikling - fra strategi til handling. , NTNU Trondheim. 2003-04-03 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2003) Industrial metabolism as basis for industrial transformation. Industrial Transformation Research in Scandinavia. Inter , Norges forskningsråd, Oslo 2003-03-14 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2003) Material society � Can industrial ecology support a shift away from waste generation?. The International Student Festival in Trondheim (ISFiT) , NTNU, Trondheim 2003-03-11 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2003) Miljøstrategier for fremtidens næringsliv. Fagmøte i regi av Birkebeinerlaugets miljøutvalg BBU , E-CO Energi, Solli Plass, Oslo 2003-05-06 -
Vitenskapelig foredragEik, Arne; Brattebø, Helge; Brekke, Andreas; Jahre, Marianne. (2002) Using LCA and Network Theory as a basis for eco-efficiency improvements in Norwegian plastic packaging recycling. Joint SETAC Europe and ISIE meeting , Barcelona 2002-12-02 - 2002-12-03
PosterBrattebø, Helge; Bohne, Rolf Andre. (2002) Future C&D waste recycling in Norway. Learning from Danish experience?. Sustaineble Building 2002 , Oslo, Norway 2002-09-25 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2002) Material and Substance Flow Analysis in Industrial Ecology. Board of European Students in Technology Summer School in Industrial E , Trondheim 2002-08-16 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2002) Industrial ecology - Concepts & aims - Main elements and relations to sustainable development. Board of European Students in Technology Summer School in Industrial E , Trondheim 2002-08-16 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2002) Eco-Parks and Industrial Symbiosis. Board of European Students in Technology Summer School in Industrial E , Trondheim 2002-08-16 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2002) Industrial Ecology: Tools and Concepts. Mitthögskolan, Avdeling for Ekoteknik , Östersund, Sverige 2002-10-30 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2002) Solid Waste Management and Extended Producer Responsibility. Board of European Students in Technology Summer School in Industrial E , Trondheim 2002-08-16 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2002) Industriell økologi: En utfordring i system- og helhetstenkning for produktrettede miljøforbedringer. Nasjonalt fagseminar Asplan-Viak AS , Trondheim 2002-08-30 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2002) Om NTNUs satsing innen industriell økologi og feltets potensiale. Utvalg for et mer miljøvennlig næringsliv. Nærings- og handelsdepartementet. , Oslo 2002-05-07 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge; Røine, Kjetil. (2002) Extended Producer Responsibility in Waste Management. BEST Industrial Ecology Summer School , Industrial Ecology Programme (IndEcol), NTNU, Trondheim, Norway 2002-08-10 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2002) Samarbeid sett fra universitetet - Hva venter universitetet av næringslivet?. Kursdagene ved NTNU 2002. , Studentersamfunnet, Trondheim. 2002-01-10 -
PosterEik, Arne; Brattebø, Helge. (2001) Development of indicators to evaluate eco-efficiency of recycling systems. From basic science to decision-making: "The Environmental Odyssey 11th Annual meeting of SETAC Europe , Madrid 2001-05-10 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2001) International Society for Industrial Ecology - challenges and strategies. Life Cycle Management 2001 , Copenhagen University, 27-29 August, 2001
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2001) Impact of Industrial Ecology on University Curricula. 4th POSTI International Conference: Europe's 21. century policies for sustainable technological innovation: The role of higher education in science, technology and society. , Oslo, 20-21 mai 2001
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2001) Life Cycle Mangement - Summary perspectives from poster session. Life Cycle Management 2001 , Copenhagen University, 27-29 August, 2001
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2001) Industrial Ecology in Education. The Science & Culture of Industrial Ecology. ISIE 2001 Meeting , Leiden, Nederland 2001-11-14 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2001) Waste reduction in an industrial ecology perspective. 1-st Polish-Norwegian Seminar: Selected Research Issues at the Polish and Norwegian Universities. , Warsaw 2001-10-20 -
Vitenskapelig foredragEik, Arne; Steinmo, Solveig; Solbjørg, Ole K.; Solem, Håvard; Brattebø, Helge; Saugen, Bernt. (2001) Indicators for eco-efficiency in recycling systems. The Science & Culture of Industrial Ecology. ISIE Meeting , Leiden, Nederland 2001-11-14 -
Vitenskapelig foredragEik, Arne; Steinmo, Solveig; Solbjørg, Ole K.; Solem, Håvard; Brattebø, Helge; Saugen, Bernt. (2001) Eco-efficiency in recovery systems - A case study of recycling of plastic packaging from households in the city of Trondheim, Norway. From basic science to decision-making: "The Environmental Odyssey 11th Annual Meeting of SETAC Europe , Madrid 2001-05-10 -
Vitenskapelig foredragEik, Arne; Brattebø, Helge; Solbjørg, Ole K.; Steinmo, Solveig; Saugen, Bernt. (2001) Eco-efficiency in a recycling system - a static and semi-dynamic evaluation. From basic science to decision-making: "The Environmental Odyssey 11th Annual meeting of SETAC Europe , Madrid 2001-05-10 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2001) Industriell økologi: En utfordring i system- og helhets-tenkning for produktrettede miljøforbedringer. , Aktivitetsuka, NTNU, 12. mars 2001.
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2001) Indikatorer for avfallsreduksjon. Utvalg for avfallsreduksjon - Miljøverndepartementet. , Oslo 2001-10-11 -
Vitenskapelig foredragRøine, Kjetil; Brattebø, Helge. (2001) Implementation of EPR in Norway - The case of plastic packaging at national, sectoral and company level. OECD Environment Policy Committee Seminar on Extended Producer Responsibility: EPR programme implementation and assessment , Paris 2001-12-13 - 2001-12-14
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2001) Industriell økologi innen Global Watch prosjektet. Statoils samarbeidskonferanse med norske universiteter. , Forus, Stavanger 2001-10-31 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2001) Industriell økologi og industriell produktivitet. VARP-dagene 2001, Norges forskningsråd. , Sundvollen hotell. 2001-11-27 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2001) Industriell økologi som tilnærming ved miljøvurderinger av industriell virksomhet. Fagmøte miljø-energi i Statoil. , Statoil, Stavanger. 2001-10-29 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2001) Industriell økologi som miljøstrategi. Forskningsseminar, Samstemt-programmet, Norges forskningsråd. , NTNU, Senter for teknologi og samfunn, Trondheim. 2001-12-10 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2001) Industriell økologi som tverrfaglig tilnærmingsmåte på miljøfeltet. Kveldsseminar Norges forskningsråd, Områdestyre miljø og utvikling. , Trondheim 2001-12-12 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge; Fet, Annik Magerholm. (2000) Industrial ecology and NTNU. Industrial Ecology Conference , Gordon Research Centre, New Hampshire, USA, June 11-15, 2000
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2000) The Role of Universities in a Society for Industrial Ecology. On a Society for Industrial Ecology. , New York Academy of Sciences, New York, 06.01.2000.
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2000) Miljø og nyskaping - Miljø som konkurransefaktor. Grønt Næringsliv - Nordens Grønne Belte , Trondheim, 29.-30. mars 2000
Vitenskapelig foredragSolem, Knut Erik; Brattebø, Helge. (2000) Industrial Ecology as a Strategic Instrument for Sustainability. Euro Environment 2000 Conference , Ålborg, Denmark, Oct. 18-20, 2000
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2000) Miljøstrategier hos fremtidens næringsliv - Nye krav til offentlig sektor. Grønt Næringsliv - Nordens Grønne Belte , Trondheim, 29.-30. mars 2000
Vitenskapelig foredragSolem, Knut Erik; Brattebø, Helge. (2000) Systemperspektivet i industriell økologi. , Trondheim, 20.jan. 2000
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2000) The Role of a Society in education for industrial ecology. International Society for Industrial Ecology Seminar , New York Academy of Science, 6. jan. 2000
Vitenskapelig foredragFet, Annik Magerholm; Brattebø, Helge. (2000) IndEcol - NTNU's industrial ecology programme : NATO-CP conference. NATO - Cleaner Production Programme , Copnehagen May. 11., 2000
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2000) Industriell økologi mot vareproduserende industri. P2005/VARP-dagene 2000. Norges forskningsråd. , Sundvollen hotell, 29-30 november 2000.
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2000) Hva forstår vi med økoeffektivitet?. Rundebordskonferanse om Øko-effektivitet. Norske Siviløkonomers Forening. , PriceWaterhouse Coopers, Oslo. 16 november 2000.
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2000) Industriell økologi og kretsløpssamfunnet - visjon eller virkelighet?. , Lørdagsuniversitetet, Suhm-huset, NTNU, Trondheim, 7. oktober 2000.
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (2000) Industriell økologi som strategisk instrument for bærekraft. NTNU's strategier og aktiviteter. , Statsrådbesøk under Regjeringskonferanse i Trondheim, 2. november 2000
Vitenskapelig foredragRøine, Kjetil; Brattebø, Helge. (1999) Towards a methodology for assessing effectiveness of recovery systems - A process system approach. Industrial Ecology and Sustainability , Univ. of Troyes, 22-25. sept. 1999, Troyes, France.
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (1999) Industrial Ecology as a Multidisciplinary University Approach. BCC'99 Barcelona Copernicus Conference on Sustainable Universities , Autonomous Univ. of Catalonia, 1-2 July, Barcelona, Spain.
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (1999) Impact of Industrial Ecology on University Curricula. Industrial Ecology and Sustainability , Univ. of Troyes, 22-25. September, Troyes, France.
Vitenskapelig foredragSolem, Knut Erik; Brattebø, Helge. (1999) Industrial Ecology and Decision Making. First International Symposium on Environmental Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing , Waseda University, 1-3 February, Tokyo, Japan
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (1999) Industrial Ecology and Productivity Research at NTNU. , CML, Leiden Univ., 08.12.99, Leiden, NL.
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (1999) Industriell økologi og Produktivitet 2005. VARP-dagene 1999, Norges forskningsråd. , Sundvollen Hotell, 4-5 oktober 1999, Sundvollen.
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (1999) Industriell økologi, livsløpsvurderinger og arbeidsmiljø. Miljø- og arbeidsmedisinsk seminar, Den norske legeforening. , Svalbard, 21-21 april 1999.
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (1999) Industriell økologi - en systemteknisk utfordring. INCOSE-NORSE Systems Engineering seminar , 19.10.99, Elektisitetsforsyningens forskningsinstitutt, NTNU Trondheim
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (1999) Industriell økologi, Produktivitet 2005 og NTNU. Birkebeinerlaugets Miljøutvalgs nettverksseminar. , Hydro AS, Frogner Hovedgård, 27.09.99, Oslo.
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (1999) Industriell produksjon - industriell økologi. Etterutdanningskurs i miljømedisin, NTNU. , 07.10.99, Medisinsk-teknisk senter, Trondheim
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (1998) Industrial Ecology. CRE-Copernicus Conference on Sustianable Development. , Utrecht University, 10-11 September 1998.
Vitenskapelig foredragRøine, Kjetil; Asbjørnsen, Odd Andreas; Brattebø, Helge. (1998) A systems approach to extended producer responsibility - Economic efficiency and environmental effectiveness for packaging in plastic industry in Norway. OECD Workshop on Extended Producer Responsibility for Products: Economic efficiency / Environmental Effectiveness. , Washington D.C. 1998-12-01 - 1998-12-03
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (1997) Industrial Economics and Systems-Based Concepts on Clean Technology. International Workshop on Production, Economy and the Environment - Theories and Applications. , Vilnius, Lithuania, 16-19 June 1996.
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (1996) Changes in Environmental Strategies and Premises for Industrial Production - An Overview. Environmental Life-Cycle Management. , NTNU, Trondheim 17-18 August 1995.
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (1996) Industrial Ecology - Interdisciplinary Perspectives and Challenges. Industrial Ecology and Sustainable Product Design. , Trondheim 1-2 February 1996.
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (1996) Workshop Summary Report: Critical Industrial Ecology Aspects. Industrial Ecology and Sustainable Product Design. , Trondheim, 1-2 February 1996.
Vitenskapelig foredragFet, Annik Magerholm; Fet, Annik; Asbjørnsen, Odd Andreas; Brattebø, Helge. (1996) A Systems Approach to Environmental Engineering - Collaboration between University, Research Centre and Industry. IEA 2nd International Interdisciplinary Conference on the Environment. , Newport, Rhode Island, USA 1996-06-15 - 1996-06-20
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (1995) Sustainable Industrial Production. CRE-Copernicus conference: European Workshop on Implementing Sustainable Development at University Level. , University of Bradford, UK, 4-6 October 1995.
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (1995) Environmental Life-Cycle Engineering: A concept for pro-active integration of life-cycle thinking in environmental engineering university programmes. NATO Advanced Research Workshop. , Liberec, Czech Republic, 20-24 November, 1995.
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (1993) Technology Developments for Small Wastewater Treatment Plants. Environmental Training in Engineering Education (ENTREE'93) , TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands, 15-19 November, 1993.
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (1993) Environmental Engineering Education at the Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH) in Cooperation with the Erasmus Leuven Network. Environment Northerns Seas (ENS'93) International Conference. , Stavanger, Norway, August 1993.
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (1992) Environmental Engineering Education at University of Trondheim - Norwegian University of Technology. European Society for Engineering Education, Working Group Environmental Engineering Seminar. , IIASA, Laxenbourg, Vienna, June 15-16, 1992.
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (1992) Experiences from a Three-Year Strategic Project in Managing the Environmental Engineering Education at NTH. 5th World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education. , Helsinki Univ. of Technology, 2-5 June, 1992
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (1991) Phosphorus Removal by Activated Alumina Filters in Wastewater Treatment - Adsorption Kinetics and Applications in Practice. Fine Particle Society Annual Meeting. , San Jose, USA, July 1991.
Vitenskapelig foredragKaastrup, Ellen; Brattebø, Helge; Halmø, Terje. (1986) Activated Carbon Adsorption of Humic Substances and the Influence of Pre-ozonation on such. American Water Works Association Annual Conference. , Denver, Colorado, USA, June 1986
Vitenskapelig foredragØdegaard, Hallvard; Brattebø, Helge; Eikebrokk, Bjørnar; Thorsen, Thor. (1986) Removal of Humic Substances from Water. International Humic Substances Society third International Meeting , Oslo, August 1986
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (1985) Phosphorus Removal from Wastewater by Adsorption onto Granular Activated Alumina. International Conference on Management Strategies for Phosphorous in the Environment. , Lisbon 1-4 July 1985.
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (1985) Optimizing a Fixed-Bed Ion Exchange Process for the Removal of Humic Compounds in Water Treatment. NATO Advanced Study Institute: Ion Exchange Science and Technology , Troia, Portugal, July 1985.
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge; Kaastrup, Ellen. (1985) Removal of Humic Substances from Water by Ozonation and GAC Adsorption. Nordic Water Association Annual Meeting. , Oslo 1985.
Vitenskapelig foredragBrattebø, Helge. (1984) Fosforfjerning fra avløpsvann - alternative metoder. VAR-dagene ved NTH, 1984. , Trondheim, 18-21 juni 1984.