Erik Wahlström
Fagområde: Nanoskala ladningstransport og elementere eksitasjoner i lavdimensionella og magnetiske system, magnetiske nanopartiklar, instrumentutvikkling.
Teknologie doktor kondenserte mediers fysikk: Chalmers University of Technology (2000)
Photo: Geir Mogen
Research area: Nanoscale charge transport and elementary excitations in low dimensional and magnetic systems, magnetic nanoparticle, instrument development.
Teknologie doktor in surface science/condensed matter physics: Chalmers University of Technology (2000).
Research activities and competence:
- Studies of magnetodynamics of metal oxides, magnonic structures and antiferromagnets. Primarily through ferromagnetic resonance (broadband and EPR based) and PIMM (Pulsed inductive microwave magnetometry)
- Studies of quantum interference effects in low dimensional materials such as graphite through STM based point contact spectroscopy.
- Characterisation of band structure of thin films systems/antiferromagnets through angle resolved phtotoemeission.
- Studies of magnetic nanoparticle systems and selfassembly of magentic nanoparticles in field.
- Instrumentation design and development: STM design (all custom built UHV LT STM), Broad band FMR characterisation.
Singh, Suraj Kumar;
Gupta, Nanhe Kumar;
Hait, Soumyarup;
Chaudhary, Sujeet;
Tybell, Thomas;
Wahlström, Erik.
Propagation properties of spin wave in Co2FeAl Heusler alloy ultrathin films.
Materials Research Express
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Håkonsen, Verner;
Singh, Gurvinder;
De Toro, Jose Angel;
Normile, Peter S;
Wahlström, Erik;
He, Jianying.
Reconfigurable Mechanical Anisotropy in Self-Assembled Magnetic Superstructures.
Advanced Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Singh, Suraj Kumar;
Wang, Xiansi;
Kumar, Ankit;
Qaiumzadeh, Alireza;
Svedlindh, Peter;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin.
Magnetodynamic properties of dipole-coupled 1D magnonic crystals.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Singh, Suraj Kumar;
Bolstad, Torstein;
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin;
Wahlström, Erik.
Magneto-dynamic properties of complex
heterostructure interface
Applied Physics Letters
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Konchau, Shen;
Chenqiang, Hua;
Liang, Zhaofeng;
Wang, Yao;
Sun, Hailiang;
Hu, JinPing.
Epitaxial Growth of Free-Standing Bismuth Film on Graphene Embedded with Nontrivial Properties.
ACS Applied Electronic Materials
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Håkonsen, Verner;
Singh, Gurvinder;
Normile, Peter S;
De Toro, Jose Angel;
Wahlström, Erik;
He, Jianying.
Magnetically Enhanced Mechanical Stability and Super-Size Effects in Self-Assembled Superstructures of Nanocubes.
Advanced Functional Materials
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wahlström, Erik;
Macia, Ferran;
Boschker, Jos Emiel;
Monsen, Åsmund Fløystad;
Nordblad, Per;
Mathieu, Roland.
Twinned-domain-induced magnonic modes in epitaxial LSMO/STO films.
New Journal of Physics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Flovik, Vegard;
Pettersen, Bjørn Holst;
Wahlström, Erik.
Eddy-current effects on ferromagnetic resonance: Spin wave excitations and microwave screening effects.
Journal of Applied Physics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Flovik, Vegard;
Macia, Ferran;
Lendinez, Sergi;
Hernandez, Joan Manel;
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin.
Thickness and temperature dependence of the magnetodynamic damping of pulsed laser deposited La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 on (111)-oriented SrTiO3.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Flovik, Vegard;
Macia, Ferran;
Wahlström, Erik.
Describing synchronization and topological excitations in arrays of magnetic spin torque oscillators through the Kuramoto model.
Scientific Reports
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Monsen, Åsmund Fløystad;
Boschker, Jos Emiel;
Nordblad, Per;
Mathieu, R.;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin;
Wahlström, Erik.
Point contact investigations of film and interface magnetoresistance of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 heterostructures on Nb:SrTiO3.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bianchi, M;
Song, F;
Cooil, Simon Phillip;
Monsen, Åsmund Fløystad;
Wahlström, Erik;
Miwa, JA.
One-dimensional spin texture of Bi(441): Quantum spin Hall properties without a topological insulator.
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hanson, Maj;
Brucas, Rimantas;
Antosiewicz, Tomasz;
Dumas, Randy;
Hjörvarsson, Björgvin;
Flovik, Vegard.
Arrays of elliptical Fe(001) nanoparticles: Magnetization reversal, dipolar interactions, and effects of finite array sizes.
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Flovik, Vegard;
Macia, Ferran;
Kent, Andrew D.;
Wahlström, Erik.
Eddy current interactions in a ferromagnet-normal metal bilayer structure, and its impact on ferromagnetic resonance lineshapes.
Journal of Applied Physics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Flovik, Vegard;
Macia, Ferran;
Hernàndez, Joan Manel;
Brucas, Rimantas;
Hanson, Maj;
Wahlström, Erik.
Tailoring the magnetodynamic properties of nanomagnets using magnetocrystalline and shape anisotropies.
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wahlström, Erik;
Persson, Rolf Jonas.
Projektbaserad labundervisning inom grundläggande fysik för civilingenjörsstudenter.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Song, Fei;
Wells, Justin;
Jiang, Zheng;
Saxegaard, Magne;
Wahlström, Erik.
Low-temperature growth of bismuth thin films with (111) facet on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Singh, Gurvinder;
Kumar, Puri Anil;
Lundgren, Christopher;
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Mathieu, Roland;
Wahlström, Erik.
Tunability in Crystallinity and Magnetic Properties of Core–Shell Fe Nanoparticles.
Particle & Particle Systems Characterization
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kumar, P. Anail;
Singh, Gurvinder;
Glomm, Wilhelm;
Wahlström, Erik;
Mathieu, Roland.
Superspin glass state and exchange bias in amorphous Fe/Fe-O coreshell nanoparticles.
Materials Research Express
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Monsen, Åsmund Fløystad;
Boschker, Jos Emiel;
Macia, F;
Wells, Justin;
Nordblad, Per;
Kent, Andrew D..
Thickness dependence of dynamic and static magnetic properties of pulsed laser deposited La(0.7)Sr(0.3)MnO(3)films on SrTiO(3)(001).
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Warnicke, P;
Knut, Rio;
Wahlström, Erik;
Karis, O;
Bailey, WE;
Arena, DA.
Exploring the accessible frequency range of phase-resolved ferromagnetic resonance detected with x-rays.
Journal of Applied Physics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Song, Fei;
Monsen, Åsmund Fløystad;
Li, Zheshen;
Wells, Justin;
Wahlström, Erik.
The layer-by-layer stoichiometry of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/SrTiO3 thin films and interfaces.
Surface and Interface Analysis
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Boschker, Jos Emiel;
Monsen, Åsmund Fløystad;
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Mathieu, Roland;
Grepstad, Jostein;
Holmestad, Randi.
In-plane structural order of domain engineered La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films.
Philosophical Magazine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Monsen, Åsmund Fløystad;
Song, Fei;
Li, ZS;
Boschker, Jos Emiel;
Tybell, Thomas;
Wahlström, Erik.
Surface stoichiometry of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 during in vacuo preparation; A synchrotron photoemission study.
Surface Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Boschker, Jos Emiel;
Folven, Erik;
Monsen, Åsmund Fløystad;
Wahlström, Erik;
Grepstad, Jostein;
Tybell, Thomas.
Consequences of High Adatom Energy during Pulsed Laser Deposition of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3.
Crystal Growth & Design
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Yang, DZ;
Kapelrud, André;
Saxegaard, Magne;
Wahlström, Erik.
Training and recovery behaviors of exchange bias in FeNi/Cu/Co/FeMn spin valves at high field sweep rates.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Cooil, SP;
Song, Fei;
Williams, G. T.;
Roberts, OR;
Langstaff, DP;
Jørgensen, B.
Iron-mediated growth of epitaxial graphene on SiC and diamond.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Song, Fei;
Monsen, Åsmund Fløystad;
Li, Zheshen;
Choi, E.-M.;
MacManus-Driscoll, JL;
Xiong, J.
Extracting the near surface stoichiometry of BiFe0.5Mn0.5O3 thin films; a finite element maximum entropy approach.
Surface Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Cooil, SP;
Song, Fei;
Williams, G. T.;
Roberts, O.R.;
Langstaff, DP;
Jørgensen, Bjarke.
Iron-mediated growth of epitaxial graphene on SiC and diamond.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Monsen, Åsmund Fløystad;
Song, Fei;
Li, Zheshen;
Boschker, Jos Emiel;
Tybell, Thomas;
Wahlström, Erik.
Surface stoichiometry of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 during in vacuo preparation; A synchrotron photoemission study.
Surface Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Song, Fei;
Monsen, Åsmund Fløystad;
Li, ZS;
Choi, EM;
MacManus-Driscoll, JL;
Xiong, J.
Extracting the near surface stoichiometry of BiFe0.5Mn0.5O3 thin films; a finite element maximum entropy approach.
Surface Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Boschker, Jos Emiel;
Folkman, Chad;
Bark, C.W.;
Monsen, Åsmund Fløystad;
Folven, Erik;
Grepstad, Jostein.
Structural coupling across the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface: High-resolution x-ray diffraction study.
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Liu, Yun;
Monsen, Åsmund Fløystad;
Boschker, Jos Emiel;
Wahlström, Erik;
Borg, Anne;
Tybell, Thomas.
Nanoscale surface modification of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films.
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Saxegaard, Magne;
Zheng, Yang de;
Wahlström, Erik;
Brucas, Rimantas;
Hanson, Maj.
Field and current-induced magnetization reversal studied through spatially resolved point-contacts.
Journal of Applied Physics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brucas, R;
Hanson, M;
Gunnarsson, R;
Wahlström, Erik;
van Kampen, M;
Hjorvarsson, B.
Magnetic and transport properties of Ni81Fe19/Al2O3 granular multilayers approaching the superparamagnetic limit.
Journal of Applied Physics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wahlstrøm, Jan Erik;
Brucas, Rimantas;
Hanson, Maj.
Scanning tunneling microscopy for laterally resolved measurements of magnetoresistance through a point contact.
Applied Physics Letters
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Singh, Suraj Kumar;
Gupta, Nanhe Kumar;
Hait, Soumyarup;
Chaudhary, Sujeet;
Tybell, Thomas;
Wahlström, Erik.
Propagation properties of spin wave in Co2FeAl Heusler alloy ultrathin films.
Materials Research Express
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Håkonsen, Verner;
Singh, Gurvinder;
De Toro, Jose Angel;
Normile, Peter S;
Wahlström, Erik;
He, Jianying.
Reconfigurable Mechanical Anisotropy in Self-Assembled Magnetic Superstructures.
Advanced Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Singh, Suraj Kumar;
Wang, Xiansi;
Kumar, Ankit;
Qaiumzadeh, Alireza;
Svedlindh, Peter;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin.
Magnetodynamic properties of dipole-coupled 1D magnonic crystals.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Singh, Suraj Kumar;
Bolstad, Torstein;
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin;
Wahlström, Erik.
Magneto-dynamic properties of complex
heterostructure interface
Applied Physics Letters
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Konchau, Shen;
Chenqiang, Hua;
Liang, Zhaofeng;
Wang, Yao;
Sun, Hailiang;
Hu, JinPing.
Epitaxial Growth of Free-Standing Bismuth Film on Graphene Embedded with Nontrivial Properties.
ACS Applied Electronic Materials
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Håkonsen, Verner;
Singh, Gurvinder;
Normile, Peter S;
De Toro, Jose Angel;
Wahlström, Erik;
He, Jianying.
Magnetically Enhanced Mechanical Stability and Super-Size Effects in Self-Assembled Superstructures of Nanocubes.
Advanced Functional Materials
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wahlström, Erik;
Macia, Ferran;
Boschker, Jos Emiel;
Monsen, Åsmund Fløystad;
Nordblad, Per;
Mathieu, Roland.
Twinned-domain-induced magnonic modes in epitaxial LSMO/STO films.
New Journal of Physics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Flovik, Vegard;
Pettersen, Bjørn Holst;
Wahlström, Erik.
Eddy-current effects on ferromagnetic resonance: Spin wave excitations and microwave screening effects.
Journal of Applied Physics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Flovik, Vegard;
Macia, Ferran;
Lendinez, Sergi;
Hernandez, Joan Manel;
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin.
Thickness and temperature dependence of the magnetodynamic damping of pulsed laser deposited La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 on (111)-oriented SrTiO3.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Flovik, Vegard;
Macia, Ferran;
Wahlström, Erik.
Describing synchronization and topological excitations in arrays of magnetic spin torque oscillators through the Kuramoto model.
Scientific Reports
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Monsen, Åsmund Fløystad;
Boschker, Jos Emiel;
Nordblad, Per;
Mathieu, R.;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin;
Wahlström, Erik.
Point contact investigations of film and interface magnetoresistance of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 heterostructures on Nb:SrTiO3.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bianchi, M;
Song, F;
Cooil, Simon Phillip;
Monsen, Åsmund Fløystad;
Wahlström, Erik;
Miwa, JA.
One-dimensional spin texture of Bi(441): Quantum spin Hall properties without a topological insulator.
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hanson, Maj;
Brucas, Rimantas;
Antosiewicz, Tomasz;
Dumas, Randy;
Hjörvarsson, Björgvin;
Flovik, Vegard.
Arrays of elliptical Fe(001) nanoparticles: Magnetization reversal, dipolar interactions, and effects of finite array sizes.
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Flovik, Vegard;
Macia, Ferran;
Kent, Andrew D.;
Wahlström, Erik.
Eddy current interactions in a ferromagnet-normal metal bilayer structure, and its impact on ferromagnetic resonance lineshapes.
Journal of Applied Physics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Flovik, Vegard;
Macia, Ferran;
Hernàndez, Joan Manel;
Brucas, Rimantas;
Hanson, Maj;
Wahlström, Erik.
Tailoring the magnetodynamic properties of nanomagnets using magnetocrystalline and shape anisotropies.
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wahlström, Erik;
Persson, Rolf Jonas.
Projektbaserad labundervisning inom grundläggande fysik för civilingenjörsstudenter.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Song, Fei;
Wells, Justin;
Jiang, Zheng;
Saxegaard, Magne;
Wahlström, Erik.
Low-temperature growth of bismuth thin films with (111) facet on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Singh, Gurvinder;
Kumar, Puri Anil;
Lundgren, Christopher;
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Mathieu, Roland;
Wahlström, Erik.
Tunability in Crystallinity and Magnetic Properties of Core–Shell Fe Nanoparticles.
Particle & Particle Systems Characterization
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kumar, P. Anail;
Singh, Gurvinder;
Glomm, Wilhelm;
Wahlström, Erik;
Mathieu, Roland.
Superspin glass state and exchange bias in amorphous Fe/Fe-O coreshell nanoparticles.
Materials Research Express
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Monsen, Åsmund Fløystad;
Boschker, Jos Emiel;
Macia, F;
Wells, Justin;
Nordblad, Per;
Kent, Andrew D..
Thickness dependence of dynamic and static magnetic properties of pulsed laser deposited La(0.7)Sr(0.3)MnO(3)films on SrTiO(3)(001).
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Warnicke, P;
Knut, Rio;
Wahlström, Erik;
Karis, O;
Bailey, WE;
Arena, DA.
Exploring the accessible frequency range of phase-resolved ferromagnetic resonance detected with x-rays.
Journal of Applied Physics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Song, Fei;
Monsen, Åsmund Fløystad;
Li, Zheshen;
Wells, Justin;
Wahlström, Erik.
The layer-by-layer stoichiometry of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/SrTiO3 thin films and interfaces.
Surface and Interface Analysis
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Boschker, Jos Emiel;
Monsen, Åsmund Fløystad;
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Mathieu, Roland;
Grepstad, Jostein;
Holmestad, Randi.
In-plane structural order of domain engineered La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films.
Philosophical Magazine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Monsen, Åsmund Fløystad;
Song, Fei;
Li, ZS;
Boschker, Jos Emiel;
Tybell, Thomas;
Wahlström, Erik.
Surface stoichiometry of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 during in vacuo preparation; A synchrotron photoemission study.
Surface Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Boschker, Jos Emiel;
Folven, Erik;
Monsen, Åsmund Fløystad;
Wahlström, Erik;
Grepstad, Jostein;
Tybell, Thomas.
Consequences of High Adatom Energy during Pulsed Laser Deposition of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3.
Crystal Growth & Design
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Yang, DZ;
Kapelrud, André;
Saxegaard, Magne;
Wahlström, Erik.
Training and recovery behaviors of exchange bias in FeNi/Cu/Co/FeMn spin valves at high field sweep rates.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Cooil, SP;
Song, Fei;
Williams, G. T.;
Roberts, OR;
Langstaff, DP;
Jørgensen, B.
Iron-mediated growth of epitaxial graphene on SiC and diamond.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Song, Fei;
Monsen, Åsmund Fløystad;
Li, Zheshen;
Choi, E.-M.;
MacManus-Driscoll, JL;
Xiong, J.
Extracting the near surface stoichiometry of BiFe0.5Mn0.5O3 thin films; a finite element maximum entropy approach.
Surface Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Cooil, SP;
Song, Fei;
Williams, G. T.;
Roberts, O.R.;
Langstaff, DP;
Jørgensen, Bjarke.
Iron-mediated growth of epitaxial graphene on SiC and diamond.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Monsen, Åsmund Fløystad;
Song, Fei;
Li, Zheshen;
Boschker, Jos Emiel;
Tybell, Thomas;
Wahlström, Erik.
Surface stoichiometry of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 during in vacuo preparation; A synchrotron photoemission study.
Surface Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Song, Fei;
Monsen, Åsmund Fløystad;
Li, ZS;
Choi, EM;
MacManus-Driscoll, JL;
Xiong, J.
Extracting the near surface stoichiometry of BiFe0.5Mn0.5O3 thin films; a finite element maximum entropy approach.
Surface Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Boschker, Jos Emiel;
Folkman, Chad;
Bark, C.W.;
Monsen, Åsmund Fløystad;
Folven, Erik;
Grepstad, Jostein.
Structural coupling across the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface: High-resolution x-ray diffraction study.
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Liu, Yun;
Monsen, Åsmund Fløystad;
Boschker, Jos Emiel;
Wahlström, Erik;
Borg, Anne;
Tybell, Thomas.
Nanoscale surface modification of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films.
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Saxegaard, Magne;
Zheng, Yang de;
Wahlström, Erik;
Brucas, Rimantas;
Hanson, Maj.
Field and current-induced magnetization reversal studied through spatially resolved point-contacts.
Journal of Applied Physics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brucas, R;
Hanson, M;
Gunnarsson, R;
Wahlström, Erik;
van Kampen, M;
Hjorvarsson, B.
Magnetic and transport properties of Ni81Fe19/Al2O3 granular multilayers approaching the superparamagnetic limit.
Journal of Applied Physics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wahlstrøm, Jan Erik;
Brucas, Rimantas;
Hanson, Maj.
Scanning tunneling microscopy for laterally resolved measurements of magnetoresistance through a point contact.
Applied Physics Letters
Vitenskapelig artikkel