Bente Gunnveig Berg
Forskningsgruppen søker å forstå hvordan hjernen behandler luktinformasjon, dvs. hvordan signaler igangsatt av spesifikke dufter kodes i et funksjonelt nervenettverk.
Ved å studere et velegnet modellobjekt, en nattsvermerhjerne, kartlegger vi hvordan nervenettverket som utgjør spesifikke synaptiske nivå av luktebanene er koblet sammen, og hvordan biologisk relevant duftstimuli påvirker aktiviteten i enkeltnevroner og populasjoner av nevroner.
Metoder: Eksperimentell laboratorievirksomhet, herunder intracellulære registreringer/fargemarkeringer kombinert med konfokal mikroskopi og modellering av nervestrukturer via data visualiseringsprogrammer; immunocytokjemi; calcium imaging.
Zhang, Xiaxuan;
Liu, Yang;
Guo, Mengbo;
Sun, Dongdong;
Zhang, Mengjun;
Chu, Xi.
A female-specific odorant receptor mediates oviposition deterrence in the moth Helicoverpa armigera.
Current Biology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Wang, Guirong.
Editorial: Recent advances in insect olfaction: characterization of neural circuits from sensory input to motor output.
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience
Liu, Xiaolan;
Chu, Xi;
Sun, Long-Long;
Wang, Ya-Nan;
Xie, Gui-Ying;
Chen, Wen-Bo.
Functional map of the macroglomerular complex of male Helicoverpa armigera.
Insect Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ian, Elena;
Chu, Xi;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Brain Investigation on Sexual Dimorphism in a Gynandromorph Moth.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kymre, Jonas Hansen;
Chu, Xi;
Ian, Elena;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Organization of the parallel antennal-lobe tracts in the moth.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A. Sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Kymre, Jonas Hansen;
Liu, Xiaolan;
Ian, Elena;
Berge, Christoffer Nerland;
Wang, Guirong;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Distinct protocerebral neuropils associated with attractive and aversive female-produced odorants in the male moth brain.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sun, Long-Long;
Liu, Xiao-Lan;
Wang, Ya-Nan;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Xie, Gui-Ying;
Chen, Wen-Bo.
Neuronal architecture and functional mapping of the taste center of larval Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).
Insect Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Heinze, Stanley;
el Jundi, Basil;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Homberg, Uwe;
Menzel, Randolf;
Pfeiffer, Keram.
A unified platform to manage, share, and archive morphological and functional data in insect neuroscience.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
KC, Pramod;
Chu, Xi;
Kvello, Pål;
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Wang, Gui-Rong;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Revisiting the Labial Pit Organ Pathway in the Noctuid Moth, Helicoverpa armigera.
Frontiers in Physiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Chu, Xi;
Heinze, Stanley;
Ian, Elena;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
A novel major output target for pheromone-sensitive projection neurons in male moths.
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Chu, Xi;
KC, Pramod;
Ian, Elena;
Kvello, Pål;
Liu, Yand;
Wang, Guirong.
Neuronal architecture of the second-order CO2 pathway in the brain of a noctuid moth.
Scientific Reports
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kymre, Jonas Hansen;
Berge, Christoffer Nerland;
Chu, Xi;
Ian, Elena;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Antennal-lobe neurons in the moth Helicoverpa armigera:
Morphological features of projection neurons, local
interneurons, and centrifugal neurons.
Journal of Comparative Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Xie, Gui-Ying;
Ma, Bai-Wei;
Liu, Xiao-Lan;
Chang, Ya-Jun;
Chen, Wen-Bo;
Li, Guo-Ping.
Brain Organization of Apolygus lucorum: A Hemipteran Species With Prominent Antennal Lobes.
Frontiers in Neuroanatomy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Xie, Gui-Ying;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Schachtner, Joachim;
Homberg, Uwe.
Distribution of tachykinin-related peptides in the brain of the tobacco budworm Heliothis virescens.
Journal of Comparative Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ian, Elena;
Kirkerud, Nicholas Hagen;
Galizia, C. Giovanni;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Coincidence of pheromone and plant odor leads to sensory plasticity in the heliothine olfactory system.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Informasjonskoding i et lite hjernepreparat.
Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab
Faglig kapittel
Ma, Bai-Wei;
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Xie, Gui-Ying;
Tang, Qing-Bo;
Wang, Gui-Rong.
Central Projections of Antennal and Labial Palp Sensory Neurons in the Migratory Armyworm Mythimna separata.
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Ma, Bai-Wei;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Xie, Gui-Ying;
Tang, Qing-Bo;
Guo, Xian-Ru.
A global-wide search for sexual
dimorphism of glomeruli in the
antennal lobe of female and male
Helicoverpa armigera.
Scientific Reports
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ian, Elena;
Berg, Aleksander;
Lillevoll, Siri Corneliussen;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Antennal-lobe tracts in the noctuid moth, Heliothis virescens: New anatomical findings.
Cell and Tissue Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Chen, Qiu-Yan;
Guo, Pei;
Xie, Gui-Ying;
Tang, Qing-Bo;
Guo, Xian-Ru.
Glomerular identification in the antennal lobe of the male moth Helicoverpa armigera.
Journal of Comparative Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ian, Elena;
Zhao, Xin Cheng;
Lande, Andreas;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Individual neurons confined to distinct antennal-lobe tracts in the heliothine moth: Morphological characteristics and global projection patterns.
Frontiers in Neuroanatomy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Jacobsen, Karl Henry;
Flaten, Magne.
Alle fagmiljø bør inkluderes i det nye navnet på fakultetet.
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Christensen, Marit;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Jacobsen, Karl Henry;
Flaten, Magne Arve.
NTNU og byen trenger en ryddig prosess.
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Christensen, Marit;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Jacobsen, Karl Henry;
Flaten, Magne Arve.
Behøves: Transparens og ryddighet.
Pfuhl, Gerit;
Kalinova, Blanka;
Valterova, Irena;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Simple ears - flexible behavior: Information processing in the moth auditory pathway.
Current Zoology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Pfuhl, Gerit;
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Ian, Elena;
Surlykke, Annemarie;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Sound-sensitive neurons innervate the ventro-lateral protocerebrum of the heliothine moth brain.
Cell and Tissue Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhemchuzhnikov, Mikhail K.;
Pfuhl, Gerit;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Tracing and 3-dimensional representation of the primary afferents from the moth ear.
Arthropod structure & development
Vitenskapelig artikkel
KC, Pramod;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Mapping of second order olfactory neurons and ventral-cord neurons; double-fluorescence labeling performed from the noctuid moth, Heliothis virescens.
Norges teknisk naturvitenskapelige universitet, NTNU
Hannaas, Ragnhild;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Characterization of functionally different projection neurons in the olfactory pathway of the male moth, Heliothis virescens.
Norges teknisk naturvitenskapelige universitet, NTNU
Vaagland Stav, Ingrid;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Identification of different antennal-lobe neuron categories.
Norges naturvitenskapelige universitet, NTNU
Brekken, Bente;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Mapping central olfactory pathways in a model preparation - double staining of second order olfactory neurons.
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Wang, Guirong.
Processing of pheromone information in related species of Heliothine moths.
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Kvello, Pål;
Løfaldli, Bjarte Bye;
Lillevoll, Siri Corneliussen;
Mustaparta, Hanna;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Representation of pheromones, interspecific signals, and plant odors in higher olfactory centers; mapping physiologically identified antennal-lobe projection neurons in the male heliothine moth.
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Tang, Qing-Bo;
Zhan, Huan;
Cao, Huan;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Yan, Feng-Ming;
Zhao, Xin-Cheng.
Central Projections of Gustatory Receptor Neurons in the Medial and the Lateral Sensilla Styloconica of Helicoverpa armigera Larvae.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Moe Dahl, Ingrid;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Mapping of Central Pathways for CO2 Information in the brain of the Moth Heliothis virescens.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Berg, Aleksander;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Anatomical organization of second order neurons in the primary olfactory brain center of the model organism Heliothis virescens.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Lillevold Corneliussen, Siri;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Mapping projection neurons originating from male-specific versus ordinary glomeruli in the central olfactory pathway of the moth Heliothis virescens.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Tang, Qing-Bo;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Liu, Yang;
Wang, Yan-Ru;
Yan, Feng-Ming.
Fine structure and primary sensory projections of sensilla located in the labial-palp pit organ of Helicoverpa armigera (Insecta).
Cell and Tissue Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhang, Tian-Tao;
Mei, Xiang-Dong;
Feng, Ji-Nian;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Zhang, Yong-Jun;
Guo, Yu-Yuan.
Characterization of three pheromone-binding proteins (PBPs) of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) and their binding properties.
Journal of insect physiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Pfuhl, Gerit;
Surlykke, Annemarie;
Tro, Jan;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
A multisensory centrifugal neuron in the olfactory pathway of heliothine moths.
Journal of Comparative Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jacobsen, Bente;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
GABA immunostaining of the olfactory pathway in the heliothine moth brain.
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Projection pattern of antennal-lobe output neurons in higher olfactory centers of the heliothine moth brain.
Chemical Senses
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Serotonin som nevromodulator i luktesystemet - generelle prinsipper i små og store hjerner.
Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hoel Fjærli, Hilde;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Neural organization of olfactory signal pathways in a small model brain.
NTNU, Psykologisk institutt
Knizek Vang, Toke;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Visualization of central olfactory pathways in a model brain; Universal principles of structural organization across taxa.
NTNU, Psykologisk institutt
Halvorsen, Jens Marius;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
GABA immunostaining in the central olfactory pathway of the moth brain – visualization of single neurons and neural populations.
NTNU, Psykologisk institutt
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Arrangement of Output Information from the 3 Macroglomerular Units in the Heliothine Moth Helicoverpa assulta: Morphological and Physiological Features of Male-Specific Projection Neurons.
Chemical Senses
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Physiological and Morphological Characteristics of the Serotonin Immunoreactive Neuron in the Antennal Lobe of the Male Oriental Moth Helicoverpa assulta.
Chemical Senses
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Morphological and Physiological Characteristics of the Serotonin-Immunoreactive Neuron in the Antennal Lobe of the Male Oriental Tobacco Budworm, Helicoverpa assulta.
Chemical Senses
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Schachtner, J;
Homberg, U.
γ-Aminobutyric acid immunostaining in the antennal lobe of the moth Heliothis virescens and its colocalization with neuropeptides.
Cell and Tissue Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
The serotonin immunoreactive neuron retrieved in the antennal lobe of the male Oriental moth Helicoverpa assulta? Physiological and morphological characteristics of a presumed centrifugal neuron.
Chemical Senses
Pfuhl, Gerit;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Physiological and morphological characterization of neurons in higher integration centres of the moth brain.
Institüt für Biologie, Otto-von-Guericke-Universtät Magdeburg, Germany
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Schachtner, J;
Utz, Sandra;
Homberg, Uwe.
Distribution of neuropeptides in the primary olfactory centre of the heliothine moth Heliothis virescens.
Cell and Tissue Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Pfuhl, Gerit;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Physiological and morphological characterization of neurons in higher integration centres of the moth brain.
Universitaet Magdeburg
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Schachtner, J;
Homberg, U.
Distribution of tachykinin-related peptides in the primary olfactory centre of the heliothine moth Heliothis virescens.
Chemical Senses
Mustaparta, Hanna;
Rø, Helge;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Stranden, Marit.
Organisation of the olfactory pathway in the moth brain.
Chemical Senses
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Feromonkommunikasjon i et lite nervenettverk.
Psykologisk tidsskrift
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Ambjørndalen, Marius;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Hvordan behandler hjernen kjemisk signalinformasjon? Et studium av morfologiske særtrekk ved luktebanen fra periferi til primært luktsenter med bruk av nattsvermerarten Heliothis virescens som modell.
NTNU, Psykologisk institutt
Skiri, Hanne Therese;
Rø, Helge;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Mustaparta, Hanna.
Consistent organization of glomeruli in the antennal lobes of related species of heliothine moths.
Journal of Comparative Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Almaas, Tor Jørgen;
Bjålie, Jan Gunnar;
Mustaparta, Hanna.
Projections of male-specific receptor neurons in the antennal lobe of the oriental tobacco budworm moth, Helicoverpa assulta: A unique glomerular organization among related species.
Journal of Comparative Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Galizia, Cosmas Giovanni;
Brandt, Robert;
Mustaparta, Hanna.
Digital atlases of the antennal lobe in two species of tobacco budworm moths, the oriental Helicoverpa assulta (male) and the American Heliothis virescens (male and female).
Journal of Comparative Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Den utrolige luktesansen.
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Almaas, Tor Jørgen;
Mustaparta, Hanna.
The macroglomerular complex in two related species of moths: specified subdivision according to input information.
Oxford University Press
Oxford University Press
Vitenskapelig monografi
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Insekters utrolige luktesans.
Aftenposten, Adresseavisen, Bergens Tidende, Stjørdalens Blad, Teknisk Ukeblad
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Encoding of pheromone information in two related moth species. (Dr scient thesis).
Faculty of Chemistry and Biology, NTNU
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Almaas, Tor Jørgen;
Bjaalie, Jan G;
Mustaparta, Hanna.
The macroglomerular complex of the antennal lobe in the tobacco budworm moth Heliothis virescens: specified subdivision in four compartments according to information about biologically significant compounds.
Vitenskapelig monografi
Boo, K S;
Park, K C;
Hall, D R;
Cork, Alan;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Mustaparta, Hanna.
(Z)-9-tetradecenal: a potent inhibitor of pheromone-mediated communication in the oriental tobacco budworm moth, Helicoverpa assulta.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A. Sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Mustaparta, Hanna.
The significance of pheromone components and interspcific signals as expressed by receptor neurons in the oriental tobacco budworm moth Helicoverpa assulta.
Vitenskapelig monografi
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Tumlinson, Jim H;
Mustaparta, Hanna.
Chemical communication in heliothine moths. IV. Receptor neuron responses to pheromone compounds and formate analogues in the male tobacco budwormmoth Heliothis virescens.
Vitenskapelig monografi
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Mustaparta, Hanna.
Reseptornevroners spesialisering for feromoner og interspesifikke signaler hos to Heliothinae-arter fra ulike kontinenter, Helicoverpa assulta og Heliothis virescens.
Universitetet i Trondheim, Den Allmennvitenskapelige Høgskolen, Zoologisk institutt
Zhang, Xiaxuan;
Liu, Yang;
Guo, Mengbo;
Sun, Dongdong;
Zhang, Mengjun;
Chu, Xi.
A female-specific odorant receptor mediates oviposition deterrence in the moth Helicoverpa armigera.
Current Biology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Wang, Guirong.
Editorial: Recent advances in insect olfaction: characterization of neural circuits from sensory input to motor output.
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience
Liu, Xiaolan;
Chu, Xi;
Sun, Long-Long;
Wang, Ya-Nan;
Xie, Gui-Ying;
Chen, Wen-Bo.
Functional map of the macroglomerular complex of male Helicoverpa armigera.
Insect Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ian, Elena;
Chu, Xi;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Brain Investigation on Sexual Dimorphism in a Gynandromorph Moth.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kymre, Jonas Hansen;
Chu, Xi;
Ian, Elena;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Organization of the parallel antennal-lobe tracts in the moth.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A. Sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Kymre, Jonas Hansen;
Liu, Xiaolan;
Ian, Elena;
Berge, Christoffer Nerland;
Wang, Guirong;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Distinct protocerebral neuropils associated with attractive and aversive female-produced odorants in the male moth brain.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sun, Long-Long;
Liu, Xiao-Lan;
Wang, Ya-Nan;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Xie, Gui-Ying;
Chen, Wen-Bo.
Neuronal architecture and functional mapping of the taste center of larval Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).
Insect Science
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Heinze, Stanley;
el Jundi, Basil;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Homberg, Uwe;
Menzel, Randolf;
Pfeiffer, Keram.
A unified platform to manage, share, and archive morphological and functional data in insect neuroscience.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
KC, Pramod;
Chu, Xi;
Kvello, Pål;
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Wang, Gui-Rong;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Revisiting the Labial Pit Organ Pathway in the Noctuid Moth, Helicoverpa armigera.
Frontiers in Physiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Chu, Xi;
Heinze, Stanley;
Ian, Elena;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
A novel major output target for pheromone-sensitive projection neurons in male moths.
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Chu, Xi;
KC, Pramod;
Ian, Elena;
Kvello, Pål;
Liu, Yand;
Wang, Guirong.
Neuronal architecture of the second-order CO2 pathway in the brain of a noctuid moth.
Scientific Reports
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kymre, Jonas Hansen;
Berge, Christoffer Nerland;
Chu, Xi;
Ian, Elena;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Antennal-lobe neurons in the moth Helicoverpa armigera:
Morphological features of projection neurons, local
interneurons, and centrifugal neurons.
Journal of Comparative Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Xie, Gui-Ying;
Ma, Bai-Wei;
Liu, Xiao-Lan;
Chang, Ya-Jun;
Chen, Wen-Bo;
Li, Guo-Ping.
Brain Organization of Apolygus lucorum: A Hemipteran Species With Prominent Antennal Lobes.
Frontiers in Neuroanatomy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Xie, Gui-Ying;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Schachtner, Joachim;
Homberg, Uwe.
Distribution of tachykinin-related peptides in the brain of the tobacco budworm Heliothis virescens.
Journal of Comparative Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ian, Elena;
Kirkerud, Nicholas Hagen;
Galizia, C. Giovanni;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Coincidence of pheromone and plant odor leads to sensory plasticity in the heliothine olfactory system.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ma, Bai-Wei;
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Xie, Gui-Ying;
Tang, Qing-Bo;
Wang, Gui-Rong.
Central Projections of Antennal and Labial Palp Sensory Neurons in the Migratory Armyworm Mythimna separata.
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Ma, Bai-Wei;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Xie, Gui-Ying;
Tang, Qing-Bo;
Guo, Xian-Ru.
A global-wide search for sexual
dimorphism of glomeruli in the
antennal lobe of female and male
Helicoverpa armigera.
Scientific Reports
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ian, Elena;
Berg, Aleksander;
Lillevoll, Siri Corneliussen;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Antennal-lobe tracts in the noctuid moth, Heliothis virescens: New anatomical findings.
Cell and Tissue Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Chen, Qiu-Yan;
Guo, Pei;
Xie, Gui-Ying;
Tang, Qing-Bo;
Guo, Xian-Ru.
Glomerular identification in the antennal lobe of the male moth Helicoverpa armigera.
Journal of Comparative Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ian, Elena;
Zhao, Xin Cheng;
Lande, Andreas;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Individual neurons confined to distinct antennal-lobe tracts in the heliothine moth: Morphological characteristics and global projection patterns.
Frontiers in Neuroanatomy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Jacobsen, Karl Henry;
Flaten, Magne.
Alle fagmiljø bør inkluderes i det nye navnet på fakultetet.
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Christensen, Marit;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Jacobsen, Karl Henry;
Flaten, Magne Arve.
NTNU og byen trenger en ryddig prosess.
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Christensen, Marit;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Jacobsen, Karl Henry;
Flaten, Magne Arve.
Behøves: Transparens og ryddighet.
Pfuhl, Gerit;
Kalinova, Blanka;
Valterova, Irena;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Simple ears - flexible behavior: Information processing in the moth auditory pathway.
Current Zoology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Pfuhl, Gerit;
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Ian, Elena;
Surlykke, Annemarie;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Sound-sensitive neurons innervate the ventro-lateral protocerebrum of the heliothine moth brain.
Cell and Tissue Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhemchuzhnikov, Mikhail K.;
Pfuhl, Gerit;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Tracing and 3-dimensional representation of the primary afferents from the moth ear.
Arthropod structure & development
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Wang, Guirong.
Processing of pheromone information in related species of Heliothine moths.
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Kvello, Pål;
Løfaldli, Bjarte Bye;
Lillevoll, Siri Corneliussen;
Mustaparta, Hanna;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Representation of pheromones, interspecific signals, and plant odors in higher olfactory centers; mapping physiologically identified antennal-lobe projection neurons in the male heliothine moth.
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Tang, Qing-Bo;
Zhan, Huan;
Cao, Huan;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Yan, Feng-Ming;
Zhao, Xin-Cheng.
Central Projections of Gustatory Receptor Neurons in the Medial and the Lateral Sensilla Styloconica of Helicoverpa armigera Larvae.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Tang, Qing-Bo;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Liu, Yang;
Wang, Yan-Ru;
Yan, Feng-Ming.
Fine structure and primary sensory projections of sensilla located in the labial-palp pit organ of Helicoverpa armigera (Insecta).
Cell and Tissue Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhang, Tian-Tao;
Mei, Xiang-Dong;
Feng, Ji-Nian;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Zhang, Yong-Jun;
Guo, Yu-Yuan.
Characterization of three pheromone-binding proteins (PBPs) of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) and their binding properties.
Journal of insect physiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Pfuhl, Gerit;
Surlykke, Annemarie;
Tro, Jan;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
A multisensory centrifugal neuron in the olfactory pathway of heliothine moths.
Journal of Comparative Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Projection pattern of antennal-lobe output neurons in higher olfactory centers of the heliothine moth brain.
Chemical Senses
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Serotonin som nevromodulator i luktesystemet - generelle prinsipper i små og store hjerner.
Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Arrangement of Output Information from the 3 Macroglomerular Units in the Heliothine Moth Helicoverpa assulta: Morphological and Physiological Features of Male-Specific Projection Neurons.
Chemical Senses
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Physiological and Morphological Characteristics of the Serotonin Immunoreactive Neuron in the Antennal Lobe of the Male Oriental Moth Helicoverpa assulta.
Chemical Senses
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Morphological and Physiological Characteristics of the Serotonin-Immunoreactive Neuron in the Antennal Lobe of the Male Oriental Tobacco Budworm, Helicoverpa assulta.
Chemical Senses
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Schachtner, J;
Homberg, U.
γ-Aminobutyric acid immunostaining in the antennal lobe of the moth Heliothis virescens and its colocalization with neuropeptides.
Cell and Tissue Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Zhao, Xin-Cheng;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
The serotonin immunoreactive neuron retrieved in the antennal lobe of the male Oriental moth Helicoverpa assulta? Physiological and morphological characteristics of a presumed centrifugal neuron.
Chemical Senses
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Schachtner, J;
Utz, Sandra;
Homberg, Uwe.
Distribution of neuropeptides in the primary olfactory centre of the heliothine moth Heliothis virescens.
Cell and Tissue Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Schachtner, J;
Homberg, U.
Distribution of tachykinin-related peptides in the primary olfactory centre of the heliothine moth Heliothis virescens.
Chemical Senses
Mustaparta, Hanna;
Rø, Helge;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Stranden, Marit.
Organisation of the olfactory pathway in the moth brain.
Chemical Senses
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Feromonkommunikasjon i et lite nervenettverk.
Psykologisk tidsskrift
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Skiri, Hanne Therese;
Rø, Helge;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Mustaparta, Hanna.
Consistent organization of glomeruli in the antennal lobes of related species of heliothine moths.
Journal of Comparative Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Almaas, Tor Jørgen;
Bjålie, Jan Gunnar;
Mustaparta, Hanna.
Projections of male-specific receptor neurons in the antennal lobe of the oriental tobacco budworm moth, Helicoverpa assulta: A unique glomerular organization among related species.
Journal of Comparative Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Galizia, Cosmas Giovanni;
Brandt, Robert;
Mustaparta, Hanna.
Digital atlases of the antennal lobe in two species of tobacco budworm moths, the oriental Helicoverpa assulta (male) and the American Heliothis virescens (male and female).
Journal of Comparative Neurology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Den utrolige luktesansen.
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Boo, K S;
Park, K C;
Hall, D R;
Cork, Alan;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Mustaparta, Hanna.
(Z)-9-tetradecenal: a potent inhibitor of pheromone-mediated communication in the oriental tobacco budworm moth, Helicoverpa assulta.
Journal of Comparative Physiology A. Sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Almaas, Tor Jørgen;
Mustaparta, Hanna.
The macroglomerular complex in two related species of moths: specified subdivision according to input information.
Oxford University Press
Oxford University Press
Vitenskapelig monografi
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Almaas, Tor Jørgen;
Bjaalie, Jan G;
Mustaparta, Hanna.
The macroglomerular complex of the antennal lobe in the tobacco budworm moth Heliothis virescens: specified subdivision in four compartments according to information about biologically significant compounds.
Vitenskapelig monografi
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Mustaparta, Hanna.
The significance of pheromone components and interspcific signals as expressed by receptor neurons in the oriental tobacco budworm moth Helicoverpa assulta.
Vitenskapelig monografi
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Tumlinson, Jim H;
Mustaparta, Hanna.
Chemical communication in heliothine moths. IV. Receptor neuron responses to pheromone compounds and formate analogues in the male tobacco budwormmoth Heliothis virescens.
Vitenskapelig monografi
Del av bok/rapport
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Informasjonskoding i et lite hjernepreparat.
Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab
Faglig kapittel
KC, Pramod;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Mapping of second order olfactory neurons and ventral-cord neurons; double-fluorescence labeling performed from the noctuid moth, Heliothis virescens.
Norges teknisk naturvitenskapelige universitet, NTNU
Hannaas, Ragnhild;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Characterization of functionally different projection neurons in the olfactory pathway of the male moth, Heliothis virescens.
Norges teknisk naturvitenskapelige universitet, NTNU
Vaagland Stav, Ingrid;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Identification of different antennal-lobe neuron categories.
Norges naturvitenskapelige universitet, NTNU
Brekken, Bente;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Mapping central olfactory pathways in a model preparation - double staining of second order olfactory neurons.
Moe Dahl, Ingrid;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Mapping of Central Pathways for CO2 Information in the brain of the Moth Heliothis virescens.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Berg, Aleksander;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Anatomical organization of second order neurons in the primary olfactory brain center of the model organism Heliothis virescens.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Lillevold Corneliussen, Siri;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Mapping projection neurons originating from male-specific versus ordinary glomeruli in the central olfactory pathway of the moth Heliothis virescens.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Jacobsen, Bente;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
GABA immunostaining of the olfactory pathway in the heliothine moth brain.
Hoel Fjærli, Hilde;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Neural organization of olfactory signal pathways in a small model brain.
NTNU, Psykologisk institutt
Knizek Vang, Toke;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Visualization of central olfactory pathways in a model brain; Universal principles of structural organization across taxa.
NTNU, Psykologisk institutt
Halvorsen, Jens Marius;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
GABA immunostaining in the central olfactory pathway of the moth brain – visualization of single neurons and neural populations.
NTNU, Psykologisk institutt
Pfuhl, Gerit;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Physiological and morphological characterization of neurons in higher integration centres of the moth brain.
Institüt für Biologie, Otto-von-Guericke-Universtät Magdeburg, Germany
Pfuhl, Gerit;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Physiological and morphological characterization of neurons in higher integration centres of the moth brain.
Universitaet Magdeburg
Ambjørndalen, Marius;
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Hvordan behandler hjernen kjemisk signalinformasjon? Et studium av morfologiske særtrekk ved luktebanen fra periferi til primært luktsenter med bruk av nattsvermerarten Heliothis virescens som modell.
NTNU, Psykologisk institutt
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Insekters utrolige luktesans.
Aftenposten, Adresseavisen, Bergens Tidende, Stjørdalens Blad, Teknisk Ukeblad
Berg, Bente Gunnveig.
Encoding of pheromone information in two related moth species. (Dr scient thesis).
Faculty of Chemistry and Biology, NTNU
Berg, Bente Gunnveig;
Mustaparta, Hanna.
Reseptornevroners spesialisering for feromoner og interspesifikke signaler hos to Heliothinae-arter fra ulike kontinenter, Helicoverpa assulta og Heliothis virescens.
Universitetet i Trondheim, Den Allmennvitenskapelige Høgskolen, Zoologisk institutt
Vitenskapelig foredragIan, Elena; Kirkerud, Nicholas; Griffin, Angela Brian; Chu, Xi; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2024) Impact of CO2 signals on first-order processing of plant odors in the female moth Helicoverpa armigera. International Society of Olfaction and Taste (ISOT) , Reykjavik 2024-06-22 - 2024-06-26
Vitenskapelig foredragKymre, Jonas Hansen; Chu, Xi; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2024) Electrophysiological features across neuronal types in the primary olfactory center of the insect brain. International Society of Olfaction and Taste (ISOT) , Reykjavik 2024-06-22 - 2024-06-26
Vitenskapelig foredragChu, Xi; Ian, Elena; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2024) From olfaction to oviposition: A global antennal-lobe network is associated with oviposition behavior in the female moth. International Society of Olfaction and Taste (ISOT) , Reykjavik 2024-06-22 - 2024-06-26
IntervjuBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Heggestad, Enya. (2024) Kroppslukt og parfyme. Radio - Vestlandsrevyen Radio - Vestlandsrevyen [Radio] 2024-11-28
IntervjuBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Heggestad, Enya. (2024) Kroppslukt og parfyme. Radio - Nyhetsmorgen Radio - Nyhetsmorgen [Radio] 2024-11-26
Vitenskapelig foredragIan, Elena; Kymre, Jonas Hansen; Berg, Bente Gunnveig; Chu, Xi. (2024) Impact of elevated CO2 on plant volatile processing in the moth olfactory system. Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Mid-term meeting for RCN project (Nr. 324379) , Beijing 2024-10-10 - 2024-10-10
Vitenskapelig foredragIan, Elena; Kirkerud, Nicholas Hagen; Chu, Xi; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2023) Impact of CO2 signals on first-order processing of plant odors in the female moth Helicoverpa armigera. European Society of Insect Olfaction and Taste (ESITO) , Villasimius 2023-09-24 - 2023-09-29
PosterKymre, Jonas Hansen; Chu, Xi; Haug, Mikkel N.; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2023) Higher-order olfactory processing. European Society of Insect Olfaction and Taste (ESITO) , Villasimius 2023-09-24 - 2023-09-29
PosterChu, Xi; Ian, Elena; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2023) A female-specific olfactory pathway processing egg-surface odorants mediateing oviposition deterrence in Helicoverpa armigera. European Society of Insect Olfaction and Taste (ESITO) , Villasimius 2023-09-24 - 2023-09-29
IntervjuBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2023) Parfyme med grisespytt skal gi deg draget – men går det an?. [Internett] 2023-10-01
IntervjuBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2023) Bente G. Berg om temaet parfyme og feromoner. NRK P2 NRK P2 [Radio] 2023-10-02
Vitenskapelig foredragHaug, Mikkel N.; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2023) Magic in the air – hvordan sansene kan skape fortryllende opplevelser. NTNU Forskernatt , Trondheim 2023-09-29 -
Vitenskapelig foredragHaug, Mikkel N.; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2023) Anvendt manipulasjon – styring av hjerne-kropp signalene ved bruk av magi. NTNU Forum av Psykoaktiv , Dragvoll, Institutt for psykologi 2023-10-11 -
ProgramledelseBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Chu, Xi; Kymre, Jonas Hansen; Kvello, Pål; Ian, Elena; Haug, Mikkel N.. (2022) Luktesystemets gåter. Trondheim, Forskningstorget 2022 Trondheim, Forskningstorget 2022 [Internett] 2022-09-23
Vitenskapelig foredragKymre, Jonas Hansen; Chu, Xi; Ian, Elena; KC, Pramod; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2022) Connection patterns between functionally distinct antennal-lobe glomeruli and protocerebral output regions in the male moth brain. European Symposium on Insect Taste and Olfaction, ESITO Vitenskapelig seminar , Karlskrona 2022-05-15 - 2022-05-20
Vitenskapelig foredragIan, Elena; Chu, Xi; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2022) Brain investigation on sexual dimorphism in a gynandromorph moth. European Symposium on Insect Taste and Olfaction, ESITO Vitenskapelig seminar , Karlskrona 2022-05-15 - 2022-05-20
Vitenskapelig foredragChu, Xi; Kymre, Jonas Hansen; Ian, Elena; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2022) Sex pheromone coding in parallel olfactory subsystems of the male moth brain. European Symposium on Insect Taste and Olfaction, ESITO Vitenskapelig seminar , Karlskrona 2022-05-15 - 2022-05-20
IntervjuBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Wibe, Atle; Aspen, Janne Grete. (2022) Vil avsløre kva luktstoff insekta skyr. [Avis] 2022-09-29
Vitenskapelig foredragHaug, Mikkel N.; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2022) Magic in the air – odor molecules, perception, and discrimination. Ukentlig seminarserie ved Institutt for Psykologi , Dragvoll 2022-12-08 -
Vitenskapelig foredragChu, Xi; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2021) Neuronal architecture of the CO2 pathway in the brain of a noctuid moth. Insect Olfaction and Taste in 24 Hours Around the Globe 2021-08-11 - 2021-08-12
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2021) Odor coding in a small insect brain. Dept. of Environm and Biol Sci., Univ. of Eastern Finland International Workshop on Entomovectoring , Digitaltarrangement 2021-11-03 - 2021-11-06
IntervjuKymre, Jonas Hansen; Ian, Elena; Berg, Bente Gunnveig; Chu, Xi; Brandslet, Steinar. (2021) Luktesansen din ligner på insektenes. [Avis] 2021-09-29
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Chu, Xi. (2021) Distinct protocerebral neuropils associated with attractive and aversive female-produced odorants in the male moth brain. Walter S. Leal, Wynand van der Goes van Naters, Coral Warr Insect Olfaction and Taste in 24 Hours Around the Globe , Digital arrangement 2021-08-11 - 2021-08-12
IntervjuKC, Pramod; Berg, Bente Gunnveig; Brandslet, Steinar. (2020) Vil bekjempe skadelige insekter ved å forstå luktesansen deres. [Avis] 2020-09-29
IntervjuBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2020) Rektor Gunnar Bovim på besøk i Kjemosensorisk lab for å intervjue prosjektlederen for det NFR-finansierte forskningsprosjektet, 'Plant - insect relationships: imaging CO2, pheromones, and plant odors in the olfactory pathway of an herbivorous insect'. Rektor Gunnar Bovim sin Facebook side Rektor Gunnar Bovim sin Facebook side [Internett] 2020-02-20
Vitenskapelig foredragIan, Elena; Galizia, Giovanni; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2019) Coding mechanisms and neural plasticity in the olfactory system: Lessons we can learn from a miniature insect brain. Meeting in Norwegian Biochemical Society (NBS) , Røros 2019-01-24 - 2019-01-27
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2019) Parallell olfactory pathways in the moth brain. Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Gjesteforelesning , Beijing 2019-03-25 - 2019-03-25
PosterIan, E.; Kvamvold, E.; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2019) Calcium imaging of MGC output neurons processing information about pheromones and interspecific components. 16th European Symposium for Insect Taste and Olfaction (ESITO) , Sardinia 2019-09-15 - 2019-09-20
PosterKC, Pramod; Chu, Xi; Kvello, Pål; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2019) Mapping CO2 pathways in the noctuid moth, Helicoverpa armigera. 16th European Symposium for Insect Taste and Olfaction (ESITO) , Sardinia 2019-09-15 - 2019-09-20
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2019) Parallel pheromone pathways in the moth brain. Pre-defense symposium for Andrea Adden , Lund 2019-01-30 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2019) Odor coding strategies: Findings from a small insect brain. UiB , Bergen 2019-10-03 -
Vitenskapelig foredragChu, Xi; Heinze, Stanley; Ian, Elena; KC, Pramod; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2019) A novel major output target for pheromone-sensitive projection neurons in male moths. 16th European Symposium for Insect Taste and Olfaction (ESITO) 2019-09-15 - 2019-09-20
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2018) Characterization of male-specific projection neurons confined to distinct antennal-lobe tracts in the moth brain. Chemical Ecology Conference Chinese National Conference on Chemical Ecology , Fuzhou 2018-06-22 - 2018-06-25
PosterChu, Xi; Ian, Elena; Kymre, Jonas Hansen; Berge, Christoffer Nerland; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2018) Morphological and physiological properties of pheromone-sensitive projection neurons confined to parallel tracts in the male moth brain. XXVIIIth Annual Meeting of the European Chemoreception Research Organization (ECRO) 2018-09-05 - 2018-09-08
PosterKymre, Jonas Hansen; Berge, Christoffer Nerland; Chu, Xi; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2018) Spike characterization of local interneurons and projection neurons confined to parallel antennal-lobe tracts in the male moth brain. European Chemoreception Research Organization Annual European Conference , Würzburg 2018-09-05 - 2018-09-08
PosterIan, Elena; Eskov, Anton; Galizia, Giovanni; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2018) Application of supervised machine learning for understanding how input from odor mixtures is processed in the primary olfactory center . European Chemoreception Research Organization (ECRO) Annual European Conference , Würzburg 2018-09-05 - 2018-09-08
PosterBerge, Christoffer Nerland; Kymre, Jonas Hansen; Chu, Xi; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2018) Structure and function of individual projection neurons and centrifugal neurons in the male moth brain. European Chemoreception Research Organization (ECRO) Annual European Conference , Würzburg 2018-09-05 - 2018-09-08
PosterKC, Pramod; Arnesen, Mari Reitstøen; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2018) From the Labial Pit Organ to the central nervous system: Complete mapping of CO2 sensory neurons in the noctuid moth, Helicoverpa armigera . European Chemoreception Research Organization (ECRO) Annual European Conference , Würzburg 2018-09-05 - 2018-09-08
Vitenskapelig foredragChu, Xi; Hodson, Rose M.; Juell, Maja S.; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2017) Morphological and physiological properties of pheromone-sensitive projection neurons confined to parallel tracts in the male moth brain. 15th European Symposium for Insect Taste and Olfaction (ESITO) 2017-09-17 - 2017-09-22
IntervjuBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2017) Hva skjer på instituttet? Intervju i Psykologisk tidsskrift. Psykologisk tidsskrift Psykologisk tidsskrift [Tidsskrift] 2017-11-08
PosterChu, Xi; KC, Pramod; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2017) Projection neurons confined to parallel pheromone pathways in the moth brain. THE SECOND NORDIC NEUROSCIENCE MEETING , Stockholm 2017-06-07 - 2017-06-09
IntervjuBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2017) Kunstig intelligens utvikler luktesans. Teknisk ukeblad Teknisk ukeblad [Fagblad] 2017-02-26
Vitenskapelig foredragKC, Pramod; Arnesen, Mari Reitstøen; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2017) Complete mapping of central projections from the labial palp organ of the noctuid moth, Helicoverpa armigera. 15th European Symposium for Insect Taste and Olfaction (ESITO) , Sardinia 2017-09-17 - 2017-09-22
PosterIan, Elena; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2016) Imaging of second-order olfactory neurons in a standard brain atlas. 17th International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste (ISOT) , Yokohama 2016-06-05 - 2016-06-09
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2016) Antennal-lobe tracts in the noctuid moth: new anatomical findings. Conference of Chemical Ecology , Wuhan 2016-07-23 - 2016-07-24
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2016) Processing of pheromone information in the moth brain. Visit - Sechnov Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg 2016-05-10 -
PosterIan, Elena; Kirkerud, N.; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2016) How do pheromones affect plant odorant responses in antennal lobe projection neurons? A calcium imaging study in the moth Helicoverpa armigera?. 17th International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste (ISOT) , Yokohama 2016-06-05 - 2016-06-09
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2016) Olfactory coding in the moth brain. College of Plant Protection,Henan Agricultural University , Zhengzhou 2016-07-18 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2016) Luktesansens mysterier. Norsk Yrkeshygienisk Forenings Årskonferanse og Kurshelg , Bergen 2016-10-31 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2016) Informasjonskoding i et lite hjernepreparat. Det Kongelige Norske Vitenskapers Selskab , Trondheim 2016-11-14 -
PosterBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Jacobsen, Karl Henry; Flaten, Magne. (2015) What is the best way to organize a Psychology Department?. European Federation of Psychologists Associations European Congress of Psychology , Milano 2015-07-07 - 2015-07-10
PosterPfuhl, Gerit; Zhemchuzhnikov, Mikhail K.; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2015) Moth antennal afferents: mechanosensitive axons project into the ventral cord. Gordon society Gordon Neuroethology conference , Renaissance Tuscany Il Ciocco in Lucca 2015-06-28 - 2015-07-03
Vitenskapelig foredragIan, Elena; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2015) New findings on the anatomical arrangement of antennal-lobe tracts in the moth brain. The European Society of Insect Olfaction and Taste (ESITO) , Sardinia 2015-09-20 - 2015-09-25
Vitenskapelig foredragZhao, Xin-Cheng; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2015) The antennal lobe organization and function in related species of heliothine moths. The 9th International Congress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry , Krakow 2015-08-23 - 2015-08-28
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Zhao, Xin-Cheng. (2015) Mapping behaviourally relevant odour signals from the periphery to higher order centres in the helithine moth brain. The 9th International Congress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry , Krakow 2015-08-23 - 2015-08-28
PosterIan, Elena; Kirkerud, N.; Galizia, C. G.; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2015) Plant odor responses of antennal lobe projection neurons measured via calcium imaging. The European Chemoreception Research Organization (ECRO) , Istanbul 2015-09-01 - 2015-09-05
IntervjuBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2015) Den vanskelige luktesansen. Norgesglasset Norgesglasset [Radio] 2015-03-11
IntervjuBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2015) Får ferten av partner på én kilometers avstand. [Internett] 2015-03-10
IntervjuBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Wolden, Grete. (2015) Hemmeligheten til luktesansen vår finnes i hjernen på en nattsvermer. [Internett] 2015-03-10
Faglig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2014) Central processing of pheromone information and its integration with cross-modal signals in heliothine males. Henan Agricultural University Ceremony for appointment of adjunct professorship , Zhengzhou Henan 2014-05-29 - 2014-05-29
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2014) Chemosensory information processing and its integration with cross-modal signals in heliothine males. Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing Guest lecture , Beijing 2014-06-05 - 2014-06-05
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2014) Chemosensory information processing in the brain of the heliothine moth. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing Guest lecture , Beijing 2014-05-06 - 2014-05-06
PosterTang, Qingbo; Zhan, Huan; Dang, Jing; Zhao, Xincheng; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2014) Insect gustation: neural responses, sensory projections, and behaviors in larvae of the cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera. International Society of Neuroethology International Congress of Neuroethology , Sapporo 2014-07-28 - 2014-08-01
PosterZhemchuzhnikov, Mikhail K.; Zhao, Xincheng; Pfuhl, Gerit; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2014) Representation of auditory information and its integration with odor signals in the central nervous system of moths. International Society of Neuroethology International Congress of Neuroethology , Sapporo 2014-07-20 - 2014-08-01
PosterIan, Elena; Lillevoll, Siri Corneliussen; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2014) Anatomical and physiological properties of antennal-lobe output neurons projecting in parallel tracts. International Society of Neuroethology International Congress of Neuroethology , Sapporo 2014-07-28 - 2014-08-01
IntervjuBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2014) Nasen hans er forsikra for eit ukjent beløp. NRK VITEN NRK VITEN [Internett] 2014-12-04
Vitenskapelig foredragZhemchuznikov, M.K.; Pfuhl, Gerit; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2013) Central projections of auditory cells in the moth Heliothis virescens. VI Russian school-conference , St. Petersburg 2013-11-26 - 2013-11-28
PosterZhemchuzhnikov, Mikhail K.; Pfuhl, Gerit; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2013) Antennal nerve projection areas in thoracic ganglii of the moth Heliothis virescens. Russian conference of young scientists "Neurobiology of integrational functions of the brain" , Saint-Petersburg 2013-11-12 - 2013-11-14
PosterZhemchuznikov, M.K.; Pfuhl, Gerit; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2013) From the tympanum to the brain: projection pattern of auditory cells in the moth Heliothis virescens. Invertebrate Sound and Vibration, 13th International Meeting , Glasgow 2013-06-04 - 2013-06-07
Vitenskapelig foredragMoe Dahl, I.; Almaas, T. J.; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2013) Mapping of central CO2 pathways in the heliothine moth brain. 13th European Society of Insect Taste and Olfaction , Sardinia 2013-09-22 - 2013-09-28
PosterIan, Elena; Zhao, Xin-Cheng; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2013) Characterization of antennal-lobe output neurons projecting in distinct antenna-cerebral tracts. 13th European Society of Insect Taste and Olfaction , Sardinia 2013-09-22 - 2013-09-28
IntervjuBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2013) Studerer nattsvermerens luktesans. [Internett] 2013-08-29
IntervjuBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2013) Nattsvermer gir svar på luktesansens hemmeligheter. [Internett] 2013-08-29
Vitenskapelig foredragPfuhl, Gerit; Zhemchuzhnikov, Mikhail K.; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2013) Complex behaviour despite a simple ear. ASAB, Zoological Society London ASAB Winter meeting , London 2013-12-05 - 2013-12-06
Vitenskapelig foredragPfuhl, Gerit; Zhemchuznikov, M.K.; Zhao, Xin-Cheng; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2013) Mapping the auditory pathway in heliothine moths. Invertebrate Sound and Vibration. Invertebrate Sound and Vibration 13th International Meeting , Glasgow 2013-06-04 - 2013-06-07
PosterZhemchuznikov, M.K.; Pfuhl, Gerit; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2013) New data on primary sound afferents of the moth ear. 1st National PhD Conference in Neuroscience , Stiklestad 2013-09-09 - 2013-09-11
PosterIan, Elena; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2013) Morphological and physiological characterization of central olfactory neurons in a model brain. 1st National PhD Conference in Neuroscience , Stiklestad 2013-09-09 - 2013-09-11
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2012) Modulation and mediation of odour signals in the moth brain. C. Giovanni Galizia, Univ. of Konstanz Gjesteforelesning , Konstanz 2012-06-13 - 2012-06-13
PosterLillevold, Siri Corneliussen; Zhao, Xin-Cheng; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2012) Protocerebral projection patterns of antennal-lobe out-put neurons originating from the MGC and the ordinary glomeruli in the Heliothis virescens male. International Society of Olfaction and Taste (ISOT) Vitenskapelig kongress , Stockholm 2012-06-23 - 2012-06-27
PosterJacobsen, Bente; Løfaldli, Bjarte Bye; Mustaparta, Hanna; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2012) Physiological properties of antennal-lobe neurons projecting in the mediolateral antenno-protocerebral tract and their GABA immunoreactivities. International Society of Olfaction and Taste (ISOT) Vitenskapelig kongress , Stockholm 2012-06-23 - 2012-06-27
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2012) Processing of pheromone information in the moth brain. NTNU Kavli Insitute for Systems Neuroscience 2012-04-13 -
Vitenskapelig foredragZhao, Xin-Cheng; Kvello, Pål; Løfaldli, Bjarte; Mustaparta, Hanna; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2011) Representation of pheromones and plant odors in protocerebral regions of the male heliothine moth. European Society of Insect Taste and Olfaction (ESITO) International scientific conference , St. Petersburg 2011-09-19 - 2011-09-25
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2010) Information processing in the central olfactory pathway of the moth brain. Guest lecture at at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences , Beijing 2010-10-18 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2010) Processing of chemosensory information in the central olfactory pathway of the moth brain. Guest lecture at the Chinese Academy of Sciences , Beijing 2010-10-19 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2010) Encoding of information in the peripheral and central olfactory pathway of the moth. Guest lecture at Nanjing Agricultural University , Nanjing 2010-10-15 -
Vitenskapelig foredragZhao, Xin-Cheng; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2010) Encoding of pheromone information in closely related species of heliothine moths. Mystery of Semiochemicals. 8th National Congress of Chemical Ecology of China , Shanghai 2010-10-09 - 2010-10-12
Vitenskapelig foredragZhao, Xin-Cheng; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2010) A mechanical/sound sensitive centrifugal neuron in the central olfactory pathway of the heliothine moth. 9th International Congress of Neuroethology , Salamanca 2010-08-02 - 2010-08-07
PosterZhao, Xin-Cheng; Wang, Chen-Zhu; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2010) A specific arrangement of the MGC units in Helicoverpa assulta as compared to related species and hybrid offsprings. Nasjonal kinesisk kongress 2010-10-08 - 2010-10-11
PosterZhao, Xin-Cheng; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2010) A mechanical/sound sensitive centrifugal neuron in the central olfactory pathway of the heliothine moth. 9th International Congress of Neuroethology , Salamanca 2010-08-02 - 2010-08-07
Vitenskapelig foredragZhao, Xin-Cheng; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2009) Centrifugal neurons in the heliothine moth. 11th European Symposium for Insect Taste and Olfaction (ESITO) , Sardinia 2009-09-19 - 2009-09-24
PosterHoel Fjærli, H.; Halvorsen, J. M.; Zhao, Xin-Cheng; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2009) Visualization of inhibitory interneurons in the olfactory pathways of the moth. 19th Congress of European Chemoreception Research Organization (ECRO) , Villasimius 2009-09-24 - 2009-09-27
PosterZhao, Xin-Cheng; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2009) Neuromodulators in the antennal lobe of the moth. . 19th Congress of European Chemoreception Research Organization (ECRO) , Villasimius 2009-09-24 - 2009-09-27
PosterZhao, Xin-Cheng; Dong, J.; Wang, C. Z.; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2009) A unique arrangement of male specific glomeruli in Helicoverpa assulta as compared to related species and hybrid offsprings. 19th Congress of European Chemoreception Research Organization (ECRO) , Villasimius 2009-09-24 - 2009-09-27
Vitenskapelig foredragPfuhl, Gerit; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2008) Auditiv informasjonsprosessering -- karakterisering av nervenettverk i et velegnet hjernepreparat. Det Kongelige Norske Vitenskapers Selskap (DKNVS) Tildeling I.K. Lykkes fond 2008 , Trondheim 2008-06-04 - 2008-06-04
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2008) Olfactory processing of sex and alarm cues in the crucian carp Carassius carassius. Univ. i Oslo, Det matematisk-naturvitensk. fak Opponent ved Stine Lastein's doktordisputas , Oslo 2008-05-27 - 2008-05-27
PosterZhao, Xin-Cheng; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2008) Physiological and morphological characteristics of the serotonin immunoreactive neuron in the antennal lobe of the male oriental moth Helicoverpa assulta. XVIII ECRO (European Chemoreception Research Organization) , Portoroz 2008-09-03 - 2008-09-07
PosterZhao, Xin-Cheng; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2008) The serotonin immunoreactive neuron retrieved in the antennal lobe of the male Oriental moth Helicoverpa assulta? Physiological and morphological characteristics of a presumed centrifugal neuron. ISOT/American Chemoreception Society (AChems) International Society of Olfaction and Taste (ISOT)/AChems , San Fransisco, Florida 2008-07-21 - 2008-07-27
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2008) Luktesansens særegenheter. Senioruniversitetet, NTNU Foredrag , Trondheim 2008-01-15 - 2008-01-15
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Schachtner, J; Homberg, U. (2007) Neurochemical organization of the primary olfactory centre of the heliothine moth. European Symposium for Insect Taste and Olfaction (ESITO) , Roscoff 2007-09-15 - 2007-09-22
PosterBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Mustaparta, Hanna. (2007) Olfactory pathways involved in pheromone communication. What can we learn from a small brain?. Conference on Imaging in Neuroscience , Tromsø 2007-04-26 - 2007-04-27
PosterPfuhl, Gerit; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2007) Processing sensory information in a higher integration centre of the moth brain. International Society of Neuroethology (ISN) , Vancover 2007-07-22 - 2007-07-27
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2006) Sansning og persepsjon. Institutt for byggekunst, form og farge, NTNU Seminar , Trondheim 2006-11-06 - 2006-11-06
Vitenskapelig foredragMustaparta, Hanna; Rø, Helge; Berg, Bente Gunnveig; Stranden, Marit. (2006) Organisation of the olfactory pathway in the moth brainHelge. European Chemoreception Research Organisation (ECRO) the XVIIth conference of the European Chemoreception Research Organisation (ECRO) , Granada 2006-09-04 - 2006-09-08
PosterBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Schactner, Joachim; Homberg, Uwe. (2006) Distribution of tachykinin-related peptides in the primary olfactory centre of the heliothine moth Heliothis virescens. European Chemoreception Research Organisation The XVIIth conference of the European Chemoreception Research Organisation , Granada 2006-09-04 - 2006-09-08
IntervjuBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2005) Undervisningsprisen 2004. Intervju v/Fartein Ask Torvik. Psykologisk tidsskrift nr 3 2005 Psykologisk tidsskrift nr 3 2005 [Avis] 2005-03-01
IntervjuBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2005) Hva kan nattsvermere lære oss om lukt?. NRK P1, "Balsam" NRK P1, "Balsam" [Radio] 2005-06-30
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Skiri, Hanne Therese; Almaas, Tor Jørgen; Mustaparta, Hanna. (2005) Characterisation of olfactory pathways involved in pheromone and interspecific signal information in three heliothine species. International Society of Chemical Ecology (ISCE) , Washington 2005-07-23 - 2005-07-27
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Skiri, Hanne Therese; Almaas, Tor Jørgen; Mustaparta, Hanna. (2005) Characterisation of olfactory pathways involved in pheromone and interspecific signal information in heliothine moths. The 9th European Symposium on Insect Taste and Olfaction (ESITO) , Cagliari 2005-10-25 - 2005-10-30
PosterBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Almaas, Tor Jørgen; Mustaparta, Hanna. (2004) Projections of male specific receptor neurons in the antennal lobe of the Oriental tobacco budworm moth, Helicoverpa assulta. The 7th International Society of Neuroethology (ISN) 2004-08-09 - 2004-08-13
PosterBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Almaas, Tor Jørgen; Schachtner, J; Homberg, U.. (2004) Immunocytochemical demonstration of γ-amono-butyric acid (GABA) and neuropeptides in the antennal lobe of the noctuid moth Heliothis virescens. European Chemoreception Research Organisation (ECRO) 2004 2004-09-12 - 2004-09-15
PosterSkiri, Hanne Therese; Berg, Bente Gunnveig; Mustaparta, Hanna. (2003) Digital atlases of the antennal lobe of the moth Helicoverpa armigera (male and female) and Helicoverpa assulta (female). 8th. European symposium on insect taste and olfaction (8th. ESITO) , Harstad, Norge 2003-07-07 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Almaas, Tor Jørgen; Bjaalie, J G; Mustaparta, Hanna. (2003) Encoding of olfactory information underlying reproductive behaviour: Similarities and differences between two species of tobacco budworm moths, the Oriental Helicoverpa assulta and the American Heliothis virescens. 8. European symposium on insect taste and olfaction (8th ESITO) , Harstad 2003-07-07 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragStranden, Marit; Berg, Bente Gunnveig; Skiri, Hanne Therese; Rø, Helge; Jørgensen, Kari; Kvello, Pål. (2003) Olfactory coding and olfactory learning in heliothine moths. Seminar ved Senter for hukommelsesbiologi , Trondheim 2003-10-10 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2003) Encoding of olfactory information in a moth brain. St. Phillips Universitet , Marburg 2003-05-28 -
PosterBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Galizia, Cosmas Giovanni; Brandt, Robert; Müller, Dirk; Mustaparta, Hanna. (2002) Olfaction in Heliothine moths: II. Atlases of the antennal lobe glomeruli and interneurones of the ipsi- and bilateral olfactory pathways. 3rd Forum of European Neuroscience , Paris 2002-07-17 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Galizia, Cosmas Giovanni; Brandt, Robert; Müller, Dirk; Mustaparta, Hanna. (2002) Antennal lobe glomeruli and interneurons of the ipsi- and bilateral olfactory pathways of the heliothine moth. European Chemoreception Research Organisation Congress 2002 , Erlangen 2002-07-27 -
PosterBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Galizia, Cosmas Giovanni; Brandt, Robert; Müller, Dirk; Mustaparta, Hanna. (2001) The antennal lobe of the heliothine moth. 28th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, 4th Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society , Göttingen, Germany 2001-06-10 -
PosterMüller, Dirk; Berg, Bente Gunnveig. (2001) Olfactory receptor neurons show specific response properties in the honeybee Apis mellifera. 28th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, 4th Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society. , Göttingen, Germany 2001-06-10 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Galizia, Cosmas Giovanni; Brandt, Robert; Müller, Dirk; Mustaparta, Hanna. (2001) The antennal lobe: structure and function. European Society of Insect Taste and Olfaction VII , Italia, Sardinia; Cagliari 2001-09-27 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2001) Neuroarchitecture of the primary olfactory center. Gruppe for Nevrofag, Medisinsk Forsknings senter, NTNU Seminar ved Medisinsk Forsknings senter , Trondheim 2001-12-12 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2001) Lukteystemets kodingsmekanismer. Psykologisk institutt, NTNU Psykologisk institutts Forskningsseminar , Trondheim 2001-03-15 -
PosterBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Mustaparta, Hanna. (2001) Novel types of antennal lobe neurons characterized in the female tobacco budworm moth Heliothis virescens. 14th International Symposium of Olfaction and Taste (ISOT) and the 14th European Chemoreption Research Organization Congress (ECRO) , Brighton 2001-07-20 - 2001-07-24
PosterBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Müller, Dirk; Mustaparta, Hanna. (2000) Bilateral neurons connecting homotopic areas of the two antennal lobes in the female moth Heliothis virescens. American Chemoreception Society XII , USA, Florida,Sarasota 2000-04-30 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2000) Nevrale strukturer i det primære luktsenter. NTNU Seminar om biooptiske målinger/registreringer , Trondheim 2000-04-15 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2000) Koding av duftinformasjon. Psykologisk institutt, NTNU Prøveforelesning , Trondheim 2000-06-16 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (2000) En hyllest til insekthjernen. NTNU Tverrfaglig informatikk/data - seminar , Trondheim 2000-03-15 -
PosterBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Brandt, Robert; Galizia, Cosmas Giovanni; Müller, Dirk; Mustaparta, Hanna. (1999) Novel types of antennal lobe neurons characterized in the female moth Heliothis virescens. XIV Congress of European Chemoreception Research Organization (ECRO) , UK, Brighton 1999-07-23 -
Vitenskapelig foredragGalizia, Cosmas Giovanni; Sachse, Silke; Brandt, Robert; Berg, Bente Gunnveig; Mustaparta, Hanna. (1999) Mapping responses in the antennal lobe of the moth Heliothis virescens using calcium imaging. European Symposium on Insect Taste and Olfaction VI , Germany,Tutzing 1999-10-10 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Mustaparta, Hanna. (1999) The macroglomerular complex in two related species of moths: Specified subdiision according toinput information. Association for Chemoreception Sciences XXIIth Congress of Achems , Saramoto, Florida 1999-04-13 - 1999-04-19
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Mustaparta, Hanna. (1998) Projections of receptor neurons and dendritic arborizations of antennal lobe neurons. Norsk Fysiologisk Forening Faglig seminar , Ustadoset 1998-01-29 - 1998-02-01
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (1998) Taste - the other chemical sense in insect and mammals. NTNU Prøveforelesning med oppgitt tema knyttet til doktordisputas , Trondheim 1998-12-15 - 1998-12-15
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (1998) Smerte. NTNU Seminar, Zoologisk institutt , Trondheim 1998-10-10 - 1998-10-10
PosterBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Almaas, Tor Jørgen; Bjaalie, J G; Mustaparta, Hanna. (1998) Comparative study of the macroglomerular complex in the antennal lobe of heliothine moths. XIII Congress of the European Chemoreception Research Organization (ECRO) , Italia, Siena 1998-08-28 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Almaas, Tor Jørgen; Bjaalie, J G; Mustaparta, Hanna. (1998) Functional organization of the macroglomerular complex of the antennal lobe in five species of heliothine moths. International symposium on insect pheromones , Nederland, Wageningen 1998-04-16 -
Populærvitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig. (1997) Integrasjon av informasjon fra kjemiske signaler i antenneloben hos nattsvermeren Helicoverpa assulta. NTNU Informasjonsmøte for jenter ved NTNU , Trondheim 1997-04-17 - 1997-04-17
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Mustaparta, Hanna. (1997) Koding av feromoninformasjon hos en nattsvermer. Norsk Fysiologisk Forening Faglig seminar , Fefor 1997-01-30 - 1997-02-02
PosterBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Almaas, Tor Jørgen; Mustaparta, Hanna. (1997) Topographic organization of the macroglomerular complex in different heliothine moths as revealed by 3D computer graphics. Nineteenth annual meeting of the Association for Chemoreception Sciences (AChems XIX) and the twelfth International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste (ISOT XII) , USA, California, San Diego 1997-04-28 -
PosterBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Almaas, Tor Jørgen; Mustaparta, Hanna. (1997) Functional organization of the macroglomerular complex in two heliothine species, Heliothis virescens and Helicoverpa assulta. European Symposium for Insect Taste and Olfaction (5th ESITO) , Italia, Sardinia, Cagliari 1997-09-26 -
PosterAlmaas, Tor Jørgen; Berg, Bente Gunnveig; Mustaparta, Hanna; Bjaalie, J G. (1997) Topogrphic organization of the macroglomerular complex in different heliothine moth species as revealed by 3D computer graphics. Nineteenth annual meeting of the Association of Chemoreception Sciences (AChems XIX) and the twelfth International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste (ISOT XII) , US, California, San Diego 1997-07-12 -
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Mustaparta, Hanna. (1996) Reseptornevroners respons på feromoner og formiat-analoger hos nattsvermerarten Heliothis virescens. Norsk Fysiologisk Forening Faglig seminar , Geilo 1996-01-28 - 1996-01-31
PosterBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Andresen, Kari Helene; Almaas, Tor Jørgen; Mustaparta, Hanna. (1996) Encoding of pheromones and interspecific information by receptor neurons in five species of heliothine moths. International Society of Chemical Ecology. 13th Annual Meeting , Praha 1996-08-15 -
PosterAlmaas, Tor Jørgen; Amundgaard, Anne Karin; Berg, Bente Gunnveig; Mustaparta, Hanna. (1995) Functional subdivision of the macroglomerular complex in different heliothine moth species. Intetnational Society of Neuroethology (ISN) The 4th International Congress of Neuroethology , Cambridge 1995-09-03 - 1995-09-08
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Mustaparta, Hanna. (1994) Receptor Neuron Responses to Pheromone Compounds and Formate Analogues in the Noctuid Moth Heliothis virescens. Association for Chemoreception Sciences (Achems) Internasjonal vitenskapelig konferanse , Sarasota, Florida 1994-04-13 - 1994-04-17
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Mustaparta, Hanna. (1993) Receptor Neuron Responses to Pheromones and chemical analogues in Heliothis virescens. European Symposium for Insect Taste and Olfaction (ESITO) Internasjonal vitenskapelig konferanse , Sardinia 1993-09-27 - 1993-10-01
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Mustaparta, Hanna. (1993) Reseptornevroner spesialisert for feromonsubstanser hos Helicoverpa assulta. Norsk Fysiologisk Forening Vitenskapelig seminar , Golå 1993-01-27 - 1993-01-29
Vitenskapelig foredragBerg, Bente Gunnveig; Mustaparta, Hanna. (1992) Specificities of Pheromone Receptor Neurons in Helicoverpa assulta. European Chemoreception Research Organization (ECRO) Internasjonal vitenskapelig konferanse , Münich 1992-08-23 - 1992-08-28