Surging glaciers in Svalbard
I am happy to announce that my colleagues and I have published another The State of Environmental Science in Svalbard Report for SIOS. This report is laying the groundwork for my recent involvement in mapping and exploring surging glaciers in Svalbard and is a useful…
Webinar on FAIR drone data
This week, I had the pleasure of giving a webinar on how to publish FAIR drone-based datasets in Svalbard, organized by SIOS and now available on YouTube. The webinar focused on transforming drone-derived data—such as digital elevation models (DEMs) or orthomosaic photos—into netCDF formats and…
Workshop on UAV Icing
It has been a busy year, and last week was one of the highlights. My team at the UAV Icing Lab and I have organized the 2nd International UAV Icing Workshop. It has been a great experience to invite the top researchers and stakeholders in…
Guest editor for Drones
I am happy to announce that I will be a guest editor for a special edition in MDPI Drones on the topic of UAV icing. I will be guest editor together with my colleague Eric Villeneuve from the University of Québec in Chicoutimi (UQAC). Official…
My Secondment at SIOS: Bridging NTNU and Arctic Research
As a senior researcher at NTNU with over seven years of experience flying drones in the Arctic, I was excited to get the opportunity to take a secondment at Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS) in Longyearbyen, Svalbard. My stay at SIOS was driven…
Explore Svalbard Glaciers in 3D
I recently had some more time to look into the many drone datasets that I have collected from Svalbard over the years. As part of my research, I am flying drones to map glaciers and build 3D models that are used to study different aspects…
How to simulate icing on UAVs
I have contributed a chapter to a new book about the simulation of aircraft icing. The book is a handy reference for anybody interested in working with icing CFD. My chapter summarizes my research and outlines the main challenges and key findings I discovered in…
Trappers Trail
On a more personal note. During the last two years, I had the incredible privilege and luck to get started as a dog sled driver (or musher as we say). Mushing has been my childhood dream ever since I read the Yukon Goldrush adventure stories…
How to fly a drone in Svalbard (safely).
Recently, a report on the State of Environmental Science in Svalbard (SESS) was released during the SIOS Polar Night Week in Longyearbyen. It is the fifth issue of an annual series of reports published by the Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS). Before, I wrote two…
Training course on Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles in Svalbard (UAV4Svalbard)
This autumn I will be part of a training course with the Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS). The course will be about how to use drones for scientific purposes specifically in Svalbard. It is intended to give researchers who have not worked with…