
This week I achieved a major milestone. After almost 4 years, I successfully defended my PhD thesis and received my doctorate degree. The topic of my thesis has the unbuzzy title of “Atmospheric Ice Accretions, Aerodynamic Icing Penalties, and Ice Protection Systems on Unmanned Aerial…

How to Mesh a Frozen Drone

Icing of drones is a severe hazard that significantly limits the usage of autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) methods, originally developed for manned aircraft icing, are an important tool for understanding the effects of icing on UAVs. One of the most…

NASA Visit

Two weeks ago I had the amazing opportunity to be invited to give a small lecture about my research on icing on unmanned aircraft at the NASA Ames Research Center in California! As an aerospace engineer, this was a bit of a dream-come-true scenario that…

Impressions 2019

With the new decade* starting, it’s a good opportunity to look back at the last year. 2019 was a very interesting year, with lots of travels, good research, new collaborations, and good photography opportunities. My favorite experience was certainly the time that I’ve spend up…