Veruska De Caro-Barek
Teknologi og læring, nye konvergente teknologier, konnektivisme (Georg Siemens), læringsteorier for det digitale samfunn, innovasjon i undervisning, læringsdesign/kursdesign og MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses), e-læringsplattformer, hybride læringsplasser og læringsarenaer, digital kompetanse og digitalisering av høyere utdanning.
- Tillitsvalgt Norsk Lektorlag
- Representant for Akademikerne i LOSAM - SU
Siste prosjekter:
- Research Topic Editor: Call for participation open
Future Places of Learning and Higher Education: a Humanistic Perspective.
Om meg:
Jeg er ansatt som rådgiver i Studieseksjonen ved SU og ved BLINK læringshub, men er for tiden utlånt til Seksjon for læringsstøtte og digitale tjenester (SLD).
Seksjon for læringsstøtte er en del av Avdeling for utdanningskvalitet. I seksjonen bidrar jeg og mine kollegaer til økt utdanningskvalitet gjennom å støtte NTNU i utviklingen av varierte og studentaktive undervisnings-, lærings- og vurderingsformer. Vi jobber også målrettet med bedre koordinering av NTNUs støtteenheter for å gi våre undervisere og fagmiljøer i alle tre campusbyer et likeverdig og helhetlig tilbud.
I mitt arbeid bistår jeg NTNU's undervisere, prosjektledere og/eller ledere med pedagogisk/didaktisk kompetanse om digitaliseringsprosesser, e-læring og kursdesign samt teknisk kyndighet i bruk av NTNUs e-læringsplattformer og digitale læringsverktøy. I tillegg driver jeg med produksjon av digitale læringsressurser rettet mot undervisere.
Jeg er spesielt opptatt av å undersøke hvordan innovasjon i IKT og nye konvergente teknologier og samspillet mellom rom, teknologi og pedagogikk forandrer vår tilnærming til læring og undervisningspraksiser. Hovedspørsmålet handler om hvordan å benytte seg av teknologi for å fremme læring og innovasjon i undervisning og utdanningskvaliteten i høyere utdanning. Ved siden av jobben holder jeg på med en dr.philos. grad med fokus på cross-campus undervisningspraksiser og utvikling av hybride læringsarealer. Jeg er medlem av forskningsgruppen DIGIT - Digitalisering av utdanningsområdet i høyere utdanning.
Jeg er opprinnelig utdannet innenfor språkdidaktikk med Master fra UiB og har i en årrekke vært beskjeftiget med IKT i utdanning blant annet gjennom lektorstillinger ved UiB og NTNU fra 2014.
Ved NTNU har jeg både undervist i norsk som andrespråk ved Institutt for språk og litteratur og bidratt til å utvikle flere MOOC-er (Massive Open online Courses) i Norsk som andrespråk for Utenriksdepartementet og den internasjonale e-læringsplattformen FutureLearn.
I perioden 2017-2021 ble jeg ansatt i NTNU DRIVE, programmet for digitalisering av utdanningsområdet (2016-2021). DRIVE hadde som mål å bidra til å øke den digitale kompetansen hos NTNUs undervisere ved å utforske nye digitale læringsteknologier. Parallet ble jeg innleid som forsker i forskningsprosjektene SALTO og SALTO MORTALE hvor vi undersøkte hvilke faktorer som kan fremme og/eller hemme opplevelsen av kvalitet og likeverdighet i cross-campus undervisning hos studenter og undervisere.
Lengre ned på siden finner du en liste med mine publikasjoner så langt.
Hvis du ønsker å vite mer om min virksomhet, send gjerne en mail.
Siste publikasjoner og konferanser:
- De Caro-Barek, V. et al. (2024). Places of Learning: A discussion of Radcliffe's framework for learning spaces in light of Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology. Nordic Studies in Education, 44(1), 54-84.
- De Caro-Barek, V. & Støckert, R. (2024). Road works ahead: the journey of an innovative cross-campus hybrid learning space navigating higher education institution's organizational setback. Front.Educ., Sec. Higher Education, Vol 9.
- De Caro-Barek, V. (2023). Alle liker en god historie: Et narrativt rammeverk for nettkurs. Læringsfestivalen, NTNU.
- De Caro-Barek, V. et al. (2023). Dynamic learning spaces—dynamic pedagogy. Students’ voices from a master’s program focusing on student active learning in a cross-institution two-campus organization. Frontiers in Education, 8.
- De Caro-Barek, V. (2022). Everyone loves a good story. Learning Design for Language MOOCs. Frontiers in Education:
- NSO (Norsk Studentorganisasjon) Høstkonferanse 2022 - NTNU Kalvskinnet: Fremtidas student - Hvem, Hva, Hvordan? Innlegg Veruska De Caro-Barek "Hvordan skal vi studere i fremtiden?"
- NU2022 Konferanse Stockholm: De Caro-Barek, V. et al. (2022). Multi-campus learning arenas for student active learning in Higher education. A somersault into the future. Presentasjon.
- INTED 2022: De Caro-Barek, V. et al.(2022). LEARNING ARENAS FOR STUDENT ACTIVE LEARNING IN HIGHER EDUCATION. Video presentation (second video from the bottom page)
- Nykvist, De Caro-Barek, Støckert & Lysne (D.2021). Success factors needed for developing a higher education cross-campus learning environment in a nordic context. Frontiers in Education.
- De Caro-Barek, V.; Støckert, R. Videointervju om fremtidige læringsarenaer i UH-sektoren. Arkitekturkonferanse Martela EdDesign. Moskva, 29. november 2021
- De Caro-Barek, Veruska; Lysne, Dag Atle. Likeverdig og fleksibel flercampus-undervisning. Stemmer fra SALTO og SALTOMORTALE. Webinarfestivalen NTNU, 24.nov.2021.
- De Caro-Barek, Veruska; Lysne, Dag Atle.
«Hører du meg?»: Når studentene tar styringen og musikk og teknologi forenes. Læringsfestivalen NTNU, 10.05.2021- 11.05.2021 - De Caro-Barek, Veruska; Støckert, Robin. FROM PANIC TO PLANNING: EXTENDING THE NOTION OF PRESENCE TO CREATE SUSTAINABLE DIGITAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS. e-LSE -The 17th eLearning and Software for Education Conference; 2021-04-22 - 2021-04-23
- Støckert, R., van der Zanden, P., De Caro-Barek, V. An education spaces framework to define interactive and collaborative practices over the physical-hybrid-virtual continuum. e-LSE - The 17th eLearning and Software for Education Conference; 2021-04-22 - 2021-04-23
Publikasjoner før NTNU
- De Caro, V. (2008) Dimensione interculturale e PEL - Språkpermen og den interkulturelle dimensjonen. Arena Romanistica, 1: 30-49. Bergen: UiB
Technology and learning, new convergent technologies, Connectivism (Georg Siemens), learning theories for the digital age, innovation in teaching, course design and MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses), e-learning platforms, digital competence and digitalization processes in higher education.
Other positions:
- Union Representative Norsk Lektorlag (Norwegian Lecturers' Association)
- Representative for Akademikerne SU in LOSAM
Recent projects:
- Research Topic Editor: Call for participation open
Future Places of Learning and Higher Education: a Humanistic Perspective.
About me:
I am employed as an adviser at the Student and Academic section at the Faculty of Social Sciences. Currently, I am on loan to the Section for learning support and digital services.
The Learning Support Section is part of the Education Quality Department. Here, my colleagues and I contribute to increasing the quality of education by supporting NTNU in the development of varied and student-active teaching, learning and assessment methods. We also work to improve the coordination of NTNU's support centres to provide our educators in all three campus cities with a comprehensive programme of support.
In my work, I assist NTNU's lecturers, project managers and/or managers with pedagogical/didactic expertise in digitization processes, e-learning and course design, and technical expertise in using NTNU's e-learning platforms and digital learning tools. In addition, I produce digital learning resources directed to our educators.
I am particularly interested in investigating how innovation in ICT and new convergent technologies and the interaction between space, technology and pedagogy change our approach to learning and teaching practices. I investigate how to use technology to promote learning and innovation in teaching and the quality of education in higher education. Alongside work, I am doing a dr. philos. degree with a focus on cross-campus teaching practices and the development of hybrid learning places. I am a member of the research group DIGIT - Digitization of the educational area in higher education.
I have a master's in language didactics from UiB and for several years, I have been involved with ICT in education through lecturer positions at UiB and NTNU (from 2014).
At NTNU, I taught Norwegian as a second language at the Department of Language and Literature and contributed to developing several MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) in Norwegian as a second language for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the international e-learning platform FutureLearn.
Between 2017 and 2021, I was employed in NTNU DRIVE, NTNU's program for the digitization of Higher Education (2016-2021). DRIVE aimed to increase the digital competence of NTNU's educators by exploring new learning technologies. At the same time, I was hired as a researcher in the research projects SALTO and SALTO MORTALE, where we investigated which factors can promote and/or inhibit the experience of quality and equality in cross-campus teaching and learning among students and educators.
Further down the page, you will find a list of my publications so far.
If you would like to know more about my work, please send me an email.
Latest contributions:
- De Caro-Barek, V. et al. (2024). Places of Learning: A discussion of Radcliffe's framework for learning spaces in light of Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology. Nordic Studies in Education, 44(1), 54-84.
- De Caro-Barek, V. & Støckert, R. (2024). Road works ahead: the journey of an innovative cross-campus hybrid learning space navigating higher education institution's organizational setback. Front.Educ., Sec. Higher Education, Vol 9.
- De Caro-Barek, V. (2023). Alle liker en god historie: Et narrativt rammeverk for nettkurs. Læringsfestivalen, NTNU.
- De Caro-Barek, V. et al. (2023). Dynamic learning spaces—dynamic pedagogy. Students’ voices from a master’s program focusing on student active learning in a cross-institution two-campus organization. Frontiers in Education, 8.
- De Caro-Barek, V. (2022). Everyone loves a good story. Learning Design for Language MOOCs. Frontiers in Education:
- NSO (Norsk Studentorganisasjon) Høstkonferanse 2022 - NTNU Kalvskinnet: Fremtidas student - Hvem, Hva, Hvordan? Innlegg Veruska De Caro-Barek "Hvordan skal vi studere i fremtiden?"
- Nykvist, De Caro-Barek, Støckert & Lysne (D.2021). Success factors needed for developing a higher education cross-campus learning environment in a nordic context. Frontiers in Education.
- De Caro-Barek, V.; Støckert, R. Video interview Future Learning Spaces in Higher Education. Conference: Architecture for Education Martela EdDesign. Moskva, November 29th 2021
- De Caro-Barek, Veruska; Lysne, Dag Atle. Likeverdig og fleksibel flercampus-undervisning. Stemmer fra SALTO og SALTOMORTALE. Webinarfestivalen NTNU, 24.nov.2021.
- De Caro-Barek, Veruska; Lysne, Dag Atle.
«Hører du meg?»: Når studentene tar styringen og musikk og teknologi forenes. Læringsfestivalen NTNU, 10.05.2021- 11.05.2021 - De Caro-Barek, Veruska; Støckert, Robin. FROM PANIC TO PLANNING: EXTENDING THE NOTION OF PRESENCE TO CREATE SUSTAINABLE DIGITAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS. e-LSE -The 17th eLearning and Software for Education Conference; 2021-04-22 - 2021-04-23
- Støckert, R., van der Zanden, P., De Caro-Barek, V. An education spaces framework to define interactive and collaborative practices over the physical-hybrid-virtual continuum. e-LSE - The 17th eLearning and Software for Education Conference; 2021-04-22 - 2021-04-23
Publications before NTNU:
- De Caro, V. (2008): Dimensione interculturale e PEL”- Språkpermen og den interkulturelle dimensjonen. Arena Romanistica, 1: 30-49. Bergen: UiB. 2008
- Andrespråksforskning
- Blandet læring
- Datastøttet samarbeidslæring
- Deltagende læring og handling
- Digitale læringsarenaer
- Digitale læringsressurser
- Digitalisering for læring
- E-læring
- Evalueringsforskning
- Fleksibel læring
- Formell og uformell læring
- Fremmedspråksdidaktikk språklæring språkundervisning
- Fremtidige læringsarenaer
- IKT og språklæring
- Læringsdesign
- Læringsteknologi
- Undervisningsdesign
De Caro-Barek, Veruska;
Støckert, Robin.
Road works ahead: the journey of an innovative cross-campus hybrid learning space navigating higher education institutions’ organizational setbacks.
Frontiers in Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
De Caro-Barek, Veruska;
Lysne, Dag Atle;
Støckert, Robin;
Solbjørg, Ole Kristen;
Røren, Kari Anne Flem.
Places of Learning: A Discussion of Radcliffe’s Framework for Learning Spaces in Light of Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology.
Nordic Studies in Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Støckert, Robin;
De Caro-Barek, Veruska.
Hybrid Spaces in Higher Education: A Comprehensive Guide to Pedagogical, Space and Technology Design.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
de Caro-Barek, Veruska;
Lysne, Dag Atle;
Støckert, Robin;
Solbjørg, Ole Kristen;
Røren, Kari Anne Flem.
Dynamic learning spaces—dynamic pedagogy. Students’ voices from a master’s program focusing on student active learning in a cross-institution two-campus organization.
Frontiers in Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
de Caro-Barek, Veruska;
Støckert, Robin.
Teachers' role and responsibilities
in Language MOOCs .
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Støckert, Robin;
van der Zanden, Piet;
de Caro-Barek, Veruska.
A designer`s guide to the university learning space.
INTED Proceedings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
de Caro-Barek, Veruska;
Lysne, Dag Atle;
Støckert, Robin;
Røren, Kari Anne Flem;
Solbjørg, Ole Kristen.
Multi-campus learning arenas for student active learning in higher education: a somersault into the future.
INTED Proceedings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Støckert, Robin;
Zanden, Piet van der;
de Caro-Barek, Veruska.
An education spaces framework to define interactive and collaborative practices over the physical-hybrid-virtual continuum.
eLearning and Software for Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
De Caro-Barek, Veruska;
Støckert, Robin.
From panic to planning: extending the notion of presence to create sustainable digital learning environments.
eLearning and Software for Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nykvist, Shaun S.;
de Caro-Barek, Veruska;
Støckert, Robin;
Lysne, Dag Atle.
Key Factors Needed for Developing a Higher Education Cross-Campus Learning Environment in a Nordic Context.
Frontiers in Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
De Caro-Barek, Veruska.
LernNoW Norwegian for beginners 2.
Digitale læremidler
De Caro-Barek, Veruska;
Barek, Kristian.
WebRTC in Open EdX: Making live Communication and Collaboration in Language MOOCs real.
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
De Caro-Barek, Veruska.
Reshaping teachers' professional identity for the digital era: Teachers' role and responsibilities in MOOCs.
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
De Caro-Barek, Veruska.
LearnNoW - Norwegian for beginners 3.
Digitale læremidler
De Caro-Barek, Veruska.
Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning: What Do We Need to Make a Massive Open Online Course (MooC) for Language Learning Genuinely Innovative?.
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
De Caro-Barek, Veruska.
LearNoW: Norwegian for beginners A1-A2 Course 1.
Digitale læremidler
De Caro-Barek, Veruska.
Innovation in language teaching and learning: How to make a language MOOC genuinely innovative. In Incalcaterra McLoughlin, Villarini (Eds): E-Learning, MOOCs and Foreign Languages: Research, Studies and Experiences. 39-50.
Unior Press
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
De Caro-Barek, Veruska;
Støckert, Robin.
Road works ahead: the journey of an innovative cross-campus hybrid learning space navigating higher education institutions’ organizational setbacks.
Frontiers in Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
De Caro-Barek, Veruska;
Lysne, Dag Atle;
Støckert, Robin;
Solbjørg, Ole Kristen;
Røren, Kari Anne Flem.
Places of Learning: A Discussion of Radcliffe’s Framework for Learning Spaces in Light of Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology.
Nordic Studies in Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
de Caro-Barek, Veruska;
Lysne, Dag Atle;
Støckert, Robin;
Solbjørg, Ole Kristen;
Røren, Kari Anne Flem.
Dynamic learning spaces—dynamic pedagogy. Students’ voices from a master’s program focusing on student active learning in a cross-institution two-campus organization.
Frontiers in Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Støckert, Robin;
van der Zanden, Piet;
de Caro-Barek, Veruska.
A designer`s guide to the university learning space.
INTED Proceedings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
de Caro-Barek, Veruska;
Lysne, Dag Atle;
Støckert, Robin;
Røren, Kari Anne Flem;
Solbjørg, Ole Kristen.
Multi-campus learning arenas for student active learning in higher education: a somersault into the future.
INTED Proceedings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Støckert, Robin;
Zanden, Piet van der;
de Caro-Barek, Veruska.
An education spaces framework to define interactive and collaborative practices over the physical-hybrid-virtual continuum.
eLearning and Software for Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
De Caro-Barek, Veruska;
Støckert, Robin.
From panic to planning: extending the notion of presence to create sustainable digital learning environments.
eLearning and Software for Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nykvist, Shaun S.;
de Caro-Barek, Veruska;
Støckert, Robin;
Lysne, Dag Atle.
Key Factors Needed for Developing a Higher Education Cross-Campus Learning Environment in a Nordic Context.
Frontiers in Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
De Caro-Barek, Veruska;
Barek, Kristian.
WebRTC in Open EdX: Making live Communication and Collaboration in Language MOOCs real.
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
De Caro-Barek, Veruska.
Reshaping teachers' professional identity for the digital era: Teachers' role and responsibilities in MOOCs.
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
De Caro-Barek, Veruska.
Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning: What Do We Need to Make a Massive Open Online Course (MooC) for Language Learning Genuinely Innovative?.
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
De Caro-Barek, Veruska.
Innovation in language teaching and learning: How to make a language MOOC genuinely innovative. In Incalcaterra McLoughlin, Villarini (Eds): E-Learning, MOOCs and Foreign Languages: Research, Studies and Experiences. 39-50.
Unior Press
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Del av bok/rapport
Støckert, Robin;
De Caro-Barek, Veruska.
Hybrid Spaces in Higher Education: A Comprehensive Guide to Pedagogical, Space and Technology Design.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
de Caro-Barek, Veruska;
Støckert, Robin.
Teachers' role and responsibilities
in Language MOOCs .
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
De Caro-Barek, Veruska.
LernNoW Norwegian for beginners 2.
Digitale læremidler
De Caro-Barek, Veruska.
LearnNoW - Norwegian for beginners 3.
Digitale læremidler
De Caro-Barek, Veruska.
LearNoW: Norwegian for beginners A1-A2 Course 1.
Digitale læremidler
Hvordan skal vi studere i fremtiden?
Multi-campus learning arenas for student active learning in Higher education. A somersault into the future.
Future Learning Spaces in Higher Education
Vitenskapelig foredragStøckert, Robin; van der Zanden, Piet; de Caro-Barek, Veruska. (2022) A designer`s guide to the university learning space. IATED 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. , Valencia 2022-03-07 - 2022-03-08
Vitenskapelig foredragde Caro-Barek, Veruska; Lysne, Dag Atle; Støckert, Robin; Røren, Kari Anne Flem; Solbjørg, Ole Kristen. (2022) Multi-campus learning arenas for student active learning in higher education: a somersault into the future. IATED 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. , Valencia 2022-03-07 - 2022-03-08
Faglig foredragDe Caro-Barek, Veruska. (2022) "Hvordan skal vi studere i fremtiden?". NSO (Norsk Studentorganisasjon) NSO (Norsk Studentorganisasjon) Høstkonferanse 2022 , NTNU - Kalvskinnet 2022-10-28 - 2022-10-30
Vitenskapelig foredragDe Caro-Barek, Veruska; Lysne, Dag Atle. (2021) «Hører du meg?»: Når studentene tar styringen og musikk og teknologi forenes. . NTNU Læringsfestivalen NTNU 2021 , Trondheim 2021-05-10 - 2021-05-11
Vitenskapelig foredragStøckert, Robin; Zanden, Piet van der; de Caro-Barek, Veruska. (2021) An education spaces framework to define interactive and collaborative practices over the physical-hybrid-virtual continuum. Carol I National Defence University e-LSE -The 17th eLearning and Software for Education Conference , Bucharest 2021-04-22 - 2021-04-23
Vitenskapelig foredragDe Caro-Barek, Veruska; Lysne, Dag Atle; Støckert, Robin; Røren, Kari Anne Flem; Solbjørg, Ole Kristen. (2021) Likeverdig og fleksibel flercampus-undervisning. Stemmer fra SALTO og SALTOMORTALE. NTNU Webinarfestivalen 2021 , NTNU 2021-11-24 - 2021-11-24
Vitenskapelig foredragDe Caro-Barek, Veruska; Støckert, Robin. (2021) From panic to planning: extending the notion of presence to create sustainable digital learning environments. Carol I National Defence University e-LSE -The 17th eLearning and Software for Education Conference , Bucharest 2021-04-22 - 2021-04-23
Vitenskapelig foredragde Caro-Barek, Veruska; Støckert, Robin. (2021) Teachers' role and responsibilities in Language MOOCs . Lomonosov Moscow State University Topical Issues of Digitalization of Linguistic Education at the University , Moscow 2021-06-07 - 2021-06-08
Populærvitenskapelig foredragStøckert, Robin; De Caro-Barek, Veruska. (2021) What features of educational processes and communication do we need to consider when designing a new environment logic for universities. Martela EdDesign International Conference: "Rebuilding a School: From Architecture to Community" , Moskva 2021-12-06 - 2021-12-06
Faglig foredragDe Caro-Barek, Veruska. (2018) De Caro-Barek, V. «Innovation in language teaching and learning: What do we need to make a MOOC genuinely innovative? Sharing work in progress experiences as a MOOC course developer at NTNU, Trondheim, Norway» in Empowering Learners for Life in the Digital Age 12th IFIP TC 3 Open Conference on Computers in Education, OCCE 2018, June 25th-28th, Linz - Austria 2018, Revised Selected Papers. Springer 2018 (Publiseres i 2019). IFIP TC 3 Empowering Learners for Life in the Digital Age 12th IFIP TC 3 Open Conference on Computers in Education, OCCE 2018, , Linz 2018-06-25 - 2018-06-28
Faglig foredragDe Caro-Barek, Veruska. (2017) De Caro-Barek, V. «Innovation in language teaching and learning: What do we need to make a MOOC genuinely innovative? Sharing work in progress experiences as a MOOC course developer at NTNU, Trondheim, Norway» in Proceedings from the Second International Conference MOOCs, Language Learning and Mobility, 13th – 14th October 2017. Napoli, Italia: Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II. 2017. (Publiseres snart). Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II Language Learning and Mobility, 13th – 14th October 2017. Napoli, Italia: Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II. , Napoli 2017-10-13 - 2017-10-14