Marit Kathryn Corneil
Jeg er universitetslektor og doktorgradskandidat i filmvitenskap ved Institutt for kunst og medievitenskap. Jeg er utdannet Cand. Phil i filmvitenskap, med dokumentarfilm historie som forskningsområde.
Jeg underviser bachelorstudenter i filmvitenskap og film og videoproduksjon, og veileder på bacheloroppgaver.
Faglige og forksningsinteresser
- Dokumentarfilmhistorie og teori
- filmteori
- fiksjonsfilm
- digital teknologier
- sosiale medier
- webdokumentar
- participatory video
- lyd i dokumentarfilm
- Jurymedlem ved Kosmorama, Minimalen og Femmina film festivaler
- utvalg for tekst i Fond for Lyd og Bilde (KUD) fra 2011 - 2014
- styremedlem ved Midtnorsk Filmsenter 2005 - 2011.
Doktoravhandling under ferdigstillelse: Documentary as Praxis
i prosjektet Digital Eye (NFR 2005-2010) ledet av Professor Bjørn Sørenssen
Corneil, Marit Kathryn.
"On the Katrina Films" - Lecture and film presentation.
Långban Miljöfilmfestival
Corneil, Marit Kathryn.
Den klassiske dokumentarfilm.
Wuxia film og kritikk
Corneil, Marit Kathryn.
Docmedia: den interaktive dokumentaren.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Corneil, Marit Kathryn;
Boyle, Deirdre.
No Place Like Home: Kamal Aljafari.
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Corneil, Marit Kathryn.
Dem Leben Geschichten abtrotzen - orale/aurale Selbstmythologisierung in Pour la suite du Monde [2010].
Verlag Vorwerk 8
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Corneil, Marit Kathryn.
The Accumulation of Rage: Sylvain George.
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Corneil, Marit Kathryn.
Citizenship and Participatory Video.
AltaMira Press
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Corneil, Marit Kathryn.
Winds and Things: towards a reassessment of the Challenge for Change/Société Nouvelle legacy.
McGill-Queen's University Press
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Corneil, Marit Kathryn.
Seizing Novels From Life: oral/aural self-mythologizing in Pour La Suite Du Monde.
Intervention Press
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Corneil, Marit Kathryn.
Fra medieteknologiens kontra-revolusjonær fortid til dokumentarfilmens etiske fremtid. Et intervju med Brian Winston.
Norsk medietidsskrift (NMT)
Intervju tidsskrift
Corneil, Marit Kathryn.
Usynlige Offentligheter? Dokumentarfilm og Web 2.0.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Corneil, Marit Kathryn.
Challenge for change. An experiment in documentary ethics at the National Film Board of Canada.
NTNU/Institute of Art and Media Studies
Corneil, Marit Kathryn.
Den klassiske dokumentarfilm.
Wuxia film og kritikk
Corneil, Marit Kathryn;
Boyle, Deirdre.
No Place Like Home: Kamal Aljafari.
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Corneil, Marit Kathryn.
The Accumulation of Rage: Sylvain George.
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Corneil, Marit Kathryn.
Fra medieteknologiens kontra-revolusjonær fortid til dokumentarfilmens etiske fremtid. Et intervju med Brian Winston.
Norsk medietidsskrift (NMT)
Intervju tidsskrift
Del av bok/rapport
Corneil, Marit Kathryn.
Docmedia: den interaktive dokumentaren.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Corneil, Marit Kathryn.
Dem Leben Geschichten abtrotzen - orale/aurale Selbstmythologisierung in Pour la suite du Monde [2010].
Verlag Vorwerk 8
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Corneil, Marit Kathryn.
Citizenship and Participatory Video.
AltaMira Press
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Corneil, Marit Kathryn.
Winds and Things: towards a reassessment of the Challenge for Change/Société Nouvelle legacy.
McGill-Queen's University Press
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Corneil, Marit Kathryn.
Seizing Novels From Life: oral/aural self-mythologizing in Pour La Suite Du Monde.
Intervention Press
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Corneil, Marit Kathryn.
Usynlige Offentligheter? Dokumentarfilm og Web 2.0.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Corneil, Marit Kathryn.
Challenge for change. An experiment in documentary ethics at the National Film Board of Canada.
NTNU/Institute of Art and Media Studies
Corneil, Marit Kathryn.
"On the Katrina Films" - Lecture and film presentation.
Långban Miljöfilmfestival
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn. (2019) Paper: Expanding Documentary: experiments in total cinema Panel: Embodying the Humanitarian in Immersive Documentary and Virtual Reality. SCMS Society of Cinema and Media Studies International Conference , Seattle, WA 2019-03-13 - 2019-03-17
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn. (2018) Panel organizer/ chair: "Standing With Indigenous Documentary Media" Paper: "The Whole World Is Watching". University of Indiana Visible Evidence, International Documentary Studies Conference , Bloomington 2018-08-08 - 2018-08-11
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn. (2018) Panel organizer/ chair: Mainstreaming the War Documentary Paper: Intro and Response. University of Indiana Visible Evidence, International Documentary Studies Conference , Bloomington 2018-08-08 - 2018-08-11
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn. (2016) Panel Chair: Documentary and Politics; Strategies of intervention in contemporary documentary Paper:”How To Film a Protest; newsreel in the age of YouTube” . Montana State University Visible Evidence XXVIII International Documentary Studies , Bozeman, Montana 2016-08-11 - 2016-08-14
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn. (2016) Documentary Pedagogies 2: “Teaching History, Theory and Analysis through digital media practice.”. Montana State Visible Evidence XXIII International Documentary Studies , Bozeman, Montana 2016-08-11 - 2016-08-14
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn. (2015) "Small Films: Micro-documentary as Cinematic Potency". York University, Ryerson University, University of Toronto Visible Evidence XXII: International Documentary Studies Conference , Toronto 2015-08-19 - 2015-08-22
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn; Tiller, Asbjørn. (2015) "Asynchronicity as Method and Argument". Hunter College/ CUNY The Third Work: Sound/Image/Interaction: symposium on sound in non-fiction media , New York City 2015-11-13 - 2015-11-15
Vitenskapelig foredragTiller, Asbjørn; Corneil, Marit Kathryn. (2015) Asynchronism in non-fiction film. Hunter College The Third Work: Sound/Image/Interaction , New York 2015-11-13 - 2015-11-14
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn. (2015) "Playing Games With Documentary" - The Documentary Gesture. Concordia University Society of Cinema and Media Studies Annual Conference , Montreal 2015-03-25 - 2015-03-29
Populærvitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn. (2014) Nasjonalismens ansikter: "Nasjon uten stat" panel vert med innlegg. Kosmorama/ IKM Kosmorama Trondheim Internasjonal Filmfestival , Trondheim 2014-05-01 - 2014-05-01
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn. (2014) "Docmedia: deltagende eller interaktiv?". NTNU Norsk Medieforskerkonferanse: "20 år med WWW: perspektiver og konsekvenser" , Rica hotell 2014-10-23 - 2014-10-24
Faglig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn. (2014) "Peleshyan" - panel innlegg. Minimalen/ IKM Minimalen Kortfilmfestival , Trondheim 2014-03-14 - 2014-03-15
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn. (2013) Sonic Sensations; counterpoint and diegesis in recent ethnographies. Stockholm University, Dept. Cinema Studies Visible Evidence XX, international documentary studies conference , Stockholm 2013-08-15 - 2013-08-18
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn. (2012) Folding Ethnography: Transgressive Enactment in Documentary, Art and Anthropology. Dept. of Media Studies, Stockholm University Subjectivity, Transgression, Agency! Enactment and First Person Narratives in Documentary Film and Media , Filmhuset, Stockholm 2012-09-17 - 2012-09-18
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn. (2012) Imag(in)ing the Flood: On the Katrina films and phantom evidence, before and after the flood. Australian National University Visible Evidence 19 , Canberra 2012-12-19 - 2012-12-21
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn. (2012) Helge Ingstad in Canada: a view to the shore. Nasjonal Biblioteket Fra Grønland til Galapagos: norsk ekspedisjonsfilm , Oslo 2012-09-06 - 2012-09-07
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn. (2011) Documentary Practice and Digital Technology. Centre franco-norvegienne en sciences sociales et humaines Technology, Media. Politics , Paris 2011-11-24 - 2011-11-25
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn. (2011) Archive of the Living and the Dead: On the Documentary Practice of Donnigan Cumming. Tisch School of the Arts- NYU Visible Evidence 18: International Conference of Documentary Studies , New York, NY 2011-08-11 - 2011-08-14
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn. (2011) K-docs,Webdocs and Interactive Narrative. Concordia University D/N/A Database, Narrative, Archive: Int.Symposium on Nonlinear Digital Storytelling , Montreal 2011-05-13 - 2011-05-15
Populærvitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn. (2010) No Place Like Home: the documentary cinema of Kamal Aljafari. Institutt for kunst og medievitenskap/NTNU IKM dagene , Trondheim 2010-11-05 - 2010-11-05
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn; Boyle, Deirdre. (2010) No Place Like Home; the cinema of Kamal Aljafari. Bogazici University Visible Evidence XVII , Istanbul 2010-08-09 - 2010-08-12
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn. (2010) Archiving the Living and the Dead: on the documentary work of Donigan Cumming. Centre Franco-Norvegien en Sciences Sociales et Humaines INDEX - art/archive/politics , Maison des Sciences de l'homme, Paris 2010-11-24 - 2010-11-25
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn. (2009) Depicting (the/a) People. School of Cinematic Arts, University of Southern California Visible Evidence XVI , Los Angeles 2009-08-13 - 2009-08-17
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn. (2008) Performing the Real in the Community to Come. Lincoln University Visible Evidence XV: Internasjonalt konferanse om dokumentarfilm , Lincoln, U.K. 2008-08-04 - 2008-08-08
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn. (2007) Documentary Reciprocities: Sharing the DV Camera. Ruhr-Universitat/ Bochum XIV Visible Evidence , Bochum 2007-12-18 - 2007-12-21
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn. (2007) Digital Video Orchids and the Cine-Eye-Ear. University of Chicago Society of Film and Media Studies Annual Conference (SCMS) , Chicago 2007-03-08 - 2007-03-11
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn. (2007) The Voice in Documentary. Ryerson University/ School og Image Arts Graduate Program in Documentary Media/ Inaugural Lecture Series , Toronto 2007-10-30 - 2007-10-30
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn. (2007) Seizing Novels From Life: 'Pedovision' and Oral/Aural Self Mythologizing in Pour La Suite Du Monde (1963). Nordic Anthropological Film Association/NTNU NAFA/ Sound and Image , NTNU 2007-06-14 - 2007-06-16
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn. (2007) Digital Eye:Documentary and Realism in the Age of Digital Audiovisual Convergence: an inquiry into new modes of articulation and social participation in digital AV media. Norwegian Research Council KIM Lysebu Seminar , Lysebu 2007-05-30 - 2007-05-31
Vitenskapelig foredragDammen, Christin; Corneil, Marit Kathryn. (2006) The Subjunctive and the Subjective: On the implications of digital technology for documentary theory and practice. It's All True - International Documentary Film Festival The XIII Visible Evidence - International Meeting of Documentary Scholars , São Paulo og Rio de Janeiro 2006-08-06 - 2006-08-12
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn. (2006) Documentary as Praxis: some notes on ethics and documentary. SCMS 2006 Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference , Vancouver 2006-03-02 - 2006-03-06
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn. (2006) Digital Video on the Internet and the DV Documentary: documentary as personal expression in the age of 'biographical solutions to systemic problems.'. NMFL Norsk Medieforkerlags Konferanse 2006 , Bergen 2006-10-19 - 2006-10-20
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn; Dammen, Christin. (2006) Digital Implications Panel. USP/It's All True festival Visible Evidence XIII , Sao Paulo 2006-08-04 - 2006-08-12
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn. (2006) Documentary, Democracy and Digital Video on the Internet. Kulturteknikker/Hivolda/UiB Technology and the Public Sphere PHD kurs , Bergen 2006-11-14 - 2006-11-17
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn. (2005) Into New Modes of Articulation and Social Participation in Digital Audiovisual Media. / project: Bridging The Digital Divide - Documentary as Personal Expression and Communication: the application of digital video in the recovery of identity and participation in the public sphere. Concordia University Visible Evidence XII , Montreal 2005-08-21 - 2005-08-25
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn. (2005) Coming to Voice or Containing Voice: on the ‘contested terrain’ of public access media. Aalborg University The 17th Nordic Media Research Conference , Aalborg 2005-08-11 - 2005-08-14
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn. (2005) On the aesthetics and politics of public access media. University of Copenhagen Conference: Aesthetics and Politics , København 2005-06-03 - 2005-06-06
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn. (2005) Artistic Collecting: on digital video and personal expression. UiO, NTNU It Must be Abstract , New York 2005-11-08 - 2005-11-11
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn; Sørenssen, Bjørn. (2005) Digital Eye: Documentary and Realism in the Age of Audiovisual Convergence.An Inquiry Into New Modes of Articulation and Social Participation in Digital Audiovisual Media. /. NFR KIM (Communications, ICT and Media) conference , Jægtvollen 2005-05-24 - 2005-05-25
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn. (2005) Documentary film and video: truth claim or truth-telling as a practice of personal ethics? On Foucault’s ethics/. Centre de Cooperation Franco-norvegienne/Maison des Science Tendencies in French Art and Literature , Paris 2005-04-19 - 2005-04-21
Vitenskapelig foredragCorneil, Marit Kathryn. (2004) Witnessing from the Inside: on the genealogy of �observationalism� in documentary cinema. Prof. Per Buvik (UiB) og Prof. Knut Stene Johanssen (UiO) 'Vitne/ temoignage' seminaret , Centre de Cooperation Franco-norvegienne in Paris 2004-11-18 - 2004-11-21