Oleksandr Dykyy
Stuktural karakterisatjon av biomolekuler med NMR;
Struktur-funkjon relatjon i biomolekuler;
NMR metabolisk profiling av bio-løsninger;
NMR bioprospektering.
Standal, Inger Beate;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Kirkholt, Even Moen;
Shumilina, Elena;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Quality Changes of Cultivated Saccharina latissima as Influenced by Preservation Method During Short Term Storage.
Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Shumilina, Elena;
Skavang, Pernille Kristiane;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Application of NMR spectroscopy for the detection and quantification of phthalic acid in fish muscles: The case of Atlantic Cod from Norwegian Sea.
Marine Environmental Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Marak, Sengnolotha;
Kaushik, Nutan;
Dikiy, Alexander;
Shumilina, Elena;
Falch, Eva.
Nutritionally Enriched Muffins from Roselle Calyx Extract Using Response Surface Methodology.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Marak, Sengnolotha;
Shumilina, Elena;
Kaushik, Nutan;
Falch, Eva;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Effect of Different Drying Methods on the Nutritional Value of Hibiscus sabdariffa Calyces as Revealed by NMR Metabolomics.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Shumilina, Elena;
Andreasen, Christian;
Bitarafan, Zahra;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Determination of Glyphosate in Dried Wheat by 1H-NMR Spectroscopy.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Shumilina, Elena;
Ciampa, Alessandra;
Ytrestøyl, Trine;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Assessment of Astaxanthin Accumulation in Hepatocytes of Atlantic Salmon Fed Different Diets Using NMR Spectroscopy .
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Shumilina, Elena;
Møller, Ida Aksland;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Differentiation of fresh and thawed Atlantic salmon using NMR metabolomics.
Food Chemistry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ytrestøyl, Trine;
Dikiy, Alexander;
Shumulina, Elena;
Bæverfjord, Grete;
Krasnov, Aleksei;
Ciampa, Alessandra.
Effekt av fôr, temperatur og stress på pigmentering i laks. Faglig sluttrapport.
Nofima rapportserie (24/2019)
Kirkholt, Even Moen;
Dikiy, Alexander;
Shumilina, Elena.
Changes in the Composition of Atlantic Salmon upon the Brown Seaweed (Saccharina latissima) Treatment .
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Shumilina, Elena;
Dykyy, Anastasiya;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Development of a statistical model to detect quality and storage conditions of Atlantic salmon.
Food Chemistry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Shumilina, Elena;
Johansen, Trude;
Glasner, Christoph;
Robert, Joseph;
Rustad, Turid;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Application of NMR Spectroscopy and Conventional Analytical Methods for the Assessment of Wastewater from Food Industry.
Waste and Biomass Valorization
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Glasner, Christoph;
Andreasen, Christian;
Vieregge, C;
Dikiy, Alexander;
Fenselau, Johanna;
Bitarafan, Zahra.
Adaptions of Harvesting Methods and Concepts in order to Reduce Weeds on Agricultural Fields and to Gain Potentially a So Far Unexploited Biomass Feedstock.
European biomass conference and exhibition proceedings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Klupsaite, Dovile;
Juodeikiene, Grazina;
Arbones, Enrique;
Quintans, Alfonso Perez;
Zadeike, Daiva;
Bartkiene, Elena.
A Comparison Study on the Production and Recovery of Lactic Acid by Fermenting Dairy By-Products with P. acidilactici and Lb. delbrueckii spp. bulgaricus.
Waste and Biomass Valorization
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Juodeikiene, Grazina;
Cizeikiene, Dalia;
Glasner, Christoph;
Bartkiene, Elena;
Dikiy, Alexander;
Shumilina, Elena.
Evaluation of the potential of utilizing lactic acid bacteria and dairy wastewaters for methane production.
Energy exploration & exploitation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Juodeikiene, Grazina;
Zadeike, Daiva;
Bartkiene, Elena;
Bartkevics, Vadims;
Dikiy, Alexander;
Shumilina, Elena.
Potential of an Exploitation of Acid-Tolerant Antimicrobial Microorganisms Evolving Enzyme Systems for the Utilization of Dairy By-products and Lignocellulosic Biomass to Lactic Acid.
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Shumilina, Elena;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Mozuraityte, R.;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Monitoring of quality changes in salmon and salmon rest raw materials by NMR.
Faglig kapittel
Shumilina, Elena;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Dykyy, Anastasiya;
Stein, Timo Alexander;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Quality changes of salmon by-products during storage: Assessment and quantification by NMR.
Food Chemistry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Shumilina, Elena;
Ciampa, Alessandra;
Capozzi, Francesco;
Rustad, Turid;
Dikiy, Alexander.
NMR approach for monitoring post-mortem changes in Atlantic salmon fillets stored at 0 and 4 °c.
Food Chemistry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Shumilina, Elena;
Dobrovolska, Olena;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Evolution of Structural and Coordination Features Within the Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase B Family.
Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Shumilina, Elena;
Dobrovolska, Olena;
Del Conte, Rebecca;
Holen, Henrik Waldal;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Competitive cobalt for zinc substitution in mammalian methionine sulfoxide reductase B1 overexpressed in E. coli: Structural and functional insight.
JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Dikiy, Alexander.
Mikroèlementy v medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Dobrovolska, Olena;
Rychkov, Georgy;
Shumilina, Elena;
Nerinovski, Kirill;
Schmidt, Alexander;
Shabalin, Konstantin.
Structural Insights into Interaction between Mammalian Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase B1 and Thioredoxin.
Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Marino, Stefano M.;
Gladyshev, Vadim N.;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Structural characterization of mammalian selenoproteins.
Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Shumilina, Elena;
Soldà, Alice;
Gerashchenko, Maxim;
Gladyshev, Vadim N.;
Dikiy, Alexander.
1H, 13C, and 15N NMR resonance assignments of reduced full length and shortened forms of the Grx domain of Mus musculus TGR.
Biomolecular NMR Assignments
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Dobrovolska, Olena;
Shumilina, Elena;
Gladyshev, Vadim N.;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Structural Analysis of Glutaredoxin Domain of Mus musculus Thioredoxin Glutathione Reductase.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Fuentes-Martínez, Yanet;
Godoy-Alcántar, Carolina;
Medrano, Felipe;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Kanamycin A: imine formation in aqueous solution.
Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Musiani, Francesco;
Ciurli, Stefano;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Interaction of selenoprotein W with 14-3-3 proteins: A computational approach.
Journal of Proteome Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aachmann, Finn Lillelund;
Kwak, Geun-Hee;
Del Conte, Rebecca;
Kim, Hwa-Young;
Gladyshev, Vadim N.;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Structural and biochemical analysis of mammalian methionine sulfoxide reductase B2.
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Fuentes-Martínez, Yanet;
Godoy-Alcántar, Carolina;
Medrano, Felipe;
Dikiy, Alexander;
Yatsimirsky, Anatoly K..
Nucleotide recognition by protonated aminoglycosides.
Supramolecular chemistry (Print)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Fuentes-Martínez, Yanet;
Godoy-Alcántar, Carolina;
Medrano, Felipe;
Dikiy, Alexander;
Yatsimirsky, Anatoly K..
Protonation of kanamycin A: Detailing of thermodynamics and protonation sites assignment.
Bioorganic chemistry (Print)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jørgensen, Hanne;
Degnes, Kristin F.;
Dikiy, Alexander;
Fjærvik, Espen;
Klinkenberg, Geir;
Zotchev, Sergey.
Insights into the Evolution of Macrolactam Biosynthesis through Cloning and Comparative Analysis of the Biosynthetic Gene Cluster for a Novel Macrocyclic Lactam, ML-449.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aachmann, Finn Lillelund;
Sal, Lena Solli;
Kim, Hwa-Young;
Marino, Stefano M.;
Gladyshev, Vadim N.;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Insights into function, catalytic mechanism, and fold evolution of selenoprotein methionine sulfoxide reductase B1 through structural analysis.
Journal of Biological Chemistry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lee, Byung Cheon;
Dikiy, Alexander;
Kim, Hwa-Young;
Gladyshev, Vadim N..
Functions and evolution of selenoprotein methionine sulfoxide reductases.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Jørgensen, Hanne;
Degnes, Kristin;
Sletta, Håvard;
Fjærvik, Espen;
Dikiy, Alexander;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Biosynthesis of Macrolactam BE-14106 involves two distinct PKS systems and amino acid processing enzymes for generation of the aminoacyl starter unit.
Chemistry and Biology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Breivik, Åshild S.;
Aachmann, Finn Lillelund;
Sal, Lena Solli;
Kim, Hwa-Young;
Del Conte, Rebecca;
Gladyshev, Vadim N..
H-1, N-15 and C-13 NMR assignments of mouse methionine sulfoxide reductase B2.
Biomolecular NMR Assignments
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brautaset, Trygve;
Sletta, Håvard;
Nedal, Aina;
Borgos, Sven Even F.;
Degnes, Kristin F.;
Bakke, Ingrid.
Improved Antifungal Polyene Macrolides via Engineering of the Nystatin Biosynthetic Genes in Streptomyces noursei.
Chemistry and Biology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sal, Lena Solli;
Aachmann, Finn;
Kim, Hwa-Young;
Gladyshev, Vadim N.;
Dikiy, Alexander.
NMR assignments of 1H, 13C and 15N spectra of methionine sulfoxide reductase B1 from Mus musculus.
Biomolecular NMR Assignments
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Dikiy, Alexander;
Novoselov, Sergey V.;
Fomenko, Dmitri E.;
Sengupta, Aniruddha;
Carlson, Bradley A.;
Cerny, Ronald L..
SelT, SelW, SelH, and Rdx12: Genomics and molecular insights into the functions of selenoproteins of a novel thioredoxin-like family.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aachmann, Finn;
Fomenko, Dmitri E.;
Soragni, Alice;
Gladyshev, Vadim N.;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Solution structure of selenoprotein W and NMR analysis of its interaction with 14-3-3 proteins.
Journal of Biological Chemistry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Dikiy, Alexander;
Funhoff, Enrico;
Averill, Bruce;
Ciurli, Stefano.
New Insights into the Mechanism of Purple Acid Phosphatase through 1H NMR Spectroscopy of the Recombinant Human Enzyme.
Journal of the American Chemical Society
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Standal, Inger Beate;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Kirkholt, Even Moen;
Shumilina, Elena;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Quality Changes of Cultivated Saccharina latissima as Influenced by Preservation Method During Short Term Storage.
Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Shumilina, Elena;
Skavang, Pernille Kristiane;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Application of NMR spectroscopy for the detection and quantification of phthalic acid in fish muscles: The case of Atlantic Cod from Norwegian Sea.
Marine Environmental Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Marak, Sengnolotha;
Kaushik, Nutan;
Dikiy, Alexander;
Shumilina, Elena;
Falch, Eva.
Nutritionally Enriched Muffins from Roselle Calyx Extract Using Response Surface Methodology.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Marak, Sengnolotha;
Shumilina, Elena;
Kaushik, Nutan;
Falch, Eva;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Effect of Different Drying Methods on the Nutritional Value of Hibiscus sabdariffa Calyces as Revealed by NMR Metabolomics.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Shumilina, Elena;
Andreasen, Christian;
Bitarafan, Zahra;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Determination of Glyphosate in Dried Wheat by 1H-NMR Spectroscopy.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Shumilina, Elena;
Ciampa, Alessandra;
Ytrestøyl, Trine;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Assessment of Astaxanthin Accumulation in Hepatocytes of Atlantic Salmon Fed Different Diets Using NMR Spectroscopy .
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Shumilina, Elena;
Møller, Ida Aksland;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Differentiation of fresh and thawed Atlantic salmon using NMR metabolomics.
Food Chemistry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kirkholt, Even Moen;
Dikiy, Alexander;
Shumilina, Elena.
Changes in the Composition of Atlantic Salmon upon the Brown Seaweed (Saccharina latissima) Treatment .
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Shumilina, Elena;
Dykyy, Anastasiya;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Development of a statistical model to detect quality and storage conditions of Atlantic salmon.
Food Chemistry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Shumilina, Elena;
Johansen, Trude;
Glasner, Christoph;
Robert, Joseph;
Rustad, Turid;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Application of NMR Spectroscopy and Conventional Analytical Methods for the Assessment of Wastewater from Food Industry.
Waste and Biomass Valorization
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Glasner, Christoph;
Andreasen, Christian;
Vieregge, C;
Dikiy, Alexander;
Fenselau, Johanna;
Bitarafan, Zahra.
Adaptions of Harvesting Methods and Concepts in order to Reduce Weeds on Agricultural Fields and to Gain Potentially a So Far Unexploited Biomass Feedstock.
European biomass conference and exhibition proceedings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Klupsaite, Dovile;
Juodeikiene, Grazina;
Arbones, Enrique;
Quintans, Alfonso Perez;
Zadeike, Daiva;
Bartkiene, Elena.
A Comparison Study on the Production and Recovery of Lactic Acid by Fermenting Dairy By-Products with P. acidilactici and Lb. delbrueckii spp. bulgaricus.
Waste and Biomass Valorization
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Juodeikiene, Grazina;
Cizeikiene, Dalia;
Glasner, Christoph;
Bartkiene, Elena;
Dikiy, Alexander;
Shumilina, Elena.
Evaluation of the potential of utilizing lactic acid bacteria and dairy wastewaters for methane production.
Energy exploration & exploitation
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Juodeikiene, Grazina;
Zadeike, Daiva;
Bartkiene, Elena;
Bartkevics, Vadims;
Dikiy, Alexander;
Shumilina, Elena.
Potential of an Exploitation of Acid-Tolerant Antimicrobial Microorganisms Evolving Enzyme Systems for the Utilization of Dairy By-products and Lignocellulosic Biomass to Lactic Acid.
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Shumilina, Elena;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Dykyy, Anastasiya;
Stein, Timo Alexander;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Quality changes of salmon by-products during storage: Assessment and quantification by NMR.
Food Chemistry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Shumilina, Elena;
Ciampa, Alessandra;
Capozzi, Francesco;
Rustad, Turid;
Dikiy, Alexander.
NMR approach for monitoring post-mortem changes in Atlantic salmon fillets stored at 0 and 4 °c.
Food Chemistry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Shumilina, Elena;
Dobrovolska, Olena;
Del Conte, Rebecca;
Holen, Henrik Waldal;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Competitive cobalt for zinc substitution in mammalian methionine sulfoxide reductase B1 overexpressed in E. coli: Structural and functional insight.
JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Dikiy, Alexander.
Mikroèlementy v medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Dobrovolska, Olena;
Rychkov, Georgy;
Shumilina, Elena;
Nerinovski, Kirill;
Schmidt, Alexander;
Shabalin, Konstantin.
Structural Insights into Interaction between Mammalian Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase B1 and Thioredoxin.
Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Shumilina, Elena;
Soldà, Alice;
Gerashchenko, Maxim;
Gladyshev, Vadim N.;
Dikiy, Alexander.
1H, 13C, and 15N NMR resonance assignments of reduced full length and shortened forms of the Grx domain of Mus musculus TGR.
Biomolecular NMR Assignments
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Dobrovolska, Olena;
Shumilina, Elena;
Gladyshev, Vadim N.;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Structural Analysis of Glutaredoxin Domain of Mus musculus Thioredoxin Glutathione Reductase.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Fuentes-Martínez, Yanet;
Godoy-Alcántar, Carolina;
Medrano, Felipe;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Kanamycin A: imine formation in aqueous solution.
Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Musiani, Francesco;
Ciurli, Stefano;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Interaction of selenoprotein W with 14-3-3 proteins: A computational approach.
Journal of Proteome Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aachmann, Finn Lillelund;
Kwak, Geun-Hee;
Del Conte, Rebecca;
Kim, Hwa-Young;
Gladyshev, Vadim N.;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Structural and biochemical analysis of mammalian methionine sulfoxide reductase B2.
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Fuentes-Martínez, Yanet;
Godoy-Alcántar, Carolina;
Medrano, Felipe;
Dikiy, Alexander;
Yatsimirsky, Anatoly K..
Nucleotide recognition by protonated aminoglycosides.
Supramolecular chemistry (Print)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Fuentes-Martínez, Yanet;
Godoy-Alcántar, Carolina;
Medrano, Felipe;
Dikiy, Alexander;
Yatsimirsky, Anatoly K..
Protonation of kanamycin A: Detailing of thermodynamics and protonation sites assignment.
Bioorganic chemistry (Print)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jørgensen, Hanne;
Degnes, Kristin F.;
Dikiy, Alexander;
Fjærvik, Espen;
Klinkenberg, Geir;
Zotchev, Sergey.
Insights into the Evolution of Macrolactam Biosynthesis through Cloning and Comparative Analysis of the Biosynthetic Gene Cluster for a Novel Macrocyclic Lactam, ML-449.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aachmann, Finn Lillelund;
Sal, Lena Solli;
Kim, Hwa-Young;
Marino, Stefano M.;
Gladyshev, Vadim N.;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Insights into function, catalytic mechanism, and fold evolution of selenoprotein methionine sulfoxide reductase B1 through structural analysis.
Journal of Biological Chemistry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lee, Byung Cheon;
Dikiy, Alexander;
Kim, Hwa-Young;
Gladyshev, Vadim N..
Functions and evolution of selenoprotein methionine sulfoxide reductases.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Jørgensen, Hanne;
Degnes, Kristin;
Sletta, Håvard;
Fjærvik, Espen;
Dikiy, Alexander;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Biosynthesis of Macrolactam BE-14106 involves two distinct PKS systems and amino acid processing enzymes for generation of the aminoacyl starter unit.
Chemistry and Biology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Breivik, Åshild S.;
Aachmann, Finn Lillelund;
Sal, Lena Solli;
Kim, Hwa-Young;
Del Conte, Rebecca;
Gladyshev, Vadim N..
H-1, N-15 and C-13 NMR assignments of mouse methionine sulfoxide reductase B2.
Biomolecular NMR Assignments
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brautaset, Trygve;
Sletta, Håvard;
Nedal, Aina;
Borgos, Sven Even F.;
Degnes, Kristin F.;
Bakke, Ingrid.
Improved Antifungal Polyene Macrolides via Engineering of the Nystatin Biosynthetic Genes in Streptomyces noursei.
Chemistry and Biology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sal, Lena Solli;
Aachmann, Finn;
Kim, Hwa-Young;
Gladyshev, Vadim N.;
Dikiy, Alexander.
NMR assignments of 1H, 13C and 15N spectra of methionine sulfoxide reductase B1 from Mus musculus.
Biomolecular NMR Assignments
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Dikiy, Alexander;
Novoselov, Sergey V.;
Fomenko, Dmitri E.;
Sengupta, Aniruddha;
Carlson, Bradley A.;
Cerny, Ronald L..
SelT, SelW, SelH, and Rdx12: Genomics and molecular insights into the functions of selenoproteins of a novel thioredoxin-like family.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Aachmann, Finn;
Fomenko, Dmitri E.;
Soragni, Alice;
Gladyshev, Vadim N.;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Solution structure of selenoprotein W and NMR analysis of its interaction with 14-3-3 proteins.
Journal of Biological Chemistry
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Dikiy, Alexander;
Funhoff, Enrico;
Averill, Bruce;
Ciurli, Stefano.
New Insights into the Mechanism of Purple Acid Phosphatase through 1H NMR Spectroscopy of the Recombinant Human Enzyme.
Journal of the American Chemical Society
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Del av bok/rapport
Shumilina, Elena;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Mozuraityte, R.;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Monitoring of quality changes in salmon and salmon rest raw materials by NMR.
Faglig kapittel
Shumilina, Elena;
Dobrovolska, Olena;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Evolution of Structural and Coordination Features Within the Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase B Family.
Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Marino, Stefano M.;
Gladyshev, Vadim N.;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Structural characterization of mammalian selenoproteins.
Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Ytrestøyl, Trine;
Dikiy, Alexander;
Shumulina, Elena;
Bæverfjord, Grete;
Krasnov, Aleksei;
Ciampa, Alessandra.
Effekt av fôr, temperatur og stress på pigmentering i laks. Faglig sluttrapport.
Nofima rapportserie (24/2019)
Faglig foredragYtrestøyl, Trine; Morken, Thea; Mullins, Julia; Aas, Turid Synnøve; Dikiy, Alexander; Skavang, Pernille Kristiane. (2021) Effect of dietary retinol concentration on astaxanthin utilisation in Atlantic salmon and implications of stress. European Aquaculture Society (eas) Aquaculture Europe 2021 , Madeira 2021-10-04 - 2021-10-07
PosterYtrestøyl, Trine; Ruyter, Bente; Hatlen, Bjarne; Shumilina, Elena; Ciampa, Alessandra; Bou, Marta. (2019) How diet composition and environmental factors affect the uptake and metabolism of astaxanthin in Atlantic salmon. European Aquaculture Society conference , Berlin 2019-10-07 - 2019-10-10
Vitenskapelig foredragYtrestøyl, Trine; Ruyter, Bente; Hatlen, Bjarne; Shumilina, Elena; Ciampa, Alessandra; Bou, Marta. (2019) How diet composition and environmental factors affect the uptake and metabolism of astaxanthin in Atlantic salmon (Salmo Salar). European Aquaculture sociaty (EAS) Our Future Growing from Water , Berlin 2019-10-07 - 2019-10-10
PosterYtrestøyl, Trine; Ruyter, Bente; Hatlen, Bjarne; Østbye, Tone-Kari K; Dikiy, Alexander; Shumilina, Elena. (2018) Betydning av fôrets sammensetning for utnyttelse av astaxanthin i laks. Forskningsrådet og FHF Havbruk 2018 – Havbruk i samfunnet , Oslo 2018-04-18 - 2018-04-20
PosterYtrestøyl, Trine; Dikiy, Alexander; Shumilina, Elena; Ciampa, Alessandra; Ruyter, Bente; Hatlen, Bjarne. (2018) Effect of diet composition on utilization of astaxanthin in Atlantic salmon. 18th International Sympoisum on fish Nutrition and Feeding (ISFNF) , Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 2018-06-03 - 2018-06-07
PosterJuodeikiene, Grazina; Cizeikiene, Dalia; Glasner, Christoph; Bartkiene, Elena; Klupsaite, Dovile; Damasius, Jonas. (2017) Dairy wastewater recycling possibilities to biogas production applying lactic acid fermentation in the acidification stage. UNITED Scientific Group International conference on "Clean Energy for the World’s Electricity Grids" , Geneve 2017-11-20 - 2017-11-22
PosterGlasner, Christoph; Reichl, Norbert; Juodeikiene, Grazina; Dikiy, Alexander; Foncesa, Cesar; Diberardino, Santino. (2015) Application of biotools for recycling of dairy by-products to stereospecific lactic acid and lactose free substrate. The International Dairy Federation World Dairy Summit "Closing the Nutritional Gap with Sustainable Dairy" , Vilnius 2015-09-20 - 2015-09-24
PosterGlasner, Christoph; Juodeikiene, Grazina; Cizeikiene, Dalia; Damasius, Jonas; Shumilina, Elena; Dikiy, Alexander. (2015) Bio-recycling of dairy industry residues to organic acids isomers and other metabolites by using bacteriocins producing LAB. The International Dairy Federation World Dairy Summit "Closing the Nutritional Gap with Sustainable Dairy" , Vilnius 2015-09-20 - 2015-09-24
Vitenskapelig foredragSlizyte, Rasa; Shumilina, Elena; Mozuraityte, Revilija; Dikiy, Alexander. (2014) Sensitive and advanced technique (NMR)as a tool for identification of quality changes in marine rest raw materials. AZTI-Tecnalia WEFTA 2014. SEAFOOD Science for changing demand , Bilbao 2014-06-09 - 2014-06-11
Vitenskapelig foredragJørgensen, Hanne; Engelhardt, Kerstin; Sletta, Håvard; Fjærvik, Espen; Klinkenberg, Geir; Degnes, Kristin F.. (2009) Streptomycetes and other actinobacteria from the Trondheim fjord (Norway): diversity, secondary metabolites, and genes for their biosynthesis. Symposium on the Biology of Streptomyces , Muenster 2009-10-07 - 2009-10-11
Vitenskapelig foredragAachmann, Finn Lillelund; Sal, Lena Solli; Dikiy, Alexander. (2009) Structural Characterization of Mammalian Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase B1 and its Functional Peculiarities. University of Copenhagen 30th Danish NMR Meeting , SBiN Lab, Copenhagen 2009-01-26 - 2009-01-27
Vitenskapelig foredragZotchev, Sergey; Jørgensen, Hanne; Degnes, Kristin F.; Sletta, Håvard; Fjærvik, Espen; Dikiy, Alexander. (2009) SMALL-RING MACROLACTAMS WITH ACYL SIDE CHAIN: NEW INSIGHTS INTO THE BIOSYNTHESIS AND ITS EVOLUTION. 15th International Symposium on the Biology of Actinomycetes , Shanghai 2009-08-20 - 2009-08-25
PosterAachmann, Finn Lillelund; Sal, Lena Solli; Hwa-Young, Kim; Gladyshev, Vadim N.; Dikiy, Alexander. (2009) Functional insights into the catalytic mechanism of methionine sulfoxide reductase B1 through its structural analysis. Euromar 2009 , Göteborg 2009-07-05 - 2009-07-09
PosterJørgensen, Hanne; Degnes, Kristin F.; Sletta, Håvard; Fjærvik, Espen; Dikiy, Alexander; Herfindal, Lars. (2009) The biosynthesis of macrolactam BE-14106: a new way of generating an aminoacyl starter unit. The Fifteenth International Symposium on the Biology of Actinomycetes 2009 (ISBA15) 2009-08-20 - 2009-08-25