Marit Honerød Hoveid
Jeg har hovedfag i Sosialpedagogikk fra Universitetet i Oslo, 1989. Mine hovedfagsavhandlinger het: «En kritikk av den kjønnsløse fornuften. En studie av patriarkalsk lederskap og kvinnelig organisering i Televerket» (gruppeoppgave) og: «Kvinnen bindeleddet mellom mannen og virkeligheten»( individuell oppgave). Min Phd avhandling er fra NTNU, 2009, og heter: «Læreres utdanning – et arbeid med ordene vi bruker». Før jeg kom til NTNU jobbet jeg ved lærerutdanningen i Alta, Finnmark i 16 år.
Min forskningsinteresse kretser omkring forholdet mellom undervisning og læring, hvordan vi kan forstå dette som prosesser, ikke bare i et individuelt perspektiv, men hvordan undervisning og læring inngår i sosiale og kulturelle sammenhenger. Tema jeg har vært opptatt av i min forskning er veiledning, ledelse og organisasjonsutvikling innenfor utdanning. Teoretisk er jeg påvirket av den franske filosofen Paul Ricoeur og filosofen og psykoanalytikeren Luce Irigaray. Det innebærer at forhold som språkbruk, kjønn og praktisk fornuft er sentralt i det jeg arbeider med i min forskning, som er orientert mot det praktisk teoretiske.
For tiden jobber jeg med universitetspedagogikk og forskning retta mot høyere utdanning i tillegg til et prosjekt som gjør en SYSTEMATISK REVIEW av forkning på Bildung/Danning i utdanning. Intensjonen med dette prosjektet er å identifisere og diskuterer forståelser av Bildung og dets relevans og implikasjoner for utdanningsteori, politikk og praksis i nordisk og internasjonal kontekst. Studien er basert på en systemaisk review av all forskning på Bildung som er skrevet i fagfellevurderte artikler og bøker på engelsk i perioden 1990 - 2020.
- Integrated Education Studies. InEds
- Universitetspedagogikk forskergruppe.
Veiledning: PhD og Master
Pågående PhD veiledning:
Kristin Haugen (NTNU): Utdanningsledelse på studieprogramnivå - studieprogramlederes rolle i utviklingsarbeid i helsefaglige studieprogram.
Louis Alejandro A. Gonzales (UiT): Active Learning in Higher Education: an attempt at a critical evaluation.
Undervisning: Emneansvarlig Uni-Ped programmet. Tidligere undervist didaktikk innenfor bachelor og master i utdanning og oppvekst.
- EERA President-elect fra August 2022:
- Rredaktør for Nordisk tidskrift for utdanning og praksis. Hovedredakør i perioden 2018 - 2022:
- Editor-in-chief. Bloomsbury publishers series: Philosophy and Education in Practice.
Tidligere verv:
- EERA senior fellow -Emerging researcher Group 2016 -2022
- Member of Research Advisory Board, at Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools, Kazakhstan, fra 2015 -2019
- PhD-koordiantor på IPL, til 2016
- Secretary General of EERA, European Educational Research Association from 2012-2016,
- EERA - Network Represeantaive on Council, 2009-2012.
Jeg deltar i to prosjekt.
- Review of Bildung in English 1994-2020
- Reading Time - reading in Doctoral Education
Haugen, Kristin;
Tosterud, Randi Beate;
Wangensteen, Sigrid;
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
Lived experiences of study programme leadership in Norwegian higher education.
Educational Management Administration & Leadership
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
Learning to teach: A reflexive approach to theory and practice.
Revista Internacional de Teoría e Investigación Educativa
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Haugen, Kristin;
Tosterud, Randi Beate;
Wangensteen, Sigrid;
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
An interpretation of study programme leaders’ mandates in higher education.
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Todd, Sharon;
Hoveid, Marit Honerød;
Langmann, Elisabet.
Educating the Senses: Explorations in Aesthetics, Embodiment and Sensory Pedagogy.
Studies in Philosophy and Education
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
Sensing Feeling Alive: Attentiveness to Movements in/with Embodied Teaching.
Studies in Philosophy and Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hoveid, Halvor;
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
Teaching and Epistemology.
Contemporary Philosophies and Theories in Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hoveid, Halvor;
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
Contemporary Philosophies and Theories in Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hoveid, Halvor;
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
Teaching - Between Attention and Delivery.
Contemporary Philosophies and Theories in Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hoveid, Halvor;
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
Education - An Institutionalisation of Teaching.
Contemporary Philosophies and Theories in Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hoveid, Halvor;
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
Teaching toward Equity - Listening and Reading.
Contemporary Philosophies and Theories in Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hoveid, Halvor;
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
Teaching - a reflexive approach.
Contemporary Philosophies and Theories in Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hoveid, Halvor;
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
Making Education Educational. A Reflexive Approach to Teaching.
Springer Nature
Contemporary Philosophies and Theories in Education (.)
Vitenskapelig monografi
Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale;
Aarsand, Pål;
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
Beyond binaries: Enacting agency in video observations in ECEC.
Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hoveid, Halvor;
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
Education: Coordination of Action - Mutual Recognition.
Contemporary Philosophies and Theories in Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hoveid, Marit Honerød;
Hoveid, Halvor;
Longva, Kari Pauline;
Danielsen, Øyvin.
Betydningen av deltakelse i utdanning som sosial praksis.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Hoveid, Halvor;
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
Narratives of Educational Research:
Representations and mis-presentations
in a time of interpretation.
Pedagogika (Praha)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
Past, present and future of the European educational research association (EERA) and European conference on educational research: Roundtable with former EERA presidents and secretary generals about the significance of the EERA and its future.
European Educational Research Journal
Short communication
Hoveid, Marit Honerød;
Finne, Arnhild.
You Have to Give of Yourself`: Care and Love in Pedagogical Relations.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Griffiths, Morwenna;
Hoveid, Marit Honerød;
Todd, Sharon;
Winter, Christine.
Re-Imagining Relationships in Education.
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Hoveid, Marit Honerød;
Keiner, Edwin;
Figueiredo, Maria.P..
The European Educational Research Association: People, practices and policy over the last 20 years.
European Educational Research Journal
Hoveid, Marit Honerød;
Keiner, Edwin;
Seddon, Terri.
A 'Moot' for Educational Research in Europe?.
European Educational Research Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Figueiredo, Maria P.;
Grosvenor, Ian;
Hoveid, Marit Honerød;
MacNab, Natasha.
The Dynamic and Changing Development of EERA Networks.
European Educational Research Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hoveid, Halvor;
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
The place of reading in the training of teachers.
Ethics and Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
A space for ‘who’ – a culture of ‘two’: speculations related to an ‘in-between knowledge’.
Ethics and Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hoveid, Marit Honerød;
Winter, Christine.
Creating spaces.
Ethics and Education
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
Educational Research and Useful Knowledge: production,dissemination, reception, implematation.
European Educational Research Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hoveid, Marit Honerød;
Conroy, James C..
Introduction. Untilled Soil: What are the contested qualities in teacher education research which are relevant for education today?.
European Educational Research Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hoveid, Marit Honerød;
Hoveid, Halvor.
Research in, on or with practice?.
Brill | Sense
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
Reasons for Teaching and Practical Reasoning in Teaching. A Re-Figuration of Teachers Personal Language Use in the Practice of Teaching.
Journal of the International Society for Teacher Education
Hoveid, Marit Honerød;
Hoveid, Halvor.
On the possibilities of educating active and reflective teachers.
European Educational Research Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Haugen, Kristin;
Tosterud, Randi Beate;
Wangensteen, Sigrid;
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
Lived experiences of study programme leadership in Norwegian higher education.
Educational Management Administration & Leadership
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
Learning to teach: A reflexive approach to theory and practice.
Revista Internacional de Teoría e Investigación Educativa
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Haugen, Kristin;
Tosterud, Randi Beate;
Wangensteen, Sigrid;
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
An interpretation of study programme leaders’ mandates in higher education.
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Todd, Sharon;
Hoveid, Marit Honerød;
Langmann, Elisabet.
Educating the Senses: Explorations in Aesthetics, Embodiment and Sensory Pedagogy.
Studies in Philosophy and Education
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
Sensing Feeling Alive: Attentiveness to Movements in/with Embodied Teaching.
Studies in Philosophy and Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hoveid, Halvor;
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
Teaching and Epistemology.
Contemporary Philosophies and Theories in Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hoveid, Halvor;
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
Contemporary Philosophies and Theories in Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hoveid, Halvor;
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
Teaching - Between Attention and Delivery.
Contemporary Philosophies and Theories in Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hoveid, Halvor;
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
Education - An Institutionalisation of Teaching.
Contemporary Philosophies and Theories in Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hoveid, Halvor;
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
Teaching toward Equity - Listening and Reading.
Contemporary Philosophies and Theories in Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hoveid, Halvor;
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
Teaching - a reflexive approach.
Contemporary Philosophies and Theories in Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale;
Aarsand, Pål;
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
Beyond binaries: Enacting agency in video observations in ECEC.
Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hoveid, Halvor;
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
Education: Coordination of Action - Mutual Recognition.
Contemporary Philosophies and Theories in Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hoveid, Halvor;
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
Narratives of Educational Research:
Representations and mis-presentations
in a time of interpretation.
Pedagogika (Praha)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
Past, present and future of the European educational research association (EERA) and European conference on educational research: Roundtable with former EERA presidents and secretary generals about the significance of the EERA and its future.
European Educational Research Journal
Short communication
Hoveid, Marit Honerød;
Keiner, Edwin;
Figueiredo, Maria.P..
The European Educational Research Association: People, practices and policy over the last 20 years.
European Educational Research Journal
Hoveid, Marit Honerød;
Keiner, Edwin;
Seddon, Terri.
A 'Moot' for Educational Research in Europe?.
European Educational Research Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Figueiredo, Maria P.;
Grosvenor, Ian;
Hoveid, Marit Honerød;
MacNab, Natasha.
The Dynamic and Changing Development of EERA Networks.
European Educational Research Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hoveid, Halvor;
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
The place of reading in the training of teachers.
Ethics and Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
A space for ‘who’ – a culture of ‘two’: speculations related to an ‘in-between knowledge’.
Ethics and Education
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hoveid, Marit Honerød;
Winter, Christine.
Creating spaces.
Ethics and Education
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
Educational Research and Useful Knowledge: production,dissemination, reception, implematation.
European Educational Research Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hoveid, Marit Honerød;
Conroy, James C..
Introduction. Untilled Soil: What are the contested qualities in teacher education research which are relevant for education today?.
European Educational Research Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
Reasons for Teaching and Practical Reasoning in Teaching. A Re-Figuration of Teachers Personal Language Use in the Practice of Teaching.
Journal of the International Society for Teacher Education
Hoveid, Marit Honerød;
Hoveid, Halvor.
On the possibilities of educating active and reflective teachers.
European Educational Research Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hoveid, Halvor;
Hoveid, Marit Honerød.
Making Education Educational. A Reflexive Approach to Teaching.
Springer Nature
Contemporary Philosophies and Theories in Education (.)
Vitenskapelig monografi
Griffiths, Morwenna;
Hoveid, Marit Honerød;
Todd, Sharon;
Winter, Christine.
Re-Imagining Relationships in Education.
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Del av bok/rapport
Hoveid, Marit Honerød;
Hoveid, Halvor;
Longva, Kari Pauline;
Danielsen, Øyvin.
Betydningen av deltakelse i utdanning som sosial praksis.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Hoveid, Marit Honerød;
Finne, Arnhild.
You Have to Give of Yourself`: Care and Love in Pedagogical Relations.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Hoveid, Marit Honerød;
Hoveid, Halvor.
Research in, on or with practice?.
Brill | Sense
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Jeg underviser primært på Universitetspedagogikk ved NTNU
Vitenskapelig foredragSolli, Mattias; Engen, Dagrun Astrid Aarø; Hoveid, Marit Honerød. (2024) University hermeneutics. Philosophy and Theory of Higher Education Society Pathes 2024 - Higher Education Brought To Life , NTNU Trondheim 2024-06-11 - 2024-06-13
Vitenskapelig foredragRønningen, Elisabeth; Engen, Dagrun Astrid Aarø; Hoveid, Marit Honerød; Hoveid, Halvor; Veelo, Nicole Christine; Tahirsylaj, Armend. (2023) Bildung and Curriculum – An Educational Research Perspective. EERA ECER Conference 2023 , Glasgow 2023-05-22 - 2023-08-25
Vitenskapelig foredragHaugen, Kristin; Wangensteen, Sigrid; Tosterud, Randi Beate; Hoveid, Marit Honerød. (2023) Students’ Voices In Development Processes In Higher Education. European Educational Research Association (EERA) European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) , Glasgow 2023-08-21 - 2023-08-23
Vitenskapelig foredragHaugen, Kristin; Wangensteen, Sigrid; Tosterud, Randi Beate; Hoveid, Marit Honerød. (2023) KeyNote Speaker: "Studieprogramledelse: forventninger og virkelighet - To kvalitative studier om helsefaglig studieprogramledelse i norsk høyere utdanning". Nasjonalt nettverk for medisinsk og helsefaglig pedagogikk ved UiT, NTNU, UiB og UiO Den nasjonale forskningskonferansen i medisinsk og helsefaglig pedagogikk , Tromsø 2023-10-19 - 2023-10-20
Vitenskapelig foredragTahirsylaj, Armend; Rønningen, Elisabeth; Hoveid, Marit Honerød; Engen, Dagrun Astrid Aarø; Hoveid, Halvor; Veelo, Nicole Christine. (2022) Educational research on Bildung - Bildung in and Curriculum. Linnaeus University 9th Nordic Curriculum Theory Conference , Växjö 2022-10-20 -
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød. (2022) Learning to Teach. An embodied and reflexive approach to practice and theory. Spanish Pedagogical conference Spanish pedagogical society conference , Madrid 2022-06-13 - 2022-06-13
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød. (2021) Doing Educational Research: A re-examination of relations between educational research and educational practices. . European Educational Reseach Association (EERA) Emerging Researchers conference - Keynote , Geneva (Digital) 2021-11-02 - 2021-11-03
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød; Hoveid, Halvor. (2021) Sustainable Knowledge — Making Education Meaningful for the Next Generation. University of Alaska, Fairbanks One Health, One Future March 10, 2021 University of Alaska Fairbanks , Fairbanks (digital) 2021-04-06 - 2021-04-11
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød; Hoveid, Halvor; Tahirsylaj, Armend. (2021) Advancing teaching and teacher education through teachers’ educational language: a new frontier. Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) Nordic Educational Research Conference , Odense 2021-11-03 - 2021-11-05
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød. (2021) Sansing og sanseerfaring - om kroppslig læring i undervisning. Høgskolen på Vestlandet Webinar: Blikk for læring , WEBINAR 2021-01-11 - 2021-01-11
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød; Hoveid, Halvor. (2020) Movements of Memory at Work in Teaching and Learning. PES Annual Philosopy of Education Society Conference , Pittsburgh 2020-03-05 - 2020-03-09
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød. (2020) BEING – FELING – ALIVE. Movements in/with teaching. Norges idrettshøgskole Rethinking physical education for the future. Dimensions of “Bodily Teaching and Learning” , Oslo 2020-09-10 -
Vitenskapelig foredragHaugseth, Jan Frode; Hoveid, Halvor; Hoveid, Marit Honerød. (2019) Forfattersamtale om Making Education Educational. Forfattersamtale om Making Education Educational , Kalvskinnet, NTNU 2019-12-12 - 2019-12-12
Vitenskapelig foredragSørenssen, Ingvild Kvale; Hoveid, Marit Honerød. (2019) ENACTING (AGENCY IN) VIDEO OBSERVATIONS IN ECEC . OsloMet International Conference on Children and Youth in Everyday Life and Professional Practices , Oslo 2019-06-19 - 2019-06-21
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød. (2019) Teaching – through embodied movements. NERA, Philosopy of ed sig. Pre-Conference Workshop-Seminar Educating the Senses in a Globalized World , Uppsala 2019-03-05 - 2019-03-06
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød. (2018) Teaching towards Equity – Listening for the other. Univerity of Haifa INPE, International network of Philosophy of education , Haifa 2018-08-13 - 2018-08-17
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød. (2018) Doing Educational Research, Overcoming Challenges in practice; EERA session - Symposium. EERA, European Educational Research Association ECER, European Conference on Educational Reseach , Bolzano 2018-11-04 - 2018-11-07
Faglig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød. (2018) How do I get my work published? On publishing in international peer reviewed journals. Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools NIS conference, Kazaksthan , Astana 2018-10-25 - 2018-10-26
Faglig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød. (2018) Teaching as mentoring. Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools NIS conference, Kazaksthan , Astana 2018-10-25 - 2018-10-26
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød. (2018) Feling, Being, Alive. PESGB PESGB, Anual conference (Philosophy of Education Great Britain) , Oxford 2018-03-23 - 2018-03-25
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød. (2018) Teaching For The Test - Or Is It Testing For Teaching? . EERA, European Educational Research Association ECER, European Conference on Educational Reseach , Bolzano 2018-11-04 - 2018-11-07
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Halvor; Hoveid, Marit Honerød. (2017) Knowledge in Education (practice). EERA ECER, European Conference on Educational Reseach , Copenhagen 2017-08-21 - 2017-08-25
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød; Hoveid, Halvor. (2017) Making Education Educational. A deliberation on Honneth’s theory of recognition vs. Ricoeur’s course of recognition as a foundation for the understanding of teaching and learning processes in education. AERA AERA, American Educational Research Association, confernece , San Antonio, Texas 2017-04-27 - 2017-05-01
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød; Hoveid, Halvor. (2017) Globalization of Education – A Tension Between Universalization and Cultural Sensitivity. Center for Advanced Studies in Global Education ASU Invited lecture , Tempe, Arizona 2017-04-19 - 2017-04-19
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød. (2016) Ethics Reviews of Educational Research Studies in Europe and Beyond: Challenges and Ways Forward. European Educational Research Association European Educational Research Conference , Dublin 2016-08-23 - 2026-08-26
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød. (2016) Governance of Education Research: Why do we need a collaborative research culture?. Hungarian Educational Research Association (HERA) Hungarian Conference on Education Research , Kaposvár 2016-05-26 - 2016-05-27
Vitenskapelig foredragAarsand, Pål André; Hoveid, Marit Honerød. (2016) DIGITAL TOOLS IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION AND CARE: FACILITATING LEARNING IN PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICES. Presentasjon 2016-08-29 -
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød; Hoveid, Halvor. (2016) Collaboration between diverse cultures - One or many healths?Two educationalists perspectives on collaboration and interdisciplinary approaches. . University of Alaska, Fairbanks - One health seminar series One health seminar UAF , Fairbanks, Alaska 2016-09-24 - 2016-09-24
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød. (2015) Teachers Professional Development through a Framework for Interpretation of Meaningful Actions. Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools Research-to-Practice Conference , Astana 2015-09-22 - 2015-09-23
Vitenskapelig foredragEryaman, Mustafa Yunus; Todd, Sharon; Apple, Michael; Hoveid, Marit Honerød. (2015) What Does it Mean to Live Together in a Culturally Diverse Europe?: Exploring the Role of Education and Educational Research. EERA, European Educational Research Association Roundtable , Budapest 2015-09-08 - 2015-09-11
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød. (2015) A collaborative reseach culture _ why and what does it require?. Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools Research-to-Practice Conference , Astana 2015-09-22 - 2015-09-23
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Halvor; Hoveid, Marit Honerød. (2014) The Narratives of Educational Relations. A study of representations of relations between agents in the process of teaching and Learning in educational research. INPE INPE , University of Calabria 2014-08-20 - 2014-08-23
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød; Jancic Mogliacci, Rada; Hoveid, Halvor. (2014) A Framework for Interpretation of Meaningful Action in Teaching and Learning. EERA ECER , Porto 2014-09-02 - 2014-09-06
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød. (2013) Symposium: Re-Imagining Relationships in Education: Politics, Ethics and Practices paper:‘You have to offer Yourself' – Relations and Leadership in Education. Philsosphy of Education Society, Great Brittain PESGB, Annual conference , Oxford 2013-03-22 - 2013-03-24
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød; Saddon, Terri; Keiner, Edwin. (2013) EERJ Roundtable: A Moot for Educational Research in Europe?. EERA, European Educational Research Association European Educational Research Conference , Istanbul 2013-09-10 - 2013-10-13
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød; Moos, Lejf; Gray, Peter Barry; Smeyers, Paul; Rasmussen, Palle. (2013) EERA Session: Discussing Horizon 2020 in EERA. EERA; European Educational Research Association ECER, European Conference on Educational Research , Istanbul 2013-09-10 - 2013-09-13
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Halvor; Hoveid, Marit Honerød. (2012) Education in the Polarity between Reflexivity and Worldliness. International Network for Philosophers of Education Internasjonal Konferanse , Addis Ababa 2012-08-15 - 2012-08-18
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød. (2011) Educational Research reined by Economic reasoning?. European Conference on Educational Research ECER/EERA EERJ Roundtable , Berlin 2011-09-13 - 2011-09-16
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød; Hoveid, Halvor. (2011) The Narratives of Educational Research. European Conference on Educational Research, ECER/EERA Symposium NW 13: Mis-presentations and Re-presentation in a Time of Interpretation –Embodiment, Understanding and Text in Educational Research , Berlin 2011-09-13 - 2011-09-16
Populærvitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød. (2010) Hvem sin kunnskap? - om læring i og av praksis. Faglig løft for PPT Lederkonferanse - Faglig løft for PPT , Oppdal 2010-09-23 - 2010-09-23
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød. (2010) A culture for “who” - a culture of “two”. Questions related to an in-between knowledge. - And if there an in-between knowledge could we find it in (school-) leadership?. Philosopy of Educations Great Britain, Women of Pilosophy of Konferanse , Edinburgh 2010-09-24 - 2010-09-26
Populærvitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød. (2010) Et selvrefleksivt arbeid – fremdeles en pedagogisk mulighet?. Pedagogisk Institutt, NTNU Fagdag pedagogisk Institutt , Trondheim 2010-10-22 - 2010-10-22
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød. (2010) Knowledge Promotion in School and a Competence Based Teacher Education.- About some recent developments in Teacher Education in Norway. University of Glasgow Seminar , Glasgow 2010-10-13 - 2010-10-13
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød; Hoveid, Halvor. (2010) The Teacher’s Self - Potentialities in the Model of the Narrative Self. European Educational Research Association Paper presentation, ECER , Helsinki 2010-08-25 - 2010-08-28
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød; Hoveid, Halvor. (2010) The Place of Reading in the training of teachers. International Network of Philosophy of Education Paper presentation at International Network of Philosophy of Education Conference , Bogota 2010-07-28 - 2010-07-31
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød. (2009) (Teacher )Education as a Work with Personal Language Use. - Human action open to anybody who can read. NERA, Nordic Educational Research Association - Conference , Trondheim 2009-03-05 - 2009-03-07
IntervjuHonerød Hoveid, Marit. (2009) Marit Hoveid, Networks Representative on EERA Council, reflecting on ECER 2009. [Internett] 2009-09-29
Vitenskapelig foredragHonerød Hoveid, Marit; Hoveid, Halvor. (2009) "Who is the teacher (?) - in relation to teaching and learning as a field of knowledge and as a field of practice". Univerisy of London, Philosophy of Education Invited lecture , London 2009-10-20 - 2009-10-20
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød. (2008) Professional Development in Teacher Education : what does the research tell us? I and II. European Educational Reseach Conference , Gøteborg, Sverige 2008-09-10 - 2008-09-13
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød. (2007) Reasons for Teaching and Practical Reasoning in Teaching. A Re-Figuration of Teachers Personal Language Use in the Practice of Teaching. International Society for Teacher Education: The Future of Teacher Education and Professional Development , Stirling, Scotland 2007-06-24 - 2007-06-30
PosterHoveid, Marit Honerød. (2007) Kollegabasert veiledning i reflekterende team. Utvikling av lærerens personlige språkbruk. Læringsdagene - RSK-Alta , Alta 2007-11-05 - 2007-11-05
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød. (2007) Roundtable discussion: Language and the Curriculum: Derrida, deconstruction and secondary school policy. European conference on Educational Research , Gent, Belgium 2007-09-19 - 2007-09-21
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød. (2007) Handlingsgrunner og praktiske resonnement i undervisning. En re-figurering av læreres personlige språkbruk i praksis. Fou i Praksis , Trondheim 2007-04-19 - 2007-04-20
PosterHoveid, Marit Honerød. (2006) Tilpasset opplæring : begrepet i teori og praksis. Foredrag ved Alta videregående skole , Alta 2006-03-15 - 2006-03-15
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød. (2006) Tilpasset opplæring i praksis : en metodisk tilnærming til personlig lærerspråk om tilpasset opplæring. FoU i Praksis , Trondheim 2006-04-24 - 2006-04-25
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød. (2005) Et skråblikk på Kunnskapsløftet og Kvalitetsreformen : hva betyr disse utdanningsreformene - bedre kvalitet eller et påtvunget onde? Hvordan legger man til rette for Kunnskapsløftet i høyere utdanning?. Høgskolen i Finnmark utenTitteltekst , Alta 2005-11-17 - 2005-11-18
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Halvor; Hoveid, Marit Honerød. (2005) Utvikling av metoder for å tilpasse opplæringen i en lærende skole. FoU i Praksis, konferanse 2005 , Trondheim 2005-03-28 - 2005-03-29
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Halvor; Hoveid, Marit Honerød. (2005) Teaching and the process of identifying the teacher-self. European Conference on Educational Research, 2005 , Dublin, Ireland 2005-09-07 - 2005-09-10
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød; Hoveid, Halvor. (2005) Research in, on or with practice?. CARN/PRAR Conference 2005, Quality of Practitioner Research / Action Research: what is it about, what's it for and what next? , Utrecht, The Netherlands 2005-11-04 - 2005-11-06
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Halvor; Hoveid, Marit Honerød. (2004) A teachers personal language : ways of constructing inclusion and diversity in learning processes. European Conference on Educational Research, Nettwork 10 : Teacher Education Research (ECER 2004, Crete) , Rethymnon, Crete 2004-09-22 - 2004-09-25
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød; Hoveid, Halvor. (2004) "Muntlig slik jeg VIL" : hvordan kan muntlig eksamen generere læreprosesser?. FOU i praksis , Trondheim 2004-04-26 - 2004-04-26
PosterHoveid, Marit Honerød. (2003) On the Possibilities of Educating Active and Reflective Teachers Om mulightene for å utdanne aktive og reflekterte lærere. Doktorgradskurs i profesjonsforskning. - Universitetet i Tromsø/Høgskolen i Tromsø , Tromsø 2003-11-10 - 2003-11-12
Vitenskapelig foredragHoveid, Marit Honerød; Hoveid, Halvor. (2003) On the Possibilities of Educating Active and Reflective Teachers. The European Educational Research Association. Under network 10: Teacher Education Research , University og Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany 2003-09-17 - 2003-09-20