Alyssa Christine Magee Lowery
Alyssa Christine Magee Lowery
Førsteamanuensis i barnelitteratur og unge elever
eBLINK: engelske Bildebøker for Lærere i Norske Klasserom
The purpose of this research project is to explore guided use of expert-curated digital English children's book libraries into Norwegian classrooms where students are learning English
CLEAR: Children's Literature Education and Research
CLEAR works within the broad discipline of literature for children and young adults by researching children's multimedia texts, their uses in classrooms, and their places in the daily lived realities of children and adults across the globe.
Lowery, Alyssa Christine Magee.
Why S.P.E.W. Was Doomed to Fail: Exploring Systemic Inequity through Rowling's Racialized House Elves.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Lowery, Alyssa Christine Magee;
Bland, Janice Mary;
Minslow, Sarah;
Verma, Bakhti;
Pathan, Wafa.
Recommended Reads: Children in Zones of Conflict.
Children's Literature in English Language Education (CLELEjournal )
Lowery, Alyssa Christine Magee;
Haines, Colin;
Grosch, Heidi Haavan;
Dillon-Craig, Jade.
Recommended Reads: Multimodal Texts to Facilitate In-Depth English Learning.
Children's Literature in English Language Education (CLELEjournal )
Lowery, Alyssa Christine Magee.
Mighty Children and the Transformation of Authoritative Adults in Andrea Beaty's The Questioneers: A Discussion of Age-Based Power as Theme in Literature for Children.
Bookbird: A Journal of International Children's Literature
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lowery, Alyssa Christine Magee;
Dillon-Craig, Jade ;
Rasmussen, Maren Smedsrud.
eBLINK: Bringing Authentic Picturebooks into the EAL Classroom in Norway.
Bookbird: A Journal of International Children's Literature
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lowery, Alyssa;
Hayes, William.
The Heart and Mind in Teaching: Pedagogical Styles Through the Ages.
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Vitenskapelig monografi
Lowery, Alyssa Christine Magee;
Bland, Janice Mary;
Minslow, Sarah;
Verma, Bakhti;
Pathan, Wafa.
Recommended Reads: Children in Zones of Conflict.
Children's Literature in English Language Education (CLELEjournal )
Lowery, Alyssa Christine Magee;
Haines, Colin;
Grosch, Heidi Haavan;
Dillon-Craig, Jade.
Recommended Reads: Multimodal Texts to Facilitate In-Depth English Learning.
Children's Literature in English Language Education (CLELEjournal )
Lowery, Alyssa Christine Magee.
Mighty Children and the Transformation of Authoritative Adults in Andrea Beaty's The Questioneers: A Discussion of Age-Based Power as Theme in Literature for Children.
Bookbird: A Journal of International Children's Literature
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lowery, Alyssa Christine Magee;
Dillon-Craig, Jade ;
Rasmussen, Maren Smedsrud.
eBLINK: Bringing Authentic Picturebooks into the EAL Classroom in Norway.
Bookbird: A Journal of International Children's Literature
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lowery, Alyssa;
Hayes, William.
The Heart and Mind in Teaching: Pedagogical Styles Through the Ages.
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Vitenskapelig monografi
Del av bok/rapport
Lowery, Alyssa Christine Magee.
Why S.P.E.W. Was Doomed to Fail: Exploring Systemic Inequity through Rowling's Racialized House Elves.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Vitenskapelig foredragLowery, Alyssa Christine Magee; Dillon-Craig, Jade. (2024) Using Popular Family Films to Support Curriculum Aims in the EAL Classroom. Reading for in-depth English Learning: Texts in and beyond the classroom , Bodø 2024-05-06 - 2024-05-08