Siv Stakset Brenne
Cand. med fra Københavns Universitet 2010. Overlege i generell kirurgi og gastroenterologisk kirurgi ved Sykehuset Levanger siden 2017. Utdanningsansvarlig overlege siden 2023. Phd stipendiat på prosjektet "Sirkulerende tumor DNA i blodprøver fra kreftpasienter inkludert i HUNT" med fokus på colorektal kreft siden høsten 2018. Jeg har arbeidet med risikofaktorer for colorektalkreft samt sirkulerende tumor DNA for diagnose og prognose innen colorektal kreft blant HUNT deltakere. Disputas ved HUNT Forskningssenter Juni 2024.
Phd stipendiat på prosjektet "Sirkulerende tumor DNA i blodprøver fra kreftpasienter inkludert i HUNT" med fokus på colorectal cancer siden høsten 2018.
Sirkulerende tumor DNA i blodprøver fra kreftpasienter inkludert i HUNT
ctDNA hos pasienter med colorectal kreft i HUNT.
Sirkulerende tumor DNA i blodprøver fra pasienter som innkalles til koloskopi
ctDNA fra colorectal cancer og forstadier i blodprøve hos pasienter henvist til coloskopi.
Brenne, Siv Stakset;
Madsen, Poul Henning;
Pedersen, Inge Søkilde;
Hveem, Kristian;
Skorpen, Frank;
Krarup, Henrik Bygum.
The prognostic role of circulating tumour DNA detected prior to clinical diagnosis of colorectal cancer in the HUNT study.
BMC Cancer
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brenne, Siv Stakset;
Ness-Jensen, Eivind;
Laugsand, Eivor Alette.
External validation of the colorectal cancer risk score LiFeCRC using food frequency questions in the HUNT study.
International Journal of Colorectal Disease
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brenne, Siv Stakset;
Madsen, Poul Henning;
Pedersen, Inge Søkilde;
Hveem, Kristian;
Skorpen, Frank;
Krarup, Henrik Bygum.
Colorectal cancer detected by liquid biopsy 2 years prior to clinical diagnosis in the HUNT study.
British Journal of Cancer
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brenne, Siv Sellæg;
Ness-Jensen, Eivind;
Edna, Tom-Harald;
Lydersen, Stian;
Laugsand, Eivor Alette.
Risk factors for the right colon, left colon and rectal cancers differ between men and women: the population-based HUNT study in Norway.
Colorectal Disease
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Laugsand, Eivor Alette;
Brenne, Siv Sellæg;
Skorpen, Frank.
DNA methylation markers detected in blood, stool, urine, and tissue in colorectal cancer: a systematic review of paired samples.
International Journal of Colorectal Disease
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Brenne, Siv Stakset;
Madsen, Poul Henning;
Pedersen, Inge Søkilde;
Hveem, Kristian;
Skorpen, Frank;
Krarup, Henrik Bygum.
The prognostic role of circulating tumour DNA detected prior to clinical diagnosis of colorectal cancer in the HUNT study.
BMC Cancer
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brenne, Siv Stakset;
Ness-Jensen, Eivind;
Laugsand, Eivor Alette.
External validation of the colorectal cancer risk score LiFeCRC using food frequency questions in the HUNT study.
International Journal of Colorectal Disease
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brenne, Siv Stakset;
Madsen, Poul Henning;
Pedersen, Inge Søkilde;
Hveem, Kristian;
Skorpen, Frank;
Krarup, Henrik Bygum.
Colorectal cancer detected by liquid biopsy 2 years prior to clinical diagnosis in the HUNT study.
British Journal of Cancer
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brenne, Siv Sellæg;
Ness-Jensen, Eivind;
Edna, Tom-Harald;
Lydersen, Stian;
Laugsand, Eivor Alette.
Risk factors for the right colon, left colon and rectal cancers differ between men and women: the population-based HUNT study in Norway.
Colorectal Disease
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Laugsand, Eivor Alette;
Brenne, Siv Sellæg;
Skorpen, Frank.
DNA methylation markers detected in blood, stool, urine, and tissue in colorectal cancer: a systematic review of paired samples.
International Journal of Colorectal Disease
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Pre-diagnostic ctDNA markers are promising contributors to predicting poor prognosis
in CRC, potentially becoming one of the tools in guiding more personalised treatment plans.
Colorectal cancer detected by liquid biopsy two years prior to clinical diagnosis in the HUNT study
Detection of known methylated ctDNA markers of CRC is possible up to two years prior to the clinical diagnosis in an unselected population resembling the screening setting.
PosterBrenne, Siv Stakset; Madsen, Poul Henning; Pedersen, Inge S.; Hveem, Kristian; Skorpen, Frank; Krarup, Henrik Bygum. (2023) The prognostic role of circulating tumour DNA detected prior to clinical diagnosis of colorectal cancer in the HUNT study. IASGO(Int.ass. surgeons,gastroenterologists and oncologists) 34th World Congress IASGO , Verona 2023-09-09 - 2023-09-12
PosterBrenne, Siv Stakset; Laugsand, Eivor Alette; Madsen, Poul Henning; Pedersen, Inge S.; Hveem, Kristian; Skorpen, Frank. (2023) Colorectal cancer detected by liquid biopsy two years prior to clinical diagnosis in the HUNT study. SAGES SAGES 2023 Annual meeting (Society of American Gastrointestinal end Endoscopic Surgeons) , Montreal 2023-03-29 - 2023-04-01