Bodil Elisabeth Valstad Aasan
Profesjonsstudiet i psykologi, Universitetet i Bergen. Uteksaminert i 2020.
Aasan, Bodil Elisabeth Valstad;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Krokstad, Steinar;
Sylte, Mari;
Sund, Erik Reidar.
Correction to: The Relative Importance of Family, School, and Leisure Activities for the Mental Wellbeing of Adolescents: The Young-HUNT Study in Norway (Societies, (2023), 13, 4, (93), 10.3390/soc13040093).
Aasan, Bodil Elisabeth Valstad;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Krokstad, Steinar;
Sund, Erik Reidar.
Trends in social inequality and how mental wellbeing vary and covary among Norwegian adolescents and their families: the Young-HUNT Study.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sylte, Mari;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Aasan, Bodil Elisabeth Valstad;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim .
‘Nothing Gets Realised Anyway’: Adolescents’ Experience of Co-Creating Health Promotion Measures in Municipalities in Norway.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lillefjell, Monica;
Hope, Siren;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ;
Hermansen, Eirin;
Vik, John Tore;
Sund, Erik Reidar.
Planning for Health Equity: How Municipal Strategic Documents and Project Plans Reflect Intentions Instructed by the Norwegian Public Health Act. .
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aasan, Bodil Elisabeth Valstad;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Krokstad, Steinar;
Sylte, Mari;
Sund, Erik Reidar.
The Relative Importance of Family, School, and Leisure Activities for the Mental Wellbeing of Adolescents: The Young-HUNT Study in Norway.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hjetland, Gunnhild Johnsen;
Schønning, Viktor;
Aasan, Bodil Elisabeth Valstad;
Hella, Randi Træland;
Skogen, Jens Christoffer.
Pupils’ use of social media and its relation to mental health from a school personnel perspective: A preliminary qualitative study.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aasan, Bodil Elisabeth Valstad;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Krokstad, Steinar;
Sylte, Mari;
Sund, Erik Reidar.
Correction to: The Relative Importance of Family, School, and Leisure Activities for the Mental Wellbeing of Adolescents: The Young-HUNT Study in Norway (Societies, (2023), 13, 4, (93), 10.3390/soc13040093).
Aasan, Bodil Elisabeth Valstad;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Krokstad, Steinar;
Sund, Erik Reidar.
Trends in social inequality and how mental wellbeing vary and covary among Norwegian adolescents and their families: the Young-HUNT Study.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sylte, Mari;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Aasan, Bodil Elisabeth Valstad;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim .
‘Nothing Gets Realised Anyway’: Adolescents’ Experience of Co-Creating Health Promotion Measures in Municipalities in Norway.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lillefjell, Monica;
Hope, Siren;
Anthun, Kirsti Sarheim ;
Hermansen, Eirin;
Vik, John Tore;
Sund, Erik Reidar.
Planning for Health Equity: How Municipal Strategic Documents and Project Plans Reflect Intentions Instructed by the Norwegian Public Health Act. .
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aasan, Bodil Elisabeth Valstad;
Lillefjell, Monica;
Krokstad, Steinar;
Sylte, Mari;
Sund, Erik Reidar.
The Relative Importance of Family, School, and Leisure Activities for the Mental Wellbeing of Adolescents: The Young-HUNT Study in Norway.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hjetland, Gunnhild Johnsen;
Schønning, Viktor;
Aasan, Bodil Elisabeth Valstad;
Hella, Randi Træland;
Skogen, Jens Christoffer.
Pupils’ use of social media and its relation to mental health from a school personnel perspective: A preliminary qualitative study.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vitenskapelig foredragAasan, Bodil Elisabeth Valstad. (2024) Internalizing and externalizing symptoms before and into the Covid-19 pandemic: Exploring gender and resilience differences among Norwegian adolescents. The HUNT Study. Norwegian Epidemiological Association NOFE CONFERENCE 2024 , Oslo 2024-10-15 - 2024-10-16
Vitenskapelig foredragAasan, Bodil Elisabeth Valstad. (2024) Betydning av familie, skole og fritidsaktiviteter for psykisk helse hos ungdom. Program for Folkehelsearbeid i Trøndelag Forsknings- og erfaringskonferanse om folkehelsearbeid , Trondheim 2024-10-17 - 2024-10-17
Vitenskapelig foredragAasan, Bodil Elisabeth Valstad. (2023) Familie, skole eller fritidsaktiviteter: Hva har størst betydning for psykisk helse hos unge?. HUNT forskningssenter HUNT Forskningsbonanza , Levanger 2023-05-26 - 2023-05-26
Vitenskapelig foredragAasan, Bodil Elisabeth Valstad. (2023) Psykiske plager, ensomhet og trivsel med livet: Hvilken betydning har familie, skole og fritid? . NTNU og Trøndelag Fylkeskommune Planlegging for systematisk samarbeid , Trondheim 2023-11-27 - 2023-11-27
Vitenskapelig foredragAasan, Bodil Elisabeth Valstad. (2023) Ung-HUNT: Betydningen av familie, skole og fritidsaktiviteter. IMPACTS (INB, NTNU) Fagseminar folkehelse: Helsefremmende lokalsamfunn og bærekraftige helsetjenester for barn og unges psykiske helse , Trondheim 2023-03-27 - 2023-03-27
PosterAasan, Bodil Elisabeth Valstad; Lillefjell, Monica; Krokstad, Steinar; Kvaløy, Kirsti; Sund, Erik. (2022) Social inequality and change in psychological distress during the Covid-19 pandemic in Norway. European Public Health Association 15th European Public Health Conference 2022 , Berlin 2022-11-09 - 2022-11-12
Faglig foredragAasan, Bodil Elisabeth Valstad. (2022) Trend i sosial ulikhet og hvordan psykologisk bekymring og ensomhet varierer og samvarierer i ungdom og familier i Ung-HUNT. HUNT Sommersamling HUNT , Frostad 2022-06-02 - 2022-06-02
PosterAasan, Bodil Elisabeth Valstad; Sivertsen, Børge; Djupedal, Ingebjørg Louise Rockwell; Saxvig, Ingvild West; Vestergaard, Cecilie; Vedaa, Øystein. (2022) Social jetlag, health and life satisfaction: Large scale study on students. European Sleep Research Society 26th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society , Athen 2022-09-27 - 2022-09-30
PosterAasan, Bodil Elisabeth Valstad; Lillefjell, Monica; Krokstad, Steinar; Sund, Erik. (2022) FAMILIENS BETYDNING – EN UNDERSØKELSE AV HVORDAN HELSEN VARIERER OG SAMVARIERER MELLOM OG INNAD I INDIVIDER OG FAMILIER. Folkehelseforeningen Folkehelsekonferansen , Hamar 2022-10-17 - 2022-10-19