Arild Ohren
Democratic innovations, deliberative democracy, representation, democratic theory, participation
PhD Project
In response to the threat posed by democratic deficits, we have seen an increase in interest and use of democratic innovations. My PhD project is about one specific form, namely deliberative mini-publics. Specifically, my project is looking at the representative claim of deliberative mini-publics.
Who or what is being represented in these processes or institutions? Who have the organizers invited to influence policies, and who are they supposed to represent? Viewed in this way, representation becomes a key element of these democratic innovations. As we can see, one important response to democratic deficits has been to increase the participation of citizens. However, if this participation is not considered carefully, the resulting participatory spaces can heighten inequality in society, allowing another space and channel for resourceful people to influence policy. Participatory processes should therefore be measured by the nature and quality of democratic representation achieved through these forms.
The question of representation is therefore an important one when discussing deliberative mini-publics. For us to evaluate the role that deliberative mini-publics could or should have in a democratic system, we must understand their representative quality and potential. My PhD project is a contribution to that discussion, by asking: What is the representative claim of deliberative mini-publics?
On the Advisory Board for Federation for Innovation in Democracy - Europe
Participating in Participedia’s research cluster “Democratic Representation”
Part of the OECD Innovative Citizen Participation Network
Been involved in designing and organizing deliberative mini-publics in Norway. This includes “Borgerkraft” and “Trondheimspanelet” in Trondheim, “Ungt borgerpanel” in Stavanger, and two deliberative mini-publics in Oslo.
Ohren, Arild.
The representative claims of deliberative mini-publics.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (164)
Munthe-Kaas, Heather Eileen Menzies;
Oxman, Andrew David;
Von Lieres, Bettina;
Gloppen, Siri;
Ohren, Arild.
Public participation in decisions about measures to manage the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review.
BMJ Global Health
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Arnesen, Sveinung;
Fimreite, Anne Lise;
Ohren, Arild;
Bjørseth, Pål;
Bentsen, Henrik Litleré;
Aars, Jacob.
Hvordan gjennomføre borgerpanel.
NORCE Norwegian Research Centre
NORCE Norwegian Research Centre
Munthe-Kaas, Heather Eileen Menzies;
Oxman, Andrew David;
Von Lieres, Bettina;
Gloppen, Siri;
Ohren, Arild.
Public participation in decisions about measures to manage the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review.
BMJ Global Health
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Ohren, Arild.
The representative claims of deliberative mini-publics.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (164)
Arnesen, Sveinung;
Fimreite, Anne Lise;
Ohren, Arild;
Bjørseth, Pål;
Bentsen, Henrik Litleré;
Aars, Jacob.
Hvordan gjennomføre borgerpanel.
NORCE Norwegian Research Centre
NORCE Norwegian Research Centre