Ingvild Rømo Grande
Ingvild R. Grande works as a PhD fellow in artistic research at NTNU and Volda University College.
The PhD project "I am Historical" examines how narratives derived from inherited everyday clothes can create new costume dramaturgies in the performing arts. Based on a personal collection of inherited clothes from her grandmother (b.1924, but still alive), the project focuses on the dramaturgical potential of blurred boundaries between body, clothing and costumes off and onstage. One of the main aims of the project is to empasize that storytelling is living material, and the methods reflect this.
Since 2019 she has been employed as associate professor at IKM with a main emphasis on body and space. She has extensive experience as a scenographer working within the field of professional performing arts in Scandinavia. As an artistic director of the theatre company Sir Grand Lear NO, she has cultivated an interest in site- and audience-specific projects, with a strong interdisciplinary approach.
Vitenskapelig foredragTorrissen, Wenche; Jamtøy, Ann Iren; Grande, Ingvild Rømo. (2022) Creative Wellbeing: A co-creative exploration. . SEANSE International teaching artist conference 6: Art as a catalyst for change , Oslo 2022-09-01 - 2022-09-03
IntervjuGrande, Ingvild Rømo; Nøland, Jonas Kristiansen; Skårderud, Jo Røed. (2021) Bærekraftsamtale #5 Dramatisk energidate!. Trondheim folkebibliotek Trondheim folkebibliotek [Internett] 2021-09-06