Kjartan Wøllo Egeberg
Sandbakken, Erik Thorvaldsen;
Witsø, Eivind;
Sporsheim, Bjørnar;
Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo;
Foss, Olav A.;
Hoang, Linh.
Highly variable effect of sonication to dislodge biofilm-embedded Staphylococcus epidermidis directly quantified by epifluorescence microscopy: an in vitro model study.
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sporsheim, Bjørnar;
Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo.
Cellular and Molecular Imaging Core facility.
Klein, Dionne;
Skjesol, Astrid;
Kers-Rebel, Esther D.;
Sherstova, Tatyana;
Sporsheim, Bjørnar;
Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo.
CD14, TLR4 and TRAM Show Different Trafficking Dynamics During LPS Stimulation.
Traffic: The moving front of cell biology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hals, Ingrid Katrin;
Ogata, Hirotaka;
Pettersen, Elin Lunde;
Ma, ZH;
Bjørklund, A;
Skorpen, Frank.
Marked over expression of uncoupling protein-2 in beta cells exerts minor effects on mitochondrial metabolism.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications - BBRC
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Fagerli, Unn-Merete;
Holt, Randi Utne;
Holien, Toril;
Våtsveen, Thea Kristin;
Zhan, FH;
Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo.
Overexpression and involvement in migration by the metastasis-associated phosphatase PRL-3 in human myeloma cells.
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Fagerli, Unn-Merete;
Holt, Randi Utne;
Holien, Toril;
Våtsveen, Toril;
Zhan, Fenghuang;
Egeberg, Kjartan.
Overexpression and involvement in migration by the metastasis-associated phosphatase PRL-3 in human myeloma cells.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ogata, Hirotaka;
Petersen, E;
Jørgensen, Ingrid Katrin Hals;
Skorpen, Frank;
Ma, Z;
Bjorklund, A.
Moderate over expression of UCP-2 in beta cells reduces ROS formation and protects against H2O2-but not cytokine-induced toxicity and aggravates toxicity due to NO.
Schønberg, Svanhild Margrethe Arentz;
Lundemo, Anne Gøril;
Fladvad, Torill;
Holmgren, Kristin;
Bremseth, Hilde;
Nilsen, Asbjørn Magne.
Closely related colon cancer cell lines display different sensitivity to polyunsaturated fatty acids, accumulate different lipid classes and downregulate sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1.
The FEBS Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mathiesen, Mette;
Pedersen, Ellen K.;
Bjørseth, Olav M.;
Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo;
Syversen, Tore.
Heating of indoor dust causes reduction in its ability to stimulate release of IL-8 and TNF alpha in vitro compared to non-heated dust.
Indoor Air
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Li, Li Xin;
Yoshikawa, Hiroyasu;
Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo;
Grill, Valdemar.
Interleukin-1 beta swiftly down-regulates UCP-2 mRNA in beta-cells by mechanisms not directly coupled to toxicity.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nilsen, Asbjørn;
Hagemann, Randi;
Eikås, Henrik;
Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo;
Nørkov, Tenna;
Sundan, Anders.
Reduction of IL-12 p40 production in activated monocytes after exposure to diesel exhaust particles.
International Archives of Allergy and Immunology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Li, Lixin;
Skorpen, Frank;
Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo;
Jørgensen, Ingrid Katrin Hals;
Grill, Valdemar.
Induction of UCP-2 mRNA in beta cells is stimulated by oxidation of fatty acids but not by nutrient oversupply.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Li, Li Xin;
Skorpen, Frank;
Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo;
Jørgensen, Ingrid Katrin Hals;
Grill, Valdemar.
Uncoupling protein 2 participates in cellular defense against oxidative stress in clonal beta cells.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications - BBRC
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Johnsen, Ann-Charlotte;
Haux, Johan;
Steinkjer, Bjørg;
Nonstad, Unni;
Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo;
Sundan, Anders.
Regulation of APO-2 ligand /Trail expression in NK cells - involvement in NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Arntzen, KJ;
Egeberg, K;
Rahimipoor, S;
Vatten, LJ;
Austgulen, Rigmor.
LPS-mediated production of IL-1, PGE2 and PDF-alpha from term decidua involves TNF and TNF receptor p55.
Journal of Reproductive Immunology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Haux, Johan;
Iversen, Ann-Charlotte;
Johnsen, Ann-Charlotte;
Steinkjer, Bjørg;
Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo;
Sundan, Anders.
The role of IL-2 in regulating the sensitivity of NK cells for Fas-mediated apoptosis.
Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Iversen, Ann-Charlotte;
Johnsen, Ann-Charlotte;
Haux, Johan;
Steinkjer, Bjørg;
Nonstad, Unni;
Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo.
Regulation of Apo-2 Ligand/Trail expression in NK cells - Involvement in NK cell mediated cytotoxicity.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Iversen, Ann-Charlotte;
Johnsen, Ann-Charlotte;
Haux, Johan;
Steinkjer, Bjørg;
Nonstad, Unni;
Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo.
Regulation of Apo-2 Ligand/TRAIL expression in NK cells - Involvement in NK cell mediated cytotoxicity.
Journal of Interferon and Cytokine Research
Medvedev, Andrei E.;
Iversen, Ann-Charlotte;
Johnsen, Ann-Charlotte;
Haux, Johan;
Steinkjer, Bjørg;
Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo.
Regulation of Fas and Fas-Ligand expression in NK cells by cytokines and the involvement of Fas-Ligand in NK/LAK cell-mediated cytotoxicity.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sandbakken, Erik Thorvaldsen;
Witsø, Eivind;
Sporsheim, Bjørnar;
Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo;
Foss, Olav A.;
Hoang, Linh.
Highly variable effect of sonication to dislodge biofilm-embedded Staphylococcus epidermidis directly quantified by epifluorescence microscopy: an in vitro model study.
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Klein, Dionne;
Skjesol, Astrid;
Kers-Rebel, Esther D.;
Sherstova, Tatyana;
Sporsheim, Bjørnar;
Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo.
CD14, TLR4 and TRAM Show Different Trafficking Dynamics During LPS Stimulation.
Traffic: The moving front of cell biology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hals, Ingrid Katrin;
Ogata, Hirotaka;
Pettersen, Elin Lunde;
Ma, ZH;
Bjørklund, A;
Skorpen, Frank.
Marked over expression of uncoupling protein-2 in beta cells exerts minor effects on mitochondrial metabolism.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications - BBRC
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Fagerli, Unn-Merete;
Holt, Randi Utne;
Holien, Toril;
Våtsveen, Thea Kristin;
Zhan, FH;
Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo.
Overexpression and involvement in migration by the metastasis-associated phosphatase PRL-3 in human myeloma cells.
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Fagerli, Unn-Merete;
Holt, Randi Utne;
Holien, Toril;
Våtsveen, Toril;
Zhan, Fenghuang;
Egeberg, Kjartan.
Overexpression and involvement in migration by the metastasis-associated phosphatase PRL-3 in human myeloma cells.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ogata, Hirotaka;
Petersen, E;
Jørgensen, Ingrid Katrin Hals;
Skorpen, Frank;
Ma, Z;
Bjorklund, A.
Moderate over expression of UCP-2 in beta cells reduces ROS formation and protects against H2O2-but not cytokine-induced toxicity and aggravates toxicity due to NO.
Schønberg, Svanhild Margrethe Arentz;
Lundemo, Anne Gøril;
Fladvad, Torill;
Holmgren, Kristin;
Bremseth, Hilde;
Nilsen, Asbjørn Magne.
Closely related colon cancer cell lines display different sensitivity to polyunsaturated fatty acids, accumulate different lipid classes and downregulate sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1.
The FEBS Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mathiesen, Mette;
Pedersen, Ellen K.;
Bjørseth, Olav M.;
Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo;
Syversen, Tore.
Heating of indoor dust causes reduction in its ability to stimulate release of IL-8 and TNF alpha in vitro compared to non-heated dust.
Indoor Air
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Li, Li Xin;
Yoshikawa, Hiroyasu;
Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo;
Grill, Valdemar.
Interleukin-1 beta swiftly down-regulates UCP-2 mRNA in beta-cells by mechanisms not directly coupled to toxicity.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Nilsen, Asbjørn;
Hagemann, Randi;
Eikås, Henrik;
Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo;
Nørkov, Tenna;
Sundan, Anders.
Reduction of IL-12 p40 production in activated monocytes after exposure to diesel exhaust particles.
International Archives of Allergy and Immunology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Li, Lixin;
Skorpen, Frank;
Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo;
Jørgensen, Ingrid Katrin Hals;
Grill, Valdemar.
Induction of UCP-2 mRNA in beta cells is stimulated by oxidation of fatty acids but not by nutrient oversupply.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Li, Li Xin;
Skorpen, Frank;
Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo;
Jørgensen, Ingrid Katrin Hals;
Grill, Valdemar.
Uncoupling protein 2 participates in cellular defense against oxidative stress in clonal beta cells.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications - BBRC
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Johnsen, Ann-Charlotte;
Haux, Johan;
Steinkjer, Bjørg;
Nonstad, Unni;
Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo;
Sundan, Anders.
Regulation of APO-2 ligand /Trail expression in NK cells - involvement in NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Arntzen, KJ;
Egeberg, K;
Rahimipoor, S;
Vatten, LJ;
Austgulen, Rigmor.
LPS-mediated production of IL-1, PGE2 and PDF-alpha from term decidua involves TNF and TNF receptor p55.
Journal of Reproductive Immunology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Haux, Johan;
Iversen, Ann-Charlotte;
Johnsen, Ann-Charlotte;
Steinkjer, Bjørg;
Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo;
Sundan, Anders.
The role of IL-2 in regulating the sensitivity of NK cells for Fas-mediated apoptosis.
Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Iversen, Ann-Charlotte;
Johnsen, Ann-Charlotte;
Haux, Johan;
Steinkjer, Bjørg;
Nonstad, Unni;
Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo.
Regulation of Apo-2 Ligand/Trail expression in NK cells - Involvement in NK cell mediated cytotoxicity.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Iversen, Ann-Charlotte;
Johnsen, Ann-Charlotte;
Haux, Johan;
Steinkjer, Bjørg;
Nonstad, Unni;
Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo.
Regulation of Apo-2 Ligand/TRAIL expression in NK cells - Involvement in NK cell mediated cytotoxicity.
Journal of Interferon and Cytokine Research
Medvedev, Andrei E.;
Iversen, Ann-Charlotte;
Johnsen, Ann-Charlotte;
Haux, Johan;
Steinkjer, Bjørg;
Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo.
Regulation of Fas and Fas-Ligand expression in NK cells by cytokines and the involvement of Fas-Ligand in NK/LAK cell-mediated cytotoxicity.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sporsheim, Bjørnar;
Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo.
Cellular and Molecular Imaging Core facility.
PosterUllmann, Sindre; Sporsheim, Bjørnar; Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo; Beckwith, Marianne Sandvold; Beckwith, Kai Sandvold; Sætra, Ragnhild Sofie Ragnhildstveit. (2019) Correlative light-electron microscopy investigations of single-cell dynamics in Mycobacteria tuberculosis infected human macrophages. EMBO - EMBL Seeing is Believing - Imaging the Molecular Processes of Life , EMBL Heidelberg 2019-10-09 - 2019-10-12
PosterSporsheim, Bjørnar; Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo; Martin Alonso, Mara; Ostrop, Jenny; Zwiggelaar, Rosalie; Oudhoff, Menno. (2018) Intestinal diseases studied by imaging. European Light Microscopy Initiative (ELMI) , Dublin 2018-06-05 - 2018-06-08
PosterSporsheim, Bjørnar; Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo; Martin Alonso, Mara; Ostrop, Jenny; Zwiggelaar, Rosalie; Oudhoff, Menno. (2018) Intestinal diseases studied by imaging. Focus on Microscopy 2018-03-25 - 2018-03-28
PosterSkjesol, Astrid; Sporsheim, Bjørnar; Yurchenko, Mariya; Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo; Espevik, Terje; Husebye, Harald. (2017) The TLR4 adaptor TRAM controls phagocytosis of Gram-negative bacteria . 17th International European Light Microscopy Initiative Meeting , Dubrovnik 2017-05-23 - 2017-05-26
PosterSkjesol, Astrid; Husebye, Harald; Yurchenko, Mariya; Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo; Espevik, Terje. (2017) The TLR4 adaptor TRAM controls phagocytosis of Gram-negative bacteria . Seeing is Believing , Heidelberg 2017-10-04 - 2017-10-07
PosterEgeberg, Kjartan Wøllo; Sporsheim, Bjørnar; Espevik, Terje. (2016) STED microscopy of ASC speck inflammasome formation in mouse macrophages. Norsk Biokjemisk Selskap Biokjemisk kontaktmøte 2016 , Tromsø 2016-01-21 - 2016-01-24
Vitenskapelig foredragGederaas, Odrun Arna; Siksjø, Monica; Mettra, Bastien; Monnereau, Cyrille; Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo; Andraud, Chantal. (2015) Photophysics and in cellulo studies of novel light sensitive chromophores with potential application in Photodynamic therapy. European Society for Photobiology 16th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology , Averio 2015-08-31 - 2015-09-04
PosterEgeberg, Kjartan Wøllo; Sporsheim, Bjørnar; Espevik, Terje. (2015) STED microscopy of ASC speck inflammasome formation in mouse macrophages. EMBO EMBL Symposium "Seeing is Believing" , Heidelberg 2015-10-06 - 2015-10-10
PosterSporsheim, Bjørnar; Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo; Espevik, Terje. (2015) STED microscopy of ASC speck inflammasome formation in mouse macrophages. European Light Microscopy Initiative (ELMI) 15th International ELMI meeting , Sitges, Barcelona 2015-05-19 - 2015-05-22
PosterSporsheim, Bjørnar; Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo; Klein, Dionne; Espevik, Terje. (2015) STED microscopy at the Cellular and Molecular Imaging Core facility. Norsk biokjemisk selskap NBS kontaktmøte 2015-02-09 - 2015-02-13
Faglig foredragGederaas, Odrun Arna; Siksjø, Monica; Mettra, Bastien; Monnereau, Cyrille; Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo; Andreau, Chanthal. (2015) "Anthracene studies in photodynamic therapy and other ongoing projects". Norsk Forening for Fotomedisin og Fotobiologi Faglig Seminar og Årsmøte , Det Norske Radium Hospital 2015-11-20 - 2015-11-20
PosterEgeberg, Kjartan Wøllo; Klein, Dionne C.G.; Espevik, Terje. (2014) Cellular and Molecular Imaging Core Facility (CMIC). UiO ELMI 2014 , Rica Holmenkollen Hotell 2014-05-20 - 2014-05-23
PosterKlein, Dionne; Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo; Espevik, Terje. (2014) Cellular and Molecular Imaging Core Facility (CMIC). NBS Norwegian Biochemical Society Meeting , Røros 2014-01-23 - 2014-01-26
Vitenskapelig foredragSiksjø, Monica; Mettra, Bastien; Hauge, Anette; Ellingsen, Pål; Høgset, Anders; Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo. (2013) Localization and photodynamic therapy of chromophores targeted for cancer cells. PDT-group,IKM, together NOFFOF. Scientific and annual meeting.The Norwegian Society for Photobiology and Photomedicine.The 30 years Jubilee of NOFFOF , Laboratory Center 2013-11-08 - 2013-11-08
Vitenskapelig foredragGederaas, Odrun; Mettra, Bastien; Hauge, Anette; Siksjø, Monica; Ellingsen, Pål Gunnar; Høgset, Anders. (2013) Localization and photodynamic therapy of chromophores targeted for cancer cells. ENS-CNRS-UCBL, France and Univ. of Lyon, France 2nd International Workshop on Nano and Bio-Photonics; 3-8 Nov 2013, Biarritz (FRANCE) , Biarritz 2013-11-03 - 2013-11-08
Vitenskapelig foredragKlein, Dionne; Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo; Espevik, Terje. (2012) Cellular and Molecular Imaging Core Facility (CMIC). MIC Bergen 5th NorMIC Meeting , Bergen 2012-10-25 - 2012-10-26
PosterNilsen, Asbjørn; Hagemann, R; Eikås, H.; Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo; Sundan, Anders. (2002) Reduction of IL-12 production in activated monocytes after exposure to diesel exhaust particles. 38.Biokjemiske kontaktmøte Functional genomics-the mosaics of life , Røros 2002-01-20 -
PosterNilsen, Asbjørn; Hageman, R.; Eikås, H.; Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo; Sundan, Anders. (2001) Reduction of IL-12 production in activated macrophages after exposure to diesel exhaust particles. 12th International Congress International Society for Aerosols in Medicine (ISAM), Switzerland. , Switzerland 2001-09-21 -
PosterIversen, Ann-Charlotte; Haux, Johan; Steinkjer, Bjørg; Nonstad, Unni; Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo; Ashkenazi, Avi. (1998) Regulation of Apo-2 Ligand/Trail expression in NK cells - Involvement in NK cell mediated cytotoxicity. 7th International Tumor Necrosis Factor Congress , Hyannis 1998-05-17 - 1998-05-21
PosterIversen, Ann-Charlotte; Steinkjer, Bjørg; Nonstad, Unni; Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo; Sundan, Anders; Espevik, Terje. (1998) Natural Killer cell mediated cytotoxicity involves Apo-2 Ligand/Trail. Norsk Biokjemisk Selskap Kontaktmøte nr. 34 , Lillehammer 1998-01-22 - 1998-01-25
PosterEgeberg, Kjartan Wøllo; Halaas, Øyvind. (1998) Flow cytometrix method to stydy cell - cell interactions using two tracers. Congress of XIX international Society for Analytiacal Cytology , Colorado Springs, USA
Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
Vitenskapelig foredragIversen, Ann-Charlotte; Medvedev, Andrei E.; Haux, Johan; Steinkjer, Bjørg; Egeberg, Kjartan Wøllo; Lynch, David H.. (1997) Involvement of Fas and Fas Ligand in NK/LAK mediated cytotoxicity. Norsk Biokjemisk Selskap Kontaktmøte nr. 33 , Lillehammer 1997-01-23 - 1997-01-26