Hans M. Nordahl
Hans M. Nordahl, Dr. philos er Professor i medisin (medisinske atferdsfag) ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU)
Ansatt ved Institutt for psykisk helse, fagenhet for Voksenpsykiatri og rus og tilknyttet Østmarka sykehus ved St. Olavs hospital.
Kontorplass på campus Øya Institutt for Psykisk Helse, MTFS
Fagfelt / Arbeidsområde
- Psykisk Helse
- Behandlingsforskning
- Helse og kommunikasjon
- Traumer og post traumatisk stress lidelser (PTSD)
- Personlighetstrekk og personlighetsforstyrrelser
- Angstlidelser
Broekhof, Rosalie;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Eikenæs, Ingeborg Helene Ulltveit-Moe;
Selvik, Sara Germans.
Adverse Childhood Experiences Are Associated With Personality Disorder: A Prospective, Longitudinal Study.
Journal of Personality Disorders
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Strand, Eivind Rauø;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Is meta-worry relevant to interpersonal problems? Testing the metacognitive model of generalized anxiety disorder in an analogue- and a clinical sample of GAD.
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jystad, Ingunn;
Haugan, Tommy;
Bjerkeset, Ottar;
Sund, Erik Reidar;
Aune, Tore;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
School completion and progression to higher education in adolescents with social anxiety: a linkage between Young-HUNT3 and national educational data (2008–2019), Norway.
BMC Public Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Strand, Eivind Rauø;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Nordahl, Henrik.
The Relationships between Metacognitive Beliefs and Personality Dysfunction: A Test Controlling for Personality Traits, Emotional Distress Symptoms and General Functioning.
International Journal of Cognitive Therapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Strand, Eivind Rauø;
Anyan, Frederick;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Nordahl, Henrik.
Metacognitive beliefs prospectively predict level of personality functioning beyond maladaptive personality traits within-individuals: Results from a four-wave longitudinal study.
Personality and Individual Differences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Johanne;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Johnson, Sverre Urnes;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Metacognitive Therapy Versus Exposure-Based Treatments of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Preliminary Comparative Trial in an Ordinary Clinical Practice.
International Journal of Cognitive Therapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sirevåg, Kristine;
Stavestrand, Silje Haukenes;
Specht, Karsten;
Nordhus, Inger Hilde;
Hammar, Åsa Karin;
Molde, Helge.
Executive functions in older adults with generalised anxiety disorder and healthy controls: Associations with heart rate variability, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, and physical fitness.
Applied neuropsychology: Adult
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Strand, Eivind Rauø;
Anyan, Frederick;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Nordahl, Henrik.
Dysfunctional Attitudes versus Metacognitive Beliefs as Within-Person Predictors of Depressive Symptoms Over Time.
Behavior Therapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Johnson, Sverre Urnes;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Metakognitiv terapi.
Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet)
Sirevåg, Kristine;
Stavestrand, Silje Haukenes;
Sjøbø, Trond;
Endal, Trygve Bruun;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Andersson, E..
Physical exercise augmented cognitive behaviour therapy for older adults with generalised anxiety disorder (PEXACOG): a feasibility study for a randomized controlled trial.
BioPsychoSocial Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Strand, Eivind Rauø;
Nordahl, Henrik;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Metacognitive beliefs predict interpersonal problems in patients with social anxiety disorder.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Strand, Eivind Rauø;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Anyan, Frederick;
Nordahl, Henrik;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Change in interpersonal problems and metacognitive beliefs as predictors of improvement in patients with generalized anxiety disorder.
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aune, Tore;
Beidel, Deborah C.;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Is There any Difference Between DSM-5 performance-only Specifier and Social Anxiety Disorder? Results from the Young-HUNT3 Study.
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Broekhof, Rosalie;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Tanum, Lars Håkon Reiestad;
Selvik, Sara Germans.
Adverse childhood experiences and their association with substance use disorders in adulthood: A general population study (Young-HUNT).
Addictive Behaviors Reports
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Broekhof, Rosalie;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Bjørnelv, Sigrid;
Germans Selvik, Sara.
Prevalence of adverse childhood experiences and their co-occurrence in a large population of adolescents: a Young HUNT 3 study.
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bosnes, Ingunn;
Bosnes, Ole;
Stordal, Eystein;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Myklebust, Tor Åge;
Almkvist, Ove.
Processing speed and working memory are predicted by components of successful aging: a HUNT study.
BMC Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aune, Tore;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Beidel, Deborah C..
Social anxiety disorder in adolescents: Prevalence and subtypes in the Young-HUNT3 study.
Journal of Anxiety Disorders
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Joramo, Isak;
Solem, Stian;
Romundstad, Bendik;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Change talk and sustain talk in treatment of generalized anxiety disorder: A secondary analysis of cognitive behavioral therapy and metacognitive therapy in adult outpatients.
Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sandin, Kenneth;
Gjengedal, Ragne Gunnarsdatter Hole;
Osnes, Kåre;
Hannisdal, Marit;
Berge, Torkil;
Leversen, Jonas Sigurd Risberg.
Metacognitive therapy and work-focused interventions for patients on sick leave due to anxiety and depression: study protocol for a randomised controlled wait-list trial.
Solem, Stian;
Wells, Adrian;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Hagen, Roger;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Hjemdal, Odin.
Metacognitive therapy versus cognitive–behavioral therapy in adults with generalized anxiety disorder: A 9-year follow-up study.
Brain and Behavior
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sandin, Kenneth;
Gjengedal, Ragne Gunnarsdatter Hole;
Osnes, Kåre;
Hannisdal, Marit;
Berge, Torkil;
Leversen, Jonas Sigurd Risberg.
Correction to: Metacognitive therapy and work-focused interventions for patients on sick leave due to anxiety and depression: study protocol for a randomised controlled wait-list trial (Trials, (2021), 22, 1, (854), 10.1186/s13063-021-05822-4).
Aune, Tore;
Juul, Else Marie Lysfjord;
Beidel, Deborah C.;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Dvorak, Robert D..
Mitigating adolescent social anxiety symptoms: the effects of social support and social self-efficacy in findings from the Young-HUNT 3 study.
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wells, Adrian;
Capobianco, Lora;
Matthews, Gerald;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Editorial: Metacognitive Therapy: Science and Practice of a Paradigm.
Frontiers in Psychology
Nordahl, Henrik;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Hagen, Roger;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Wells, Adrian.
What lies beneath trait-anxiety? Testing the Self-Regulatory Executive Function Model of vulnerability.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stavestrand, Silje Haukenes;
Sirevåg, Kristine;
Nordhus, Inger Hilde;
Sjøbø, Trond;
Endal, Trygve Bruun;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Physical exercise augmented cognitive behaviour therapy for older adults with generalised anxiety disorder (PEXACOG): Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hjemdal, Odin;
Solem, Stian;
Hagen, Roger;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Wells, Adrian.
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Metacognitive Therapy for Depression: Analysis of 1-Year Follow-Up.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Wells, Adrian.
Metacognitive therapy of early traumatized patients with borderline personality disorder: A phase-II baseline-controlled trial.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bosnes, Ingunn;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Stordal, Eystein;
Bosnes, Ole;
Myklebust, Tor Åge;
Almkvist, Ove.
Lifestyle predictors of successful aging: A 20-year prospective HUNT study.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Solem, Stian;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Hagen, Roger;
Havnen, Audun;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Wells, Adrian.
Metacognitive therapy for depression: A 3-year follow-up study assessing recovery, relapse, work force participation, and quality of life.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Vogel, Patrick A.;
Wells, Adrian.
Explaining depression symptoms in patients with social anxiety disorder: Do maladaptive metacognitive beliefs play a role?.
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Halvorsen, Joar Øveraas;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Rrusta, Mimoza;
Wells, Adrian.
Correction: Metacognitive therapy vs. eye movement desensitization and reprocessing for posttraumatic stress disorder: Study protocol for a randomized superiority trial.
Junker, Asbjørn;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Bjørngaard, Johan Håkon;
Bjerkeset, Ottar.
Adolescent personality traits, low self-esteem and self-harm hospitalisation: a 15-year follow-up of the Norwegian Young-HUNT1 cohort.
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hoffart, Asle;
Johnson, Sverre Urnes;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Wells, Adrian.
Mechanisms of change in metacognitive and cognitive behavioral therapy for treatment-resistant anxiety: The role of metacognitive beliefs and coping strategies.
Journal of Experimental Psychopathology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Borkovec, Thomas D;
Hagen, Roger;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Solem, Stian.
Metacognitive therapy versus cognitive–behavioural therapy in adults with generalised anxiety disorder.
BJPsych Open
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Halvorsen, Joar Øveraas;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Rrusta, Mimoza;
Wells, Adrian.
Metacognitive therapy vs. eye movement desensitization and reprocessing for posttraumatic stress disorder: Study protocol for a randomized superiority trial.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sælid, Gry Anette;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Rational emotive behaviour therapy in high schools to educate in mental health and empower youth health. A randomized controlled study of a brief intervention.
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hagen, Roger;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Solem, Stian;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Fisher, Peter.
Metacognitive therapy for depression in adults: A waiting list randomized controlled trial with six months follow-up.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bosnes, Ingunn;
Almkvist, Ove;
Bosnes, Ole;
Stordal, Eystein;
Romild, Ulla Kristina;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Prevalence and correlates of successful aging in a population-based sample of older adults: The HUNT study.
International Psychogeriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Johnson, Sverre Urnes;
Hoffart, Asle;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Ulvenes, Pål;
Vrabel, Kari-Anne;
Wampold, Bruce E..
Metacognition and cognition in inpatient mct and cbt for comorbid anxiety disorders: A study of within-person effects.
Journal of Counseling Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Johnson, Sverre Urnes;
Hoffart, Asle;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Wampold, Bruce E..
Metacognitive therapy versus disorder-Specific CBT for comorbid anxiety disorders: A randomized controlled trial.
Journal of Anxiety Disorders
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Wells, Adrian.
Cognitive and metacognitive predictors of symptom improvement following treatment for social anxiety disorder: A secondary analysis from a randomized controlled trial.
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Vogel, Patrick A.;
Morken, Gunnar;
Stiles, Tore Charles;
Sandvik, Pål;
Wells, Adrian.
Paroxetine, cognitive therapy or their combination in the treatment of social anxiety disorder with and without avoidant personality disorder: A randomized clinical trial.
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Nordahl, Henrik;
Wells, Adrian.
Metacognition and Perspective Taking Predict Negative Self-Evaluation of Social Performance in Patients with SAD.
Journal of Experimental Psychopathology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Langvik, Eva ;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Personality traits, gender differences and symptoms of anhedonia: What does the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) measure in nonclinical settings?.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Staff, Peer H;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Når plager blir sykdom. Kognitiv behandling ved sammensatte lidelser.
Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget
Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget
Vitenskapelig monografi
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Thimm, Jens.
Maladaptive Schemas in patients with or without personality disorders.
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Metacognitive processes in change and therapy.
Broekhof, Rosalie;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Eikenæs, Ingeborg Helene Ulltveit-Moe;
Selvik, Sara Germans.
Adverse Childhood Experiences Are Associated With Personality Disorder: A Prospective, Longitudinal Study.
Journal of Personality Disorders
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Strand, Eivind Rauø;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Is meta-worry relevant to interpersonal problems? Testing the metacognitive model of generalized anxiety disorder in an analogue- and a clinical sample of GAD.
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jystad, Ingunn;
Haugan, Tommy;
Bjerkeset, Ottar;
Sund, Erik Reidar;
Aune, Tore;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
School completion and progression to higher education in adolescents with social anxiety: a linkage between Young-HUNT3 and national educational data (2008–2019), Norway.
BMC Public Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Strand, Eivind Rauø;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Nordahl, Henrik.
The Relationships between Metacognitive Beliefs and Personality Dysfunction: A Test Controlling for Personality Traits, Emotional Distress Symptoms and General Functioning.
International Journal of Cognitive Therapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Strand, Eivind Rauø;
Anyan, Frederick;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Nordahl, Henrik.
Metacognitive beliefs prospectively predict level of personality functioning beyond maladaptive personality traits within-individuals: Results from a four-wave longitudinal study.
Personality and Individual Differences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Johanne;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Johnson, Sverre Urnes;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Metacognitive Therapy Versus Exposure-Based Treatments of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Preliminary Comparative Trial in an Ordinary Clinical Practice.
International Journal of Cognitive Therapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sirevåg, Kristine;
Stavestrand, Silje Haukenes;
Specht, Karsten;
Nordhus, Inger Hilde;
Hammar, Åsa Karin;
Molde, Helge.
Executive functions in older adults with generalised anxiety disorder and healthy controls: Associations with heart rate variability, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, and physical fitness.
Applied neuropsychology: Adult
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Strand, Eivind Rauø;
Anyan, Frederick;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Nordahl, Henrik.
Dysfunctional Attitudes versus Metacognitive Beliefs as Within-Person Predictors of Depressive Symptoms Over Time.
Behavior Therapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Johnson, Sverre Urnes;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Metakognitiv terapi.
Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet)
Sirevåg, Kristine;
Stavestrand, Silje Haukenes;
Sjøbø, Trond;
Endal, Trygve Bruun;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Andersson, E..
Physical exercise augmented cognitive behaviour therapy for older adults with generalised anxiety disorder (PEXACOG): a feasibility study for a randomized controlled trial.
BioPsychoSocial Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Strand, Eivind Rauø;
Nordahl, Henrik;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Metacognitive beliefs predict interpersonal problems in patients with social anxiety disorder.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Strand, Eivind Rauø;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Anyan, Frederick;
Nordahl, Henrik;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Change in interpersonal problems and metacognitive beliefs as predictors of improvement in patients with generalized anxiety disorder.
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aune, Tore;
Beidel, Deborah C.;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Is There any Difference Between DSM-5 performance-only Specifier and Social Anxiety Disorder? Results from the Young-HUNT3 Study.
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Broekhof, Rosalie;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Tanum, Lars Håkon Reiestad;
Selvik, Sara Germans.
Adverse childhood experiences and their association with substance use disorders in adulthood: A general population study (Young-HUNT).
Addictive Behaviors Reports
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Broekhof, Rosalie;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Bjørnelv, Sigrid;
Germans Selvik, Sara.
Prevalence of adverse childhood experiences and their co-occurrence in a large population of adolescents: a Young HUNT 3 study.
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bosnes, Ingunn;
Bosnes, Ole;
Stordal, Eystein;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Myklebust, Tor Åge;
Almkvist, Ove.
Processing speed and working memory are predicted by components of successful aging: a HUNT study.
BMC Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aune, Tore;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Beidel, Deborah C..
Social anxiety disorder in adolescents: Prevalence and subtypes in the Young-HUNT3 study.
Journal of Anxiety Disorders
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Joramo, Isak;
Solem, Stian;
Romundstad, Bendik;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Change talk and sustain talk in treatment of generalized anxiety disorder: A secondary analysis of cognitive behavioral therapy and metacognitive therapy in adult outpatients.
Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sandin, Kenneth;
Gjengedal, Ragne Gunnarsdatter Hole;
Osnes, Kåre;
Hannisdal, Marit;
Berge, Torkil;
Leversen, Jonas Sigurd Risberg.
Metacognitive therapy and work-focused interventions for patients on sick leave due to anxiety and depression: study protocol for a randomised controlled wait-list trial.
Solem, Stian;
Wells, Adrian;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Hagen, Roger;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Hjemdal, Odin.
Metacognitive therapy versus cognitive–behavioral therapy in adults with generalized anxiety disorder: A 9-year follow-up study.
Brain and Behavior
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sandin, Kenneth;
Gjengedal, Ragne Gunnarsdatter Hole;
Osnes, Kåre;
Hannisdal, Marit;
Berge, Torkil;
Leversen, Jonas Sigurd Risberg.
Correction to: Metacognitive therapy and work-focused interventions for patients on sick leave due to anxiety and depression: study protocol for a randomised controlled wait-list trial (Trials, (2021), 22, 1, (854), 10.1186/s13063-021-05822-4).
Aune, Tore;
Juul, Else Marie Lysfjord;
Beidel, Deborah C.;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Dvorak, Robert D..
Mitigating adolescent social anxiety symptoms: the effects of social support and social self-efficacy in findings from the Young-HUNT 3 study.
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wells, Adrian;
Capobianco, Lora;
Matthews, Gerald;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Editorial: Metacognitive Therapy: Science and Practice of a Paradigm.
Frontiers in Psychology
Nordahl, Henrik;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Hagen, Roger;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Wells, Adrian.
What lies beneath trait-anxiety? Testing the Self-Regulatory Executive Function Model of vulnerability.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stavestrand, Silje Haukenes;
Sirevåg, Kristine;
Nordhus, Inger Hilde;
Sjøbø, Trond;
Endal, Trygve Bruun;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Physical exercise augmented cognitive behaviour therapy for older adults with generalised anxiety disorder (PEXACOG): Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hjemdal, Odin;
Solem, Stian;
Hagen, Roger;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Wells, Adrian.
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Metacognitive Therapy for Depression: Analysis of 1-Year Follow-Up.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Wells, Adrian.
Metacognitive therapy of early traumatized patients with borderline personality disorder: A phase-II baseline-controlled trial.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bosnes, Ingunn;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Stordal, Eystein;
Bosnes, Ole;
Myklebust, Tor Åge;
Almkvist, Ove.
Lifestyle predictors of successful aging: A 20-year prospective HUNT study.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Solem, Stian;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Hagen, Roger;
Havnen, Audun;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Wells, Adrian.
Metacognitive therapy for depression: A 3-year follow-up study assessing recovery, relapse, work force participation, and quality of life.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Vogel, Patrick A.;
Wells, Adrian.
Explaining depression symptoms in patients with social anxiety disorder: Do maladaptive metacognitive beliefs play a role?.
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Halvorsen, Joar Øveraas;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Rrusta, Mimoza;
Wells, Adrian.
Correction: Metacognitive therapy vs. eye movement desensitization and reprocessing for posttraumatic stress disorder: Study protocol for a randomized superiority trial.
Junker, Asbjørn;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Bjørngaard, Johan Håkon;
Bjerkeset, Ottar.
Adolescent personality traits, low self-esteem and self-harm hospitalisation: a 15-year follow-up of the Norwegian Young-HUNT1 cohort.
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hoffart, Asle;
Johnson, Sverre Urnes;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Wells, Adrian.
Mechanisms of change in metacognitive and cognitive behavioral therapy for treatment-resistant anxiety: The role of metacognitive beliefs and coping strategies.
Journal of Experimental Psychopathology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Borkovec, Thomas D;
Hagen, Roger;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Solem, Stian.
Metacognitive therapy versus cognitive–behavioural therapy in adults with generalised anxiety disorder.
BJPsych Open
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Halvorsen, Joar Øveraas;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Rrusta, Mimoza;
Wells, Adrian.
Metacognitive therapy vs. eye movement desensitization and reprocessing for posttraumatic stress disorder: Study protocol for a randomized superiority trial.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sælid, Gry Anette;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Rational emotive behaviour therapy in high schools to educate in mental health and empower youth health. A randomized controlled study of a brief intervention.
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hagen, Roger;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Solem, Stian;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Fisher, Peter.
Metacognitive therapy for depression in adults: A waiting list randomized controlled trial with six months follow-up.
Frontiers in Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bosnes, Ingunn;
Almkvist, Ove;
Bosnes, Ole;
Stordal, Eystein;
Romild, Ulla Kristina;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Prevalence and correlates of successful aging in a population-based sample of older adults: The HUNT study.
International Psychogeriatrics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Johnson, Sverre Urnes;
Hoffart, Asle;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Ulvenes, Pål;
Vrabel, Kari-Anne;
Wampold, Bruce E..
Metacognition and cognition in inpatient mct and cbt for comorbid anxiety disorders: A study of within-person effects.
Journal of Counseling Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Johnson, Sverre Urnes;
Hoffart, Asle;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Wampold, Bruce E..
Metacognitive therapy versus disorder-Specific CBT for comorbid anxiety disorders: A randomized controlled trial.
Journal of Anxiety Disorders
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Henrik;
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Wells, Adrian.
Cognitive and metacognitive predictors of symptom improvement following treatment for social anxiety disorder: A secondary analysis from a randomized controlled trial.
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Vogel, Patrick A.;
Morken, Gunnar;
Stiles, Tore Charles;
Sandvik, Pål;
Wells, Adrian.
Paroxetine, cognitive therapy or their combination in the treatment of social anxiety disorder with and without avoidant personality disorder: A randomized clinical trial.
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Nordahl, Henrik;
Wells, Adrian.
Metacognition and Perspective Taking Predict Negative Self-Evaluation of Social Performance in Patients with SAD.
Journal of Experimental Psychopathology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Langvik, Eva ;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Personality traits, gender differences and symptoms of anhedonia: What does the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) measure in nonclinical settings?.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Staff, Peer H;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Når plager blir sykdom. Kognitiv behandling ved sammensatte lidelser.
Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget
Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget
Vitenskapelig monografi
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Nordahl, Hans Morten;
Thimm, Jens.
Maladaptive Schemas in patients with or without personality disorders.
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Metacognitive processes in change and therapy.
Vitenskapelig foredragHjemdal, Odin; Solem, Stian; Hagen, Roger; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Nordahl, Hans Morten; Wells, Adrian. (2019) A Randomized Controlled Trial of Metacognitive Therapy for Depression: Analysis of 1-Year Follow-Up . 4th international conference of metacognitive therapy , Prague 2019-04-30 - 2019-05-02
Vitenskapelig foredragSirevåg, Kristine; Stavestrand, Silje Haukenes; Nordhus, Inger Hilde; Sjøbø, Trond; Endal, Trygve Bruun; Nordahl, Hans Morten. (2019) Physical exercise augmented cognitive behaviour therapy for older adults with generalized anxiety disorder – scientific rationale, study protocol, and preliminary findings for the Pexacog trial. 9th World Congress of Behavioural & Cognitive Therapies , Berlin 2019-07-17 - 2019-07-20
Vitenskapelig foredragStavestrand, Silje Haukenes; Sirevåg, Kristine; Endal, Trygve Bruun; Sjøbø, Trond; Nordhus, Inger Hilde; Nordahl, Hans Morten. (2018) Augmenting CBT with physical exercise intreatment of generalised anxiety disorder in holder adults – results from a pilot study. World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) International Conference of Physiotherapy in Psychiatry and Mental Health (ICPPMH) , Reykjavik 2018-04-10 - 2018-04-12
Vitenskapelig foredragSirevåg, Kristine; Stavestrand, Silje Haukenes; Nordhus, Inger Hilde; Pallesen, Ståle; Sjøbø, Trond; Endal, Trygve Bruun. (2018) Physical exercise augmented cognitive behaviour therapy for older adults with generalised anxiety disorder (PEXACOG): Study protocol and feasibility results from a randomised controlled trial. Bulgarian Association for Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy 48th Annual Congress of the European Association (EABCT 2018) , Sofia 2018-09-05 - 2018-09-08
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten. (2016) Randomized controlled trials in Metacognitive therapy. The Trondheim trials. Internasjonal Conference in Metacognitive Therapy , Milano 2016-04-08 - 2016-04-09
Vitenskapelig foredragHagen, Roger; Hjemdal, Odin; Solem, Stian; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Nordahl, Hans Morten. (2016) Metacognitive therapy for depression: A randomized controlled trial. Internasjonal Conference in Metacognitive Therapy , Milano 2016-04-08 - 2016-04-09
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten; Hagen, Roger; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Hjemdal, Odin; Solem, Stian; Hansen, B.. (2016) Randomized controlled trials of CBT, MCT and Wait list of Patients with GAD: A two year follow up study. Internasjonal Conference in Metacognitive Therapy , Milano 2016-04-08 - 2016-04-09
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten. (2016) Metacognitive therapy of Complex trauma. Internasjonal Conference in Metacognitive Therapy , Milano 2016-04-08 - 2016-04-09
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten; Halvorsen, Joar Øveraas; Aasen, B; Hjemdal, Odin; Wells, Adrian. (2016) A randomised controlled trial of MCT and EMDR for PTSD. A study of Effectiveness, mediators and moderators. Internasjonal Conference in Metacognitive Therapy , Milano 2016-04-08 - 2016-04-09
Vitenskapelig foredragVogel, Patrick A.; Hagen, Roger; Hjemdal, Odin; Solem, Stian; Smeby, M.; Strand, E.. (2016) Metacognitive therapy applications in social phobia: An exploratory study of the individual and combined effects of ATT and SAR. Internasjonal Conference in Metacognitive Therapy , Milano 2016-04-08 - 2016-04-09
Vitenskapelig foredragJohnson, S.; Hoffart, A.; Wampold, B.; Nordahl, Hans Morten. (2016) MCT vs Diagnosis specific CBT for complex anxiety disorders: A randomised controlled trial. Internasjonal Conference in Metacognitive Therapy , Milano 2016-04-08 - 2016-04-09
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten; Halvorsen, Joar Øveraas; Aasen, Bjørn; Hjemdal, Odin; Wells, Adrian. (2016) A randomized controlled trial of metacognitive therapy and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing for posttraumatic stress disorder: A study of effectiveness, mediators and moderators. MCT Institute 3rd International Conference of Metacognitive Therapy , Palazzo Mezzanotte, Milan 2016-04-08 - 2016-04-09
Vitenskapelig foredragHagen, Roger; Hjemdal, Odin; Solem, Stian; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Nordahl, Hans Morten; Wells, Adrian. (2016) Metacognitive therapy for depression: a randomized controlled trial. The 3rd international conference of metacognitive therapy , Milano 2016-04-07 - 2016-04-09
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten; Hagen, Roger; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Hjemdal, Odin; Solem, Stian; Hansen, Bjarne. (2016) Randomized controlled trial of cognitive behaviour therapy, metacognitive therapy and wait list of patients with generalised anxiety disorder (GAD): A two-year follow-up study. The 3rd international conference of metacognitive therapy , Milano 2016-04-07 - 2016-04-09
Vitenskapelig foredragVogel, Patrick A.; Hagen, Roger; Hjemdal, Odin; Solem, Stian; Smeby, Maud C. B.; Strand, Eivind. (2016) Metacognitive therapy applications in social phobia an exploratory study of the individual and combined effects of the attention training technique and situational attentional refocusing. The 3rd international conference of metacognitive therapy , Milano 2016-04-07 - 2016-04-09
Vitenskapelig foredragSirevåg, Kristine; Stavestrand, Silje Haukenes; Sjøbø, Trond; Pallesen, Ståle; Nordhus, Inger Hilde; Nordahl, Hans Morten. (2015) Augmenting Cognitive Behaviour Therapy with Physical Exercise for Older Adults with Generalised Anxiety Disorder - A Randomized Controlled Trial. In: Anders Hovland (Chair, Augmenting CBT with physical exercise for anxiety disorders. European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies 45th Annual EABCT Congress , Jerusalem 2015-08-31 - 2015-09-03
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten. (2014) Metakognitiv terapi ved kompleks PTSD. Den VIII Inspirasjonskonferansen , Gardemoen, Oslo 2014-11-07 - 2014-11-08
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten. (2014) Behandling av alvorlige angtslidelser: Fra manual til klinisk praksis. Den 11 norske Psykologikongressen , Oslo 2014-09-04 - 2014-09-05
Vitenskapelig foredragHagen, Roger; Hjemdal, Odin; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Solem, Stian; Ryum, Truls; Wells, Adrian. (2014) Understanding Depressive Symptoms in a Metacognitive Perspective. Could Mediation Analyses of Positive and Negative Metabeliefs Support the Theoretical Foundation of MCT?. EABCT 2014 2014-09-10 - 2014-09-13
Vitenskapelig foredragHjemdal, Odin; Hagen, Roger; Nordahl, Henrik; Solem, Stian; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Ryum, Truls. (2014) Comorbid Depressive Disorders: An Open Trial Using MCT. EABCT 2014 2014-09-10 - 2014-09-13
Vitenskapelig foredragHjemdal, Odin; Hagen, Roger; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Solem, Stian; Ryum, Truls; Nordahl, Hans Morten. (2014) Comorbid depressive disorders: An open trial using MCT. EABCT EABCT , Amsterdam 2014-09-10 - 2014-10-13
Vitenskapelig foredragHagen, Roger; Hjemdal, Odin; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Solem, Stian; Ryum, Truls; Nordahl, Hans Morten. (2014) Are metacognitions mediated by rumination in depressive symptoms?. EABCT EABCT , Amsterdam 2014-09-10 - 2014-09-14
Vitenskapelig foredragHjemdal, Odin; Hagen, Roger; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Solem, Stian; Wells, Adrian; Nordahl, Hans Morten. (2014) Resilience and metacognitions as predictors of outcome in a randomized controlled treatment trial of GAD. 2nd World Congress on Resilience: From Person to Society 2nd World Congress on Resilience: From Person to Society , Timisoara 2014-05-07 - 2014-05-09
IntervjuNordahl, Hans Morten. (2014) Hva gjør egentlig dataspill med barna våre? Mye bra!. Dagbladet.no Dagbladet.no [Internett] 2014-09-03
Vitenskapelig foredragHjemdal, Odin; Hagen, Roger; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Solem, Stian; Wells, Adrian; Nordahl, Hans Morten. (2014) Resilience and metacognitions as predictors of outcome in a randomized controlled treatment treial of Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara The Second Wold Congress on Resilience: From Person to Society , Timisoara 2014-05-08 - 2014-05-10
IntervjuNordahl, Hans. (2013) Bekymrer du deg mye?. KK Kvinner og klær KK Kvinner og klær [Tidsskrift] 2013-11-12
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans. (2013) Treatment of patients with Borderline personality disorders: The ERIS protocol. The 2nd . International Conference in Metacognitive Therapy , Manchester 2013-04-24 -
Vitenskapelig foredragVogel, Patrick A.; Hagen, Roger; Hjemdal, Odin; Burhol, A. C.; Riseth, A.; Fisher, P.. (2013) The effects of attention training and situational attentional refocusing on symptoms of social phobia. The 2nd . International Conference in Metacognitive Therapy , Manchester 2013-04-26 -
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans. (2013) Principles and effects of Metacognitive therapy in patients with Borderline personality disorders: The ERIS protocol. Keynote presentation. The 2nd . International Conference in Metacognitive Therapy , Manchester 2013-04-25 -
Vitenskapelig foredragSolem, Stian; Hagen, Kristen; Hansen, Bjarne; Vogel, Patrick A.; Hagen, Roger; Hjemdal, Odin. (2013) Metacognition in generalized anxiety disorder, social phobia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder and relationship with treatment outcome. 2nd International Conference of Metacognitive Therapy , Manchester 2013-04-25 - 2013-04-26
Vitenskapelig foredragRyum, Truls; Vogel, Patrick A.; Halvorsen, Joar Øveraas; Hagen, Roger; Hjemdal, Odin; Wells, Adrian. (2013) Basic therapy skills as a predictor of treatment outcome in mCBT for social phobia. MCT Institute The 2nd International Conference Metacognitive Therapy , Manchester 2013-04-25 - 2013-04-26
PosterHalvorsen, Joar Øveraas; Nordahl, Hans Morten. (2013) Metacognitive therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder: A case series. MCT Institute The 2nd International Conference Metacognitive Therapy , Manchester 2013-04-25 - 2013-04-26
Vitenskapelig foredragHjemdal, Odin; Hagen, Roger; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Solem, Stian; Wells, Adrian; Nordahl, Hans Morten. (2013) Metacognitiona as predictors of outcome in randomized controlled treatment trial of GAD and their relationship with resilience. Second International Conference of Metacognitive Therapy 2013-04-25 - 2013-04-26
Vitenskapelig foredragRyum, Truls; Vogel, Patrick A.; Hagen, Roger; Hjemdal, Odin; Wells, Adrian; Nordahl, Hans Morten. (2013) Basic therapy skills as predictor of treatment outcome in MCT for sicial phobia. Second International Conference of Metacognitive Therapy 2013-04-25 - 2013-04-26
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans; Grøndahl, J. R.. (2012) Kognitiv terapi ved behandling av MUPS pasienter i allmennpraksis. Primærmedisinsk uke , Oslo 2012-10-22 -
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans. (2012) The efficacy of Metacognitive therapy for Borderline personality disorder. International congress on Borderline Personality Disorder and allied disorders , Amsterdam 2012-09-28 -
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans. (2012) Treatment developments for BPD. International congress on Borderline Personality Disorder and allied disorders , Amsterdam 2012-09-27 - 2012-09-29
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten. (2011) MCT for Social Phobia. The 1st. International Conference in Metacognitive Therapy , Manchester 2011-05-13 -
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten. (2011) Can MCT be used to treat Borderline personality disorders?. The 1st. International Conference in Metacognitive Therapy , Manchester 2011-05-12 -
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten. (2011) Borderline personality disorder. The 1st. International Conference in Metacognitive Therapy , Manchester 2011-05-11 -
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten. (2011) Terapi ved akutt stresslidelse og PTSD. Psykologisk institutt 22/7-Seminar , Dragvoll 2011-08-26 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten. (2011) Treatments of adolescents and adult social phobia and avoidance: The Trondheim studies. The 24th Norwegian research conference on mental health , Øyer, Lillehammer 2011-02-01 -
PosterNielsen, B. B.; Nordahl, Hans Morten. (2009) Psychophysiological predictors of outcome in the treatment of social anxiety disorder. The 11.th European Congress of Psychology , Oslo 2009-07-07 - 2009-07-10
ProgramdeltagelseNordahl, Hans Morten. (2008) Nettmøte etter Shfødingers katt: Sosial fobi. nettsider NRK nettsider NRK [Internett] 2008-01-18
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen. (2008) The Trondheim GAD study: Comparing CBT and MCT. The 38th EABCT congress , Helsinki 2008-09-10 - 2008-09-13
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten. (2008) Metacognitive Therapy for Borderline personality disorder: An open trial. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: 40 years of progress. Festschrift in honor of KG Gøtestam. Jubileum K. G. Gøtestam , Trondheim 2008-06-12 - 2008-06-13
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten. (2008) An honoree symposium for Tom Borkovec: CBT for GAD and developing new approaches. The 38th EABCT congress , Helsinki 2008-09-10 - 2008-09-13
Vitenskapelig foredragHagen, Roger; Nordahl, Hans Morten; Wells, Adrian. (2008) An exploration of metacognitions in delusions. EABCT EABCT 2008 , Helsinki 2008-09-10 - 2008-09-13
Vitenskapelig foredragHagen, Roger; Nordahl, Hans Morten; Wells, Adrian. (2008) An exploration of metacognitions in auditory hallucinations. EABCT EABCT 08 , Helsinki 2008-09-10 - 2008-09-13
IntervjuNordahl, Hans Morten. (2007) Småprat til suksess. Internett: Aftenposten Internett: Aftenposten [Internett] 2007-05-14
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten. (2007) Social Anxiety Disorder: New developments in models and treatment. The V World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies , Barcelona 2007-07-11 - 2007-07-14
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten; Stiles, Tore C; Vogel, Patrick A.. (2007) What influences distorted self-image in patients with Social Phobia?. The V World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies , Barcelona 2007-07-11 - 2007-07-14
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten. (2007) Metacognitive therapy: Outcome across disorders. The V World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies , Barcelona 2007-07-11 - 2007-07-14
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten. (2007) Basic Cognitive Therapy: Theory and principles. IV-Nordic Conference in Cognitive Therapy , Oslo 2007-11-01 -
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten. (2007) Cognitive Therapy of Personality Disorders: A case-formulation approach. IV-Nordic Conference in Cognitive Therapy , Oslo 2007-11-02 -
PosterNysæter, Tor Erik; Nordahl, Hans Morten; Kåsi, Ingrid. (2007) Skjematerapi for personer med emosjonell ustabil personlighetsforstyrrelse: En ny lovende terapimodell. Norsk Psykologforening Den 5. Norske Psykologikongressen , Oslo 2007-08-31 - 2007-08-31
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten. (2006) Cognitive Behavioural Tratment of specific phobias. XIII annual proceedings for Dentists , Kristiansand 2006-09-28 -
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten. (2005) Basic Cognitive Therapy: Theory and principles. III-Nordic Conference in Cognitive Therapy , Oslo 2005-11-03 - 2005-11-04
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten. (2005) Bekymring og mental helse. Når bekymringer blir et helseproblem. Rådet for Psykisak Helse Psykisk Helse dagene , Trondheim 2005-01-17 - 2005-01-19
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten; Hagen, Roger. (2004) Cognitive behavioral Group Therapy against depression in patients with psychotic disorder. EABCT (European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies) , Manchester 2004-09-08 - 2004-09-11
PosterNordahl, Hans Morten; Hagen, Roger; Morken, Gunnar. (2002) Cognitive behavioural group therapy. 18th Worldcongress of Psychotherapy , Trondheim 2002-08-18 -
PosterHagen, Roger; Nordahl, Hans Morten; Morken, Gunnar; Kristiansen, Lena I.. (2002) Cognitive group therapy for persons with anxiety and depression. The 18th World Congress of Psychotherapy , Trondheim 2002-08-18 -
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten. (2002) Cognitive Behavioural Therapy of personality disorders. Workshop held at 18th Worldcongress of Psychotherapy , Trondheim 2002-08-18 -
Vitenskapelig foredragHagen, Roger; Nordahl, Hans Morten. (2002) A Randomized Controlled Trial of Cognitive Behavior Group Therapy for Psychiatric Patients- six months follow up. Inspirasjonskonferansen i Kognitiv terapi , Oslo 2002-01-01 -
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten. (2002) Cognitive Behavioural Therapy of personality disorders. 18th Worldcongress of Psychotherapy , Trondheim 2002-08-14 - 2002-08-18
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten. (2001) Kognitiv psykoterapi ved personlighetsforstyrrelser. Den II Nasjonale konferanse i kognitiv terapi , Oslo 2001-10-16 -
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten. (2001) Educational training programs in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in Norway. The XXXI congress of the EABCT , Istanbul, Turkey 2001-09-16 -
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten. (2001) Kognitiv atferdsmodifikasjon ved angst og depresjon. Den norske kongress for barne- og ungdomspsykiatri , Bolkesjø, Norge 2001-06-06 -
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten. (2001) A randomized controlled trial comparing the effects of CBT, venlafaxine and both in the treatment of patients with social phobia. The 14.th Norwegian research conference on mental health , Øyer, Lillehammer 2001-02-10 -
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten; Hagen, R.. (2001) A randomized controlled trial of Cognitive Group Therapy for Psychiatric inpatients. The Nordic-Baltic congress of Cognitive behaviour therapy , Tampere, Finland 2001-04-29 -
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten. (2000) The relationship between interpersonal behaviour and personality disorder. The 13.th Norwegian research conference on mental health , Øyer, Lillehammer 2000-02-13 -
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten; Stiles, Tore C. (1999) The mediating role of cognitive personality traits between early parenting and cluster C personality disorders: An empirical investigation of the cognitive-behavioral conceptualization of personality disorders. 6.th International congress on the disorders of personality , Geneva, Switzerland 1999-09-12 -
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten. (1999) The predictive validity of maladaptive schemas for the outcome of short term psychotherapy. The 12.th Norwegian research conference on mental health , Øyer, Lillehammer 1999-02-11 -
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten. (1999) Skjema-fokusert psykoterapi ved Borderline personlighetsforstyrrelse. Den I nasjonale konferanse i kognitiv terapi , Østmarka, Trondheim 1999-04-16 -
PosterNordahl, Hans Morten. (1997) Cognitive psychotherapy of depressed outpatients with personality disorders. The 25.th Congress of Nordic Psychiatry , Trondheim, Norway 1997-05-12 -
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten. (1997) Cognitive therapy of depressed patients with personality disorders. 25th Congress of Nordic Psychiatry , Trondheim
Vitenskapelig foredragVogel, Patrick A.; Stiles, Tore C; Nordahl, Hans Morten. (1997) Personality styles in OCD outpatients compared to depressed outpatients and healthy controls. Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy. 31st Annua l Convention , Miami, Fla.
Vitenskapelig foredragKolstad, Arnulf; Nordahl, Hans Morten; Bjørnsen, Petter. (1996) Prosicial Orientation and Coping with Stress. International Conference on Altruism, Society, and Health Care , Uppsala, Sweden 1996-05-14 -
PosterNordahl, Hans Morten. (1995) The relatoinship between Parental Bonding, Cognitive Style and DSM-III-R Personality Traits. The World Congress for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies , Copenhagen, Denmark 1995-07-09 -
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten. (1994) Maladaptive behaviors in children: An epidemiological study. 7.th Norwegian research conference on mental health , Øyer, Lillehammer 1994-01-12 -
Vitenskapelig foredragNordahl, Hans Morten. (1993) Anxiety and Conduct disorders in children: A risk-factor analysis. 6.th Norwegian research conference on mental health , Øyer, Lillehammer 1993-02-08 -