Jan Onarheim
- Researcher. University of Bergen (1979-80)
- Researcher Norwegian Underwater Technology Centre (NUTEC)(1980-84)
- Project director, specialist, department manager. Statoil ASA (1984-98)
- Senior Vice President ICT. IGP AS. (1998-99)
- Senior Vice President ICT. Interconsult AS (1999-2001)
- Nukleus AS. Founder and CEO (2001-05)
- Senior advisor. SIVA sf. (2003-05)
- Senior advisor/Industrial Liason officer. NTNU (2005-10)
- Cofounder and CEO. Leksvik Industriell Vekst (2007
- Project director. NTNU (2010-2018)
- Cofounder and CEO. Idletechs AS (2015-16)
- Innovation manager Autonomous Systems. NTNU (2018- 21 )
- Project manager at Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics (2021-22)
- Project manager at Dept. of Marine Technology (2022-
- Cand. real (M.Sc.) University of Bergen
Selected activities
- Founded and headed a new department at Statoils Research Centre in Coordination Technology in collaboration with MIT.
- Cofounded and chaired the Board of a new, crossdiciplinary initiative at NTH supported by Statoil and Telenor. Program in Applied Coordination Technology (PAKT, now called Apertura)
- Project member in NRCs project that estabished FUNN/SkatteFUNN.
- Vice Director in NOWITECH. Norwegian Research Centre on Offshore Wind Technology
- Cofounder an CEO of The Norwegian Smartgrid Centre.
- Initiator and project mananger of SPARK* NTNU. A low-treshold support organization for students that want to commersialize own ideas.
- Initiator and project manager for FRAM. Students innovation centre.
- Cofounder and CEO of Idletechs AS, a R&D based start-up developing tools for real-time analyzing of big data streams.
- Support to Telenor-NTNU AI Lab, and head of the group that deveolped this to Norwegian Open AI Lab
- Co-initiator and projectmember of "Framtidas kystsamfunn. Den digitaliserte kysten"
Onarheim, Jan;
Sand, Kjell;
Auset, Jens;
Henriksen, Eilert;
Line, Maria Bartnes.
Smart strøm.
Onarheim, Jan;
Sand, Kjell;
Auset, Jens;
Henriksen, Eilert;
Line, Maria Bartnes.
Smart strøm.
IntervjuHeir, Nina; Nevland, Karl Fjelde; Onarheim, Jan; Andersen, Anette Gjerde; Gjerde, Anne Skalleberg. (2015) Slik selger du inn bedriften din på to minutter. Dagens Næringsliv Dagens Næringsliv [Avis] 2015-09-03
Vitenskapelig foredragChristensen, Lars Chr.; Johansen, Brage W.; Midjo, Nils; Onarheim, Jan; Syvertsen, Tor Guttorm; Totland, Terje. (1995) Enterprise modeling : practices and perspectives. 9th ASME Engineering Database Symposium , [Mangler data]