ntrans annual 2023 title

Welcome to NTRANS Annual Conference 2023

Energy Transitions in a Changing World: New Challenges and Ways Forward

December 6th - 7th, Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel, Oslo

Welcome to NTRANS Annual Conference 2023

Since NTRANS' inception in 2019, conditions for energy and climate transition have changed massively. Russia's conflict in Ukraine, coupled with a new geopolitical reality where nation-states and regions are gaining increasing significance, is affecting everyone's maneuverability. Norwegian initiatives such as the development of offshore wind, new green industries, and carbon capture and storage have yet to materialize. The gap between political ambitions and what appears to be achievable is enormous. Controversies surrounding renewable energy continue to rage both in public discourse and in court, while the impacts of climate change are becoming palpable: we are just fractions away from reaching 1.5 degrees of global warming. What does this reality mean for energy transition? What opportunities and challenges exist? Who bears responsibility for the situation, and what steps should we take moving forward? NTRANS invites you to this year's annual conference for a research-based discussion about the road ahead.


Martin Skancke, leader for the 2050 Climate Change Committee, is joining
Professor Frank Geels from the University of Manchester is joining
Latest big-picture-perspectives from industry and research partners
Presentations from municipalities and counties.
PhD-students share posters featuring their recent works.
Discussing the 2024-2027 research plans for NTRANS.
Workshop, focusing on electrification.
An exquisite dinner in good company on the first evening. 


Register as soon as possible, no later than Monday, November 30th.


NTRANS covers the conference day packages and the conference dinner at Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel.

As a participant, you are responsible for arranging your own accommodation.

