Marius Lyng Danielsson
Stipendiat ved Institutt for Nevromedisin og Bevegelsesvitenskap med ph.d.-prosjektet: "Energiforbruk og dets assosiasjoner med hjertefrekvens, akselerometri, demografi og funksjonsnedsettelse blant rullestolbrukere".
- Menneskets metabolisme
- Fysiologi og Anatomi
- Fysisk aktivitet og Trening
- Helse
Pågående prosjekter
- Validere estimert energiomsetning fra eksisterende kommersielle klokker
- Utvikle en forbedret algoritme for å estimere energiomsetning til rullestolbrukere - gjennom det tverrfaglige samarbeidsprosjektet "Den Digitale Rullestol".
- Master i Bevegelsesvitenskap, NTNU, Trondheim (2020)
Tema: The dynamics of aerobic and anaerobic energy contribution during a simulated cross-country skiing mass-start competition - Årsstudium i Praktisk Pedagosik Utdannelse, NTNU, Trondheim (2018)
- Bachelor i Idrett, HiNe, Nesna (2015)
Danielsson, Marius Lyng;
Vergeer, Melanie;
Plasqui, Guy;
Baumgart, Julia Kathrin.
Accuracy of the Apple Watch Series 4 and Fitbit Versa for Assessing Energy Expenditure and Heart Rate of Wheelchair Users During Treadmill Wheelchair Propulsion: Cross-sectional Study.
JMIR Formative Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Doshmanziari, Roya;
Aandahl, Håkon Strand;
Danielsson, Marius Lyng;
Baumgart, Julia Kathrin;
Varagnolo, Damiano.
Experiment Design Considerations for Estimating Energy Expenditure during Wheelchair Propulsion.
IFAC Papers Online
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Noordhof, Dionne;
Danielsson, Marius Lyng;
Skovereng, Knut;
Danielsen, Jørgen;
Seeberg, Trine Margrethe;
Haugnes, Pål .
The dynamics of the anaerobic energy contribution during a simulated mass-start competition while roller-ski skating on a treadmill.
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Danielsson, Marius Lyng;
Vergeer, Melanie;
Plasqui, Guy;
Baumgart, Julia Kathrin.
Accuracy of the Apple Watch Series 4 and Fitbit Versa for Assessing Energy Expenditure and Heart Rate of Wheelchair Users During Treadmill Wheelchair Propulsion: Cross-sectional Study.
JMIR Formative Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Noordhof, Dionne;
Danielsson, Marius Lyng;
Skovereng, Knut;
Danielsen, Jørgen;
Seeberg, Trine Margrethe;
Haugnes, Pål .
The dynamics of the anaerobic energy contribution during a simulated mass-start competition while roller-ski skating on a treadmill.
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Del av bok/rapport
Doshmanziari, Roya;
Aandahl, Håkon Strand;
Danielsson, Marius Lyng;
Baumgart, Julia Kathrin;
Varagnolo, Damiano.
Experiment Design Considerations for Estimating Energy Expenditure during Wheelchair Propulsion.
IFAC Papers Online
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
PosterDanielsson, Marius Lyng; Vergeer, Melanie; Plasqui, Guy; Baumgart, Julia Kathrin. (2023) Accuracy of the Apple watch for assessing energy expenditure and heart rate during wheelchair propulsion in wheelchair users and people without a disability. International Spinal Cord Society , Edinburgh 2023-10-08 - 2023-10-11
Vitenskapelig foredragBaumgart, Julia Kathrin; Doshmanziari, Roya; Brurok, Berit; Wouda, Matthijs Ferdinand; Danielsson, Marius Lyng. (2023) A superficial dive into the black box Apple watch algorithms for estimating energy expenditure during exercise in wheelchair users. International Spinal Cord Society International Spinal Cord Society , Edinborough 2023-10-08 - 2023-10-11
Faglig foredragDanielsson, Marius Lyng. (2022) Energy expenditure and its association with heart rate, accelerometry, demographic and disability-related characteristics in wheelchair users during free-living activities. Aleris Rehab Station Kunskapsdagen 2022 , Stockholm 2022-11-24 - 2022-11-24
Vitenskapelig foredragDanielsson, Marius Lyng; Vergeer, Melanie; Plasqui, Guy; Baumgart, Julia Kathrin. (2022) Validation of the Apple Watch and Fitbit for assessing Energy Expenditure during wheelchair propulsion in able-bodied participants and wheelchair users. European College of Sport Science European College of Sport Science - Conference , Sevilla 2022-08-31 - 2023-09-02
Vitenskapelig foredragBaumgart, Julia Kathrin; Vergeer, Melanie; Plasqui, Guy; Danielsson, Marius Lyng. (2022) Validation of the Apple Watch and Fitbit for assessing heart rate during rest and wheelchair propulsion in able-bodied participants and wheelchair users. International Society for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour (ISMPB) 8th International Conference on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement (ICAMPAM) , Keystone 2022-06-21 - 2022-06-24