Will fish survive rising and more extreme temperatures?
Climate change is increasing average and extreme temperatures globally. In order to predict how fish might be impacted, we first need to understand fundamental aspects of their thermal biology.
Biology, My PhD
PhD Perks, Wild Bears, and Arctic Adventure
As a PhD Candidate, I love my job. In Norway, we are well-paid, have research money, and generally are spoiled compared to our colleagues in other corners of the world. I am also the first to admit that the PhD process can get old sometimes, even with action packed field-work rich geology research like my own.
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- My PhD
- My PhD
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- Arctic Research
- Arkitektur
- Bærekraft
- Bioingeniørfag
- Biologi
- Biology
- Biomedical Laboratory Science
- Biotechnology
- Bioteknologi
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Climate
- Computer Science
- Datateknologi
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- Energi
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- Engineering
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- Forskning
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- Fysikk
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- Informasjonsteknologi
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- Kjemi
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- Kjemisk prosessteknologi
- Kreftbehandling
- Kybernetikk
- Marine Technology
- Materialer
- Materials Science
- Materialteknologi
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- Miljø
- Min ph.d.
- My PhD
- My PhD
- My postdoc
- Nanotechnology
- Nanoteknologi
- Ocean
- Oil and gas
- Physics
- Research
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- University Life
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