Tobias Schumacher
Dr Tobias Schumacher is Professor of European Studies at the Department of Historical and Classical Studies (IHK) at NTNU. He is also Senior Professorial Fellow at the College of Europe, Natolin campus (Warsaw, Poland) (Professor 2).
He is deputy coordinator of the international research project "REDEMOS - Reconfiguring EU Democracy Support towards a Sustained Demos in the EU's Eastern Neighbourhood", financed by the European Union for the period 2023-2025 in the framework of its Horizon Europe programme. REDEMOS is a multi-annual research project with a budget of EUR3.6 million, involving 11 universities, research centers and one SME from across Europe, analysing EU democracy support policies towards Eastern Europe during 2010-2022 and developing an innovative policy toolkit for the EU.
Dr Schumacher also co-leads a work package in the international (Horizon Europe) research project REUNIR (Resilience, Enlargement, Union, Neighbourhood, International Relations). REUNIR is a multi-annual research project with a budget of EUR3 million, gathering 12 universities, research centers and think tanks from across Europe, examining how the EU can strengthen its foreign and security toolboxes to bolster the resilience and transformation of (potential) candidate countries in a new age of international relations.
He has held a number of distinguished fellowships, including: John F. Kennedy Memorial Fellow at the Minda de Gunzburg Centre for European Studies at Harvard University, Cambridge MA., USA; Visiting Fellow at Pembroke College, Cambridge University, United Kingdom; Marie Curie Fellow and Jean Monnet Fellow respectively at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy; and Associate Senior Research Fellow at the Center for International Studies (CEI), Lisbon University Institute, Lisbon, Portugal.
Between 2012 and 2023, he served as the first Chairholder of the European Neighbourhood Policy Chair at the Natolin campus of the College of Europe, and for many year he was Visiting Professor at Sciences Po, Rennes, France.
Professor Schumacher is the author of more than 100 books, edited volumes, articles, book chapters, and policy papers on EU external action towards the EU's neighbourhood and beyond, and Middle East and North African politics as well as Eastern European politics, respectively. His journal articles have appeared in, inter alia, JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, Geopolitics, Mediterranean Politics, Democratization, European Security, Contemporary Politics, Global Affairs, European Foreign Affairs Review, Global Discourse, and many others.
- European Integration
- (European) Foreign Policy Analysis
- EU External Action and EU Norms Diffusion
- The European Neighbourhood Policy
- EU-Middle East Relations
- Eastern European Politics
- Middle East and North African Politics
- Theories of International Relations
2011: Scientific award for academic excellence of the University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal.
Professor Schumacher supervises theses at all levels in European Studies and International Relations and welcomes inquiries from prospective students.
Professor Schumacher is a frequent contributor to international media outlets. Inter alia, he was interviewed by Wall Street Journal, CTV News Channel, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Die Zeit, Österreichischer Rundfunk, Swiss Radio, tbs eFM South Korea, Bayerischer Rundfunk, Polskie Radio, LUSA, Ansa, Publico, Visao, Makedonia, The Times, An Nahar, Sanlian Life Weekly. His opinion pieces have appeared in: The New Republic, Europe's World, openDemocracy, New Europe, Project Syndicate, Financial Times Deutschland, Frankfurter Rundschau, The European Voice, Adresseavisen.
Professor Schumacher has advised various Directorate-Generals of the European Commission, the European External Action Service (EEAS), as well as several Foreign Ministries of EU Member States. He has also been part of many external evaluations on issues such as, e.g., EU macro-financial assistance, EU communication practices, and higher education in Eastern Europe, commissioned by, inter alia, the European Commission, the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), and Belgium's National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS).
- Member of the Editorial Board, Insight Turkey
- Member of the Scientific Board, Institute for European Politics, Berlin, Germany
- Member of the Academic Council, European Neighbourhood Council, Brussels, Belgium
- Member of the International Advisory Board, European Forum Alpbach (EFA), Vienna, Austria
- Member of the International Advisory Board, Belgrade Center for Security Policy (BCSP), Belgrade, Serbia
- Member of the International Advisory Board, book series Europe and the world, Lexington Books / Rowman and Littlefield
Schumacher, Tobias.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Schumacher, Tobias.
EU external differentiated integration in aviation and trade: what drives Southern neighbours?.
West European Politics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Tyushka, Andriy;
Dr Schumacher, Tobias;
Badarin, Emile;
De Waal, Thomas;
Gubalova, Vladislava.
Case Study Analysis of Conflicts and Crises in the EU’s Neighbourhoods.
ENGAGE Working Paper series
Dr Schumacher, Tobias.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Faglig kapittel
Schumacher, Tobias.
The EU and the Gulf Cooperation Council. A Troubled Relationship.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Schumacher, Tobias.
The European Union, its Eastern Neighbourhood and an Evolving Structured Engagement within and beyond the Eastern Partnership Framework.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Tyushka, Andriy;
Schumacher, Tobias.
Looking Backward: Deliverables and Drawbacks of the Eastern Partnership during 2009-2020.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Tyushka, Andriy;
Schumacher, Tobias.
The European Union and its Eastern Neighbourhood. Whither 'Eastern Partnership'?.
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Graneng, Kristine;
Rye, Lise;
Schumacher, Tobias.
Det europeiske kvarter. En podkast om europeisk politikk og historie. Sesong 3, episode 20: Ukraina og EU. .
Badarin, Emile;
Schumacher, Tobias.
The Eastern Mediterranean Energy Bonanza: A Piece in the Regional and Global Geopolitical Puzzle, and the Role of the European Union.
Comparative Southeast European Studies (COMPSEES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Dr Schumacher, Tobias.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Schumacher, Tobias;
Günay, Cengiz.
Territorial Conflict, Domestic Crisis, and the Covid-19 Pandemic in the South Caucasus. Explaining Variegated EU Responses.
Journal of Common Market Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Tyushka, Andriy;
Schumacher, Tobias.
The European Union and Its Eastern Neighbourhood. Whither ‘Eastern Partnership’?.
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Schumacher, Tobias.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Corman, Mihai-razvan;
Schumacher, Tobias.
Going back and forth: European Union resilience-building in Moldova between 2014 and 2020.
Journal of Contemporary European Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Dobrescu, Madalina;
Schumacher, Tobias.
The Politics of Flexibility. Exploring the Contested Statehood–EU Actorness Nexus in Georgia.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Badarin, Emile;
Schumacher, Tobias.
The EU, Resilience and the Southern Neighbourhood After the Arab Uprisings.
Palgrave Macmillan
Faglig kapittel
Schumacher, Tobias.
The EU and its Neighbourhood: The Politics of Muddling Through.
Journal of Common Market Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schumacher, Tobias.
The EU and its Neighbourhood: The Politics of Muddling Through.
Journal of Common Market Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schumacher, Tobias.
Reply: Reflections on Borders, Boundaries and the Limits of Europe.
Global Discourse
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Furness, Mark;
Henökl, Thomas;
Schumacher, Tobias.
Crisis, coordination and coherence: European decision-making and the 2015 European Neighbourhood Policy Review.
European Foreign Affairs Review
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schumacher, Tobias.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Faglig kapittel
Schumacher, Tobias;
Marchetti, Andreas;
Demmelhuber, Thomas.
The Routledge Handbook on the European Neighbourhood Policy.
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Schumacher, Tobias.
The EU, Middle Eastern powers and milieu-shaping in the ‘shared’ Arab Mediterranean neighbourhood: a story of mutual neglect.
Contemporary Politics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schumacher, Tobias;
Marchetti, Andreas;
Demmelhuber, Thomas.
The Routledge Handbook on the European Neighbourhood Policy.
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Schumacher, Tobias;
Henökl, Thomas.
The Routledge Handbook of the European Neighbourhood Policy.
Schumacher, Tobias.
The European Neighbourhood Policy: The challenge of demarcating a complex and contested field of study.
Faglig kapittel
Schumacher, Tobias.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Faglig kapittel
Bouris, Dimitris;
Schumacher, Tobias.
The Revised European Neighbourhood Policy. Continuity and Change in EU Foreign Policy.
Palgrave Macmillan
Palgrave Macmillan
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Schumacher, Tobias.
EU member states’ representation and positioning and the north-south divide in Euro-Mediterranean affairs.
Faglig kapittel
Dobrescu, Madalina;
Schumacher, Tobias;
Stavridis, Stelios.
Southern Europe: Portugal, Spain, Italy, Malta, Greece, Cyprus .
Faglig kapittel
Schumacher, Tobias;
Bouris, Dimitris.
The 2011 Revised European Neighbourhood Policy: Continuity and Change in EU Foreign Policy.
Palgrave Macmillan
Faglig kapittel
Schumacher, Tobias;
Bouris, Dimitris;
Olszewska, Maja.
Of policy entrepreneurship, bandwagoning and free-riding: EU member states and multilateral cooperation frameworks for Europe’s southern neighbourhood.
Global Affairs
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schumacher, Tobias.
Armenia, Azerbaijan and the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict: why the 'black garden' will not blossom any time soon.
Egmont. Royal Institute for International Relations
Schumacher, Tobias.
The European Union and Democracy Promotion: Readjusting to the Arab Spring.
Faglig kapittel
Schumacher, Tobias.
Uncertainty at the EU's borders: narratives of EU external relations in the revised European Neighbourhood Policy towards the southern borderlands.
European Security
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schumacher, Tobias;
Nitoiu, Cristian.
Russia's Foreign Policy Towards North Africa in the Wake of the Arab Spring.
Mediterranean Politics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schumacher, Tobias.
From Survival to Revival: The Riga Summit 2015 and the Revised ENP.
Del Sarto, Raffaella;
Schumacher, Tobias.
From Brussels with love: leverage, bemchmarking, and the action plans with Jordan and Tunisia in the EU’s democratization policy.
Faglig kapittel
Schumacher, Tobias.
Germany and Central and Eastern European Countries: Laggards or Veto-players?.
Faglig kapittel
Schumacher, Tobias.
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries and Yemen.
Lexington Books
Faglig kapittel
Schumacher, Tobias.
Conditionality, Differentiation, Regionality and the ‘new’ ENP in the Light of Arab Revolts.
Faglig kapittel
Schumacher, Tobias.
The EU and the Arab Spring: Between Spectatorship and Actorness.
Insight Turkey
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Del Sarto, Raffaella;
Schumacher, Tobias.
From Brussels with love: leverage, benchmarking, and the action plans with Jordan and Tunisia in the EU's democratization policy.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schumacher, Tobias.
Germany and Central and Eastern European Countries: Laggards or Veto-players?.
Mediterranean Politics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schumacher, Tobias.
Wohlstand für Wenige. Die arabische Welt fordert mehr Partizipation und soziale
Internationale Politik
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schumacher, Tobias.
Explaining Foreign Policy: Germany, Poland and Great Britain in Times of French-Inspired Euro-Mediterranean Initiatives.
Etudes Helleniques / Hellenic Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Pace, Michelle;
Schumacher, Tobias.
Conceptualizing Cultural and Social Dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean Area. A European Perspective.
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Schumacher, Tobias.
The Middle East and North Africa.
Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung
Faglig kapittel
Schumacher, Tobias.
Die Europäische Union als internationaler Akteur im südlichen Mittelmeerraum. 'Actor Capability' und EU-Mittelmeerpolitik.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Vitenskapelig monografi
Del Sarto, Raffaella;
Schumacher, Tobias.
From EMP to ENP: What’s at Stake with the European Neighbourhood Policy towards the Southern Mediterranean?.
European Foreign Affairs Review
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schumacher, Tobias.
Zum Mythos des Fortschrittsoptimismus der Euro-Mediterranen Partnerschaft : die wirtschaftspolitische Verklammerung der EU mit den Ländern des südlichen Mittelmeerraumes zwischen 1995-2005.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schumacher, Tobias.
Riding on the Winds of Change: The Future of the Euro‐Mediterranean Partnership.
The International Spectator: Italian Journal of International Affairs
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schumacher, Tobias;
Pace, Michelle.
Culture and Community in the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: A Roundtable on the Third Basket, Alexandria 5-7 October 2003.
Mediterranean Politics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schumacher, Tobias.
Krisenpotenziale an Europas südlicher Peripherie. Politische und sozioökonomische Trends in dem Großraum zwischen Rabat und Damaskus.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schumacher, Tobias.
The Mediterranean as a New Foreign Policy Challenge? Sweden and the Barcelona Process.
Mediterranean Politics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hampe, Michael;
Schumacher, Tobias.
EU-ASEAN Trade Relations between Political Rhetoric and Economic Reality.
ASIEN – The German Journal on Contemporary Asia
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schumacher, Tobias.
Die Maghreb-Politik der Europäischen Union.
Gemeinschaftliche Assoziierungspraxis gegenüber Algerien, Marokko und Tunesien.
Vitenskapelig monografi
Schumacher, Tobias.
Die Maghreb-Politik der Europäischen Union. Gemeinschaftliche Assoziierungspraxis gegenüber Algerien, Marokko und Tunesien.
Vitenskapelig monografi
Schumacher, Tobias.
EU external differentiated integration in aviation and trade: what drives Southern neighbours?.
West European Politics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Badarin, Emile;
Schumacher, Tobias.
The Eastern Mediterranean Energy Bonanza: A Piece in the Regional and Global Geopolitical Puzzle, and the Role of the European Union.
Comparative Southeast European Studies (COMPSEES)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schumacher, Tobias;
Günay, Cengiz.
Territorial Conflict, Domestic Crisis, and the Covid-19 Pandemic in the South Caucasus. Explaining Variegated EU Responses.
Journal of Common Market Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Corman, Mihai-razvan;
Schumacher, Tobias.
Going back and forth: European Union resilience-building in Moldova between 2014 and 2020.
Journal of Contemporary European Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Dobrescu, Madalina;
Schumacher, Tobias.
The Politics of Flexibility. Exploring the Contested Statehood–EU Actorness Nexus in Georgia.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schumacher, Tobias.
The EU and its Neighbourhood: The Politics of Muddling Through.
Journal of Common Market Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schumacher, Tobias.
The EU and its Neighbourhood: The Politics of Muddling Through.
Journal of Common Market Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schumacher, Tobias.
Reply: Reflections on Borders, Boundaries and the Limits of Europe.
Global Discourse
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Furness, Mark;
Henökl, Thomas;
Schumacher, Tobias.
Crisis, coordination and coherence: European decision-making and the 2015 European Neighbourhood Policy Review.
European Foreign Affairs Review
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schumacher, Tobias.
The EU, Middle Eastern powers and milieu-shaping in the ‘shared’ Arab Mediterranean neighbourhood: a story of mutual neglect.
Contemporary Politics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schumacher, Tobias;
Bouris, Dimitris;
Olszewska, Maja.
Of policy entrepreneurship, bandwagoning and free-riding: EU member states and multilateral cooperation frameworks for Europe’s southern neighbourhood.
Global Affairs
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schumacher, Tobias.
Uncertainty at the EU's borders: narratives of EU external relations in the revised European Neighbourhood Policy towards the southern borderlands.
European Security
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schumacher, Tobias;
Nitoiu, Cristian.
Russia's Foreign Policy Towards North Africa in the Wake of the Arab Spring.
Mediterranean Politics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schumacher, Tobias.
The EU and the Arab Spring: Between Spectatorship and Actorness.
Insight Turkey
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Del Sarto, Raffaella;
Schumacher, Tobias.
From Brussels with love: leverage, benchmarking, and the action plans with Jordan and Tunisia in the EU's democratization policy.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schumacher, Tobias.
Germany and Central and Eastern European Countries: Laggards or Veto-players?.
Mediterranean Politics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schumacher, Tobias.
Wohlstand für Wenige. Die arabische Welt fordert mehr Partizipation und soziale
Internationale Politik
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schumacher, Tobias.
Explaining Foreign Policy: Germany, Poland and Great Britain in Times of French-Inspired Euro-Mediterranean Initiatives.
Etudes Helleniques / Hellenic Studies
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Del Sarto, Raffaella;
Schumacher, Tobias.
From EMP to ENP: What’s at Stake with the European Neighbourhood Policy towards the Southern Mediterranean?.
European Foreign Affairs Review
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schumacher, Tobias.
Zum Mythos des Fortschrittsoptimismus der Euro-Mediterranen Partnerschaft : die wirtschaftspolitische Verklammerung der EU mit den Ländern des südlichen Mittelmeerraumes zwischen 1995-2005.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schumacher, Tobias.
Riding on the Winds of Change: The Future of the Euro‐Mediterranean Partnership.
The International Spectator: Italian Journal of International Affairs
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schumacher, Tobias;
Pace, Michelle.
Culture and Community in the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: A Roundtable on the Third Basket, Alexandria 5-7 October 2003.
Mediterranean Politics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schumacher, Tobias.
Krisenpotenziale an Europas südlicher Peripherie. Politische und sozioökonomische Trends in dem Großraum zwischen Rabat und Damaskus.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Schumacher, Tobias.
The Mediterranean as a New Foreign Policy Challenge? Sweden and the Barcelona Process.
Mediterranean Politics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hampe, Michael;
Schumacher, Tobias.
EU-ASEAN Trade Relations between Political Rhetoric and Economic Reality.
ASIEN – The German Journal on Contemporary Asia
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Tyushka, Andriy;
Schumacher, Tobias.
The European Union and its Eastern Neighbourhood. Whither 'Eastern Partnership'?.
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Tyushka, Andriy;
Schumacher, Tobias.
The European Union and Its Eastern Neighbourhood. Whither ‘Eastern Partnership’?.
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Schumacher, Tobias;
Marchetti, Andreas;
Demmelhuber, Thomas.
The Routledge Handbook on the European Neighbourhood Policy.
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Schumacher, Tobias;
Marchetti, Andreas;
Demmelhuber, Thomas.
The Routledge Handbook on the European Neighbourhood Policy.
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Schumacher, Tobias;
Henökl, Thomas.
The Routledge Handbook of the European Neighbourhood Policy.
Bouris, Dimitris;
Schumacher, Tobias.
The Revised European Neighbourhood Policy. Continuity and Change in EU Foreign Policy.
Palgrave Macmillan
Palgrave Macmillan
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Pace, Michelle;
Schumacher, Tobias.
Conceptualizing Cultural and Social Dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean Area. A European Perspective.
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Schumacher, Tobias.
Die Europäische Union als internationaler Akteur im südlichen Mittelmeerraum. 'Actor Capability' und EU-Mittelmeerpolitik.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Vitenskapelig monografi
Schumacher, Tobias.
Die Maghreb-Politik der Europäischen Union.
Gemeinschaftliche Assoziierungspraxis gegenüber Algerien, Marokko und Tunesien.
Vitenskapelig monografi
Schumacher, Tobias.
Die Maghreb-Politik der Europäischen Union. Gemeinschaftliche Assoziierungspraxis gegenüber Algerien, Marokko und Tunesien.
Vitenskapelig monografi
Del av bok/rapport
Schumacher, Tobias.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Dr Schumacher, Tobias.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Faglig kapittel
Schumacher, Tobias.
The EU and the Gulf Cooperation Council. A Troubled Relationship.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Schumacher, Tobias.
The European Union, its Eastern Neighbourhood and an Evolving Structured Engagement within and beyond the Eastern Partnership Framework.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Tyushka, Andriy;
Schumacher, Tobias.
Looking Backward: Deliverables and Drawbacks of the Eastern Partnership during 2009-2020.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Dr Schumacher, Tobias.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Schumacher, Tobias.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Badarin, Emile;
Schumacher, Tobias.
The EU, Resilience and the Southern Neighbourhood After the Arab Uprisings.
Palgrave Macmillan
Faglig kapittel
Schumacher, Tobias.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Faglig kapittel
Schumacher, Tobias.
The European Neighbourhood Policy: The challenge of demarcating a complex and contested field of study.
Faglig kapittel
Schumacher, Tobias.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Faglig kapittel
Schumacher, Tobias.
EU member states’ representation and positioning and the north-south divide in Euro-Mediterranean affairs.
Faglig kapittel
Dobrescu, Madalina;
Schumacher, Tobias;
Stavridis, Stelios.
Southern Europe: Portugal, Spain, Italy, Malta, Greece, Cyprus .
Faglig kapittel
Schumacher, Tobias;
Bouris, Dimitris.
The 2011 Revised European Neighbourhood Policy: Continuity and Change in EU Foreign Policy.
Palgrave Macmillan
Faglig kapittel
Schumacher, Tobias.
The European Union and Democracy Promotion: Readjusting to the Arab Spring.
Faglig kapittel
Del Sarto, Raffaella;
Schumacher, Tobias.
From Brussels with love: leverage, bemchmarking, and the action plans with Jordan and Tunisia in the EU’s democratization policy.
Faglig kapittel
Schumacher, Tobias.
Germany and Central and Eastern European Countries: Laggards or Veto-players?.
Faglig kapittel
Schumacher, Tobias.
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries and Yemen.
Lexington Books
Faglig kapittel
Schumacher, Tobias.
Conditionality, Differentiation, Regionality and the ‘new’ ENP in the Light of Arab Revolts.
Faglig kapittel
Schumacher, Tobias.
The Middle East and North Africa.
Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung
Faglig kapittel
Tyushka, Andriy;
Dr Schumacher, Tobias;
Badarin, Emile;
De Waal, Thomas;
Gubalova, Vladislava.
Case Study Analysis of Conflicts and Crises in the EU’s Neighbourhoods.
ENGAGE Working Paper series
Schumacher, Tobias.
Armenia, Azerbaijan and the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict: why the 'black garden' will not blossom any time soon.
Egmont. Royal Institute for International Relations
Schumacher, Tobias.
From Survival to Revival: The Riga Summit 2015 and the Revised ENP.
Graneng, Kristine;
Rye, Lise;
Schumacher, Tobias.
Det europeiske kvarter. En podkast om europeisk politikk og historie. Sesong 3, episode 20: Ukraina og EU. .
IntervjuSchumacher, Tobias. (2025) «Volkskanzler» Kickl kan ryste Europa: – Som en dårlig TV-serie. Dagsavisen Dagsavisen [Avis] 2025-01-08
IntervjuSchumacher, Tobias. (2024) Isfronten i europaparlamentet viste hvor dypt fragmentert eu er i dag. ABC Nyheter ABC Nyheter [Internett] 2024-10-12
IntervjuDr Schumacher, Tobias. (2024) Europas «festbrems» Viktor Orban har Sveriges Nato-skjebne i sin hule hånd. ABC Nyheter ABC Nyheter [Internett] 2024-01-25
IntervjuDr Schumacher, Tobias. (2024) Ungarn og Sveriges Nato-strid - Et «chicken race». Dagbladet Dagbladet [Internett] 2024-02-09
ProgramdeltagelseSchumacher, Tobias. (2024) Slik påvirker valget i Moldova Norge. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Avis] 2024-10-26
IntervjuSchumacher, Tobias. (2024) Forsker om angrepet på Fico: – Han har nære bånd til oligarkiske, korrupte og kriminelle nettverk. Dagsavisen Dagsavisen [Avis] 2024-05-15
IntervjuSchumacher, Tobias. (2024) Rusija ne planira da stane s ratovima ako Ukrajina doživi poraz. Radar Radar [Avis] 2024-11-26
IntervjuDr Schumacher, Tobias. (2023) Kaller Putins krig for «frossen konflikt»: – Bør ikke overraske noen. Dagsavisen Dagsavisen [Avis] 2023-11-27
IntervjuDr Schumacher, Tobias. (2023) Orbans skjebnemøte: – Nå øker han innsatsen. Dagsavisen Dagsavisen [Avis] 2023-11-27
IntervjuDr Schumacher, Tobias. (2023) Det europeiske kvarter podcast: Blir EU større? Landene i venterommet. S5 E37. Det europeiske kvarter podcast Det europeiske kvarter podcast [Internett] 2023-03-14
IntervjuDr Schumacher, Tobias. (2023) Putin-beundrer, populist og «Robin Hood»: Han vil lede et splittet Slovakia. Dagsavisen Dagsavisen [Avis] 2023-10-04
IntervjuDr Schumacher, Tobias. (2023) Ekspert slår alarm om Orbans «dobbeltspill»: – Bekymringsfullt. Dagsavisen Dagsavisen [Avis] 2023-11-05
ProgramdeltagelseSchumacher, Tobias. (2022) EUs reaksjon mot Putin. For lite, for sent?. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Avis] 2022-03-02
ProgramdeltagelseSchumacher, Tobias. (2022) Tysklands sikkerhetspolitiske u-sving. Og nå?. Trønderdebatt Trønderdebatt [Internett] 2022-03-11
IntervjuSchumacher, Tobias. (2022) ENC In-Depth Podcast Series: War in Ukraine – Episode 6. Brussels Brussels [Internett] 2022-03-23
IntervjuDr Schumacher, Tobias. (2022) Profile: Tobias Schumacher. On his academic journey, the war in Ukraine, and tips for EU job aspirants. EUREKA studentavisa EUREKA studentavisa [Avis] 2022-10-28
Vitenskapelig foredragDr Schumacher, Tobias. (2022) Engaging with the EU's Neighbourhoods. College of Europe ENGAGE Workshop , Warsaw 2022-12-18 - 2022-12-19
Vitenskapelig foredragSchumacher, Tobias. (2022) Past, current and future challenges in EU-Gulf Cooperation Council relations . College of Europe The EU and the Middle East and North Africa: Past, Present and Future Entanglements and Challenges , Warsaw 2022-04-25 - 2022-04-25