Rune Larsen
Posterter Maat, Geertje; McEnroe, Suzanne; Church, Nathan Stewart; Michels, Alexander; Pastore, Zeudia; Oda, Hirokuni. (2018) Rock magnetic properties and magnetic carriers of a deep crustal volcanic system, the Reinfjord Ultramafic Complex, Seiland Igneous Province, Northern Norway . DEEP general assembly 2018-03-08 - 2019-03-10
Posterter Maat, Geertje; McEnroe, Suzanne; Church, Nathan Stewart; Pastore, Zeudia; Michels, Alexander; Oda, Hirokuni. (2018) Rock magnetic properties and magnetic carriers of a deep crustal magmatic system, the Reinfjord Ultramafic Complex, Seiland Igneous Province, Northern Norway Geertje ter Maat, Suzanne Mc. Nordic Winter Meeting 2018-01-09 - 2018-01-13
Vitenskapelig foredragSørensen, Bjørn Eske; Grant, Thomas; Larsen, Rune. (2017) STRAIN LOCALIZATION INDUCED BY LATE-MAGMATIC CO2 FLUX AND REACTION-DRIVEN STRAIN SOFTENING. GSA 2017 GSA meeting in Seattle , Seattle 2017-10-22 - 2017-10-25
Posterter Maat, Geertje; Larsen, Rune; McEnroe, Suzanne; Church, Nathan Stewart; Pastore, Zeudia; Michels, Alexander. (2017) Rock- and Paleomagnetic Properties and Modeling of a Deep Crustal Volcanic System, the Reinfjord Ultramafic Complex, Seiland Igneous Province, Northern Norway. American Geophyscial Union Fall Meeting 2017-12-11 - 2017-12-15