
EDU2001 - EduChange - active citizenship through innovative methods to tackle wicked environmental problems

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Local and global effects of climate change are investigated using innovative education methods revolving around field courses. The course is a part of the ERASMUS+ project “Promoting active citizenship through innovative geoparticipatory methods to tackle wicked environmental problems”. This course transforms the traditional teacher led field course into innovative, creative learning environments where knowledge is constructed jointly by students and teachers. The course promotes active citizenship by utilizing innovative digital teaching environments and multidisciplinary, international field courses. International partnerships and inter- and transdisciplinary approaches are utilized to support innovation and creativity. The course relies on partners from various European countries to bring an array of geography, and environmentally related backgrounds to the learning environment. Partnerships with local high schools strengthen the role of higher education regionally as well as channel the knowledge from universities towards the public. Place-based education that connect scientific perspective with local knowledge and everyday experiences is an important part of this course. The field courses strive to stimulate deeper learning. This will be achieved by student-centered approaches and a well-balanced mix of innovative teaching methods for field- and place-based education, such as blended learning or modern playful and multimedia methods. Students will experience both roles - being students during the field-courses and being teachers during their local teaching activities or public outreach.



The student has

  • in-depth knowledge about climate change that enables participation in discussions about local and global environmental issues in general, and how these are interrelated
  • knowledge of all elements of the TPCK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) model such that this may be used when developing lesson-plans for teaching complex environmental issues
  • knowledge on principles and concepts of climate change and mitigation that makes it possible to use this in hands-on teaching in secondary school
  • knowledge on environmental issues and solutions in Malta, Czech Republic, the Netherlands and Norway


The student will

  • be able to plan and teach environmental problems using geoparticipatory methods
  • be able to use various digital applications in teaching and learning
  • be able to use advanced models for lesson-planning for building lessons on climate change, using innovative methods for flipped classroom and blended learning
  • be prepared to work in international and interdisciplinary environments

General competence

The student has

  • in-depth knowledge on complex issues of climate change mitigation and adaption at a global and local scale
  • in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge about principles of lesson-planning
  • knowledge about latest research on climate change preconceptions of European youths as background for planning and executing teaching

Læringsformer og aktiviteter

Field Course:1) Approximately one week, alternating between Czech Republic, Malta and the Netherlands.2) Lectures on climate change, innovative educational methods and local field-trips.3) Project teams establishment and thematic project assignment.4) Educational activities organized by students in their home countries.4) Discussion and feedback.Virtual mobility (Skype tutoring):1) One-hour call per month during the semester.2) Thematic/pedagogic project consultation with the project supervisor.3) Intensive virtual field-trip (multiple days).3) Lectures on academic skills and science popularization.4) Discussion and feedback.

Obligatoriske aktiviteter

  • Internasjonalt feltkurs
  • Virtuelt feltkurs
  • 90 % oppmøte i undervisningen

Mer om vurdering

Compulsory assignments

Approximately one-week international field course. A virtual field course stretching over several days. In case of travel restrictions or restrictions on public meetings, the events may be adjusted.

Further on evaluation

Assignment (70%): Working on educational activities/projects/tools and their implementation at local high-school(s).

Oral exam (30%): Presentation of educational activities. In order to pass the exam, student would need 90% attendance.


The teaching material will be available online under open license (creative commons or Open Database License for geodata). Innovative teaching methods will include short educational clips (educlips), e-learning platform, multimedia online maps (StoryMap platform), GeoGames (such as wherIgo, Shutterspot, Dériveor Geocaching), low-cost aerial photography (kite mapping) and many more.


Emnekode Reduksjon Fra Til
GEOG2013 7.5 VÅR 2021
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Fakta om emnet

Versjon: 1
Studiepoeng:  7.5 SP
Studienivå: Videregående emner, nivå II


Undervisningsspråk: Engelsk

Sted: Trondheim

  • Lærer- og lektorutdanning

Ansvarlig enhet
Institutt for lærerutdanning


  • * Skriftlig eksamen plasseres på rom 3 dager før eksamensdato. Hvis mer enn ett rom er oppgitt, finner du ditt rom på Studentweb.

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