Hans-Petter Grav
Studieveiledning og studieadministrative oppgaver for 2-årig internasjonal master i Project Management, 3-årig bachelor logistikkingeniør, og 5-årig sivilingeniørstudium i Industriell økonomi og teknologiledelse (Indøk). I tillegg oppgaver innen Phd-området, innkommende og utgående utveksling, studentassistentstillinger, og timeplanlegging.
- 2018: PhD, History, Washington State University
- 2010: MA, History, Montana State University
- 2005: BA, History, Pacific Lutheran University
- 2003: MBA, Technology and Innovation Management, Pacific Lutheran University
- 2000: BBA, International Business, Pacific Lutheran University
- 1999: Høgskolekandidat, HiST - TØH
Grav, Hans-Petter.
Good Americans "born of a good people": Race, whiteness, and nationalism among Norwegian Americans in the Pacific Northwest.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Grav, Hans-Petter.
Our Values Are in Danger: Norwegian-American Responses to World War II in the Pacific Northwest.
Norwegian-American Studies: The Journal of the Norwegian-American Historical Association
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Grav, Hans-Petter;
Mercier, Laurie.
Vesterheim in Red, White and Blue: The Hyphenated Norwegian-American and Regional Identity in the Pacific Northwest, 1890-1950.
Washington State University
Grav, Hans-Petter.
When the Beast Saved the Day and Yellow Jack Got Lost: The Story of General Butler and the Yellow Fever Epidemic That Never Took Place.
Southern Historian
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Grav, Hans-Petter.
Our Values Are in Danger: Norwegian-American Responses to World War II in the Pacific Northwest.
Norwegian-American Studies: The Journal of the Norwegian-American Historical Association
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Grav, Hans-Petter.
When the Beast Saved the Day and Yellow Jack Got Lost: The Story of General Butler and the Yellow Fever Epidemic That Never Took Place.
Southern Historian
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Del av bok/rapport
Grav, Hans-Petter.
Good Americans "born of a good people": Race, whiteness, and nationalism among Norwegian Americans in the Pacific Northwest.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Grav, Hans-Petter;
Mercier, Laurie.
Vesterheim in Red, White and Blue: The Hyphenated Norwegian-American and Regional Identity in the Pacific Northwest, 1890-1950.
Washington State University