Gisela Luz
- BSc/MSc in Biomedical Engineering (2007, NOVA School of Science and Technology, Portugal)
- Ph.D. in Bioactive glass nanoparticles combined with biopolymers for biomedical applications (2012, University of Minho - Portugal & Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research - Germany)
Faglig foredragLuz, Gisela. (2024) Analysis of Bioactive Coatings. IKP, NTNU KJ6008 Separasjon og Analyse i Kjemi , Trondheim 2024-04-25 - 2024-04-25
Populærvitenskapelig foredragMonteiro Da Luz Machado, Gisela Andreia. (2023) Exploring the Art/Science connection. IKP PhD Forum 41st IKP PhD Forum Meeting , IKP, NTNU 2023-11-23 - 2023-11-23
PosterLuz, Gisela. (2023) Monitoring IONPs synthesis through chromatic dynamics. Particle Engineering Centre, IKP-NTNU Particle Engineering Annual Meeting 2023 , Trondheim 2023-12-04 - 2023-12-05
Faglig foredragLuz, Gisela. (2022) Nanomaterials in Tissue Regeneration. Particle Enginnering Centre Summer School on Sustainable and Circular Chemical Engineering , IKP, NTNU 2022-06-20 - 2022-06-24
Faglig foredragLuz, Gisela; Höfgen, Egon Götz; Bandyopadhyay, Sulalit. (2022) Magnetic Nanoparticles for Bio-diagnostics. Particle Engineering Centre, IKP-NTNU Particle Engineering Centre Annual Meeting 2022 , Trondheim 2022-12-09 - 2022-12-09