Olaug Elisabeth Torheim Bergum
Laboratoriesenteret, Øya
Bergum, Olaug Elisabeth Torheim;
Singleton, Amanda Holstad;
Røst, Lisa Marie Ivarsdatter;
Bodein, Antoine;
Scott-Boyer, Marie-Pier;
Rye, Morten Beck.
SOS genes are rapidly induced while translesion synthesis polymerase activity is temporally regulated.
Frontiers in Microbiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Singleton, Amanda Holstad;
Bergum, Olaug Elisabeth Torheim;
Søgaard, Caroline Krogh;
Røst, Lisa M.;
Olsen, Cecilie Elisabeth;
Blindheim, Fredrik Heen.
Activation of multiple stress responses in Staphylococcus aureus substantially lowers the minimal inhibitory concentration when combining two novel antibiotic drug candidates.
Frontiers in Microbiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Olsen, Cecilie Elisabeth;
Blindheim, Fredrik Heen;
Søgaard, Caroline Krogh;
Røst, Lisa M.;
Singleton, Amanda;
Bergum, Olaug Elisabeth Torheim.
Halogenated Pyrrolopyrimidines with Low MIC on Staphylococcus aureus and Synergistic Effects with an Antimicrobial Peptide.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bergum, Olaug Elisabeth Torheim;
Singleton, Amanda Holstad;
Røst, Lisa Marie Ivarsdatter;
Bodein, Antoine;
Scott-Boyer, Marie-Pier;
Rye, Morten Beck.
SOS genes are rapidly induced while translesion synthesis polymerase activity is temporally regulated.
Frontiers in Microbiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Singleton, Amanda Holstad;
Bergum, Olaug Elisabeth Torheim;
Søgaard, Caroline Krogh;
Røst, Lisa M.;
Olsen, Cecilie Elisabeth;
Blindheim, Fredrik Heen.
Activation of multiple stress responses in Staphylococcus aureus substantially lowers the minimal inhibitory concentration when combining two novel antibiotic drug candidates.
Frontiers in Microbiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Olsen, Cecilie Elisabeth;
Blindheim, Fredrik Heen;
Søgaard, Caroline Krogh;
Røst, Lisa M.;
Singleton, Amanda;
Bergum, Olaug Elisabeth Torheim.
Halogenated Pyrrolopyrimidines with Low MIC on Staphylococcus aureus and Synergistic Effects with an Antimicrobial Peptide.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
IntervjuHestvik, Ingebjørg; Bergum, Olaug Elisabeth Torheim. (2024) Slik forsvarer E. coli seg mot antibiotika. Gemini Gemini [Fagblad] 2024-06-10