
11 jan 2022

Cristin individuelt

Individual publication lists

Below, publication lists of the seven project members are given in links. They are all drawn from Cristin, the Current Research Information System of Norway. As such, the lists cover the entire production of each project member. However, publications and activities from between 2011 and 2016 are mostly related to the project. For activities strictly related to the project, see the project account at the Research Council of Norway.

Randi Selvik
Photo: NTNU

Randi Margrete Selvik (opens in new page)

Svein Gladsø
Photo: NTNU

Svein Gladsø (opens in new page)

Anne M. Fiskvik
Photo: NTNU

Anne Margrete Fiskvik (opens in new page)

Photo: private

Cecilie Louise Macé Stensrud (opens in new page)

Elizabeth Svarstad

Elizabeth Svarstad (opens in new page)

Annabella Skagen
Freia Beer

Annabella Skagen (opens in new page)

Ellen K. Gjervan
Photo: private

Ellen Karoline Gjervan (opens in new page)

09 feb 2022