Katrin Mork Hove
I am a qualified oncology nurse with extensive clinical expertise in the field of cancer care (2005-2018). Additionally, I have served as a consultant in medical coding within the Financial Department at the Clinic for Analysis and Clinical Support, Møre og Romsdal Hospital Trust (2018-2021).
My master’s thesis from 2018 focused on interprofessional collaboration in palliative care teams, and an article based on this work has been published.
Presently, I am a PhD-candidate at NTNU Department of Health Sciences. This doctoral candidacy is established as part of the collaborative initiative between NTNU and the Municipality of Ålesund.
The PhD-project revolves around interprofessional collaboration for patients in clinical cancer pathways. Specifically, the research investigates this organization through the perspectives of patients and health personnel involved in novel care pathways.
I am member of the MARS-group (Management and organization of social and health services).
Hove, Katrin Mork;
Vasset, Frøydis Perny.
Palliative teams’ collaborative practice with employees from hospital departments and municipal care.
Nordisk sygeplejeforskning
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hove, Katrin Mork;
Vasset, Frøydis Perny.
Palliative teams’ collaborative practice with employees from hospital departments and municipal care.
Nordisk sygeplejeforskning
Vitenskapelig artikkel
PosterHove, Katrin Mork; Tarberg, Anett Skorpen; Vasset, Frøydis Perny; Sørbø, Marie Flem; Solberg, Mads. (2024) Kreftomsorg i kommune- og sykehus: pasientpespektiver på samhandling for og med pasienter i pakkeforløp for kreft. Norsk Palliativ Forening & Norsk Forening for Palliativ Medi Landskonferansen i palliasjon , Bergen 2024-09-11 - 2024-09-13