Johann Agust Sigurdsson
Telephone: GSM (00354) 897 79 19
Born: February 3, 1948, Siglufjördur, Iceland
Languages: Icelandic (native), Swedish, English.
(understand Danish and Norwegian).
Professor in general practice (50%), and senior researcher (50%) at the General Practice Research Unit, Department of Public Health and General Practice, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway.
Professor in Family Medicine (20%), University of Iceland/ The Developmental at the Primary Health Care of the Capital Area, Iceland.
1975: Graduated from The Medical School at the University of Iceland.
1977: Certified medical doctor in Iceland.
1979: Certified medical doctor in Sweden.
1980: Specialist in General Practice in Sweden
1981: Specialist in Family Medicine in Iceland.
1982: Doctor of Medical Science at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Tutor: Professor Calle Bengtsson.
1989: Docent (associate professor, an educational and scientific degree) at the University of Gothenburg.
2013. Specialist in General Practice Norway
Pedagogic education and skills:
At the beginning of my academic career, the "docent" degree in Gothenburg was considered to be the basic pedagogic course needed for an academic chair. Besides this pedagogic degree, I have attended several courses in pedagogy, for example:
"Samtalsteknik med videoplay-back
" in 1980, Gert Wredmark. One week course.
"PBL", a 3 day-course in 1999 in Iceland. Our teacher was Dr. Stewart Mennin, from Albuquerque, New Mexico. This type of teaching was implemented in the Faculty of Medicine in 2001.
"Teaching the Teachers"
2-day course (Arranged by EURACT Wonca).
Most of my pedagogic skills, however, are based on my formal positions and experience as a teacher since 1986. Of importance is what I have been teaching. This is therefore illustrated in the headlines of my lectures at CME meetings (see list of lectures below) as well as the group-based learning seminars in undergraduate teaching done with other teachers in general practice, rotating stations, small group teaching in the sixth year of medical school in 2010).
I have now held an academic position as a teacher since 1986. During this time, I have been involved in the teaching and professional development of general practice at all levels of teaching, that is, in the undergraduate, postgraduate and the CME phases. I have experience with PBL teaching, small group teaching, one-to-one clinical teaching and as a lecturer and a plenary speaker at national and international conferences.
1975-77: Trainee at hospitals and in primary health care in Iceland.
1977-78: Trainee in gynaecology and obstetrics (1 year) in Vänersborg-Trollhättan, Sweden.
1978-81: Trainee in general practice (Sahlgrenska sjukhuset and health care centres) in Gothenburg, Sweden.
1981- 2013: General Practitioner (100% from 1981 to 1991, and 20% after 1991 to 2013) at the Health Centre of Hafnarfjördur, Iceland.
1981- 91 Chief Medical Officer (distriktsöverläkare/fylkeslege) in Reykjanes District, Iceland, (50,000 inhabitants).
1986-90: Assistant and later associate Professor of the Department of Family Medicine, University of Iceland.
1991-2013 Professor in Family Medicine, Department of Family Medicine, University of Iceland. In parallel, working as part-time GP (30%) in Solvangur Health Centre, Hafnarfjördur.
1998-2000: Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland.
2009-13 :Head of the Developmental Unit (Centre of Prevention, Education, Research and Development), Primary Health Care of the Capital Area, Reykjavík.
2013- Professor in general practice (50%), Department of Public Health and General Practice, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway
2013- Senior Researcher, General Practice Research Unit, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway.
Research activities and profile
Cardiovascular risk factors- epidemiological studies
In the beginning of my academic career, my research was mainly within the field of epidemiology. We studied traditional risk factors for cardiovascular diseases among women. This research was based on the population study of women in Göteborg (Kvinnoundersökningen), which started in 1967-68 with a follow-up at 6, 12, 24, and 32 years. This study is still going on.
The content of practice
We have done several studies on the content of general practice. With the help of computerized medical records in primary health care in the 1990s, we were able to gather large databases of all primary care contacts. We studied the reasons for contact, main diagnoses and diagnostic categories, as well as the problem-solving processes.
Infectious diseases, epidemiology and antimicrobial resistance
Infectious diseases in primary care have been one of my favourite research fields. We have published several papers on upper respiratory tract infections, otitis media, Herpes zoster, and urinary tract infections. These studies are connected to further studies on prescribing habits as well as the association between frequent use of antimicrobial drugs and development of resistant bacteria outside hospitals.
Modelling studies on the implementation of clinical guidelines
In recent years I have collaborated fruitfully with the University of Trondheim on modelling studies on implementing new guidelines within the field of cardiovascular epidemiology. These studies are based on the HUNT population studies in North Tröndelag, Norway. Our present projects on multimorbidity are based on the HUNT 2 and HUNT 3 studies.
Ethical issues and dilemmas
I and my co-workers have published several research papers and debate papers, editorials, books, book chapters and a supplement on ethical issues, for example, on early ultrasound screening during pregnancy, cancer screening, medicalisation and problems with implementing clinical guidelines.
Maternity care and baby wellbeing
From 2008 to 2010, we have collected a large amount of data based on questionnaires from pregnant women in Iceland; phase I in weeks 12-20 of their pregnancies; phase II 2-4 months after birth; and phase III 12-18 months after birth. The cohort in phase I was about 25% of all pregnant women in Iceland at that time. Several projects, PhD, MsD, and other projects, published from this cohort..
A detailed list of all publications is to be found in a separate document (see CV above).
1980 Konrad and Helfrid Johansson's Medical Research Foundation, Gothenburg.
1981. Konrad and Helfrid Johansson's Medical Research Foundation, Gothenburg.
1982. Educational grant for PhD education, Gothenburg.
1984. Letterstedska Foundation, Gothenburg.
1984. The Medical Faculty Committee, Gothenburg.
1987 and 1993. Scientific Foundation at the University of Iceland for several projects.
1995. Nordic prize award (Agda and Friederics Foundation, Denmark).
1995-to present. Grants from the Scientific Fund – The Icelandic College of Family Physicians of about ISK 1,000,000 per year for different projects connected to supervision of general practitioners.
Editorial work
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care.
I had the opportunity to join the group which created the Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care and belong to the editorial board from the very start in 1982 until 2010 (28 years in all):
Member of the Editorial Board, Iceland 1983-1985.
National Editor, Iceland from 1986 to June 2010.
During this time we worked on the quality of the journal, indexing in Index Medicus, financial contracts with the publishers, layout, and creation of the Nordic Federation of General Practice, which then owned the journal.
"Infektioner i primävården" (Infections in primary care)"
- a Scandinavian textbook. I was one of six editors (Mårdh PA, Borchgrevink C, Gorbatow O, Hovelius B, Mabeck CE, Schwan A, Sigurdsson JA.) 1-427 p, Stockholm, Almquist & Wiksell förlag 1986.
Læknablaðið (The Icelandic Medical Journal)
Editor from 1994-1998.
Supervision for higher academic degrees
Main supervisor for Thorsteinn Njálsson, who defended his PhD thesis 1995.
Co- supervisor for Karl Krisjánsson, who defended his PhD thesis 2002.
Main supervisor for Vilhjálmur Ari Arason, who defended his PhD thesis 2006.
Supervisor for Ágústa Gudmarsdottir, who defended her MsD thesis 2008.
Co-supervisor for Hálfdán Pétursson, who defended his PhD thesis 2012.
Supervisor for Margrét Ólafía Tómasdottir. Ongoing PhD project.
Supervision for other academic projects and professional development
I have been a supervisor for dozens of doctors, working on smaller projects, which have led to publication of one or more scientific papers or reports. This type of supervision is further illustrated in my publication list on original papers and abstracts.
Opponent for PhD defences
Eva Melander, University of Malmö/Lund, 2000
Ronny Gunnarsson, University of Göteborg, 2001
Anni Britt Sternhagen Nielsen, University of Copenhagen, 2005
Katarina Hedin, Lund University, 2007
Eivind Ness-Jensen, NTNU 25 febr 2014, (3 opponent)
Per-Daniel Sundvall University of Göteborg 23 May 2014.
Göran Waller, Umeå university 2015
Evaluation committees for higher academic qualifications/posts
Member of evaluation committees for applicants seeking the post of professor/head of research unit in: Oslo (1993), Tammerfors (1993), Uppsala (1995), Göteborg (1998), Turku (2004), Göteborg (2006, Bertil Marklund promotion to a part-time post), Odense (2010), Århus (2010), Turku (2011-2012), Tampere (2011-2012), Oslo (2014), Oslo 2015), Oslo 2016).
Other higher academic qualifications/posts
Member of several committ0ees for evaluation of applicants for lector (assistant professor) or docent (associate professor) qualifications or promotions to professor qualifications (Bryndís Benediktsdóttir, Gudrun Kristjánsdóttir, Geir Gunnlaugsson, Bertil Marklund (2000), Emil L. Sigurdsson, Thorsteinn Njálsson, XYnurse, Rafn Benediktsson, Sigurdur Thorlacius)
Nordic Congresses of General Practicehe
From the very beginning of the first Nordic Congress of General Practice in Copenhangen 1979, I have been involved in the arrangement of these congresses, which are held every second year in Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden and Iceland. I have had the opportunity to be president of all three of the congresses held in Iceland (1987, 1997 and 2007) and at present joining the scientific committé in the upcoming congress in Iceland 2017. I have participated in all of these congresses since 1979. Since 2005, During my time as National Editor of the Scand J Primary Health Care and as a member of the organizing commitées of the Nordic Congresses, I had the ooportunity to participate in the development of The Nordic Federation of General Practice, formally established in Stockholm 2005, which is now the owner of the congresses and the journal.
International networking in general practice research
I have participated in several international teams and research groups with the aim of increasing the quality of primary health care and the professionalism in general practice. I will mention some of these:
Kvinnoundersökningen i Göteborg
(I have been on the research team the last 34 years); see further my list of publications.
Helseundersökelserne i Nord Tröndelag
The HUNT studies, together with my wife, Linn Getz, and others at the research unit at NTNU, Trondheim, Norway. See further my list of publications.
Nordic Risk Group.
A network of 20 people, representing all the Nordic countries. We meet yearly to discuss new research fields, ideology and strategies for sustainable medicine. This co-operation has led to new ideas and formulation of new research questions. We have published book in Swedish and Danish and organized workshops on several topics at the Nordic congresses of General Practice and Wonca Europe conferences.
Creation of the academic milieu in general practice in Iceland (Department of Family Medicine)
The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Iceland established a chair for professor in General Practice/Family Medicine in 1991. I became the first professor. Since then I have been responsible for the academic development of general practice in Iceland. The aim was to create an academic discipline meeting a standard similar to that of newly established departments in general practice in the other Nordic countries. We were responsible for undergraduate teaching, postgraduate teaching, research, development of the discipline of primary health care and administrative work within the academy. Early on we started a course in early patient contact (at 1st year), course in "Humaniora" (medicinska adfersfag), with courses in communication and consultation skills, and courses in integrated biography and biology. For the 3rd year medical curriculum we were responsible for teaching the "Scientific Methods" course in statistics and critical appraisal of the medical literature. In the 6th year we were also seeing to the clinical teaching at the health care centres.
Our academic tasks have therefore always been to support this platform. There, our college, The Icelandic College of Family Practice, has played a central role and been the main supporter of the platform and all our academic work.
In 1992, we started to create research projects based on the interests of the General Practitioners working at the Health Care Centres all around Iceland (decentralised, practice based research). The results of this work can be seen in our publications, most of which can be found in my publication list. By an agreement with the state, part of GPs salaries go to a certain Research Fund, This fund now which finances most of our research an developmental projects in primary care.
In 1995 we managed to start an educational program for specialist training in family medicine. At present we have 40 doctors who participate in this programme.
At present we have managed to establish academic general practice of high quality, but it can still be better, and we have challenging tasks ahead.
Promoting general practice in Trondheim
The whole medical curriculum at the university of Tronheim (NTNU) is under revision from 2013. One of the aims of the new curriculum is to increase the quality of primary health care anong professionals. From 2014, I am a head of of a sub-committee working on primary health care in this new curriculum.
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Linnet, Kristjan;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Gudmundsson, Larus Steinthor;
Blondal, Anna Bryndis;
Jonsson, Jon Steinar.
Sjúkdómamynsur langtímanotenda vægra ópíóíða. .
17. Heimilislæknaþing FÍH, Reykjavík 17.-18. október 2024
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Villta lyfjavestrið.
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Notkun þunglyndislyfja meðal barna og ungs fólks – SSRI -lyf ávanamyndandi.
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Maagaard, Roar;
Emdin, Carolina;
Gilbert, Olga;
Stavenuiter, Cees;
Arnardottir, Salóme Ásta.
General practice and sustainability in the Nordic countries.
23rd Nordic Congress of General Practice 2024, Logomo, Turku, Finland
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Magnusson, Sveinn;
Thorarinsson, Stefan.
Egilsstaðarannsóknin: Nýsköpun og framvinda rannsókna í heilsugæslu.
Laeknabladid: The icelandic medical journal
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Að fortíð skal hyggja, ef frumlegt skal byggja, án fræðsu þess liðna, sést ei hvað er nýtt.
Heilbrigðisþing 2024, Stjórnarráð Íslands
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Guðmundsson, Gunnar Helgi;
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia.
Frumkvöðlar í læknastétt: Sérnám í heimilislækningum. – Í minningu Ölmu Eirar Svavarsdóttur heimilislæknis. .
Laeknabladid: The icelandic medical journal
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Stavdal, Anna;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Petursson, Halfdan;
Getz, Linn Okkenhaug.
Preventing medical overactivity: Sustainable health care powered by core values.
BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine
Thorarinsson, Stefan;
Magnusson, Sveinn;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Frumkvöðlastörf Gudmundar Sigurdssonar. Vandaliðuð sjúkraskrá – upphaf tölvufærslu í heilsugæslu.
Laeknabladid: The icelandic medical journal
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Thorarinsson, Stefan;
Magnusson, Sveinn;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Upphaf rafrænnar sjúkraskrár og tímamót í sögu rannsókna í heilsugæslu.
Laeknabladid: The icelandic medical journal
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Linnet, Kristjan;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Bjarkason, Brynjar;
Sigurdsson, Emil Larus;
Gudmundsson, Larus Steinthor;
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia.
Disease pattern among long term users of weak opioids (tramadol, codeine) and benzo/Z-drugs.
WONCA Sydney World Conference 26-29 October 2023
Stavdal, Anna;
Getz, Linn Okkenhaug;
Flegg, Karen;
Monteiro, Nina;
Zwart, Dorinen;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Family medicine Core Values and the UN Sustainable Development Goals: A guide to advocacy.
WONCA Sydney World Conference 26-29 October 2023
Stavdal, Anna;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Petursson, Halfdan;
Getz, Linn Okkenhaug.
Preventing medical overactivity: Sustainable health care powered by Core values.
Preventing Overdiagnosis. Agust 14th -16th, 2023, Copenhagen
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
The 40<sup>th</sup> Anniversary of the Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care.
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Dijkstra, Rob;
Baum, Erika;
van der Horst, Henriette.
Core Values and Tasks of Primary Care in Changing Communities and Health Care Systems (Editorial).
Frontiers of Medicine
Linnet, Kristjan;
Thorsteinsdottir, Heidrun Sjofn;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Sigurdsson, Emil Larus;
Gudmundsson, Larus Steinthor.
Co-prescribing of opioids and benzodiazepines/Z-drugs associated with all-cause mortality—A population-based longitudinal study in primary care with weak opioids most commonly prescribed.
Frontiers in Pharmacology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stavdal, Anna;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Auvinen, Juha;
Isacson, Magnus;
Friderichsen, Bolette;
Kvittum Tangen, Marte.
Our Core Values and Principles – Actions to be taken.
22nd Nordic Congress f General Practice June 21-23, 2022, Stavanger, Norway
Heath, Iona;
Stavdal, Anna;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
The Role of Anger in Motivating Leadership.
Frontiers in Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Stavdal, Anna;
Klemenc-Ketiš, Zalika;
Maagaard, Roar.
Core values will endure- standards will vary.
26th Wonca Europe Conference 6-10 July 2021
Sturmberg, Joachim;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Stavdal, Anna.
Professional, and Governmental Values in General Practice/Family Medicine.
23rd World Conference of Family Doctors 2021, 22-27 November 2021 Virtual (Abu Dhabi),
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Beich, Anders;
Stavdal, Anna.
A Saga-In-Progress: Challenges and Milestones on Our Way Toward the Nordic Core Values and Principles of Family Medicine/General Practice.
Frontiers in Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Petursson, Halfdan;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Brodersen, John.
To screen or not to screen – for højt blodtryk? .
Ugeskrift for Læger
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Arnardottir, Salóme Ásta;
Stavdal, Anna.
Gildi og markmið heimilislækna.
Laeknabladid: The icelandic medical journal
Brev til redaktøren
Johnsen, Tor Magne;
Norberg, Børge Lønnebakke;
Helgetun Krogh, Frode;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Getz, Linn Okkenhaug.
Komplekse problemstillinger i allmennpraksis-en prevalensstudie.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Beich, Anders;
Stavdal, Anna.
Our core values will endure.
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Bulc, Mateja;
Vinker, Shlomo;
Rochfort, Andrée;
Stavdal, Anna.
Quaternary Prevention - Policy and Practice in European Countries.
Faglig kapittel
Stavdal, Anna;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Maagaard, Roar;
Klemenc-Ketiš, Zalika.
Core values in family medicine. Fragmentation of care and market mechanisms: threats or opportunities?.
European Conference of Family Doctors- DEGAM Annual Meeting. Berlin, Germany 16-19 December 2020
Sigurdsson, Emil Larus;
Blondal, Anna Bryndis;
Jonsson, Jon Steinar;
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Hrafnkelsson, Hannes;
Linnet, Kristjan.
How primary healthcare in Iceland swiftly changed its strategy in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
BMJ Open
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordic Federation of, General Practice;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Beich, Anders;
Auvinen, Juha;
Isacson, Magnus;
Kvittum Tangen, Marte.
Core Values and Principles of Nordic General Practice/Family Medicine.
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Tilblivelsen og udviklingen af Nordisk Kongres for Almen Medicin.
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Stavdal, Anna;
Dijkastra, Rob;
van der Horst, Henriette.
Our core values in a changing world.
24th WONCA Europe Conference. Bratislava, Slovakia, June 26-29, 2019
Straand, Jørund;
Bentzen, Niels;
Björkelund, Cecilia;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Puustingen, Rob.
Birth and growth of academic practice in the Nordic countries.
21st Nordic Congress of General Practice 17-20 June 2019, Aalborg, Denmark
Moynihan, Ray;
Brodersen, John;
Heath, Iona;
Johansson, Minna;
Kuehlein, Thomas;
Minue-Lorenzo, Sergio.
Reforming disease definitions: A new primary care led, people-centred approach.
BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Linnet, Kristjan;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Sigurdsson, Emil Larus;
Gudmundsson, Lárus S.
Association between prescription of hypnotics/anxiolytics and mortality in multimorbid and non-multimorbid patients: a longitudinal cohort study in primary care.
BMJ Open
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Beich, Anders;
Varinen, Aleksi;
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Brelin, Petter;
Rudebeck, Carl Edvard.
Core values, principles and purposes of general practice in the Nordic countries.
21st Nordic Congress of General Practice 17-20 June 2019, Aalborg, Denmark
Petursson, Halfdan;
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Redefining hypertension: 130/80 – why, and what are the consequences?.
21st Nordic Congress of General Practice 17-20 June 2019, Aalborg, Denmark
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Án fræðslu þess liðna, sést ei hvað er nýtt. Saga heimilislækninga á Íslandi í 50 ár.
Laeknabladid: The icelandic medical journal
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Bulc, Mateja;
Eskelinen, Seija;
Rochford, André;
Stavdal, Anna.
Policy and practice in the European countries regarding overdiagnosis and quaternary preventon.
BMJ Evidence Based Medicine
Petursson, Halfdan;
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Redefining hypertension: 130/80 – Why and what are the consequences?.
23rd Wonca Europe Conference, 24th -27th of May 2018, Krakow, Poland
Daka, Bledar;
Weel, C. van;
Rosvold, Elin Olaug;
Hjortdal, Magnus;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Turning general practitioners into researchers: how research schools can contribute to more and better PhDs in general practice.
23rd Wonca Europe Conference, 24th -27th of May 2018, Krakow, Poland
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Bulc, Mateja;
Vinker, Shlomo;
Rochford, André;
Visentin, Giorgio;
Bueno-Ortiz, José.
Overdiagnosis and quaternary prevention - policy and practice in the european countries.
23rd Wonca Europe Conference, 24th -27th of May 2018, Krakow, Poland
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Stavdal, Anna;
Bulc, Mateja;
Dijkastra, Rob;
Bueno-Ortiz, José.
Overdiagnosis and preventive measures - Policy and practice in the European countries.
22nd WOCNA world conference. October 17-21, 2018. Seol, Korea
Halle, Kristine Flo;
Fjose, Maria;
Kristjansdottir, Hildur;
Björnsdottir, Amalia;
Getz, Linn Okkenhaug;
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia.
Use of pregnancy ultrasound before the
19th week scan: an analytical study based
on the Icelandic Childbirth and Health
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Roksund, Gisle;
Brodersen, John;
Hjörleifsson, Stefán;
Beich, Anders;
Johansson, Minna;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Overdiagnosis in General Practice: How can it be limited? A position paper from the Nordic Federation of General Practitioners.
20th Nordic Congress of General Practice 14-16 Juni 2017.
Karlsdottir, Torunn Anna;
Ingolfsson, Thorarinn;
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Multimorbidity among diabetic patients in primary health care. Seven years follow-up in general practice, Iceland. Poster session.
22nd WONCA Europe Conference. June 28-Juli 1, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic,
Karlsdottir, Torunn Anna;
Ingólfsson, Thorarinn;
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Multimorbidity among diabetic patients in primary health care. Seven years follow-up in general practice, Iceland.
Nidaroskongressen 2017, Trondheim 16.-20 oktober 2017. Program, s 76
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Getz, Linn Okkenhaug;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Multimorbidity in the Norwegian HUNT population – an epidemiological study with refernce to the concept allostatic load.
NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Birgisdottir, Frida;
Linnet, Kristjan;
Sigurdsson, Emil Larus;
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Prevalence of complex multimorbidity in primary healthcare in Iceland.
20th Nordic Congress of General Practice 14-16 Juni 2017.
Karlsdottir, Thorunn Anna;
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Ingolfsson, Thorarinn;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Multimorbidity among diabetic patients in primary care. Seven years follow-up in general practice, Iceland.
20th Nordic Congress of General Practice 14-16 Juni 2017.
diaz, Esperanza;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Faradonbeh, Nick Aakre;
Really, FO;
Thulesius, Hans.
Patients with immigrant background - challenges and possibilities when meeting our fellow citizens.
20th Nordic Congress of General Practice 14-16 Juni 2017.
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Kristjansdottir, Hildur;
Bjørnsdottir, Amalia;
Getz, Linn Okkenhaug;
Steingrimsdottir, Thora;
Olafsdottir, OA.
History of violence and subjective health of mother and child. From The Childbirth and Health Cohort Study in Primary Care, Iceland.
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kirkengen, Anna Luise;
Stavdal, Anna;
Rønneberg, Anne;
Schei, Edvin;
Ulvestad, Elling;
Hetlevik, Irene.
På tide med en oppdatert helseforståelse.
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Petursson, Halfdan;
Kirkengen, Anna Luise;
Nilsen, Tom Ivar Lund;
Hetlevik, Irene.
Tilvistarvandi og streituvaldandi umhverfi sem mögulegur forspárþáttur fyrir fjölveikindi fullorðinna.
Vísindaþing heimilislækna Reykjavík 7.- 8. október 2016, Reykjavik
Linnet, Kristjan;
Gudmundsson, Larus J.;
Birgisdottir, Frida G;
Sigurdsson, Emil Larus;
Jóhannsson, Magnús, Lyfjastofnun;
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia.
Multimorbidity and use of hypnotic and anxiolytic drugs: Cross-sectional and follow-up study in primary healthcare in Iceland.
BMC Family Practice
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Birgisdottir, Frida G;
Linnet, Kristjan;
Gudmundsson, Larus;
Sigurdsson, Emil Larus;
Jóhannsson, Magnús, Lyfjastofnun;
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia.
Fjölsjúkdómar og notkun róandi lyfja og svefnlyfja: þversniðs- og eftirfylgdarrannsókn á heilsugæslustöðvum á Íslandi.
Vísindaþing heimilislækna Reykjavík 7.- 8. október 2016, Reykjavik
Torp, Hanna;
Oddsdottir, Þordis Anna;
Steingrímsdóttir, Þóra;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Hardardottir, Hildur.
Einkennalausar þvagfærasýkingar hjá þunguðum konum.
Vísindaþing heimilislækna Reykjavík 7.- 8. október 2016, Reykjavik
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Petursson, Halfdan;
Kirkengen, Anna Luise;
Nilsen, Tom Ivar Lund;
Hetlevik, Irene.
Does existential unease' predict adult multimorbidity? Analytical cohort study on embodiment based on the Norwegian HUNT population.
BMJ Open
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hange, Dominique;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Björkelund, Cecilia;
Sundh, Valter;
Bengtsson, Calle.
A 32-year longitudinal study of alcohol consumption in Swedish women: Reduced risk of myocardial infarction but increased risk of cancer.
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Eliasson, Gösta;
Maagaard, Roar;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Tunesveit, Robert;
Kosunen, Elise;
Lisechiene, Ida.
Nordic medels for securing GP:s learning – what can we learn from each other?.
Gothenburg 16th-18th of June 2015, 19th Nordic Congress og General Practice. Programme and Abstracts
Getz, Linn;
Vogt, Henrik;
Hvas, Lotte;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Personalized medicine meets general practice – a SWOT analysis.
Gothenburg 16th-18th of June 2015, 19th Nordic Congress og General Practice. Programme and Abstracts
Axelsdottir, Thury Osk;
Sigurdsson, Emil Larus;
Kristjansdottir, Hildur;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Drug use six months prior, during early pregnancy and 1-2 years post partum. Cohort study from the Childbirht and Health study in primary care.
Gothenburg 16th-18th of June 2015, 19th Nordic Congress og General Practice. Programme and Abstracts
Georgsdottir, Gudrun Johanna;
Arason, Vilhjalmur Ari;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Gudmundsdottir, Sesselja.
Infectious morbidity in 18-month-old children. A prospective study in Iceland.
Gothenburg 16th-18th of June 2015, 19th Nordic Congress og General Practice. Programme and Abstracts
Getz, Linn Okkenhaug;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Hönnun manns - taka II.
Populærvitenskapelig kapittel/artikkel
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Petursson, Halfdan;
Kirkengen, Anna Luise;
Krokstad, Steinar;
McEwen, Bruce.
Self Reported Childhood Difficulties, Adult Multimorbidity and Allostatic Load. A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Norwegian HUNT Study.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Axelsdottir, Thury Osk;
Sigurdsson, Emil Larus;
Gudmundsdottir, Anna Margret;
Kristjansdottir, Hildur;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Drug use during early pregnancy: Cross-sectional analysis from the childbirth and health study in primary care in Iceland.
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Karlsdottir, Thorunn Anna;
Ingólfsson, Thorarinn;
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Hvað einkennir sjúklinga með sykursýki í heilsugæslunni? – Árangursmat á skipulagðri sykursýkismóttöku. (Characteristics of patients with diabetes in primary health care. Results from an organised diabetes health care.
Abstrajtbok-Vetenskaplig konferens-Icelandi College of Family Physicians
Petursson, Halfdan;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Hetlevik, Irene;
Getz, Linn.
Predictive risk algorithms as a driver of overdiagnosis - current status and what next?.
Preventing Overdiagnosis - Conference abstracts
Kristjansdottir, Hildur;
Gottfredsdottir , Helga, Islands universitet;
Björnsdottir, Amalia, Islands universitet;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Fjöldi skoðana í meðgöngu, samfella í þjónustu og reynsla kvenna. Ferilrannsókn meðal íslenskra kvenna á meðgöngu og eftir fæðingu barns (Enskur titill: Number of visits, continuity of care an women's experience of antenatal care. A cohort study among Icelandic women during pregnancy and after birth).
Ljósmæðrabladid (Journal of the Icelandic Midwives Association)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jensdottir, Johanna Ósk,;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Kristjansdottir, Hildur;
Olafsdottir, Olof Asta.
Barneign og heilsa, líkamleg einkenni á meðgöngu og eftir fæðingu (Pregnancy and health. Somatic sympoms during pregnancy and after delivery).
Abstrajtbok-Vetenskaplig konferens-Icelandi College of Family Physicians
Linnet, Kristjan, Islands universitet;
Guðmunsson, Lárus S. Landlæknisembættið;
Sigurdsson, Emil Larus;
Jóhannsson, Magnús, Lyfjastofnun;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Notkun svefn-og kvíðastillandi lyfja - tengsl við sjúkdómaklasa (Use of sedatives and tranquillizers- associated with multimorbidity?.
Abstrajtbok-Vetenskaplig konferens-Icelandi College of Family Physicians
Rúnarsson, Ragnar Freyr;
Thors, Hildur;
Steingrímsdóttir, Þóra;
Kristjansdottir, Hildur;
Olafsdottir, Olof Asta;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Þvagleki meðal kvenna á meðgöngu og 2 árum eftir barnsburð og áhrif þvagleka á andlega líðan þeirra (Urinary incontinence among pregnat women, and 2 years after delivery).
Abstrajtbok-Vetenskaplig konferens-Icelandi College of Family Physicians
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Getz, Linn;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Petursson, Halfdan.
Too many diagnoses - multimorbidity as a medical artefact?.
Preventing Overdiagnosis. Winding back the harms of too much medicine. University of Oxford, UK, september 15-17, 2014 Programme and Abstracts
Jacobsen, Geir Wenberg;
Hem, Erlend;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Baráttan við ginklofa í Vestmannaeyjum.
Laeknabladid: The icelandic medical journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Erlingsdottir, Asthildur;
Sigurdsson, Emil Larus;
Jonsson, Jon Steinar;
Kristjansdottir, Hildur;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Smoking during pregnancy. Childbirth and Health Study in Primary Care in Iceland.
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Getz, Linn;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Petursson, Halfdan;
Kirkengen, Anna Luise;
Krokstad, Steinar.
Co-and multimorbidity patterns in an unselected Norwegian population: Cross-sectional analysis based on the HUNT studyand theoretical reflections concerning basic medical models.
European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Milestones in the development of Nordic General Practice. Establishment of the Nordic congresses and the Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care.
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care
Bjornsson, Steinar;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Svavarsdottir, Alma Eir;
Gudmundsson, Gunnar Helgi.
Gatekeeping and referrals to cardiologists: General practitioners' views on interactive communications.
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Erlingsdottir, Asthildur;
Sigurdsson, Emil Larus;
Jonsson, Jon Steinar;
Kristjansdottir, Hildur;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Smoking during pregnancy – Maternal factors associated with smoking during pregnancy in primary care setting in Iceland.
18th Nordic Congress of General Practice18th Nordic Congress of General Practice, Tampere, Finland, 21-24 August 2013. Programme and Abstracts
Georgsdottir, Gudrun Johanna;
Arason, Vilhjalmur Ari;
Gudmundsdottir, Sesselja;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Infectious morbidity in 18-month-old children in Iceland.
18th Nordic Congress of General Practice18th Nordic Congress of General Practice, Tampere, Finland, 21-24 August 2013. Programme and Abstracts
Axelsdottir, Thury Osk;
Sigurdsson, Emil Larus;
Gudmundsdottir, Anna Margret;
Kristjansdottir, Hildur;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Drug use in early pregnancy – Cross-sectional analysis from the Childbirth and Health study in primary care, Iceland.
18th Nordic Congress of General Practice18th Nordic Congress of General Practice, Tampere, Finland, 21-24 August 2013. Programme and Abstracts
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Getz, Linn;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Petursson, Halfdan;
Kirkengen, Anna Luise;
Krokstad, Steinar.
Difficult childhood as a predictor of multimorbidity- mediated by allostatic load?.
18th Nordic Congress of General Practice18th Nordic Congress of General Practice, Tampere, Finland, 21-24 August 2013. Programme and Abstracts
Petursson, Halfdan;
Getz, Linn;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Hetlevik, Irene.
Cardiovascular risk estimation in general Norwegian population: modelling analysis based on the HUNT 3 study.
18th Nordic Congress of General Practice18th Nordic Congress of General Practice, Tampere, Finland, 21-24 August 2013. Programme and Abstracts
Petursson, Halfdan;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Bengtsson, Calle;
Nilsen, Tom Ivar Lund;
Getz, Linn.
Does inclusion of total cholesterol in mortality algorithms lead to overrepresentation of risk?.
Preventing Overdiagnosis. Winding back the harms of too much medicine. Dartmouth College September 10-12, 2013, Programme and Abstracts
Petursson, Halfdan;
Getz, Linn;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Hetlevik, Irene.
Implementation of the European guidelines for management of arterial hypertension might destabilize the Norwegian healthcare system - Modelling study based on the HUNT 2 population.
Preventing Overdiagnosis. Winding back the harms of too much medicine. Dartmouth College September 10-12, 2013, Programme and Abstracts
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Linnet, Kristjan;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Gudmundsson, Larus Steinthor;
Blondal, Anna Bryndis;
Jonsson, Jon Steinar.
Sjúkdómamynsur langtímanotenda vægra ópíóíða. .
17. Heimilislæknaþing FÍH, Reykjavík 17.-18. október 2024
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Villta lyfjavestrið.
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Notkun þunglyndislyfja meðal barna og ungs fólks – SSRI -lyf ávanamyndandi.
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Maagaard, Roar;
Emdin, Carolina;
Gilbert, Olga;
Stavenuiter, Cees;
Arnardottir, Salóme Ásta.
General practice and sustainability in the Nordic countries.
23rd Nordic Congress of General Practice 2024, Logomo, Turku, Finland
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Magnusson, Sveinn;
Thorarinsson, Stefan.
Egilsstaðarannsóknin: Nýsköpun og framvinda rannsókna í heilsugæslu.
Laeknabladid: The icelandic medical journal
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Að fortíð skal hyggja, ef frumlegt skal byggja, án fræðsu þess liðna, sést ei hvað er nýtt.
Heilbrigðisþing 2024, Stjórnarráð Íslands
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Guðmundsson, Gunnar Helgi;
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia.
Frumkvöðlar í læknastétt: Sérnám í heimilislækningum. – Í minningu Ölmu Eirar Svavarsdóttur heimilislæknis. .
Laeknabladid: The icelandic medical journal
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Stavdal, Anna;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Petursson, Halfdan;
Getz, Linn Okkenhaug.
Preventing medical overactivity: Sustainable health care powered by core values.
BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine
Thorarinsson, Stefan;
Magnusson, Sveinn;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Frumkvöðlastörf Gudmundar Sigurdssonar. Vandaliðuð sjúkraskrá – upphaf tölvufærslu í heilsugæslu.
Laeknabladid: The icelandic medical journal
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Thorarinsson, Stefan;
Magnusson, Sveinn;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Upphaf rafrænnar sjúkraskrár og tímamót í sögu rannsókna í heilsugæslu.
Laeknabladid: The icelandic medical journal
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Linnet, Kristjan;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Bjarkason, Brynjar;
Sigurdsson, Emil Larus;
Gudmundsson, Larus Steinthor;
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia.
Disease pattern among long term users of weak opioids (tramadol, codeine) and benzo/Z-drugs.
WONCA Sydney World Conference 26-29 October 2023
Stavdal, Anna;
Getz, Linn Okkenhaug;
Flegg, Karen;
Monteiro, Nina;
Zwart, Dorinen;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Family medicine Core Values and the UN Sustainable Development Goals: A guide to advocacy.
WONCA Sydney World Conference 26-29 October 2023
Stavdal, Anna;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Petursson, Halfdan;
Getz, Linn Okkenhaug.
Preventing medical overactivity: Sustainable health care powered by Core values.
Preventing Overdiagnosis. Agust 14th -16th, 2023, Copenhagen
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
The 40<sup>th</sup> Anniversary of the Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care.
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Dijkstra, Rob;
Baum, Erika;
van der Horst, Henriette.
Core Values and Tasks of Primary Care in Changing Communities and Health Care Systems (Editorial).
Frontiers of Medicine
Linnet, Kristjan;
Thorsteinsdottir, Heidrun Sjofn;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Sigurdsson, Emil Larus;
Gudmundsson, Larus Steinthor.
Co-prescribing of opioids and benzodiazepines/Z-drugs associated with all-cause mortality—A population-based longitudinal study in primary care with weak opioids most commonly prescribed.
Frontiers in Pharmacology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Stavdal, Anna;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Auvinen, Juha;
Isacson, Magnus;
Friderichsen, Bolette;
Kvittum Tangen, Marte.
Our Core Values and Principles – Actions to be taken.
22nd Nordic Congress f General Practice June 21-23, 2022, Stavanger, Norway
Heath, Iona;
Stavdal, Anna;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
The Role of Anger in Motivating Leadership.
Frontiers in Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Stavdal, Anna;
Klemenc-Ketiš, Zalika;
Maagaard, Roar.
Core values will endure- standards will vary.
26th Wonca Europe Conference 6-10 July 2021
Sturmberg, Joachim;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Stavdal, Anna.
Professional, and Governmental Values in General Practice/Family Medicine.
23rd World Conference of Family Doctors 2021, 22-27 November 2021 Virtual (Abu Dhabi),
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Beich, Anders;
Stavdal, Anna.
A Saga-In-Progress: Challenges and Milestones on Our Way Toward the Nordic Core Values and Principles of Family Medicine/General Practice.
Frontiers in Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Petursson, Halfdan;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Brodersen, John.
To screen or not to screen – for højt blodtryk? .
Ugeskrift for Læger
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Arnardottir, Salóme Ásta;
Stavdal, Anna.
Gildi og markmið heimilislækna.
Laeknabladid: The icelandic medical journal
Brev til redaktøren
Johnsen, Tor Magne;
Norberg, Børge Lønnebakke;
Helgetun Krogh, Frode;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Getz, Linn Okkenhaug.
Komplekse problemstillinger i allmennpraksis-en prevalensstudie.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Beich, Anders;
Stavdal, Anna.
Our core values will endure.
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care
Stavdal, Anna;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Maagaard, Roar;
Klemenc-Ketiš, Zalika.
Core values in family medicine. Fragmentation of care and market mechanisms: threats or opportunities?.
European Conference of Family Doctors- DEGAM Annual Meeting. Berlin, Germany 16-19 December 2020
Sigurdsson, Emil Larus;
Blondal, Anna Bryndis;
Jonsson, Jon Steinar;
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Hrafnkelsson, Hannes;
Linnet, Kristjan.
How primary healthcare in Iceland swiftly changed its strategy in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
BMJ Open
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nordic Federation of, General Practice;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Beich, Anders;
Auvinen, Juha;
Isacson, Magnus;
Kvittum Tangen, Marte.
Core Values and Principles of Nordic General Practice/Family Medicine.
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Tilblivelsen og udviklingen af Nordisk Kongres for Almen Medicin.
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Stavdal, Anna;
Dijkastra, Rob;
van der Horst, Henriette.
Our core values in a changing world.
24th WONCA Europe Conference. Bratislava, Slovakia, June 26-29, 2019
Straand, Jørund;
Bentzen, Niels;
Björkelund, Cecilia;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Puustingen, Rob.
Birth and growth of academic practice in the Nordic countries.
21st Nordic Congress of General Practice 17-20 June 2019, Aalborg, Denmark
Moynihan, Ray;
Brodersen, John;
Heath, Iona;
Johansson, Minna;
Kuehlein, Thomas;
Minue-Lorenzo, Sergio.
Reforming disease definitions: A new primary care led, people-centred approach.
BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Linnet, Kristjan;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Sigurdsson, Emil Larus;
Gudmundsson, Lárus S.
Association between prescription of hypnotics/anxiolytics and mortality in multimorbid and non-multimorbid patients: a longitudinal cohort study in primary care.
BMJ Open
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Beich, Anders;
Varinen, Aleksi;
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Brelin, Petter;
Rudebeck, Carl Edvard.
Core values, principles and purposes of general practice in the Nordic countries.
21st Nordic Congress of General Practice 17-20 June 2019, Aalborg, Denmark
Petursson, Halfdan;
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Redefining hypertension: 130/80 – why, and what are the consequences?.
21st Nordic Congress of General Practice 17-20 June 2019, Aalborg, Denmark
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Án fræðslu þess liðna, sést ei hvað er nýtt. Saga heimilislækninga á Íslandi í 50 ár.
Laeknabladid: The icelandic medical journal
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Bulc, Mateja;
Eskelinen, Seija;
Rochford, André;
Stavdal, Anna.
Policy and practice in the European countries regarding overdiagnosis and quaternary preventon.
BMJ Evidence Based Medicine
Petursson, Halfdan;
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Redefining hypertension: 130/80 – Why and what are the consequences?.
23rd Wonca Europe Conference, 24th -27th of May 2018, Krakow, Poland
Daka, Bledar;
Weel, C. van;
Rosvold, Elin Olaug;
Hjortdal, Magnus;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Turning general practitioners into researchers: how research schools can contribute to more and better PhDs in general practice.
23rd Wonca Europe Conference, 24th -27th of May 2018, Krakow, Poland
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Bulc, Mateja;
Vinker, Shlomo;
Rochford, André;
Visentin, Giorgio;
Bueno-Ortiz, José.
Overdiagnosis and quaternary prevention - policy and practice in the european countries.
23rd Wonca Europe Conference, 24th -27th of May 2018, Krakow, Poland
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Stavdal, Anna;
Bulc, Mateja;
Dijkastra, Rob;
Bueno-Ortiz, José.
Overdiagnosis and preventive measures - Policy and practice in the European countries.
22nd WOCNA world conference. October 17-21, 2018. Seol, Korea
Halle, Kristine Flo;
Fjose, Maria;
Kristjansdottir, Hildur;
Björnsdottir, Amalia;
Getz, Linn Okkenhaug;
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia.
Use of pregnancy ultrasound before the
19th week scan: an analytical study based
on the Icelandic Childbirth and Health
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Roksund, Gisle;
Brodersen, John;
Hjörleifsson, Stefán;
Beich, Anders;
Johansson, Minna;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Overdiagnosis in General Practice: How can it be limited? A position paper from the Nordic Federation of General Practitioners.
20th Nordic Congress of General Practice 14-16 Juni 2017.
Karlsdottir, Torunn Anna;
Ingolfsson, Thorarinn;
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Multimorbidity among diabetic patients in primary health care. Seven years follow-up in general practice, Iceland. Poster session.
22nd WONCA Europe Conference. June 28-Juli 1, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic,
Karlsdottir, Torunn Anna;
Ingólfsson, Thorarinn;
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Multimorbidity among diabetic patients in primary health care. Seven years follow-up in general practice, Iceland.
Nidaroskongressen 2017, Trondheim 16.-20 oktober 2017. Program, s 76
Birgisdottir, Frida;
Linnet, Kristjan;
Sigurdsson, Emil Larus;
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Prevalence of complex multimorbidity in primary healthcare in Iceland.
20th Nordic Congress of General Practice 14-16 Juni 2017.
Karlsdottir, Thorunn Anna;
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Ingolfsson, Thorarinn;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Multimorbidity among diabetic patients in primary care. Seven years follow-up in general practice, Iceland.
20th Nordic Congress of General Practice 14-16 Juni 2017.
diaz, Esperanza;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Faradonbeh, Nick Aakre;
Really, FO;
Thulesius, Hans.
Patients with immigrant background - challenges and possibilities when meeting our fellow citizens.
20th Nordic Congress of General Practice 14-16 Juni 2017.
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Kristjansdottir, Hildur;
Bjørnsdottir, Amalia;
Getz, Linn Okkenhaug;
Steingrimsdottir, Thora;
Olafsdottir, OA.
History of violence and subjective health of mother and child. From The Childbirth and Health Cohort Study in Primary Care, Iceland.
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kirkengen, Anna Luise;
Stavdal, Anna;
Rønneberg, Anne;
Schei, Edvin;
Ulvestad, Elling;
Hetlevik, Irene.
På tide med en oppdatert helseforståelse.
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Petursson, Halfdan;
Kirkengen, Anna Luise;
Nilsen, Tom Ivar Lund;
Hetlevik, Irene.
Tilvistarvandi og streituvaldandi umhverfi sem mögulegur forspárþáttur fyrir fjölveikindi fullorðinna.
Vísindaþing heimilislækna Reykjavík 7.- 8. október 2016, Reykjavik
Linnet, Kristjan;
Gudmundsson, Larus J.;
Birgisdottir, Frida G;
Sigurdsson, Emil Larus;
Jóhannsson, Magnús, Lyfjastofnun;
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia.
Multimorbidity and use of hypnotic and anxiolytic drugs: Cross-sectional and follow-up study in primary healthcare in Iceland.
BMC Family Practice
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Birgisdottir, Frida G;
Linnet, Kristjan;
Gudmundsson, Larus;
Sigurdsson, Emil Larus;
Jóhannsson, Magnús, Lyfjastofnun;
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia.
Fjölsjúkdómar og notkun róandi lyfja og svefnlyfja: þversniðs- og eftirfylgdarrannsókn á heilsugæslustöðvum á Íslandi.
Vísindaþing heimilislækna Reykjavík 7.- 8. október 2016, Reykjavik
Torp, Hanna;
Oddsdottir, Þordis Anna;
Steingrímsdóttir, Þóra;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Hardardottir, Hildur.
Einkennalausar þvagfærasýkingar hjá þunguðum konum.
Vísindaþing heimilislækna Reykjavík 7.- 8. október 2016, Reykjavik
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Petursson, Halfdan;
Kirkengen, Anna Luise;
Nilsen, Tom Ivar Lund;
Hetlevik, Irene.
Does existential unease' predict adult multimorbidity? Analytical cohort study on embodiment based on the Norwegian HUNT population.
BMJ Open
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hange, Dominique;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Björkelund, Cecilia;
Sundh, Valter;
Bengtsson, Calle.
A 32-year longitudinal study of alcohol consumption in Swedish women: Reduced risk of myocardial infarction but increased risk of cancer.
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Eliasson, Gösta;
Maagaard, Roar;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Tunesveit, Robert;
Kosunen, Elise;
Lisechiene, Ida.
Nordic medels for securing GP:s learning – what can we learn from each other?.
Gothenburg 16th-18th of June 2015, 19th Nordic Congress og General Practice. Programme and Abstracts
Getz, Linn;
Vogt, Henrik;
Hvas, Lotte;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Personalized medicine meets general practice – a SWOT analysis.
Gothenburg 16th-18th of June 2015, 19th Nordic Congress og General Practice. Programme and Abstracts
Axelsdottir, Thury Osk;
Sigurdsson, Emil Larus;
Kristjansdottir, Hildur;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Drug use six months prior, during early pregnancy and 1-2 years post partum. Cohort study from the Childbirht and Health study in primary care.
Gothenburg 16th-18th of June 2015, 19th Nordic Congress og General Practice. Programme and Abstracts
Georgsdottir, Gudrun Johanna;
Arason, Vilhjalmur Ari;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Gudmundsdottir, Sesselja.
Infectious morbidity in 18-month-old children. A prospective study in Iceland.
Gothenburg 16th-18th of June 2015, 19th Nordic Congress og General Practice. Programme and Abstracts
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Petursson, Halfdan;
Kirkengen, Anna Luise;
Krokstad, Steinar;
McEwen, Bruce.
Self Reported Childhood Difficulties, Adult Multimorbidity and Allostatic Load. A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Norwegian HUNT Study.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Axelsdottir, Thury Osk;
Sigurdsson, Emil Larus;
Gudmundsdottir, Anna Margret;
Kristjansdottir, Hildur;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Drug use during early pregnancy: Cross-sectional analysis from the childbirth and health study in primary care in Iceland.
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Karlsdottir, Thorunn Anna;
Ingólfsson, Thorarinn;
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Hvað einkennir sjúklinga með sykursýki í heilsugæslunni? – Árangursmat á skipulagðri sykursýkismóttöku. (Characteristics of patients with diabetes in primary health care. Results from an organised diabetes health care.
Abstrajtbok-Vetenskaplig konferens-Icelandi College of Family Physicians
Petursson, Halfdan;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Hetlevik, Irene;
Getz, Linn.
Predictive risk algorithms as a driver of overdiagnosis - current status and what next?.
Preventing Overdiagnosis - Conference abstracts
Kristjansdottir, Hildur;
Gottfredsdottir , Helga, Islands universitet;
Björnsdottir, Amalia, Islands universitet;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Fjöldi skoðana í meðgöngu, samfella í þjónustu og reynsla kvenna. Ferilrannsókn meðal íslenskra kvenna á meðgöngu og eftir fæðingu barns (Enskur titill: Number of visits, continuity of care an women's experience of antenatal care. A cohort study among Icelandic women during pregnancy and after birth).
Ljósmæðrabladid (Journal of the Icelandic Midwives Association)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jensdottir, Johanna Ósk,;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Kristjansdottir, Hildur;
Olafsdottir, Olof Asta.
Barneign og heilsa, líkamleg einkenni á meðgöngu og eftir fæðingu (Pregnancy and health. Somatic sympoms during pregnancy and after delivery).
Abstrajtbok-Vetenskaplig konferens-Icelandi College of Family Physicians
Linnet, Kristjan, Islands universitet;
Guðmunsson, Lárus S. Landlæknisembættið;
Sigurdsson, Emil Larus;
Jóhannsson, Magnús, Lyfjastofnun;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Notkun svefn-og kvíðastillandi lyfja - tengsl við sjúkdómaklasa (Use of sedatives and tranquillizers- associated with multimorbidity?.
Abstrajtbok-Vetenskaplig konferens-Icelandi College of Family Physicians
Rúnarsson, Ragnar Freyr;
Thors, Hildur;
Steingrímsdóttir, Þóra;
Kristjansdottir, Hildur;
Olafsdottir, Olof Asta;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Þvagleki meðal kvenna á meðgöngu og 2 árum eftir barnsburð og áhrif þvagleka á andlega líðan þeirra (Urinary incontinence among pregnat women, and 2 years after delivery).
Abstrajtbok-Vetenskaplig konferens-Icelandi College of Family Physicians
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Getz, Linn;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Petursson, Halfdan.
Too many diagnoses - multimorbidity as a medical artefact?.
Preventing Overdiagnosis. Winding back the harms of too much medicine. University of Oxford, UK, september 15-17, 2014 Programme and Abstracts
Jacobsen, Geir Wenberg;
Hem, Erlend;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Baráttan við ginklofa í Vestmannaeyjum.
Laeknabladid: The icelandic medical journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Erlingsdottir, Asthildur;
Sigurdsson, Emil Larus;
Jonsson, Jon Steinar;
Kristjansdottir, Hildur;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Smoking during pregnancy. Childbirth and Health Study in Primary Care in Iceland.
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Getz, Linn;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Petursson, Halfdan;
Kirkengen, Anna Luise;
Krokstad, Steinar.
Co-and multimorbidity patterns in an unselected Norwegian population: Cross-sectional analysis based on the HUNT studyand theoretical reflections concerning basic medical models.
European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Milestones in the development of Nordic General Practice. Establishment of the Nordic congresses and the Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care.
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care
Bjornsson, Steinar;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Svavarsdottir, Alma Eir;
Gudmundsson, Gunnar Helgi.
Gatekeeping and referrals to cardiologists: General practitioners' views on interactive communications.
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Erlingsdottir, Asthildur;
Sigurdsson, Emil Larus;
Jonsson, Jon Steinar;
Kristjansdottir, Hildur;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Smoking during pregnancy – Maternal factors associated with smoking during pregnancy in primary care setting in Iceland.
18th Nordic Congress of General Practice18th Nordic Congress of General Practice, Tampere, Finland, 21-24 August 2013. Programme and Abstracts
Georgsdottir, Gudrun Johanna;
Arason, Vilhjalmur Ari;
Gudmundsdottir, Sesselja;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Infectious morbidity in 18-month-old children in Iceland.
18th Nordic Congress of General Practice18th Nordic Congress of General Practice, Tampere, Finland, 21-24 August 2013. Programme and Abstracts
Axelsdottir, Thury Osk;
Sigurdsson, Emil Larus;
Gudmundsdottir, Anna Margret;
Kristjansdottir, Hildur;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Drug use in early pregnancy – Cross-sectional analysis from the Childbirth and Health study in primary care, Iceland.
18th Nordic Congress of General Practice18th Nordic Congress of General Practice, Tampere, Finland, 21-24 August 2013. Programme and Abstracts
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Getz, Linn;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Petursson, Halfdan;
Kirkengen, Anna Luise;
Krokstad, Steinar.
Difficult childhood as a predictor of multimorbidity- mediated by allostatic load?.
18th Nordic Congress of General Practice18th Nordic Congress of General Practice, Tampere, Finland, 21-24 August 2013. Programme and Abstracts
Petursson, Halfdan;
Getz, Linn;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Hetlevik, Irene.
Cardiovascular risk estimation in general Norwegian population: modelling analysis based on the HUNT 3 study.
18th Nordic Congress of General Practice18th Nordic Congress of General Practice, Tampere, Finland, 21-24 August 2013. Programme and Abstracts
Petursson, Halfdan;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Bengtsson, Calle;
Nilsen, Tom Ivar Lund;
Getz, Linn.
Does inclusion of total cholesterol in mortality algorithms lead to overrepresentation of risk?.
Preventing Overdiagnosis. Winding back the harms of too much medicine. Dartmouth College September 10-12, 2013, Programme and Abstracts
Petursson, Halfdan;
Getz, Linn;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Hetlevik, Irene.
Implementation of the European guidelines for management of arterial hypertension might destabilize the Norwegian healthcare system - Modelling study based on the HUNT 2 population.
Preventing Overdiagnosis. Winding back the harms of too much medicine. Dartmouth College September 10-12, 2013, Programme and Abstracts
Del av bok/rapport
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust;
Bulc, Mateja;
Vinker, Shlomo;
Rochfort, Andrée;
Stavdal, Anna.
Quaternary Prevention - Policy and Practice in European Countries.
Faglig kapittel
Getz, Linn Okkenhaug;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Hönnun manns - taka II.
Populærvitenskapelig kapittel/artikkel
Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia;
Getz, Linn Okkenhaug;
Sigurdsson, Johann Agust.
Multimorbidity in the Norwegian HUNT population – an epidemiological study with refernce to the concept allostatic load.
NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Vitenskapelig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2024) Að fortíð skal hyggja, ef frumlegt skal byggja, án fræðsu þess liðna, sést ei hvað er nýtt. . Velferðarráðuneytið (Ministry of Health and Welfare) Kongress , Reykavik 2024-11-28 - 2024-11-28
Vitenskapelig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2024) Slæmar ávísanavenjur lækna. Þjóðarsál á villigötum? . Icelandic Medical Association Læknadagar 2024, , Reykavik 2024-01-19 - 2024-01-19
IntervjuSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2024) Þunglyndislyf meðal barna., Rás 2 (The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service), Rás 2 (The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service) [Radio] 2024-01-30
DokumentarSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2024) Mikið ávísað af þunglyndislyfjum til barna 0-14 ára hér á landi. RUV (The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service) RUV (The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service) [TV] 2024-01-30
IntervjuSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2024) Notkun þunglyndislyfja meðal barna. Bylgjan, Reykjavik Bylgjan, Reykjavik [Radio] 2024-01-31
Vitenskapelig foredragGetz, Linn Okkenhaug; Sigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2024) Haldbær (sustainable) heilbrigðisþjónusta- Heilsugæslan besta lausning. . Heilsugæsla höfuðborgarsvæðisins, Primary healthcare, Kongress , Reykavik 2024-11-08 - 2024-11-08
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2023) Gildi og sýn heilsugæslunnar í ljósi alþjóðamarkmiða. Heilsugæslustöðin Efstaleiti professional development , Heilsugæslustöðin Efstaleiti 2023-03-17 - 2023-03-17
Vitenskapelig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2023) Preventing medical overactivity: Sustainable health care powered by Core values. . Danish College of General Practice and Centre for Evidence-B Preventing Overdiagnosis , Copenhagen 2023-08-14 - 2023-08-16
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2023) Family Medicine Core Values and UN Sustainable Development Goals: a guide to advocacy. Royal Australian College of General Practice WONCA World conferance , Sydney 2023-10-26 - 2023-10-29
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2023) Value based health care. Nordic Risk Group Annual meeting , Copenhagen 2023-08-12 -
Vitenskapelig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2023) Disease patterns among users of weak opioids and benzo/ Z drugs. Wonca World RCAGP Wonca World 2023 , Sydney 2023-10-29 -
Vitenskapelig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2022) High Quality in Primary Care. Nordic Young General Practitioners c/o Norway Pre-congress for young doctors in general practice/family medicine , Stavanger 2022-06-20 -
Vitenskapelig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust; Stavdal, Anna. (2022) Our Core Values and Principles – Actions to be taken. The Norwegian College of General Practice 22nd Nordic Congress f General Practice June 21-23, 2022, Stavanger, Norway , Stavanger 2022-06-22 - 2022-06-22
PosterLinnet, Kristjan; Sigurdsson, Johann Agust; Thorsteinsdottir, Heidrun Sjofn; Sigurdsson, Emil Larus; Gudmundsson, Lárus S. (2022) Weak opioid and benzo/Z-drug use associated with all-cause mortality. The Norwegian College of General Practice 22nd Nordic Congress f General Practice June 21-23, 2022, Stavanger, Norway , Stavanger 2022-06-21 - 2022-06-23
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2022) The Nordic Federation of General Practice, present topics and historical milestones. The Norwegian College of General Practice 22nd Nordic Congress f General Practice June 21-23, 2022, Stavanger, Norway - Opening ceremony , Stavanger 2022-06-21 - 2022-06-23
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust; Hørslev, Louise; Kvittum Tangen, Marte. (2022) The Nordic Federation of General Practice. The Norwegian College of General Practice WONCA World Executive Board meeting , Oslo 2022-07-01 - 2022-07-04
Vitenskapelig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2021) Introduction- Why Core Values: Person-centered and continuous care: Still core values of Family Medicine/General Practice in a changing world?. Wonca World 23rd World Conference of Family Doctors 2021 -22-27 November 2021, , Virtual (arranged from Abu Dhabi) 2021-11-22 - 2021-11-27
Vitenskapelig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2021) Why core values- itroduction to workshop on: Core values will endure- standards will vary. WONCA Eurpoe 26th Wonca Europe Conference 6-10 July 2021 , Virtual 2021-07-06 - 2021-07-10
Vitenskapelig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2020) Our Core Values in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic. WONCA Eurpoe European Conference of Family Doctors- DEGAM Annual Meeting. Berlin, Germany 16-19 December 2020 , Berlin- web based 2020-12-16 - 2020-12-19
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2019) Core values – looking forward, based on history. Lecture and workshop on core values, principles and purposes of general practice. . Danish Colllege of General Practice and Nordic Federation of 21st Nordic Congress of General Practice , Aalborg 2019-06-18 - 2019-06-18
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust; Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia. (2019) Vinnulag, viðfangsefni og grunngildi heimilislækna Workshop, med Mentimeter. The Icelandic College of Family Physicians allmänmedicinsk Forum , Grand Hotel Reyjavík 2019-03-02 - 2019-03-02
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2019) Grunngildi og viðfangsefni heimilislækna (Core values and tasks in general practice) . The Icelandic College of Family Physicians Allmänmdisinsk Forum , Reykjavik 2019-03-02 - 2019-03-02
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2019) Core values in a changing world – historical milestones. . WONCA Europe 24th WONCA Europe Conference. , Bratislava 2019-06-26 - 2019-06-29
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2019) Birth and growth of academic general practice in Iceland. Symposium. Danish Colllege of General Practice and Nordic Federation of 21st Nordic Congress of General Practice , Aalborg 2019-06-18 - 2019-06-18
Vitenskapelig foredragPetursson, Halfdan; Tomasdottir, Margret Olafia; Sigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2019) Redefining hypertension: 130/80 - why and what are the consequences?. Nordic Federation of General Practice & DSAM 21st Nordic Congress of General Practice , Aalborg 2019-06-17 - 2019-06-20
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2019) Norge i Norden og Europa, vår rolle i et internasjonalt perspektiv. Norsk Forening i Allmennmedisin Internasjonelt kontaktmøte , Oslo 2019-04-24 - 2019-04-24
Vitenskapelig foredragStraand, Jørund; Bentzen, Niels; Björkelund, Cecilia; Sigurdsson, Johann Agust; Puustinen, Raimo. (2019) Birth and growth of academic general practice in the Nordic countries. The Nordic eederation for general practice 21. Nordic Congress in General Practice , Aalborg 2019-06-17 - 2019-06-20
Faglig foredragWestin, Steinar; Sigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2018) Allmennmedisin i internasjonalt perspektiv: Foreninger, tidsskrifter, konferanser, nettsteder og internasjonale nettverk. Helse i Fokus - Grunnkurs A Oppdalsuka , Skifer Hotell Oppdal 2018-03-06 - 2018-03-06
Vitenskapelig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2018) Policy and practice regarding overdiagnosis and actions to be taken. Danish Colllege of General Practice Preventing overdiagnosis. Winding back the harms of too much medicine. Copenhagen 20-23 August 2018 , Copenhagen 2018-08-22 -
Vitenskapelig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2018) Position paper on overdiagnosis and action to be taken. WONCA Europe Wonca Euroe Council meeting , Krakow 2018-05-24 -
Vitenskapelig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2018) Overdiagnosis and preventive measures - Policy and practice in the European countries. 22nd WOCNA world conference. oral presentation , Seoul 2018-10-17 - 2018-10-21
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2018) Allmennmedisinska kanoner. Den Nationela Forskerskolen i Allmennmedisin (NAFALM), Årlig NAFALM konferens , Leangkollen 2018-09-18 - 2018-09-20
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2018) Internationellt samarbete. Institutt for samfunnsmedisin og sykepleie/ Allmennmedisinsk Universitetsmøte , Levanger 2018-11-01 - 2018-11-02
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2018) Heimilislækningar í 50 ár - séð með augum samtímamanns. The Icelandic College of Family Physicians symposium, , Reykjavik 2018-02-02 -
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2018) Norge-Norden-Verden. Primær Medisinsk Uke /Norsk forening for allmennmedisin Kurs nr 37. Jubileumsseminar. Akademisk allmennmedisin 50 år , Oslo 2018-10-25 -
Vitenskapelig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2018) Policy and practice regarding overdiagnosis and actions to be taken. 22nd WOCNA world conference. workshop , Seoul 2018-10-17 - 2018-10-21
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2018) Nordic Federation of General Practice. Den Nationela Forskerskolen i Allmennmedisin (NAFALM), Årlig NAFALM konferens , Leangkollen 2018-09-18 - 2018-09-20
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2017) Leiðtogahlutverkið (the role of the leader). The developm unit at the primary health care, capital area Fræðadagar Heilsugæslunnar , Reykjavik 2017-11-03 - 2017-11-04
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2017) Overdiagnosis in General Practice: How can it be limited? Some initiatives in Iceland. The Icelandic College of Family Physicians & Univ of Iceland 20th Nordic Congress of General Practice 14-16 Juni 2017. , Reykjavik 2017-06-14 - 2017-06-16
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2017) Patients with immigrant background – Setting the scene: What are the challenges in the Nordic countries?. The Icelandic College of Family Physicians and University of 20th Nordic Congress of General Practice 14-16 Juni 2017. , Reykjavik 2017-06-14 - 2017-06-16
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2017) Position paper on overdiagnosis and related medical access. WONCA Europe Wonca Europe Council meeting, 28th June 2017, Prague , Prague 2017-07-28 - 2017-07-28
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2017) Fra pasjentmöte til diagnose og journal. Om den allmennmedisinske klassifikasjonen ICD-10. Grunnkurs A. Steinar Westin Oppdalsuka 2017 , Oppdal 2017-01-13 - 2017-01-15
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2017) Allmennmedisin i internasjonalt perspektiv; Tidsskrifter, konferanser, nettsteder og internasjonale nettverk. Grunnkurs A. Steinar Westin Oppdalsuka 2017 , Oppdal 2017-01-13 - 2017-01-15
Vitenskapelig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2017) Multimorbidity among diabetic patients in primary health care. Seven years follow-up in general practice, Iceland. Nidarosfonden Nidaroskongressen 2017 , Trondheim 2017-10-16 - 2017-10-20
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2017) Nordic position paper on overdiagnosis and related medical excess. Why, how, and for what purpose?. WONCA Europe and General Practitioners ASL Lecce Preventing overmedicalization by listening and sharing, 28-30 September 2017, í Lecce Italíu. , Lecce 2017-09-28 - 2017-09-30
Vitenskapelig foredragTomasdottir, Margret Olafia; Sigurdsson, Johann Agust; Petursson, Halfdan; Getz, Linn Okkenhaug. (2016) Multimorbidity in the light of biography – results from the Norwegian HUNT 2 and 3 Studies. World Association of Family Physicians Wonca Europe , Copenhagen 2016-06-15 - 2016-06-18
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2016) Allmennmedisin i internasjonalt perspektiv; Tidsskrifter, konferanser, nettsteder og internasjonale nettverk. Steinar Westin c/o Oppdalsuka, Grunnkurs A Norsk legeforening , Oppdal 2016-02-29 - 2016-03-11
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2016) Fra pasjentmöte til diagnose og journal. Om den allmennmedisinske klassifikasjonen ICD-10. Steinar Westin c/o Norske Legeforeningen Norske legeforeningen , Oppdal 2016-02-29 - 2016-03-11
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2016) Síló, sérhæfing og samvinna – nýr lífsstíll?. Þróunarsvið, Heilsugæslu höfuðborgarsvæðisins Heilsugæslan (Primary Health Care, Reykjavik , Reykjavik 2016-11-03 - 2016-11-04
Faglig foredragRosvold, Elin Olaug; Straand, Jørund; Ruths, Sabine; Klovning, Atle; Sigurdsson, Johann Agust; Melbye, Hasse. (2016) Research training in general practice. Experience from the Norwegian Research School in General Practice. World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA) WONCA EUROPE CONFERENCE 2016 , København 2016-06-15 - 2016-06-18
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2015) Nordic models for securing GP:s learning - what can we learn from each other: Supplying Continuous Professional Development by Health Care Centers. Svensk förening för allmänmedicin och NFGP 19th Nordic Congress of General Practice , Göteborg, 2015-06-16 - 2015-06-18
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2015) On Apps and gaps. Er læknisfræðin undirbúin fyrir hinn upplýsta stafræna sjúkling? - Dæmi úr klíniskri vinnu. Læknafélag Íslands /The Icelandic Meical Association Læknadagar /Legedagene , Harpan, 2015-01-19 - 2015-01-23
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2015) Stafræni sjúklingurinn - að lifa fyrir tölugildin. Læknafélag Íslands /The Icelandic Meical Association Læknadagar /Legedagene , Harpan, Reykjavík 2015-01-19 - 2015-01-23
Vitenskapelig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2015) En økende risiko for sykdom? Noen har endret reglene.; c/o Torgeir Fjermestad et al. Nidaroskongressen , Trondheim 2015-10-19 - 2015-10-23
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust; Hetlevik, Irene. (2015) Allmennmedisinens identitet innad universitetsinstituttene. Avdeling for Allmennemedisin, Universitetet i Oslo Felles allmennmedisinsk universitetsmøte , Sundvolden 2015-10-14 - 2015-10-15
Faglig foredragHetlevik, Irene; Sigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2015) Studierevisjonen ved NTNU. Avdeling for Allmennemedisin, Universitetet i Oslo Felles allmennmedisinsk universitetsmøte , Sundvolden 2015-10-14 - 2015-10-15
Vitenskapelig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2015) Osteoporosis - Hvordan man endrer reglene.; c/o Torgeir Fjermestad et al. Nidaroskongressen , Trondheim 2015-10-19 - 2015-10-23
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2015) Allmennmedisin i internasjonalt perspektiv.; c/o Steinar Westin NTNU og DNLF Oppdalsuka - Grunnkurs A. Allmennmedisin , Oppdal 2015-02-23 - 2015-02-27
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust; Westin, Steinar. (2015) Fra pasientmøte til diagnose og journal. Om den allmennmedisinska klassifikasjonen ICPC.; c/o Steinar Westin NTNU og DNLF Oppdalsuka - Grunnkurs A. Allmennmedisin , Oppdal 2015-02-23 - 2015-02-27
Vitenskapelig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust; Westin, Steinar. (2015) Trenger vi en allmennmedisinsk felles leselsite - en "allmennmedisinsk kanon"?. Grunnkur A for allmennleger , Oppdal - Skifer hotell 2015-02-23 - 2015-02-23
Vitenskapelig foredragTomasdottir, Margret Olafia; Steingrimsdottir, Thora; Getz, Linn; Kristjansdottir, Hildur; Björnsdottir, A; Olafsdottir, OA. (2014) Heilsa móður og barns í ljósi sögu um ofbeldi. (The light of mother and child in light of a history of violence experience). Den islandske allmennlegeforeningen, Universitet på Island nasjonal forskerkonferanse for islandske allmennleger , Egilstadir 2014-10-03 - 2014-10-04
Vitenskapelig foredragTomasdottir, Margret Olafia; Getz, Linn; Sigurdsson, Johann Agust; Petursson, Halfdan; Kirkengen, Anna Luise; Krokstad, Steinar. (2014) Erfið barnæska sem forspárgildi fyrir sjúkdómaþyrpingar – möguleg áhrif af allostatísku ofálagi? (Dfficult childhood as a predictor of allostatic overload and multimorbidity). Den islandske allmennlegeforening, Universitetet på Island Nasjonalt forskningsmøte for islandske allmennleger , Egilsstadir 2014-10-03 - 2014-10-04
Vitenskapelig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2014) Friske risikanter eller kroniskt syke? Multimorbiditet. Norsk legeforening (ansvarlig?) Primærmedisinsk uke , Oslo 2014-10-20 - 2014-10-24
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2014) Skyn og skúrir. The Icelandic College of Family Physicians Vetenskaplig koferens , Egilsstadir 2014-10-03 - 2014-10-04
Vitenskapelig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2014) Osteoporosis risk scoring according to WHO. The Nordic Risk Group , c/o University of Copehagen Fagmöte , Magleås 2014-05-08 - 2014-05-10
PosterTomasdottir, Margret Olafia; Getz, Linn; Sigurdsson, Johann Agust; Petursson, Halfdan. (2014) Too many diagnoses- multimorbidity as a medical artifact?. BMJ, Univ of Oxford, CEBM, Dartmouth institute Preventing Overdiagnosis - 2nd world conference , Oxford, Mathematical Institute 2014-09-15 - 2014-09-17
Vitenskapelig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2013) Implementation of the European Guidelines for management of arterial hypertension might destabilize the Norwegian Healthcare System – modelling study based on the HUNT 2 population. Dartmouth Institute, BMJ, Bond University, ConsumerReport, Preventing Overdiagnosis. Winding back the harms and too much medicine , Dartmouth, NH 2013-09-10 - 2013-09-12
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2013) Calle Bengtssons betydelse för Skandinavisk allmänmedicin. Enheterna för Allmänmdicin och Folkhälsoepidemiologi. Minnesdag för professor Calle Bengtsson. Calle Bengtssons forskning och betydelse för forskningen. , Göteborg 2013-11-13 - 2013-11-13
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2013) „Die another day?“ Átök og ágreiningsmál í heilsuvernd. The Association of Public Health Sciences Vetenskapligt årsmøte , Reykjavik 2013-03-02 - 2013-03-02
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2013) Die another day“ Person-focused care and disease preventon in general practice. /Allmennmedisinda Forskningsenheten (AFE/NTNU Multimorbidity as a scientific, clinical and organisational challenge , Trondheim 2013-01-18 - 2013-01-18
Faglig foredragSigurdsson, Johann Agust. (2013) Milestones in General Practice- A tribute to the Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care. The Finnish Association for General Practice and NFGP 18th Nordic Congress of General Practice , Tampere 2013-08-21 - 2013-08-24