Tordis Berstrand
Tordis Berstrand is Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture and Technology, Faculty of Architecture and Design, NTNU. She has previously held positions and taught architectural theory, design and aesthetics at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China, University of Kent, UK, and the University of Plymouth, UK.
Tordis graduated from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, DK, and holds an MSc Architectural History from The Bartlett, UCL, UK, and a PhD in Architecture from the University of Kent, UK. Her doctoral thesis by text is entitled 'Splitting and Doubling: Spaces for Contemporary Living in Works by Gordon Matta-Clark, Kurt Schwitters and Gregor Schneider'.
Having worked in architectural practices in London, UK, Tordis has a background as a sound artist and writer on electro-acoustic music. She has performed and taught workshops on artificial intelligence with the artist Parl Kristian Bjørn Vester (Goodiepal), and currently explores collaborative research strategies with CRAC, the Crosscultural Research on Architecture Collective.
Tordis' research is situated at the intersections of artistic practice, architectural design and philosophical enquiry with particular interest in critical spatial practices and the domestic setting, Kurt Schwitters's Merzbau and Merz ecologies, and situated writing as epistemological practice in the design process. She publishes and presents her work in international publications, exhibitions and conferences.
Berstrand, Tordis Henriette;
Schmidt, August;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav;
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Živanović, Zdravko.
Fullskalabygging i Elgeseter Park, Trondheim. Midlertidig byggeprosjekt. Samarbeid med studenter fra MusikkTeknologi ved Heather Frasch
Berstrand, Tordis Henriette;
Schmidt, August;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav;
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Živanović, Zdravko.
Felles/skap/skip - satelitt.
ULLDAGA FESTIVAL på TSSK - Trøndelag senter for samtidskunst
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Berstrand, Tordis Henriette;
Schmidt, August;
Živanović, Zdravko.
Mending the Nest
Practicing Circular Ethics. Gløshaugen
Rødne, Gro;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Schmidt, August;
Berstrand, Tordis Henriette;
Živanović, Zdravko.
Exploding windows .
Textile art installation, artistic/ architectural intervention for the opening of Trappa by Circa Teater
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Berstrand, Tordis Henriette;
Živanović, Zdravko.
Invisible sails. Architectural weaving with wood and wool. .
Public art, spatial Installation with year 1 architecture students. Elgester Park
Sæther, Anne Marit;
Rødne, Gro;
Schmidt, August;
Berstrand, Tordis Henriette;
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Živanović, Zdravko.
Berstrand, Tordis;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Gjertsen, Paul Andreas Grøntvedt;
Schmidt, August;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav;
Zivanovic, Zdravko.
Hyfer festival. Installasjon ved Suhmhuset, Trondheim, 22.09.-08.11.2023. Utført av studenter fra Arkitektur-studiets første klasse.
Berstrand, Tordis;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Gjertsen, Paul Andreas Grøntvedt;
Schmidt, August;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav;
Zivanovic, Zdravko.
Fullskalabygging. Installasjon i Elgeseter Park, Trondheim, 22.09.-09.11.2023. Samarbeid mellom studenter fra NTNU Arkitektur og MusikkTeknologi
Berstrand, Tordis;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Gjertsen, Paul Andreas Grøntvedt;
Zivanovic, Zdravko;
Henning, Anne Helga.
Utstilling av tegninger og modeller i Mellomrommet, NTNU, 19.10.-09.11.2023. Utført av studenter fra Arkitektur-studiets første klasse efter oppmålingstur til Stokkøya, oktober 2023.
Berstrand, Tordis;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Gjertsen, Paul Andreas Grøntvedt;
Schmidt, August;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav;
Zivanovic, Zdravko.
Fullskalabygging. Utstilling av tegninger skapt av studenter fra Arkitektur-studiets første klasse. Utstillingskorridoren, NTNU, 28.09.-19.10.2023.
Berstrand, Tordis.
Inflecting the house: Upside down and ungrounded between walls, windows, mirrors and screens.
Technoetic Arts
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Rødne, Gro;
Hanssen, Hanna Landfald;
Schmidt, August;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav.
Part of DIKU financed Threads of Innovation Fullscale Installation, building workshop: 6.-17.06.2022/
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Schmidt, August;
Gjertsen, Andreas Grøntvedt;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav;
Hanssen, Hanna Landfald;
Berstrand, Tordis.
Fullskala. Midlertidig byggeprosjekt. Åpningsarrangement i samarbeid med studenter fra MusikkTeknologi
Berstrand, Tordis;
Djalali, Amir;
Dong, Yiping;
Han, Jiawen;
Hoskyns, Teresa;
Roslan, Siti Balkrish.
Dialogue on a Paradise on Earth.
East Asian Journal of Philosophy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Berstrand, Tordis.
Occupying Merzbau – the critic, her words and the work.
idea journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Berstrand, Tordis.
The Art of Living in a Double House: Everyday Aesthetics in the Space between (East and West).
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Berstrand, Tordis.
Paper Architecture as a Site for Thinking, Writing and Spatial Agency.
Montreal Architectural Review
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Berstrand, Tordis.
What is an artist’s studio if not a living room in a house?.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Berstrand, Tordis.
The Possibility of Teaching Chinese Students of Architecture to Write (a House).
KnE Social Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Berstrand, Tordis;
Dong, Yiping.
Garden as Dwelling.
HOME | any | more | ?, Bucharest Triennale: East Centric Architecture
Berstrand, Tordis;
Fischbach, Martin.
Unexpected Encounters
Berstrand, Tordis.
La possibilité d’un espace-mur.
Faglig kapittel
Berstrand, Tordis.
Jørn Utzon.
Berstrand, Tordis.
Peder Vilhelm Jensen-Klint.
Berstrand, Tordis.
Arne Jacobsen.
Berstrand, Tordis;
Vester, Parl Kristian Bjørn.
Mort Aux Vaches Ekstra Extra.
Momentum - 5th Nordic Biennial of Contemporary Art
Berstrand, Tordis.
Jonathan Hill: The Illegal Architect.
Faglig kapittel
Berstrand, Tordis.
Can you follow time from A to B?.
Bell Magazine
Berstrand, Tordis.
Selfridges og Architecture Foundation: En Alliance mellem Konsum og Kultur.
Faglig kapittel
Berstrand, Tordis.
Fluid …in a State of Flux….
Faglig kapittel
Berstrand, Tordis;
Donsted, Johanne.
Samtidsarkitekten - The Compatible X .
Forlaget Multivers
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Berstrand, Tordis.
Inflecting the house: Upside down and ungrounded between walls, windows, mirrors and screens.
Technoetic Arts
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Berstrand, Tordis;
Djalali, Amir;
Dong, Yiping;
Han, Jiawen;
Hoskyns, Teresa;
Roslan, Siti Balkrish.
Dialogue on a Paradise on Earth.
East Asian Journal of Philosophy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Berstrand, Tordis.
Occupying Merzbau – the critic, her words and the work.
idea journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Berstrand, Tordis.
Paper Architecture as a Site for Thinking, Writing and Spatial Agency.
Montreal Architectural Review
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Berstrand, Tordis.
The Possibility of Teaching Chinese Students of Architecture to Write (a House).
KnE Social Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Berstrand, Tordis.
Can you follow time from A to B?.
Bell Magazine
Kunstneriske produksjoner
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Berstrand, Tordis Henriette;
Schmidt, August;
Živanović, Zdravko.
Mending the Nest
Practicing Circular Ethics. Gløshaugen
Rødne, Gro;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Schmidt, August;
Berstrand, Tordis Henriette;
Živanović, Zdravko.
Exploding windows .
Textile art installation, artistic/ architectural intervention for the opening of Trappa by Circa Teater
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Berstrand, Tordis Henriette;
Živanović, Zdravko.
Invisible sails. Architectural weaving with wood and wool. .
Public art, spatial Installation with year 1 architecture students. Elgester Park
Sæther, Anne Marit;
Rødne, Gro;
Schmidt, August;
Berstrand, Tordis Henriette;
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Živanović, Zdravko.
Berstrand, Tordis;
Fischbach, Martin.
Unexpected Encounters
Berstrand, Tordis;
Vester, Parl Kristian Bjørn.
Mort Aux Vaches Ekstra Extra.
Momentum - 5th Nordic Biennial of Contemporary Art
Berstrand, Tordis;
Donsted, Johanne.
Samtidsarkitekten - The Compatible X .
Forlaget Multivers
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Del av bok/rapport
Berstrand, Tordis.
The Art of Living in a Double House: Everyday Aesthetics in the Space between (East and West).
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Berstrand, Tordis.
What is an artist’s studio if not a living room in a house?.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Berstrand, Tordis.
La possibilité d’un espace-mur.
Faglig kapittel
Berstrand, Tordis.
Jørn Utzon.
Berstrand, Tordis.
Peder Vilhelm Jensen-Klint.
Berstrand, Tordis.
Arne Jacobsen.
Berstrand, Tordis.
Jonathan Hill: The Illegal Architect.
Faglig kapittel
Berstrand, Tordis.
Selfridges og Architecture Foundation: En Alliance mellem Konsum og Kultur.
Faglig kapittel
Berstrand, Tordis.
Fluid …in a State of Flux….
Faglig kapittel
Berstrand, Tordis Henriette;
Schmidt, August;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav;
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Živanović, Zdravko.
Fullskalabygging i Elgeseter Park, Trondheim. Midlertidig byggeprosjekt. Samarbeid med studenter fra MusikkTeknologi ved Heather Frasch
Berstrand, Tordis Henriette;
Schmidt, August;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav;
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Živanović, Zdravko.
Felles/skap/skip - satelitt.
ULLDAGA FESTIVAL på TSSK - Trøndelag senter for samtidskunst
Berstrand, Tordis;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Gjertsen, Paul Andreas Grøntvedt;
Schmidt, August;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav;
Zivanovic, Zdravko.
Hyfer festival. Installasjon ved Suhmhuset, Trondheim, 22.09.-08.11.2023. Utført av studenter fra Arkitektur-studiets første klasse.
Berstrand, Tordis;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Gjertsen, Paul Andreas Grøntvedt;
Schmidt, August;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav;
Zivanovic, Zdravko.
Fullskalabygging. Installasjon i Elgeseter Park, Trondheim, 22.09.-09.11.2023. Samarbeid mellom studenter fra NTNU Arkitektur og MusikkTeknologi
Berstrand, Tordis;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Gjertsen, Paul Andreas Grøntvedt;
Zivanovic, Zdravko;
Henning, Anne Helga.
Utstilling av tegninger og modeller i Mellomrommet, NTNU, 19.10.-09.11.2023. Utført av studenter fra Arkitektur-studiets første klasse efter oppmålingstur til Stokkøya, oktober 2023.
Berstrand, Tordis;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Gjertsen, Paul Andreas Grøntvedt;
Schmidt, August;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav;
Zivanovic, Zdravko.
Fullskalabygging. Utstilling av tegninger skapt av studenter fra Arkitektur-studiets første klasse. Utstillingskorridoren, NTNU, 28.09.-19.10.2023.
Raonic, Aleksandra;
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Rødne, Gro;
Hanssen, Hanna Landfald;
Schmidt, August;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav.
Part of DIKU financed Threads of Innovation Fullscale Installation, building workshop: 6.-17.06.2022/
Haarsaker, Nina Katrine;
Schmidt, August;
Gjertsen, Andreas Grøntvedt;
Gilberg, Arnstein Olav;
Hanssen, Hanna Landfald;
Berstrand, Tordis.
Fullskala. Midlertidig byggeprosjekt. Åpningsarrangement i samarbeid med studenter fra MusikkTeknologi
Berstrand, Tordis;
Dong, Yiping.
Garden as Dwelling.
HOME | any | more | ?, Bucharest Triennale: East Centric Architecture
Vitenskapelig foredragDong, Yiping; Berstrand, Tordis Henriette. (2024) Resilient courtyards and gardens – Revisiting the Jiangnan dwellings from an eco-aesthetic perspective. Suzhou Institute for the Conservation of National Historic Cities 4th International Conference on Heritage of China 2024 , Suzhou, China 2024-10-25 - 2024-10-27
Faglig foredragBerstrand, Tordis Henriette; Raonic, Aleksandra; Haarsaker, Nina Katrine. (2024) Weaving Ideas, Weaving Space. KIT - Trondheim Art Academy Friday Lecture , KIT - Trondheim Art Academy 2024-11-01 - 2024-11-01
Vitenskapelig foredragBerstrand, Tordis Henriette. (2024) Circularity, community and full-scale construction: Architectural education as transformative practice. School of the Built Environment and Architecture Architectural Lecture Series , London South Bank University, School of the Built Environment and Architecture, London, UK 2024-04-18 - 2024-04-18
Vitenskapelig foredragBerstrand, Tordis; Westermann, Claudia; Djalali, Amir; Hoskyns, Teresa; Wash, Glen. (2023) Architecture after the House: A Commitment to Sustainable Practice. Lancaster University Towards an Architectural Theory for Sustainability , Lancaster University, School of Architecture 2023-07-05 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBerstrand, Tordis. (2022) Temporalities of Architectural Work. The Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory 4th International Conference on Anticipation [Online] , Arizona State University, Arizona, US 2022-11-04 - 2022-11-18
Vitenskapelig foredragBerstrand, Tordis; Hoskyns, Teresa; Djalali, Amir; Dong, Yiping; Goffriller, Martin; Han, Jiawen. (2022) The Nomadic Map. University of Central Asia Nomadic Image 2022: The 7th Transdisciplinary Conference of Imaging at the Intersections of Art, Science and Culture [Online] , University of Central Asia, Naryn, Kyrgyzstan 2022-09-23 - 2022-09-25
Vitenskapelig foredragBerstrand, Tordis; Djalali, Amir; Dong, Yiping; Han, Jiawen; Hoskyns, Teresa; Roslan, Siti Balkrish. (2022) Dialogue on a Paradise on Earth. Philosophy of the City Research Group 24 hours of Philosophy of the City [Online] , University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands 2022-05-17 - 2022-05-17
Faglig foredragBerstrand, Tordis. (2021) Aesthetics, epistemology and coexistence – thinking and making worlds with a view of things to come. School of Art, Design and Architecture Lecture , University of Plymouth, UK 2021-11-11 - 2021-11-11
Vitenskapelig foredragBerstrand, Tordis. (2020) The Art of Living in a Double House: Everyday Aesthetics in the Space between (East and West). University of Prešov, Faculty of Arts, Institute of Aesthetics and Art Culture Coordinates Conference VI: Art, Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Everyday Life [Online] , University of Prešov, Prešov, Slovakia 2020-11-11 - 2020-11-13
ProgramledelseBerstrand, Tordis. (2019) Suzhou courtyard – the void that holds the house. Workshop as part of XJTLU Summer Undergraduate Research Fund, 17.06.2019-23.08.2019. Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China [Internett] 2019-08-23
Vitenskapelig foredragBerstrand, Tordis. (2019) What is an artist’s studio if not a living room in a house?. International Association for Aesthetics and The University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture The 21st International Congress of Aesthetics – Possible Worlds of Contemporary Aesthetics: Aesthetics Between History, Geography and Media , University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia 2019-07-22 - 2019-07-26
Vitenskapelig foredragBerstrand, Tordis. (2019) The Possibility of Teaching Chinese Students of Architecture to Write (a House). Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Department of Architecture Architecture Across Boundaries , Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China 2019-06-19 - 2019-06-21
Faglig foredragBerstrand, Tordis. (2018) Constructive alignment in small and large size classroom teaching. XJTLU ILEAD The 5th Research-led Learning and Teaching Training Program , Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University 2018-08-24 -
ProgramdeltagelseBerstrand, Tordis. (2018) Rotterdam New Waterfront with MECANOO Netherlands’, Workshop organised by the Department of Architecture at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, 26.02.2018-02.03.2018. Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China [Internett] 2018-03-02
Vitenskapelig foredragBerstrand, Tordis. (2017) Bruno Taut’s Hyuga Villa in Atami, West of Japan / East of Europe [Panel Chair]. Xi'a Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Department of Architecture Bruno Taut’s Hyuga Villa in Atami, West of Japan / East of Europe , Xi'a Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China 2017-10-18 - 2017-10-18
Vitenskapelig foredragBerstrand, Tordis. (2016) Passe-partout, or five times around the living space. The Derrida Today Journal and the University of London 5th Derrida Today Conference , Goldsmiths, University of London, UK 2016-06-08 - 2016-06-11
Vitenskapelig foredragBerstrand, Tordis. (2015) How Jacques Derrida provided a language for the architect. The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (KADK), School of Architecture JD15 – Derrida and Architecture , The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture (KADK), Copenhagen, Denmark 2015-06-26 - 2015-06-27
Faglig foredragBerstrand, Tordis. (2013) Splitting and Doubling: Spaces of Contemporary Living in Works by Kurt Schwitters, Gordon Matta-Clark and Gregor Schneider. School of Architecture and Planning Lecture , University of Kent, UK 2013-12-02 - 2013-12-02
ProgramdeltagelseBerstrand, Tordis. (2013) Architectural Design for Industrial Heritage, Sino-UK Higher Education Cooperation, Beijing, China. Workshop organised by British Council Beijing, Architectural Society of China and the School of Architecture of Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 14-28 April 2013. Tsinghua University, Beijing, China Tsinghua University, Beijing, China [Internett] 2013-04-28
Vitenskapelig foredragBerstrand, Tordis. (2012) 'Merzbau' and the problem of dwelling. Littoral Arts Trust Curating Merz: Kurt Schwitters in England Research Symposium , Merz Barn, Elterwater, UK 2012-07-17 - 2012-07-17
Vitenskapelig foredragBerstrand, Tordis. (2010) Accommodating Difference: Rethinking Identity through Inhabitation of the Un/Homely. University of Birmingham, College of Arts and Law Graduate School IDENTITY and OTHERNESS, Dealing with Difference without Borders , University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK 2010-05-28 - 2010-05-28
Vitenskapelig foredragBerstrand, Tordis. (2010) Inhabiting the Spatial Object: Negotiating Dwelling in Kurt Schwitter’s 'Merzbau'. Association of Art Historians Architectural Objects, Discussing Spatial Form across Art Histories , Henry Moore Institute, Leeds, UK 2010-06-24 - 2010-06-25
ProgramledelseBerstrand, Tordis; Vester, Parl Kristian Bjørn. (2009) Mort Aux Vaches Ekstra Extra. Workshop with Parl Kristian Bjørn Vester (Goodiepal) at Momentum - 5th Nordic Biennial of Contemporary Art, 29.08.2009-18.10.2009. Galleri F 15, Moss, Norway Galleri F 15, Moss, Norway [Internett] 2009-10-18
ProgramdeltagelseBerstrand, Tordis. (2009) MERZDORF 1923-1947: Mapping the DNA of Modernism, Reconstructing Schwitters’ Merzbaus. Workshop organised by Littoral Arts Trust and the Royal College of Art, London, UK, 01.05.2009-08.05.2009. Royal College of Art, London, UK Royal College of Art, London, UK [Internett] 2009-05-08
Faglig foredragBerstrand, Tordis. (2005) Jonathan Hill og den illegale arkitekt. School of Architecture Lecture , The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts 2005-10-23 -