Ruud Egging-Bratseth
Please refer to my English page for more information
(Det betyr ikke at jeg ikke forstår norsk.)
Predel, Johannes Norbert;
Xiong, Bobby Yuxiang;
Crespo del Granado, Pedro Andres;
Egging-Bratseth, Ruud;
Zhang, Hongyu.
Congestion Management Based on Power-to-Gas – Opportunities and Challenges in European Electricity Markets.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Schade, Curd;
Egging-Bratseth, Ruud.
Battery degradation: Impact on economic dispatch.
Energy Storage
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lüth, Alexandra;
Werner, Yannick Marcus;
Egging-Bratseth, Ruud;
Kazempour, Jalal.
Electrolysis as a flexibility resource on energy islands: The case of the North Sea.
Energy Policy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Egging-Bratseth, Ruud;
Siddiqui, Afzal S..
Stochastic equilibria with capacity expansion: Increasing expected profit with risk aversion.
Decision Analytics Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lüth, Alexandra Rebecca;
Seifert, Paul Erich;
Egging-Bratseth, Rudolf Gerardus;
Weibezahn, Jens.
How to connect energy islands: Trade-offs between hydrogen and electricity infrastructure.
Applied Energy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Egging-Bratseth, Ruud;
Holz, Franziska;
Mohlin, Kristina;
Nguyen, Huong;
Zavala-Araiza, Daniel;
Fischer, Carolyn.
Global gas market implications of methane emission reduction policies.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Egging-Bratseth, Ruud;
Kauko, Hanne;
Knudsen, Brage Rugstad;
Bakke, Sara Angell;
Ettayebi, Amina;
Haufe, Ina Renate.
Seasonal storage and demand side management in district heating systems with demand uncertainty.
Applied Energy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Egging-Bratseth, Ruud;
Holz, Franziska;
Czempinski, Victoria.
Freedom Gas to Europe: Scenarios Analyzed Using the Global Gas Model.
Research In International Business and Finance
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Burandt, Thorsten;
Crespo del Granado, Pedro;
Egging, Ruud.
Stranded Assets, and the Role of Biomass and Hydrogen in the European Energy Transition.
IAEE Energy Forum
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Egging-Bratseth, Ruud;
Baltensperger, Tobias;
Tomasgard, Asgeir.
Solving oligopolistic equilibrium problems with convex optimization .
European Journal of Operational Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Xiong, Bobby Yuxiang;
Predel, Johannes Norbert;
Crespo del Granado, Pedro;
Egging-Bratseth, Ruud.
Spatial flexibility in redispatch: Supporting low carbon energy systems with Power-to-Gas.
Applied Energy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kotek, Peter;
Crespo del Granado, Pedro;
Egging, Ruud;
Toth, Borbala T..
European Natural Gas Infrastructure in the Energy Transition
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Grøttum, Hanne Høie;
Bjerland, Siri Førsund;
Crespo del Granado, Pedro;
Egging, Ruud.
Modelling TSO-DSO coordination: The value of distributed flexible resources to the power system.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Zepter, Jan Martin Wilhelm;
Lüth, Alexandra Rebecca;
Crespo del Granado, Pedro;
Egging, Ruud.
Prosumer integration in wholesale electricity markets: Synergies of peer-to-peer trade and residential storage.
Energy and Buildings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Johansen, Ulf;
Egging, Ruud;
Johansen, Kåre.
Regional Wage Responsiveness to Unemployment - Rural-Urban Heterogeneity and Policy Implications.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Johansen, Ulf;
Egging, Ruud;
Ivanova, Olga.
Regional policy and the role of interregional
trade data: policy simulations with a model for
Regional Studies, Regional Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Crespo del Granado, Pedro;
Lüth, Alexandra Rebecca;
Zepter, Jan Martin Wilhelm;
Egging, Ruud.
Batteries and Electricity Market Design for Residential Prosumers.
IAEE International Conference
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lüth, Alexandra Rebecca;
Zepter, Jan Martin Wilhelm;
Crespo del Granado, Pedro;
Egging, Ruud.
Local electricity market designs for peer-to-peer trading: The role of battery flexibility.
Applied Energy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Egging, Ruud;
Tomasgard, Asgeir.
Norway’s role in the European Energy Transition.
Energy Strategy Reviews
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Egging, Ruud;
Pichler, Alois;
Kalvø, Øyvind Iversen;
Walle-Hansen, Thomas Meyer.
Risk aversion in imperfect natural gas markets.
European Journal of Operational Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Baltensperger, Tobias;
Egging, Ruud.
Stochastic modeling of imperfect markets.
Nova Science Publishers
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Skar, Christian;
Egging, Ruud;
Tomasgard, Asgeir.
The role of transmission and energy storage for integrating large shares of renewables in Europe.
IAEE Energy Forum
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Egging, Ruud;
Holz, Franziska.
Risks in global natural gas markets: Investment, hedging and trade.
Energy Policy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Holz, Franziska;
Richter, Phillip;
Egging, Ruud.
The role of natural gas in a low-carbon Europe: Infrastructure and supply security.
Energy Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Egging, Ruud;
Fleten, Stein-Erik;
Grønvik, Ida Alexandra Utheim;
Hadziomerovic, Ajla;
Ingvoldstad, Nina.
Linear decision rules for hydropower scheduling under uncertainty.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Fodstad, Marte;
Egging, Ruud;
Midthun, Kjetil Trovik;
Tomasgard, Asgeir.
Stochastic Modeling of Natural Gas Infrastructure Development in Europe under Demand Uncertainty.
Energy Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Egging, Ruud;
Midthun, Kjetil T..
The Role of China in the Global Natural Gas Market.
ESI Bulletin - National University of Singapore
Kaut, Michal;
Egging, Ruud;
Flatberg, Truls;
Uggen, Kristin Tolstad.
BLOMST - An Optimization Model for the Bioenergy Supply Chain.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Holz, Franziska;
Richter, Philipp M.;
Egging, Ruud.
A global perspective on the future of natural gas: Resources, trade, and climate constraints.
Review of Environmental Economics and Policy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Grønvik, Ida Alexandra Utheim;
Hadziomerovic, Ajla;
Ingvoldstad, Nina;
Egging, Ruud;
Fleten, Stein-Erik.
Feasibility of Linear Decision Rules for Hydropower Scheduling.
IEEE conference proceedings
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Egging, Ruud.
Erratum: Benders Decomposition for multi-stage stochastic mixed complementarity problems - Applied to a global natural gas market model (European Journal of Operational Research (2013) 226 (341-353)).
European Journal of Operational Research
Werner, Adrian;
Uggen, Kristin Tolstad;
Fodstad, Marte;
Lium, Arnt-Gunnar;
Egging, Ruud.
Stochastic Mixed-Integer Programming for Integrated Portfolio Planning in the LNG Supply Chain.
Energy Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Huppmann, Daniel;
Egging, Ruud.
Market power, fuel substitution and infrastructure - A large-scale equilibrium model of global energy markets.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Egging, Ruud.
Drivers, trends, and uncertainty in long-term price projections for energy management in public buildings.
Energy Policy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Egging, Ruud.
Benders Decomposition for multi-stage stochastic mixed complementarity problems - Applied to a global natural gas market model.
European Journal of Operational Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Egging, Ruud;
Huppmann, Daniel.
Investigating a CO2 Tax and a Nuclear Phase Out with a Multi-Fuel Market Equilibrium Model.
IEEE conference proceedings
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Werner, Adrian;
Uggen, Kristin Tolstad;
Fodstad, Marte;
Lium, Arnt-Gunnar;
Egging, Ruud.
LNGPlanner - Mathematical Model Description.
Gabriel, Steven;
Rosendahl, Knut Einar;
Egging, Ruud;
Avetisyan, Hakub;
Siddiqui, S.
Cartelization in Gas Markets: Studying the Potential for a “Gas OPEC”.
Energy Economics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Egging, Ruud.
Quantitative Natural Gas Market Models: No Story Without Numbers, No Numbers Without a Story.
EDI Quarterly
Schade, Curd;
Egging-Bratseth, Ruud.
Battery degradation: Impact on economic dispatch.
Energy Storage
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lüth, Alexandra;
Werner, Yannick Marcus;
Egging-Bratseth, Ruud;
Kazempour, Jalal.
Electrolysis as a flexibility resource on energy islands: The case of the North Sea.
Energy Policy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Egging-Bratseth, Ruud;
Siddiqui, Afzal S..
Stochastic equilibria with capacity expansion: Increasing expected profit with risk aversion.
Decision Analytics Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lüth, Alexandra Rebecca;
Seifert, Paul Erich;
Egging-Bratseth, Rudolf Gerardus;
Weibezahn, Jens.
How to connect energy islands: Trade-offs between hydrogen and electricity infrastructure.
Applied Energy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Egging-Bratseth, Ruud;
Kauko, Hanne;
Knudsen, Brage Rugstad;
Bakke, Sara Angell;
Ettayebi, Amina;
Haufe, Ina Renate.
Seasonal storage and demand side management in district heating systems with demand uncertainty.
Applied Energy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Egging-Bratseth, Ruud;
Holz, Franziska;
Czempinski, Victoria.
Freedom Gas to Europe: Scenarios Analyzed Using the Global Gas Model.
Research In International Business and Finance
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Burandt, Thorsten;
Crespo del Granado, Pedro;
Egging, Ruud.
Stranded Assets, and the Role of Biomass and Hydrogen in the European Energy Transition.
IAEE Energy Forum
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Egging-Bratseth, Ruud;
Baltensperger, Tobias;
Tomasgard, Asgeir.
Solving oligopolistic equilibrium problems with convex optimization .
European Journal of Operational Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Xiong, Bobby Yuxiang;
Predel, Johannes Norbert;
Crespo del Granado, Pedro;
Egging-Bratseth, Ruud.
Spatial flexibility in redispatch: Supporting low carbon energy systems with Power-to-Gas.
Applied Energy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zepter, Jan Martin Wilhelm;
Lüth, Alexandra Rebecca;
Crespo del Granado, Pedro;
Egging, Ruud.
Prosumer integration in wholesale electricity markets: Synergies of peer-to-peer trade and residential storage.
Energy and Buildings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Johansen, Ulf;
Egging, Ruud;
Johansen, Kåre.
Regional Wage Responsiveness to Unemployment - Rural-Urban Heterogeneity and Policy Implications.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Johansen, Ulf;
Egging, Ruud;
Ivanova, Olga.
Regional policy and the role of interregional
trade data: policy simulations with a model for
Regional Studies, Regional Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Crespo del Granado, Pedro;
Lüth, Alexandra Rebecca;
Zepter, Jan Martin Wilhelm;
Egging, Ruud.
Batteries and Electricity Market Design for Residential Prosumers.
IAEE International Conference
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lüth, Alexandra Rebecca;
Zepter, Jan Martin Wilhelm;
Crespo del Granado, Pedro;
Egging, Ruud.
Local electricity market designs for peer-to-peer trading: The role of battery flexibility.
Applied Energy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Egging, Ruud;
Tomasgard, Asgeir.
Norway’s role in the European Energy Transition.
Energy Strategy Reviews
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Egging, Ruud;
Pichler, Alois;
Kalvø, Øyvind Iversen;
Walle-Hansen, Thomas Meyer.
Risk aversion in imperfect natural gas markets.
European Journal of Operational Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skar, Christian;
Egging, Ruud;
Tomasgard, Asgeir.
The role of transmission and energy storage for integrating large shares of renewables in Europe.
IAEE Energy Forum
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Egging, Ruud;
Holz, Franziska.
Risks in global natural gas markets: Investment, hedging and trade.
Energy Policy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Holz, Franziska;
Richter, Phillip;
Egging, Ruud.
The role of natural gas in a low-carbon Europe: Infrastructure and supply security.
Energy Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Egging, Ruud;
Fleten, Stein-Erik;
Grønvik, Ida Alexandra Utheim;
Hadziomerovic, Ajla;
Ingvoldstad, Nina.
Linear decision rules for hydropower scheduling under uncertainty.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Fodstad, Marte;
Egging, Ruud;
Midthun, Kjetil Trovik;
Tomasgard, Asgeir.
Stochastic Modeling of Natural Gas Infrastructure Development in Europe under Demand Uncertainty.
Energy Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Egging, Ruud;
Midthun, Kjetil T..
The Role of China in the Global Natural Gas Market.
ESI Bulletin - National University of Singapore
Holz, Franziska;
Richter, Philipp M.;
Egging, Ruud.
A global perspective on the future of natural gas: Resources, trade, and climate constraints.
Review of Environmental Economics and Policy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Egging, Ruud.
Erratum: Benders Decomposition for multi-stage stochastic mixed complementarity problems - Applied to a global natural gas market model (European Journal of Operational Research (2013) 226 (341-353)).
European Journal of Operational Research
Werner, Adrian;
Uggen, Kristin Tolstad;
Fodstad, Marte;
Lium, Arnt-Gunnar;
Egging, Ruud.
Stochastic Mixed-Integer Programming for Integrated Portfolio Planning in the LNG Supply Chain.
Energy Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Huppmann, Daniel;
Egging, Ruud.
Market power, fuel substitution and infrastructure - A large-scale equilibrium model of global energy markets.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Egging, Ruud.
Drivers, trends, and uncertainty in long-term price projections for energy management in public buildings.
Energy Policy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Egging, Ruud.
Benders Decomposition for multi-stage stochastic mixed complementarity problems - Applied to a global natural gas market model.
European Journal of Operational Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Gabriel, Steven;
Rosendahl, Knut Einar;
Egging, Ruud;
Avetisyan, Hakub;
Siddiqui, S.
Cartelization in Gas Markets: Studying the Potential for a “Gas OPEC”.
Energy Economics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Egging, Ruud.
Quantitative Natural Gas Market Models: No Story Without Numbers, No Numbers Without a Story.
EDI Quarterly
Del av bok/rapport
Predel, Johannes Norbert;
Xiong, Bobby Yuxiang;
Crespo del Granado, Pedro Andres;
Egging-Bratseth, Ruud;
Zhang, Hongyu.
Congestion Management Based on Power-to-Gas – Opportunities and Challenges in European Electricity Markets.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Egging-Bratseth, Ruud;
Holz, Franziska;
Mohlin, Kristina;
Nguyen, Huong;
Zavala-Araiza, Daniel;
Fischer, Carolyn.
Global gas market implications of methane emission reduction policies.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Kotek, Peter;
Crespo del Granado, Pedro;
Egging, Ruud;
Toth, Borbala T..
European Natural Gas Infrastructure in the Energy Transition
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Grøttum, Hanne Høie;
Bjerland, Siri Førsund;
Crespo del Granado, Pedro;
Egging, Ruud.
Modelling TSO-DSO coordination: The value of distributed flexible resources to the power system.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Baltensperger, Tobias;
Egging, Ruud.
Stochastic modeling of imperfect markets.
Nova Science Publishers
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Kaut, Michal;
Egging, Ruud;
Flatberg, Truls;
Uggen, Kristin Tolstad.
BLOMST - An Optimization Model for the Bioenergy Supply Chain.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Grønvik, Ida Alexandra Utheim;
Hadziomerovic, Ajla;
Ingvoldstad, Nina;
Egging, Ruud;
Fleten, Stein-Erik.
Feasibility of Linear Decision Rules for Hydropower Scheduling.
IEEE conference proceedings
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Egging, Ruud;
Huppmann, Daniel.
Investigating a CO2 Tax and a Nuclear Phase Out with a Multi-Fuel Market Equilibrium Model.
IEEE conference proceedings
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Werner, Adrian;
Uggen, Kristin Tolstad;
Fodstad, Marte;
Lium, Arnt-Gunnar;
Egging, Ruud.
LNGPlanner - Mathematical Model Description.
Vitenskapelig foredragPredel, Johannes; Xiong, Bobby; Del Granado, Pedro Crespo; Egging-Bratseth, Ruud; Zhang, Hongyu. (2024) Congestion management based on Power-to-Gas – Opportunities and challenges in European electricity markets. 20th International Conference on the European Energy Market 2024-06-10 - 2024-06-12
Vitenskapelig foredragMsakni, Mohamed Kais; Egging-Bratseth, Ruud. (2024) Decision support tools for decarbonization in ports. BI Norwegian Business School NORS Annual Conference 2024 , Oslo 2024-12-26 - 2024-12-27
Vitenskapelig foredragBarner, Lukas; Egging-Bratseth, Rudolf Gerardus; Holz, Franziska; Kemfert, Claudia; Hirschhausen, Christian von. (2023) Long-term development of European natural gas markets – scenario analysis using the global gas model (GGM). IAEE 18th IAEE European Conference , Milan 2023-07-24 - 2023-07-27
Faglig foredragEgging-Bratseth, Rudolf Gerardus. (2023) A sustainable energy transition. The Energy Trilemma – Climate, Energy Security, Economy. Hyfer Hyfer festival , Trondheim 2023-09-22 - 2023-09-22
Faglig foredragEgging-Bratseth, Rudolf Gerardus. (2023) An EU Methane Performance Standard - Scenario results from the Global Gas Model. European Parliament Intergroup on Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development Methane reduction and energy security – The EU's transformative role. , Online (webinar) 2023-11-09 - 2023-11-09
Vitenskapelig foredragAliasghari, Parinaz; Göke, Leonard; Egging-Bratseth, Ruud. (2023) Assessing Potential of Electrified Transport for Enhancing Flexibility in Integrated Renewable Energy Systems. Bocconi University International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE ) , Milan 2023-07-24 - 2023-07-27
PosterAliasghari, Parinaz; Göke, Leonard; Egging-Bratseth, Ruud. (2023) Potential of electrified transport for enhancing flexibility in renewable energy systems. SINTEF NORS workshop , Oslo 2023-11-30 - 2023-12-01
Vitenskapelig foredragHolz, Franziska; Egging-Bratseth, Ruud. (2022) Infrastructure for global natural gas trade: demand shifts and stranded assets. Stockholm Environment Institute International Conference on Fossil Fuel Supply and Climate Policy , Oxford 2022-09-26 - 2022-09-27
Vitenskapelig foredragEgging-Bratseth, Ruud. (2021) Accounting for fairness in model portfolios: integrated analysis or an afterthought?. NTNU Workshop Justness and Fairness of the Energy Transition , Online 2021-02-16 - 2021-02-16
Faglig foredragEgging-Bratseth, Ruud. (2021) Does economic efficiency imply social fairness?. NTNU Workshop Justness and Fairness of the Energy Transition , Online 2021-02-16 - 2021-02-16
Faglig foredragEgging, Ruud. (2019) Natural gas: ideas for a research agenda. DIW Berlin DIW Berlin seminar “Erdgas-Abschied?!” , Berlin 2019-02-19 - 2019-02-19
Faglig foredragEgging, Ruud. (2019) The Role of Natural Gas in an Electrifying Europe. SET-Nav project SET-NAV Final Policy Event , Brussels 2019-03-20 - 2019-03-20
Vitenskapelig foredragEgging, Ruud. (2019) Challenges and Opportunities for Natural Gas in the Energy Transition. Paris-Dauphine University 2nd Paris international conference on the economics of natural gas , Paris 2019-06-21 - 2019-06-21
Faglig foredragEgging, Ruud; Kotek, Peter; Toth, Borbala T.; Selei, Adrienn. (2019) Effects of pathways scenarios on the gas infrastructure . SET-Nav project H2020 SET-NAV Final Conference , Brussels 2019-03-21 - 2019-03-21
Vitenskapelig foredragEgging, Ruud; Holz, Franziska. (2019) Uncertainties in (European) Natural Gas Markets. TU Berlin Abschluss-workshop des BMWi-Projektes LKD-EU - Langfristige Planung und kurzfristige Optimierung des Elektrizitätssystems in Deutschland im europäischen Kontext , Berlin 2019-02-27 - 2019-02-27
Vitenskapelig foredragEgging, Ruud. (2018) The role of natural gas in the European energy transition. Technical University Dresden 12th Conference on Energy Economics and Technology - ENERDAY , Dresden 2018-04-27 - 2018-04-27
Vitenskapelig foredragEgging, Ruud. (2018) Risk aversion in imperfect markets. NHH, NTNU Winterschool on Stochastic Modeling , Geilo 2018-02-11 - 2018-02-14
Vitenskapelig foredragEgging, Ruud. (2018) Energy Scenarios and Methodological Developments. International Association for Energy Economics 41st IAEE International Conference , Groningen 2018-06-10 - 2018-06-13
Vitenskapelig foredragEgging, Ruud. (2018) Risk aversion in energy markets. NTNU, CMS Journal, EURO Working Groups Stoch Optim International Conference on Computational Management Science , Trondheim 2018-05-29 - 2018-05-31
Vitenskapelig foredragSkar, Christian; Egging, Ruud. (2017) A multi-horizon stochastic programming model for investments under operational uncertainty . SET-Nav Modelling of Risk & Uncertainty in Energy Systems (SET-Nav Workshop) , Zürich 2017-03-29 - 2017-03-29
PosterEgging, Ruud; Resch, Gustav. (2017) Insights in the LCE 21 projects Linking models. Reiner Lemoine Institut, KTH, EC and others Energy Modeling Platform - Europe , Brussels 2017-05-17 - 2017-05-18
Faglig foredragEgging, Ruud; Resch, Gustav. (2017) Linking models in SET-Nav. Reiner Lemoine Institut, KTH, EC and others Energy Modeling Platform - Europe , Brussels 2017-05-17 - 2017-05-18
Vitenskapelig foredragEgging, Ruud; Pichler, Alois; Kalvø, Øyvind; Walle-Hansen, Thomas. (2015) Risk aversion in imperfect natural gas market - Shale gas investment in Poland and Ukraine. NTNU - various departments and others Nordic Environmental Social Science (NESS) Conference 2015 , Trondheim 2015-06-10 - 2015-06-10
Vitenskapelig foredragEgging, Ruud. (2015) Challenges in Stochastic Equilibrium Modeling for Energy Markets. ETH Automatic Control Seminar , Zurich 2015-09-10 - 2015-09-10
Vitenskapelig foredragEgging, Ruud; Pichler, Alois; Walle-Hansen, Thomas; Kalvø, Øyvind. (2015) Risk aversion in imperfect natural gas market - Shale gas investment in Poland and Ukraine. Imperial College London 17th British-French-German (BFG) Conference on Optimization , London 2015-06-16 - 2015-06-16
Vitenskapelig foredragSu, Zhonghua; Egging, Ruud; Huppmann, Daniel; Tomasgard, Asgeir. (2015) A multi-stage multi-horizon stochastic equilibrium model of multi-fuel energy markets. Imperial College London 17th British-French-German Conference on Optimization 2015-06-15 - 2015-06-17
Vitenskapelig foredragSu, Zhonghua; Egging, Ruud; Tomasgard, Asgeir. (2015) A multi-stage multi-horizon stochastic equilibrium model to make long-term infrastructure investment strategy considering short-term operations in multi-fuel energy markets. NFB NFB Research School Conference 2015 2015-08-25 - 2015-08-26
Vitenskapelig foredragEgging, Ruud; Holz, Franziska. (2015) Global Uncertainty – Local Consequences: Capacity Development and LNG Trade under Shale Gas and Demand Uncertainty and Disruption Risk. . DIW Berlin RESOURCES project final workshop, DIW Berlin, 14 Dec 2015 , Berlin 2015-12-14 - 2015-12-14
Vitenskapelig foredragSu, Zhonghua; Egging, Ruud; Huppmann, Daniel; Tomasgard, Asgeir. (2014) A Multi-Period Stochastic Equilibrium Model for Global Energy Markets. PhD Winter School 2014 on stochastic programming , Bad hofgastein, Austrria 2014-03-23 - 2014-03-28
Vitenskapelig foredragSu, Zhonghua; Egging, Ruud; Huppmann, Daniel; Tomasgard, Asgeir. (2014) A Multi-Period Stochastic Equilibrium Modelfor Global Energy Markets. International Conference on Applied Mathematical Optimization and Modelling , coventry, UK 2014-04-09 - 2014-04-11
Vitenskapelig foredragSu, Zhonghua; Egging, Ruud; Huppmann, Daniel; Tomasgard, Asgeir. (2014) A Multi-Period Stochastic Equilibrium Model for Global Energy Markets. 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies , Barcelona, Spain 2014-07-13 - 2014-07-18
Vitenskapelig foredragSu, Zhonghua; Egging, Ruud; Huppmann, Daniel; Tomasgard, Asgeir. (2014) A Multi-Period Stochastic Equilibrium Model for Global Energy Markets. Workshop Usikkerhet og investeringsrisiko i energisektoren , trondheim, Norway 2014-11-18 - 2014-11-18
Faglig foredragEgging, Ruud; Kalvø, Øyvind; Walle-Hansen, Thomas; Pichler, Alois. (2014) Risk aversion in imperfect natural gas markets. CREE – CenSES/CICEP Workshop CREE – CenSES/CICEP, Usikkerhet og investeringsrisiko i energisektoren , Trondheim 2014-11-18 - 2014-11-18
Faglig foredragEgging, Ruud; Midthun, Kjetil Trovik. (2014) The Role of China in the Global Natural Gas Market. Energy Studies Institute, National University of Singapore Forum: Opportunities and Challenges in China’s Energy Development – Energy and Carbon Markets , Singapore 2014-10-02 - 2014-10-03
Faglig foredragEgging, Ruud; Huppmann, Daniel. (2014) A multi-fuel market equilibrium model and case studies. DTU Dept of Management Engineering, Systems Analysis Group Seminar , Copenhagen 2014-04-11 - 2014-04-11
Faglig foredragEgging, Ruud. (2014) Practical insights from a global multi-energy market and infrastructure model. CenSES CenSES Årskonferanse 2014 , Oslo 2014-12-04 - 2014-12-05
Faglig foredragEgging, Ruud; Kalvø, Øyvind; Walle-Hansen, Thomas; Pichler, Alois. (2014) Risk aversion in imperfect natural gas markets. IFORS IFORS 2014 , Barcelona 2014-07-13 - 2014-07-18
Faglig foredragEgging, Ruud. (2014) Role of China in the world gas market. China Energy Forum 2014 2014-10-02 - 2014-10-03
Vitenskapelig foredragSu, Zhonghua; Egging, Ruud; Tomasgard, Asgeir. (2013) Stochastic Multimod. THU-NTNU Workshop on Renewable and New Energy , Beijing, China 2013-10-15 - 2013-10-17
Vitenskapelig foredragSu, Zhonghua; Egging, Ruud; Tomasgard, Asgeir. (2013) Stochastic Multimod. EnerTrain 2013 Autumn School , Berlin, Germany 2013-10-07 - 2013-10-11
Vitenskapelig foredragEgging, Ruud. (2013) Benders Decomposition for solving multi-stage stochastic mixed complementarity problems. Bergamo, Italy, July 9, 2013. COSP - The Committee on Stochastic Programming 13th International Conference on Stochastic Programming. (ICSP) , Bergamo 2013-07-08 - 2013-07-12
Vitenskapelig foredragEgging, Ruud; Huppmann, Daniel. (2013) Instruments of Climate and Energy Policy in a Multi-Fuel Market Equilibrium Model. TU Berlin & DIW Berlin Research Seminar of Environment, Resources, Climate Economics (RSERC) , Berlin 2013-11-28 - 2013-11-28
Vitenskapelig foredragEgging, Ruud. (2013) Overview of SINTEF and NTNU activities related to general and partial equilibrium modeling. DIW Berlin DIW Workshop energy modeling , Berlin 2013-11-27 - 2013-11-27
Vitenskapelig foredragEgging, Ruud. (2013) Equilibrium models for (regional) (energy) market & infrastructure analysis. NTNU Industrial Ecology Research seminar , Trondheim 2013-11-22 - 2013-11-22
Vitenskapelig foredragEgging, Ruud. (2013) An SCGE model integrating the energy system and the regional economy. Frisch Center CREE meets CenSES , Oslo 2013-10-24 - 2013-10-24
Vitenskapelig foredragEgging, Ruud. (2013) Benders Decomposition for solving multi-stage stochastic mixed complementarity problems. EURO & INFORMS EURO/INFORMS 2013 26th European Conference on Operational Research , Rome 2013-07-01 - 2013-07-04
Vitenskapelig foredragEgging, Ruud; Schütz, Peter. (2012) A rolling horizon heuristic for optimal trading in the LNG spot market. NTNU The Fifth Nordic Optimization Symposium , Trondheim 2012-06-07 - 2012-06-09
Vitenskapelig foredragEgging, Ruud; Schütz, Peter. (2012) A rolling horizon heuristic for optimizing LNG spot trade under uncertainty. NTNU Energy Finance Conference , Trondheim 2012-10-04 - 2012-10-05
Vitenskapelig foredragEgging, Ruud. (2012) The Timing of Natural Gas Infrastructure Investments in an Uncertain World. NTNU, NHH Workshop on managing uncertainty in energy systems and markets , Oppdal 2012-03-21 - 2012-03-25
Vitenskapelig foredragEgging, Ruud; Holz, Franziska; Richter, Phillip. (2012) Gas Transport Infrastructure Developments in an Increasing Consumption Scenario. DIW Berlin, Stanford University, Potsdam Institute for Clima Energy Modeling Forum 28, Final meeting , Berlin 2012-10-18 - 2012-10-19
Vitenskapelig foredragEgging, Rudolf G.R.. (2011) Introduction to Complementarity Modeling. NTNU and NHH Winterschool , Oppdal 2011-03-06 -
Vitenskapelig foredragEgging, Rudolf G.R.. (2011) A stochastic capacity expansion and equilibrium model for the global natural gas market. NTNU and NHH Winterschool , Oppdal 2011-03-06 -
Vitenskapelig foredragSchütz, Peter; Egging, Rudolf G.R.. (2011) The Value of Flexibility and Optimal Trading Strategies in the LNG Supply Chain. INFORMS INFORMS , Charlotte, NC 2011-11-13 - 2011-11-16
Vitenskapelig foredragEgging, Rudolf G.R.; Huppmann, Daniel. (2011) Case studies with a multi-fuel market equilibrium model. University of Maryland & German Institute of Econ Research Transatlantic Infraday , Washington D.C. 2011-11-11 - 2011-11-11
Vitenskapelig foredragTomasgard, Asgeir; Fodstad, Marte; Egging, Rudolf G.R.; Midthun, Kjetil Trovik. (2011) A Stochastic Complementarity Model for Pipeline Transport Booking with Disruptable Services. Informs international conference , Charlotte, North Carolina 2011-11-13 - 2011-11-16