David Marcel Renee Bregaint
I am currently professor in the Department for historical studies (NTNU)
My interests lie in ideology, communication and medieval culture, especially political culture. My PhD thesis "Vox regis: Royal Communication in High Medieval Norway", which is published at Brill 2015, examined how the Norwegian monarchy gradually gained control over the means of communication as part of its assertion of power over society. Drawing on sagas, didactic literature, charters and laws, the book deals with a variety of topic from the formation of the royal court as an arena for communication, the patronage activity of the Norwegian kings, but also of the aristocratic elite. It also examines the cultural relationship between the Norwegian clergy and the kingship, as well as the role of rituals and the written word.
My postdoctoral project "The Politics of Rituals" aimed at exploring the role of political rituals and ceremonies as privileged arenas for the construction of power in the 12th and 13th century in the realm of Norway. The project is founded by the Norwegian Research Council.
Beside my main interest for medieval studies, I have also organized conferences and published in modern history (WWI and the aluminum norwegian industry during the inter-war period).
Since 2017, I am chief redactor for Store Norske Leksikon for French history and the Middle Ages.
I am vise-president and secretary of the Nordic Branch of the International Arthurian Society.
Current research project
Transitions and Traditions. Ecclesia Nidrosiensis and the Northern World.
The Politics of Rituals (Postdoc prosject the Norwegian Research Council).
La Loi de la Hird. Politique et Culture à la cour du Roi Magnus le Législateur (book)
The Court of the Norwegian Medieval Kings (Book)
Food and Feast in the Arthurian World (Book)
PhD thesis
Vox Regis. Royal Communication in High Medieval Norway. (Mai 2014) s. 389.
"God's Peace and the King's Peace in High Medieval Norway", in S. Lebouteiller and L. Taylor (ed.), Peacemaking and the Restraint of Violence in High Medieval Europe. Routledge, 2024, 146-162. ISBN 978-0-367-14256-8
“The Missing saint: Saint Olaf and King Hákon Hákonsson”, in M. Njåstad og R.B. Wærdahl (red.) Helgener i Nord. Nye studier i nordisk helgenkult. Novus Forlag, 2020, 105-127. ISBN 978-82-8390-047-7
“Royal patronage of Courtly Literature – Asserting Cultural Prestige in High Medieval Norway”, in Virgile Reiter, Raphaëlle Jamet (Eds.) Arthur in Northern Translations. Material Culture, Characters, and Courtly Influence. LIT Verlag (Ger.) 2021, 101-114. ISBN: 978-3-643-91354-8
“Kings and Aristocratic Elites: Communicating Power and Status in Medieval Norway”, Scandinavian Journal of History 2020, 1-21. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/03468755.2020.1784267
“Farer og Sjøfarer. Forestillinger og framstillinger om Nordsjøen og Nord-Atlanteren i Middelalderen”, Arr-Idehistorisk tidsskrift 3-4 2018 (Nor.), 65-76.
"Staging Deaths. King Sverre or the path of a usurper to the throne", in Medievalista Special Issue Nr. 23, 2018, 3-21.
"Civilizing the 'Viking'. A pedagogy for etiquette and courtly behavior in 13th century Norway", in Bulletin du centre de recherche du château de Versaille 2016, 1-18.
"Solemn Entries in 12th and 13th century Norway", in Scandinavian Journal of History 2014 (3), s. 1-22. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03468755.2014.893447
"De Nidaros à Bergen. Villes et Communication en Norvège aux XIIe et XIIIe siècles", in Nordic Historical Review, Vol. 16, 2013 s. 37-59.
"Conquering Minds: Konungs skuggsiá and the Annexation of Iceland in the Thirteenth Century", in Scandinavian Studies 84.4, 2013 s. 439-466.
"The Royal Order in Norwegian Diplomas, 1202-1263". Collegium Medievale 2009 ;Volum 22. s. 55-86
"The Ups and Downs of Family Life: Det Norske Nitridaktieselskap, 1912-1976", In Enterprise & society 2009 ;Volum 10.(4) s. 763-790. (together with Espen Storli)
"Det "uønskede barnet" Pechineys norske datterselskap DNN 1913-1958", in Globalisering gjennom et århundre, Norsk aluminiumsindustri 1908-2008. Fagbokforlaget 2008 ISBN 978-82-450-0377-2. s. 101-135
"Loin des yeux, loin du coeur", quatre décennies de relations entre Pechiney et sa filiale norvégienne, DNN. Cahiers d'histoire de l'aluminium 2008 (38-39) s. 33-56
Royal Views of Society and their place in the Royal Ideology in Norwegian Diplomas 1202-1263. Trondheim: Institutt for historie og klassiske fag 2006 s. 91.
Teaching responsibilities
HIST3495 Climate, Culture and Catastrophes. Environmental history in preindustrial Europe (IHK, NTNU) Main manager Spring 2023, 2024.
HIST3475 Handel, Arbeid og Forbruk c. 1600-1850 (IHK, NTNU) Main manager Fall 2021.
HIST3465 Felleskap, Grupper og Identiteter i Europeisk Middelalder (IHS, NTNU). Main manager Spring 2017, 2019, 2020 og 2021.
BA level
HFEL0010 Introduction to Norwegian history (IHK, NTNU) Co-manager Fall 2021.
HIST1300 Eldre historie fram til ca. 1750 (IHS, NTNU). Co-manager Fall 2018, 2019 and 2020 (Teacher and group coordinator) 2021.
HIST1505 Innføring i historisk teori og metode (IHS, NTNU): Co-manager Høst 2019, 2020, 2021.
Recent Conferanses/seminars
Food and Feast in the Arthurian World. Bergen, mars 2022. Co-manager.
Royal saints, Kings, and People. St Olaf in Context. Trondheim, November 29-30 2018. Co-manager
Arthurian Women. Mothers, Lovers and Others. International Arthurian Society Nordic Branch Conference Trondheim 2018. Main manager Høst 2018.
Second Fiddles in Medieval Rituals. International Conference Trondheim 23-24 November 2017. Main manager.
“Le Roi Olaf. Saint et Viking”, Musée de Normandie 17.03.2022.
“The missing saint: St Olaf and King Hákon Hákonsson”, Royal saints, Kings, and People. St Olaf in Context. Trondheim, 29-30 Novembre 2018.
“Cherchez le saint. St Olaf et Hákon Hákonsson”, Église, Sociétés et Sainteté en Norvège. Université de Caen (Fr.), November 22-23 2018.
“God’s Peace and the King’s Peace in Medieval Norway”, Peacemaking and the Restraint of Violence in Medieval Europe (1100-1300): Practices, Actors and Behaviour. Oslo, February 23, 2018.
Bregaint, David Marcel Renee;
Melve, Leidulf.
1400: Lensmenn, borgermestre og byprivilegium – biskop Øystein Aslaksson .
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Bregaint, David Marcel Renee;
Melve, Leidulf.
1500: Opprør, Hansa og reformasjon – ridder Knut Alvsson .
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Bregaint, David Marcel Renee;
Orning, Hans Jacob.
1300: En kristen ridderkonge i skandinavisk heksegryte – Håkon 5. Magnusson .
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Bregaint, David Marcel Renee.
God’s Peace and the King’s Peace in High Medieval Norway.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Bregaint, David Marcel Renee.
Anmeldelse av Nordic Elites in Transformation c. 1050-1250.
Bregaint, David.
Sverre Bagge. En kort introduksjon til Snorre Sturlason. Historiker og dikter.
Historisk Tidsskrift (Norge)
Bregaint, David.
Royal patronage of Courtly Literature – Asserting Cultural Prestige in High Medieval Norway.
LIT Verlag
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Bregaint, David.
The Missing Saint. Saint Olaf and King Hákon Hákonsson.
Novus Forlag
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Bregaint, David.
Kings and aristocratic elites: communicating power and status in medieval Norway.
Scandinavian Journal of History
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bregaint, David.
Staging Deaths: King Sverre or a Usurper's path to the Throne.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bregaint, David.
Farer og Sjøfarer. Forestillinger og framstillinger om Nordsjøen og Nord-Atlanteren i Middelalderen.
Arr - Idéhistorisk tidsskrift
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bregaint, David.
Francesco D'Angelo: "In extremo orbe terrarum" le relazioni tra santa Sede e Norvegia nei secoli XI-XIII.
Collegium Medievale
Bregaint, David.
De Kristne mot Korstogene.
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Bregaint, David.
Stefka G. Eriksen, Writing and Reading in Medieval Manuscript Culture. The Translation and Transmission of the Story of Elye in Old French and Old Norse Literary Contexts. Brepols.
Cahiers de civilisation médiévale
Bregaint, David.
Civilizing the 'Viking'. A Pedagogy for Etiquette and Courtly Behavior in 13th Century Norway.
Bulletin du Centre de recherche du château de Versailles
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bregaint, David.
Nicolas Meylan, Magic and Kingship in Medieval Iceland. The Construction of a Discourse of Political Resistance.
Cahiers de civilisation médiévale
Bregaint, David.
Vox regis. Royal Communication in High Medieval Norway.
Brill Academic Publishers
The Northern World (74)
Vitenskapelig monografi
Bregaint, David.
Sverre Bagge. From Viking Stronghold to Christian Kingdom: State Formation in Norway, 900-1350.
Cahiers de civilisation médiévale
Bregaint, David Marcel Renee.
Vox regis. Royal Communication in High Medieval Norway.
Bregaint, David Marcel Renee.
Timothy Bolton. "The Empire of Cnut the Great".
Cahiers de civilisation médiévale
Bregaint, David Marcel Renee.
Solemn Entries in 12th and 13th century Norway.
Scandinavian Journal of History
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bregaint, David.
G. Steinsland, J.V. Sigurdsson, J.E. Rekdal and I. Beuermann (eds), Ideology and Power in the Viking and Middle Ages. Scandinavia, Iceland, Ireland, Orkney and the Faroes.
Historisk Tidsskrift (Norge)
Bregaint, David.
De Nidaros à Bergen. Villes et Communication Royale dans la Norvège aux XIIe et XIIIe siècles.
Revue d'histoire Nordique
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bregaint, David.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Bregaint, David;
Hagland, Jan Ragnar;
Coviaux, Stéphane.
Un discours contre les évêques. Politique et Controverse en Norvège vers 1200.
Les Publications de la Sorbonne
Vitenskapelig kommentarutgave
Bregaint, David.
Conquering Minds: Konungs skuggsiá and the Annexation of Iceland in the Thirteenth Century.
Scandinavian Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bregaint, David;
Mikkelsen, Aud Tretvik.
Tore Iversen, John Ragnar Myking and Gertrud Thoma (eds.): Bauern zwischen Herrschaft und Genossenschaft. Peasant relations to Lords and Government. Scandinavia and the Alpine region 1000 – 1750. Tapir Academic Press, Trondheim, 2007.
Histoire et Sociétés Rurales
Bregaint, David.
The Nordic Elites and Western Europe (12th-15th centuries) [The Nordic Elites and Western Europe].
Scandinavian Journal of History
Storli, Espen;
Bregaint, David.
The Ups and Downs of Family Life: Det Norske Nitridaktieselskap, 1912-1976.
Enterprise & Society
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bregaint, David.
The Royal Order in Norwegian Diplomas, 1202-1263.
Collegium Medievale
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bregaint, David.
Det "uønskede barnet" Pechineys norske datterselskap DNN 1913-1958.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Bregaint, David.
"Loin des yeux, loin du coeur", quatre décennies de relations entre Pechiney et sa filiale norvégienne, DNN.
Cahiers d'histoire de l'aluminium
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brégaint, David Marcel Renee.
Les Tentatives norvégiennes de développement d'une industrie de transformation de l'aluminium: une question de localisation.
Cahiers d'histoire de l'aluminium (40)
Oversatt bok
Bregaint, David Marcel Renee.
Anmeldelse av Nordic Elites in Transformation c. 1050-1250.
Bregaint, David.
Sverre Bagge. En kort introduksjon til Snorre Sturlason. Historiker og dikter.
Historisk Tidsskrift (Norge)
Bregaint, David.
Kings and aristocratic elites: communicating power and status in medieval Norway.
Scandinavian Journal of History
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bregaint, David.
Staging Deaths: King Sverre or a Usurper's path to the Throne.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bregaint, David.
Farer og Sjøfarer. Forestillinger og framstillinger om Nordsjøen og Nord-Atlanteren i Middelalderen.
Arr - Idéhistorisk tidsskrift
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bregaint, David.
Francesco D'Angelo: "In extremo orbe terrarum" le relazioni tra santa Sede e Norvegia nei secoli XI-XIII.
Collegium Medievale
Bregaint, David.
De Kristne mot Korstogene.
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Bregaint, David.
Stefka G. Eriksen, Writing and Reading in Medieval Manuscript Culture. The Translation and Transmission of the Story of Elye in Old French and Old Norse Literary Contexts. Brepols.
Cahiers de civilisation médiévale
Bregaint, David.
Civilizing the 'Viking'. A Pedagogy for Etiquette and Courtly Behavior in 13th Century Norway.
Bulletin du Centre de recherche du château de Versailles
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bregaint, David.
Nicolas Meylan, Magic and Kingship in Medieval Iceland. The Construction of a Discourse of Political Resistance.
Cahiers de civilisation médiévale
Bregaint, David.
Sverre Bagge. From Viking Stronghold to Christian Kingdom: State Formation in Norway, 900-1350.
Cahiers de civilisation médiévale
Bregaint, David Marcel Renee.
Timothy Bolton. "The Empire of Cnut the Great".
Cahiers de civilisation médiévale
Bregaint, David Marcel Renee.
Solemn Entries in 12th and 13th century Norway.
Scandinavian Journal of History
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bregaint, David.
G. Steinsland, J.V. Sigurdsson, J.E. Rekdal and I. Beuermann (eds), Ideology and Power in the Viking and Middle Ages. Scandinavia, Iceland, Ireland, Orkney and the Faroes.
Historisk Tidsskrift (Norge)
Bregaint, David.
De Nidaros à Bergen. Villes et Communication Royale dans la Norvège aux XIIe et XIIIe siècles.
Revue d'histoire Nordique
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bregaint, David.
Conquering Minds: Konungs skuggsiá and the Annexation of Iceland in the Thirteenth Century.
Scandinavian Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bregaint, David;
Mikkelsen, Aud Tretvik.
Tore Iversen, John Ragnar Myking and Gertrud Thoma (eds.): Bauern zwischen Herrschaft und Genossenschaft. Peasant relations to Lords and Government. Scandinavia and the Alpine region 1000 – 1750. Tapir Academic Press, Trondheim, 2007.
Histoire et Sociétés Rurales
Bregaint, David.
The Nordic Elites and Western Europe (12th-15th centuries) [The Nordic Elites and Western Europe].
Scandinavian Journal of History
Storli, Espen;
Bregaint, David.
The Ups and Downs of Family Life: Det Norske Nitridaktieselskap, 1912-1976.
Enterprise & Society
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bregaint, David.
The Royal Order in Norwegian Diplomas, 1202-1263.
Collegium Medievale
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bregaint, David.
"Loin des yeux, loin du coeur", quatre décennies de relations entre Pechiney et sa filiale norvégienne, DNN.
Cahiers d'histoire de l'aluminium
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bregaint, David.
Vox regis. Royal Communication in High Medieval Norway.
Brill Academic Publishers
The Northern World (74)
Vitenskapelig monografi
Bregaint, David;
Hagland, Jan Ragnar;
Coviaux, Stéphane.
Un discours contre les évêques. Politique et Controverse en Norvège vers 1200.
Les Publications de la Sorbonne
Vitenskapelig kommentarutgave
Del av bok/rapport
Bregaint, David Marcel Renee;
Melve, Leidulf.
1400: Lensmenn, borgermestre og byprivilegium – biskop Øystein Aslaksson .
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Bregaint, David Marcel Renee;
Melve, Leidulf.
1500: Opprør, Hansa og reformasjon – ridder Knut Alvsson .
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Bregaint, David Marcel Renee;
Orning, Hans Jacob.
1300: En kristen ridderkonge i skandinavisk heksegryte – Håkon 5. Magnusson .
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Bregaint, David Marcel Renee.
God’s Peace and the King’s Peace in High Medieval Norway.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Bregaint, David.
Royal patronage of Courtly Literature – Asserting Cultural Prestige in High Medieval Norway.
LIT Verlag
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Bregaint, David.
The Missing Saint. Saint Olaf and King Hákon Hákonsson.
Novus Forlag
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Bregaint, David.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Bregaint, David.
Det "uønskede barnet" Pechineys norske datterselskap DNN 1913-1958.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Bregaint, David Marcel Renee.
Vox regis. Royal Communication in High Medieval Norway.
Brégaint, David Marcel Renee.
Les Tentatives norvégiennes de développement d'une industrie de transformation de l'aluminium: une question de localisation.
Cahiers d'histoire de l'aluminium (40)
Oversatt bok
Vitenskapelig foredragBregaint, David Marcel Renee. (2024) Les banquets royaux dans la Norvège médiévale: vitrines d'une intégration diplomatique. EPHE Oaths, gifts, and etiquette: How diplomacy was expressed through banquets , Paris 2024-02-20 - 2024-02-20
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBregaint, David Marcel Renee. (2024) People, nature, and beaver. Insights in premodern environmental history. ESTIEM Europe 3D 2024-03-19 -
IntervjuBregaint, David Marcel Renee. (2024) Menneskeknokler fra Napoleonskrigene kan ha blitt brukt til å lage sukker, ifølge historikere. Forskning.no Forskning.no [Internett] 2024-04-10
Vitenskapelig foredragBregaint, David Marcel Renee. (2024) Diplomacy and exchanges: Norway and the West in the 13th century. Society for Court Studies The Society for Court Studies. Virtual Scholarship Series 2024-12-19 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBregaint, David Marcel Renee. (2023) Du sang à la Vertu. La Genèse d’une Nouvelle Aristocratie dans la Norvège du 13ème Siècle. CESCM et Université de Poitiers Le Sang et la Vertu. Noblesse de sang et noblesses d'âme au moyen Âge , Poitiers 2023-10-12 - 2023-10-14
IntervjuBrandslet, Steinar; Bregaint, David Marcel Renee. (2023) Virkelighetens Napoleon - kald jævel og taktisk geni. Gemini.no Gemini.no [Internett] 2023-11-13
IntervjuPål, Plassen; Bregaint, David Marcel Renee. (2023) Napoleon - gal eller genial?. NRK p2 Kompass NRK p2 Kompass [Radio] 2023-11-23
Vitenskapelig foredragBregaint, David. (2022) Må man kutte fortiden i skiver? Periodisering og 'de norske borgerkrigene'. Minerva 2022-05-11 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBregaint, David. (2022) Le roi Olaf, viking et saint. CRAHAM Musée de Normandie Conference , Caen 2022-03-17 -
ProgramdeltagelseBregaint, David. (2019) [audio] Cherchez le saint. St Olaf et le roi Hakon Hakonssson. La forge numérique La forge numérique [Internett] 2019-05-06
Vitenskapelig foredragBregaint, David. (2018) God's Peace and the King's Peace in Medieval Norway. UIO Peacemaking and the restraint of Violence in Medieval Europe (1100-1300) , Oslo 2018-02-22 - 2018-02-23
Vitenskapelig foredragBregaint, David. (2018) The missing saint: St Olaf and King Hákon Hákonsson. NEXUS NIDAROS NTNU Royal Saints, Kings and People. St Olaf in Context , Trondheim 2018-11-29 - 2018-11-30
Vitenskapelig foredragBregaint, David. (2018) Cherchez le saint. Saint Olaf et Hákon Hákonsson. CRAHAM Université de Caen Eglise, Société et sainteté royale en Norvège , Caen 2018-11-22 - 2018-11-23
Vitenskapelig foredragBregaint, David. (2017) The Sea in the Middle Ages. Conceptions and Beliefs. 3ROceans. The High Seas and the Deep Oceans: Representations, Resources and Regulatory Governance , Lerwick, Shetland 2017-09-21 - 2017-09-23
Vitenskapelig foredragBregaint, David. (2017) Second Fiddles in Medieval Rituals. Research, Theory, Issues. David Brégaint NFR/NTNU SECOND FIDDLES IN MEDIEVAL RITUALS , Trondheim 2017-11-23 - 2017-11-24
Vitenskapelig foredragBregaint, David. (2017) SECOND FIDDLES IN MEDIEVAL RITUALS. International Conference 23-24 November 2017 Trondheim. David Brégaint NFR/NTNU / , Trondheim 2017-11-23 - 2017-11-24
Vitenskapelig foredragBregaint, David. (2016) A vulture perched on high. King Sverre's exploitation of princely burials in 12th century Norway. Universidad de Lisboa Debuerit habere regnum. Deposing and proclaiming kings in middle ages. Lisboa , Lisboa 2016-10-12 - 2016-10-14
Vitenskapelig foredragBregaint, David. (2016) "Promoting Courtly Culture to the 'Impetuous and Imprudent' Courtiers of the 13th century Norwegian Crown". Nordic Branch of the International Arthurian Society Arthur entre Nord et Sud. Paris 2016 , Paris 2016-12-06 - 2016-12-07
Vitenskapelig foredragBregaint, David. (2016) Trial by Ordeal in 12th and 13th century Norway. Between Politics and the Divine. Leeds International Medieval Congress , Leeds 2016-07-05 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBrégaint, David Marcel Renee. (2015) Ritualenes Politikk. Kommunikasjon og Makt i høymiddelalder Norge. Institutt for arkeologi, historie og religion Institutt seminar UIB , UIB 2015-02-18 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBrégaint, David Marcel Renee. (2014) Gudsdommen og kampen for den norske tronen 1181-1218. IHS-NTNU Instituttseminar IHS , Trondheim 2014-11-05 -
IntervjuBrégaint, David Marcel Renee. (2014) Den store norske språkkrigen. Gemini Gemini [Tidsskrift] 2014-11-26
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBregaint, David Marcel Renee. (2014) Sir Hew Strachan "Military operations and national policies". Den Store Krigen - NTNU 2014 , Suhmhuset 2014-04-23 -
IntervjuBrégaint, David Marcel Renee. (2014) 100 år siden Den store krigen brøt ut. Gemini Gemini [Internett] 2014-01-30
IntervjuBrégaint, David Marcel Renee. (2014) Den store norske språkkrigen. Gemini Gemini [Internett] 2014-07-08
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBregaint, David Marcel Renee. (2014) David Killingray "The Impact of the First World War on sub-Saharan Africa". David Brégaint Den Store Krigen - NTNU 2014 2014-02-06 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBregaint, David Marcel Renee. (2014) Heather Jones "Propaganda, Humanitarism and Total War: The Allied Blockade of Germany 1914-1919". David Brégaint Den Store Krigen - NTNU 2014 2014-03-25 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBregaint, David Marcel Renee. (2014) Jay M. Winter "Remembering the Great War 100 years on". David Brégaint Den Store Krigen - NTNU 2014 2014-03-07 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBregaint, David Marcel Renee. (2014) Dan Todman "A Century of Remembering: Britain and the First World War". David Brégaint Den Store Krigen - NTNU 2014 2014-02-27 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBrégaint, David Marcel Renee. (2014) Karl Erik Haug "Norge i tysk sjømilitær strategi". Den Store Krigen - NTNU 2014 , Trondheim 2014-05-07 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBrégaint, David Marcel Renee. (2014) Christa Hämmerle "...a nameless misery" Austro-Hungarian Nurses in WWI. Den Store Krigen - NTNU 2014 2014-05-15 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBregaint, David Marcel Renee; Storli, Espen. (2014) Bjørn Sørenssen "Den Første Krigspropaganda Film: Slaget ved Somme". Den Store Krigen - NTNU 2014 , Dokkhuset 2014-04-09 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBregaint, David. (2013) Høytidelige entréer i høy middelalder Norge. IHK NTNU IHK seminar 2013-01-16 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBregaint, David. (2012) Comics and War Propaganda. Institutt for historie og klassiske fag Seminar NTNU , NTNU 2012-05-07 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBregaint, David; Hagland, Jan Ragnar. (2011) "En tale mot biskopene" på fransk. NTNU Språkdagen 2011 ISL , Dragvoll 2011-01-21 -
ProgramdeltagelseBregaint, David. (2011) Monaco før og nå. NRK2 Radioselskapet NRK2 Radioselskapet [Radio] 2011-07-04
Vitenskapelig foredragBregaint, David. (2011) Middelalder Politisk Kommunikasjon: Kongespeilet og Annekteringen av Island på 1200-tallet. Institutt for historie og klassiske fag Institutt Seminar , NTNU Dragvoll 2011-04-06 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBregaint, David. (2008) Aluminiumprodusenten DNN og de utenlandske moderselskapene: et "nytt krast eksempel" på utenlandske eierskap?. HIFO Tromsø HIFO seminar , Tromsø 2008-06-19 - 2008-06-22
Vitenskapelig foredragBregaint, David. (2007) "Propaganda, Ideology, and the Genesis of the Medieval State in Norway, ca. 1160-1319" Presentasjon av et doktorgrads prosjekt. Institutt for historie og klassiske fag, NTNU Institutt seminar , Institutt for historie 2007-02-06 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBregaint, David Marcel Renee. (2007) Utenlandsk eierskap i den norske aluminiumsindustrien: eksemplet Pechiney i DNN. HIFO- Vestfold HIFO-seminaret 2007 , Tønsberg 2007-05-11 - 2007-05-13