Sebastien Charles Roger Simon
Sébastien Simon is a Resercher in colloid chemistry with 20 years of experience in the study of emulsions, suspensions, polymers, polysaccharides, and crude oil.
Simon studied chemistry at the University of Rouen in France and obtained his PhD in polymer chemistry in 2003 by studying the solution and interfacial properties of amphiphilic polysaccharides (supervisors: Drs. Didier Le Cerf, Guy Muller, and Luc Picton). These polymers are obtained by grafting hydrophobic alkyl chains onto the hydrophilic backbone of a polysaccharide. The hydrophobic alkyl chains can self-associate in aqueous solution or interact with hydrophobic surfaces and, consequently, they strongly modify the properties of the polysaccharide both in the bulk and at interfaces.
After working 11 months as research and teaching assistant at the University of Rouen, Simon moved to Paris suburbs to work as a Post-Doctor for 16 months at the French Petroleum Institute (IFP, Rueil Malmaison, France, supervision: Research Engineer Löic Barré). There, he was introduced to the crude oil chemistry word and especially to asphaltenes. Asphaltenes are the most polar and heaviest compounds of crude oils and are responsible for numerous problems in oil production. For 16 months, Simon had characterized the rheological, emulsifying and adsorption properties of these asphaltenes.
Sébatien Simon joined Ugelstad Laboratory, NTNU as a post doc in February 2006. He was then appointed Researcher in 2008, and finally permanent researcher in December 2011. During these 15 years, Simon has been supervised by Professor Johan Sjöblom and he was involved in numerous industrial projects such as:
1) Flow assurance. Flow assurance can be defined as ensuring successful and economical flow of hydrocarbon stream from reservoir to the point of sale. Most specifically, Simon has been involved in three flow assurance problems: Calcium naphtenate deposition, asphaltene precipitation and deposition, and wax crystallization.
2) Emulsions in particular water-in-oil emulsions. Simon has studied the chemical composition of interfaces, their rheology properties (interfacial dilational and shear rheology), and the stability of crude oil emulsions. He has collaborated with Dr. Geir Sørland from Anvendt Teknologi AS who has developed numerous NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) methods to characterize emulsions.
3) Biopolymers. He has been involved in several projects about the characterization of nanofibril cellulose (collaboration with RISE PFI) and lignosulfonate.
In total, Simon has co-authored 106 peer-reviewed publications and co-supervised 41 students including 9 PhDs.
Simon is currently involved in projects on emulsions and he is developing his activities on biopolymers. He also performs service contracts.
Simon, Sebastien Charles;
Ehret, Kim Flore;
Darcel, Pauline;
Sjøblom, Johan;
Passade-Boupat, Nicolas;
Palermo, Thierry.
Screening of Inhibition of Calcium Naphthenate Deposition in Crude Oil.
Energy & Fuels
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hjartnes, Tomas;
Mhatre, Sameer;
Gao, Bicheng;
Sørland, Geir;
Simon, Sebastien Charles;
Sjøblom, Johan.
Demulsification of crude oil emulsions tracked by pulsed field gradient NMR. Part II: Influence of chemical demulsifiers in external AC electric field.
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Simon, Sebastien Charles;
Ruwoldt, Jost;
Sjøblom, Johan.
A critical update of experimental techniques of bulk and interfacial components for fluid characterization with relevance to well fluid processing and transport.
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Heggset, Ellinor Bævre;
Aaen, Ragnhild;
Veslum, Trinelise;
Henriksson, Marielle;
Simon, Sebastien Charles;
Syverud, Kristin.
Cellulose nanofibrils as rheology modifier in mayonnaise – A pilot scale demonstration.
Food Hydrocolloids
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Simon, Sebastien Charles;
Gao, Bicheng;
Tofte, Sondre Waage;
Sjøblom, Johan;
Passade-Boupat, Nicolas;
Palermo, Thierry.
Influence of Asphaltenes on Gelation of Tetrameric Acid with
Calcium Ion at the Oil/Water Interface under Flow-Model Condition.
Energy & Fuels
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Simon, Sebastien Charles;
Saadat, Marzieh;
Ruwoldt, Jost;
Dudek, Marcin;
Ellis, Ross J.;
Øye, Gisle.
Lignosulfonates in Crude Oil Processing: Interactions with Asphaltenes at the Oil/Water Interface and Screening of Potential Applications.
ACS Omega
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Knudsen, Kenneth Dahl;
Simon, Sebastien Charles;
Geue, Thomas;
Cooper, Joshaniel F. K.;
Sjøblom, Johan.
Interactions between Asphaltenes and a Model Demulsifier in Bulk and at an Interface Studied by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) and Neutron Reflectometry.
Energy & Fuels
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Alicke, Alexandra;
Simon, Sebastien Charles;
Sjøblom, Johan;
Vermant, Jan.
Assessing the Interfacial Activity of Insoluble Asphaltene Layers: Interfacial Rheology versus Interfacial Tension.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aaen, Ragnhild;
Simon, Sebastien Charles;
Brodin, Fredrik Wernersson;
Syverud, Kristin.
The potential of TEMPO-oxidized cellulose nanofibrils
as rheology modifiers in food systems.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aaen, Ragnhild;
Brodin, Fredrik Wernersson;
Simon, Sebastien Charles;
Heggset, Ellinor Bævre;
Syverud, Kristin.
Oil-in-Water Emulsions Stabilized by Cellulose Nanofibrils—The Effects of Ionic Strength and pH.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aadland, Reidun Cecilie Grønfur;
Jakobsen, Trygve Dagsloth;
Heggset, Ellinor Bævre;
Long-Sanouiller, Haili;
Simon, Sebastien Charles;
Paso, Kristofer Gunnar.
High-Temperature Core Flood Investigation of Nanocellulose as a Green Additive for Enhanced Oil Recovery.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bertheussen, Are;
Simon, Sebastien Charles;
Sjøblom, Johan.
Equilibrium Partitioning of Naphthenic Acid Mixture Part 2: Crude Oil-Extracted Naphthenic Acids.
Energy & Fuels
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Simon, Sebastien Charles;
Subramanian, Sreedhar;
Gao, Bicheng;
Sjøblom, Johan.
Interfacial Shear Rheology of Gels Formed at the Oil/Water Interface by Tetrameric Acid and Calcium Ion: Influence of Tetrameric Acid Structure and Oil Composition.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sjøblom, Johan;
Simon, Sebastien Charles;
Xu, Zhenghe.
Model molecules mimicking asphaltenes.
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Sjøblom, Johan;
Simon, Sebastien Charles;
Xu, Zhenghe.
The chemistry of tetrameric acids in petroleum.
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Sjøblom, Johan;
Simon, Sebastien Charles.
Oil Films: Some Basic Concepts.
John Wiley & Sons
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Simon, Sebastien Charles;
Nordgård, Erland;
Bruheim, Per;
Sjøblom, Johan.
Determination of C-80 tetra-acid content in calcium naphthenate deposits.
Journal of Chromatography A
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Simon, Sebastien Charles;
Ehret, Kim Flore;
Darcel, Pauline;
Sjøblom, Johan;
Passade-Boupat, Nicolas;
Palermo, Thierry.
Screening of Inhibition of Calcium Naphthenate Deposition in Crude Oil.
Energy & Fuels
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hjartnes, Tomas;
Mhatre, Sameer;
Gao, Bicheng;
Sørland, Geir;
Simon, Sebastien Charles;
Sjøblom, Johan.
Demulsification of crude oil emulsions tracked by pulsed field gradient NMR. Part II: Influence of chemical demulsifiers in external AC electric field.
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Simon, Sebastien Charles;
Ruwoldt, Jost;
Sjøblom, Johan.
A critical update of experimental techniques of bulk and interfacial components for fluid characterization with relevance to well fluid processing and transport.
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Heggset, Ellinor Bævre;
Aaen, Ragnhild;
Veslum, Trinelise;
Henriksson, Marielle;
Simon, Sebastien Charles;
Syverud, Kristin.
Cellulose nanofibrils as rheology modifier in mayonnaise – A pilot scale demonstration.
Food Hydrocolloids
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Simon, Sebastien Charles;
Gao, Bicheng;
Tofte, Sondre Waage;
Sjøblom, Johan;
Passade-Boupat, Nicolas;
Palermo, Thierry.
Influence of Asphaltenes on Gelation of Tetrameric Acid with
Calcium Ion at the Oil/Water Interface under Flow-Model Condition.
Energy & Fuels
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Simon, Sebastien Charles;
Saadat, Marzieh;
Ruwoldt, Jost;
Dudek, Marcin;
Ellis, Ross J.;
Øye, Gisle.
Lignosulfonates in Crude Oil Processing: Interactions with Asphaltenes at the Oil/Water Interface and Screening of Potential Applications.
ACS Omega
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Knudsen, Kenneth Dahl;
Simon, Sebastien Charles;
Geue, Thomas;
Cooper, Joshaniel F. K.;
Sjøblom, Johan.
Interactions between Asphaltenes and a Model Demulsifier in Bulk and at an Interface Studied by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) and Neutron Reflectometry.
Energy & Fuels
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Alicke, Alexandra;
Simon, Sebastien Charles;
Sjøblom, Johan;
Vermant, Jan.
Assessing the Interfacial Activity of Insoluble Asphaltene Layers: Interfacial Rheology versus Interfacial Tension.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aaen, Ragnhild;
Simon, Sebastien Charles;
Brodin, Fredrik Wernersson;
Syverud, Kristin.
The potential of TEMPO-oxidized cellulose nanofibrils
as rheology modifiers in food systems.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aaen, Ragnhild;
Brodin, Fredrik Wernersson;
Simon, Sebastien Charles;
Heggset, Ellinor Bævre;
Syverud, Kristin.
Oil-in-Water Emulsions Stabilized by Cellulose Nanofibrils—The Effects of Ionic Strength and pH.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aadland, Reidun Cecilie Grønfur;
Jakobsen, Trygve Dagsloth;
Heggset, Ellinor Bævre;
Long-Sanouiller, Haili;
Simon, Sebastien Charles;
Paso, Kristofer Gunnar.
High-Temperature Core Flood Investigation of Nanocellulose as a Green Additive for Enhanced Oil Recovery.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bertheussen, Are;
Simon, Sebastien Charles;
Sjøblom, Johan.
Equilibrium Partitioning of Naphthenic Acid Mixture Part 2: Crude Oil-Extracted Naphthenic Acids.
Energy & Fuels
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Simon, Sebastien Charles;
Subramanian, Sreedhar;
Gao, Bicheng;
Sjøblom, Johan.
Interfacial Shear Rheology of Gels Formed at the Oil/Water Interface by Tetrameric Acid and Calcium Ion: Influence of Tetrameric Acid Structure and Oil Composition.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sjøblom, Johan;
Simon, Sebastien Charles;
Xu, Zhenghe.
Model molecules mimicking asphaltenes.
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Sjøblom, Johan;
Simon, Sebastien Charles;
Xu, Zhenghe.
The chemistry of tetrameric acids in petroleum.
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Simon, Sebastien Charles;
Nordgård, Erland;
Bruheim, Per;
Sjøblom, Johan.
Determination of C-80 tetra-acid content in calcium naphthenate deposits.
Journal of Chromatography A
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Del av bok/rapport
Sjøblom, Johan;
Simon, Sebastien Charles.
Oil Films: Some Basic Concepts.
John Wiley & Sons
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Faglig foredragBertheussen, Are; Dudek, Marcin; Simon, Sebastien Charles; Øye, Gisle; Sjöblom, Johan. (2019) Oil/water partitioning of naphthenic acids and implications for produced water treatment. Tekna Produced Water Management 2019 , Stavanger 2019-01-23 - 2019-01-24